HomeMy WebLinkAboutWickham In uNA„MOecm ALIG.mW INrooms,Nhilt faist I,AXnV.na;firSECDON Ru Its nD NoMP:mAs EOSAneiIAN I,Iol,*u:I.I'D.-.1Fi1.morsiTY YX„mbiRIND 511111tN0[5 AAE'IF A,riIsou[ANOARE IN'mKUs.Nsmah XPI Dom 11'.nl1 in.."N OE RN[„ ON'chic m MI5ai um xoi eupXc rf We sRishaII"I",ELL re ENGOES.SEk s:.w.anBEm:,,mum m,[."aIRs'IiIII C[Pnnunox'."A-x,mus,N:LL,u.n..10111E'Esse fon:Bou Bc,uFY[Y Is PAENFEn All AN Nous w N IIIE nils cnNPANr,nuruNuwrrt.vwcv AND IiNOINc INmrvnnl,u,l[n NEmEON.AND N IF ASSIGNEE,nE ME IdOINc INmrvnal cEnnncAnulE IRE Nm mAllEEmul[To AnunONe IN,nNnONS a Si OvmwS IS)ME IOCAnON rc IttuS lour.sElnO IANv5151f n<EsvOOI„cosi ENnwu IlnlEel ARE moll 111111 Oexnv.nlwE AND Om uArA n,rAlNm mOu OmmS 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York INOI tail. 651.127.2305 fax. 631.727.0144 admin®youngsinglneer Ing.com N aurzg � �au�zg Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor Thomas G. Wolps rt, Professional Engineer Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer sn< L`p ^ W E Robert G. Test, Architect n! SK J� OgyJ N.Y.S. PLANE N > �� ere ��,cH9 LW' o✓ m„ \ eD e ` \ w ® E 517E DATA oaf VIGINIrr MAP � s TOTAL AREA is 5.7477 ACRES 50ALE v'=600' RETAINED PARCEL AREA = 0.5576 ACRE ACOU151TION PARCEL AREA = 5.5601 ACRES \ \ REPUTED OWNER = JOHN L. WIOKHAM E JONATHAN WICKHAM P.O. BOX 926 GUTGHO6VE, NEW YORK 11935 4 k& 0 oa LN § S62a 64tacf - Y/1 h0/y 0�6F s6 49 P 16-'" S dor• \ // In 0 f$ ,0 n e $S6 `nay Y 3 0 0 10osF" SURVEYOR'S DESCRIPTION \ ` � o�0 F`�e a/aP% 1r 2 / �O NOTES tpf ; tY ( ones . ALL Nat cereal plat,place or portal of land with the bullAlnga and Improvamente thereon erocked, `� 2 w4Ti1. R9ge 4 / 'op \ 4th/ / .11-i lying and being at cutchogue,Town of southad,Gwnky of 5ulfolk cmd 5kate of New York,bounded \ �, A V !`Y / • P.O.B. SOURCE. and described as!allose. C p, fl spa / e�Ee O, 9E6INNINg at a point on the westerly nm of land new air rormerly Poker Prezlosa < Lomas Prezlaaa,at aQ�RE A,16/Q F� SS yt�043- n lOL• � '�O \` / GL00AL P051TIONIN6 SYSTEM NYS Plane coordinate NAD 1963 Nares:31106155 East 14C,ijoi 2,sold palm ball situate We falloWng ` \ $ '•I p 3o A t'Nr,N .O r / `•� four(4).."i and dbtancas from the Intersection of the aoukM1wastarly side of Honeysuckle Lane and Lp / the northwesterly alae of old Pasturo Race, ` 0/ C/.Ca/ ;2 O/�'P NS 4; '// /• A / e's/ // e BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO N.Y. STATE R 9'. 0 3a / }}}" o 1.North 34 deg 93 min,n sec.East 1o.m feet as measured along Ne norkhweaterly aide of Old Posture c� a„a e� ryTe /// / �\ e2/ 'S PLANE OOORDINATE SYSTEM - LONG ISLAND ZONE, LAMBERT 2.North 46 deg 50 mms a9 sec wsst 166.12 feet as rhoasur.d along the asrder11ne of the 166 foot ✓9'FD 4t B q� 566 F/ S/F ?9 '/ 33, b ` > Oy. n / PROJECTION, 1983 NORTH AMERICAN DATUM. right of way as d...rib d In Liber 5595 Page 554, Ai Q GVW rF(p Sj. RO �'I'i /6 Q 2 1 9 9 5wN 96 deg.15 min 51 sec.Ybek 219.56 feet as measured closm,said centerline, AE. q\ 4.North 53 deg.44 min 39 sec West 3525 feet m meas�seq along the westerly line of land no.or PjF 9/ 99 SS / S', // ,1 O / Formerly Peter Prezlosa Louise Prezlosa, to p /N�"1S? a �fryyS.// qt�"r RUNNING thence from Bald point of beginning through the party of We fink pan We rollowing four(a) ° '^I'rs wunm and dletawe . (a <,� S6� 1.South 36 deg. 15 m1.31 sec.West 199.16 feet, 3 4 4jN �Le t0/ S"may,,,pper� // j •l� 0.4E ` 2 South 53 deg.44 mm.29 see East 11500 Peat, 9A.J 4 � Oa �_' res$ / 't'�r�uQ a'.. � 9 Earth 96 deg 15 min 91 sec East 9000 feet, 0 a p \ 4.South 53 deg.44 min.29 sea East 16081 Feet to the approxMake Mgrs water mark of WkkNom g m�W Y„p _p creek: ' . WINNING thetas along the high water mark of Wlakham creek the �s' ��r .m`D / /a. s� , e o \C \ '5URVEYORS CERTIFICATION IV feuawmg three(3)ole-Imo Laur,as and distances. '2q.. a �\ /0 FF n 1.south 60 deg.51 hill 00 sec West 5602 feet, F9ss1._ %m �'Qb �O` /'V$ �OL��A�Or N` t/l 2.SauN 31 deg 54 min.43 sac.W»t 66.641eek, •� Y P N/ A{' A, S h 5.South 55 deg.55 min.26 sec.West n.01 feet W land row or Pormerly W1c4twm's Frult Fcrmr L, h 'oy �. n)`\ SS3 O�h 0 r @ A e2rhe,.r/ < WE HEREBY CERTIFY TO COUNTY O F SUFFOLK fi RUNNIN6 thence North 59 deg 23mIn 29 Bass, West along land now or Wj�. O/,`, e �i"rOr; @ OS ✓ \ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY THAT THIS formerly Nothemb Fruit Form all feet to other land now or formerly l4mkhama FruR Farm, � O/., IWWcF �T q,. /. OJ 2/0 9 % SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN AGGORDANCE WITH THE CODE OF Q F "i3. -sxer\"ithence along ether land now or formerly Wickham'e fivlt Farm and along land now or formerly Vs Oh �. ,(..� / [� PRAGTOE FOR LAND SURVEYS ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK Peter Fai... 4 Lome.ti...the Iollewmg three(31 cauraea and dotal STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND a /"L eh '290 'SS0 ?S 'is, qm I.North 20 deg 29 Filo.OI sec.East tFANti Peet, /L F S' � F xR, 96 ai 0 2.South 62 de 96 min 4Ell 9 sec East 55 feat, p 16 q 3.Each 53 deg.44 min.29 sec.East 366.91 Peek to Wee point ar place a Beginning. 4l•/y n'q R� �� \fy' ` 3 COMAININb ml area of 93601 Acres. %�.� � ' T06E1HER slth a 166 foot Elgin of say as described In Ll car 5693 q0/ �'m ryr7-J � Page 554 the isim emus sell bounded and described as follawe, 42 •`r�' �0- It� }N�' om BE61NN1Ng at a paint on the narthwaateriy side of Ole Feature Ram,sold point being alwato North dog.53 min. 11 sac.East as measured along the northwesterly Bide of all Facture Road 10.01 feet from �, i Gj�'oaJ� pY6i i .a A_ (;�y �L'}'V✓t.` fie Intenectlon of the norkhweaterly aide of old Paul Ra Based and the southwesterly,Ida of �+ c Honeysuckle ia HOWARD W. YOUN6, N.Y.5. L5. N . 45893 m RUNNING thence from said point of beginning through and nos or formerly Peter Prezlaaa s LLmBe pros oaa the rollosmg two(2)cornea and dlatances 8 L North 46 deg.50 min.09 sec West 166.13 feet, 2. 56 15 ot to land ri or al Page site,We is Ill Fal 1ne belNest e b undsd and flood 1 Lib as followsmarly bin L.Wlckhamr 9 % / / / 0 OH Az rage HER with a 166 Fact Fight a9 way as dee 6 detl In Liber 11560 a Off 0 / / / � V ���� `J,�G SURVEY MAP OF PROPERT'( / BE61141 at a point on the Westerly Ilro of land now or formerly Peter Prosidso 4 Louise Preziosa, Rile Jv fy6' / \ REPUTEDLY OF D Bald polnt being shuate the rollowing four(4)carate and dlstancm from the Innammklon of the gf Q Qt vouthruearl,alder of fbnaiii Lane and the northwe.k.rly elder d Old Poatur t Road. Of f 90 fid, 1.North 54 deg.53 min. 11 sea East 10.01 feet as measured along the norkhweaterly alder of Old CQf1 D� / a P t JOHN L. W GiGHAM ff Paawra Road, � / y `P w E JONATHAN WIUGHAM 2.North 49 deg.50 min.09 ad,.West 166.12 feet m memured along the centerline of the 166 foot SS3 E �O / S2 H al way o ileac 1, 91 1Pik 5693 Pa a 394, R /r SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW BONDED 3 SoukM1 36 deg 15 min 91 Be,tWeef 21936 feet as mearvred along aaltl centerline, 4, Q m Fo Nerl 53 deg 44 mm.29 sea Wase 925 feet m measured along the westerly line of land now or ? / `<� / OA �NQ Formerly Pater Probbed 4 Louie. Presleaar i/4Jo DRINKING WATER RUNNING t'roRe from Bald pelnt of beglMng South 56 deg.15 min 51 sec East along land now or ssi11 ?S` CO 4°��mP� larrmrly Peter Preslasa a Loulss Presma 9oD0 fent gR i A/ b P.! To6ET1ER with an emement for In d a s3 PROTECTION PROGRAM green an green,bounded and described ere follawe, ((/ O 9� U5 55sINNN6 at Is all an the westerly Ilk. of land naw am-I....Ell,Peter Pretlasa 4 Louis.Preziasa, NOj'l� : S FARMLAND E Bold point bang Iwal the fallowing four(4)course,and diatancaa from the mtenectmn of the '\�S hos Q s authwmterly Bide of Haneyauakle Lane and the nanwfmterly alae of old Pastures fiscal F,9S S� o� n0 at GUtGhoeue, Town Of Southold 1.North 34 deg.33 ml, 11 sea East 10.01 feet as m.a,D,d along the norkhweaterly all of Old Suffolk Count , New York Pi Raad, F�TFss ? o .S Y y n 2.North 4B 9 s deg 30 min.0ec.West 16612 feet as measured along the centerline of the 166 foot 0 \ no n not of way as described In Liber 5593 Page 954, $ 5.South 36 deg.5 min.51 sea Week 219.36 feet as measured along said cenkerllne, V6 ryha�Vl / \ P aPe F AGQU S T ON MAP 4.North 55 deg,4A min.29 sec.West 5.25 feet ere measured along the westerly line of land now ar ( o p formerly Peter Freaoea 4 Loulaa Frezlma: Qo 35.36w� m� "'s,' /se p s'be L,l W)NNIN6 thence from sold oink of beginning South 56 deg.15 min 51 sec West along land now or X00 I o IG)`Ojl Y 6 / '� \ @ /OS S formerly-bill L Wlakham Co feat m a pent; n` 5a �' Logq County Tax Map District 1000 ;emlan 105 Block 11 Lai 22 Is RUNNING thence se u h 51 deg. 15 min.SI sac.Wast through the retained portal,lad of the party of theUP' O A / 0� O first part 5556 Peet to a pi P D/` 0 m ,2A L MAP PREPARED FEB. 10, 2011 RUNNNG thonaa Nerth 56 dog 15 mm.51 ...East along the ac lsltian p t land of the party of the pt° I/)y ooh / Q 0 no rent part 5000 Peat to land now or Formerly Peter Freilose 4 Louts.pre Fitom, 4 f0 / Q00b �h�'0 � Record of Revle,lons RUNNN6 thence South 53 deg.44 min.29 sac Eaat along land now or formerly Peter Prazlo,a 4 Louie n pREVISION DATE Prion a 2500 Peet to the point or place of Beginning O " h"o4 e y Q! „ ¢ OC IT,AMENDMENTS OT 6 02011 Q. q3 NOV 09 2011 r-=nIFa Al AMENDMENTS JAN 2 11 01 M2 GENERAL AMENDMENTS .-Ali_ JAN_ 25. 2412 ADDED GERTIFIGATIONi• OB 2,212 INSET - SCALE: I"250' 100 O 50 100 200 300 Scale: I" as 100' JOB NO. 2011-0007 DWG. 2011_0007_aco,ul5ltlon_map I OF ❑ = MONUMENT SET 111111= MONUMENT FOUND A= STAY.E SE i A= STAKE FOUND I