HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-15.-9-8.1 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: MEMORANDUM Leslie Weisman, Chair Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: Mark Terry, Date: Re: Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator January 30, 2012 Coastal Consistency Review for ZBA File Ref. MGH ENTERPRISES, INC./NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS, LLC #6533 SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 MGH ENTERPRISES, INC./NEW ClNGULAR WIRELESS, LLC #6533 - Request for Variances from Article XVII Code Section 280-70i(3) and Article XIII Section 280-56 (Bulk Schedule), based on an application for building permit to install a wireless telecommunication tower and equipment and the Building Inspector's October 17, 2011, amended November 9, 2011 Notice of Disapproval at; 1) less than the code required distance to adjacent residential property line of 500 feet, 2) less than the code required side yard setback of 25 feet, located at: 40200 Main Road (adj. to Gardiners Bay) Orient, NY. SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Jennifer Andaloro, Assistant Town Attorney 4 Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 15 9 8.1 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): TownBoard ~-~ Planning Dept. [] Building Dept. [] BoardofTrustees [] Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land U'ansaction) (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: Un-manned Public Utility Wireless Communication Services Facility consisting of panel antennas mounted within a 70' RF-transparent monopole, elevated equipment platform and trenched conduit. Locationofaction:40200 Main Rd., Orient Point, New York 11957 Site acreage:. 4.55 Present land use: un-manned public utility wireless communications facility Present zoning classification: Marine II (MII) District If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name ofapplicant: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (b) Mailing address: 1444 E Jericho Tpke. Huntinqton, NY 11743 (c) Telephone number: Area Code ( ) Cingular (516) 567-8478 (d) Application number, if any:. Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ~-~ No [] If yes, which state or federal agency? FCC DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes ~ No ~-] Not Applicable Refer to attachment Amach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ~ Yes [] No ~'] Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria [] Yes ~'~ No [-~ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ~-~ Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria [] Yes ~ No ~ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes [] No [-~ Not Applicable Refer to attachments Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. Sec LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No ~-~ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. [-~ Yes [~ No [] Not Applicable Refer to attachment PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes~ No ~ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. o Auach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. [--q Yes [] No [] Pot Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ~'~ Yes [-~ No ~ Not Applicable Created on 5/25/05 11:20 AM Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSIVlENT FORM DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: Construct a new 70-foot agl RF-compatible monopole with antennas installed inside within a fenced compound to accommodate equipment for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (VVilliam F. Collins, AIA drawings last revised 10/28/I I, attached). The proposed public utility wireless communication services facility will be located near the western boundary of the Orient by the Sea restaurant. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy I. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. The adverse effects of development are mitigated by siting the proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5. The proposed location is adjacent to the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) USDA ferry terminal. The existing eight-foot high chain link fencing topped with barbed wire, and the tall lighting stanchions at the PIADC are not positive enhancements to the scenic qualities of the SR 25s byway. The use of a 70' tall RF-compatible concealment monopole with antennas mounted inside, partially screened by the planting of new juniper trees, and the siting of the facility within a commercially zoned area, will preserve open space, make efficient use of existing infrastructure and minimize the adverse effects of development. In addition, by siting the proposed un-manned telecommunications facility is a commercially developed area, the proposed project will not add to the increasing development pressure on the Town's extensive agricultural areas and on the waterfront that threatens the rural character of the community and its natural resources. In addition, verbal discussions with government personnel from the Town of Southold conducted in May 2006, and a review of public hearing transcripts indicate that public opposition to the construction of telecommunication towers is generally limited to residential areas, and not the Mil zone for the proposed facility. These objections pertain mainly to aesthetics from obstructed views, and perceived declines in property value from the presence of telecommunication towers (Environmental Assessment Report, Orient Point Telecom, Site L1-1059, Block 9, Lot 8, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY, prepared by AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc., on behalf of GeoTrans, Inc., dated June 9, 2006). With regards to community considerations, Based on the above, the proposed undertaking meets the longstanding planning goals of the Town of Southold which are to "reflect the interest in preserving and enhancing the natural and built environment and providing opportunities for a level of grewth and expansion of the economic base that is compatible with the existing scale of development, availability of water, existing sens/tive environment of the Town and its historic heritage." Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. On Play 5, 2009, Richard Grubb and Associates, Inc. completed a Section 106 consultation package and submitted a request for comments in which they determined that "No Historic Properties" were identified at the location of the proposed undertaking (then a 100' monopole). SHPO policy states: "If the SHPO does not provide written notice to the Applicant that it agrees or disagrees with the A~'plicant's determinatJon of no Historic Properties affected within 30 days following receipt of a complete Submission Packet, it is deemed that no Historic Properties exist within the APF_ or the Undertak/ng will have no effect on Historic Pro/~erties. The Se~on 106 process is then complete and the AJ~licant may proceed with the project, unless further processing for reasons other than Section 106 is ~luired." No response from SHPO was received within the following 30-day comment period. As such, concurrence with the project's determination of "No Historic Properties" was assumed. EBI submitted an addendum to the original submittal that reflects the design change to an 80' monopole on August 28, 2009. The original determination of "No Historic Properties" remained the same. In addition, Sara Ayers-Rigsby, MA, RPA, Project Archaeologist with EBI Consulting, reviewed the previous archaeological assessment, new site plans, and NYSHPO correspondence for the proposed telecommunications facility at the above-referenced location. It is the professional opinion of Ms. Ayers-Rigsby that the shift in the tower position to the north and expansion of the equipment compound from the original I I' x 26' (3.6 x 7.9m) lease area to 12'8" x 29'10" (3.9 x 9. lin) does not significantly alter the archaeological findings of Richard Grubb and Associates, Inc., who concluded in April 2006: "The APE-Direct Effects lies in an area of moderate to high potential for prehistoric and Iow potential for historic resources. However, based on the prior ground disturbances caused by extensive grading and infilling related to the construction of the existing marina, parking Iot~ wooden fence, and the installation of the existing utilities, it is highly unlikely that significant archaeological resources exist in the APE- Direct Effects. As such, Richard Grubb & Associated recommends no further archaeological survey." The drawings have since been revised again (dated 10-28-1 I) to shorten the proposed tower height to 70 feet above grade, to mqve the/.K~__ _T_equi~.u~.u~p~.~ad to the north side of the tower, and to to increase the cabinetry height ~(oar'2~'Y~agL ~a~ed on the above, the proposed undertaking will protect and preserve histological resources oft he Town of Southold. Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria A. Flinimize introduction of structural design components (including utility lines, lighting, signage and fencing) which would be discordant with existing natural scenic components and character. The proposed undertaking is located in a commercially-zoned area and only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5. The proposed location is adjacent to the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry~ terminal. The existing eight-foot high chain link fencing topped with barbed wire, and the lighting stanchions at the PIADC already introduce structures discordant with the neighboring') scenic character. In order to mitigate discordant elements introduced by o new~' telecommunications facility, a 70' toll RF-compotible concealment monopole with antennas mounted inside is proposed, which will reduce its visual footprint. In addition, landscaping, screening and fencing will be designed in accordance with the Town of Southold Wireless Code. R. Restore deteriorated and remove degraded visual components. N/A C. Screen components of development which detract from visual quality. Landscaping, screening and fencing will be designed in accordance with the Town of Southold Wireless Code. D. Use appropriate siting, scales, forms, and materials to ensure that structures are compatible with and add interest to existing scenic components. The proposed undertaking is located in a commercially-zoned area and only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5. The use of a 70' tall RF-compatible concealment monopole with antennas mounted inside will mitigate issues of scale and form when viewed from neighboring non-commercially-zoned land. E. Preserve existing vegetation and establish new indigenous vegetation to enhance scenic quality: I. Preserve existing vegetation Which contributes to the scenic quality of the landscape. 2. Allow for selective clearing of vegetation to provide public views without impairing values associated with the affected vegetation. 3. Restore historic or important designed landscapes to preserve intended or designed aesthetic values. 4. Restore or add indigenous vegetative cover that presents a natural appearance. The proposed undertaking will not disturb ex/sting vegetation and new vegetation will be planted in accordance w~ Town of Southold Wireless Code. F. Improve the visual quality associated with hamlet areas. N/A (3. Improve the visual quality of historic maritime areas. N/A H. Protect the visual interest provided by active water-dependent uses. The proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5. The proposed location is adjacent to the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry terminal. Visual interest provided by active water- dependent uses will not be adversely impacted. Anticipate and prevent impairment of dynamic landscape elements that contribute to ephemeral visual qualities. The proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5. Dynamic landscape elements that contribute to ephemeral visual qualities will not be affected. Jw Protect visual quality associated with public lands, including public transportation routes, public parks and public trust lands and waters. Siting the proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5, and limiting the height to 70' with antennas placed inside the stealth pole, will mitigate impacts to the visual quality of the area, including Orient Point County Park to the east, and Orient Beach State Park to the west The construction of an 70' stealth pole, while taller than existing structures, will not be incompatible with the adjacent commercial facilities (Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry terminal). Orient Point State Park is the most intensely used, publicly-owned, scenic resource in Southold Town. Due to its geographic location, this park provides uninterrupted panoramic vistas of the open waters of Gardiners Bay, and with views of Gardiners Island, Shelter Island and Montauk in the distance. The proposed undertaking will not interrupt these vistas. The North Fork Seaview Trail follows SR 25 for its entire length within Reach 5. The easternmost terminus of SR 25 runs alongside the staging area of the ferry dock. Both the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry terminal already negatively affect the scenic resources of the State-designated Scenic byway on which they front due to the existence of extensive paving and lack of landscaping, is the primary cause. The introduction of the proposed stealth monopole at the proposed location is the best option to minimize visual intrusions to the area. I. Limit water surface coverage or intrusion to the minimum amount necessary. N/A 2. Limit alteration of shoreline elements which contribute to scenic quality. N/A K. Protect visual quality associated with agricultural land, open space and natural resources. Siting the proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach S, and limiting the height to 70' with antennas placed inside the stealth pole, will mitigate impacts to the visual quality of the area. The visual quality of agricultural land, open space and natural resources will be protected. I. Maintain or restore original landforms except where altered landforms provide useful screening or contribute to scenic quality. Existing landforms will not be altered. 2. Group or orient structures during site design to preserve open space and provide visual organization. All supporting structures will be located within a proposed equipment compound screened by new plantings. 3. Avoid structures or activities which introduce visual interruptions to natural landscapes including: a) introduction of intrusive artificial light sources; Intrusive artificial lighting is not proposed. b) fragmentation of and structural intrusion into open space areas; open space areas will not be affected c) changes to the continuity and configuration of natural shorelines and associated vegetation The natural shoreline will not be affected Policy 4. Polic Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation /,x criteria The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the site area indicates that the property and the surrounding areas are located within Zone AE, which is defined as "Special Flood Hazard Areas Inundated by 100-Year Flood", with a base flood elevation of 8'. The proposed equipment platforms will be raised to mitigate negative impacts to the flood storage capacity of the area. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. N/A Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. The proposed undertaking is sited on commercially-developed land and will not impact the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. In a response letter dated November 21, 2005 to GeoTrans, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service reported that except for occasional transient individuals, no Federally-listed or proposed endangered or threatened species under their jurisdiction are known to exist within the project impact area. In addition, no habitat in the project impact area is currently designated or proposed "critical habitat" in accordance with provisions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) (87 Stat. 884, as amended;I 6 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). According to the "Guidelines for Consultation with NY Natural Heritage regarding Proposed Collocations of Telecommunication Facilities on Existing Towers and Buildings", issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)- Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources, dated May 2009, for communications facilities projects that involve "New or existing towers, antennae, and associated equipment installed at a location currently wholly occupied by lawn, pavement and/or gravel," the NYSDEC does not "have any records of rare species or significant natural communities which will be of concern in relation to the proposed projects." Inasmuch as the proposed project is located on land previously disturbed, rare species or significant natural communities will not be affected by development of the proposed undertaking. Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. The proposed undertaking will not generate air pollution. Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. The proposed undertaking is un-manned and will not generate solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. N/A Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water- dependent uses in suitable locations. N/A Policy I I. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. N/A Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. The proposed undertaking will be located in a commercially zoned land, thereby protecting agricultural land. Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. N/A at&t SITE NUMBER: NYCENY1059 SITE NAME: ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT DRAWING INDEX REV. DIRECTIONS: VICINITY MAP PROJECT INFORMATION ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAU P~NT NYCENY1059 / U-11~59 NY7320 ~at&t SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS SIT~ DATA SITE PLAN ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENY1059 / L1-1059 NYZ320 4 3 DETAIL @ TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH ,/~TYP. ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE DETAIL ~ Ill IIIIIIIll lillillll il / ........ II u /,u/ II~, Il CABLE SUPPORT co~l ~F~o,~,,,~? ,U._pMENT CABINETS ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENY1059 / U-1059 N~7320 ~ at&t DETAIL ~ UNDERGROUND CONDUIT STUB-UP ~ __ .- ~ox w/,~v ~c s~£ /~ PUR~LL EQUIPMENT CABINET .' i ~£ ,/^-2 *.~ t/^-~ F~ uc~ ,.;o~ - ' FIBER AND POWER .~ ',.', ',.I ~D~[ ,S?~R!,B~UTION BOX DC2-48-60-0-gE ~...ALC~ATEL-LUCENT 9442 REMOTE i~n~REMOTE RADIO HEAD (RRH) RACK DETAIL ~ DETAIL ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ~ ~5'~Y° I 1 ~ S~TR~U.~TURAL FRAMING PLAN ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENYI059 / U-1059 NY7320 ~.,~.A,.~DRAIL MOUNTING DETAIL ~ P~P~l E ,.R.,._D?TAI L HANDRAIL ELEVATION /~ (iD EQUIPMENT PLATFORM ~ at&t ~ ~E<L~C~TRICAL RISER DIAGRAM I METER AND DISCONNECT ~ BLOCK A~.M ASSIGNMENT--S; ~-- SYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS ...... ~ ~ AC ~INGC~- CIN~ DIAG~ ~ ~OR ARGUS T[41 DC POW[R P~NT ....... ~ 6 SYSTEM DIAGRAM, TOWER SITE ~/~n WITH OUTDOOR BASE BAND AND RHHs ON GROUND ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENY1059 / U'1059 NY7320 ~ at&t WIRING DIAGRAM, OUTDOOR tl~ BASE RAND AND RRHs ON GROUND DC/DC CONVERTER i~~~-:r '~ ................... Z ................... :~iq ~ ~ .~.~u~ ~ .~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N~ XT~T ~ IL ~ GROUND ROD EQUIPMENT GROUNDING P~N ~ ~P. GROUNDING SCHEMATIC ~ ~D~ ~ ~UIT BOND / GROUND BUSHING D~AIL ~ ~NNE~0N OF ~ GROUND ~TO ~ ~ ~ ~D ~RE TO GROUND B~ CONNECTION ,//~ ~ GRO~DING-MONOPOLE ~ 2¢2~°~'.~Z~2~ o..~.~..~..u~.~ ~ at&t ..... ~ · APPF~LS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOU'I~OLD Southold Town Hall 5~)95 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11~71 ZBA F~x (~1) 7~-9054 Telephone (~.31) 765-1809 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION · EETINO OF'JANUARY 18; 200:1 . ApId, I~. 49~~ OPJENT' BY ,THE~SEA, MARINA/MGN ENTERPRI~;I;;~ O~te:of. PLibll'i H~ JafiOary.4~.2O~l. - FINDINGS OF FACT ~: A s.l~. plain prepared by ArchJtechnologies, dated October '19, 2000 ~show~ {h~stJb/eCt IxOpeHy;to: be a. parcel of'4.55 acres lyh~{j-bebveen Mal~t' Road and Gardiner'$'B~y in. Orient. It I~ Ihtproved with. restaurant and · marina for. commerolol and reomatlonal fishing bo~te. ~ B~ildldg Inspector's Notice of.Dieapproval~ dafodNOvember21, 2000, .den~p~ ?. F4=t~. it~to ~c~ s~uof an accessory building because it would.be 3 feet from the prop~ lind Whereue Cod~ ~on 121C(1) requires a minimum satbaek of 20 f~at. ~:= AppJloaut requests · verlanca authorizing the location of tho ac~ b'~UI!di~g 8S ~ with a 3-foot setback from tho westorty lot IIn~. REASONS FOR BOArD.ACTION. DESCI~B~) RL=~QW; On the basis of testimony prceen~d; ~ateHais ~iutmtlt~diand personal Inape;tlon~ tim 8oard.rnakue the following findings: (1} Applicant wants t~l provide adequate rcetroonm for mad~te patrons, as wolf as some cold storage for patrons' fish and ordinary* storage proposes to buBd a 20 x 40~foot Strueture~contelnlng thece faclltiJe~ (2) The property is deep from Main I~oad to the Bay, but narrow, end the entire =enter Is a boat basin. The relatively narrow strip of land bebvuen the wuetedy lot line and the boat basin is paved and provldue vehicular am=ess with paddng spaces abutting the wesfod¥ lot line, The rs'do.al locetion for the proposed building Is on this paved Strip. Although them is open lend near Gsrdinef's Bay, that would be · very inconvenient location for the proposed bulldlog. (3) In order to minimize Interference with vehlouier traff~ moving through the property and using the parking spots on the westerly edge of the property, applicant wants to place the proposed building only 3 fept from the westerly lot line. The Board believes this Icoatlon ie desirable for vehicular and pedeatflan ~ofaty. Since the land to the w~at is open parkland owned by New York State, construction In the proposed location will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the nolghbu~ood or detriment to nearby Page 2 - January 18, 2001 ~4~4. No. 4905 - Orient by the s~a Madna 1000-15-9-8.1 at Odent ~ or Impa~ on p~i~ ~ e~nme~l ~nd~on~ (6) ~e a~on ~ ~ ~l~ I~ ~ minimum n~ aod ad~a~ to ~na~e pm~ng a~ p~ng ~ cham~ M ~ ~lgh~ and ~ ~, ~ a~ ~m ~ t~ commune. - ~, g · · On m~n by M~ Co~e, ~d~ by: Mem~r Dingo, fl was RESOLVED, to G~T ~e ~ vadan~ eub~ to ~ ~ND~ON ~at t~ IS~ ~um shah ~ no fl~ ~ ~ ~ s~ or IMng qua~ V~ ~e Boa~: A~S: ~m~ ~er, ~1~o, To~, C~llns. (~mber Hor~ng of F~ I~and was ab~} ~ll R~ ~s du~ ado~ {~}. TOWN OF $OUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER S~T" ~J~ ~,~O VILLAGE DIST,: SUB. FIFO~ER~-~'iOWNER~ ~,,' '-, C0, . ., /~-~ ~t S ~,,~ / ~oo.,o.~ ~/~z~_~ ~t~. ~ .~-,-~. . womplond FRONTAGE ON WATER rushlond FRONTAGE ON ROAD louse P,~ DEPTH DR hA. Bldg. Extension Extensio~ Extension Porch 15-9-8.1 11/01 Foundation Ext. Walls Bath Floors Interior Finish Fire Place J Heat Roof Rooms 1st Floor Recreation Roorr Floor Porch Patio O. B. Total '1 Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor, Capital One Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTItOLD Mailing Address: ~/ 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Southold, NY 11971 December 12, 20!~ Re: ZBA File Ref. No. # 6533 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC 1000-15-9-8.1 Dear Mark: We have received an application for a wireless communication tower & equipment. A copy of the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval under Chapter 280 (Zoning Code), and survey map, project description form, are attached for your reference. Your written evaluation with recommendations for this proposal, as required under the Code procedures of LWRP Section 268-5D is requested within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Thank you. Encls. Very tru/~ours, Leslie~K. Weisman~ By: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 17, 2011 Date: Amended Nov. 9, 2011 TO: Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin LLP for New Cingular Wireless LLC 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York 11743 Please take notice that your application dated September 29, 2011 For permit to install a wireless comm. tower & equipment at Location of property: ~40200 Main Rd., Orient, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 15 Block 9 Lot 8.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction in the Mil Distdct is not permitted pursuant to Article XVll Section 280-70(i)(3), which states: "Minimum distance of all wireless equipment to adjacent residential property lines shall be no less than 500 feet.. Also, the proposed tower location is not permitted pursuant to Article XIII, Section 280-56, the Bulk Schedule. The required side yard setback is 25'. The proposed setback is approximately 7.1'. The proposed construction requires Planning Board site plan review & special exception approval per Section 280-70B of the Town Code. In addition, Trustees and DEC approval required. Authorized Signature CC: file, ZBA, & Planning Board TOV(N OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 76~-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 SoutholdTowa.NorthFork.net Examined , :20 Approved ,20 DLsapprovod a/¢ /~ ~D~/[ Z/f Expiratk PERMIT NO. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you havo or aood tl~o ~ b~ ..'~'~ applyiag7 Board of Heallh Surv~ ~ptia Form Co~ta~/.: Attorney for App~ic.~l~t:. ~ 36 N. New York Ave., H~n, ~ 11743 ~ ~ ~ u . Building Inspe, cmr . SEP 2q 201] · ~PP~ICATION FOR B~ .nl,nlNG pF~MIT INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST b~ completely ~l~d in by ~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ B~ ~ ~ 4 . ~ts of pl~ ~ plot pl~ m ~ F~ ~ ~ ~e. b. Plot pl~ ~o~ 1~ of lot ~ ~b~l~ on pmmi~ mh~onmhip m Mjoini~ ~ ~ ~b~ ~ or ~e~ ~d w~ay~ c. The wo& ~v~ by ~ appH~ou ~y not ~ d. U~n appmv~ of ~ ~pH~, ~ B~ ~ ~ ~ a B~ P~t m ~e ap~ ~ a ~t s~ll be kept on ~e pr~ av~o ~ ~n ~u~ w~, e, No build~ ~1 ~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~ w~lo ~ in ~ for ~y p~ ~ so ov~ until ~ B,,i~i-g ~r issu~ a Ceffifi~ of O~up~. f. Eve~ b~ldi~ ~it ~ ~ ff~ w~ a~ ~ not ~ ~n 12 m~ ~ ~ ~ of iss~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~mpio~ ~tn lg ~ ~m ~alieuel~ luamdolaAaG tuals~$ ,laa~,~dosof bag 'ueuum8 ~ oz /up s ~" - ~ ~f~ses and intand~ use and ocoupan~ of proposed construction: 2. Restaurant and Marina ' Public Utility Wireless Telecommtmi~ation~ Facility · ,,~u ' ~ D~i~Oligon OtherWorkApplica_nt.proposes to erect a 70 nd ~sli~?~ge_~,~.equilmlen~-°tl ground, aL1 as,ael~teo ~n c,e p±ans suv.m~ttea nerew~cn · 4. Estimsteauo~., ............. :.... ' " (To be paid on filing this application) · '.-~/A Numb6r of dwelling units on eaoh floor , natom and extent of ~a~h typ~ of use. g~aurant and Marina Rear Depth 7. DmlerimOns of:.emstiiig ~uu~ if any: Fro~t Number' of Stories Height~ , n Directions of ~rne Stratum Wttlt alterations or ad~lti°ns: Front Rear Depih , Height , Nu,~r of Stories ' - Rear Deplh 8. Dirnen~ 0feiitim ~ oonstrtgtion: Front NUmber of b-'loge~ **70' sie, alth monopole, He~r[: ~ , /~ sq. ii. AT.&T equipmem area I; GeOrge F. Hasse (East~n portion of property) 12. D0~ propOs~l C0nStruotion vlolat~ ah'y zoning laW, o~dinat~ or r~gulation? YES__ NO__ .i....WillexC~Sfillb~t~nnowdfrompr~mise~?YES x NO 40200 Main Road INarfl~ o?. . ~br ~._ Setau~et, N ¥ 117~ Phone No. N~ Ofcontmotor~ , . . ~,~,~s , b. lsthisprop~aiyWllhin300feetofatidalw~dand?*YHS. X NO__ * IF YES, D.E.C; PERMITS MAY BE KEQUIRED. 16. Provide survey; to scal~, vnth accura~ foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If 61e~afion'lt'~ypoh~:tm proper~ is at I0 feet or below, must Provide topographical data on survey. ' ' ' · · * 'tothis crty?*YES NO x 18. Am thar~ al~y~ and r~. '~ions with re.npe~t prop .. * IF YES, PP, OVlDt~ A COPY~ ' STAT~ O~ I~W YOi~ SS: 7 1.29 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK (~ ~ I ~,,~,r~ ....... Ij~'~'~RealPr°pertyTaxServiceAgency[¥1~'~ ,~, /~/Iw'~'~ -- I 15 Fee: $ Filed By: Assignment No. ~,~ ~,~k3_ -'"/ "--"/] APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS ~ No. 40200 Street Main Road (S.R. 25) Hamlet Orient SCTM 1000 Section 15 Block 9 Lot(s) 8.1 Lot sizaeppr°x' 4.64 aCr~one Marine Il I (WE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED November 9, 2011 BASED ON SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED October 28, 2011. Applicant(s)/O~aa~): New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Mailing Address: 1444 E. Jericho Turnpike, Huntington, NY 11743 Telephone: 516-567-8478 Fax: Email: NOTE: la addition to the above, please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney, agent, architect builder, contract vendee, etc. and name of person who agent represents: Attorneys for Applicant Name of Representative:Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLPfor [~wnet[-~ther: Lessee/Applicant Address: 36 North New York Avenue, Huntington, NY 11743 Telephone: 631-425-4100 Fax: 631-425-4104 Email: lre~rnhclaw.com or jcoughlin~mhclaw.com Please check to specify who you_.Wj.~ correspondence to be mailed to, frqll~e above names: ~Applicant/Owner(s), ~lAuthorized Representative,u Other Name/Address below: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED October 28, 2011 and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATEDSept. 29, 2011 FOR: Building Permit Certificate of Occupancy ( ) Pre-Certificate of Occupancy Change of Use Permit for As-Built Construction Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article, Section, Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code.) Article XVII, Section 280-700)(3) and Article XIII, Section 280-56, the Article: Section: Subsection: Bulk Schedule Type of A.~peal. An Appeal is made for: I~lA Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. [~A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law- Section 280-A. ~]Interpretation of the Town Code, Article Section [--'lReversal or Other A prior appeal [] has, [] has not been made at any time with respect to this property, UNDER Appeal No(s). 4905 Year(s). 2001 .. (Please besure to research be/bre completing this question or call our q/ficeJbr assistance) Name of O~vuer: ZBA File # · REASONS }'OR'APPEAL {additional sheets may be used with preparer's s(gnatm'e): AREA E4RIANCE RE/ISONS: (I) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: See Attached (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: See Attached (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: See Attached (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or enviroumental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: See Attached (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? [~es, or [~)No. *See Attached Are there Covenants and Restrictions concerning this land: [~lNo. r-]Yes (please tltrnish covvL This is the MIN1MUM that is uecessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. Check this box ~ IF ,,I,USE VARIANCE IS BEING REQUESTIY*D, AND PLE,,iSE COMPLETE TIlE ,! TTACIIED USE }:,iRIANCE SHEET: (Please be sure to cons,lt~¥tr ~o~'~ By:\~ ,/Iii\ xl/~l I Sworn t? ~bef~r~ne thi~ N its r~y Public sig (Agen Jose ~e~[ Xl~p~[l~t or Authorized Agent stlbmit written A~lthorization front Owner) ,eet, System Development Manager Vlc~rin Br~/t,<~t ~.~ Public, State of N~w York No. 02BR6072822 Qualili~l in Ne#au County , / Cornml~ ~.N~ ~$, ao~Jp Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Application New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Premises: Orient by thc Sea Restaurant & Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient, NY SCTM# 1000 - 15 - 9 - 8.1 Reasons for Appeal: 1. An undesirable change will not be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: The instant proposal, which calls for the installation of a new antenna support structure on property in the MII Zoning District, will allow AT&T to provide reliable service to its users in the vicinity of the site. The proposed antenna support structure is a stealth 70' unipole design with proposed equipment to be located on the ground at the base of the pole and screened by proposed landscaping. Despite its placement within the 500-foot restricted area for wireless communications facilities bordering residentially-zoned parcels and placement within the side yard setback in the MII zoning district, the proposed facility and operation thereof would be contained entirely within the confines of the subject property and will not impact the use of nearby properties. Moreover, the proposed facility would be close to the Orient Beach State Park access roadway, but would not be adjacent to areas where beach users would congregate. The placement of the proposed facility upon a commercially-zoned and developed property within a mixed use area is appropriate, give the limited siting opportunities within the existing AT&T service deficiency gap Finally, there would be limited visibility of the proposed facility from surrounding residen~ uses1 As such, it is not anticipated that the granting of the requested area variances would result in a significant adverse impact to the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. 2. The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: The applicant has a substantial service gap in the area that cannot be achieved by some other feasible means because its antennas must be located and affixed at least as high as proposed in order to ensure that reliable service can be afforded to AT&T users in the vicinity of the site. In order to eliminate the service deficiency in this particular area, AT&T's radiofrequency engineers performed signal propagation studies to determine the height and location of the needed cell site. Based on their studies, AT&T's radiofrequency engineers determined that the installation of the proposed facility at the subject premises will allow AT&T to provide reliable in the vicinity of the Premises~Given the limited siting opportunities in the surrounding service area, it is respectfully submitted that ffi'e use of the subject property for the proposed facility is the least obtrusive location available. Moreover, the placement of the proposed facility on the overall subject property is such that it would not interfere with on-site~restaurant and marina operations, and the distance to residential uses to the north is maximizedt As such, the benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method other than an area variance. 3. The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: As noted above, the proposal seeks to install a 70' stealth monopole with its public utility wireless telecommunications antennas concealed therein and the addition of supporting equipment, screened by landscaping, at the premises. The placement of the proposed facility in the southwest portion of the overall subject property is the optimal location, as it would not interfere with on-site restaurant and marina operations, and the distance to residential uses to the north is maximized. Moreover, although the proposed facility would be proximate to the property line of a residentially-zoned property, the adjacent property is not residentially- developed, but is the access roadway leading to Orient Beach State Park. 4. The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: The proposed facility would be unoccupied and would not result in an assembly of persons or excessive traffic. Operation of the proposed facility would not result in disturbance to nearby residential dwellings by reason of lights or vibration. Furthermore, the facility has been designed to mitigate visual impact to the maximum extent practicable. The proposed facility would be situated upon previously-disturbed ground. It would also result in the disturbance of a minimal amount of land entirely contained within the boundaries of the subject property. Finally, all work would be done in accordance with wetlands permits issued for the proposed action. As such, the proposed facility would not have a significant adverse impact upon the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. 5. Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? We submit that the difficulty was not self created. It is the result of the fact that there are no other available locations in the vicinity of the subject premises or on the subject premises that would be better suited for the placement of the proposed facility, for which a lease agreement could be secured, while still meeting the applicable Town Code requirements and AT&T's radio frequency objectives in the subject search area. Inasmuckas the applicant is a public utility under applicable case law (Cellular Telephone Company v. Rosenberg, 82 N.Y.2d 364 (1993), it must only demonstrate that there is a need for the proposed facility and that the proposed facility is a more feasible means of providing reliable service than other options. The applicant submits that them is a substantial need for the facility and the location on the subject premises was chosen as the optimal site for which a lease agreement could be secured, while still meeting the applicable Town Code requirements and AT&T's radio frequency objectives in the subject search area. The proposed site represents the best means to provide reliable service in the area in question. Additionally, the requested variances allow for the placement of the proposed facility such that it would not interfere with on-site restaurant and marina operations, and the distance to residential uses to the north is maximized. AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM: The form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance, or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operaiion located in agricultural districL .411 applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred to the Suffolk County Department of Plannlng in accordance with Sections 239- m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. 1) Name of Applicant: /X/~ 2) Ad.ss of Applicant: ~67. 00 3) Nme of~d Owner (if other th~ 4) Ad&ess of L~d Owner: 5) Description of Proposed Project: 6) Location of Property (road and tax map number): ~t 060- t 5- ~ - q'r [ 7) Is the parcel within an agricultural district.'? ~]No F'lyes If yes, Agricultural District Number M8) Is this parcel actively farmed? I~]No [~]Yes 9) Name and address of any owner(s) 'of land within the agricultural district containing tlctive farm operation(s) located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project. (Information may be available through the Town Assessors Office. Town Hall location (765-1937) or from any public computer at the Town Hall locations by viewing the parcel numbers on the Town of Southold Real Property Tax System. Name and Address (Please ~e back side of page if more than six property owners are identified.) The lot numbers may be obtained, in advance, when requested from either the Office of the Planning Board at 765-1938 or the Zoning Board of Appeals at 765-1809. .- "signature of Applicant Date Note: [. The local board will solicit comments from the owners of land identified above in ord~ to consider the effect of the proposed actio'h on their farm operation. Solicitation will, be made by supplying a copy of this statement. 2: Comments returned to the local board will be taken into ennsidexation'as part of the overall review of this application. 3. Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be sent by applicant end/or the clerk of the board tO the property owners identified above. The cost for mailing shall be paid by the apiSli .cgnt at the time the application is submitted for review. Failure to pay at sdch time means the application is not complete and cannot be acted upon by the board. 1-14-09 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application ofN~w Cingular Wireless PCS, : LLC : : At the premises: : 40200 Main Road (a/k/a S.R.25) : South side of Main Road, 400 feer~east of Cedar Beach Road : Orient, New York : District I000 Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1 : STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY Q~ SUFFOLK ) AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER Robert Haase, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the Vice President of M.G.H. Enterprises, Inc., owner in fee of the premises known es District 1000, Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1 (the "Premises" hereai~er), and do hereby authorize New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T" hereafter), and its representatives to bring such applications for municipal approvals as may be necessary for constructing or installing on the Premises such antennas, support structures, and related equipment as may be required for the establishment of AT&T's public utility wireloss telecommunication facility. As such, I will fully cooperate with AT&T and its agents in obtaining any required Approvals. Sworn ~to before me this ~IOTARY PUI~L-~C Victori~ Brennan, Esl AFFLICANT',q PROd'ECT DE-qCR1FiION flor ZBA Rs~urm:~) Applicant: New Cinllular Wireless PCS, LLC Date Prepared: L For Demolition of Izx4sting Building Areas Please describe areas being femoved: N!A IL New Construction Areas (New Dwelling or Now Additions/Extensions): N/A Dimensions of first floor cxtecsion: Dimooelons of new second floor:. Dimensions of floor above second level: Height (from ~ni~hed ground to top of ridge): Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed? If yes, please provide height (above 8wand) measured frmn natural existin~ ~rade to tint floor. m. Proposed Const~uodon Description (Alternflons or Structural Changes) (ammh ext~ sheet ifnecesaary)- Please descn'be bu[ldin_e arena: Number of Floors nnd Oenen'al Characteristics BEFORE A~erations: Number of Floors and Changes ~v[lli Alterations: See be] ow IV. Calculations of buildtng areas and lot coverage (from surveyor): Existing square footage of buildings on your property: 3,644 sq. £1a. Pmpnscdincreaseofbulldingcovemge: 324 sq.ft. Square footage of yoor lot; 423 sq. ft. Pcrccniage ofooverage ofyenr lot bybuildlng area: 76.5% V. Purpose of New Comtruetion: Applicant proposes to erect a 70' steel~h monopole~ install public utility wireless telecommunications antennas therein, and install rclated eoui~ment on the ground as d~.ni,~te~ in th~ ~la.'~ ~l.~rnitt~ hm~u/th VI. Please describe the land contours (tint, slope %, heavily wooded, marsh area, etc.) on your land and how it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): Flat Please submit seven ('/) photos, labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking earners for new construction), and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. W2002; 2/2005; 1/2007 QUgSTIONNAIRE FOR lm.~qG Wf~'~ YOUR Z JLA. APPLICATION Tn the subject pr,~mt,,es listed on the mai estate madtet for sale? - Yes ~No B. Am thn~ any ~,,~osals to chsngo or slmr lind contoum? ~No ~ Yes, ple~a~ explnln on -__~_e-h~d shin. ~ C. I) A~ the~e a~'aa that contain sand or weti'"'a 8nmses? ~D 2) Ate these a~eas shown on the ,,,,,.,, suTmnitted with. thJa applicad, on? ~$ 4) If your property contaim wetlands or pond a..-'~s, hav~ you ~ontaoted tl~ oflt~ of th~ Town Trustees for its detmu 'unnilon of jmtsdtction? Yea Please co~,,~.u, sta~ of your and if issued, please attach copies of pm.,,;;, with cnnd~tions and approved m,~. October 21, 2009 Public Hem'i~* *Nora: AppP,.~'will s~lt ammd~ Board ofTrast~s ~eal ~ ourrem design D. Is time a d,,~,~mion or sloping ~l.e~ti~m near t/m area of ~o~osocl c~mn~tion at or below trim Are ~he~ any patios, concrem bmie~s, b~,fla,eads or fcnces that exist and ate not shown on ~e survey map lhat you s~ submltt~S? ~ ~ (Pleas~ show area of these structures on a diagram if any exist Or state ~none" on the above line, if applicabi~) Do you have any construction taking place at this time concernin6 your p~-mlses? ~'0 If yes, please submit a copy of your building pmu~it and map as apl~uVed by Rte Buildin~o Depamnent and dcscn'be: G. Do you or any co=owner also own other land close to this parcel? {qO If yes, please label the proxlrnlt~ of your lands on your map with this application. il. Please list present use or operadom conducted at this parcel Remurant and Marina and proposed use Publio ~ wix~less tclecommunicatioms facility (exnmple~: existing: single=family;, proposed: same withsara~lmol, or otherdescdpg~m.) PROJECT ID NUMBER PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION I1. APPLICANT I SPONSOR. New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC 3.PROJEC'r LOCATION= Mun~pW~y Town of Sou[hold 4. PRECISE LOCATIOI~ 40200 Main Road (S.R. 25) Orient, NY SCTM# 1000- ]5 - 9- 8.1 iS PROPOSED ACTION 617.20 APPENDIX C STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFY REVIEW :SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM for UNU~TED AC11ONS Only (To be completed t)y ,~ licant or Project SPoreD0 2. PROJECT NAME DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY~ SEQR Applicant proposes to erect a 70' monopole, install public utility wireless' teleco~nUnications antennas therein, and install related equipment on the ground, all as depicted in the plans submitted herewith. 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Inlflaly acml UItLmalMy 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXlST1NG ZONING OR OTHER RESTRICTIONS? []Yee [] No If no. de~ 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? (Choc~t aa mas/al apply.) l~he subject premises m ~mpmved w~th a Restaurant and Marina. The premises are bordered ont~ east by the federal go Plum Island Animal Disease Center and on [he west by Orient Beach State Park. Gardiners Bay is located to the south and residences to the north. 10. DOE8 ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (Federal, State or Lonat) I'~"lYaa ['--]No If yes, lilt ~gency n~me ~ pem~ / appmvlt: 11. DO~S ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMiT OR APPROVAL? E~Yel [~No If yes, lilt agency name a~d pemlit I approval: ent's l[~elA ~TUN~LT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/ APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant / Sponsor Name ]~/C~gul~.a~Wirelcss PCS. LLC Date: Signature By: ~.A~,~"~ / Jospeh Swcet, S~'stem Development Manager ~'\~-~/ /'// ' [/I \ If the action Il s Costal Area, and you are a state agency, nplete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment ~. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINA'FE~ REVIEW A8 PROVIDED FOR UNLJ~iP,~ ACTION8 IN ,x NYCRR. PART 817,6,? If N~ ia nsgofh~. C. COUI.0 AC'T1ON RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE F. FFECT'8 A880CIATED WITH~THE FOLLOWING: ~tawem may ~ C3. 05. I C7, O. WILL THE PROJECT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE EN~ENTAL CHARACTERISTICS THAT CAUSED THE ES*TABLI~HMENT O~ A CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREA E. IS THERE. OR 18 THERE LIKELY TO BEt CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? PART III - DETERMINATION OF 8IONIFICANCE ('ro be compielad I~y Agency) INSTRUCTIONSf F~was~advemee~entid~t~nd~b~v~de~rm~ne~hoth~-~t~su~tanti~arge~mp~wtant~ice~gn~ Eac~ effect should be assessed in connecllon with Itl (I) seeing (La. ud~n o1' rural); (b) pmbabillly of occurring; (c) duration; (dj irtevmlibility; (e) geograph!c scope; and (f) magnitude. If nece~a~/, add attac./m~anta or reference supporting materlala. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that ell relevant adverse impact~ have bem~ idenUfled and abequa~y addreosad. If question d of part il was checked yes, the determinaUen of significance must eveluate the potential impact of the proposed action on the environmental charactedatlce of the CEA. Check ~ box if you havo Identified one or mom polenllally large or ~gnlflcant ndverlo Imasctl which MAY occur. Then Dmceed cliraclty to the FULl FAF ond/or prepare n po~ith~ Check Ifll~ box if you have dntermJnsd, ba~ed on ~ ~nfom~tJen and onatysl~ alaove and any supporUr~l documentation, th~ tl~ propound ac~o~ WILL NOT result in any aigniflcant adVmle envffo~lmental Impac~ AND provide, on altachments aa neceaaar/, the reaaonl aupporUng thi: dofermlnal~q. Namo of Lead Agoncy Date Pdnt or Typo Namo of Respen$1ble Ol/lcef In Leacl Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lond Agency Signature of Preparer (if different from res'ponslblo officer) at&t SITE NUMBER: NYCENY1059 SITE NAME: ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT POAeo oF APPEALS DRAWING INDEX T-1 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 REV. TITLE SHEET 6 SITE PLAN 6 PARTIAL SITE PLAN 6 EAST ELEVATION 6 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 6 CABINET DETAILS 6 ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILS 6 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 6 STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN, NOTES AND DETAILS 6 ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM AND NOTES 6 ELECTRICAL DETAILS, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 6 AC SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR ARGUS TE-41 DC POWER PLANT 6 SYSTEM DIAGRAM, TOWER SITE WITH OUTDOOR BASE BAND RRHs ON GROUND 6 WIRING DIAGRAM, OUTDOOR BASE BAND RRHs ON GROUND DC/DC CONVERTER 6 TELCO, ELECTRIC, GROUNDING PLAN AND DETAILS 6 GROUNDING DETAILS 6 DIRECTIONS: MIDLN~D AVE (NORTH-WEST) TAKE RNdP (RIGHT) ONTO SR-17 ~JRN RIGNT ONTO R~MP TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 5R-4 TAKE R~MP (LEFT) ONTO 1-95 EXPRESS LN [NEW JERSEY TPKE] MERGE ONTO 1-95 [NEW JERSEY TPKE] KEEP SI~AIGNT ONTO 1-295 [CROSS BRONX EXPY ID(TI TAKE RAMP (RIGNT) ONTO CROSS ISLAND PKY AT EXIT 30E, KEEP RIGHT ONTO RAMP (0.4 MI) TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 1-495 [LONG ISLAND EXPY] AT EXIT 73, TURN OFF ONTO RAMP KEEP LEFT TO STAY ON RAMP BEAR RIGHT (EAST) ONTO CR-58 [OLD COUNTRY RD] KEEP STRNGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAIN RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH-WEST) ONTO LOVE LN TURN RIGHT (NORTH-EAST) ONTO CR-48 [MIDDLE RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH) ONTO CR-48 [MAIN RD] KEEP SI~NGNT ONTO SR-25 [MAfN RD] ARRrVE AT MAIN RO, ORIENT POINT NY 11957 CODE AND STANDARDS: )~~6~' ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ALL ~PUCABLE NATIONAL AKD LOCAL CODES, iNCLUDiNG BUT NOT LI.rTED TO THE FOLLOWING: ~j~ -BUILDING CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -N~ERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATER[ALS (ASTM) -BUILDING OFFICIALS AND CODE ADMrNIS~ATION (BOCA) -AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION (ASA) -BUILDING CODE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK -UNDERWRITERS [A~ORATOR~ES UL -~o~ ELE~,c COOE (NEC) -NA~O~ ELEc'r.,c ~UFAO~' ^SSOC[A~ON (.EMA~ ~'~. -NA~ONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOC[ATION (NFPA) VICINITY MAP ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENY1059 / L1-1059 NY7320 PROJECT INFORMATION SCOPE OF WORK: SITE ADDRESS: PROPERT~ OWNER: CONTACT PERSON: LATITUDE: LONGn'UDE: ELEVATION: JURISDICTION: TAX I.D. NUMBER: ZONING DISTRICT: CURRENT USE: PROPOSED USE: AN UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACIUTY INCLU01ND TELECOMMUNICAI~0NS EQUIPMENT AT GRADE LEVEL ATOP NEW ELEVATED ;~I~L EQUIPMENT PLATFORM AND RELATED ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE NEW RF ~NSP~RENT MONOPOLE. 40200 MNN RD. (mk.o.S.R. 25) ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 M.G.H. EIq~PRISE$, INC. BOB HAASE (631) 323-2424 NEW CINGUU~R WIRELESS PCS, LLC 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE PN~MUS, NJ 07652 N 41' 9' 9" **NAD (83) W 72' 14' 39.7' **NA0 (83) 8'-0" AMSL **NAVD (88) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BLK: 9 LOT: 8.1 SEC: 15 ZONE: MARINE II SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS NAME COMPANY A/E NElL A* MACDONALD WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AJA ANCH~TECTS, LLP SAC VICTORIA BRENNAN SHORE 2 SHORE RF SHAHED HUSAIN BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CON RICHARD CHIAPPA TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTACT BOB HAASE "~~SEA RESTAURANT NUMBER (651) 68~--8~50 (651) 807--7856 (978) 259--5~28 (201) 218--7765 (631) 323-2424 40200 MAIN RD ORIENT POINT, NY 11957 15 E~ST MIDLAND AVENUE PARAMUS. NJ 07652 AT&T MOBILITY TITLE SHEET NYCE NY 1059J, T - 1 22 x ~i NEW AT&T ELECTRIC CONDUITS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T ELECTRICAL M'E~cR AND DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TO NEW AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION SITE DATA NEW 14'-0" HIGH JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA O ?'-0' O.C., WP. OF NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED GALVANIZED EIEEL PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION' NEW AT&T 70'-0" HIGH RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE AND EXISTING UNDERLYING TR~aJLER AND BOATS TO BE CLEARED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN I NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUIT EXISTING UTILITY POLE ~35 TO NEW MESA SPAN CABINET AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PROPERTY EXISTING TRANSFORMER, METER AND DISCONNECT ~ LOCATION OF NEW AT&T ELECTRIC METER AND OISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK. SEE 1/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION EXISTING STORAGE ~EX~STING PROPERTY OWNEO BY ORIENT POINT STATE PARK7 MARINA 7 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENY1059 ! L1-1059 NY7320 40200 MAIN RD ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 4 at&t AT&T MOBILITY 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE PARAMUS, NJ 07652 EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES FROM UTILITY POLE #35 PROPERTY LINE, 7YP. RESTAURANT AND MARINE FUELING STATION UM'r$/GSM 100'-0" 100'-0" 100'-0" LTE 100' -0" 100'-0" 100'-0" EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH RAMP EXtSTIND BULKHEAD EXISTING BAY ENTRANCE NOTE: RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLETO BE "GRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COPEN BLUE, INOTE: CONTRACTOR IS TO RESTORE ANY AREA WHICH IS AFFECTED BY THE INSTALLATION OF ANY ITEMS AND/OR EQUIPMENT WITHIN THIS SCOPE OF WORK. NOTE: ALL TRENCHES TO BE HAND EXCAVATED AND BACKFILLED TO ENSURE ]HAT EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIE-~ ARE NOT DISTURBED. MAKE ALL PVC JOINTS WATERTIGHT. TEST PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. NOT: COI~OR TO SiTE SPECIFIC SIGNAGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T PROJECT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR SITE SIGNAGE. NOTE: THE CONSTRUCTION AND OF THE F~ILITY WILL NOT INTERFERE Wl~ PUBLIC SAFELY COMMUNICA~ONS AND THE USUAL AND CUSTOMARY ]RANSMISSION OR RECEPTION OF RADIO, TELEVISION OR OTHER COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES OR Wl3M ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION UNES. OBAWING DEPICTS THE iNSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, CABUND ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE PROPOSED RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED DY A NEW YORK STATE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED OOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED UPON A SURVEY PREPARED BY: HAWKINS WEBB JAEGER PLLC., S259 ROUT 112, BUILUlNG 8-SU~ 1, MEDPORD, NY 11763, (631) 732-7777, (DATED JULY 2NO, 2009, PROJECT NO: 06-0099) AT&T MOBILITY SITE PLAN NYCENY1059 A 1 ~ . ANY EXISTING I~EES UNDERLYING VEGETATION, · ~> TRAILERS AND BOAT~ IN AREA OF NEW CONS~UCTION · ~ ~ TO BE CLEARED PRIOR TO START OF CONS~UCI~ON. .6 '.~ DASHED UNES REPRESENT ...... , O 7' O" ~== ....... ~ / ~ OC SEE 1/A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATIO ~ 4-0" , 28 O' ( I ~ , ~ (2) NEW PURCELL CABINETS STACKED NEW BBU TO BE ~ INSTALLED ~N NEW PURCELL FLX16WS CABINET. SEE ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~%~(~'~h ~ /[['[Zy[3~ ['Z~f)~ [r~/) ' / v~'/ ) '1 N~AT~T~LCOCONDU, mENCHED UNDERGROUND ~ ~ N ~ N ~ ~~ I 7 /' ~ .. , L PANEL MOU~D ON N~ AT~T ~QUIPME~ P~TFORM ~ .~ '. '~ ..... ~x-~ ....... ~ ....... ~) % ~D~L, SEE 1 ~D 566/A-4 FOR MORE INEDR~ON +~>x~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Jill I IUTC RX~A!T o~ ~nnn BA~ BATT ~ ~ ~ ~N~ AT~T EQUIPME~ ~lN~S MOU~ ON N~ A ORIENT BY THE S~ RESTAURANT I~ ~,~ ...... ~ ~: . ~ AT~T ~O:~L~TY NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE AT&T EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO A LEVEL GRADE OF B'-O" AMSL PRIOR TO START OF EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSI~UCTION. TELCO & ELECTRIC CONDUIT WILLIAM F COLLINS, AIA ARC H ITECTS~LLP T.O. NEW R.F. COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE (EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0") PAD. ~- NEW AT&T ANTENNAS (BEYOND) T.O. NEW FENCE AND T.O. UPPER ~CE BRIDGE Ne T.O. NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT CABINET ~ g'-5"~- AGL Ne T.O. NEW LOWER tOE BRIDGE Ne T.O. NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM~__ ,,~4'-0"± AOL (12'-0"~ AMSL) Ne B.O, NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM (FLOOD LEVEL) 0'-0" AOL (8'-O":E AMSL) BASE NEW MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE NOTE BOX THIS SHEET NEW AT&T GALVANIZED STEEL DUNNAGE PALLING AND STAIR, T(P. SEE SHEET A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION. NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUITS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW PANEL TO NEW MESA SPAN CABINET. SEE 1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW AT&T ELECTRICAL CONDUITS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T ME~R AND DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TO NEW AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED TO NEW ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL. SEE 1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION-- (3) NEW AT&T LTE ANTENNAS AND (6) MHAa MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, "P~P. SEE 4/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION (3) NEW AT&T UMTS/OSM ANTENNAS AND (6) MHAs MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, I'I'P. SEE 2/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW 70'-0" HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0") NEW AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED WITHIN NEW AT&T MONOPOLE. SEE 1/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION (5) NEW 14'-0" HIGH JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA O 7'-0" O.C. BEYOND. SEE 1/A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW CONCREIE PAD MOUNTED MESA SPAN CABINET BEYOND. SEE 1/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION (2) NEW AT&T GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW CABLE iCE BRIDGE POST. SEE 1121A/A-6 FOR MORE iNFORMATION NEW AT&T ELEVATEO CABLE ICe BRIDGE. SEE 2 AND 4/A-4 FOR MORE iNFORMATION NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT PACK. SEE 3/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW AT&T OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM, I~P. SEE 1/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW AT&T 13'-0" HIGH CHAINUNK FENCE WITH 4'-0' LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN 'PERMAHEDQE" PRIVACY SLATS OR EQUAL. SEE SHEET A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION -- (5) NEW AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON SUPPORT PACK. SEE 11lOB/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION -- NEW ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL EQUIPMENT PLA~ORM. SEE 1/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION -- NEW CONCRETE PIER, ~YP. OF (6) LOCATIONS. SEE 1 AND 4/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION T.O. NEW CONCRETE PIER NOTE: DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF NEW ANTENNAS, CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENY1059 / L1-1059 NY7320 40200 MAIN RD ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 at&t AT&T MOBILITY 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE TO ADJACENT OPAPHIC SCALE. I L I/8"=1'--~' I NEW RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS TO BE OESIGNED BY A NEW YORK PROFESSIONAL AND SEALED FOR THIS WORK BY OTHERS. 4 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 D C AT&T MOBILITY EAST ELEVATION A 22 x 34 *D" bILL PART ~ Q'IY. WB40001 ROHN PART I~RN-WB-KS110-150 VAJJ4ONT PART ~802B03 MTE PART ~N/A WB40002 ROHN PART VALMONT PART ~[802604 MTE PART ~MT-C8269 CONNECTOR WEATHER- PROOFING 5'-0" CABINET, -COAX SUPPOR1 TYP. -NEW -SUPPORT EQUIPMENI §J REMOVING UNCAPPED END ~IOTES: RIGID STEEL RIGID GALV. STEEL CONDUIT COUPUNG 1 ·WHEN USING COMPONENTS AS SHOWN IN STANDARD CONDUIT PLUG [PN MB40001 OR WB40002 DETAILS. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN DEIWEEN SUPPORTScHANNEL ~;' ~[~ f / (SEE TABLE)] ON A CONllNUOUS SINGLE SECTION OF BRIDGE CHANNEL ! [' BRIDGE CUT ICE BRIDGE i CHANNEL 2.WHEN USING COMPONENTS FOR SPUCiNG BRIDGE STEEL CONDUIT LE , TRENCH. ~ F1NISH GRADE, MATCH ~ ~ LENGIH TO SUIT (SEE NOTES) CHANNEL SECTIONS, THE SPUCE SHOULD BE PROVIDED AT THE SUPPORT, IF POSSIBLE. OR AT A k~IMUM OF' 2 RIGID GALV. STEEL ON D = - ~ ~ / SLOPE AND THICKNESS ~ ~ ~ ~'~[PN WB40005 (SEE TABLE)] FEET FROM THE SUPPORT. TO PVC ADAPTER ~'~_--'~ Il-- ~COMP~ BACKF1LL PER (2) TRAPEZE KITS ARE INCLUDED ~iWHEN USING COMPONENTS. SUPPORT SHOULD BE PROVIDED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE ENDS OF ICE i ~ ILEi-- ~ ---II ~ SPECIRCATION EARTHWORK ~Wlll-I ICE BRIDGE. ORDER BRIDGES, WITH A MAXIMUM OANTIMVER DISTANCE OF 2 ~ .I . ~ WIDE METN.. CORE, ~ ~ ~ REQUIRED, TO MNNTNN MAXIMUM BRIDGE. ~ I1-~1: ~:--::~--:-~ - = ' ~ARE PRINTED W~ '~U~O. = [ ~.CUTm~BmDGE~C~,ELA ~B~SE~ONSTo R~ORES~ ~THEsE~WEDGESE~ESTo ~ CONDUIT STUB-UP ~ ~ m-- -- - ...... ~J~ <~ "") BY SUB-CONI~CTOR ~ ~' ~ ' - ' ~)T-F- CONTINUOUS PLANKS PAINTED z ~ 5.1CE BRIDGES MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WITH COMPONENTS I ~' '~'m~ ' ~ ~'T RED. NUMBER OF PLANKS AS -- - - ~ FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS. PROVIOED THE -~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~ [ s~i~-~ REQ'D FOR WIDTH OF - ' ~ I ' ~ MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUlDEUNES ARE FOLLOWED. ~ ~ L U~L ~TRENCH ~ 6.DE'~qATIONS FROM STN~IE~a, ROS FOR COMPONENT ~l~ ~-~ q ~ SOIL) pER _ ~CO.CR~ ~UF^CmRER'S ARPR~. TELEPHONE /- i1~) ~ ~EARTHWORK SPEClFI~TION " ' ~ - .~ / ~ SCH 40 PVC 7 DEVIATIONS FROM ICE BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS REQUIRE CONDUIT (1 · ~l~[~ PART ~( Ql~. ACTIVE, CONDUIT//~_ POWER CONDUIT - 'ENGINEERING APPROVAL. AS REQUIRED) t 4" MiN TO SECONDARY ELECTRIC II MB40001 ROHN PART TEL. CO.-- 1L~ MIN TO PRIMARY ELECII~IC VAJ.~4ONT PART ~802603 BOl'rOM OF TOWER/MONOPOLE. BENDING MTE ,us PER MANUP^ RER'S S AN DS wB.ooo RO.. PAST VALMONT PART ~[802604 kITS PART ~MT-C8269 ~DETAIL @ TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH /~TYP. ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE DETAIL OIJ~JNE OF REAR OF NOKIA //-~CCH/GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO ULTRASITE POWER CABINET-- / ~I~BLE SUPPORT HACK /-ORIP LOOP, COIL 1'-~ FOR T1 CABLE AND JUMPER TERMINATION AT u~ F W~THER- - IIIIIIIII ......... ~oI /° ~ ~°IUNISTRUTRACK PIGTAIL ~ ~COAX ' UMTE ~iL~ ~~'i POWER TO DROP -SUPPORT Tls TO E911 - z WITH c ,-~JEW -- EQUIPMENT AND rYP o~- WEATHER- -SUPPORT E IPM N1 I~SS ALARM · ~ PROOFING GU E CABLE TO GROUND LEAD TO COAX ~j~U~ ' GROUND KIT WITH GROUND KIT WlTI'I WEATHER IPM PROOFING (NOT IN BEND OF NEW EQU ENT UNISTRUT 1 5/8" CFLANNEL WEATHER PR P$O00 (TYP); USE UNISTRUT IN BEND OF COAX) CABLE SUPPORT coax) MA~. coAX------/ BOLTINO HARDWARE AT ~ CONNECTIONS AND BASE EOU,P.E.T CAB,.ETS UN,STR OR S,M, OOLO FORMED STRUT CHANNEL) ~ v ~ ~ .~ - --- ~ - .-. aox w/~ ~ su~o= ~ PURCELL EQUIPMENT CABINET ~ (NO~ 6) / ~ i I I I I ~. SEE 2/A-4 FOR MORE INFOR~ON ~ ~ ~ SEE 1/A-2 ~O 1/A-3 FOR MORE INFOR~ON o__ , ) ~ , ~ , i ~ FIBER AND POWER ,0.31r(7.94mm)(4 P~CES) ' ~ ) ' ' ~ r ~ DISTRIBUTION BOX DC2-48-60-0-9E N~ (INCHES) COMMEN~ ALCATEL-LUCENT 9442 REMOTE i~REMOTE RADIO HEAD (RRH) RACK DETAIL ~DETAIL. WILLIAM F. COLL[NS, AIA NYCENY1059 /L1-1059 Il .. ,~ . CAelNET D~AILS RRH CABINET CLEARANCES COMMENTS (INCHES) FRONT 56" INSTALLATION ACCESS ZERO RE, AR CLEARANCE IS ALLOWED USING REAR 2" SUPPUED MOUNTING BRACKETS RIGHT 4" AIR FLOW 6 5 4 5 2 ~ 5. ATTACH THE REAR BRACKETS TO THE HEX i BOLTS AND INSTALL FLAT WASHER. SPLIT LOCK I1 TOP CAP. BY OTHERS THE TMA CAN BE MOUNTED TO A SUITABLE WASHER. AND THE HEX NUT ON E~CH HOLT. VIEW C ~ ~ ~ A,NIT~INA MOUNI1NG FLAT SURFACE. 11OHTEN HEX NUTS SECURELY WHILE BRACKETS HY OTHERS, 'PIP. 1. THE REAR BRACKETS AND HARDWARE NOT USED. MAINTAINING AUGNMENT BETWEEN TMA BRACKET ~ 2. IF PRE-INSTALLED. 3/8-16 UNC x 6 1/~'" LG (MS X AND REAR BRACKET. ANTENNA MOUNTING/ - DETAIL B 160 MM) HEX BOLTS MUST HE REMOVED PRIOR TO 4. A1TACH A GROUND CABLE TO THE TMA USING BRACKETS TO BE -~ - BULKHEAD. BY WALL-MOUNTING. UNHO THE 1~/0 CAP SCREWS TO DETACH THE PRE-INSTALLED HEX BOLT AND WASHERS. D PLACED AS NEEDED ~! THE TMA BRACKET AND RETRACT THE BOLTS. RE-INSTALL ROUTE THE GROUND CABLE TO THE GROUND /' OTHERS THE TMA BRACKETS AND 11GFREN THE CAP SCREWS BAR ON THE TOWER STRUCTURE AND AITACH AN1T~NNA MOUN13NG ~ / L~ ! ~ I N SECURELY. SECURELY WITH SUITABLE FASTENER. ~, ~ i ~ / I Foil ~rr~NA ~NFORMA~ON SEE DETAIL ¢ ~rrENNA MOU~NG ANDREW TOWER MAST AMPLIFIER ,oTEs: ~,ou THE T~ POeT ,~KED ',TS" TO THE OIA. ON.) 1H ETD819HS12UB DETAIL~SHEMSLE THE POLE MOUN~NG ,~,OWABE OR CU"VE OR LOOP TO REU~ UNDUE STUN O" E~ , LOAD (MPH) 100 ~ SHOWN ,N DETAIL ABOVE. 6. TIGHTEN RF CONNECTIONS TO 18 PT-LBS IIMAT1NG FLANGE L-BRACKET ~ GPS ANTENNA (25Nm) TORQUE. IYPE (W/N-MALE POLE OR TOWER MEMBER. TOWER mUCTURE. C-11R (3/4' &: 1' PIPE) OR , (,/(/- CO..ECTOR) ~i = C-22 (1 1/4" ~ 1 1/2" / ~COAX CABLE _/ TO CRGH 'P' SEC~ON OR ELEVATION PRO. DE ~PLIC~LE --~ ~= /-- ~ ~PICAL ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL P,PE-TO-P'PE C~P GHOUNH CAHLE CUSP OF SO'~-~o ~IG.~N-~- !r~INSULATED SPLiT-COLLAR Jl(850/900MHz PORT) ANO 2 (1800/1900/2100 -- ~-~2 AWG GROUND WIRE GND-1M-KT, OR EQUIVALENT, MAY BE USED. APPLY o. ~N B.~ +/- ~. LTE-~PS ANTE,RA SH~L HE LOCATED ~0' P,OM ALL ANTENNAS. POWERWAVE GSM/UMTS MOU,T THE TMA TO THE MOU,T~,G P~PE US~R~ THE T S AW-O, TMA N-.,. TYP. UMTS/GSM LTE-GPS ANTENNA~.~. CO~NUE ~NSTALLAT,OR W~TH STEP 3. ~CAL LTL ANTENNA DETAIL ~ ANTENNA DETAIL . ~/~.PIPE AND L- BRACKET MOUNT ~ A ~ NYCENY1059 /L1-1059 ~ ~,~ ...... ,,/I-,L.-~ ~,, ; 0 vmce ........ , ........... ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 SC~,~.OT~ I~ I ..... ~JA 4/~,~ INYCENYIO~9 A 6 NOMINAL DIA. (IN.) 18 MAXIMUM WIND LOAD (MPH) 100 MAT1NG FLANGE THICKNESS (IN.) 2.5 ATTACHMENT BOLT DLA. (IN.) 1 LENmH ON.) -CORNER, C~TE. ENG OR PULI. PO~T I I OPENING 2 1/2' O.D. POST ECHER ~ NG ~ P8 ~ F- 9~) D ~ ~ S~ 12. ~ W~K S~ ~NFORM WI~ ~E PR~ECT SECTION ~ 1 ~ ~ EL~AnON WOVEN DETAIL ~ WOVEN WIRE FENCE DETAIl ~=~.~[.,,~. ~WIRE FENCE DETAIL ~~!L ~ WOVEN WIRE GATE DETAIL ~ ? ~. SHRUB S~ eE S~ / ......... ~ ~ ~ o~.-~) up TO F~RST (5) N~ ~4'-~ HIGH ~RN ~CHEDULE DETAIL ORIENT BY THE SEA A RcHWJL[IAM] T E F. COLLINS, AIA NYCENY1059 / L1-1059 ALL STEEL WORK SHALL BE FABRICATED AND ERECIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT NSC SPECIFICATIONS. ALL NEW REMOVABLE STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAMS CONFORM TO ASIM A-36 UNLESS OII~ERWISE NOTED. ALL MATERIALS TO BE HOT DIPPED ~ ~TORm STEEL CONSI~UCTIOh' ZES ABE NOT SHOWN. PROVIDE THE MINIMUM SIZE PER TABLE d2.4 IN THE NSC MANUAL OF (¢) NEW · AJ.L DAMAGE TO GN_VANIZED COATINGS SHALL DE RESTORED WITH COLBSPRA¥ GALVANI I .~,~F~J EACH SIDE, WELDED TO 6"x6"xS/8' GAl-V. PIPE~' ~ MAy USE 5/8' DIA. ABqM A 507 BOLTS UNLESS NOI~D 1-1/2'x5/[6" \ ~ HANDRAIL GALVANIZED ~ TOE PLATE. SEE /REQUIREO) ;- D MA""~RER'S REOUI.EM~.~. THE ANC"OR .0~"~s.~'~jC'~o~%:~ ~% ~gS~C~. W~ ~'~' ~'~ CONSmUED ~s ^ CO.PLB~ ONECK .Ut W,. ~.mOATE O.L~ n~T D~E.AL M~r. OD O~ CONSmUCTION ~O DE~UNG HANDRAIL ELEVATION s~ ~RRO~ .EOF .EDPONS,D~ ~ABR,CATIO. -~ FO. WN,C. D.LB ' EX,~ AND THE ~ THE CO O,*NSIONS ~ '*G AND OF THE ""'ON~U~ O~ ABEOOATE M~.*. CON.EOTIONS. CON~OR -- -- --~ d ~ ~ ~,~__U,,I? ME.T P~T~O.M H~C.OLS ~-~/~' GALW~ZED / / .?..L_O_U? _/~ .ED~ WE~m TO .O~OM Or Para RRO~DE RAIL MOUNTING DETAIL INFORMAllON C tLJ)  -- _ ~ ~ ' LONG ~4 R~ WE~ED ]--T-~/1/4-F j 1' NON--SHRINK -= ~ ..... ~ ~ , ~ - ~ ~ co..~.oNo~. / ...... , .... , ,, ,,,~~ ~ . ..... . ~, . ~ ~... ~ ~ ~ )i . ~ ~ {2) P~cgs~ :p~_==~) ip=~ ~4~ ~ :OF (2)~ ~ II' ~ II JI W~ (~) 1~ LONG ~4 RE~ ~CH. WE~ED / ~ -,,,,;:;;-::=~===,,~ . ,, ~4 REaR ~ES ~ Il "l', ~ "n TO 80.0. OF P~E. PR~DE 2' H~K AT ~ .... eo~ou o¢ RE~, ~P. FOR (~)~ ,," ..... ,,'" ~--~, ,~--~, STRUCTURAL FRAMING P~N F THIS SHE~ IS 11" x lr Rg~R ~ PIER DETAIL REFER TO STRU~ wlt~A~ F COL~INS A~A NYCENY1059 /L1-1059 A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/X~ S. ~ RUCTU~L FRAMING P~N. ARCHITECTS,'LLp N"320 ~ -~ .........~ ~'~) ~ , ,/j ~*~ ~ C~ NOTES AND D~AiLS PARAMUS, NJ 07652 .... [~s~ I .... ~L IRED) SIZE NOTES: SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 200AMp, SINGLE PHASE, 120/240 VAC, 60HZ SERVICE FOR AT~T SITES. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH LmLDY COMPANY BEFORE THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. POWER AND TELEPHONE CONOUIT SHALL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED PER UTIUT~ REQUIREMENTS. FOR COMPLETE INTERNAL WIRING AND ARRANGEMENT REFER TO DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY PANEL MANUFACRJRER. ALL SI~VICE EQUIPMENT' AND INSTALLATIONS SHALL COMPLY WiTH THE N.E.C. AND UTILRY COMPANY AND LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SUFFICIENT LENGTHS OF LFMC INCLUDING ALL CONDUIT FTmNGS (NUTS, REDUCING BUSHINGS, ELBOWS, COUPENG, ETC) NECESSARY FOR CONNEC~ON FROM THE NEMA BOX TO THE INTERIOR BTS CABINET. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PRO. DE ELECIRICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT WHH FAULT CURRENT RATINGS GREATER THAN THE AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT FROM THE POWER UTILITY. DPORy~ER'pCONTHOL) 0 ERATION; Es~DAND EQUIPMENToR LA~ELEDGROUNDFoR THEWIRINGLoCATIoNIN ~JBINGAND ORRAcewAyCONDUITsysT~SHALLusED.BE SINGLE CONDUCTOR (~14 AWG AND LARGER), 60or, OIL RESISTANT THHN OR THWN-2. CLASS B S~°J~NDES COPPER CABLE RATED FOR 90'C (WET AND CUT, COIL AND TAPE A 5 FOOT PIGTNL FROM END OF I_FMC FOR TERMINATING BY [iTS EQUIPMENT MANUF~TURER. SUBCOfl~CTOR SHALL COORDINATE WiTH LOCAL TELCO UTILITY PRIOR TO PROCURING AND INSTALLATION OF SSC ENCLOSURE AND COMPONENTS. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL SURGE PROTECTION DEVICE~A~BY ATLANTIC SCIENTIFIC; ZONE BARRIER SERIES; P~RT NO. 90700 WR~I MouNq]NG DIN RNL P~RT NO. 21607). BONG SURGE PROTECTION DEVICE DIN RAIL TO THE ENCLOSURE WITH ~6 AWG INSULATED WIRE (REFERENCE STANDARD D L 1015). BOND ENCLOSURE TO THE SITE GROUND RING OR BAR Wfl~ ~2 AWG COPPER WIRE. SUBCONTI~TOR SHALL PROVIOE 6'x6'x4#(MIN.) NEMA SR 51~J~L ENCLOSURE AND MOUNT TO CONDUIT RACK AT REAR OF CABINET. TO NEW AT&T p~8TE NOTE NEW AT&T EXlS~NO PAD METER AND MOUI~ DISCONNECT-- TRANSFORMER -- NOTE N 2-1/2' C WI~ 3-4/0 ~' C WITH 3-5/0 & 1 ~ 4 CU ELECTRICAL SERVICE IS DESIGNED BY OTHERS W/THOUT INVOLVEMENT OF WFC. CONDUIT ROU~NO SHALL BE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. AN ELECI~ICAL iNSPECTION CERTIFICATE SHALL BE PROVtDED TO AT&T 0 WFC AT THE COMPLE"RON OF THE PROJECT. CABLES SHALL BE (2)-5/0 AWG FOR EACH BTS. 5. B. DC CABLES SHALL BE RHH/RHW AND CABLE TRAY (CT) RATED. 7, 24VDC INSTALLER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL TELCO CABLE(S) BELDEN PART ~7919A COILED AND READY FOR FINAL TERMINATION FOR NOKIA CARINET CONOUIT AND CABLE FOR CIRCUITS AND RATINGS SEE PANEL TERMINATION POINTS SEE DETNL 5 SHEET A-4. SCHEDULE, DETNL 1 SHEET E-2 El. COORDINATE ALL NEW SERVICE REDUIRI~IENTS WITH UPA PRIOR TO BEGINNING NEW WORK. E2. ENGAGE THE SERVICES OF AN UNDERGROUND UTILRY LOCATING COMPANY TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA. ES. PROVIDE AND INSTALL New 120/240 VOLT 200 AMP SINGLE PHASE MAIN DISCONNECT SWITCH. E4. PROVIDE AND IN~TALL NEW 120/240 VOLT SINGLE PHASE 200 AMP M~.lbt~. E5. PROVIDE AND INSTALL NUMBER 2 COPPER GROUND AND 3/4" X 10' GROUND RODS FOR New SERVICE. MAXIMUM RESiSTANCE TO GROUND SHALL BE § OHMS. PROVIDE AND INSTALL ADDITIONAL GROUND RODS NOT LESS THAN B' APART TO MEET MINIMUM GROUND RESISTANCE AS NECESSARY. E6. NEW PANEL "A" iN WEATHERPRCOF ENCLOSURE MOUNTED TO NEW EQUIPMENT PLATFORM RAILING. PANEL RATED AT 200A. 42koic MAIN BREAKER. ALL COPPER BUS, 30 BOLT ON 22koic BREAKERS AND DOOR IN DOOR HINGED CONSTRUCTION. E7. PRO. DE AND INSTALL SURGE EQUAL TO ARRESTOR SUPPUED WITH SSC ENCLOSURE, EQUAL TO INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY INC.. MODEL ~ PTEO~O. ~NSTALL wr~ A 2P--50A BREAKER IN PANEL ~A" WI~ 5 ~ 10 CONDUCTORS. ES. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING GFCI CONVENINENCE RECEPTACLES, 2~- VOC CABINET ETC. PER PANEL "A" SCHEDULE. COORDINATE WI~ PROJECT MANAGER AS NECESSARY, E9. PRO~qDE NEW 200A, SINGLE PHASE, 3 WIRE PIN AND SLEEVE EMERGENCY GENERATOR RECEPTACLE. PART GRINWlRRELAY-RANG RECEPTACLE ~AR20033-RS ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM UNISTRUT pIpE/.CONDUIT F.~ CLAMP Pl119 OR P2558-35 GALV. RECQMMENDATIQRS POR× BOLT TORQUE PIPE CAP (TYP) UNISIRUT P1CO1 (GAI.V) ~[~Re SCH.40 PiPE e RGS CONDUIT (CALk/) UNISTRUT PLO01 (GALV) UNISTRIjT PlOO1 (GAl_V) FINISHED GRADE ~ lO"e PLAIN CONCRETE saKBETE PIer ~;~I at&t EAST MtDLA UE PARAMUS, NJ 07652 5 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENY1059 / U-1059 NY7320 40200 MAIN RD ORIENT POINT, N.Y 1~957 AC DtSTRIBUllON PANEL 240-120V 1 PHASE 200A-BASED ON INTERSECT PANEL WITH STRIKESORB I~SS LOAS (VA) 6RKR L1 !.2 LCL L1 L2 BRKR SIZE SIZE REV SERVICE DESCRIPllON AMPS BRKR VA VA VA VA VA 8RKR AMPS SERVICE DESCRIPTION REV 0 50 1 (2P) 526 652 526 2 (2P) 50 ARGUS 24VDC CA~INET ~1 RECTIFIER #2 0 0 ARGUS 24VOC CABINET ~1 RECTIFIER ~1 5 526 652 526 4 0 0 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET ~1 RECTIRER ~5 50 5 (2P) 526 652 526 6 (ZP) 50 ANGUS 24VDC CABINET ~I RECTIFIER 1~4 0 0 7 526 652 326 8 0 0 ARGUS 2¢VDC CABINET ~1 RECTIRER ~5 50 9 (2P) 526 652 526 10 (2P) 50 ARGUS 24VOC CABINET ~I RECTIFIER ~6 0 0 11 326 652 526 12 0 0 50 15 (2P) 526 652 526 14 (ZP) 30 ARGUS 24VOC CABINET ~1 RECTIFIER ~8 0 0 ARGUS 24VDC CAB[NET ~1 RECTIRER ~7 15 526 652 526 16 0 0 50 17 (2P) 526 652 526 18 (2P) 50 ARGUS 24VOC CABINET ~1 RECTIRER I~10 0 0 ARGUS 24VDC CA~INET ~1 RECTIFIER ~19 19 526 652 526 20 0 0 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET ~1 RECllRER ~11 50 21 (2P) 326 1076 750 22 (ZP) 15 0 0 25 526 1076 750 24 NOKIA HETA 1900 0 0 NOKIA HETA 850 15 25 (2P) 750 750 750 26 (1P) 15 FLXI2WS 0 0 27 750 750 526 28 (2P) 50 FLX12WS 0 0 15 29 (ZP) 720 5600 2880 50 (1P) 50 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET 0 0 UMTS CABINET HEATER 51 720 720 750 52 (1P) 15 Rx-AIT 0 0 TELCO BOX RECEPTACLE 15 55 (1P) 180 180 54 0 0 UMTS CABINET RECEPTACLE 15 55 (1P) 180 180 56 0 0 BATrERY CABINET NO.2 15 57 (1P) 180 180 58 0 0 59 0 40 0 0 41 0 42 0 PANELSCHEDULE ARBR~TIONS ~ A AMPERE 0 AC GENERATOR CONNECTOR ACCA ANTENNA CABLE COVER ASSEMBLY AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE · CADWELD I'(PE CONNECTION SCW BARE COPPER WIRE ~ CIRCUIT BREAKER BOB BOTTOM GROUND ~R COAXIAL CABLE SHIELD ROUND STS BASE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM D KIT CONNECTION C CONDUIT CIBGE COAX ISOLATED GROUND BAR EXTERNAL. · COMPRESSION I'¢PE CONNECTION DWG DRAWING io,,, f COPPER GROUND BAR 1/4"x4"x20", (E) EXISTING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE EMT ELECTRICAL METALUC TUBING G GROUND ~ DISCONNECT SWffCH GEN GENERATOR ~]) GFI DUPLEX RECEPTACLE GPS GLO~AL POSITIONING SYSTEM GENERATOR GR GROWTH IGR INTERIOR GROUND RING (HALO) ~) GROUND ROD KWH KILOWAIT HOUR [] GROUND ROD WITH ACCESS MIGB MASTER ISOLATED GROUND BAR tN) NE~/ -- GROUND WIRING p PHASE ~ MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH PCS PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM PPC POWE1~ PROTECTION CABINET [] METER ON METER/BREAKER UNIT RGS RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL ~ PANELDOARD PRC PRIMARY RADIO CABINET POWER AND TELCO WIRING TO X9 ALPHA ALARM PORT PRE-INSTALLED 0 WHT/GRNc 3'=~ 5 ~ GRN/WHT ~=~==~ 6 ~=~=I-- W~/BRN~ 7 ~ ~RN~ ~ ~ ~ 8 W~/SLT~ ~ ~ RED LU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6LU RED ~ 12~ ~~ 22~ ~~ 27~ YEL/GRN E~ 35~ GRN~L E~ 36~E BLU~m o ~ ~E~L~TRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENY1059 / U-1059 NY7320 40200 MAIN RD ORIENT POINT, N.Y 11957 4 at&t AT&T M 0BiLll~ 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE PARAMUS, NJ 07652 NOTES FOR TE20B INTRUSION ALARM: 1. DISCONNECT WIRE #22 FROM N.O. (OPEN) TERMtNAL OF SW§ & CONNECT TO MALE 0.25# QUICK CONNECT (RED WIRE) FROM TE20B DOOR INTRUSION ALARM CABLE. USE PROVIDED FEMN-E 0.2§" QUICK CONNECT 2. NOW CONNECT THE BLACK WIRE FROM THE TEZOB DOOR INI~USION ALARM CABLE TO THE N.O. RED INTRUSION PRE-WIRED IN 24V) ~ TE~P .{PRE-WIRED IN GRN)(EAC #2. TEXT ID WHTBY GC ~'1COMM POWER FAIL ~BY ~; (~ #s, TEXT iD pRE_WiRED~ EAC 6, TEXT ID 6 ~ FAC 7 TEXT ~0 7 )gECT ..d PRE-W,RED ,N (EAc #8, TE~ ~D ~s) 0 0 _ow ~EMP ,~M ~C~OM ] ~ ~J~'F I~"m I · 66 BLOCK ALARM ASSIGN --) NA INTRUSION ALARMS JUMPER'D --1 NA TOGETHER BY ARGUS AND ROUTED TO PINS --INA 13,14 POWER COMPARTMENT /LOW TEMP AND BATTERY COMPARTMENT ~ REAR PANEL BAli AND D POWER COMPARTMENT REAR UFT-OFF ACCESS PANEL INTRUSION ALARM AT&T MOBILITY DETAILS, SYMDOL5 AND ABDREVIATIONS NYCENY1059 E 2 ~.-~4,eo,o~] 22 x 34 '~ SiZE -~ & 1/C 10 AWG GND, (FOR FiVAC) ~AC 120/2~V AC lC, ~ OR G~I 0 * = ~AIL A TERMINAL ~LOCK WIRIN~ AC SINGLE- LINE DIAGRAM ~ARGUS TE41 DC POWER P~NT WILLIA~ F COLLINS A]A NYCENYlO5~ /LI-i059 ~ / · ..~ Ac SINOLE-UN[ DIAGRAM ', NOTES 3 & 4, 2. INSTALLED BY OEM OR AS SCOPED BY MARKET. COAX TO AN~NNAS I (TfP FOR 6) 3. FURNISHED I~Y BECHTEL NOTES 3. , ~, --~ ~ ~ POWER SOURCE AND CONNECT USING MFR POWER CABLE wm-I SPECIAJ- CONNECTOR. (TYP FOR 6) .... '[-- -- -- --]-- /----6 AWG 17. FIBER AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX W/48V DC SURGE SHALL BE RAYCAP `'0DEL OC2-4~I-60-o-gE. 1' !.F~C ~1 ~1 I I I ~(NOTE 11) CABINET AND RRH IS LESS THAN 50 FEET. ' ~ 20. GROUNDING CABLES SHALL BE COPPER, THHN./~N UL USTED FOR 9(~ DRY/ 7~ WET INSTALLAI~ON J3 I I I UN, SS ~ FLEXIBLE CONDUrT--~ J~IOTES: 5. 4. 5. 17. 18 & 19 , NOTES: 5. 4. 5. 17. 18 & 19 ~ ~OTES: 5. 4. 5. 17. 18 & No'rEs: 3. 4. 21 \, ~ ~ i ~ I ~(.p(p" ~6 AWG (MIN.)FOR 5) 24-. SEE44 FEET.DETAiL 150S FOR GPS ANTENNA AND SURGE SUPPRESSOR COAXIAL CABLE CONN[CT[ON. 2 1/~ IMC CONDUIT /W/ 1 1/~ REDUCER (NOTE 15) NOTES: S, 4, 5, 6 (~2) 1/c 12 ^we , (2) ~ ~WG NOTES: 3, 4 ~/(2) 1/c 1 AW(~ ~N \~ ~ ~JSO CAeLE CLASS B OR I --~~-, ~ 2 COUNT SNGLE POWER PLANT~ NOTES: 3, 4. 7 ~, ~6 AWG N~ORK INTERFACE DEVCE I SYSTEM DIAGRAM, TOWER SITE ~W~I~ ~UTDOOR BASE BAND AND RHHs ON GROUND A  ORIENT BY THE S~ RESTAURANT fi{ ~.~ ~.:~ ¢ ~{~N I wr[[[,~ ~ CO[Lr~S *]* NYCENY1059 /L1-1059 ~' ~ :~ ' :M DAGRAM. TOW[R SiTE WiTH OUTDOOR ARCHITECTS'LLP N.320 AT&T MOBiLi~ ' ,,&' '~,~ ~'. . ' ,* , ~,E BAND AND RRHs ON GROUNDJ ~ / m SECTOR A S~CTOR A m ~CK (NO~ 5) (NO~ 2) GROUND rN~ (2) (N)~ 1. ~EL ~E ~ ~WER ~ AT BO~ ENDS OF BAND AND RRHs ON GROUND, DC/DC CONVERTER  ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ~ 2 ' ' m~ Ar&T MOSiLI~ , ~ AC~M, OUTDOOR BASE BAND A R C H [ T E C T S, L L P N~320 NEW SUPPLEMENTARY GROUND CABLE 2/0 AWG, Z GROUND CABLE 2/0 AW(; NEW COPPER GROUND BAR. TIP.-- IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 17" REFER TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING PLAN CAUTION!: AT ALL SITES ~"~E CONTRACTOR MUST VERIFY THAT THE SYSTEM IS EFFECTIVELY GROUNDED AND MEETS THE NEC ARTICLE 250 REQUIREMENTS AND ACCEPTABLE TO THE LOCAL INSPECTOR/ AUTHORITY. NEC AR~CLE 250-84 SPECIFIES GROUNDING RESISTANCE OF 25 OHMS OR LESS FOR THE GROUNDING SY~I~M. THE PROJECT REQUIREMENT IS nV[ (5) OHMS. 1. ALL METALLIC OBJECTS LOCATED WITHIN 6'-0" OF GROUND RING SHALL BE BONDED TO THE GROUND RING. 2.PROVIDE STRAIN RELIEF AND PROTECTION FROM SHARP MATERIAL FOR INDMDUAL CABLES. PROVIDE ~6 GROUND CONDUCTORS WITH TWO-HOLE CONNECTORS TO CABLE RA~K SECTIONS ALL GROUND WIRES ARE ~12 AWG GREEN INSULATED. ~]NNED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENY1059 / U-1059 NY7320 40200 MAIN RD ORIENT POINT, N.Y 11957 _.J ~2 AWG SOUD, TINNED. BCW BURIED GROUND RING, ~JYP. 'NEW AT&cT EQUIPMENT CABINETS. GROUNDING NOTE~ THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL RE~/~EW AND INSPECT THE FACILITY GROUNDING SYSTEM AND UGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM(A AS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED} FOR STRICT COMPUANCE WITH THE NEC (AS A]DOPTED BY THE AHJ), THE SITE-SPECIFiC (UL, LPI, OR NFPA) LIGHTING PROTECTION CODE, ANO GENE~AL COMPUANCE WITH TELCORDIA AND TIA GROUNDING STANDARDS. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ~d~rf VIOLATIONS OR ADVERSE FINDINGS TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR RESOLUTION. AIL GROUND ELECTRODE SYSTEMS(INIINCLUDING ~ErJ_ECOMMUNICATION. R~DIO, UGHTNING PROTECTION. AND AC POWER ORS'S) SHALL BE BONDED TOGER-IER, AT OR BELOW GRADE, BY TWO OR MORE COPPE~ BONDING CONDUCTORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM IEEE FALL-OF-POTENTL~L RESISTANCE TO EARrI~I 'lISTING(FPER IEEE 1100 AND 81) IFOR NEW GROUND ELECTRODE S~TE~S. THE ~UBCO,T~CTOR S.~ fURNiSH ~,D ~NST~ SUPP~ERT~ GROUND ELECTRODES AS NEEDED TO ACHIEVE A TEST RESULT OF 5 OHMS OR LESS. METAL RACEWAY SHALL NOT 8E USED AD THE NEC REQUIRED EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTOR. STRANDED COPPER CONDUCTORS WITH GREEN INSULATION. SIZED IN ACCORDANCE W~ THE NEC, SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED WITH THE POWER CIRCUITS TO BTS EQUIPMENT. E)(OTHERMIC WELDS SHALL BE USED FOR ~ GROUNOING CONNECTIONS BELOW GROUND RING ~ COAX GROUND BAR ~[ ~2 AW~ GREEN CONDUIT BON~ INSULTED, ~NNED I ~6 AW~ ]~ ~T ~ID~ND AVENUE GRADE i - ~/~--~-7/~ ~/~.~7/ AND AFTER INSTALLATION. CADWELD~~ ~-GROUND RING ~i2 AWG GROUND ROD COPPERWELD 5/~'e X 10'-0" LONG ~ DETAIL @ GROUND ROD INSPECTION HAND HOLE ASSEMBLY IRON FLANGE AND COVER WITH WORD 'GROUND' CAST INTO COVER. GRADE I INOTE: INSPECTION HAND HOLE MAy BE PRE CAST CONCRETE OR PVC AND SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 12" I.D.X36~ DEEP. i~ 2 AWG SOUD TINNED BCW TEST LOOP CAD-WELDED TO CLEAN SAND FILL- RING ~2 AWO SOMO TINNED BCW GROUND 1 I I I I % I O//" ---GROUND ROD COPPER WELD ~ ~?N_ ~0.ROD TEST WELL 5/~" × ,o'-0" LONG 2 AT&T MOBILITY ELEC, GROUNDING PLAN AND DETAILS ~ ~ HEX BOLT ON W~, ~OOR ~ 1 1/4"x4"xS~[ SOUO GND. ~ ~LE ~TRY POR~ (~TCH P~S) (~2) ~o HO~ ~ ~ OR ON ~N~ COPP~ ~ ~ TO~ - - ~ 2 A-6056 W~ MTG. BR~. GENE~TOR ~ORK (IF AVN~) (~2) COMPRESSION ~ N~. ~P. ~CO GR~ND ~ (~2) D ~MI~ ~ ~ROUND ~ ~ 2 5061-4 INSU~TORS COMMERC~ P~ER COMMON N~/G~UND BOND (~2) ~ ~ -~ P~ER SUPPLY R~RN ~ (~2) ' _ ~ ~RM[~ ~. (WE~ING PROHIB~ ~~G ~ 4 3015-8 5/8 L~HER REARER ~ES. ~ ~ROUNDIN~ COPPER TO BI ~E~T ~ ~ ~[I ~ ~i ~ ~ C~ SUPPR~SlON TO ~SO~ ~2 AWG SOUO ~E ~NNED SE~ON "C - tSO~D GR~ND ZONE ~ R~OPS) BUI~ING ~ (IF AVN~) (~2) SE~ON ~D ~EL ~H SEC~ON C~, "A', '~) ~ 1" HiGH ~. C : ?,, INSTAL TION OF GROUND WIRE TO CABLE GROUND BAR EFERENCE- GROUND BAR DETAIL /ONLY FOR 1 5/~e TO ~~ ~ ~GROUND ~ (C~BE) RECEI~ ~N~ ~ ~ C0"NEC~ON (~.) ~ ~l SEE D~NL 118 P/N BG~X OR ~ ~ CONDU~T S~Z~ ~ ~R~ ~ ~CONDUCTOR (SEE NO~ 3) ~.) (S~ T~ ~,SU~ON (~)~ ~ ~ ~,~ CeOUND ~ ~ SCR~ J' ,~ BO~OM OF MONOPO~ I~ I~1 ~ ~ .0~) . ~ (C~e[) (~. FOR ~) SEE D~NL 118 B LUG ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ClGBE (GROUND ~)' ~OM T~ - ~~ WIRE Wl~ GREEN, 2 AWG BCW SOUD  ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT A ~ ...... ~c ~' ~.~ WILLIAM F COLLINS A]A NYCENY1059 /L1-1059 ~ ~ ..... ~: i~// ~.~ %~ I I 6 5 4 5 NEWTON INSTRUMENT COMPANY, INC. BIJTNER, N.C. NO. REQ. PA,RT NO. DESCRIPTION (]) 1 1/4"x4"xSO' SOUO GND, BAR (~ 2 A-6056 WALL MTG. BRKT. {~} 2 3061-4 INSULATORS (~) 4. 3012--1 5/~"--11x1' H.H.C.S. {~) 4 3015-8 5/8 LOCKWASHER N S 420' +/- --' % MAIN ROAD (S.R 25)(66') ",,. N87°09'20"E \.. -.% +E 2' +6 5' +6 2' FENCE +5 5' S87°09'20"W ~'-. 30.00' '\ J NOTES: 1) ELEVATIONS NAVD88. 2) PILINGS INSIDE MARINA NOT INDICATED. 3) FLOOD ZONES EXTRAPOLATED FROM F.E.M.A. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP #88 OF 1026, MAP#3610300088 H DATED SEPTEMBER 25, 2009. PERFORMED 4-6-2006) ELEVATIONS UPDATED TO NAVD88 10.27.2011 SITU^]E AT: ORIENT POINT, SOUTHOLD, N.y S.C. TAX MAP No. 100015981 ESTAB. 1872 F~g/DWG/O6-0099-TITLE.DWG HAWK_INS WEBB JAEGER PI IC FNGINE~RS ARCHrlECTS-SURVEYORS- p LANNERS 560 WALT WHI1~AN ROAD, MELVIU.E NY, 117'1.7 PflONE (631) 732-'////, FACSIMILE (631) 732-7760