HomeMy WebLinkAboutDestination RacesPage 1 of 1 Cooper, Linda From: Cooper, Linda Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 1:06 PM To: 'Jennifer Rothman' Subject: RE: Long Island Convention & Visitors Bureau-Wine Country Half Marathon Attachments: Half marathon_20121002120009.pdf Good Afternoon Jennifer, I transmitted the request and plans for the half marathon in 2013 to the Town's Police Department. The Chief of Police has serious concerns about the event, and based on his comments, the Town Board is denying appreval of the event. A copy of his memo is attached. Since you have been the conduit between the event sponsor and this office, I assume you will inform Mr. Dockstader that his application is denied. If you have any questions or comments concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you L/nda ~. Deputy Town Clerk Town of Southold 631-765-1800 Life may not be the party we hoped for, but as long as we are here, we might as well dance! The difference between try and triumph is a little "urnph"! From: .lennifer Rothman [mailto:jrothman@DiscoverLonglslan d.com] ~ent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 4:44 PM To: Cooper, Linda Subject: Long Island Convention & Visitors Burea-Wine Country Half Marathon I'mportance: High Linda, Sorry that it took me so long to receive the "special permit" from the client. Attached you will find the permit you requested along with a course route that he is planning on using. Please let me know if you need anything else from me. You may reach me at 631-951-3900 ext. 320 or via email at irothman~,discoverlongisland.com. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you Jennifer Jennifer Rothman Sales Manager Long Island CVB & Sports Commission 330 Motor Parkway Ste. 203 Hauppauge, NY 11788 Phone: 631-951-3900 x. 320 Fax: 631-951-3439 Fothman~,discovedonqisland. corn www. discoverlongisland com www. twitter, com/licvbsports www. facebook, com/Iongislandnysports The Long Island Convention & Visitors Bureau and Sports Commission (LICVB&SC) is the official tourism promotion agency responsible for premoting the Long Island region as a destination for tourism, meetings, conventions and sporting events. Visit www. discovedonqisland, com for more information. 10/2/2012 TOWN OF $OUTHOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT 41405 State Route 25, PO Box 911, Peconic NY 11958 (631) 765-2600 - Fxx (631) 765-2715 Martin Flatley Chief of Police RECEIVED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Linda Cooper, Deputy Town Clerk Chief Martin Flatley/~ September 27, 2012 Half Marathon Request June, 2013 SEP 2 8 20t2 So Ithold Town Clerk With regards to the application dated September 26, 2012 submitted by Destination Races to hold a half marathon on a weekend in June of 2013, I would decline to support its approval based on the following reasons: · The route of the run would require the closure of Sound Avenue for the beginning of the race from Jamesport to Mattituck, which would significantly disrupt the flow of traffic on one of the two major arteries that feed traffic onto the North Fork. · Riverhead Town would also need to approve the above closure as a portion of this is in Riverhead Town. · The rolling closure of roads throughout the remainder of the race would require significant manpower to implement, especially with up to 3,000 runners participating and stretching out the run. · Parking for the participants would require significant space and sanitary facilities throughout the course. · To implement a traffic plan for this event would place a serious strain on manpower for our department and require a significant amount of overtime. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you. ELIZ~BETH A, NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1179 ~'~outhold, New York 1 [971 Fax (631) 765-6145 T01ephone (6~1) 7(~5-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOV~rN OF SOUTItOLD SEP 2 6 202 APPLI(,~ATION for a SPECIAL EVENTS PERMI'T Organization's Name: ]'~c,~. ~'T-~ f'~ ~'~'T-~ ,.3;-3 "~-~ ~ ~ $outhold Town Clerk Type of Event: Date(s) of Event: Time of Event: Location of Event: Anticipated number of attendees/part~cipm~ts: Contact's Phone Number: this a Not4br-Pmfit Event? Yes or No t , If Not-Iht-Profit, identify ihe P. ecipient of l~roceeds: Are any special requirements needed fbr this event? (i.e. Marine police, road closures, etc) If so please attach an explanation to this application. Have you read the copy of the Town's W '~S'- regulations concerning Special Permits attached to this application'? ./ Signature l Date RECEIYEB SEP 2 6 ~1l Mile Mark Time affected 0.0 6:45 - 7:15am 0to2.0 6:45 to7:35am 2 to 3.5 7:00 to 8:00am 3.5 to 3.8 7:15 to8:10am 3.8 to 4.8 7:15 to8:20am 4.8 to 6.2 7:20 to8:50am 6.2 to7.0 7:30 to9:30am 7.0 to 8.9 7:30 to9:50am 8.9 to 9.1 7:40 to 10:00am 9.1 to 10.3 7:40 to 10:15am 10.3 to 10.7 7:45 to 10:15am 10.7 to 11.7 7:45 to 10:30am 11.7 to 11.97:45 to 10:30am 11.9 to 13.1 7:50 to 10:30am 13.1 6:00 to 11:30am 9:30am to Noon .Road - Intersection Sound Ave. at Hallockville Museum Farm Sound Ave to County Rd 48 (east) (east) County Rd. 48 to L at Mary's Rd Mary's Rd to R on Wickham Ave Wickham Ave to County Rd 48 Closure Notes Start of race - full closure Rolling Closure (RC) on Sound A Detour to Main (25) RC on westbound 48 Runners stay left RC on Mary's Rd. RC on Wickham Ave Merge onto eastbound County Rd 48 eastbound to L on Depot Lar Close one eastbound lane or bot Runners in north lane' Depot Lane from 48 to Oregon Rd Oregon Rd to E Mill Rd (westbound) E Mill Rd to L on Grand Ave Grand Ave to R on County Rd 48 West on County Rd 48 to R on Westphalia Westphalia Rd to R on Cox Neck Rd Cox Neck Rd to L on Bergen Ave Bergen Ave to L on Arbor Lane Arbor Lane to Finish Festival at Winery RC on Depot Lane RC on Oregon Rd RC on E Mill Rd RC on southbound lane of Grand RC on far right lane RC on right lane (westbound) RC on right lane (westbound) Close Bergen Lane Close Arbor Lane Runne~cross over Buses pickup at wirier Page I of 1 Cooper, Linda From: Bill Ruland [rulandfarm@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 11:22 AM To: Cooper, Linda; alkrupskitown@yahoo.com; Christopher M. Talbot - Forward; Doherty, Jill; Ipevans@fishersislandnet; Russell, Scott Cc: Andaloro, Jennifer; Finnegan, Martin; Krauza, Lynne Subject: Re: Half marathon request Ok with me, WPR From: "Cooper, Linda" <Linda. Cooper@town.southoldny.us> To: alkrupskitown@yahoo.com; christptal@yahoo.com; "Doherty, Jill" <jill.doherty@town.southold.ny.us>; Ipevans@fishersisland.net; "Russell, Scott" <Scott. Russell@town.southold.ny.us>; rulandfarm@yahoo.com Cc: "Andaloro, Jennifer" <jennifer.andalom@town.southold.ny.us>; "Finnegan, Martin" <martin.finnegan@town.southold.ny.us>; "Krauza, Lynne" <lynne.krauza@town.southold.ny.us> Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 10:24 AM Subject: Half marathon request Town Clerk's office received a request from an organization in CA to hold a half marathon next year here on the North Fork. I forwarded the request to PD as always and have received a response from Chief Flatley stating several reasons why the PD does NOT support the request. Instead of placing a resolution on the agenda denying the request, with your permission I would like to just respond to the applicant stating that the event cannot be scheduled here in Southold and give the reasons stated by the chief. The application and PD response is attached. Thank you. Icoop 10/2/2012 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS OF MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NewYork 11971 Fsx (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To~ From: Dated: Re: Chief Martin Flatley Linda J. Cooper, Deputy Town Clerk September 26, 2012 Half Marathon Request Transmitted herewith is a request by the Destination Races to hold a Half nd Marathon on a weekend (possibly 2 weekend) in June 2013. Please review this request and send me your recommendation. Thank you. ELIZ~BETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK ,"own ttatI, 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 1t79 Southoid, New York 11.971 Fax (63] ~ 765-61,t5 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOV~rN OF SOUTHOLD SEP 2 6 201:> APPLICATION for a Souti~old Town Clerk SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT Contact's Name: _._~ ~_. A micipated number o f attcndees/pamcipa~ts: Is this a Not-lbr-Pmfit Event? Yes or No _.~ If NoMbr-Profit. idenlii~ Arc ~y special rcquiranents needed ~br this event? (i,c. Marine police, road closures, etc) if so please aUach an explanation to this applicaiion. Have you read the copy of the Town's regulations concerning Special Permits at~ached to this application'? Signature / Dale Mile Mark Time affected 0.0 0 to 2.0 2to 3.5 3.5 to 3,8 3.8 to 4.8 4.8 to 6.2 6.2 to 7.0 7.0 to 8.9 8.9 to 9.1 9.1 to 10,3 10.3 to 10.7 10.7 11.7 11.9 13.1 6:45 - 7:15am 6:45 to 7:35am 7:00 to 8:00am 7:15 to 8:lOam 7:15 to 8:20arn 7:20 to 8:50am 7:30 to 9:30am 7:30 to 9:50arn 7:40 to lO:OOam 7:40 to 10:15am 7:45 to lO:lSam to 11.77:45 to lO:30am to 11,97:45 to lO:30am to 13,1 7:50 to lO:30arn 6:00 to 11:30am 9:30am to Noon Road - Intersection Sound Ave. at Hallockville Museum Farm Sound Ave to County Rd 48 (east) (east) County Rd. 48 to L at Mary's Rd Mary's Rd to R on Wickham Ave CIosu re Notes Start of race - full closure Rolling Closure (RC) on Sound A Detour to Main (25) RC on westbound 48 Runners stay left RC on Mary's Rd. Wickham Ave to County Rd 48 RC on Wickham Ave Merge onto eastboun~ County Rd 48 eastbound to L on Depot Lar Close one eastbound lane or bot Runners in north lane' Depot Lane from 48 to Oregon Rd RC on Depot Lane Oregon Rd to E Mill Rd (westbound) RC on E Mill Rd to L on Grand Ave RC on Grand Ave to R on County Rd 48 RC on West on County Rd 48 to R on Westphalia RC on Westphalia Rd to R on Cox Neck Rd RC on Oregon Rd E Mill Rd southbound lane of Grand far right lane right lane (westbound) Cox Neck Rd to L on Bergen Ave Bergen Ave to L on Arbor Lane Arbor Lane to Finish Festival at Winery RC on right lane (westbound) Close Bergen Lane Close Arbor Lane Runners cross over Buses pickup at winer