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Adjustments JA~ARY 00C 00( 00( 000 0 00 -72.00 000 00~ 167,70887 FEBRUARY 00G 00( 00( 000 0.00 000 0 00 00~ 81,072.34 MARCH OOG 0 O( 00( 0 00 0 00 00O 000 OOG 86,56096 APRIL 000 0 O( 000~ 0 O0 0 O0 0.~ 0.~ 00C 100,734 78 MAY 00G -I 10( 000 000 000 0.00 0 ~ 00C 121,68824 JUNE OOC 00( 000 000 0 00 0.00 0.00 OOC 97.203 55 AUGUST 0.0C 00( 000 000 000 -300C 000 0.~ 103,07079 SEPTEMBER 00C 00( 000 000 0 00 00~ 0.00 0 ~ 59.~ 83 60 NOVEMBER 0 0C 00( 000 000 0.~ 00~ 000 0 0C 58,40055 DECEMBER 00C 00( 000 000 0~ 0 0~ 000 0.0~ 56,65720 654,968.74 452,219.43 1,107,188.17 0't/071201~3 Town Clerk Semi-Annual Report Page 1 " July 01, 2012 - December 31, 2012 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share A.2544.10 Room & Board AGENCY & TRUST T1 BID A.2620.00 FISW SS2.2130.00 INTEREST PART PT-HIGHWAY SWMD Interest Now Account B.1255.00 B.1560.00 B.1601.10 B.1601.20 B.2110.10 B.2110.20 B.2590.10 B.2590.30 B.2590.40 Sale Of Used Equipment DB.2590.00 SR.2130.40 SR.259Q10 SR.2590.20 Room & Board B 30.00 Sub-Total: $30.00 Tree Book - Retail 7 58.03 Sub-Total: $58.03 2012 Highway Roof 8 80.00 Demolition Greenport 10 250.00 Sub-Total: $330.00 Hook-up Fee 1 11.25 Sewer District 54 17,702.50 Sub-Total: $17,713.75 Interest NOW Account 6 15.25 Sub-Total: $15.25 Yard Sale Permits 311 4,665.00 Building Permit Fees 56 234,212.14 Birth Trans. 7 60.00 Birth Trans. - Genealogical 4 44.00 Death Trans. 668 6,620.00 Death Trans. - Genealogical 2 22.00 Public Events 8 400.00 ZBA Application Fees 44 33,100.00 Sign Reimbursement 1 50.00 House Trailer Permit 23 2,300.00 Permit - Year 2 400.00 Event Fee 1 10Q00 Fireworks 2 200.00 Used Equipment - Part Town 1 777.77 Excavation Permits Sub-Total: $282,950.91 30 5,224.17 Sub-Total: $5,224.17 Bags - Retail - Large 519 1,140.75 Bags - Retail - Medium 750 1,125.00 Bags - Retail - Mini 5 2.00 Bags - Retail - Small 335 251.25 2 year- 2011 Add'l 6 90.00 2012 - 2 year 605 18,150.00 2012 - Add'l 2 year 178 2,670.00 2013 1 year 38 570.00 2013 add'l 13 97.50 Disposal Permit - Guest 40 1,000.00 Disposal Permit - Lessee 19 475.00 Disposal Permit - Replace 241 0.00 Disposal Permit-VOIDED 13 0.00 2011-12 Add'l Permit 1 30.00 2012 Carter 3 360.00 2012 Carter Additional 1 60.00 0!,/07/201~3 Town Clerk Semi-Annual Report Page July 01, 2012 - December 31, 2012 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Accoun~ WHOLE Account Description 2 Sub-Total: $39,311.50 Payment not received 1 -30.00 A.1255.10 Marriage License 70 1,205.00 Marriage Trans. 57 570.00 Marriage Trans. - Genealogical 1 11.00 A.1255.20 CD copy 1 1.84 Photocopies 1232 1,802.55 A.1255.30 Check Charge 7 140.00 A.1289.10 "Houses" Hard - Wholesale 1 9.00 "Houses" Hard Cover- Retail 2 18.42 "Houses" Soft Cover - Retail 11 50.60 "1 Love Southold" Sticker 10 11.50 350th Video 2 9.20 Landmark Register 2 12.88 Liber D 1 10.13 Plaque 1 4.60 Posters 11 25.30 A.1289.20 Application Fee- Non-Refund 2 20000 Beach Permits 6 60.00 Daily Filming Permit 1 100.00 A.1670.4.600.400 Postage 2 5.45 A.2116.10 2009 Renewars 2 20.00 Initial 50 1,250.00 Renewals 2010 7 70.00 Renewals 2011 30 300.00 Renewals 2012 710 7,080.00 Renewals 2013 20 200.00 A.211620 2008 Fines 1 100.00 2011 Fines I 100.00 2012 Fines 131 12,900.00 A.2540.10 Bingo Proceeds 19 125.95 A,2544.10 Exempt Dogs 3 0,00 Female, Spayed 168 1,680.00 Female, Unspayed 13 195.00 Male, Neutered 148 1,480,00 Male, Unneutered 24 360.00 Replacement Tags 3 9.00 A.2544.20 Dog Adoptions 8 80.00 Dog Redemption - 1st 24 275.00 Dog Redemption - 2nd 1 20.00 Dog Redemptions - 3+ 3 90.00 A.2590.10 Commercial 31 1,550.00 Free - Non-Commer. 128 0,00 Non-resident 23 1,150.00 Replacement 7 0.00 Fee Description Qty Local Share 2012-14 1st Permit 77 9,240.00 2012-14 Add'l Permit 69 4,050.00 01~07/2013 Town Clerk Semi-Annual Report Page 3 July 01, 2012 - December 31, 2012 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which am otherwise provided for by law. Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Resid. - Non-Comm. 331 1,655.00 Voided 14 0.00 A.2590.20 Beach Attendant/lifeguards 3 0.00 Beach Daily 669 16,725.00 Guest 335 10,050.00 Lessee 198 5,940.00 Motel 29 580.00 Non-Resident Seasonal 28 4,200.00 Replacement Sticker 142 0.00 Resident 1991 11,946.00 Voided Sticker 38 0.00 A.2590.30 A.2590.30 84 599.99 A.2590.50 Fishers Island Mooring Permits 2 2,240.00 A.2590.60 Landowner Fees 27 27.00 Southold Deer Management 87 820.00 A.2650 Used Equipment - Whole Town 2 2,374.00 B.2655.00 Zoning Map - Large 2 80.00 Bell Jar License Bell Jar License 1 10.00 Bingo License Bingo Licenses 48 360.00 Domestic Termination Domestic Termination 1 10.00 Euthanasia Euthanasia 1 0.00 WWDD SS1.2130.00 Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Sub-Total: $90,869.41 36 360.00 Septic Permit - Construct. Non-resid. Septic Permit - Operation - Resid. Septic Permit - Operation Non-Resid. 2 50.00 12 120.00 1 25.00 Sub-Total: $555.00 Total Local Shams Remitted: $437,058.02 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program 427.00 Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation 12,580.01 Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License 1,575.00 Amount paid to: State Share Of Bell Jar License ........................ 15.00 Amount paid to: State Sham Of Bingo Licenses ....................... 540.00 Amount paid to: T1 - Sales Tax ....................... 24.40 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $452,219.43 Total Non-Local Revenues: $15,161.41 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above, excepting onry such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law. Southo~d Town Supervisor Date V Southold Town Clerk ! ~ Date 01/07/2013 Page: I Cash Cate~lory Adoption Agency & Trust Alarm Fees Beach Permits Bid Specifications & Fees Building Permit Fees Certification, Birth Town of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report July 01,2012 - December 31,2012 Sub-Category Account # WHOLE Amount Qty Description I Payment not received -30.00 I Category Sub-Total... -$30.00 8 Dog Adoptions 80.00 8 Category Sub-Total... $80.00 7 Tree Book- Retaii 63.00 7 Category Sub-Total... $63.00 I 2008 Fines 100.00 2 2009 Renewals 20.00 1 2011 Fines 100.00 131 2012 Fines 12,900.00 50 Initial 1,250.00 7 Renewals 2010 70.00 30 Renewals 2011 300.00 710 Renewals 2012 7,08000 20 Renewals 2013 200.00 982 Category Sub-Total... $22,020.00 3 Beach Attendant/lifeguards 0.00 669 Beach Daily 16,725.00 335 Guest 10,050.00 198 Lessee 5,940.00 29 Motel 580.00 28 Non-Resident Seasonal 4,20000 142 Replacement Sticker 0.00 1991 Resident 11,946.00 38 Voided Sticker 0.00 3433 Category Sub-Total... $49,441.00 8 2012 Highway Roof 80.00 10 Demolition Greenport 250.00 18 Category Sub-Total... $330.00 56 Building Permit Fees 234,212.14 56 Category Sub-Total... $234,212.14 7 Birth Trans. 6000 4 Birth Trans. - Genealogical 44.00 11 Category Sub-Total... $104.00 01/07/2013 Cash Category Certification, Death Sub-Category Certification, Marriage Certification, Termination Change Of Zone Conservation (DECALS) Dog Licenses Original Odginal Original Original Original Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Rep Tags Euthanasia Filming Fishers lslaed Moodng Permits Town of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report July 01, 2012- December 31,2012 Qty Description 668 Death Trans. 2 Death Trans. - Genealogical Page: 2 Amount 6,620.00 22.00 670 Category Sub-Total... $6,642.00 57 Marriage Trans. 570.00 1 Marriage Trans, - Genealogical 11,00 58 Category Sub-Total... $581.00 I Domestic Termination 10.00 I Category Sub-Total... $10.00 1 Sign Reimbursement 50.00 1 Category Sub-Total... $50.00 84 Conservation (DECALS) 13,180.00 84 Category Sub-Total... $13,180.00 1 Exempt Dogs 0.00 34 Female, Spayed 374.00 7 Female, Unspayed 126.00 33 Male, Neutered 363.00 6 Male, Unneutered 108.00 81 Category Sub-Total... $971.00 2 Exempt Dogs 0.00 134 Female, Spayed 1,474.00 6 Female, Unspayed 108.00 115 Male, Neutered 1,265.00 18 Male, Unneutered 324.00 275 Category Sub-Total... $3,171.00 3 Replacement Tags 9.00 3 Category Sub-Total... $9.00 I Euthanasia Q00 1 Category Sub-Total... $0.00 2 Application Fee - Non-Refund 200.00 6 Beach Permits 60.00 1 Daily Filming Permit 100.00 9 Category Sub-Total... $360.00 2 Fishers island Moodng Permits 2,24Q00 2 Category Sub-Total... $2,240.00 01/07/2013 Cash Category Fishers Island Sewer District Highway Excavation Historical Items House Trailer Permits Interest Now Account Landowner Misc Cash Ordinance Fees Peddling Postage Racing And Wagering Town of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report July 01,2012 - December 31, 2012 Sub-Category Bell Jar Page: 3 Qty Description Amount I Hook-up Fee 11.25 54 Sewer District 17,702.50 55 Category Sub-Total... $17,713.75 30 Excavation Permits 5,224.17 30 Category Sub-Total... $5,224.17 1 "Houses" Hard - Wholesale 9.00 2 "Houses" Hard Cover- Retail 20.00 11 "Houses" Soft Cover- Retail 55.00 10 "1 Love Southold" Sticker 12.50 2 350th Video lQ00 2 Landmark Register 14.00 1 Liber D 11.00 I Plaque 5.00 11 Posters 27.50 41 Category Sub-Total... $164.00 23 House Trailer Permit 2,300,00 23 Category Sub-Total... $2,300.00 6 Interest NOW Account 1525 6 Category Sub-Total,.. $15.25 27 Landowner Fees 27.00 87 Southold Deer Management 820.00 114 Category Sub-Total... $847.00 I CD copy 2.00 1232 Photocopies 1~802.55 1233 Category Sub-Total... $1,804.68 2 Zoning Map - Large 86.90 2 Category Sub-Total... $86.90 2 Permit- Year 400.00 2 Category Sub-Total... $400.00 2 Postage 5.45 2 Category Sub-Total... $5.45 1 Bell Jar License 25.00 I Category Sub-Total... $26,00 Bingo 48 Bingo Licenses 90000 01/07/2013 Cash Cateflory Redemptions Returned Room & Board Sale Of Used Equipment Shellfish Solid Waste Management District Town of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report July 01, 2012 - December 31,2012 Sub-Cateqory Bingo Page: 4 Qty Description Amount 19 Bingo Proceeds 125.95 67 Category Sub-Total... $1,026.95 24 Dog Redemption - 1st 275.00 I Dog Redemption- 2nd 20.00 3 Dog Redemptions - 3+ 90.00 28 Category Sub-Total... $385.00 7 Check Charge 140.00 7 Category Sub-Total... $140.00 6 Room & Board 30.00 6 Category Sub-Total... $30.00 1 Used Equipment- Part Town 777.77 2 Used Equipment - VVIlole Town 2,374.00 3 Category Sub-Total... $3,151,77 31 Commercial 1,550.00 128 Free - Non-Commer. 0.00 23 Non-resident 1,150.00 7 Replacement GOO 331 Resid. - Non-Comm. 1,655.00 14 Voided 0.00 534 Category Sub-Total... $4,355.00 6 2 year - 2011 Add'l 9000 1 2011-12 Add'l Permit 30.00 605 2012 - 2 year 18,150.00 178 2012 - Add'l 2 year 2,670.00 3 2012 Carter 360.00 1 2012 Carter Additional 60.00 77 2012-14 1st Permit 9,240.00 69 2012-14Add'l Permit 4,050.00 38 2013 1 year 570.00 13 2013 add'l 97,50 519 Bags - Retail - Large 1,14075 750 Bags - Retail- Medium 1,125.00 5 Bags - Retail - Mini 2.00 335 Bags - Retail - Small 251.25 01/07/2013 Cash Cate.qory Special Events Vital Statistics Marriage Wastewater Disposal District Yard Sale Permits ZBA Application Fees Zoning Board Of Appeals Sub-Category Town of Southold Summary Daily Cash Report July 01,2012 - December 31, 2012 Payment Method Received Thru CASH $224,685.86 COUNTER CHECK $225,228.32 MAIL CREDIT CARD $2,305,25 OFFICE $244,109.37 $21,914.45 $186,195.61 Page: 5 Qty Description Amount 40 Disposal Permit - Guest 19 Disposal Permit- Lessee 241 Disposal Permit- Replace 13 Disposal Permit-VOiDED 1,000.00 475.00 0,00 0.00 2913 Category Sub-Total... $39,311.50 1 Event Fee 100.00 2 Fireworks 200.00 3 Category Sub-Total... $300.00 70 Marriage License 2,780.00 70 Category Sub-Total... $2,780.00 36 Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. 360.00 2 Septic Permit- Construct. 50.00 Non-resid. 12 Septic Permit - Operation - Resid. 120.00 1 Septic Permit - Operation 25.00 Non-Resid. 61 Category Sub-Total... $555.00 311 Yard Sale Permits 4,665.00 311 Category Sub-Total... $4,665.00 44 ZBAApplication Fees 33,100.00 44 Category Sub-Total... $33,100.00 8 Public Events 400.00 8 Category Sub-Total... $400.00 Grand Total ......................... $452,2t 9.43