HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy - NYSERDANEW YORK STATE CLIMATE SMART COMMUNITIES Assistance from NYSERDA's Long Island Climate Smart Community Coordinator Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory · Provide GHG inventory data from NYIT based on protocols recently adopted by State working group Work with community to analyze GHG emissions and identify opportunities for reductions · Provide template for future inventory use and emissions tracking Municipal Facilities and Operations · Provide basic building audits not provided by area utilities and review audits/proposals by others Review utility billing; recommend retro commissioning where appropriate · Evaluate mechanical and large energy-consuming equipment such as street lighting Review plans for fleet replacement with focus on electric and alternative fuel vehicles Community Initiatives · Provide sample initiatives for waste reduction, energy efficiency, and public outreach efforts · Assist with the development of new initiatives and community outreach events · Provide model codes to incentivize energy efficiency, efficient land use and transportation Climate Adaptation and Mitigation · Provide storm surge and flood mapping assistance to help identify vulnerable infrastructure · Provide adaptation and mitigation strategies and sample plans Climate Action Plan · Provide template for Climate Action Plan and model plans · Help establish GHG reduction target and methods to achieve target Anchor Projects · Assist with identification of innovative and visionary projects · Provide information on funding anticipated in 2013 through Cleaner Greener Communities program New York State Climate Smart Camm unities is a program al the state departments o/ Environmental Conservation, State, and Transportation; Energy Research and Development Authority; and Public Service Commission. New York State Public Service The New York State Climate Smart Communities Pledge 1. Pledge to Combat Climate Change by Becoming a Climate Smart Community Set goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG} emissions and adapt to predicted climatic changes. Establish a task force. Designate a point persom Join a national climate campaign such as ICLB (International Council for Local Environmental mitiatives)-Loca~ Governments for Sustainability (http://www.icleiusa.org/). 2. Set Goals, Inventory Emissions, Move to Action Gather data about local GHG emission sources. Inventory emissions, establish baselines. Develop quantifiable interim GHG emission targets. Propose emission-reduction schedule and financing strategy. Develop a local action plan for reducing emissions. 3. Decrease Energy Demand for Local Government Operations Adopt a goal of reducing electricity use by 15 percent from projected levels no later than 2015. Include new and existing public facilities, community infrastructure, vehicle fleet and commuting. Improve waste management in government operations. Encourage Renewable Energy for Local Government Operations Set a goat to maximize the use of public energy generated from renewable sources (e.g., solar, wind, small hydro). Realize Benefits of Recycling and Other Climate Smart Solid Waste Management Practices Promote reuse; ensure access to comprehensive recycling. Adopt a green purchasing program. 6. Promote Climate Protection through Community Land-use Tools Keep development Iow in carbon intensity and resilient to climatic change. Update land-use policies, building codes and community plans in ways that reduce sprawl, minimize development in floodplains and protect forests. 7. Plan for Adaptation to Unavoidable Climate Change Identify risks to government facilities and functions (e.g., water supply, sewers), and factor into long-term investments and decision- making. Develop a climate adaptation plan, giving priority to the most vulnerable areas. 8. Support a Green Innovation Economy Incorporate climate protection and sustainabili~ into economic development plans. Encourage workforce training and public education for energy efficiency and renewable energy. 9. Inform and Inspire the Public Lead by example. Publicize local government commitment to reducing energy use, saving tax dollars and adapting to changing conditions. Encourage citizens to follow suit. 10. Commit to an Evolving Process Be willing to consider new ideas and adapt existing approaches. Compare successes, and work cooperatively with neighboring communities. New York State Climate Smart Communities is a program of the state departments of Environmental Conservation, State, and Transportation; Energy Research and Development Authority; and Public Service Commission. New York State Public Service NEW YORK COMMUNITIES: GET CLIMATE SMART I Why is the Climate Smart Communities Pled§e important? · Communities control or strongly influence key emission-reduction and climate-adaptation factors such as building and fleet efficiency and land-use planning. · Any New York city, town, village or county can take a stand on protecting the climate. · An emissions inventory and local climate-action planning define the best strategies for each community. · Local efficiency and renewables projects often return their cost in long-term savings of taxpayer dollars. · Making everyone part of the effort boosts energy and emission savings. · The voluntary Climate Smart Community Pledge emphasizes important areas of local climate action, while enabling each community to choose the activities that suit it best. I Can a community get help fulfilling the Pled§e? · Assistance and guidance are available for community emission inventories, climate planning and energy- saving projects, http://www, dec. ny. gov/energy/$O845, html · Climate Smart CommuniW Coordinators provide technical support and guidance for greenhouse gas inventories and projects to reduce emissions and adapt to effects of climate change. · The Climate Smart Communities listserv and webinar series notify municipalities of funding and educational opportunities. · NYSERDA's Energy Smart community Coordinators can help communities identify funding and technical support for emissions inventories, planning and energy-saving projects, http://www, nyserdo, ny. gov can my community be climate smart? · Adopt the model Climate Smart Communities Pledge (some communities add their own legislative findings or pledge elements). · Inform DECthat your community has adopted the pledge by mailing a certified copy of the resolution to the Office of Climate Change, NYS DEC, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY. 12233-1030. NEW YORK STATE CLIMATE SMART COMMUNITIES Plan for Climate Change - Infrastructure Adaptation and Mitigation Critical Infrastructure Wastewater treatment plants, pump stations collection systems · Drinking water wells and pumping stations · Electrical generating stations and substations, transmission systems; fuel depots · Phone, cable, Internet equipment · Emergency access roadways, bridges, dams · Shore protection systems Critical Facilities · Fire, police, ambulance stations · Municipal offices, public works yards · Hospitals and nursing homes Other Vulnerabilities · Street trees · Street lighting · Historic, cultural landmarks Issues - Flood and wind damage from more intense and frequent storms, sea level rise, storm surge. Challenges - Aging infrastructure has not been upgraded, may be inadequate, and is more prone to failure. Infrastructure may be in vulnerable locations and elevations. NYSERDA-Funded Assistance - Storm surge and flood mapping is available to help you identify vulnerable infrastructure. Guidance is available for adaptation and mitigation planning strategies such as · Relocation or elevation of facilities where feasible · Emphasis on redundancy, backup power, and communication systems · Smaller scale, more locally-based · Computer integration to monitor health of systems · Technology to overcome poor location and system deficiencies · Berms, seawalls, watertight enclosures, sealed subsurface protection · Elevation of building mechanical and electrical systems · Elevation or relocation of pump stations, generators, fuel tanks · Protection, armoring, or replacement of vulnerable sewer, power, and water lines New York State Climate Smart Communities is a program o.f the state departments of Environmental Conservation, State, and Transportation; Energy Research and Development Authority; and Public Service Commission. New York State Public Service NEW YORK STATE CLIMATE SMART COMMUNITIES Decrease Energy Consumption by Local Government Operations NYSERDA-FUNDED GUIDANCE AND ASSISTANCE Energy Audit - Basic building audits, not available from area utilities, can be provided for priority buildings to assess current energy consuming systems and propose energy saving options. Energy Audit Report / Project Proposal Review - Completed audit reports or project proposals from a utility, an ESCO, or other contractor can be reviewed and evaluated. Utility Rate Review - Utility energy billing can be reviewed with a focus on savings. Suggestions on record keeping for benchmarking can also be provided. Retro Commissioning - A 'retro-commissioning plan' can ensure that buildings operate as efficiently as possible under their current use and occupancy conditions. A 'Testing, Adjusting & Balancing' approach can sometimes yield enhanced occupant comfort (and productivity) with less energy usage. Recommendations for either can be made and plans by others evaluated. Equipment Evaluation - Mechanical equipment and large energy consuming systems such as street lighting can be evaluated and alternatives proposed. Fleet Evaluations - Guidance is available for the selection of ener§y-efficient vehicles including CNG, hybrid, and electric cars, vans, and trucks. Grant funding and other incentives may be available. Renewable Energy - Solar, geothermal, and wind energy systems can help lower municipal energy bills. Guidance is available for their selection as well as possible funding opportunities. New York State Climate Smart Communities is a program oJ= the state departments of Environmental Conservation, State, and Transportation; Energy Research and Development Authority; and Public Service Commission. New York State Public Service Compendium of LI Projects, Programs and Policies advancing clean energy MANDATORY or CATEGORY PROJECT/ COMMUNITIES DESCRIPTION VOLUNTARY, FUNDING PROGRAM/POLICY RESTRICTIONS & SCOPE Babylon, Brookhaven, East Formally adopted resolutions that set goals and strategies for advancing dean energy. Clean Plans adopted Clean Energy Action Hampton, Huntington, Nassau, Energy Action Plans serve as individuallzed road maps for municipalities in implementing cleaner beginning in 2005. Ma Plan Oyster Bay, Riverhead, energy choices not have been updated Southampton, Suffolk Developing a carbon footprint monitoring plan in order to implement the Town's Climate Action Climate Action Plan East Hampton Plan Government Facility North Hempstead Townwide policy with 9oal of reducin9 the town's GHG emissions, energy consumption & costs. Energy Policy Energy and Rustainability Master Hempstead The Town is developin9 an Energy and SustainabBity Master Plan (ESMP) ARRA Plan LIPA began implementin9 ELI in 2009, embarkin9 on the next generation of energy efficiency strategies, ELI is a 10 year, $924 million energy efficiency program that makes a wide array of incentives, rebates and programs available to LIPA's residential and commercial customers to LIPA Efficiency Lon9 Island LIPA Service Territory~ assist them in reducin9 their energy usage and thereby Iowerin9 their bills, The ELI program seek 1. Plans & to attain 1,660 GWh of energy saving s a nd achieve a peak electric demand reduction of 520 MW Inventories by year end 2018. The 2010 2020 Electric Resource Plan provides the analytical support and policy framework necessary to enable LIPA to continue providing safe, reliable electricity service to its customers at LIPA Electric Resource LIPA Service Territory· stable costs. The Plan expands clean energy and environ mental initiatives cur rently underway LIPA Plan 2010 2020 3nd supports investment in new technologies to maintain continued high levels of system · eliability and customer service. Long Island Carbon AIl Eons Isla nd Corem unities CLEI baseline greenhouse gas inventory for the year of 2005, completed in 2010. Rauch Footprint Project Foundation Long Island GHG All Long Island Communities XlYIT baseline GHG inventory for the year 2009 underway, to be completed Dec. 2012 Rauch Inventory Foundation Babylon GHG Inventory Babylon 2onducted in 2006, usin9 ICLEI protocol Study by Renewable Energy Long Island demonstratin9 feasibility of 100% renewable electricity I_on9 Island Clean All Long Island Communities For Lon9 Island by 2030. Elechicity Vision Green Buildin9 Database All Long Island Communities Renewable Energy Lon9 Island database of 4,300 energy efficient buildings on L.I. Babylon, Brookhaven, Hempstead, LI Clean Energy Huntington, Islip, North The Clean Energy Leadership Task Force strives to help local governments lead by example and Leadership Hempstead, Oyster Bay, act as role models to the general public by demonstrating that technologies are available now to Voluntary Molloy Colleg~ Task Force Riverhead, Southampton, thieve energy efficiency goals for both buildings and vehicles. Smithtown, Nassau & Suffolk CSC Babylon, Brookhaven, Huntington, ]imateSmart Communitiesisan unprecedented state Iocalpartnershiptoreducegreenhouse Voluntary. Pledgemust Coordinator Islip, North Hempstead, gas emissions, save taxpayer dollars and advance community goals for health and safety, be adopted by funded by Climate Smart Smithtown, VillagesofEast economicvitality, energyindependenceandqualityoffife. ProgramofDEC, NYSERDA, Deptof resolutionoflegislative RGGIthrough Communties Rockaway, Port Jefferson, Woodsburgh State, Dept of Transportation, PSC body NYSERDA DOTCMAC, Suffolk County, Babylon, Supports local decisions to reduce petroleum consumption in the transportation sector through Voluntary. Participating NBB, NEVC, Greater Long Island Brookhaven, Hempstead, communities sign 2. Pledges, Clean Cities Coalition the use of alternative fuels, advanced technology vehicles, and fuel economy measures NYSERDA, Associations Huntington, Smithtown Stakeholder MOU USDECC, EPA Babylon, Brookhaven, East Hampton, Hempstead, Collaboration between community members, organizations, businesses, and local leaders to Huntington, Islip, Oyster Bay, implement clean energy solutions that save money, create jobs, and help curb global warming. Voluntary Cool Cities Riverhead, Southampton, Villages Since 20OB, over 1000 city and county leaders have made a commitment to cut their community'_~ of Northport, Rockville Centre, carbon footprint. Nassau & Suffolk Babylon, Brookhaven, Hempstead, Participating cities commit to strive to meet or beat the Kyoto Protocol targets and urge their U.S.climateCOnf.ProtectionOf MayorsSouthold, Glen Cove, Villages of state governments, and the federal government, to enact policies and programs to meet GHG Voluntary Quogue, Rockville Centre, emission reduction of 7% reduction from 1990 levels. Agreement Southampton USGBC Suffolk County Suffolk County is a member of USGBC Voluntary Babylon, Brookhaven, New York State law allows m unicipalities to adopt energy efficiency construction codes that a re Residential ENERGY Hem pstead, Huntington, Islip, more stringent than the State code. 10 of 13 Long Island Towns adopted requirement for new Mandatory New STAR Homes code North Hempstead, Oyster Bay, homes to meet Energy Star Homes standards. Southampton adopted a tiered system, which construction only Riverhead, Southampton requires larger homes to achieve greater efficiency. Residential HERS Rating Babylon, Brookhaven, Hempstead Replaces the Energy Star Homes standard New homes must receive a 70 or less on the HERS Mandatory New requirement Huntington, Islip Index, in Islip 65 or less, by certified Home Energy Rating System (HERS) rater, construction only. Any new commercial building is required to be 20% more energy efficient that NYS Energy Code Mandatory. New Commelcial Building Islip Standards equires. (As shown by COMcheck} construction only Mandatory. Only new Brookhaven/A~ Retrofit Hempstead Building retrofits: heating/cooling systems, windows, lighting, insulation Hempstead/AF RA/LIPA Retrofit North Hempstead Preliminary approval for and work begun on retrofit of lighting in 8 major facilities. Plan to North upgrade every building within next year. Hempstead/ LIPA Retrofit Huntington, Islip, Smithtown Upgrade of street lighting Retrofit Smithtown Retrofits to several municipal buildings Smithtown/ LIPA Retrofit Huntington Upgrade heating/cooling systems and lighting in Town Hall. Obtained EPA's Energy Star Label Huntington/AF Rating for Town Hall in 2010 RA/LIPA Retrofit Huntington Building Management System for Town Hall Huntington/ LIPA Retrofits Huntington Aggressively pursuing measures in lighting and HVAC throughout the Town's other facilities Huntington/ LIPA Retrofits/upgrades Islip Installed cool roof at one MacArthur Airport building, planning lighting retrofits at four others. NYPA is nearing building ef~ciency component of its project. Islip/LIPA Retrofit Babylon Municipal building retrofits: heating/cooling systems, windows, lighting, insulation Babylon/LIPA Audits/upgrades Riverhead Major upgrade of sewage treatment plant. Considering energy assessments for Town Hall, police building and senior citizens center. Riverhead/LIP~ Retrofits Southold Implementing lighting retrofit project at senior citizens center and considering projects at other Town facilities Southold/LIPA Retrofit Southampton New heating/lighting systems for Town Hall and several other municipal buildings S'hampton LIP~ 4. Energy Efficiency: Upgrade Glen Cove Upgraded parking garage lighting Glen Cove/LiPA FacilitiesG°vernment Retrofits/upgrades Long Beach NYPA will implement corn plete overhaul of lighting fixtures and controls at City Hall and Ice Long Arena and installation of variable speed drives at wastewater treatment plant in 2013 Beach/LIPA -I. Lee Dennison, Medical Examiners and Riverhead County Complex, Grif~ng Avenue Courts Retrofit Suffolk 3uilding, Scully Estates, Bergan Point Waste Water Treatment Plant. Continuing measures include Suffolk/LIPA _~xtensive lighting retrofits, chiller plant optimization, building management systems Retrofit Nassau Jpgrading lighting at the jail Nassau/LiPA North New construction North Hempstead Pursuing LEED certification for New Cassel Community Center Hempstead/ LIPA New construction Babylon Wyandanch Rising to include a municipal building Babylon/LIPA New COnStruction Brookhaven Parks Administration building LEED certified Brookhaven/LII A New construction Huntington Pursuing LEED Certification for new Business Incubator Huntington CDA New construction Suffolk County Suffolk Police Fourth Precinct building LEED certified. Suffolk/LIPA b. Policies for Government Operations Energy Star Procurement Policy Brookhaven, Babylon Energy Star office equipment purchasing policy LEED adoption Brookhaven LEED standards for municipal buildings Green/White Roofs Suffolk County Executive o~der directing evaluation of cool and/or green roof technologies for new and renovated flat roofs on county buildings. LEED/energy ef~ciency LEED standards for new mun~cpal buildings and renovations. Suffolk requires LEED principles for Nassau policy provides standards Nassau & Suffolk Counties construction and renovation over $1 million, and for planning of projects "built to suit" for long guidelines, not strict term lease by the County requirements ]. Programs Long island Green Babylon, Brookhaven, Huntington Homes Consortium Islip, North Hempstead, :ooperative effort to promote energy audits and home efficiency improvements through ARRA grant Smithtown, Southampton, LIPA iNYSERDA and LIPA programs. Voluntary through NYSERDA On-Bill Recovery Financing for home energy ef~ciency improvements through NYSERDA, repaid through line item Financing LIPA Service Territory* on LIPA bill, Reduced interest, transferable in event of home sale, Voluntary NYSERDA, LIPA Long Island Green Babylon Homes benefit Babylon Low interest benefits assessment financing for home energy upgrades. Voluntary revolving loan assessment financing fund EECO Homes program Huntington No cost Home Energy Efficiency evaluation is conducted and survey assessment results and recommendations are provided to the homeowner Voluntary EECBG Attainable Long Island Competition created with the USGBC as a way to motivate and recognize architechts who design Design Competition Babylon energy efficinet and reasonably priced homes. Voluntary Efficient Products LIPA is a sponsor of ENERGY STAR® and encourages customers to buy appliances a nd lighting Program LIPA ServiceTerritory~ ~roducts that have earned the ENERGY STAR label. Rebates and incentives are available on Voluntary LIPA ~ oducts like refrigerators dehumidifiers, room air conditioners, pool pumps and lighting. 5. Energy LIPA's ENERGY STAR~' Labeled Homes offers incentives to builders who build homes that meet or Efficiency: ENERGY STAR Labeled exceed the current ENERGY STAR standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency. These Community Homes LIPA Service Territory* homes are constructed adhering to strict standards for energy efficiency and use significantly less Volurltary LIPA, NYSERDA (LIPA and NYSERDA) energy than a conventional home. ENERGY STAR homes also have fewer drafts and better ventilation, making a more comfortable, healthy environment for new home owners. Vlarket rate program. Serving 1 to 4 family homes. Free or reduced cost audits. LIPA provides free Home Performance with ~FLs and air and duct sealing to central a/c customers through Home Performance Direct LIPA, NYSERDA ENERGY STAR Prograrr )rogram. ]ypically air and duct sealing, insulation, weather-stripping, heat and hot water system Green Jobs/ and Home Performance All Long Island Communities upgrades, health and safety measures. Additional measures may be available. Installed by Voluntary Green New Direct (NYSERDA and NYSERDA and LIPA Participating Contractors. LIPA program focused on residences with central air York loan fund LIPA) conditioning units, includes additional electric measures. Low cost financing through NYSERDA's (RGGI) Green Jobs/Green New York loan fund. Assisted Home Program for households at or below 80% of Nassau / Suffolk Area Median Income. Free audit. LIPA, NYSERDA S0% subsidy on installation of eligible energy efficiency measures up to $5,000 for a single family Green Jobs/ Performance with AIl Long Isla nd Communities house and up to $10,000 for a 2-4 unit house. May be eligible for up to $1,500 in additional LiPA ENERGY STAR~ Voluntary Green New NYSERDA and LIPA) rebates. Low cost financing through NYSERDA's G~een Jobs/Green New York Loan Fund. York loan fund (RGGI) Residential Energy Free energy survey for customers who meet income eligibility requirements at or below 70% Affordability Par tnership LIPA Service Territory* local median income Includes free CFLs and replacement of ine~cient refrigerators, air sealing Voluntary LIPA (REAP) and duct sealing, combustion safety testing and customer education. Free energy survey serving renters/owners in buildings under 100 units. Households qualify if Empower (NYSERDA) New York State eligible for HEAP or participate in a utility assistance program or household income is below 60% of State median. Non electric measures - air sealing and insulation and customer education are Voluntary NYSERDA/LIPA ,rovided. 'nstallation of energy efficiency measures in single family homes, condos/coops, mobile homes. NY State Wear herization Assistance Program All Long Island Communities VJulti family buildings (with owner parBcipation). This is a grant program for owners and renters Homes& ~t or below 60% of New York State Median Income. Typically air and duct seating, insulation, Voluntary Comm unity weather stripping, health and safety measures. Renewal Voluntary. l IPA Small Business Small businesses in areas targetted by LIPA, where projected load growth would overtax existing Restricted to limited Direct Install LIPA Service Territory~ LIPA grid, receive lighting upgrades. LIPA covers 70°,'0 of cost. areas (includes all of south fork) The Cool Homes program provides incentives to LIPA Cool Homes contractors as well as rebates 5. Energy LIPA's Cool Homes to LIPA residential customers for the purcha se of new, energy efficient central a/c systems, Ef~ciency: Program and A/C Early LIPA Service Territory~ ductless mini splits, heat pumps or geothermal installations, LIPA provides enhanced rebates to Voluntary. LIPA Community Retirement customers who choose LIPA's Early Retirement program, replacing less ef~cient, functioning For existing homes central a/c systems with new energy ef~cient units. LIPA Energy Efficient Pool Pumps LIPA Service Territory~ Rebate for replacing older, singles speed pump with variable speed ortwo speed pump. b. Policies - Affecting Community Behavior Permitting for Energy Efficient Projects Hempstead Cap on construction permits at $300 for energy efficient projects Brookhaven _1 Green Homes, Green Jobs Green NY) for Iow interest funding of residential retrofits LIPA New York Energy Stm Homes Program LIPA Service Territory* Incentives to builders for constructing ENERGY STAR Labelled homes Energy efficiency policy Suffolk Planning Commision Ail new residential, commercial and industrial building should be designed and constructed to Guideline considered reduce energy consumption and improve environmental quality, when reviewing items for approval a. Solar Projects Solar Farm Brookhaven National Lab BNL solar farm 32 MW BNL/LIPA Car Ports Suffolk Solar PV at Suffolk County parking lots: 4 municipal campuses and 2 LIRR parking lots. Currently Suffolk/LiPA 12 MW. Planned to be 17 MW when completed North PV: Community Center North Hempstead LEED Platinum Community Center in New Cassel (with solar PV panels) Hempstead/ LIPA PV: Recycling Center Smithtown 50kW Solar Energy System (pc;wer for Town's recycling center) Smit htown/ LIPA PV: Schools Hempstead Solar on Schools Hempstead/ LIPA PV: Solar array East Hampton )lanning 23,200 watt solar array on Bluff Rd in Amagansett EHampton/ LIPA PV: Police Suffolk Solar PV pa nels at Police Headquarters & Yaphank Farm Suffolk/LIPA Headquarters/Farm PV Lighting: DPW Suffolk Solar lighting at DPW building in Yaphank Suffolk/LIPA PV: Business Incubator Huntington ~ooffop PV panels at new Business Incubator Huntington/ LiPA Brookhaven/ PV: Parks Admin BIdng Brookhaven )hoto-voltaic Solar Panels (PV) and geothermal heating at the new Park's Administration Building LIPA PV: Town Buildings/Car Hempstead nstalled a total of-80 kW at various Town buildings. In 2011, constructed a 1 O0 kW PV multi Hempstead/ Canopy ]tray in Point Lookout, NY, consisting of a car canopy. LIPA 5. Renewables: Hempstead/ Government PV: Park Yard Hempstead 30kW PV roof array at Roosevelt Highway Yard LIPA Facilities NYIT Solar Decathlon Hempstead =onservation & Waterways facility in Point Lookout, NY, serves as a central hub on the south shore House 'or the NYIT Solar Decathlon House NYIT/LIPA PV: Town Hall Huntington 28 kW PV system on the roof of Town Hall Huntington/ LIPA b. Wind Projects Installed Turbine: Smithtown/ Smithtown IOkW wind turbine (power for Town's recycling center) Recycling Center LIPA Installed Turbine: Town Brookhaven/Llf Hall Brookhaven fown Hall: wind turbine; major retrofitting of most systems A Installed Turbine Hempstead I OOkw wind turbine at LIDO beach clean energy Hempstead/ LIPA Green Choice Program Babylon 10% of Town electricity through wind energy (Green Choice program) Babylon/LIPA Small wind research East Hampton n process of determining feasible sites for small wind Ehampton/ LIPA c. Other Solar PV on new Suffolk County --xecutive order directing new county buildings over 10,000 sq ft to include solar PV sufficient to construction 3rovide 5% of anticipated peak electric load. Methane Gas Recycling Brookhaven Recyclin9 of methane gas from landfill to power town buildings Brookhaven/LIF A Srant for microturbine to use methane captured from sewage treatment, waste heat used for Methane Gas Huntington Jigester. Geothermal Hempstead Seothermal wells at several municipal facilities Hempstead/ LIPA a. Programs LIPA Solar Pioneers & LIPA Service Territory~ Rebates to homes and business for installation of solar PV panels. LIPA Clean Solar Initiative ong term purchase agreement for purchace of solar PV generated electricity at above market Feed In Tariff LIPA Service Territory* 'ate pnce. Limited to SO MW LIPA EECBG. Now Go Solar Initiative Brookhaven Revolving benefit fund for residential solar installations. Voluntary revolving fund, 7. Renewables= Solar Initiative Southampton ¥own program granted up to $2500 of rebates for solar installations. Program completed S'hampton Community LIPA "Backyard ' wind LIPA Service Territory* JPA wind energy production incentive for small to community sized wind installations LIPA Solar PV and Home )artnering with LIPA and RELI, the Town has organized 8 seminars with ~700 attendees at various Efhciency Educational Hempstead ocations throughout the Town of Hempstead. These seminars focus on solar PV energy and Hempstead/ Seminars :hings homeowners can do to improve home eff~cien cy LIPA Renewable Energy Long Island organizes an annual event that allows participants to visit homes RELI/LIPA National Solar Tour All Long Island Communities ]nd businesses that have solar installed. The Town participates in the National Solar Tour with Renewable Energy Long Island by opening RELI/LIPA b. Codes and Policies Babylon, Brookhaven, East ~tandard flush roof mount residential solar installations approved with no property survey Does not apply to LIPA grants to Unified Fast Track Solar Hampton, Huntington, Islip, required, waived or minimum permit fee and maximum 14 day turnaround time. Requires 18" ground mount or non- towns and Riverhead, Shelter Island, Permitting clearance at ridge and access path, warnig labels at utility meter and any AC disconnect, conforming roof mount villages to help Smithtown, Southampton, Municipality maintains registry of solar intallations for first responders, systems implement Southold Fast Track Solar Hempstead :ast tracked PV permits, $~00 fiat fee Requires survey for Solar Permit Fee North Hempstead Fast track permitting No permit fee for residential solar. Survey required. permit Solar PV Sales Tax lT. Renewables: PACE funding Solar PV U.S. Proposal in congress to allow PACE funding for Solar PV installations. '~ommunity Established community scale wind regulations. Allows up to 156 ft. high in industrial, 45 fi in Wind Energy Ordinance Istip residential, and 70 fi in commercial zones. Wind Energy Code Southold Allows turbines up to 156 fi to tip of blade on agricultural zoned property over 7 acres. Unified Community East End LI Towns Suffolk County Planning Commission task force has developed model wind power code. Wind Building Code Policy on referrals regarding municipal restrictions on solar installations. There should be no Commission referrals Solar aesthetic across-the board bans. Restrictions should only be made for historical districts or where an can be overridden by restrictions policy Nassau Planning Commission architectural review board applies aesthic criteria to other items. Restrictions for purpose of supermajority of community character should apply only to systems visible from the street, municipal body. Guidelines considered Renewable energy Suffolk Planning Commision When possible new buildings should utilize solar, wind and/or geothermal. When laying out new when reviewing items policy developments consideration should be given to orienting buildings to best utilize solar energy, for approval a. Government Fleet investments Hybrid/Electric Babylon Hybrid and electric passenger vehicles added to fleet Anti-idling Babylon Anti-idling enforced through GPS systems in all town vehicles Anti-idling Hempstead Several Public Safety vehicles will be retrofitted with anti-idling technologies CNG/Hybrid/Electric/Fie Purchased 13 CNG vans, 50 neighborhood electric vehicles, 3 hybrid electric vehicles, 30 flex-fuel x-fuel/HCNG/Hydrogen Hempstead vehicles, a 21 passenger bus that runs on HCNG, and 2 hydrogen fuel cell prototypes. Fuel Cell Purchased 14 hybrids, 11 flex fuel vehicles, and 4 CNG garbage trucks. Plan to convert 20% of the CNG/Flex-fuel/Hybrid Huntington refuse hauling fleet to CNG per year Biodiesel Project North Hempstead Collects oil from restaurants to power municipal vehicles Huntington, Islip, North Conversion of vehicle fleet to hybrid cars/trucks Hybrid Hempstead, Southampton Alternative Fuels Brookhaven All new refuse haulers use alternative fuels Smithtown, Brookhaven, CNG Fleet of natural gas refuse haulers Huntington Hybrid Babylon Purchased only hybrid passenger vehicles since 2005 Biodiesel pilot programs: Bergen Point/Indian Island Facilities and Suffolk County dredging Biodiesel pilot program Suffolk projects CNG Huntington Conversion of refuse hauler fleet to CNG trucks HEY/CNG Suffolk Upgraded fleet to HEV light duty vehicles, CNG heavy & light duty vehicles. 1 l0 hybrid vehicles in fleet. CNG/Electric/ Hempstead Continuous updates to fleet: CNG, Electric Vehicles, Hydrogen, HNCG Hydrogen/HNCG b. Government Infrastructure Projects EV Charging Stations Babylon Car charging stations installed Available to public 8. Alternative Fuel Vehicles CNG Pumping Stations Brookhaven CNG pumping stations installed and Hydrogen Fueling station located in Point Lookout, NY that dispenses 3 distinct fuels: hydrogen, Transportation Fueling/CNG/EV Hempstead Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Will construct (2) solar PV carports to power electric vehicles. EECBG Charging Stations: PV Available for public use. nstall a 5 electric vehicle solar PV charging station at the Huntington Train Station in Huntington NYSERDA EV Charging Stations: PV Huntington Station ~EV Charging Stations: PV Hempstead Solar powered electric vehicle charging station Hydrogen Fueling Hempstead flydrogen fueling station Stations EV Charging Stations Oyster Bay -"barging stations inHicksville municipal parking garage. CNG fueling stations Suffolk County ~ CNG fueling stations, one at Commack, one at Westhampton Beach. A third station is planned ;or Yaphank in 2013 c. Government Policy- For Government Operations ~Vherever possible, departments ~hou~d purchase clean energy/a~temative fuel vehicles in order Alternative Fuel Vehicle Brookhaven ~o reduce emissions and consider purchase of alternative fuel vehicles when economically Purchasing Policy 'easible, hybrid, CNG and dual fuel vehicles Vehicle Replacement Brookhaven Fleet conversion to hybrid, AFV vehicles Policy Vehicle Replacement Smithtown ~,[I new non-emergencyTown vehicles must use alternative fuel Policy o v Alternative Fuel Policy Babylon Vtust maintain 20 ~/o bio diesel for trucks/hea y equipment d. Public programs/incentives ~IYS Department of Transportation has provided stickers and has utilized cars to use HOV lane Voluntary HOV Lane All Long Island ~ithout having to have more than one person. Plugdn Electric Vehicle LIPA Customers ~, one-time $ 500 mail-in rebate for qualifying Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) or Plug-In Voluntary LIPA Rebate ;lectric Vehicles (PEV) Preferential Parking Oyster Bay ~riority for hybrid in Hicksville municipal parking garage. :ree parking at railroad stations, parking meters and beaches for residents who drive alternative Preferential Parking Huntington ~uel vehicles ~f~ce of Energy and Sustainability (OES) created to facilitate reducing the Town's overall carbon Clean Energy Projects Brookhaven ootprint. Clean Energy Task Force a venue for clean energy discussion between Town officials, and Initiatives ;taft and community clean energy advocates. Clean energy meetings at Town Hall to promote and encourage the use of renewable energy/energy efficiency Green Industrial Triangle Brookhaven Jreen Industrial Triangle with special economic incentives for businesses and industries Operation ECO Quality Babylon )ollution reduction in Wyandanch Xlorth Shore LIJ Heallh System has purchased what is believed to be theworld's first CNG 9. Other CNG Ambulance ]mbulance. Motion Sensors for Huntington Hospital Vlotion sensors installad in lighting for parking garage. Parking Lights Light bulb Exchange Hempstead --FL light bulb exchange program Program ~$ County a nd Town officials trained for LEED accreditation; 17 of those officials went on to LEED Training Suffolk County achieve LEED AP accreditation. Energy modeling Suffolk County Energy Modeling with support from AERTC the Rockaways, except Rockville Centre, Freeport, and Greenport