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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrown's Hills CemeteryQUITCLAIM DEED
This indenture, made the I'~'H'' day of
Thousand, between Town of Southold, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York
11971, party of the first part, and Oysterponds Historical Society, Village
Lane, Orient, New York 11957, party of the second part.
WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten
dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part,
does hereby remise, release, and quitclaim unto the party of the second part,
and assigns forever, any and all ownership interest held in the Browns Hills
Cemetery, formerly owned by the Commoners of Orient in the County of Suffolk,
State of New York together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights
of the party of the first part in and to said premises described as follows:
Located about one-half mile West of the hamlet of Orient and 700 feet+
North of the Main Road; being about 150 feet by 150 feet; containing one-half
acre+ and bounded Northerly by Hansen and Dow; Easterly by Rowsom;
Southerly by Reeves; and Westerly by Stern and Hansen.
To have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the party of the
second part, and assigns forever.
In witness whereof, the party of the first part has hereunto set her hand
and seal the day and year first above written.
Jea~W. Cochran, Supervisor
On this 17''t~' day of .,T~n~o..r)/ , 200~, before me, the undersigned,
personally appeared JEAN W. COCHRAN, personally known to me or provided
to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed
the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the
individual, or the municipal corporation upon behalf of which the individual
acted, execute the instrument.
Notary Public, State of New York
No. 02Wl6043236
Qualified in Suffo k County
Comm 88ion Expires June 12,