HomeMy WebLinkAboutTOR RES 759, 760, 781, 782 Office of the Town Clerk Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerl Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer October 4, 2012 Suffolk County Planning Department L.I. State Park Commission Town of Southold Town of Southampton Town of Brookhaven ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolutions which were adopted by the Riverhead Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on October 2, 2012 Resolution# 759-ADOPTS A LOCAL LAW TO AMENDING CHAPTER 108 ENTITLED, "ZONING" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (BUSINESS CR ZONING USE DISTRICT [RURAL NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS]) Resolution# 760-ADOPTS A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 ENTITLED, "ZONING" (ARTICLE XXXIV-Multifamily Residential Professional Office Zone) Resolution# 781-ADOPTS A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 26 ENTITLED "OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE Resolution# 782-ADOPTS A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER101 ENTITLED "VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (§101-4, One way streets,) If you have any questions, please call Carol Del Vecchio at 63%727-3200, Ext 262, or Diane Wilhelm at Ext. 260 S~cer,ely, Diane M Wilhelm Town Clerk DW:cd ;200 Howell Avenue ~ Riverhead, New York 11901~ (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034 Office of the Town Clerk Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer October 4, 2012 we would appreciate your signing this letter acknowledging receipt of these Resolutions and returning it to the Office of the Riverhead Town Clerk. (Resolution# 759,760,781 and 782 Town Board Meeting 10.2.12) Sincerely, Diane M Wilhelm Town Clerk Signature: date: DW:cd 200 Howell Avenue ~ Riverhead, New York t 1901~ (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 ~ Fax (631)208-4034 Town of Riverhead Local Law# 25-2012 Chapter 108 ZONING ARTICLE LV Business CR Zoning Use District (Rural Neighborhood Business) § t08-294. Uses. In the Business CR Zoning Use District, no building, structure, or premises shall be used or arranged or designed to be used, and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, reconstructed, or altered, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, except for the following permitted uses or specially permitted uses and their customary accessory uses: D. Prohibited uses: (1) Buildings with a floor area exceeding 10,000 square feet. § 108-296. Supplementary guidelines. A. Design standards. The design standards and parking standards listed in the provisions below (§ 108-296A and B) are intended as a guide or measure for improvements in parcels in this zoning district and the word "shall" recited in the provisions below, with the exception of § 108- 296B(1) which requires adherence to the parking schedule, is intended to obtain compliance with the provisions to the extent practicable as determined by the board responsible for review. (9) The provision of improved cross access shall be provided between those parcels located on the south side of NYS Route 25A between the westerly town boundary and Wading River Manorville Road. (16) Signs shall be provided in accordance with §108-56. the Signing Ordinance. Signs for commercial uses within shopping centers shall be a uniform design to the greatest extent practicable. 09.18.12 TABLED 10.02.12 UNTABLED 10.02.12 ADOPTED 10.02.12 120759 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD Resolution # 759 ADOPTS A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 108 ENTITLED, "ZONING" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (BUSINESS CR ZONING USE DISTRICT [RURAL NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS]) Supervisor Walter offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Dunleavy WHEREAS, the Town Clerk was authorized to publish and post a public notice to hear all interested persons to consider a local law amending Chapter 108 entitled "Zoning" of the Riverhead Town Code; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 21st day of August, 2012 at 7:15 o'clock p.m. at Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, the date, time and place specified in said public notice, and all persons wishing to be heard were heard; and WHEREAS, by letter dated September 6, 2012, the referral of this application to the Suffolk County Planning Commission was determined to be a matter for local determination; and WHEREAS, by previous resolution, the Town Board found the amendment to Chapter 108, entitled "Zoning" of the Riverhead Town Code, will not have a significant impact on the natural or social environment and that an Environmental Impact Statement need not be prepared. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a local law amending Chapter 108 "Zoning" of the Riverhead Town Code is hereby adopted as specified in the attached notice of adoption; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the attached notice of adoption once in the News-Review Newspaper, the official newspaper, and to post same on the signboard at Town Hall; and be it further RESOLVED, that all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of this resolution from the electron!c storage device and, if needed, a copy of same may be G:\100212W59 - ZZZ4 108-294(BusCR).doc obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk, GiglJo [F~]Yes r-lNo Wooten J~Yes r']No THE VOTE Gabrielsen - ABSENT Dunleavy [Y~Yes [~]No Walter []Yes []No The Resolution Was [] Thereupon Duly Declared TABLED 10.02.12 On a motion by Councilman Wooten, seconded by Councilman Gabrielsen, resolution #759 was UNTABLED THE VOTE: YES- 4 Giglio, yes; Gabrielsen, yes; Wooten, yes; Walter, yes NO - 0 Immediately thereafter on a motion by Supervisor Walter, seconded by Councilman Gabrielsen resolution #759 was ADOPTED THE VOTE: YES - 4 Giglio, yes; Gabrielsen, yes; Wooten, yes; Walter, yes NO -0 G:\100212\759 - ZZZ4 108-294(BusCR).doc TOWN OF RIVERHEAD NOTICE OF ADOPTION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead adopted a local law amending Chapter 108 entitled "Zoning" of the Riverhead Town Code at its regular meeting held on October 2, 2012. Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead as follows: Chapter 108 ZONING ARTICLE LV Business CR Zoning Use District (Rural Neighborhood Business) § 108-294. Uses. In the Business CR Zoning Use District, no building, structure, or premises shall be used or arranged or designed to be used, and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, reconstructed, or altered, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, except for the following permitted uses or specially permitted uses and their customary accessory uses: D. Prohibited uses: (I) Retaiksteres Buildings with a floor area exceeding 10,000 square feet. § 108-296. Supplementary guidelines. A. Design standards. The design standards and parking standards listed in the provisions below (§ 108-296A and B) are intended as a guide or measure for improvements in parcels in this zoning district and the word "shall" recited in the provisions below, with the exception of § 108-296B(1) which requires adherence to the parking schedule, is intended to obtain compliance with the provisions to the extent practicable as determined by the board responsible for review. ~ The provision of improved cross access shall be provJcled between those parcels located on the south side of NY$ Route 2§A between the westerly town boundary and Wading River Manorville Road. G:\100212\759 - ZZZ4 108-294(BusCR).doc (16) Signs shall be provided in accordance with §108-56. the Signing Ordinance. Signs for commercial uses within shopping centers shall be a uniform design to the greatest extent practicable. · Overstrike represents deletion(s) · Underline represents addition(s) Dated: Riverhead, New York October 2, 2012 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD DIANE M, WILHELM, Town Clerk G:\100212\759 - ZZZ4 108-294(BusCR).doc Town of Riverhead Local Law# 26-2012 A~ CHAPTER 108 ZONING ARTICLE XXXIV Multifamily Residential Professional Office Zone § 108-169. Uses. In the Multifamily Residential Professional Office Zone District no building, structure or premises shall be used, arranged or designed to be used and no building or structure shall hereafter be erected, reconstructed or altered, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, except for one of the following permitted uses and their customary accessory uses. Permitted uses: (1) Multifamity residential condominiums. (2) Day-care centers or nursery schools. (3) Professional offices of: (a) Accountants. (b) Architects. (c) Artists. (d) Attorneys. (e) Audiologists. (f) Bookkeepers. (g) Chiropractors. (h) Dentists. (i) Engineers. (j) Income tax preparer. (k) Insurance agents or brokers. (I) Interior designers. (m) Journalists. (n) Medical doctors. (o) Optometrists. (p) Osteopaths. (q) Podiatrists. (r) Person or persons determined by the Town Board to be engaged in a profession similar to those set forth above. (4) One-family townhomes or multifamily units. (5) Agricultural production, including but not limited to the following_: (a) Field crops, including corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, hay, potatoes, and dry beans. (b) Fruits, including apples, peaches, grapes, cherries and berries. (c) Vegetables, including tomatoes, snap beans, cabbage, carrots, (0 (g) beets and onions. Horticultural specialties, including nursery stock, ornamental shrubs, ornamental trees and flowers. Livestock and livestock products, including cattle, sheep, hogs, goats, horses, poultry, farmed deer, farmed buffalo, fur-bearing animals, milk, eggs and furs. Christmas trees grown in a managed Christmas tree operation, whether dug for transplanting or cut from the stump. Commercial horse boarding operation. (6) Professional studios and performing arts studios. Special permit uses: (1) Public libraries/museums. (2) Public facilities, including fire houses and police stations. (3) institutions, including schools, places of worship, and community centers. Accessory uses: (1) Those uses customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses or specially permitted uses when located on the same lot and not involving the conduct of a business unless as otherwise specified below. (2) The sale at retail of homegrown or homemade products, provided that all retail uses shall be subject to site plan approval pursuant to Article XXVI of the Riverhead Town Code and the provisions of Chapter 108. The farmer may sell supporting farm products and farm products not grown by the farmer, provided that the area devoted to the sale of said products at no time exceeds 40% of the total merchandising area. §108~170. Development standards. A. Lot area. The minimum lot area shall be 160,000 square feet. B. Lot width. The minimum width (frontage) shall be 400 feet. C. Yards. (1) FronL The minimum front yard shall be 50 feet. No building, structure, storage, tennis court, swimming pool, parking or other similar accessory uses shall be located in the front yard so provided. Sidewalks, walkways, and access driveways shall be exempt from this requirement. (2) Side. The minimum side yard shall be 25 feet. (3) Rear. The minimum rear yard shall be 50 feet, except that the minimum rear yard shall be 25 feet when adjacent to a property within a Multifamily Residential Professional Office Zone District. Building area. (1) The maximum building area shall be 15%. (2) The number of dwelling units permitted for residential uses shall be based on the number of bedrooms per dwelling unit and the type of community water and sewage system provided, which number shall be incorporated as a filed restriction in all deeds and titles related to the condominium site as follows: (a) One-bedroom dwelling units: four and zero-tenths per acre. (b) Two-bedroom dwelling units: three and zero-tenths per acre. F_ Floor area ratio. The maximum floor area ratio shall be 0.20~ F. Impervious surface coverage. The maximum impervious surface coverage for all uses shall be 75%. G. Height. The maximum height of buildings and structures shall be 35 feet and the maximum stories shall be two and a half. H. Unit size. The maximum size of dwelling units, exclusive of up to 400 square feet for attached or detached garages, shall be as follows: (a) One-bedroom dwelling units: 1,400 square feet. (b) Two-bedroom dwelling units: 1,800 square feet. § 108-171, Landscaping, screening and buffering. A Screening and buffering shall meet the minimum requirements of § 108-64.1 of this chapter. B. Open space. A minimum of 20% of the lot area shall be preserved as open space. To the extent possible, existing woodlands, stands of or individual trees, and other unique, indigenous, or significant vegetation should be protected. C. Yard landscaping. Within all the required yards the existing vegetation shall be retained, Any proposals for disturbance shall be subject to site plan approval and Architectural Review Board recommendation. D Preservation of existing vegetation, Site plans for the development of property located in a Multifamily Residential Professional Office Zone District shall include an indication of existing mature trees and other instances of indigenous/or significant vegetation or other natural features so as to ensure their preservation and thereby retain an open space environment which enhances the character of the Town. E. Parking Areas. (1) The visual impact of parking areas shall be softened by interrupting continuous rows of parking spaces with planting and by creating planted canopies over parking areas, (2) Any open parking areas of 15 spaces or more shall be provided with internal landscaping covering not less than 10% of the total area of the parking area. (3) Landscaping shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the parking area. Primary landscape materials shall be shade trees. Secondary materials may include shrubs and ground cover which shall compliment the tree planting and the surrounding natural environment. § 108-172. Access and parking requirements. A. Parking. (1) The parking requirement for professional office uses is one space per 250 square feet of floor area. (2) The parking requirement for residential uses is 11/2 spaces per dwelling unit. (3) If a mix of uses is proposed the Planning Board may entertain a proposal for shared parking from the applicant. If the applicant requests less parking because of the sharing of spaces between uses the applicant shall submit a shared parking study to justify the reduced number of parking spaces. However, in no case shall the parking requirement be reduced by more than 15%. B. Access. No more than one access shall be provided per lot. 09.18.12 TABLED 10.02.12 UNTABLED 10.02.12 ADOPTED 10.02.12 120760 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD Resolution # 760 ADOPTS A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 OF THE TOWN CODE OF THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD ENTITLED, "ZONING" (ARTICLE XXXlV - Multifamily Residential Professional Office Zone) Supervisor Walter offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Dunleavy WHEREAS, the Town Clerk was authorized to publish and post a public notice to hear all interested persons to consider a local law to amend Chapter 108 of the Town Code of the Town of Riverhead entitled, "Zoning"; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 21st day of August, 2012 at 7:05 o'clock p.m. at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, the date, time and place specified in said public notice, and all persons wishing to be heard were heard; and WHEREAS, by letter dated September 6, 2012, the referral of this application to the Suffolk County Planning Commission was determined to be a matter for local determination; and WHEREAS, by previous resolution, the Town Board found the amendment to the Zoning Use District Map of the Town of Riverhead to amend Chapter 108 of the Town Code of the Town of Riverhead entitled "Zoning" will not have a significant impact on the natural or social environment and that an Environmental Impact Statement need not be prepared. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a local law to amend Chapter 108 of the Town Code of the Town of Riverhead entitled, "Zoning" is hereby adopted as specified in the attached notice of adoption; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the attached notice of adoption once in the News-Review Newspaper and to post same on the signboard at Town Hall; and be it further G:\100212\760 - ZZZ5 108-169Multi-Family.doc RESOLVED, that all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of this resolution from the electronic storage device and, if needed, a copy of same may be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk. THE VOTE Giglio [~Yes r-]No Wooten [~Yes [~No Gabrielsen - ABSENT Dunleavy []Yes [~No Walter [~Yes ~]No The Resolution Was [] Thereupon Duly Declared TABLED 10.02.12 On a motion by Councilman Wooten, seconded by Councilman Gabrielsen, resolution #760 was UNTABLED THE VOTE: YES - 4 Giglio, yes; Gabrielsen, yes; Wooten, yes; Walter, yes NO- 0 Immediately thereafter on a motion by Supervisor Walter, seconded by Councilman Wooten resolution #760 was ADOPTED THE VOTE: YES - 4 Giglio, yes; Gabrielsen, yes; Wooten, yes; Walter, yes NO -0 G:\100212\760 - ZZZ5 108-169Multi-Family.doc TOWN OF RIVERHEAD NOTICE OF ADOPTION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead adopted a local law to amend Chapter 108 entitled, "Zoning" of the Riverhead Town Code at its regular meeting held on October 2, 2012. Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead as follows: CHAPTER 108 ZONING ARTICLE XXXIV Multifamily Residential Professional Office Zone § 108-t69. Uses. In the Multifamily Residential Professional Office Zone District no building, structure or premises shall be used, arranged or designed to be used and no building or structure shall hereafter be erected, reconstructed or altered, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, except for one of the following permitted uses and their customary accessory uses. Permitted uses: (1) Multifamily residential condominiums. (2) Day-care centers or nursery schools. (3) Professional offices of: (a) Accountants. (b) Architects. (c) Artists, (d) Attorneys. (e) Audiologists. (f) Bookkeepers. (g) Chiropractors. (h) Dentists. (i) Engineers, (j) Income tax preparer, (k) Insurance agents or brokers. (I) Interior designers. (m) Journalists. (n) Medical doctors. (o) Optometrists. (p) Osteopaths. (q) Podiatrists. (r) Person or persons determined by the Town Board to be engaged in G:\100212\760 - ZZZ5 108-169Multi-Fmnily.doc a profession similar to those set forth above. (4) One-family townhomes or multifamily units. (5) Agricultural production, including but not limited to the following: (a) Field crops, including corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, hay, potatoes, and dry beans. (b) Fruits, including apples, peaches, grapes, cherries and berries. (c) Vegetables, including tomatoes, snap beans, cabbage, carrots, beets and onions. (d) Horticultural specialties, includinq nursery stock, ornamental shrubs, ornamental trees and flowers. (e) Livestock and livestock products, including cattle, sheep, hogs, goats, horses, poultry, farmed deer, farmed buffalo, fur-bearing animals, milk, eggs and furs. (f) Christmas trees grown in a managed Christmas tree operation, whether dug for transplanting or cut from the stump. (g) Commercial horse boarding operation. (6) Professional studios and performinq arts studios. Special permit uses: (1) Public libraries/museums. (2) Public facilities, including fire houses and police stations. (3) Institutions, including schools, places of worship, and community centers. B.C. Accessory uses: (1) Those uses customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses o_zr specially permitted uses when located on the same lot and not involving the conduct of a business unless as otherwise specified below. (2) The sale at retail of homegrown or homemade products, provided that all retail uses shall be subject to site plan approval pursuant to Article XXVI of the Riverhead Town Code and the provisions of Chapter 108. The farmer may sell supporting farm products and farm products not grown by the farmer, provided that the area devoted to the sale of said products at no time exceeds 40% of the total merchandisinq area. §108-170. Development standards. A. Lot area. The minimum lot area shall be 160,000 square feet. B Lot width. The minimum width (frontage) shall be 400 feet. C. Yards. 0:\100212\760 - ZZZ5 108-169Multi-Family.doc (1) Front. The minimum front yard shall be 50 feet. No building, structure, storage, tennis court, swimming pool, e¢ parking .or other similar accessory uses shall be located in the front yard so provided. Sidewalks, walkways, and access driveways shall be exempt from this requirement. (2) Side. The minimum side yard shall be 25 feet. (3) Rear. The minimum rear yard shall be 50 feet, except that the minimum rear yard shall be 25 feet when adjacent to a property within a Multifamily Residential Professional Office Zone District. D. Building area. (1) The maximum building area fer-~l ~shall be 15% 17%. (2) The number of dwelling units permitted for residential uses shall be based on the number of bedrooms per dwelling unit and the type of community water and sewage system provided, which number shall be incorporated as a filed restriction in all deeds and titles related to the condominium site as follows: (a) One-bedroom dwelling units: four and zero-tenths per acre. (b) Two-bedroom dwelling units: three and zero-tenths per acre. E, Floor area ratio, The maximum floor area ratio shall be 0.20. F. Impervious surface coverage. The maximum impervious surface coverage for all uses shall be 75%. B G. Height. The maximum height of buildings and structures shall be 35 feet and the maximum stories shall be two and a half. H. Unit size. The maximum size of dwelling units, exclusive of up to 400 square feet for attached or detached garages, shall be as follows: (a) One-bedroom dwelling units: 1,400 square feet. (b) Two-bedroom dwelling units: 1,800 square feet. § 108-171. Landscaping, screening and buffering. A. Screening and buffering shall meet the minimum requirements of § 108-64.1 of this chapter. B. Open space. A minimum of 20% of the lot area shall be preserved as open space. To the extent possible, existing woodlands, stands of or individual trees, and other unique, indigenous, or significant vegetation should be protected. B. C~ Yard landscaping. Within all the required yards the existing vegetation shall be retained. Any proposals for disturbance shall be subject to site plan approval and Architectural Review Board recommendation. ~ D_~. Preservation of existing vegetation. Site plans for the development of property located in a Multifamily Residential Professional Office Zone District shall include G:\100212\760 - ZZZ5 108-169Multi-Family,doc an indication of existing mature trees and other instances of indigenous/or significant vegetation or other natural features so as to ensure their preservation and thereby retain an open space environment which enhances the character of the Town. E_= Parking Areas. (1) The visual impact of parking areas shall be softened by interrupting continuous rows of parking spaces with planting and by creating planted canopies over parking areas. (2) Any open parking areas of 15 spaces or more shall be provided with internal landscaping covering not less than 10% of the total area of the parking area. (3) Landscaping shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the parking area. Primary landscape materials shall be shade trees. Secondary materials may include shrubs and ground cover which shall compliment the tree planting and the surrounding natural environment. § 108-172. Access and parking requirements. A. Parking. (1) The parking requirement for professional office uses is one space per 150 250 square feet of floor area. (2) The parking requirement for residential uses is 11/2 spaces per dwelling unit. (3) If a mix of uses is proposed the Planning Board may entertain a proposal for shared parking from the applicant. If the applicant requests less parking because of the sharing of spaces between uses the applicant shall submit a shared parking study to justify the reduced number of parking spaces. However, in no case shall the parking requirement be reduced by more than 15%. B. Access. No more than one access shall be provided per lot. Underscore represents addition(s) Overstrike represents deletion(s) Dated: Riverhead, New York October 2, 2012 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD DIANE M. WILHELM, Town Clerk G5100212\760 - ZZZ5 108-169Multi-Family.doc Town of Riverhead Local Law# 27-2012 Chapter 26 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES ARTICLE IV Zoning Officer §26-17. Administrator of Building Department. The Administrator of the Building Department, also known as "Town Building and Planning Administrato(', shall be the principal executive officer and administrative head of the Building Department. §26-20. Town Building and Planning Administrator for Town of Riverhead. The Town Building and Planning Administrator and the Planning Director of the Town of Riverhead shall be vested with authority to make, issue and render determinations regarding compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Code for site plan, special permit and subdivision applications; however, the Director of Planning shall not have authority as granted to authorized issuing officers as set forth in § 3-1 of the Town Code. Nothing herein above shall be deemed to diminish or restrict the performance of such duties as are vested in and imposed upon the Planning Director or such officers or persons under the supervision of the Planning Director. 10.02,12 120781 ADOPTED TOWN OF RIVERHEAD Resolution # 78t ADOPTS A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 26 ENTITLED "OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE Councilman Wooten offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Gabrielsen WHEREAS, the Town Clerk was authorized to publish and post a public notice to hear all interested persons to consider a local law amending Chapter 26 entitled "Officers and Employees" of the Riverhead Town Code; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 18th day of September, 2012 at 7:10 o'clock p.m. at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, the date, time and place specified in said public notice, and all persons wishing to be heard were heard. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a local law amending Chapter 26 entitled "Building Construction', of the Riverhead Town Code is hereby adopted as specified in the attached notice of adoption; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the attached notice of adoption once in the News-Review Newspaper, the official newspaper, and to post same on the signboard at Town Hall; and be it further RESOLVED, that all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of this resolution from the electronic storage device and, if needed, a copy of same may be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk. THE VOTE Giglio [~Yes [-]No Gabrielsen [~Yes [~]No Wooten [~Yes E~No Dunleavy ABSENT Waiter [~Yes E]No The Resolution Was [] Thereupon Duly Declared Adopted G:\100212\781 - TA 26-1620 ado.doc TOWN OF RIVERHEAD NOTICE OF ADOPTION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead adopted a Focal Jaw amending Chapter 26 entitled "Officers and Employees" of the Riverhead Town Code at its regular meeting held on October 2, 2012. Be it enacted by' the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead as follows: Chapter 26 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES ARTICLE IV Zoning Officer §26-17. Administrator of Building Department. The Administrator of the Building Department, also known as ............... u ~ ..... *~'" "Town Building and Planning Administrator", shall be the principal executive officer and administrative head of the Building Department. §26-20. ~anning~re~ter Town Building and Planning Administrator for Town of Riverhead. The Town Buildin.q and Planninq Administrator and the Planning Director of the Town of Riverhead shall be vested with authority to make, issue and render determinations regarding compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Code for site plan, special permit and subdivision applications; however, the Director of Planning shall not have authority as granted to authorized issuing officers as set forth in § 3-1 of the Town Code. Nothing herein above shall be deemed to diminish or restrict the performance of such duties as are vested in and imposed upon the Planning Director or such officers or persons under the supervision of the Planning Director. · Underline represents addition(s) · Overstrike representsdeletion(s) Dated: Riverhead, New York October 2, 2012 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD DIANE M. WILHELM, Town Clerk G:\100212\781 ~ TA 26-1620 ado.doc Town of Riverhead Local Law# 28-2012 Chapter 101 Vehicles and Traffic ARTICLE II1 Traffic Regulations § t01-4, One-way streets. The streets or portions thereof listed below are hereby designated as one-way streets, and traffic shall travel on such only in the direction indicated: Street Direction Limits (OVERSTRUCK TEXT TO BE DELETED) 10.02.12 ADOPTED 120782 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD Resolution # 782 ADOPTS A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 101 ENTITLED "VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (§101-4. One way streets.) Councilman Gabrielsen offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilwoman Gi.qlio WHEREAS, the Town Clerk was authorized to publish and post a public notice to hear all interested persons to consider a local law amending Chapter 101, "Vehicles and Traffic" (§101-4.One way streets.) of the Riverhead Town Code; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 7th day of August, 2012 at 2:10 o'clock p.m. at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, the date, time and place specified in said public notice, and all persons wishing to be heard were heard. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a local law amending Chapter 101 "Vehicles and Traffic", of the Riverhead Town Code is hereby adopted as specified in the attached notice of adoption; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the attached notice of adoption once in the News-Review Newspaper, the official newspaper, and to post same on the signboard at Town Hall; and be it further RESOLVED, that all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of this resolution from the electronic storage device and, if needed, a copy of same may be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk. THE VOTE Giglio []Yes [~]No Gabrielsen [~Yes E~No Wooten []Yes [-]No Dunteavy ABSENT Walter [F~Yes E~No The Resolution Was [] Thereupon Duly Declared Adopted G:\100212\782 - TA 101-4 onewaystreets ado.doc TOWN OF RIVERHEAD NOTICE OF ADOPTION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead adopted a local law amending Chapter 101 entitled, "Vehicles and Traffic" of the Riverhead Town Code at its regular meeting held on October 2nd, 2012~ Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead as follows: Chapter 101 Vehicles and Traffic ARTICLE Traffic Regulations § 101-4. One-way streets. The streets or portions thereof listed below are hereby designated as one-way streets, and traffic shall travel on such only in the direction indicated: Street Direction Limits Overstrike represents deletion(s) Underscore represents addition(s) Dated: Riverhead, NewYork October 2, 2012 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD DIANE M. WILHELM, Town Clerk G:\100212\782 - TA 101-4 onewaystreets ado.doc