HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/27/2012 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Present: Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator, Chief Martin Flatley, Christine
Foster, Personnel, Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk, Pete Harris, Superintendent of
Highways, James Bunchuk, Solid Waste Coordinator, James McMahon, Director Public
Works, Councilman William Ruland, Lauren Standish, Secretary to Supervisor, Susan
Boyle, Wright Risk
Excused/Absent: Scott Russell, Supervisor, Jennifer Andaloro, Assistant Town
Attorney, John Cushman, Comptroller, Karen McLaughlin, Human Services Director
Meeting began at: 2:00 PM
Approval of Minutes
Approved Minutes of August 21,2012
Status of Employee Safety Surveys
Tax Receiver's Office - Phillip Beltz will meet with George Sullivan when office opens
later this year to discuss survey comments regarding handling of money in the office, as
well as the possible installation of panic button.
Building Dept. - Several staff recommended a panic button and Jim McMahon said he
would get cost estimate.
Transfer Station -Jim Bunchuck stated that he will make a formal recommendation at
the next meeting as he is inclined not to accept sharps but will find out where within the
medical community households may dispose of them.
Buildinq Surveillance
Betty Neville indicated that the cost of installing surveillance to cover the hallway, foyer
and Tax Receiver's office is $4500. Need to fund budget line in 2013 budget.
Employee Photo IDs
Phillip Beltz will send memo to all Town employees offering them dates to have their
photos taken for their identification cards.
Follow-up with additional recommendations in the WPV Plan: Jim McMahon
1. Katinka House - Jim McMahon will get estimate for surveillance.
2. Highway - Front door alarm will be installed by the next meeting.
3. Highway - The panic alarm will be re-installed and notify Police Dept.
4. Convex mirrors have been installed in Annex hallway 2nd floor.
5. Employees only sign has been installed by basement door in Town Hall.
HCC Risk Control Site Inspection - Recommendations:
The committee reviewed the report from HCC that cites recommendations to be
addressed to mitigate risk of the public.
"A Priority"
Motor vehicle checks - Phillip Beltz will follow-up with the Town Attorney as to
whether this applies to all employees or employees who drive Town vehicles. Bill
Ruland indicated that it was up to the carrier, but suggests speaking to the
underwriter first.
Parks & Recreation - Written policy playground equipment inspections.
This will be referred to the Parks & Recreation Committee. Jim McMahon stated
that there is a form/checklist, however, no one utilizes it. Phillip said that a policy
is necessary to have someone sign-off of these inspections and a book should
be maintained.
Ensure safety of swing set in Tasker Park - Jim McMahon will have the bolt on
the swing set fixed.
Signage at beaches and parks with rules, hours of operation, restrictions, etc. -
Jim McMahon stated that there are 92 road ends and expressed a concern with
visual pollution with signage at every road end. Bill Ruland commented that the
road ends have the least amount of exposure.
Goldsmith beach (and others) with no lifeguards, no swimming or swim at your
own risk - Jim McMahon questioned what would be the minimal amount of
signage allowed and whether a "swim at your own risk" sign be acceptable.
Phillip Beltz said he would get further clarity from the underwriter.
"B Priority"
Fire extinguisher training - Christine Foster said this was part of a safety course
and that she would follow-up.
Criminal background check of new hires - Chief Flatley said there are companies
that do this. It was agreed that this should be required for employees of HRC,
employees who handle money, those working with children, and the Youth
Signage at the dog park that dogs must be licensed, up to date shots, develop
register for dogs to have access to park - the leash law requires all dogs to be
licensed. Dogs are there all hours and there was a concern on how to check for
proper licensing. Jim McMahon said there is a kiosk there now which has the
rules posted. Bill Ruland suggested a sign with the licensing requirements.
Police-vehicles over 100,000 miles should be replaced or repaired -this should
apply to all Town vehicles, not just police. Vehicles should be given an extra look.
Phillip stated that the department heads should be responsible for getting their
vehicles repaired.
Highway - provide National Fire Prevention Assoc. approved flammable storage
cabinet and fire extinguisher training and driver safety training for staff - this is a
standard recommendation.
20'12 Workplace Violence Prevention Traininq & PESH Traininq
Additional training will be held in late October. A CSEA video is available for those who
cannot attend a session.
Hazard Communication Traininq 20'13/Revision of MSDS for Hiqhwa¥, Transfer
Station, Human Resource Center and Dept. of Public Works:
Training will start in 2013.
Fire Drill:
It was discussed that no one has the authority to stop the Fire Dept. from responding to
an automatic alarm. A memo will be sent out to all Town staff addressing this as well as
noticing an upcoming fire drill in October at all Town facilities.
Cell Phone Use
The committee endorsed the cell phone use policy with a few minor changes. Jim
McMahon encouraged that language be stronger (rather than "may result in disciplinary
action should say will result in disciplinary action." Councilman William Ruland cited the
Motor Carrier Rules & Regulations indicating that texting and cell phone use is
prohibited, there are heavy fines, and the employer is liable. Christine Foster said she
would follow-up with the Town Attorney.
Work-Related Injuries/Supervisor Accident Investiqation Report
A copy of an updated 2012 work-related accident report was distributed.
Next Meetinq Date
To be announced
The meeting ended at 3:10 PM
Respectfully submitted by,
Lauren M. Standish, Secretary