HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-08/08/2012ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
PO Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Fax (631) 765-6145
Telephone: (631) 765 - 1800
southoldtown.northfork, net
August 8, 2012
1:30 PM
A Annual Fishers Island Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held Wednesday, August 8,
2012 at the Fishers Island, 53095 Main Road, Fishers Island, Ny. Supervisor Russell opened the
meeting at 1:30 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
I. Call to Order
1:30 PM Meeting called to order on August 8, 2012 at Fishers Island, Fishers Island School,
Fishers Island, Ny.
Attendee Name O~g~tz~O n Title Status Arrived
William Ruland ~ Town of Southold Councilman Present
Chfi~0Pher Talbot i Town ~fS0uth0id Councilman Present
Jil! D0herty Town 0f 50uth0!d Councilwoman Present
Albert Krupski Jr. T0~YE P~PPth0!d C°uncilman Present
Louisa P. Evans Town of Southold Justice Present
Scott Russell Town of Southold SuPervisor Present
Elizabeth Al ~eviii~ T0W~ 0~0t~th01d Town Clerk Present
Martin D. Finnegan Town of Southold Town Attorney Present
II. Pledee to the Fla~
Supervisor Russell
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Please rise and join in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Thank
you. okay, before we get the business of the meeting underway, there are a few things I just
want to take care of. First of all, I have to offer a great deal of thanks to these following people.
I want to certainly thank the Fishers Island school for being a gracious host, I want to thank the
Fishers Island Ferry District for providing the transportation today. I certainly want to thank the
Fishers Island residents, you are always a wonderful host to us when we come over. I want to
August 8, 2012
Southold Town Board Board Meeting Minutes
thank Louisa Evans, I want to thank all of the officials that came today and made the trip. I
certainly want to thank the Town Board. In particular, I want to thank individuals that worked
very hard to make this day possible. John Jerome, Tim Abrams, Carol Hydell, Nancy Foote,
Melanie Doroski, Michelle Tomaszewski, Lauren Standish, Sandi Berliner, (inaudible) who did
the microphones and certainly the Fishers Island highway crew. What I would like to do now is
announce the people that are here, from the Town Board we have myself, Albert Krupski Town
Councilman, Christopher Talbot Town Councilman, William Ruland Councilman, Jill Doherty
Councilwoman, Louisa Evans our Justice, Martin Finnegan Town Attorney, Town Clerk
Elizabeth Neville, from public officials and agencies we have representing Governor Cuomo's
office is Scott Martella, Senator LaValle's office is being represented by Laurie Griffith's,
Legislator Ed Romaine is represented by Bill Faulk, Comell Cooperative Extension is Chris
Pickerell and Kim Peterson, the DEC is represented by Timothy Huss and Paul Harding.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: The East End bureau of the District Attorney's office is being
represented by William Nash, Emergency Management Office is represented by David Zatlin,
Charles Wright, Rebecca Wilburn and Ed Schneyer, Fire department agencies is Jim Lessard,
Phil Bums, Edward Boyd, Tom Martin, FEMA is Brian Hassemann, Hawkins, Delafield and
Wood: Gerard Femandez, Robert Smith, William Jackson, Made Liotta, Long Island
Conservation Coordinator Kerry Dikun, New York State Archives Lorraine Hill, New York State
Code Divisions we don't have anyone here for that, New York State Department of Ag and
Markets Michael Nocerino and Department of Health Anna Stamm.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Municipal Compensation Alliance Susan Boyle; New York State
Police Paul Slevinski; from Plum Island Larry Archer, Robert Dart and Kevin Reilly; from the
media Stacey Altherr, Randee Daddona, Gianna Volpe, Erin Schultz, Robert Cleveland; from
Suffolk County Health David Mullen, Josha Mednick, Janet Gremli; from Suffblk County Office
of the Aging Holly Rhodes Teague; from the Suffolk County District Attorney's office Dennis
Cohen; from Suffolk County Consumer Affairs Robert Flyrm and Henry Rotermund; from
Suffblk County Department of Economic Development Caroline Fahey and fi'om Suffolk County
Department of Healthcare Jason Hime.
COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: Suffolk County Fire Marshall Joseph Kueptan; Suffolk County
Water Treatment Plant William Chaloupka; inaudible; thc Town department's and committee's,
the Accounting Department John Cushman and Connie Solomon; the Assessor's office Kevin
Webster, Robert Scott; Conservation Advisory Committee Audrey Horton, John Stein and Doug
Harding; Department of Public Works Jeff Standish, Mike Eckhardt, Rusty Ackroyd, Tim
Abrams, John Jerome and Nancy Foote; Economic Development Committee John Stype;
Engineering Department Jamie Richter and Michael Collins.
JUSTICE EVANS: From the Highway Department we have Peter Hams; Human Resources
Karen McLaughlin; Information Technology Lloyd Reisenberg; Land Preservation Department
Laura Klarhe and Melanie Doroski; Land Preservation Committee John Sepenoski; Planning
Department and the Board Heather Lanza, Alyxandra Sabatino and Brian Cummings, Linda
Randolph, Mark Terry and of course we have Ken Edwards here; from the Police Department
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Southold Town Board Board Meeting Minutes
Martin Flatley; Recreation Department Ken Reeves; Special Projects Philip Beltz; Supervisor's
office Sandra Berliner, Michelle Tomaszewski and Lauren Standish.
COUNCILMAN TALBOT: From the Town Clerk's office Carol Hydell; Dave Bergen and Jim
King from the Town Trustee's; Leslie Weisman, ZBA chairperson; Trustee and Shellfish
Committee John Bredemeyer.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I also want to thank, I omitted thanking Albert Krupski for
providing the corn today. Someone originally said to me the agenda looks light and easy today.
This is Fishers Island, nothing is light and easy on Fishers Island. And I am looking forward to
getting into all the issues you want to discuss. In the meantime, we just want to do some of the
housekeeping. So if someone would like to comment on any of the agenda items that are
printed, feel free to come up now. Okay, then we will get to the business of voting and then right
after that we will go to the public comment period.
III. Resolutions
Set Meeting
Town Clerk
Set Next Meeting 8/14/12 4.'30 Pm
RESOLVED that the next Regular Town Board Meeting of the Southold Town Board be held~
Tuesda, August 14~ 2012 at the Southold Town Itall Southold New York at 4:30 P. M..
Vote Reeord ~ Re-~olution RES-2012-609
[] Adopt~
~ Adopt~ as Am~ded
~ Defeated YeffAye No/Nay Abstain Absent
~ Tabl~ William Ruland ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ Withdrawn Christopher Talbot S~onder ~ ~ ~ ~
~ Sup~i~fs Appt Jill ~he~y Voter ~ ~ ~ ~
~ Tax R~eiv~'s Appt Alb~ Kmpski Jr. Vot~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ R~cind~ Louisa P. Evans Mov~ ~ D ~ ~
~ To~ Clerk's Appt Scott Russell Vot~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ Supt Hgwys Appt
~ No Action
Employment - F1FD
Resignation Dean Gilbert &;asonal Deckhand
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Southold Town Board Board Meeting Minutes
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ratifies and approves the
following resolution of the Fisher Island Ferry District adopted July 24, 2012:
WHEREAS, Dean Gilbert has voluntarily resigned from the Fishers Island Ferry District
as of 15 June 2012;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that as of June 15, 2012, Dean Gilbert is
hereby released from his position as seasonal deckhand.
,t' Vot~ R~c~ ¢ R~!UflOn ~201~-610
[] Adopted
[] Adopted as Amended
[] Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Tabled William Ruland Seconder ~ 13 Fl ~
[] Withdrawn Christophec Talbot Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Jill Doherty Mover [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Albe~t Krupski Jr, Voter gl [] [] []
[] Rescinded Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Town Clerk's Appt Scott Russell Voter [] F1 F1 ~
[] Supt Hgwys Appt
[] No Action
Close/Use Town Roads
Town Clerk
Grant Permission to the New Stq'Jblk Wate(/i'ont Fund to Use the Following Town Roads for Its 5K
Run~Walk and 1K Kids Race
Financial Impact:
Total Police costs for the event $270. O0
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to The
New Suffolk Waterfront Fund to use the following town roads for its 5K Run/Walk and 1K Kids
race in New Suftblk, on August 11, 2012 beginning at 8:00 a.m, New Suftblk Road, Main Street,
Orchard Street, Ist Street, Jackson Street, and Grathwohl Avenue provided:
1. They file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Insurance
naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured;
2. Coordinate traffic control upon notification of the adoption of this resolution with
Captain Kruszeski
3. No objects of any kind shall be thrown to event spectators
4. No permanent markings be placed on town, county or state roads or property for
the event;
5. Any road markings or signs for the event be removed within twenty-four (24)
hours of the completion of the event.
Support is for this year only, as the Southold Town Board continues to evaluate the use of town
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Southold Town Board Board Meeting Minutes
roads. All fees associated with this event shall be waived.
Vote Record - Resolutiol* RE~2012-611
[] Adopted
[] Adopted as Amended
[] Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Tabled William Ruland -- Mover [] [] [] ' []
[] Withdrawn Clmstopher Talbot Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Jill Doherty Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Albert Kmpski Jr. Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Town Clerk's Appt ScoR Russell Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supt Hgwys Appt
[] No Action
Public Service
Town Clerk
Approve the Issuance of a Fireworks' Permit by the Town Clerk to the Southold Town Volunteer Firemen's
Memorial Fundraiser at Strawberry Fields
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the issuance of a
fireworks permit by the Town Clerk to the Southold Town Volunteer Firemen's Memorial
Committee for a fireworks display on Saturday~ August 25~ 2012 (r/d August 26) at
10:00PM in coniunCtion with their carnival at Strawberry Fields~ Mattituck, New York
upon the payment ora fee orS100, subject to the applicant's compliance with the requirements
of the Town's policy regarding the issuance of fireworks permits and subject to the approval of
the Town Attorney.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2012-612
[] Adopted
[] Adopted as Amended
[] Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Tabled William Ruland Vote~ [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Christopher Talbot Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Jill Dohea~y Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Aibe~ IQ~pski Jr. Move~ [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded Louisa P. Evans : Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Town CLerk's Appt Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supt Hgwys Appt
[] No Action
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Southold Town Board Board Meeting Minutes
Close/Use Town Roads
Town Clerk
Grant Permission to North Fork Beach Volleyball to Park Overflow Vehicles Along Breakwater Road, in
the Vicinity of Breakwater Park
RESOLVED the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to North Side-
Out Beach Volleyball League Inc. to park overflow vehicles along Breakwater Road, in the
vicinity of Breakwater park on: Saturday, August 25, 2012 (r/d August 26) for the end of season
Tournament; on Saturday, September 8, 2012 (r/d September 9) for a fundraiser on behalf of
Peconic Bay Medical Center, provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar
Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured and provided the
cars are displaying Mattituck Park District stickers or windshield flyers identifying participants
or spectators and they contact Captain Kruszeski of the Southold Police Department for proper
placement of the permits. Support is for this year only as the Southold Town Board continues to
evaluate town road usage.
~1 Adopted
[] Adopted as Amended
[] Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Tabled William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Christopher Talbot Seconder [] [] : [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Jill Doherty Voter : [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Albert Faupski Jr. ~ Voter [] : [] [] []
[] Rescinded Louisa P. Evans Mover : gl [] [] []
[] Town Clerk's Appt Scott Russell Voter : [] [] [] []
[] Supt Hgwys Appt
[] No Action
Land Preservation
USDA-NRCS 2012 Cooperative Agmt Grant $593, 750
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the
Town Supervisor to execute Cooperative Agreement between the United States of America
Commodity Credit Corporation and the Town of Southold for the implementation of the United
States Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS)
2012 Federal Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) awarded grant in the amount of
$593,750 (FY 2012 Funds), subject to the approval of the Town Attorney.
~ Vote Record - Resolution RES-2012-614
[] Adopted [ Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
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Southold Town Board Board Meeting Minutes
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Christopher Talbot Mover [] [] [] []
[] Tabled Jill Doher~y Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Albert Kmpski Jr. Voter [] [] [] 12
[] Supervisor's Appt Louisa P. Evans Seconder, [] [] [] ~3
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] : []
[] Rescinded
[] Town Clerk's Appt
[] Supt Hgwys Appt
[] No Action
Attend Seminar
Justice Court
Judge Price Magistrates Training
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Judge
William H. Price~ Jr. to attend the Annual Meeting of the New York Magistrates Training
and Convention in Syracuse~ New York~ on September 9-12~ 2012. All expenses for
registration, travel and lodging to be a legal charge to the 2012 Justice Court budget (meetings
and seminars).
,r' ¥ot~ R~ord - l~olution RE8-2012-615
[] Adopted
[] Adopted as Amended
[] Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Tabled William Ruland Scconde{ [] [] [] []
[3 Withdrawn Christopher Talbot Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Jill Doherty Mover [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Albert Kmpski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded Louisa P, Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Town Clerk's Appt Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supt Hgwys Appt
[] No Action
Public Service
Town Clerk
Appoint Rainer Teichert as a Temporary Marriage Qfficer
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Southold Town Board Board Meeting Minutes
RESOLVED the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Rainer Teichert as a
Temporary Marriage Officer for the Town of Southold on Saturday, August 11, 2012 only, to
[] Adopted
[] Adopted as Amended
[] Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Tabled William Ruland Mover [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Christopher Talbot Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Jill Doherty Voter [] [] [] 13
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Albert Krupski Jr. Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Town Clerk's Appt Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supt Hgwys Appt
[] No Action
Budget Modification
Budget Modification for Central Data Processing
Financial Impact:
Provide additional appropriation for an urgent modification the BAS iTax application which cost the
Town $2500.
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund
Whole Town 2012 budget as follows:
A. 1990.4.100.100 Unallocated Contingencies $800
Total $800
A.1680.4.400.555 Central Data Processing
Tax Collection Software Maintenance $800
Total $800
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2012-617
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Defeated
Christopher Talbot Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tabled ~iii D~herty Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn
Albert Krupski Jl. Mover [] [] [] El
[] Supervisor's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded
[] Town Clerk's Appt
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Southold Town Board Board Meeting Minutes
[] Supt Hgwys Appt
[] No Action
IV. Public Portion
Supervisor Scott A. Russell
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay, that completes the agenda. I would ask anybody at this time
to please feel free to come on up and discuss any issue that you would like?
Peter Burr, Seasonal Island Resident
PETER BURR: My name is Peter Burr, I am a seasonal resident. I kind of thought maybe our
community board representative would speak, maybe they are after I am done. I just kind of
thought that someone from our Island was going to speak today about some of the issues we
have here and I hope that happens. I just had one issue that I was going to tag onto what they said
but it is a minor one and maybe Peter Harris and our road crew have that all worked out. We live
on the west end of the island and I think the Town should be thanked of course, for the repaying
of the roads and the sidewalks in the middle of town, it was a great project, we really appreciate
it. but when they put the lines down, the solid and double lines, they stopped at town and the
lines from town all the way to the Fishers Island ferry district are all but obliterated and in the
summertime, it is kind of dangerous. There is a lot more parking on the roads and the traffic
sometimes picks up speed and I really think we have to get the lines back down on that road.
Now I know the summer is almost over but I would like to put it on the list.
MR. BURR: Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: We will certainly bring that to the attention of the Highway
Superintendent. Who else would like to address the Town Board?
Bill Ridgway, Seasonal Island Resident
BILL RIDGWAY: My name is Bill Ridgway, 1 am also a seasonal resident. Several years ago
we built a recreation bike path on the east end of the island but it stopped short at what is
generally referred to as the gatehouse and that is about a mile short of the center of town. I know
we have had some discussions with the road and some other planning groups as to extending the
recreation path into the center of town and I just wondered if there is any progress on that?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: We actually just went out and visited the site today. The proposal
would be to extend the bike path along what is essentially that Navy property, all the way down.
We saw the site, we looked at whether we would take that bike path and bring it across to the
other side at that intersection or to do it down where it starts again where the capped landfill is. I
then went out afterwards with the two engineers we have on staff, they are going to reach out to
the contractor who did the original work, to determine if we can get a baseline estimate for cost
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Southold Town Board Board Meeting Minutes
and then we will bring that number back to the Town Board. I have to be candid, you know we
have some grand plans, we would like to do a lot of things but we are living in an era of 2
percent tax caps which limits how much money we can allocate for the budget each year but we
are certainly looking into that and the first thing we need to do is get a baseline estimate on cost.
MR. RIDGWAY: Well, I am glad to hear that the project is alive and breathing.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I would invite anyone else to come up and address the Town Board
on any issue.
Tom O'Neil, Seaaonal Homeowner on the Island
TOM O'NEIL: My name is Tom O'Neil, I am a seasonal homeowner here on Fishers Island as
well as a community board member and one of the questions I had this morning with some of
your crew has been the idea of some housing here as well as implementation of numerous ideas
that has been realized in the hamlet study that we did a few years back and I think there is a
general frustration here on Fishers Island as to the attention we are getting from Southold and the
community tax dollars that are going to you all and what is coming back. I think that has to do
with the housing and I think it has to do with the school and numerous issues and if you could
just discuss that a bit.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yes. Housing is a crisis in every hamlet you are in in Southold
Town. Affordable housing on Long Island is becoming a misnomer. It is very difficult to create.
I have to tell you at the town level, we haven't successfully created much in the new inventory
because there is no, usually those programs are administered by federal and/or state grants. The
federal and/or state agencies have no funds now to support any of the infrastructures to create
any of those. We have taken some initiatives underway at the town level to focus on existing
housing stock by easing the restrictions on apartments. Apartments now are much easier to get
under the town code. We have also created a separate section of code that allows you to get an
apartment in a separate structure, provided that the housing be utilized either by a family member
or it be rented at affordable housing guidelines to someone on the affordable housing registry.
But you know, these things aren't going to be solved by Southold Town, they aren't going to be
solved by Fishers Island, they are going to be solved by all of these agencies working together
and right now the economic climate in Albany is no better than it is in Washington.
MR. O'NEIL: I suppose the question becomes how can we better facilitate this process and we
are in, for example, the video conferencing that we were discussing earlier today, that was an
initiative that was brought in a couple of years and it seems to me we are still flagging in a space
where the Fishers Island voice seems to be a little absent in this process and how can we make it
better? How can we flesh that out a little bit?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That is a technical issue. We have tried to establish video
conferencing on Fishers Island and I think we have done everything that we can on this end, the
problem is what appears to be the connectivity of the Fishers Island cable. We have offered to
establish video conferencing at the New London ferry headquarters, that would tap into the
Connecticut cable and we think it would be more successful there, but I realize it is also not the
most convenient location for most residents. But I think we have done a lot to bring more
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representation to the people on Fishers Island. You need to remember that just a few short years
ago under a prior administration, you lost your voice on the Zoning Board of Appeals. That was
restored by this Town Board. We have also maintained your voice on the Planning Board. I
think we are intent to include Fishers Island in every decision we make, we have, I know John
Stype is here today to talk about the economic advisory council, we certainly got some good
ideas today about bringing that advisory council and some of its members over to Fishers Island
to include them in the discussion more. I am all for that and I think as we work forward, having
your representatives on the Town Board, on the ZBA, on the Planning Board are keeping the
voice of Fishers Island very much a part of the equation of town government.
COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: Even if we haven't mastered the technology yet, for whatever
reason, you do still have a very strong voice in Louisa.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anyone else like to address the Town Board on any issue?
Nobody? I am going to put John on the spot. John Stype is actually our business liaison for the
economic advisory council and I am going to ask him to come up and explain for a minute or
two what we are trying to get done and how we can, I know he had some good ideas this
morning on how we can include Fishers Island more in that discussion. John?
John Stype, Economic Advisory Council
JOHN STYPE: John Stype, member Economic Advisory Council. We did have a good meeting
this morning and the main thing we are trying to do with the committee is to go and to open up
the lines of communication, because that is the main thing that has to get done. The Economic
Development Committee through the town has a lot of good people who are business people and
we know what it takes to go and to run a business. And we are not here to go and help you
change zoning or do anything like that, we are here to go ahead and to make sure that you have
the voice and someone that is a business person that can help stop some of the time that it takes
to get certain things done. As an example, if you do go and you want to get a permit and you
have a problem and you feel that you are not getting addressed properly, we are there to go ahead
and to get the parties together and to stop that process. Because again, time is money so that is
what we are doing. In our conversation this morning based on Fishers Island, we decided to
come back to Fishers Island and bring our committee here and that way we can speak to the ICV
and then see what happens and that you have to have that voice. So what Scott says is absolutely
true, that we are here to go and to open up those lines of communication, so that is basically what
we are trying to do.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thanks, John. This would probably be a good segue to introduce
Heather Lanza who is going to give us an update on the comprehensive master plan which is
Heather Lanza, Planning Director
HEATHER LANZA: Heather Lanza, Planning Department Director. Okay, so just to go back to
Tom, earlier in our meeting that he came to, he said what about the Fishers Island strategic plan
that you all worked on or a lot of you did and what we are doing is we are rolling that into our
comprehensive plan to make it so that the Board can actually adopt it and implement it. and so
that is why we are going through this updated comprehensive plan even though we have done a
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lot of work already on Fishers Island. But none of that work will be wasted. We have come
about half way, we are on the sixth chapter out of twelve. We have done the economic chapter,
community character chapter, the parks and recreation chapter, housing and the agriculture
chapters. All those chapters, we did, we reached out to Fishers Island and get some public input.
Maybe it wasn't during the season when you are here, so I want to let everyone know that we
have handouts for you of how you can still give input on any of these chapters that we have
already done. And it tells you how to get copies and how you can give us your input. Right now
we are working on the human services chapter, we had a meeting earlier to get input. I know a
lot of you were busy helping us out, so if you want to read it, we have copies here, paper copies
that Linda has. She can hand out to people and also there is the handout for how to get
involved. It has the list of chapters, it has our timeline and basically we are looking to finish this
up by the end of next year. The remaining chapters are land preservation, natural resources,
infrastructure, transportation and the real big one is called land use. And I would say Louisa
asked me to specifically mention this to you all, the land use chapter is something you should
definitely pay attention to because we are considering Fishers Island specific zoning and while
we haven't gotten into the details of what that would be yet, basically that would be zoning that
could be tailored to Fishers Island's unique needs and we think that is supportable. We are
looking to do that in other hamlets too. So we'll be looking at that in more detail in early 2013.
That's it. Thanks.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Yes, please.
Peter Burr
MR. BURR: I guess a lot of these meetings that you had before this meeting, a lot of these
issues are discussed and those of us that don't go to those meetings don't really know what you
know or don't know. So there were some of us that were in the blind here but I would just like
to say that as it relates to trees, I am on the tree committee of the town and we have been trying,
you have been very gracious over the years and the landscapers and so on but obviously like all
of the other issues with the economy, there are no more trees available to us at least as far as we
know. But there is a possibility and we have been asking for it the last couple of years, our town
trees, the ones that are on town property, haven't been cut in years and I mean cleaned out, all
the (inaudible) been taken down and the only time we get any sort of culling is when we get a
hurricane and we had a few that dropped on our streets, so I would just like to put that on the list,
I don't know whether the town has the ability to send someone over here over a period of time
and maybe take a look at our trees and either knock some of them down if they should be down
and to clean out those so they are healthier. So I would like to put that on the table as well.
Thank you.
Joe Henderson, Seasonal Resident
JOE HENDERSON: I am Joe Henderson and a seasonal resident. I have a house here. I wasn't
intending to stand up but nobody else seemed to be doing it, so I thought why not? To let you all
know that about a year and a half ago, two years ago we noticed that the island was just being
totally overrun with invasives, some of which were exotic invasives and others were not but they
were basically mainly vines, so I am thinking of, well, we have got kudzu, we have got Japanese
knotweed, we have got porcelain berry, we have got all sorts of things and basically they are just
growing over the trees and we are getting our grasslands punctuated and tom up. So a habitat
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committee was formed which consisted of the representatives of all the major and not so major
groups on the island because it is not (inaudible) it is not a single problem and we formed a thing
called a habitat committee. We (inaudible) we looked at wh~re could we have an immediate
impact on the grasslands of Fishers. So for the past year and a half, two years, we have been
working on this, mainly on the ferry district lands. The ferry district I think was very farsighted
and said let's see if we can't combine issues of maintenance for the lands which are (inaudible)
of the ferry district. And we have been working at the airport, we have also been working at the
parade grounds. We are about, we are a year and a half ahead of what you can see but if you go
out know you will, I think, see that the grasslands are in much better shape than they were
before. And I don't think it is my imagination, I think we have more birds and bees and
butterflies and all that stuff which is part of the point of it. we want to keep this going. The
habitat committee was an ad hoc committee, it has now been absorbed into the conservancy as a
sub committee of the conservancy but it would continue to have joint membership of all
organizations on the island. So this now gives it permanency. And I think that it is something
that individuals on the island are now pitching into, which if you go around you will see that
individual houses are now doing things to push back the gJreen tide and I guess if I had a wish, it
would be if all the invasives were colored red and then you could see what they were but now
that they are green, it looks okay. It is really not. The island is very unhealthy when it comes to
preserving its habitat and its environment. So we have about a year and a half of work in so far,
we have got another, next year when you come back that's already in, things are out there
growing that you will see next year. And I think we have got a state of permanence that we want
to keep it going, so support the ferry district, they are in on this. It is actually (inaudible) land
and I think we are winning but it is going to take pressure, continued pressure over years to
come. Louisa, you might want to say something.
JUSTICE EVANS: I just said to Joe today how wonderful it looked, you can see that it seems
to be working. Joe, I did share your plan with the Town Board, they all got a copy of it. So they
are aware of what you are doing, it's wonderful.
COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: We were out here two days ago and we noticed some work being
done. And it is, you can really notice definite improvements on the parade grounds. It really
looks nice.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anyone else like to address the Town Board?
UNIDENTIFIED: We have been discussing here on the island for the last couple of years a
population dwindling on the island, the year round population. And we have done a fair amount
of work looking into this matter and I just am curious as to hearing your all's assessment of what
is going on over here and what is being done about this, please?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I will tell you, the challenge that Fishers Island faces in terms of its
year round critical population, its critical mass. It's a challenge that is being faced by all the
other hamlets in Southold Town. Every school district you talk to, the census is down. What
one of the problems is, it's not just aftbrdable housing, it's meaningful employment. That is
precisely why we created the economic advisory council, to identify industries that we can attract
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August 8, 2012
Southold Town Board Board Meeting Minutes
or that may be already existing that we can help expand and employ local people and provide
career employment to these people. That's a challenge that Fishers Island has, it is a challenge
that Southold Town has, it is a challenge that every town, hamlet, village and city on Long Island
has. Is maintaining that critical mass. People are moving out of state, they are moving to more
affordable pastures else where. And we are trying to reverse that trend as best we can.
Peter Harris, Supt, of Highways
Hams, Superintendent of Highways. The issue that was brought up about the trimming of trees
on Fishers Island, as all of you people are residents here and I don't know if you know or not but
you have a resident on the island by the name of Rich Greevy, he is my deputy highway
superintendent over here on Fishers Island. So I would suggest if you have any particular
requests, contact Rich Greevy, it will get forwarded to me at my office in Peconic. We have
used Race Rock, the company over here on the island whenever we have had tree work done.
We utilized them but the fact that if you are looking (tape ends here)
Motion To: Adjourn Town Board Meeting
RESOLVED that this meeting of the Southold Town Board be and hereby is declared adjourned
at 2:12 P.M.
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman
SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice
AYES: Ruland, Talbot, Doherty, Krupski Jr., Evans, Russell
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