HomeMy WebLinkAbout4522PLANIqI1WG BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WAKD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765~3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Zoning Board of Appeals MeHssa Spiro, Planner~" PB Action History December 12, 1997 Please find the following in regard to your memorandum of December 10, 1997, in which you asked for the history of actions by the Planning Board on the following parcels: 1000-141-4-38 (Sacker) The Planning Board office does not have a record of any action in regard to this parcel. 1000-141-4-39 (Krueger) The Planning Board office does not have a record of any action in regard to this parcel. 1000-86-7-5 (Rushin and others) The Planning Board office does not have a record of any action in regard to this parcel. Page 20 - Transcript ~Hearings Meeting of October 23, 1997 Southold Town Board of Appeals 7:56 P.M. - JOINT PUBLIC HEARINGS: Two applications Cried by PATRICIA RUSHIN and PAMELA MOTTLEY .regarding property located at 6850 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, N.Y.; County Parcel #1000-86-7-5 of 149,054 sq. ft., which project is further described as follows: CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Appl. #4522 - Special Exception is requested to convert existing principal building from one family to two family use, as provided under Article III, Section 100-31B (1); and Appl. #4523 Variances under Article III, Section 100-32, B,,Ik, Area and parking Schedule, as to the existing nonconformities of the property size and bui]rling setbacks, for the proposed conversion of the exisl~ng principal singie-f~mily use to a two family dwelling use, in addition to the preexis~ng guest cottage, which cottage is included in February 6, 1986, Certificate of Preexisting Occupancy #Z-14212, Zone: R-80 Residen~l. I have a site p{~n from Brenn~n Design Works, Inc. indica~ng the proposed addition to the existing two-story frame dwe{llng. The date on that is August 19, 1997, and we have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map indicating th{.~ and surrounding properties in the area. We ask you to state your name for the record, Sir. PATRICK BRENNAN: Patrick Brennan. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: How are you? What would you like to tell us Sir? BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: You may want to mention th~t there's written opposition on thl.q for the record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: OK. Oh, I'm sorry, there is some opposition in the record which you may or may not be aware of. MR. BRENNAN: I'm aware of it. If I may I'd like to give you a little bit of background. I was hired by Pat Rushin and Pamela Mottley. I'm an architect. They engaged me to redesign their home and to assist them in the application. MEMBER TORTORA: Could you speak in the microphone so that we can get thi.q on the record please? lVIR. BRENNAN: Yes, do you hear me better now. Pat Rushln and Para Mottley are sisters, and they recently inherited the house from their mother, and two sisters and their fgmilies have been using the house since 1941. It ha.q been in the family and they've been maintaining it and enjoying it and using it in pretty much in the s~Lme way. The fRmilles get together mostly from May to October to use the homes in s,,mmer. They were really interested in the North Fork and their home and their love for it and approached me with the idea that they want to preserve the quality and the integrity of their site as much as possible but with both families growing they need to accommodate both families on the site since they both want to continue to use it, and they both have children and one of the fRmilles has grandchildren. Pain's approach was, I think a Page 21 - Transcript WHearings Meeting of October 23, 1997 Southold Town Board of Appeals thoughtful and sensitive approach, because they hi~ed an architect - I did prepare a new design snmm~y for them so I could explain to them all the considerations that they had to take into account. If I ~ay, I'd l~ke to give you a copy of that. (Gave copy of Design S,~mmsry for the file. ) I did not include that with the application. CHAIRMAN: Sure. MR. BRENNAN: I'm sorry, I only have one copy with me. Some of their initial considerations were to come up with some way to accommodate both fnmilles equally and in a reasonable way, a sensitive way and they didn't want to add any more buildln~o~ to the site. They didn't want to cut down on trees. They want to r~int~in the look and feel of the property as it is as much as possible. I researched it and tried to consider all the options. I went to the Bul]dlng Department first to discuss it with Inspectors Gary Fish and John Boufis. I told them what my chnllenge was and asked their advice on how to approach thi.~. I prepared the pre-design report explaining the situation to the owners; and based on my findings in research, I recommended that they should try to accommodate both f~milles through a two-f~ml]y home because that would have the least impact on the quality of the site and the neighborhood. That's most in keeping, I think, for the purpose of the low density residenti~! already zoned and it would be most likely approved by the town through the speni~l exception. And in that sense it would come in at a reasonable cost for the owners without much hardship and it mgkes the use of the existing house which needed some attention. Some of the other options that we considered were purling one f~mily in the cottage, which e~ists on site. It's a legal cottage but it's a nonconforming use; and I explained to them thgt it would be difficult to expand on the cottage and that the town would l~liy like to restrict any work on the cottage to mginten~nco. That's really the town's view that through neglect or some accident, hopefully nonconforming uses will go away, and that the town would not be too excited about going to develop the cottage. I was also advised by the Building Inspector that it would be hlghiy ,,nllkely that the Board would consider a variance for the use of the cottage. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's a season~{ dwelling isn't that, Pat? That has no heat in it, right? MR. BRENNAN: Yes. No, it does have heat in it. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It does have heat in it? MR. BRENNAN: Yes. MEMBER TORTORA: It's still a seasonm! dwelling? MR. BRENNAN: Yes. They use it as a s~,mmer home, both. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What does it have, electric heat? Page 22 - Transcript ~l~-Iearings Meeting of October 23, 1997 S~)uthold Town Board of Appeals MR. BRENNAN: No, it has oil. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It h~.~ oil. MR. BRENNAN: The other thing was that aside from the ( ) results an increase in size of the cottage wouldn't have a negative impact on the property and the site to have two larger dwellings in a proximity, I think, it would make it appear denser and be less desirable. The other option I considered with the owners was they have a subdivision, and somehow separa~ng the lot into two lots maybe t~Idng the cottage out of the same lot as the main dwelling, or bui]ding another building on the lot - on a separate lot. The owners were not excited about this because they thought that that was less in keeping with their ideas as well as the town's ideas about open rural space and low density. So, that was not of interest to them and they f'L~mly believe that that would most substantially have the impact of the site in a negative way. I am aware of the objections that ~me in. If you ffke, I would like to have the opportunity to address them. Should I do it now? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You can do it now, or you can do it later. It doesn't matter I suppose. MR. BRENNAN: Are you fAmilla~- with the objections from the Varano family? Kathleen Varano? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. We've had applications before, before us from her late husband and her. MR. BRENNAN: Right. The Varf~lOS mgke a couple objections in the letter. The Un-st one, about ground water and cesspools. I believe thi.~ is really sort of a grounds argument because the new work, the new proposed work to the house would in fact be better in that it's more stringent with the Health Department and the Town Building Code, or the New York State Building Code, protect the Varanos' interest in that they would be put in accordingly, and new toilets and fixtures, more water efficient. We would only add one new tmth,-oom and one new kitchen to the dwelling and water conservative devices would be used as required. And as far as I know the Rushina and Mottleys don't have any hi.~tory of water problems. They do have a well. The second issue that the Varanos bring up is the rent, l.~. The owners have made it very clear that they have no intention to rent either building. They only want to use it for their fmmilles and they also brought to my attention that the Varanos rent out their home and that this past s,,mmer the Varanos didn't use their home but it was rented out to another fmmily. As far as the general compt,lnt as the density would be increased or decrease the quality of the neighborhood, I disagree because thi.~ approach does not involve adding any new bui]dlngs to the site, and the small addition that would be necessary to accommodate both families is Page 23 - Transcript ~'Hearings Meeting of October 23, 1997 Southold Town Board of Appeals really only a 32% increase in livable floor area and represents only a half-percent increase in lot coverage and doesn't infringe any further on any setbacks. And as you can see from the drawings that the proposed additions are kind of in the center of the lot, east to west. The Varanos' complaint has to take argument with their complaint because their approved subdivision, I think, ~ h~ve - will be more h~kely to impact the quality of the neighborhood and the environment because they have the potential of adding t~vo more buildings to their lot. And the paragraph that the Varanos quoted in their letter of objection which is from Pat Rushln's objection of 1994, Pat Rusbin still firmly believes in that sentiment and she believes that in fact supports her position today because her approach again is to minimize any impact to the neighborhood, per se. That's all I have. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The existing garage that we see first, before, that is a garage, not a cottage? MR. BRENNAN: Yes. BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: It says on the map "framed cottage barn." So it's not a framed cottage barn? MR. BRENNAN: Well, it's a two car garage. It has a carport on the north end and on the south end it bas a - like a porch - and a storage room. It's a room with windows and doors, but it ha.~ no facilities. They don't using it for sleeping, just for storage. BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: It's not really a cottage, then. No. MR. BRENNAN: It's not really a cottage. It's been showing up as a cottage on all the surveys. But, they never used it as a cottage. It was built by Pat and Pain's father. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Are you willing to give up the seasonR1 use or any use of the Cottage in the construction or the reconstruction of this house ? MR. BRENNAN: I don't think they would like to give that up. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: OK. Because we have a square footage problem in reference to what's allowed for two-family houses and that's an area that we really can't vary - you know what I'm saying? So I, you know - we certainly can do a trade-off and that's the reason why I asked the question. Do we like to? No. Do we do them sometimes? Yes. I personally think that's the only way you're geing to get two kitchens in that big house. I have no objection to you reconstructing that house and m~king that house bigger but we have dealt with thi.q issue since the beginning of time to be honest with you. We've gone frem shared kitchen, to unsha~ed kitchen to no kitchen at all for the purpose of expanding familieS, uses and so on and so forth. But I can't foresee us pushing the issue of two families along with the guest cottage on a piece of property of thl, size. We raalize the property is long. We realize the property is large. OK? But it doesn't meet the criteria that we Page 24 - Transcript o'l~q{earings Meeting of October 23, 1997 Southold Town Board of Appeals need for the Special Exception situation. If you were to tell us tonight, "well we'll eliminate the kitchen and just let me add the bedrooms and the upstairs, downstairs, onto the house" and whatever variance aspects that are before us, you know, we'll address those issues. But, I'm warning you that - (interrupted). What? MR. BRENNAN: Not creating a two family dwelling? MEMBER TORTORA: That's correct. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's correct. Yes but, I'm warning you, that we are really without authority to exceed that square footage of the lot. MR. BRENNAN: The square footage of the lot? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. You know, you need 160,000 sq. ft. for two fnmily. MR. BRENNAN: The lot I believe, is within 7% of thnt requirement? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes, but you also have an existing, it hn.~ to be a - MEMBER TORTORA: That's a legislatively-adopted requirement. We can't vary what is legislatively adopted. If it wasn't in the Code, if it wasn't part of the Special Exception to a two-family use, we could vary it but it very specifically says, thi.~ is what we must have. So, that's why Jerry has asked you-. MR. BRENNAN: I guess I'm confused, isn't that what an area, isn't an area varlnnee is available somehow? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes, thin is a Spe~inl Exception, thlg isn't an area val~ance. BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: both. But there's both. He's applying for CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes, well fine, for both of course, yes. MEMBER DINIZIO: But to meet the Special Exception criteria, that is set down by the law itself. It's slmiln~ to the Bed & Bre~ld'ast Law, where you have to have five thln~o~. You have to have thin, well, if you were to have 750 sq. ft., we can't vary that. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Let me give you another example too. We also have an Accessory Apartment Law in the Town of Southold, OK, in existing dwellings. You can't have a Bed & BrenkFast in an accessory apartment aiso. In thi.~ particular ~n~e you're looldng for a two-fnmily and then you have an exis~ng cottage. That was the purpose, let me Page 26 - Transcript o~Hearings Meeting of October 23, 1997 Southold Town Board of Appeals MEMBER TORTORA: Because you do no meet the basic requirements of the Code that the analogy Mr. Dinizio has given you is quite right. MR. BRENNAN: For that area of the lot? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MEMBER TORTORA: The lot size area. MR. BRENNAN: But, you make a consideration if we were to give up the cottage? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, that's my suggestion, OK. That's not the Board's suggestion, OK. You know, we may have to seek guidance from counsel on that aspect. MEMBER TORTORA: There's nothing in the Code that says, that if two sisters want to live in one house and share the house they can't do that. What I think Mr. Goehringer said, if they want to share the house together that's fine. But they're not going to have two kitchens in the house and they're not going to have two separate dwelling units. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We've actually done it with pocket doors. We had a house in Greenport, a brand new dwelling. You remember that one? MEMBER TORTORA: Yes, I do. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: OK. And they logistically drew a llne right down the center of the house and used the shared kitchen with pocket doors. And, it wasn't that they didn't speak, it's just they enjoyed their own privacy. MR. BRENNAN: Yeah, I think this is a similar situation. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes, you know, I mean you have so many other options too, being- using it for primarily summer and good weather use, you know, that there are times when you're going to be cooking outside on a gas grill, or a regular open charcoal pit, and so on and so forth. And I'm not trying to sell that item to you, but I'm telling you that I don't have a particular problem with the additions but we c~nnot deal with the kitchen aspect. So, I mean I don't want you to give us an answer now. You are welcome, we can again- we can recess this and you can speak to your clients tonight, or we can recess untLl the next regularly scheduled meeting, and have you come back. Certainly the weather is still good. You can start the foundation construction in December and you know. MEMBER TORTORA: Our next meeting is in two weeks, so, it may give you some time to think about other options. Page 27 - Transcript ~'ff~Hearings Meeting of October 23, 1997 Southo]d Town Board of Appeals MR. BRENNAN: OK. Could I make an argument for why I believe that the cottage itself doesn't, it should not be considered in the equation? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You mean as reconstructed? MR. BRENNAN: No, as it is. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Or the elimination of the cottage? MR. BRENNAN: Right. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: OK. MR. BRENNAN: I'll have these plans corrected, they shouldn't do any*hing with the cottage and that it would be unlikely that they would be allowed to anything to the cottage, except maintenance? MEMBER TORTORA: That a preexisting nonconforming use. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That is correct. MR. BRENNAN: And that eventually it is the Town's understanding I believe that eventually those things wili fall away? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That is correct. MR. BRENNAN: So could it be considered that the cottage is of a temporary nature in terms of having bearing on whether it is two or three dwellings on the lot? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Certainly if the cottage burned down, alright, you wouldn't get an instantaneous building permit to rebuild. You probably would have to come before the Board. MEMBER TORTORA: What is the cottage used for now? MR. BRENNAN: It's used for one of the families. One of the sisters generally uses the cottage. One uses the house, but the cottage is smali and damp. It's just doesn't - it's not well suited to it. MEMBER TORTORA: So currently, one of the sisters is using the cottage? MR. BRENNAN: Mostly, yes. MEMBER TORTORA: And one of the other sisters is using the house? MR. BRENNAN: But they share the dining room and the porch of the house and - MEMBER TORTORA: So, if both sisters are living in the main house then, what will become of the cottage? Page 28 - Transcript o'T'Hearings Meeting of October 23, 1997 Southo]d Town Board of Appeals MR. BRENNAN: It'll be overflow for their children and grandchildren. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's uniquely what most of the cottages have been on these, I'll refer to it as a palatial piece of property because it is a palatial piece of property; and we're very cogniza~lt of those situations and the restrictions that are normally placed on those buildings if they were not cottages, that they not be used for sleeping quarters. Do you understand? So, I mean this particular case, you have a C of O for a preexisting nonconforming cottage, which is internally- the whole CO encompassed all the buildings ou the property. MR. BRENNAN: Right. I thought that when I was introduced that this was a unique situation because they hadn't always used the cottage. And it was built as a cottage and it wasn't someone trying to pull something over on the Town, and I think that the owners feel like they should not be penalized for having maintained that cottage or I~intaln the pl~operty in general, and I thlnl~ that they their feeling is that that should not be held a~ainst them. That they have fallen intp that category - nonconformity because - CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I don't thlnl~ that is the case Mr. Brennan. I think the case is you got 3-1/2 acres and you need 4. I mean that's basic - MR. BRENNAN: Right. BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: Need 6 acres. It's two acres for each dwelling unit so it wonid be 6 acres he would be needing. MEMBER DINIZIO: Well, that's if you consider the cottage. BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: If he keeps the cottage. Yes. CHAIRM-&N GOEHRINGER: Yes, but I mean for the Special Exception you need 160,000 sq. ft. You have 3-1/2 acres. BOARD SECRETARY: Without the cottage, right. MR. BRENNAN: Right. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So, you're a half acre short. MR. BRENNAN: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Just on that aspect of it. BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: Without the cottage. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Without the cottage. MR. BRENNAN: I thought that that was a - Page 29 - Transcript o'T'Hearings Meeting of October 23, 1997 Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: what you're saying? You thought you could vary that, is that MR. BRENNAN: W~ll that would be something that would be open to the variance aspect. But you're saying that Special Exception does not, you're not allowed to take advantage. You can't use Special Exception and area variance? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: To answer your questions, OK, we don't normally mix apples and oranges. Do you want the Code, I didn't bring a copy of the Code. Do you have yours out, Jim? MEMBER DINIZIO: No. MR. BRENNAN: I have a copy. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You do. MEMBER TORTORA: No, that's OK, I'll go into the office. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: OK, is there anything else you'd like to say while Mrs. Tortora is checking? MR. BRENNAN: Well, I guess I'm just interested in more clarification of this. I will need to a obviously speak with my clients. The Board's suggestion is to - MEMBER TORTORA: exception. I just wanted to look at the criteria for a special CHAIRMAN: Sure. I was looking for it before. I wanted to refresh my memory. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: To answer your question. We normally don't mix apples and oranges. Do you want the code (to Member Tortora)? I didn't bring a copy. Do you have yours, Jim? MEMBER DINIZIO: No. MR. BRENNAN: I have a copy. MEMBER TORTORA: That's ok. I'll go to the office. CHAIRMAN: Is there anything else you would like to say while Mrs. Tortora is checking? MR. BRENNAN: Well, I guess I was just interested in more clarification at best. I will need to obviously speak about this with my clients, so, the Board's suggestion is to -- CHAIRMAN: Eliminate the kitchen. Page 30 - Transcript o-T'Hearings Meeting of October 23, 1997 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. BRENNAN: We could go with a two family dwelling. The legal two family dwelling, which would have two complete housing facilities under one roof? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No. That's my suggestion. My suggestion is to eHmlnate the cottage and do the trade-off for the - because the cottage has a kitchen, is that correct? MR. BRENNAN: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: OK, it has complete-house type of situation? MR. BRENNAN: Yes. CHAIRMAN: - habitable dwelling standards. That's my suggestion. I'm telling you that's mine in particular. I'm saying that I would probably seek legal counsel in reference to that trade-off, alright. MR. BRENNAN: Yes. CH AIRMAN: Our, I think, total suggestion is: ellmiuate the kitchen of the new proposed addition, OK, and just build it with a shared kitchen as you have it now. That doesn't mean you can't enhance the kitchen that you have. But quite honestly that's my suggestion- I mean that's the 'Board's suggestion. And, you know, just the way you're planning to construct it and you know, I mean, I don't think anybody is going to stop you from reconstructing a very beautiful stately house on 3-112 acres. Is that correct (to board members)? MEMBER DINIZIO: Well I just - my concern is that you'd like to end up with three dwelling units and basically I'd like to see and I know we've done it in the past is a trade-off in that direction considering that the lot "is" so large. In other words in your case, so that you don't quite meet the, you know, for two families as you're half acre under, you know, we can consider that similar to a subdivision, only not a subdivision, that you have two dwelling units on that 3-1/2 acres to me is not so, you know - I don't really have too much of a problem with that except that you're asking for three - and what do you do? Do you come back, I sound - like Bob, do you come back in a year and say, now you want to chop off, you know, two acres and subdivide and build a house back there? Now you've got it on two acres of land or an acre and a half, you got three dwellings and then you'll have another dwelling, and I think that's the concern here. MR. BRENNAN: What would the concern be? MEMBER DINIZIO: Well, that would be my concern. That you would come back later on and say, "well we have 3-1/2 acres, we'd like to subdivide that" and you know, on one piece of property say, you know an acre, and on 1.75 acres you have three dwellings and you want to subdivide and have another lot that you want to build another house on. Legally. Page 31 - Transcript ~T'Hearings Meeting of October 23, ]997 Southold Town Board of Appeals So, in some way, there's got to be a little bit of give and take in that respect; and I know in the area we've done some pretty liberal things, I think, but certainly most of the applications we had in that area did consider that the lots are so long and narrow and they were odd ball cottages that were there like this for years. I'd like to see in some way come up with some kind of a compromise in that respect. Two kitchens to me in one house are not objectionable, it's just a question of the amount of people that you could having living on there. The neighborhood doesn't reaiIy support it in my opinion. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right, as I said before, also that the variance procedures that are before us also, or the fact that you don't meet the setbacks for a two family house, so, you know, we are with that understanding. MR. BRENNAN: Yes. Wouid - there are other requirements for a two family dwelling, like a fire separation between tenancies. If at some aspects of the two-family dwelling were not carried out to in effect not creating a two family dwelling, not having two kitchens as per your suggestion, or not having separate entries, or not having a fire separation. MEMBER TORTORA: You're not having a two family dwelling. MR. BRENNAN: Right. We're not having a two family dwelling? Not being - CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What we're saying to you is we have two people on a Deed that want to use the house simultaneously or concurrently, OK. MEMBER TORTORA: You see it doesn't matter if they're sisters. doesn't really matter. It CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It doesn't really matter because it could be two friends that didn't want to go out and spend $600,000 for a piece of property and just wanted to enjoy it together. We've seen this. MEMBER TORTORA: Two years from now the two sisters could not be talking to each other and it could be two separate families. MR. BRENNAN: I understand. MEMBER DINIZIO: Or one sister could rent it to somebody. MR. BRENNAN: Yes. It's unlike giving an apartment a permit for an apartment which is attached to it. Applicant ( ). I think that they just were trying to take the approach that was most in the spirit of the Zoning Code. Page 32 - Transcript ~Hearings Meeting of October 23, 1997 Southold Town Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. Well, we appreciate that, but we're just saying to you- that we're not within the, we don't have the ability to vary that particular portion of the Special Exception, alright. So, whatever your choose to do, we're not pushing you tonight. We're saying to you, go hack to your clients and see which way you want to go. In the interim I will personally seek legal counsel on the issue as well. If you choose to relinquish the use of the cottage, we'll discuss that issue. I will discuss that issue. All right? MR. BRENNAN: All right. OK. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's just a prelimiuary thought, alright. Certainly we would just rather see you build the building with the additions and use the kitchen together. MR. BRENNAN: Yes. BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: Can he apply for an accessory apartment? CHAIRMAN: No. It won't qu~lWy because it is already constructed after 1984. BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: The house was built before 1984, right? MR. BRENNAN: Yes. MEMBER DINIZIO: Yes there is a possibility. BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: You have a CO. possibly for an accessory apartment. You could qualify MR. BRENNAN: Yes. We have considered that. MEMBER DINIZIO: But certainly, then someone who owns the house would have to live there. That's, as opposed to a two family house - MR. BRENNAN: Right, one side has to be bigger - MEMBER DINIZIO: Right, owner occupied, which is, you know, the town considers that a fairly valuable piece of legislation - then you don't have absentee landlords. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The only thing about that is that you're really circumventing that portion of the law because now you're going to add a big addition onto the house, OK, for the sole purpose of either the m~in dwelling or the apartment, you know, and in this particular case it would have to be for the rosin dwelling. The apartment would have to exist in the existing portion, in the existing portion of the house and then the addition would be just very simply the - Page 33 - Transcript ~'~Hearings Meeting of October 23, 1997 Southold Town Board of Appeals MR. BRENNAN: Right, I understand. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's really not, doesn't really faU within the overall objective, I should say, of the accessory apartment law. MR. BRENNAN: Yes, I understand. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And then we run into the problem with having the nonconforming cottage back on the property.again, and it goes back to the discussion I had with you about two Special Exceptions. One for an accessory apartment and one for a Bed & Breakfast. And then we have to seek legal counsel on that aspect again. MR. BRENNAN. Right. I understand. I just want to reiterate that the owners in no way want to create something objectionable. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right, of course, and we appreciate that. MR. BRENNAN: And I certsinly did not advise some sought of creative interpretation of the Zoning Code in terms of trying to split the kitchen or something like that. It was not - the intent was entirely to do it within the means of the law. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The confines of the law, right. So, you're going to get back to us? You want us to recess that and we'll see you the next meeting and we'll try to put you on right in the beginning and you can tell us which way you want to go. MR. BRENNAN: OK, thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. Is there anybody else would like to speak in favor that is at this hearing? Would anybody like to speak against? Seeing no hands I'll make a motion recessing the hearing to the next regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKI: Could you give a date with that, November 13th? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: November 13th. Thank you, Sir. Safe home. Motion carried. (1-516) 765-1809 O~'l~'lCE OF BOARD OF APPEALS $3095 ~,in Road. Southold, NY 1197'i (1-516) 765-1823 fa~: INTERNAL TOWN MEMO TO: FR OM: DATE: SUBJECT: pl~nnin~ Board Board of Appeals December 10, 1997 PB Action History Please confirm whether there is any history of actions by the p}nnning Board for the foIlow~ng parcels: 1000-141-4-38 (Sacker) 1000-141-4-39 (Krueger) 1000-86-7-5 (Rusbin and others). Thank you. Brennan Design Works, Inc. Linda Kowalski Board of Appeals: Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 (516) 765-1800 17 November, 1997 RE: Patricia G. Rushin and Pamela G. Mottley SCTM: 86-7-5 Dear Ms. Kowalski, Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $4.00 for the October 23, 1997 ZBA hearing minutes. It is my understanding that the next hearing for the above project will be on January 22, 1997. Sincerely, Patrick Brennan, AIA Principal BRENNAN DESIGN WORKS, INC. encl./ PKB/pkb 526 West 22nd Street New York, New York 10011 t. 212.989.1123 f. 212.807.1909 bdwinc@aol.com TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIPT FOR COPIES NAME f~Z' ,~/~'"~'"~'~/ AMOUNT RECEIVED $ Received By N? 566 OCT 23 '97 08:44AM SB RESEARCH -- I Number of pa~es intruding cover #_he. et TO: Linda Kowalski $outhold Town Board of Appcalz FROM: Yvonn¢ Rogowski Fax Phone CC: 516.765.1809 516-765-1825 [] Urgent ~ For your revt~w I Phone Fax Phont [] R~ply ASAP [] Pleoze Comment Our private well is w~bln 15 feat of'he (western) proparty line of the property in question, Conversion into two families would at least double ground water taken from the frag~e Aquifer, as well as significantly increase waste drahmge into the cesspool systems. There already exists a free standing cottage with its own systems, aa well aa a garage. We feel such a conceniration unnecessarily threatens our water supply, especially due to our proximity to the salinity of Pcconic Bay. We are a family with small children and are especially concerned for their safety. Main Dwelling Relief Requested/Jurisdiction Before This Board in this Project: ConYer~ion of main dwelling from one-family to two-family. This Notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the Lmplementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold. An Envirom~ental Assessment (Short) Form has been suba~tted with the subject application indicating that no significant adverse environmental effects are ]~ke~y to occur should the project be implemented as planned, and: { } this Board wishes to assume Lead Agency status and urges coordinated written comments by your agency to be submitted with the next 20 days. { x} this Board has taken jurisdiction as Lead Agency, has deemed --- ~-- · *~ ~= an ~.l~t~d SEORA Action, and has Albert j~ ICa'upski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hail 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 Ootober 7: lq97 J.M.O. Consultinq Glenn E. Just P.O. Box 447 Quogue NY 11959-0447 RE: PAM MOTTLEY & PATRICIA RUSHIN SCTM #86-7-5 Dear Mr. Just, The Southold Town Board of Trustees reviewed your survey, dated and received in this office October 6, 1997 and found that the proposed project is clearly out of the Trustee Wetland jurisdiction. This determination is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees cc. Bldg. Dept. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Telephone (516) ~.~?.-0365 Facsimile (516) ~,~.a.-0360 John P. Cahill Commissioner LETTER OF NON JURISDICTION-TIDAL WETLANDS October 8, 1997 Pam Mottley & Patricia Rushin 4136 Indian Neck Road Peconic, NY 11958 Re: 1-4738-01769/00001 Mottley/Rushin Property 4136 Indian Neck Rd, Peconic SCTM# 1000-86-?-5 Dear Ms. Mottley & Ms. Rushin; Based on the information you have submitted, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has determined that: The portion of the property landward of the top of the bluff as shown on the survey prepared by John T. Metzger dated 8/28/97, is beyond Article 25 Tidal Wetlands jurisdiction. Therefore, in accordance with the current Tidal Wetlands Land Use Regulations (6NYCRR Part 661) no permit is required under the Tidal Wetlands Act. Please be advised, however, that no construction, sedimentation, or disturbance of any kind may take place seaward of the tidal wetlands jurisdictional boundary, as indicated above, without a permit. It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation within Tidal Wetlands jurisdiction which may result from your project. Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and your project (i.e. a 15' to 20' wide construction area) or erecting a temporary fence, barrier, or hay bale berm. Please be further advised that this letter does not relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining any necessary permits or approvals from other agencies. cc:KK/file Glenn E. Just, J.M.O. Consulting truly yours, ~A~mn~nistrator · ~...~,.~ $OUTHOLD..TOWN BOARD OF applications filed by APPEALS, at the Southold Town Hall pATRICIA G. RUSHIN nnd. 53095~M.~n Road, Soutbui~New.York__....PAMELA. O. MOT/'LEy .r. ep.~i, ingk 11971, ~n THURSDAy,:'OCTOBER , ' property located at 6850 roman 23, 1997 at the times nOt~d b~ow (.o,r as Lan,, ?scenic, N~Y;~.C. oun? 7:00 p.m. AppL #4520 --~ STAN- followmgnpptova . LEY PAWLOWSKL Based upon t~ I) Appl. ~4522 -- Special Building lnspecior's Augu~ 2~ 1997 ception ~s requested to convert Not, ce of Diesppmvni, a?mtance is ' "= isling pdncyni bnilding from one= reque~ed for an #a~ b~lt~ tennis court, family to lwo-family' use, as whidt cor~uaion e~ce~de the 20~ '- . vlded under Article Ill, Section 100- allowable thim lot covemg~i fog nil, 31BO); and · buildings - and .' structures, m~d Jer.. 2) AppL #452~ -- Varinnces npprov~l of.its p~esant location partly in : under Article I1~ Section 100-32, n side yard and atlas than 10~ from .' ' Bul]~AreaandParklngScbeduin. es side smt rear pmpeny lines, i.x~tl~of - ~ the existing nonc~fm~nities of Property:: . 1783 iCmwn Lane,, ' t~ property si~ and building set- Cure,ogee; 1000-~02-7-4. · ' ' .i. COiU~,. d/b/n.' Soutboto ly use to a Ua~o-~muy ~ I~ , o~,~. p,,~'v LflcntJ6n: Co'er of¥~_ cottage, which coflage is l.n~_ u~eo m ~" ]~i["an~'--~/s Main Road,' ~ February 6, 1986 Cenfficato of · · CAROLYN IL pon ..... ;~ho Sop~mbe! 24,.-1997,~Noflc~ of: 1NOS: Two sppllcmlons by HAY i Dk~ppmv~l,' · ~ b wtu~d" HARBOR CLUB, INC. ~ntin$ under A~icin XXIll,._Secflon 100- p~p~rty Iocmed in an R.120 ~ 9~9.4A(1) for p~mi~[on to con~tmc~ ' Dislfic~ st O~ientol Avenue, . dock ~htition within 100 fo~t of LI.' I~land; County Ps~cel #1000-9-12-8.1, Sound bluff. Lo~t dn of .Ih~perty: .fm the fo[lowing appmw~ 17975 Soundvtew Avenue, SoUthold, I) A~ul, #4~03 -- This is an NY; 1000-51-1-?, : . .. . sppUcafilm for * Specinl ~eepflo~ 7:2~ p.m. AppL ~4512 '.- under Article Ill, Socflon 100- CItURCH OF GeD'INfO'tilT, A, 311~'/), subsets (s) through (d), ~ .'-, -. Building Impemor's S~mber2,1997' '" exis~ng golf ~ and related golf for an "ns built ground s~n in its p~. ' ippllcafion based upon the July 22, ~v~ I~w brick bese. Locnflon of pm~ny: 1562~ =~.' auildin$ fospector in whic~ a permt~ ~utbuid, C.R. ~.8, Cut,ego?? C~mty Pardi th' demolish ~ ~anesm~ s golf l be held 1000=101-1-10/ r ' clubhoues and employee housing by the 7:30 p.m. JOINT PUBLIC HEAR-. were diespproved on the following ~d in an R- : lin tbe abuv~ ~ppfies~or~Each 120 Dism~ tins non~nfo~mg ~' ~] ~ ~ ~fo~ building wi~ n n~nfo~ng ~, ' ed, ~d ~Hen ~temen~ may ~ su~ '~U~ only by S~ ~ mie~ ~fo~ (~r ~ l~31B)~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ fi~ ~ av~l~le for sniped, ~nst~d ~ s~c- ~ . reHew during T~ ~11 buslne~ m~ly altor~ ~ m~ un~ ~e ~m~ p.m.).If~ have qu~flo~, ~ ~ su~ ~flding is ~ to a" ~ pl~ ~ ~imm m ~17~-1~. ~o~ing use' ~inin ~,-. Dal~:~r~l~ ~on 1~3A ' fog a~ · ; - Byo~OF~ by ~ '~or In~don · ...... '- ~ ~:' ' BO~OF~ .~lfdub ~y h~ ~:. ~.., , ~ ~ of A~ ~ a:~d'~': '' ~ ~ pl~y~l ~.:~~ : ~,' ~y H~ ~ki ~e Ton of 8outhold, County of Suffolk 8~t~ of New York, ~ad ~at the ~o~c~ of which ~e ~n~ed ~ a p~t~ co~, h~ been ~- ly ~Hshed la ~id ~empa~r once each we~k for ~ ~eks sIc~ssi~ly, ~mencl~ on Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this /'~:'~k dayof ~, 19~ NOfARY PUBLIC, SIAIE OF NEW YORK NO. 52~655242, SUFFOLK COUNff COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 31, JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS TO: FROM: RE: OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS ~' SEP 2 9IZ~;? JUDITH T. TERRY, SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERKi', ZONING APPEAL NO. 4522 DATE: SEPTEMBER 29, 1997 Transmitted is application for a special exception submltted by Patrick Brennan/ Brennan Design Works, Inc. on behalf of Patrlcia G. Rushin & Pamela G. Motley together with Disclosure Form; Zoning Board of Appeals Questionnaire; Short Environmental Assessment Form; Certificate of Occupancy; Nonconforming Premises; Affidavits; Deeds; and Survey. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk RECEIVED OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK BEP 1997 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION Southold Town Clerk TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK: Patrick Brennan on the behalf of; I (We), Patricia G. Rushin/Pamela G. Mot$~ey Application Date Filed: (Residence, House No. and Street) Brennan Design Works, Inc. 526 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10011 (51¢)734-5008 (Hamlet, State, Zip Code, Telephone Number) hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE, ARTICLE ITl[ , SECTION lO0-~l , SUBSECTION B (1) for the below-described property for the following uses and purposes (and as shown on the attached plan drawn to scale): To be used as a Two-Family Dwelling for the purpose of accommodating both Patricia G. Rushin and Pamela G. Mottley, who are the owners of the property as tenants in common and sisters. See attached drawings. A. Statement of Ownership and Interest. Patricia G. Rushin and Pamela G. Mottley -~(are) the owner(s) of property known and referred t~as 6~50 Indian Neck Lane (House No., Street, Hamlet) Peconic, NY 11958 identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 86 , Block 7 , Lot(s) 5 , which is not ~+~ on a subdivision Map (Filed , "Map of "Filed Map No. , and has been approved by the Southold Town Planning Board on as a [Minor] [Major] Subdivision). In part: 1962 The above-described property was acquired by the owner on In entire%y: 1997 B. The applicant alleges that the approval of this exception would be in harmony with the intent and purpose of said zoning ordinance and that the proposed use conforms to the standards prescribed therefor in said ordinance and would not be detrimental to property or ~ersons in the neighborhood for the following reasons: Because the family intends to continue to use the property in the same capacity, as a summer home, that it always has since their grandfather purchased the property in 1941 and because the lots are relatively large and mostly wooded, the approval will not; - ~ave a detrimental impact on the neighbors. - adversly impact the environment. C.- ~pet~ w°~yt~a~st~e°~fub~~Cet ~i~°~cl~ati°n is zoned R-80 [X] is consis%¢nt with the use(s) described in the Certificate of Occupancy being furnished herewith. L ] is not consistent with the Certificate of Occupancy being furnished herewith for the following reason(s): [ ] is vac ant land. i~tr~~2~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORKi ss.: ick Brennan Brennan D~si~n Works, Inc. ~ , -[Signature) Sworn to b~re me thief-~ day of~'/)~.~ , 19~"~. ar Pu ~~'~'/~/~'~ ~ y ~i"i/~ ) U JOYCE M. WILKIN$ ~ Notaw Publ~, ~ate of New ZB2 (rev. ~/6/~6) No-4952246, Suffolk Coun~ ~rmExpiresJunel~ and AFFIDAVIT To whom it may concern: Patficia G. Rushin of 32 Black Banks Ddve. St. Simons Island. GA 31522 hereby authorize (Owner) (Address) Patrick Brennan. PrlnciDal of Brennan Design Works. Inc. (Architect/Owner's Agent) following; to act on my behalf in front of the Building Department, Planning Department and Zoning Board of Appeals in the Town of Southold, NY Southold Town Trustees Suffolk County Health Department NYS Depadment of Environmental Conservation in connection with my property located at; 6850 Indian Neck Lane. Peconic. NY 11958 (Address) and described as; SCTM: 1000-86-7-5 Sworn to before me this / ~f> day of · 'NOT, -PU,B, LI[3' ' No 40,; ~',216 Commis$iol, Expires M~r, 6, 19_Z~ AFFIDAVIT To whom it may concern: Pamela G. Mottley of 120 East 89th Street. apt #2C. New York. NY 10128 hereby authorize (Owner) (Address) Patdck Brennan. PrinciDal of Brennan Design Works. Inc. (Architect/Owner's Agent) following; to act on my behalf in front of the Building Department, Planning Department and Zoning Board of Appeals in the Town of Southold, NY Southold Town Trustees Suffolk County Health Department NYS Department of Environmental Conservation in connection with my property located at; 6850 Indian Neck Lane. Peconic. NY 11958 (Address) and described as; SCTM: 1000-86-7-5 Sworn to before me this / ¢ .day of --~/J~','~,'~¢~'~, 1997 N~ PUBLIC OWNER TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD OFFICE OF I]UII.,DING INSPECT(JR TOWN IIALL SOUTIIOLD, NEW YORK CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NONCONFORMING PREMISES TItIS IS TO CERTIFY that the /X_--/ Land Pre C.O. #- Z14212 /X/ Building(s) Date- Feb. 6,1986 /_-/ Use(s) located at 6850 Indian Neck Road Peconic Street Ha~nlet sho~vn on County tax map as District 1000, Section 086 , Block 07 Lot 005 , does~not)conform to the present Building Zone Code of the Town of Southold for the following reasons: Non-conforming guest cottage. Non-conforming accessory build- (3-buildings.) Non-conforming guest cottage in front yard. On the basis of information presented to the Building Inspector's Office, it has been determined that the above nonconforming /_~/Land /X_--/Building(s) /-/Use(s) ekisted on the effective date the present Building Zone Code of the Town of Southold, and may be continued pursuant to and subject to the appli- cable provisions of said Code.' IT IS FURTHER CERTIFIED that, based upon informalion presented to the Building Inspector's Office,- the occupancy and use for which this Certifi- cate is issued is as follo~vs: Property contains a one story, one family wood framed dwelling; a guest cottage; an accessory building contain- inq a work shop, two car garage & a carport. Property also contains a wood framed shed; a bath house;.and an accessory metal shell build- ing. All in an A-Residential-Agricultural Zone with access to Indian neck Road. The Certificate is issued to of the aforesaid building. GUINAN~ ~ATRICIA (owner, Suffolk County Department of Health Approval N/R UNDERVq~I'rE£{S CERTIFICATE NO. N/R NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that the owner of the above premises IL/kS NOT CONSENTED TO AN INSPECTION of the premises by the Building Inspec- tor to determine if the premises comply with all applicable codes and ordin- ances, other than the Building Zone Code, and therefore, no such inspection has been conducted. This Certificate, therefore, does not, and is not intended to certify that the premises comply with all other applicable codes and regula- tions. Buiid in~..,nspector that the preparer w£11 use currently &va£1able /nfo~at~on conce~ ~e ad~onal s~es, rese~ or O~er ~ves~qa~ons will be ~der~. (b) Z~ ~y ~s21on hs been angered Yes ~e projec~ ~y be s~q- (c) Z~ ~i ~es~ons ~ve be~ ~swered No ~b ts Z~eZy ~2 ~e pgojec~ ~s no~ (d) ~n~nta~ ~sessmen? 1. ~ill proJec~ resul~ in a la~qe physical chanqe ko ~e project site or physicalZ~ alber mo~e ~es ~ ~s~q bod~ o~ wa~ Yes ~ ~o on adjac~ ~Yes 6. W~11 pro~ec2 af~ec~ any ~ea~ened o~ end~qered P~ or ~Z Spec2es? . Yes ~o 7, WtIZ p~ec~ gesu~ ~n a ~jor adverse eE[ecc on 8. ~ill p~oj~ ~ a ~o~ e~ec~ on visual ~ ~ be t~rt~t bo ~e c~ity? ~es 9. ~ill pro~ect adversely ~pacC ~y s~te or struct- ~e oi historic, pre-historic, or paleoncoloq~cd[ env~c~ a~ea by a lo~i ag~? . ~es 10. ~ill p~ec~ have a ~jor eEEec2 on e~sting or furze gecreati~al op~rt~i~es? ~es ii. ~ii p~ject resulC ~ u~or traffic prob~s or ' sysco? * ~es ~2. u~l p~ec~ r~u~a:ly ca~e objectionable odors, ~ce as a cesu~ o~ ~e pro~ec~'s operation? ~es ~o ~3. ~ pro~ec~ have ~ ~ac~ on P~c health or sa~e~y? ~es d~rec~y cGus~nq 4 q~ov~ ~ Pe~en~ per~ or ~ve a ~Jor fl~a~ve e~ec~ on ~e cha~3ct~ o~ ~e c~ufl~C~ or neAq~rhood? project? pul~l~c controversy coflcerninq ~he , Brennan Design Works, Inc. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Please disclose the names of. the owner(s) and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the subject premises and a description of their interests: (Separate sheet may be attached.) -- ~aSr~cia G, Rushin Tenant in Common Pamela G. Mottle¥ Tenant ~n Common B. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale or being shown to prospective buyers? { } Yes { X } No.' (If Yes, please attach copy of "conditions" of sale.) C. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? { } Yes {X] No De 1. Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses? No 2. Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? Yest Peconic Bay 3. Is the property bulkheaded between the wetlands area s-~ the upland building area? Yes 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? Yes E. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the azea of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? No/N.A. (If not applicable, state "N.A.") F. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences which exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? None If none exist, please state "none." G. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? No If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state. H. Do you or'any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? No If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel Single-Family Dwelling and pr~De~ed .~se TWO-~ aml±y Dwelllng Brennan Design ~orks, Inc. /%/~/~,.. 2~_ ?_~- Wt4 F SOUTo Y REC --C:ARD----' 'OWNER FORMER OWNER VILLAGE ,ES. S~,S. Z~'~ v,. FARM LAND ' -IMP. TOTAL DATE COM~. LIND. tCB. AGE NEW NORMAL Farm Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable, 3 Woodland Swampland Brushland House Plot T,.ctal. BUILDING CONDITION B~OW Value:Per Acre ABOVE Value FAo'~nt u COLOR TRIM .,/ M. Bldg, Extension Extension Extension Porch Porch Breezeway Garage Patio Foun~lation Basement Ext. Walls Fire Place Type Roof Bath Floors Interior Finish Heat Rooms Ist Floor Recreation Room Rooms 2nd Floor O.B. Dormer Driveway Total 21h3' J Dinette BR. FIN. B FOR OFFICIAL USE BY STAFF A~ND MEMBERS AS UPDATES TO FILE Ref: / /97 / /97 /97 /97 /97 /97 /97 /97 /97 /97 /97 /97 / /97 / /97 / /97 / /97 / /97 / /97 / /97 / 197 / /97 /97 Print Key Output Page 1 5763SS1 V3R2M0 960517 SOUTHOLD 10/01/97 14:24:11 Display Device : DSP15 User ...... : LINDAK 473889 SOUTHOLD 86.-7-5 6850 INDIAN NECK LA = OWNER & MAILING INFO === GUINAN PATRICIA D & ORS BOX 251 INDIAN NECK LANE PECONIC NY 11958 NYSRPS ASSESSMENT INQUIRY SCHOOL SOUTHOLD SCHOOL PRCLS 260 SEASONAL RES =MISC RS-SS 1 BANK DATE : 10/01/97 ROLL SEC TAXABLE TOTAL RES SITE TOTAL COM SITE ACCT NO 10 .............. ASSESSMENT DATA ........... **CURRENT** RES PERCENT LAND 6,300 **TAXABLE** TOTAL 13,300 COUNTY 13,300 **PRIOR** TOWN 13,300 LAND 6,300 SCHOOL 13,300 TOTAL 13,300 INFORMATION .................................. 1 SALE DATE 11/25/92 SALE PRICE PR OWNER GUINAN PATRICIA D ............. I== TOTAL SPECIAL DISTRICTS PCT TYPE ==DIMENSIONS ===1 ....... SALES ACRES 3.25 IBOOK 11592 IPAGE 586 ....... TOTAL EXEMPTIONS 0 CODE AMOUNT PCT INIT TERM VLG HC OWN CODE Fi=NEXT PARCEL 75.10- 03-016 UNITS IFD028 IWW020 ISWOll F3=NEXT EXEMPT/SPEC F6=GO TO INVENTORY F9=GO TO XREF VALUE F4=PREV EXEMPT/SPEC F10=GO TO MENU APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FO[~M The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Patrick Brennan, Brennan Design Works~ on the Behalf Patricia G. Rushin and Pamela G. Mottley (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applyinG in the name of someone else or ott~er entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) of; NATURE OF APPLICATION~ (Ct~ecl¢ all that apply.) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat Other (If "Other," name or official map the activity.) Special Exception Do you personally (or through your company, spouee, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationebip with any officer or employee oE the Town of Southold7 'Relationebip' includes by blood, marriage, or business ieterest. interest' means a business, including a partnership, which the town oEEicer or employee has even a partia! ownership of (or employment by) a corporation ~n which the town officer or employee owns more titan 5% of the sbareeo YES NO X If you answered 'YES," complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (bite applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply), __A) the owner Of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applic~ut (when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation)t C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant~ or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submit ted __t~~d~gl Signature -Patrick B~enn an Print name Bw~s~ Des~E~ Works. Inc BOARD OF APPEALS:TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application o Patricia G. ~ushin Pamela G. Mottley (Name of Appli~--nts) AFFIDAVIT OF M~AIT,rNG AND POS~ COLrNTY OF SLrFFOLK) STATE OF N~ YORK) Patrick Brennan Brennan I,Brennan Design , res~d~n~ at 526 West Works, Inc..New ~r~.., New York, bein~ du~y sworn, depose anct ea¥ P 149 522 219 US Postal Sen/ice Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Certified ~ 8~h~~Ret 'ng to )ate, & ~ TOTAL Postage & Fees 1) On the 15 day of October , 199~, I person.ily mailed, by certified mail, return receipt r~quested, a true copy of the attached Leg~/ Notice, addressed to each of the follomdng n-med persons at the addresses set opposite their respective nmmes, *bmr the addresses listed below are those shown on the current assess- ment roils of the Town of Southo[d; that said Notices were ~dled at the United States Post Office to each of s~d persons by certi~ed mail, return receipt requested: Lot Name of Surrotmd~nK Property Owner Nf.,qln,~. Address 4.1 Varono, Kathleen ~ Ors. lOP4-7qth .q±w~t: R~nnWqy~. WV 11228 4.2 V~ono~ Kathleen & Ors, 1O~4-7qth Stre~t: Rrnnkqyn; WY 11P28 4.3 V~ono~ Kathleen & Ors, 1024-79th Street..~ooklyn: NY 11228 6 Cukor. R. ~n~,, ~Q~x M~ ..... ~ ~= ~ ~-2436 ~ SENDER: i~shto~i~me ~; NY I 1797 F~¢~,,,~2~,~'. 3e NJ 07620 ~::~etum R~ R~' ~ ~ ~1~ ~w.me an~e nu~. 2. D R~fl~ Delive~ ~ 3. Article Addressed to: 5. I~ve~d I~¥: (Print Na~) 6. Si~a~: (A~ or A~nt) ~ -- pS Fo~ ~811~De~mber 1~ ' ~om~y 2ubQc 4b. Service Type "~ , [] Registered [~l[--C, ertlfled~m~ offic!~ poster n ExpressMail [] Insured c'~n~-e ~ the street O RetumReceiptforM~'~x~se tlC OD =[ed to be sUrs i's p~or ~o the 8. Addressee's'Ad,.J~e~ (Onl~ if requested 102595-97-B~J179 DomeStic Return Receipt - ~'~ No. 4951364 Qualified in Su~o k County Linda Kowalski Board of Appeals: Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 (516) 765-1800 Brennan Design Works, Inc. Architects ocr 2 3 g97 22 October, 1997 RE: Patricia G. Rushin and Pamela G. Mottley SCTM: 86-7-5 Dear Ms. Kowalski, I would like to add the enclosed supplemental material to Application # 4522 - Special Exception and Application # 4523 - Variances. The additional material includes the following; Return Receipts Cards - As received to date. Board of Town Trustees - Determination of non jurisdiction. NYS Department of Environmental Conservation - Determination of non jurisdiction. I will submit the outstanding Return Receipts Cards when I receive them. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, i SENDER: "~ar~ to~u.~ame an~ addrees on the rever, e of Ulis fora1 .o that .,~ can ret~ ~a 6. Signa~re: (Addre~ or/~gent) PS Form 3811, D~.~mb.r 1994 I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. [] Addressee's Address 2. [] Restricted Delivery Consult Pr.~,.,~ier for fee. 4a~.Aaiae h ,rmer ~- 4b. Service* ~pe _E rl~pr~M~ '~. [] Insured { LAd~m.s~e.'s~Jar~s(Oplyff]equesred ;:. 212.807.1909 bdwinc@aol.com NOV - ? 1997 ........ ff / Brennan Design Works, Inc. Architects Linda Kowalski Board of Appeals: Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 (516) 765-1800 3 November, 1997 RE: Patricia G. Rushin and Pamela G. Mottley SCTM: 86-7-5 Dear Ms. Kowalski, On the behalf of Patricia G. Rushin and Pamela G. Mottley, I would like to postpone the Board of Appeals hearing scheduled for November 13, 1997, in connection with application numbers 4522 and 4523. Additionally, I would like to add the enclosed Return Receipt Card to the file. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Patrick Brennan, AIA Principal BRENNAN DESIGN WORKS, INC. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE · Print and ZiP C0de./n,4hL~box., I"'llll',,ll,,,,,,ll.,ll.,ll,,Jtll,.i,,i,,,i,hll. 12.807.1909 bdwinc@aol.com THIS INDENTI3RE, mdethe~~Z) dayof July ,~netee~hundredandninety~ seven BET%%1~F.N PAMELA G. MOTTLEY, whose address is 120 East 89th Street, IINew York City, New York 10128, and PATRICIA G. RUSHIN, whose address is 32 Black Banks Drive, St. Simons Island, Georgia 31522, as executors of the Estate of PATRICIA D. GUINAN, who died on the 22 day of F~bruary, 1997 and whose will was admitted to probate in the Surrogates Court of the County of Suffolk, State of New York on the 31 day of March, 1997 partyo{thefirstpart, and PAMELA G. MOTTLEY, whose address is 120 East 89th Street, New York City, New York 10128 and PATRICIA G. RUSHIN, whose address is 32 Black Banks Drive, St. Simons Island, Georgia 31522, as Tenants in Common, party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part. by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament, and in consideration of Ten { $ l0.00 ) dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the secoud part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being ind~ Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: PARCEL NO. 1: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Indian Neck Road at a cedar stake set in the northerly line of the lands of Letitia C. Richmond; running thence along the easterly line of the remaining lands of said Letitia C. Richmond, and through several stakes placed on the boundary line between premises herein described and those of said Letitia C. Richmond, Ilsouth thirty-five (35) degrees, no (00) minutes forty (40) seconds east eleven hundred and twenty-six and 51/100 (1126.51) feet to the high water mark of Peconic Bay; again commencing at the place of beginning and running thence north seventy-eight (78) degrees seven (7) minutes fifty (50) seconds easterly along the southerly side of said Indian Neck Road ninety-two and 55/100 (92.55) feet to the northwesterly corner of the land of Prellwitz; running thence along the westerly line of the land of Prellwitz south thirty-four (34) degrees fifty-six (56) minutes twenty (20) seconds east five hundred and thirty-one and 08/100 (531.08) feet; thence still along the westerly line of the land of said Prellwitz south thirty-five (35) degrees no (00) minutes forty (40) seconds east five hundred and forty-nine and 30/100 (549.30) feet to the high water mark of Peconic Bay in a westerly direction eighty-five (85) feet, more or les~, until the same crosses the easterly line of the lands of said Letitia C. Richmond at the end of the first course hereinbefore set forth. V Na. ~ OBeginning at a monument Lhe southerly side of Indian Neck Road distant easterly twenty -six and 50/100 (26.50) feet from a highway monument situated on said southerly side of Indian Neck Road, which point is also distant fifty-three and 99/100 (53.99) feet westerly from a cedar stake set at the northwest corner of other land of Charles W.P. Smith, measured along the southerly side of said Indian Neck Road; and running thence along the easterly line of other lands of Letitia C. Richmond south thirty-five (35) degrees no (00) minutes forty (40) seconds east eleven hundred and fifty-three and 45/100 (1153.45) feet to ordinary high water mark of Peconic Bay; again commencing at the point of beginning at said monument on the southerly side of Indian Neck Road and running thence along the southerly side of Indian Neck Road north seventy-eight (78) degrees seven (7) minutes fifty (50) seconds east fifty -three and 99/100 (53.99) feet to a cedar stake at the northwest corner of land described as Parcel No. 1 herein, hereby conveyed to Charles W.P. Smith formerly belonging to Letitia C. Richmond; thence along said land described as Parcel No. 1 herein south thity-five (35) degrees no (00) minutes forty (40) seconds east eleven hundred and twenty- six and 51/100 (1126.51) feet to ordinary high water mark of Peconic Bay and thence in a westerly direction along said high water mark of Peconic Bay fifty (50) feet more or less, until this course crosses the easterly line of the land of said Letitia C. Richmond at the end of the first course hereinbefore set forth. Containing one and 300/10,000 (1.300) acres, according to a survey made by Wallace B. Halsey, 11 September, 1913. Being the same premises conveyed by Robert P. Davidson to his late wife, Helene M. Davidson, by deed dated February 18, 1946, recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's~Office in Liber 2638, cp. 459, and bequeathed by her to her said husband, Robert P. Davidson, by Will dated February 9, 1947 and duly admitted to probate by decree of the Surrogates Court of New York County on November 15, 1951 (Index No. P 3058/1951), and in turn conveyed by the said Robert P. Davidson to Belene D. Richards and Patricia D. Guinan by deed dated August 4, 1952, recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 3437 cp. 218. Being the same premises conveyed by Helene D. Richards to Patricia D. Guinan and her daughters, Pamela A. and Patricia H. Guinan by deed dated 17 January 1962, recorded in Liber 5137 cp. 171 on May 12, 1962. Being the same premises conveyed by Patricia D. Guinan to her daughters, Pamela G. Mottley and Patricia G. Rushin by deed dated 29 December 1988, recorded in Liber 10858 cp. 384 on May 19, 1989. Being the same premises conveyed by Patricia D. Guinan to her daughters, Pamela G. Mottley and Patricia G. Rushin by deed dated 5 January, 1989, recorded in Liber 10859 cp. 389 on May 19, 1989. Being the same premises conveyed by Patricia D. Guinan to her daughters, Pamela G. Mottley and Patricia G. Rushin by deed dated 19 November 1990, recorded in Liber 11201 cp. 305 on January 8, 1991. Being the same premises conveyed by Patricia D. Guinan to her daughters, Pamela G. Mottley and .Patricia G. Rushin by deed dated July 11, 1991, recorded in Liber 11331, page 434 on September 11, 1991. TOGETHER with all her right, title and interest in and to Indian Neck Roadadjoining said premises on the north to the center line thereof, and in and to the waters and lands under water of Peconic Bay adjoining said premises on the southerly side. TOGETHER with all fight, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has power to convey or dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise, TO HAVE ANI~ TO HOLD the premises herein granted uuto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right tO receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. ESTATE OF PATRICIA D. GUINAN EXECUTOR ~ 'J~t'ATi~,I:~ NEW YOLK, COUNTY OF · 'Onthe ,~/'~ da¥oi ~uly ~r~nally ~me Pamela G. SUFFOLK SS: 1997 , before me Mottley to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foreggLng instrament~4nd.~'~owledged .O7 Eq~r# Noveml~' 30. 1~,.~ STATE OF NEW YOLK, COUNTY OF SS: On the . day of. 19 , before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that be is the ; of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so afl~xed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. STATI OF NEW TO~kCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the d~Jl~of July 1997 , before me personally came Patricia G. Rushin to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the ~,~e. STATI OF NEW YOLK. COUNTY OF SS: On the day of 19 , before mc personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who. beingby me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he knows ' to be thc individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. · xt£ut0t' TITLE NO. ESTATE OF PATRICIA D. GUINAN TO PAMELA G. MOTTLEY and PATRICIA G. RUSHIN HILl Distributed by Fidelity National Title District 1000 secrlON 086.00 re.ocs 07.00 LOX 005.000 COUNTY OR FOWN Town of Southold County of Suffolk RETURN BY IvlAll. TO: Joseph J. Cella, Esq. P.O. Box 868 Southold, New York z~N&1971 SURVEY OF PROPERTY A T PECONIC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N Y. I000 - 86 - 07 - 05 Sca/e; I"= 50' Aug. 28, 1997 AREA = 149,054 sqft. or 3. 4218 ac. (to tie line ) N. 23° / 46' 50' W. N/O/F R/CHARD M, 0t~, ~ ~ ~ ~-~-~ ~,~.~r 53/.o8'. ~ s. ~' ~' ~',~. ~ "' /, ~ ~- 1142.12' / N/O/F KA THLEEN VARANO & 0 THERS '.S. LIC. NO. 49618 P.O. 1230 TRAVELER STREET SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 97-285