HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoad Surfacing ProjectsACCOUNTING & FINANCE DEPT. John A. Cushman, Town Comptroller Telephone (631) 765-4333 Fax (631) 765-1366 E-mail: accounhng ~ town.southold.ny.us TOWN HALL ANNEX 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southoid, NY 11971-.0959 ht~p'.//southoldtown.aor th~ork, net/ TOWN OF 8OUTHOr.r~ OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR Ann Singer October 4, 2012 Chief of Statewide and Regional Projects Office of the State Comptroller State Office Building, Room 1702 44 HaWley Street Binghamton, NY 13901-4417 Dear Ms. Singer: With regard to Report Number S9-12-14 concerning the review of the Town's processes for monitoring road-surfacing projects for the period January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011, the Town agrees with your recommendations and has implemented the following procedures: 1. The Superintendent of Highways will conduct periodic sampling of asphalt materials, including those picked up at the asphalt plant, those delivered to specific job sites and .through core sampling after paving has been completed. We concur that this sampling will help insure that the asphalt products we purchase match contract specifications. Note that records of all sampling activities will be revieWed by the Superintendent of Highways, and will then be submitted to the Town Clerk for retention in accordance with our record retention policy. 2. The Superintendent of Highways will obtain and review job mix formulas and daily batch reports from the asphalt vendors. These records will be included with the invoices when they are submitted to the Accounting and Finance Department for payment, and will be retained with the invoices in accordance with our record retention policy. We appreciate the insight that the audit has provided the Town and believe that these and other suggestions made by the auditors will improve our operations and ultimately reduce costs associated with our road-surfacing projects. Please feel free to contact me should have any questions or concerns. Supervisor