HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/2012 Town of Southold Housing advisory commisSion MEETING MINUTES MEETING #74 September '19, 20'12 Present: Beth Motschenbacher, Jeanne Kelly, Frederick Andrews, Eric Dantes, Michael Herbert, LeRoy Heyliger, Daniel Sarnowski, John Viterltti and Phillip Beltz. Excused: Rona Smith, John Vahey and Councilman Chris Talbot. Meetin9 began at 5:30 p.m. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of August 15, 2012 were approved. Resale of Cottaqes: Resale of two units remains in process however several questions remain that need to be addressed. The services of an appraisal have brought in different perspectives that have stymied one contract from proceeding--all the homes are the same despite that the sales price varies by subsidy. Homes located on the railroad tracks are higher sales price because subsidies of lower price homes would not allow close proximity to track. Jeanne volunteered to meet with Martin and Phillip to further examine the issue. Affordable Housinq Benchmarks: The Town Board passed a resolution for the following: o Income Limits- less than 80% and 100% of median income o Sales Price- $215.000 and $268,750 o Rental Price- $941 efficiency, $1008 1 bdrm, $1,210 2 bdrm o MIFDU Buyout for inclusionary zoning- $215,000 o Sanitary Flow Credit- $10,000 apartment $12,500 house Request For Proposals (RFP) Dissemination and Pre-Submission Conference: Several potential developers have expressed an interest to attend pre-submission conference with intention of submitting a proposal. Dan and Phillip will work with the Planning Dept. to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the September 27th 10 a.m. meeting. Eric suggested that possibly the conference could be videotaped so people who cannot attend can view it. Peconic Bay Reqion Community Preservation Fund Tax: Fred and John V. suggested that the Town of Southold provide exemption for first-time homebuyers of real estate transfer tax to further affordable housing opportunities for moderate income households. Discussion will continue next meeting, Fred and John will prepare a formal "recommendation" for the HAC to review. Review 20'12 Goals and Objectives and Development of 20'13: Dan suggested that the HAC review 2012 goals and objectives at the next meeting in preparation for development of 2013 goals and objectives. Phillip noted that the draft Housing chapter of the Comprehensive Plan will have significant material for 2013 and beyond. Meetinq Ended 6:30 p.m. - Next Meetinq Date: Thursday, October 11,2012 at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Phillip Beltz