HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-23.-1-14.7 N •:a~=- I5'ELL CAP eO g°L LOT NUMBERS SHOWN THUSs f7/ ARE REFEREN:ED ~ ~"'ro _ 0 _ TO SUBDIVISION MAP OF BRIONNGLOID-B Y-THE-SEA ~ Po le' sT RAGE - FILED IN THE OFFICE OF -i'HE SUFFOLK COUNTY i~ Pcse~ caw°E Y CLERK AS MA. NO. 6711 - 16' I ~ I ~I d) !;'L44? p peer °E vAr 5VTw~p 23' p()O / / loo ;A T°sl / I vz' sreca Pvc SLIFF', CG. E-B~„L5} # ;;~.itt~;G:.; ~ ~ pv I Ground I I/2' Brass Plllass Ade ler Weier I l l/2' IGO# Tas! Schedule 'A' PVC L"L'FS'"E ~F Lld'dIST '^,q'fLR ~~Gp• ~ ,r E, ~ lz,_E, 0 al -L - 5' Slael Casln9 5~ ~2' a e' l 6' I ~ / A3~' x /~t-I T IC RO/° sECna+ 3' SITE p % . ° I H.P. S°DmerslDle Pump ~ T l Y ~ ' 5' Slalnl°ss Sleal Scresn c \ P•LOe1 l/1 NLi 3'QiOWN - IYPI.d c [p 12" I / / i J A'L eY er y WELL DETAILS t 225' 1eGe1•°peue - s N~ ~~m~AO~ - I Blull PL 1p0. / i 4-° '"•mY SLOPE 1. 3 ia°sot l / 1°Psv°.eyy°rw 200 ° CNe . O OJ $w a ~sii ~ ro eE / / O~G / / Ss Pt. T . ~ Hater v G` 'L GflI?E 2' C0.1N/CTm ttEAR % J !~R Q - / rjC / / ,S,°p q0. 'F~Y+ NEARING COf/RSE / gl` Y ` ~ / j' IEr t ~/9'srorvE eLER° RAKm P~/ / 1pR , AJI / L005~1 - , r~ FINE GRIOE SEmm C1`1 , 61 5A /A3 / ~ GN'DSN t q°~ 9' col.mACrm RASE rnuRSE Gp\ ~ nELL ~ r1 •\2• % ~ o rl c nW LT 15 l,s r sur>'eie w'`re,~uiwr on/E. ~ ~ . L ~ N ~ ~.e ~~/elwP p ~els °'a - STANDARD STONE BL FND /1 ,,,IS/~r~ \ ~'1D169 \Y ROADWAY ' / , n/ ~GZ N y i KEY MAP ~ w~~' ,eP ol5s~p0p o\\ ~p1 2 s ,h~~ SCFlLE: 1"=600' HOUSE ~ Z i" 151Dt?~Ep • 9, s cA • ~ ~ - - _~~,en= _»3~~.~ p \S'' O'( , "-4 c~\~~ y. µ t TOWII OfSOUMOM ' ~ ~a. ed z~ N " ,ePl'° „ra eewB.m.aReeMctmos FINAL PLA T vP NG h ? ° ~ ' ~ RL 0 ~ sn 9 I° bs° f 5rA ~ ZSST~SG P q ~ °+"y, em cd, e(~c L• z IJBEI~_PAGE 'TIL STANDARD SUBDIVISION „sy + v a e Doool 2-10 s i SD i~ ye'" m p\ /y51S0~C b°e Pit `r sYfeY''I'onM •nGno Road end Ma.nter~cvxe ee * . 1P ~ ~ ~ b » 15 sn '~`f ~ON~TAI~ITII+I~ IOAIVNOU M1LP Lv. \ .a O ~ N / r® o- ,n~ 2R1 U13ER' pmo\Z~o3 CESSP°°LS ~N ~ ~H~'I'~ \ N ' y f 4f' ~ V AT EAST MARION L vx~n \ ~ E ~ P v xc. 1-y- o D ~ ~ ~ ~ 3'nM ROAD = - •55~ ~ ~ ~ A=~ ~ x<~ TOWN OF SO UTHOLD TYPICAL PLOT PLAN ~m-1 ® P1'b 529 °s 4 nrt r`+ ~iT p.?~ ' ~p ~~~N -1r,~~''''; , ®t,IQ'~~ ~ 44 ~ =m< SUFFOLK COUNTY , N. Y. o T \ 1 g.~° ~3a,W• .rso- iil - a 1 00-23=01-14.7 w m ~ 1St"' Pa' ' 65• 9 ~ APPROVED BY ~ oo-zs-oz-s.s I v \o I ~'~_.FF. sPRmiLa ~ J P. r Ig3~ L`AI E: 1 ` =100 ' s / ~ ~Lr~_ s ~ , \ a ~ DELee oG,~a I%4 or? e~' ~ ~ ~ / PLANNING BOARD s PTGeu3eR 9, 2000 • R'° w°'\~ \•z• p",.~ \ 3 ° ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD D c. 23, 2U;G Ipre(%minay plonl -L..-- ~z\\\,'; ~ WIZ ~ N \ S \ LQt / ~ IQI'Pt, OO, o ~ N. E, 2011 (rn /I~;Io TS! ~6' q Mm ch Bs 2012 (FI L PLA TI Tesl 6°rin 5/01/03 zd 5"5'3Q ~ ,~J ~ 1 / d G~ o, \DATE SEQ 1 Q 201E 9 . ~ \ g.6 159 '0 0 O, ~P ? yl m ~ t-~ 0 (pcrA Br°rn L°°In Plc \ \ W ; f p ~ -1 L DL "oe~L \ N~ w, n• m ° n9 ° 66 \ 'Q'ti0 yb `'N EJECT TO COVENANTS & RESTRICTIONS LIBER ~ 2' \ o ''cam \ ~ -?,'3•'' ~ b' / ~ o er°rn :pry sa,d e'un ~o z T \ 2 PAGE lery A°°vy Gmvd \ C\ o q m9 W ~ ~?,00 ~ nTb /O 6` B.6 EL 2.9 ~ oi,~i~' NW :a 600 'e'~ ~ r O/'Z / 1°lu m Br°m flly Sand 1 O c ~ m ~ W 14' /(V / ~ - -P ~z o ,p L - nt5 vwy As°vy Sand SW -n y ap A / ~ / - - - _ 10' N'°br N Br°rn (e IL Y n pL^p ~ f` ,~i Oti `C / Pe , c°°.«Swd rrt(n vny ~ ~ .Q /1 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT ?F HEALTH SERVICES L°° y Grm+l SW N 'Am G~ WW N ,~01 ° Gj ' / 1b IG' / G). HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. BY M°D°neld Ge°scf°nu To ~em ~ //2~ ~'QR,Cj' a„ ' i c / to ~~~i N 5;~ '~~2 . / ~ JUL 0 2 2009 ~ ~69y'~~y OaFz ~ 7 ' .°QtV.i % J7~N_.-r~012_-N-f1,SeD~~W'v-"'^'~ CONSTANTINE IOANNOU ,~tF~~p9°sryadtf" o' ' % ~ /O Dy-- ' ld~1 Y`P Y GOO ~ N \'I1 /~b~' ~~~iQ'.~ ~ IS IS lU CERTIFY THAT THE FRUPO S~EID R~E.~A"L T~Y~`SU BD7VIS10N OR d„` r s ~ 7~ q 25 ~`pE"E4GPMENi FUR ~ea-AAe..~ ypAZr5ozt4L._-_-IN THE ~'~~j ~y' 1 ~ ~ J ~7ps4n1,.0.AI~ WITH TA oTAL UF~LC1iS '?AS APPRCIVCO ' 1C' \ ~ _ W ~ / S UPI THE PBOVE ?ATE. WATER SUPPLIES PN? SEWAGE ?ISPU3AL ti ~ L1~} ~ +cQ~ FPC ILIT IES MUST CONE URM TO CL7NST RUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFr=CT ' ~ t pF NEIy 'E 9JD AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION F.ND ARE SUP IECI TO SEPARATE ' - _ N ~ A `\N6Ck }O MN~AM 0 PE RIdITS PURSUPNT TO THOSE 9TANDFlR?S T; IIS APPROVAL SHALL Pr TOTAL AREA = 6.@189 ACTes to I%B IIneS BE VALID ONLY IF fHE REALTY SUBDIVISION/DE YELOFME NT MAP IS s ` R DULY FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK WITHIN ONC YEAP OF THIS DATE /HEREBYCERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPL YlSI AND/ SAL ~ ~'sTREEr rREEr ! .c. LOT AREAS la Ile lines EoNSENt IS HEREBY GIVEN FoR rHE FILING of rws MAP ?N WHICH SYSTEM(Sl FOR TIdS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY M TION In W FO TAL AREA LOT I LOT 2 LOT 3 THIS ENDORSCMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK BASED ON UPON A'GAREFUL AND THOROUGH S7U0 X41 D ~ GROUND WATER OND !DNS ALL LOTS AS PROPO 8~ `A q Z5~° IttIDp sT so2 s .R. us,aoe sq.R. eO,ooo :g.N. w ACC?R DANES wlTl-I PROVISIGNS rHE PUBLIC HEAL rH LAW PND S~NDLARDSW EFFECP BTMOF THIS DETETH SER ~S' - y ~ G[O ~TANTwE IOANNOU ,~IpNP` IiaAZ~iW°iOE TO THE suFFNLK COUNTY sAN1TARY CO?E. L Q - ~~s+ 105 BEVFFLY flDAD L 80UND -17 600 s ./L -22,358 sq./L ' _ ~ = ODUGLABTON MANOR, N.Y. 11763 SLOPfS OF IS% '~I /_y - ~~~'y P~ ' `Ou~~~' 8525~~ 2'2~ COASTAL EROSION HAZARD LWE L~_ C'~A~ -3,000 sq.fl. eI Y1P~' FROM COASTAL EROSION HAZARD y~-Poph/o(Wa7 10,391 sq.fL .~~~N Ulr ?IRECTOR, DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY THIS IS T? CF_RT6 Y THAT THE SLIBDIVIS ION PLA PF'OVED AREA MAP PHOTO N0. 97-64T-83 .(P H BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SONTHGLD _SCIL UTION OUI-OMG AREA 80,002 sq./l. 83,359 sq./l. BO,000 sq.fL t\p j, ~1aE;` O~ _ OF APPROVAL DAIEq_-_._-_- ZONE R80 SCHOOL DISTRIC i' 2 I - 'q .-f~~n FIRE OISTRICT• 26 CLEARING SCHEDULE ~ .W BY OVERHEAD WIRES F LOi MAX,XLLEARWG \S~Af h'Lh rG p~,^J ~ ~ CI1AIPt9AN PL AIJIJING 6OARU 'CEO IVEFjrr 97,602 sq.ll. 25% - N"r ln£rtrs 'pir d. cd } CONTOUR LINES REFERENCED TO THE 1P' O 9x408 s IL 25% -er?`~_'' lc e 5 j. MET q~ ~ [m;i % r FYVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP R,~ 0,000 sq.ll. 35% r ~ ~ Prl !,r°,{ ~ ~ - ' I HEREBY CERTIFY THpT THIS SUBDIVISION FLAT WAS MADE FP.?M ~O fi rL0'q~j~a, _ i•-I I S','GT~C`,I'"~O6"~44blft ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETED 8/22/00. TIiAT ALL MONUMENTS ® TREE ~ P * ~~LAIgOg ~ - '\~"-~r`~~~I~ SHOWN THUS O ACTUALLY LX6T AND 7HEIR POSITIONS ARE EORRE(IL•y ANY AL iERAT10N OR ADn1TmN ru THIS SORVEr anDN 7C .g1~RYE-YU\\\\`'~'~`~ SHFJWN AND ALI_ I ENSIGPIAL AND LEO DCIIC DETAIL}' ARE CORRELt OF S[GTIOh 1209 CF (HE NEw YnPK SiaiE EDUCAtIDN LAW (6 F%Fi Sve :St;~Q C63ll 765-1797 CNC.-Pf~AS PCR SEC IION >20e-SUBDII-ISION 2. ALL CER i1Fif°ilON3 P. B /~~E`~ _ _ L' $ "O' HERCDN ARE VALID FOR iH,• 7•IP ANp COPIES IHCREOF ONLY IF 12,'jQ y~TL~~ P[L T Sc~ JOH METZGERt~ NY L S LIC NO 4961E ~YS`F SAfu HAP OR COPIES SEAR THE IYPRESSE? SCAL OF THE SURV[YDR SUUTNL7L _ 1.9x'1 00-227 VHOSC SIGNA TORE APPEARS HEREON • ~ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 o~~pF SOUryol Southold, NY 11971 DONALD J. WILCENSKI Chair ~ ~ OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS G Q 54375 State Route 25 - JAMES H. RICH III '~`O ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR l.~'COU~'~ Southold, NY Telephone: 6S1 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 18, 2012 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Final Approval: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, September 17, 2012, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft.; and WHEREAS, on August 13, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Final Approval on the map entitled "Final Plat Standard Subdivision Constantine loannou" dated September 7, 2000, last revised March 8, 2012, with conditions; and WHEREAS, on September 7, 2012, the agent submitted a filed copy of both the Covenants & Restrictions and the Road & Maintenance Agreement to the Planning Department; and WHEREAS, on September 11, 2012, the Southold Town Board accepted the Bond No. 1058101386 in the amount of $86,745.00; and WHEREAS, all the conditions of Conditional Final Approval were met; be it therefore r loannou Paae Two September 18, 2012 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Final Approval on the maps entitled "Final Plat Standard Subdivision Constantine loannou" dated September 7, 2000, last revised March 8, 2012, and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the map. Upon endorsement of the Final Plat by the Chairman, the mylars and paper prints must be picked up at this office and the Final Plat filed with the Suffolk County Clerk by the applicant within 62 days of the date of Final Plat Approval, or such approval shall expire. Final Plat Approval shall be determined in accordance with §276 of the New York State Town Law. Final Plat is void if revised after approval. No changes, erasures, modification(s), or revisions shall be made to any Final Plat after it has been approved by the Planning Board, and such approval has been endorsed in writing on the plat, unless the said plat is first resubmitted to the Planning Board and the Planning Board approves any modifications. In the event thatany such Final Plat is filed without complying with this requirement, the same shall be considered null and void, and the Planning Board shall institute proceedings to have the Final Plat stricken from the records of the Suffolk County Clerk. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, f~ Donald J. ' censki Chairman Encls. cc: Assessors Building Dept. ;a,, ~ CC # : C12-33960 1r" s.` ~ ,,~y..y( ~ ~ i?t"*{ x COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, JUDITH A. PASCALE, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original DECLARATION recorded in my office on 08/29/2012 under Liber D00012703 and Page 711 and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this 08/29/2012 SUFFOLK C/O)UNT///Y~ CLERK ~G[. d~X,L (iC . Tea-al-0.~~ i JUDITH A. PASCALE SEAL • rECOF'PEL, Number of pages ~ ~~ii2 pr~g'29 iU:~O:;r, F'P1 ?UC~1TH N, FN'~,CHLE C:LERk ~ iF SIJFFOLfh:: CpUtdT'r This document will be public L ~,~.-~i~~~~1~~~_ record. Please remove all F' 'il Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee ~ Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Spec./Assit. Notation or EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total Spec. /Add. EA-5217 (State) TOT, MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Count _ R.P.T.S.A. I ~ Held for Appointment Y Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 ~ Transfer Tax / Mansion Tax Affidavit 3 `~j The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Sub Total ~ family dwelling only. YES or NO Other Grand Total If N0, see appropriate tax clause on page# of this instrument. 4 Dist. 1000 02300 0100 014007 ~ 5 Community Preservation Fund 1000 02300 0200 005006 2p•, Real Propel p T S Consideration Amount $ Tax Service R Lpq A OcJ Agency 8-AUG-t CPF Tax Due $ Verificatioi Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land TD PATRICIA C. MOORE ESQ. 51020 MAIN ROAD TD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title # s Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS made bY~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) IOANNOU The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of EAST MARION BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over I IIIIIII IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII IIIIIII (IIII VIII IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION Recorded: 08/29/2012 Number of Pages: 9 At: 03:40:36 PM Receipt Number 12-0099871 LIBER: D00012703 PAGE: 711 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 023.00 01.00 014.007 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $45.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO TP-584 $0.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.85 NO RPT $120.00 NO Fees Paid $210.85 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A SILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made this ~~I~t~' day of ~f-G ~.ti.Y~2012 by Constantine Ioannou, Maria Ioannou, residing att 05 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Athas C. Ioannou residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Angelika C. Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York of the Ioannou Qualified Personal Residence Trust hereinafter collectively referred to as the DECLARANT, states as follows: WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County New York, more particularly bounded and described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto; and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the granting of subdivision application for tax map parcel numbers, 1000-23-1- 19.7 and 1000-23-2-5. 6, entitled "Final Plat Standard Subdivision Constantine Ioannou at East Marion" prepared by John T. Metzger, dated September 7, 2000, last revised March 8, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the "Filed Map"), and as a condition of granting said approval, the Town of Southold Planning Board has required that the within Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office; and WHEREAS, Declarant has considered the foregoing and determined that same will be in the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcel; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARANT WITNESSETH: That Declarant, for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed does hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that the said premises herein described shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns to, 1. Access to Lots 1, 2 and 3 on the approved plat shall be from the 25 foot wide right-of-way attached to Lot 2 2 The 16 foot gravel road must be constructed to the specifications in Southold Town Code for roadway construction prior to issuance of building permits for lots 1, 2 and 3 3. The existing stone driveway over Lot 3 will be abandoned upon completion of the new 16 foot gravel road 4. The existing 25 foot wide right of way, as shown on map dated as last revised March 8, 2012, and located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 shall not be used for vehicular access 5. There is a 100 foot wide non-disturbance buffer on lots 1 and 2, as shown on the filed map. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within this buffer, is prohibited, except for the removal of invasive, non-native vegetation, and to create a 4' wide common beach access for lots 1 & 3 as shown on the filed map. Any permitted clearing is subject to all approvals and permits necessary for clearing near surface waters and other protected natural features. The 0.9+ acre parcel identified as "Open Space" on the filed map and also known as tax ap number 1000-23-2-5.6 will remain as a non-disturbance buffer in perpetuity. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance is prohibited, except for the removal of invasive, non-native vegetation. Any permitted removal of vegetation is subject to all approvals and permits necessary for clearing near surface waters and other protected natural features. 6. Sixty (60) foot Landscape buffer along SR 25 as shown on the filed map i. The 60 foot buffer shall remain undisturbed in perpetuity except for permitted activities. Permitted activities within the buffer are limited to the removal of exotic invasive weeds and invasive vines, removal of dead and/or diseased trees that are hazardous to life or property. The buffer may be supplemented with plantings of native and drought tolerant species. ii. The sixty (60) foot landscape buffer located on Lot 3 will satisfy in part the clearing limits pursuant to Sec. 240-49 of the Southold Town Code. 7. The creation of this subdivision in no way commits either the Town or the County to any program to protect this property from shoreline erosion and that any approval granted by the Town in now way signifies that the development and use of this property is considered without hazard and possible loss. 8. There shall be no further Subdivision of lots 1, 2 and 3 in perpetuity 9. As shown on the filed map, any significant tree outside of building envelopes shall be preserved in perpetuity and any significant tree inside the building envelope shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible. 10. This development shall comply with all applicable Southold Town Code related to storm water management and the Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan, dated March 30, 2011 as approved by the Office of the Town Engineer on December 13, 2011, and filed with the Filed Map 11. The 4' wide walking path that runs through lot 1 will be a mowed path and maintained by the owner of lot 1 12. Utilities, including but not limited to electric, gas, telephone and television, must be located underground 13. Prior to any construction activity taking place on the lots, the property owners shall be required to obtain and submit a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDS General Permit for storm water discharges for the action. 14. Each of the lots shown on the approved plat dated March 8, 2012 is subject to the clearing restrictions (Percentage of Site Permitted to be Cleared-Lot 1: 25 percent, Lot 2: 25 percent, Lot 3: 35 percent) pursuant to Southold Town code Section 240-99. 15. The residential application and use of synthetic fertilizers in pesticides capable of entering the potable water supply is prohibited. a. Only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 200 of the total nitrogen in the mixture is required. b. A maximum of 1 lb of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year is required. c. Fertilizer products shall be applied only during the growing season (typically mid-March though mid- October). 1 _ _ • 16. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant, his successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may be terminated, revoked or amended by the owner of the property only with the written consent of the Town of Southold granted by a majority plus one vote of the Planning board, after a public hearing. 17. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. 18. The aforementioned restrictive covenants are intended for the benefit of and shall be enforceable by the Town of Southold, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or law. The failure of said agencies of the Town of Southold to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any officer or employee thereof. 19. The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. That the within Declaration shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant and his successors and assigns and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked or amended by subsequent owners of the property unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the town of Southold or its successors, after a public hearing. IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, the DECLARANT, du~y executed this document the day and year first above itten: r < t J ~ ~ Constanti. ' oan~holT~~.~ A as I nnou i Ma ia;`Igannou Angelika C. Ioannou ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF (',i~u~~~.9 On the IH?t~ day of ~~«~~-G-k~l in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personall}! appeared Constantine Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me~on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ~ Notary Public <'sT5 F, VILUOSQ l iq , Il.iy ST,47F.OF(y(Yq~ 70~ T~~f 4Un6 crrr'iaf ,~~~IiNSZa Itf:61,t u p I i7gp31966 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.. COUNTY OF ~~~k@tt./ On the 1~~' day of ~~+sw~~ in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Maria Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. N, tary~Public 'S E. V[~6C0 G1.~St3~ ~'f,7E JF NNNYOP.K AIC?1'aRY 1'IIHLlQ. c„nr:nor~nscls zo13 ~ AjMpiC"Jli iIJ IlAl7µ8,q U41' V.. 'iWG15 k olil np71966 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF ~i,u2xivl On the IH~~ day of b'(,~+t~.ci;r"1 in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Athas C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ~1~~~G.~ ~ V~Eso Na ary Public q~;lgIRLiC, 9A[G 06 NEW Y081C rnt; N1Y ^F QI RiENi _~i33 !:9lAP If,.=1~"; pd!'1Y i15 nCl'lk, I,n,~g~y { p I VICO] 1966 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) :ss.: COUNTY OF l,y'.~u'E~'~ On the day of ,~u in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Angelika C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary/Public GAA®YS E. VILU(iSQ ryort~irun~~ n,~isorrirmvnaa: rr 7y,~~,n~riv;2~13 IU'.~;l~'k 01'J ILO?!94h SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as part of Lot No. 7, on Map of Brionngloid-By-The-Sea at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 22, 1978 as Map No. 6711, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Main Road distant 4848 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Kayleigh's Court with the northwesterly side of Main Road; RUNNING THENCE the following three courses and distances, along land now or formerly of Rand: 1) North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 337.02 feet; 2) South 65 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds West, 159.00 feet; 3) North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 474.26 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; THENCE along said high water line which has a tie line bearing North 61 degrees 54 minutes 45 seconds East, 437.92 feet to a point; THENCE South 27 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds East, 652.90 feet to the northerly side of Main Road; THENCE along the northerly side of Main Road along an arc of a curve having a radius of 2259.01 feet, a distance along said curve of 335 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. 3~ 5 "OPEN SPACE" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Main Road (S,R. 25) where same is intersected by the division line of the westerly side of land now or formerly of Stainevich with the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25); THENCE South 27 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds East, 129.76 feet to the tie line of Orient Harbor; THENCE South 37 degrees 36 minutes 20 seconds West, 365.76 feet to land now or formerly of Bolletino; THENCE North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 117.76 feet to the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25); THENCE easterly along the southerly side of Main Road (5.R. 25) along an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 2325.01 feet, a distance along said curve of 366.10 feet to the first above mentioned division line and the point or place of BEGINNING. CC # : C12-33959 ' ~ ~ ,.~-~-~r, COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, JUDITH A. PASCALE, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original DECLARATION recorded in my office on 08/29/2012 under Liber D00012703 and Page 710 and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this 08/29/2012 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK ~ta ~Lrs.L. Q. Ya,occ~¢i~ JUDITH A. PASCALE SEAL I IIIIIII IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII IIIIIII (IIII VIII IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION Recorded: 08/29/2012 Number of Paqes: 9 At: 03:40:36 PM Receipt Number 12-0099871 LIBER: D00012703 PAGE: 710 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 023.00 01.00 014.007 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $45.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO TP-584 $0.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.85 NO RPT $120.00 NO Fees Paid $210.85 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County ^;SCORi~ED Number of pages - .tUD?TH u. P!a'CRLE CLEFT; OF This document will be public SUFFOLk: i:iuJflT'r' record. Please remove all L I'OOOi=~0 Social Security Numbers F 'i" prior to recording. Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee - Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Spec./Assn. Notation ~ L or EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total ~ Spec. /Add. EA-5217 (State) TOT. MTG. TAX ~ Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. ~ Held for Appointment Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 ~ ~ Transfer Tax Affidavit l/ • Mansion Tax Certified Copy ~ ~ ~ The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO Other Grand Total al tJ ~ If N0, see appropriate tax clause on page # of this instrument. ~ 4 Dist. 1000 02300 0100 014007 5 Community Preservation Fund 1000 02300 0200 005006 ~ Real Propert R T g Consideration Amount $ Tax Service R LPA A Agency 8-AUG-1 CPF Tax Due $ Verification Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land TD PATRICIA C. MOORE ESQ. 51020 MAIN ROAD TD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 _ Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name _ www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title # g Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached ROAD AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) IOANNOU The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of EAST MARION BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over ROAD & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT y This Declaration ("Declaration") is made this~`1 ~ay of .~it~'~-t~, 2012, by Constantine Ioannou, Maria Ioannou, as Settlors, residing at 105 Beverly Road;~Douglaston, New York and Athas C. Ioannou residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Angelika C. Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York as Trustees of the Ioannou Qualified Personal Residence Trust ,hereinafter collectively referred to as "Declazant". WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner in fee simple of real property situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, known and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 23, Block 1 ,Lot 14.7 and Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 23, Block 2 and Lot 5.6; and WHEREAS, Declarant has made an application to subdivide said real property into three (3) lots, as shown on the Final Plat Standazd Subdivision of Constantine Ioannou, prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C., last dated March 8, 2012; and WHEREAS, Declarant desires to provide for maintenance and management of the 25 foot right-of--way which provides a common access of ingress and egress to lot 1, 2 and 3; NOW, THEREFORE, for purposes of carrying out the intentions above expressed and in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the Declarant hereby covenants and agrees that the Lots shall hereafter be subject to the covenants and restrictions as herein cited. All the provisions of this Declaration shall operate as covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of the Lots, their heirs, successors and assigns, to wit: DRIVEWAY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The 16 foot gravel road within the 25 foot right-of--way shall be of standard stone blend composition to a width of sixteen(16') feet. The common driveway shall be constructed in accordance with Town of Southold specifications. Lot 2 will own the 25 foot right-of--way , as shown on the map and lots 1, 2 and 3 will have an equal right over said driveway. The 25 foot right-of--way will provide both a common access to the lots and contain the underground utilities for the subdivision, including but not limited to, public water, electric, gas and cable tv. The existing stone driveway over lot 3 will be abandoned upon completion of the 25 foot right-of--way pursuant to Building Specifications, Section 161-15A of the Southold Town Code. The above construction specifications must be met prior to issuance of building permits for Lots 1,2and3. MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF DRIVEWAY 1. The owners of Lot 1, 2 and 3 hereby covenant and agree that the parties, its successor or assigns in interest, shall share equally in the costs and expenses of maintaining the 16 foot gravel road and use, manage, administer, maintain and operate the subdivision driveway in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration. All parties agree that they will contribute toward and cause to be performed year-round maintenance of the 16 foot gravel road in accordance with normal, customary and responsible management practices, which practices include but are not limited to: a. The routine maintenance of the driveway, including but not limited to, litter collection, clean out drainage, snow removal and repair of the surface as necessary to keep the driveway in good and working order. b. The use of agents, subcontractors or employees to be reasonably necessary to carry out the responsibilities under this Declaration. 2. The owners shall maintain in effect at all times a policy ofpublic liability insurance . 3. The owners of lot 2 shall maintain the 28 street trees located along the 25 foot right- of-way in perpetuity 4. The owners of lots 1, 2 and 3 shall install and maintain the 12 inch corrugated metal pipe as depicted within the 25 foot right-of--way. MANAGEMENT COSTS 3. The owner of Lot 2, in its sole discretion, is appointed as agent to contract and oversee the maintenance and repairs authorized by this agreement and shall: a.. Prepare an annual budget for equal share of the costs of managing the driveway on a yearly basis (hereinafter referred to as "Maintenance Costs") including, but not limited to, the costs of administration, taxes, insurance, maintenance and repair. b. Maintain a "Reserve Fund" for extraordinary repair and replacement of the driveway. Money for the Reserve Fund shall be held and accounted for separately from the general funds. The Annual Reserve Fund fee for each lot shall be computed for the amount necessary to replace the driveway over a fifteen (15) year period. c. In the event that unforeseen extraordinary expenses arise and sufficient funds are not available in the above-described Reserve fund, the owner of Lot 2, may recommend a special assessment and all lot owners shall be obligated to promptly pay the amount of the Special assessment to the owner of Lot 2. d. The owners of Lots 1, 2 and 3 may appoint another management agent. PERMITTED AND PROHIBITED USES 4. The driveway shall be used by the Lot Owners, their guests and invitees subject to the following restrictions: a. When installing, maintaining, or otherwise servicing utility and service lines, Lot Owners shall have their respective agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors, and other representatives (i) use reasonable care not to damage the driveway; (ii) minimize the disturbance of shrubbery or other vegetation along the driveway; and (iii) upon completion of repair or maintenance, restore the driveway substantially to the same condition as existed at the time of commencement of the work. b. The driveway shall not be used for the dumping or abandoning of any solid waste or debris on or along its length. c. No construction or installation of any structures of any kind, permanent or otherwise (including, but not limited to, gates), may be made without prior written consent of Declarant. d. No construction or installation of any structures and/or landscaping which serve to impede sight lines along, entering upon, or exiting from the driveway may be made. e. No alteration or modification of the driveway, once constructed, will be permitted without prior written consent of Declarant and the Planning Board of the Town of Southold. TERMS OF PAYMENT 5. All Maintenance Costs, Reserve Fund fees, and special assessments as detailed above shall be billed to the Lot Owners and shall be required to be paid within thirty (30) days after the date of the bill submitted by the owner of Lot 2. 6. The Lot Owners shall comply with the terms of this Declaration. In the event that any Lot Owner fails to comply with the terms set forth herein within thirty (30) days after notice of violation is given by the owner of lot 2, then they shall have the right and power to enforce by any proceeding at law or in equity, all the terms of this Declaration. 7. In the event any legal proceedings are necessary to enforce the terms and conditions of this Declaration, the Lot Owners shall indemnify and hold the owner of Lot 2 harmless from any and all costs associated with such proceedings including, but not limited to, all court costs, service fees, deposition transcript fees and all other expenses and reasonable attorney fees incurred by the owner of Lot 2. 8. That this Declaration contained herein shall be construed to be in addition to and not in derogation or limitation upon any local, state or federal laws, ordinances, regulations or provisions in effect at the time of execution of this agreement, or at the time such laws, ordinances, regulations and(or provisions may hereafter be revised, amended or promulgated. 9. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of this Declaration shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole, or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. 10. The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated herein, and they are deemed to be incorporated herein and made a part hereof as though fully set forth. 11. The within Declaration shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant, his heirs, successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities, claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked, or amended by subsequent owners of the premises unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold or its successor, following a public hearing. 12. If the parties or its successors or assigns fails to meet its obligations with regards to the terms of this driveway and Maintenance Agreement, the Declaration the parties shall have the right to enforce the terms of this agreement in a Court of Law. 13. All notices required under this Declaration shall be mailed to the Lot Owners' addresses or to the property addresses unless other arrangements have been made by the Lot Owner. Notice shall be deemed Effective when mailed. 14. In the event that the Declarant is no longer in title to any portion of the subdivision, then, in that event, notice shall be given to the then owners of the lands making up the subdivision by mailing said notice to their addresses shown on the current Town tax rolls. Ownership should revert back to property owners within the subdivision who are obligated to abide by the terms of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declazant has executed this Declazation the day and year first above written. Declarant: Constantine~Ioannou - M a oanne~~"'~'" ,r J th annou Angelika C. Ioanno STATE OF NEW YORK ) ,,nn ) ss: COUNTY OF lX •A~w"'8 On the day of -~4 , 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeared Constantine Ioannou, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. GABYS E. VII,BOSO //i )j j NGTAXY Il!B[U S~a~E Of WiW'i4;U( ~~CN, L'6LJ,!1 ~ LCd~V am rm'r roueFUC ~a ~ ~'~U ~,~If115I01Ve III L10~.I k,~ N~itazy P bllc Aer.nM vi-n wsc STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF (~,~:+-uuvJ On the~~~'~c~ay of ~uc)c~0~ , 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeared Maria Ioannou, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. ~ i)~ ~)6 c ~x( .~,c=v c~~.u~rs s ~a.r~uso MO7pftV ~Bil 'Tn IE Of HF.14 YI~RK Notary P lie ~~,r~n~, poems ItCLI;I#01 YIEUl 1966 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF On the day of ~e4 ~ti~ , 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeared Athas C. Ioannou, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names aze subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon be((h~~,,afflf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. .~(itoi ~`~t1 (i ck~b~ti~ I~`ot ry P blic ;;,,~aavs v, vir.oaso ~IOT9P.'i i4~;ll `7iSC 4F NF.WYtl1U( Jiy~ ~purms~,~3 STATE OF NEW YORK) ~ F i h~ .a iz_.._.. <<~, ,~io;ivRs r~, ) ss: COUNTY OF ~le.~:ect,9 On the 1`~~day of lr?u~ud%~ , 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeared Angelika C. Ioannou, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names aze subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. 1 ~ N~i ary P blic C9P.1[FYS li. V1tDQSG A10L4ItY PIIALI4l SI'4~.Or" Ni.~ YURp; Bunn r ~ ar~is t ~ f. ,nm~z ~k~ ~ ria, zL' . flLGitin StC;'d1pI966 SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as part of Lot No. 7, on Map of Brionngloid-ByThe•Sea at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 22, 1978 as Map No. 6711, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Main Road distant 4848 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Kayleigh's Court with the northwesterly side of Main Road; RUNNING THENCE the following three courses and distances, along land now or formerly of Rand: 1) North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 337.02 feet; 2) South 65 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds West, 159,00 feet; 3) North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 474.26 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; THENCE along said high water line which has a tie line bearing North 61 degrees 54 minutes 45 seconds East, 437.92 feet to a point; THENCE South 27 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds East, 652.90 feet to the northerly side of Main Road; THENCE along the northerly side of Main Road along an arc of a curve having a radius of 2259.01 feet, a distance along said curve of 3395 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. 3~S "OPEN SPACE" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Main Read (S.R. 25) where same is intersected by the division line of the westerly side of land now or formerly of Stainevich with the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25); THENCE South 27 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds East, 129.76 feet to the tie line of Orient Harbor; THENCE South 37 degrees 36 minutes 20 seconds West, 365.76 feet to land now or formerly of Bolletino; THENCE North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 117.76 feet to the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25); THENCE easterly along the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25) along an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 2325.01 feet, a distance along said curve of 366.10 feet to the first above mentioned division line and the point or place of BEGINNING. • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSHI ~~Of SO(/ryO//__ Southold, NY 11971 Chair h~ `o OFFICE LOCATION: WH.LIAM J. CREMERS ~ ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS G Q 54375 State Route 25 - JAMES H. RICH III ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR l,~jy,~~y ~ .Southold, NY ~VUn i Telephone: 631 76b-1938 Fax: 631 76b-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 18, 2012 D SEP 19 2012 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. s~oc oEPr. 51020 Main Road ~ TowN of seuTNO~o Southold, NY 11971 Re: Final Approval: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou • Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e% Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion. SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, September 17, 2012, adopted-the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft:, Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft.; and WHEREAS, on August 13, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Final Approval on the map entitled "Final Plat Standard Subdivision Constantine loannou" dated September 7, 2000, last revised March 8, 2012, with conditions; and WHEREAS, on September 7, 2012, the agent submitted a filed copy of both the Covenants & Restrictions and the Road & Maintenance Agreement to the Planning Department; and WHEREAS, on September 11, 2012, the Southold Town Board accepted the Bond No. 1058101386 ~ the amount of $86,745.00; and WHEREAS, all the conditions of Conditional Final Approval were met; be it therefore Southold Town Board - Ler Board IVl~ting of September 11, 2012 RESOLUTION 2012-677 Item # 5.3 ADOPTED DOC ID: 8062 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION N0.2012-677 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2012: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the Subdivision Bond no. 105801386 in the amount of $86,745.00 for the standard subdivision of Constantine Ioannou, all in accordance with the Southold Town Planning Boazd recommendation and the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman SECONDER: William Ruland, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Talbot, Doherty, Krupski Jr., Evans, Russell SEP 1 2 2012 Generated September 11, 2012 Page 2 OgUFFU(,F I I~ I"~ l~ h ~ i + ~z4` ~ Southold Town Board ~ Elizabeth A. Neville ~ 53095 Main Road Tetephone: (631) 765 - 800 ~ Southold, NY 11971 ~ ,der Sentember 11.2012 I~~~Ilr~~lll~l~rlr~rl~~~ll~~~lll Mrs. Heather Lanza Planning PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mrs. Heather Lanza: Please be advised that the Town Board, at a meeting held on September 11, 2012 4:30 PM, considered the following resolution(s): Resolution RES-2012-677 Adopted [Unanimous] Subdivision Bond Constantine loannou CC: Mark Terry Carol Kalin Linda Randolph Christine Foster, Secretarial Assistant Janice Foglia Lynne Krauza Jennifer Andaloro Connie Solomon .IOhn Cushman Ly da R dder, Deputty T wn Cllerk SE~ ~ ~ Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney Phillip Beltz L Levine Sincerely Yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk • Southold Town Board • Elizabeth A. Neville 53095 Main Road Telephone: (631) 765 - 1800 Southold, NY 11971 September 11, 2012 Miss Linda Randolph Address Not On File Dear Miss Linda Randolph: Please be advised that the Town Board, at a meeting held on September 11, 2012 4:30 PM, considered the following resolution(s): Resolution RES-2012-677 Adopted [Unanimous] Subdivision Bond Constantine Ioannou CC: Heather Lanza Mark Terry Carol Kalin Christine Foster, Secretarial Assistant Janice Foglia Lynne Krauza Jennifer Andalom Connie Solomon John Cushman Linda Cooper, Deputy Town Clerk Lynda Rudder, Deputy Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney Phillip Bel[z L Levine Sincerely Yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk l •09/10/2012 MON 10:46 PAX X001/002 ~ PI~,~-, ~~r, ~L ~ - ~ EIIC'IitiVA1'DF:PAI27fi1F.(~'1' , <~T ~ Town of Sovtllold ~ ® 275 P«onic Lanc, P.U. Box 178 Pccmuc, Nav York 11958 _ PETER W. HARRIS _ ~ ~ SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS wwwww~w ww wwwwww ww wwwwwwwwwwwww+wwww~w7w7a r.wwwn7 wrw+www ww wwww ww wwww: ~w wwwwwwwww ~i~ CO Y L~~~~ ,S Ai 1~. ~~7 FA,Y To: _1~~ r_ , . - S E --f~/~.5~~~~ _ ~ say t e ~ ; i I J / ---_J FAX NUMI31iI2: _/-.~,1__-._~ /_>1¢_-. ~ ~ - - _i NUMBER OF PAGLS: '//-"~9 FROM: v 5 - SOUTTaUI,D TOWN fIIG131WAY DEI'AR'I'MEN7 COMMI~NTS: z='-~ S~_//~`~7,_v/1%?~CV~!_'c/w/Jl _LS ACC / _~..lL_1--/ T LL_P_QLSrYL.~I-_-~-_C~ 112~-PJ~L1~C{ !/~~IG«i 1.. SHOULD YOU RAVE AfYY Q[TE5TION5, 012 PROBLEMS IZECEIVWG TIIIS FAX "CRANSMII"1'AL, I'I,EASE ECI'iCER PCiONE (G31 )765-3140 OIZ FAY (G:ti}7G5-07.50. ~ .09/10/2012 MON 10:46 FAX . ®002/002 • o uphCt/l~,: PETER W. HARRIS z ~ ;j. Tel. (631) 765-3140 Superintendent > ~ _ (631) 734.5211 `~0/ ~.~e-,`H Fax (631) 765-1750 Highway Department Town of Southold 275 Peconic Lane • P.O. Box 178 • Peconic, N.Y. 1 1 958-01 7 8 7 0: AlvXander Sabatiuo. Planner Prom: Peter W. Harris, Superintendent llate: September 10, 2012 Re: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou As Superintendent of Highways in the Town of Southold, I hereby accept the Bond amount for the following Bond No. 10580138(for the Standard subdivision of Constantine loannou in the amount of $ 86.74.00. • Page 1 of 1 • Sabatino, Alyxandra K. From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 2:55 PM To: Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Subject: RE: loannou Bond got it and it has been scheduled fbr t-omorrows mooting From: Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Sent: Monday, September S0, 2012 2:52 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Cc: mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us; Lanza, Heather; Kalin, Carol Subject: Ioannou Bond Good Afternoon Lynda, As discussed earlier, attached are the Bond Conformation letters, from the Office of the Town Engineer and the Superintendent of Highways, which Betty Neville requested. I am also sending hard copies through the mail. Thank you so much, Aly Alyxandra K. Sabatino Southold Town Planning Department 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: (631)765-1938 9/10/2012 PATRICIA C. MOORE, A~ORNEY AT LAW MO L~I({'~ETTER 51020 Main Road ~I -t ' , "I Southold, NY 11971 (831)785-4330 email: pcmoorel ~optonline.net DATE - _ 1 T suad_cT^ E-2T~ ~ C~P~~s 2ec~~~~ ~ c.~.~-~ SEP-72012 _ ~ SIGNED Please reply ~ No repy necessary • Page l of lr 5~ ~i Sabatino, Alyxandra K. ~ s From: betsy@mooreattys.com Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 9:52 AM To: Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Cc: pat; Constantine loannou; contact@constantinedb.com Subject: IOANNOU SUBDIVISION Attachments: doc20120831085055.pdf Aly: Attached please find a copy of the recorded C & R's and Road Maintenance Agreement. Please review and advise when we will receive the maps signed by the Chairman for filing with the County Clerk. Thank you! Betsy Perkins LA Moore Law Offices William D. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4663 Pntricin C. Moore, Esq. AUG 3 1 2012 631.765.4330 mailing & physical address: 51020 Main Road Southold NY 11971 fax number for both 631.765.4643 8/31/2012 • . CC # : C12-33960 ~:~fF :L::: COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK COUN'PY OF SUFFOLK I, JUDITH A. PASCALE, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original DECLARATION recorded in my office on 08/29f2012 under Liber D00012T03 and Page 711 and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I (rave hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this D8129I2012 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK JUDITH A. PASCALE SEAL AUG 3 1 2012 L7 z~ (tECrn?oEr Number of pages ` c}12 ~'g `a' tr'. `D. vB .n~OTTH v. FR.,CRLE CLERt: OF This document will bi? Dublfc SOFFOt.r:UUNT'; L Pri061 t70 record. Please remove all P 711 Soda! Security Numbers prior to temrdii~g. Deed/Mortgage instrument Deed! Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording 7Fil{ng Stamps ] FE€S Fage! Filing Fee Mortgage Amt. 1. Rasic Tax Handling ___~.?0. 00 2. additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation Spec/ASSIe. EA-5217 (County}_,__,_._._. Sub Total.. Spec./Add EA-52176tate) _ TOT. MTG. TgX_i-_-__ ,,rryy~~ Dual Town Dual County _ R.P.T.S.A. y~~ Held for Appo(ntment._,.,,.__ Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 'b ~ ~ Transfer Tax AfRdavit • Mansion Tax Certified Copy _ ~ ~ She property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two NYS SUrehar a i5. 00 family dwelling only. 9 Sub Total YES or NO _ Other ' Grand Total r li NO, see appropriate taz clause on i pageA___ot this instrument. 4 Disi. 7.000 02300 0100 014007 5 Community Preservation Fund 1D00 02300 0200 005006 9(7 Real Propel p T S Consideration Amount $ Tax Service R LPA A CxJ Sri Agency B-AUG-t CPF Yex Due $ Verificatia Improved--. _ 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases ListProperty Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant land TD YATRICIA MOORE ESQ. 51020 MAIN ROAD TD SOU'1'HULD N~` 1197! TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 TiCle Company information 31D Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk TitleN R Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached -DECLARATION OP' COVBNAN'I$ AND RESTR_ 1_C_T_ ION5 made by~. (SPECIFY TYPE OFINSTRUMENT) IOANNOU The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of __.`tOUTHQLT) "TOWN C)F'SOUTHOLI) in the VILLAGE or HAMLET Of _L/yS1'MA RI,~I_._--..._.- 80XE6 6THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over IINIII I'll IIIII IIIOIIiII IIIII hill 11111 Illll III) IIII 111111 IIIII Illil IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION Recorded: 08/29/2012 Number of Pages: 9 At: 03:40:36 PM Receipt Number 12-0099871 LIBER: D00012703 PAGE: 711 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 023.00 01.00 014.007 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $45.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO TP-584 $0.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.85 NO RPT $120.00 NO Fees Paid $210.85 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALS County Clerk, Suffolk County DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made this j~~, day of ~tdr"~Y~2012 by Constantine Ioannou, Maria Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Athas C. Ioannou residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Angelika C. Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York of the Ioannou Qualified Personal Residence Trust hereinafter collectively referred to as the DECLARANT, states as follows: WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County New York, more particularly bounded and described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto; and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the granting of subdivision application for tax map parcel numbers, 1000-23-1- 14.7 and 1000-23-2-5.6, entitled "Final Plat Standard Subdivision Constantine Ioannou at East Marion" prepared by John T. Metzger, dated September 7, 2000, last revised March 8, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the "Filed Map"), and as a condition of granting said approval, the 'POWn of Southold Planning Board has required that the within Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office; and WHEREAS, Declarant. has considered the foregoing and determined that same will be in the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcel; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARANT WITNESSETH: That Declarant, for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed does hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that the said premises herein described shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which sha71 run with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns to, 1. Access to Lots 1, 2 and 3 on the approved plat shall be from the 25 foot wide right-of-way attached to Lot 2 2 The 1b foot gravel road must be constructed to the specifications .in Southold 'Down Code for roadway construction prior to issuance of building permits for lots 1, 2 and 3 3. The existing stone driveway over Lot 3 will. be abandoned upon completion of the new 16 foot gravel road 9. The existing 25 foot wide right of way, as shown on map dated as last revised March 8, 2012, and located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 shall not be used for vehicular access 5. There is a 100 foot wide non-disturbance buffer orr lots 1 and 2, as shown on the filed map. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within this buffer, is prohibited, except for the removal of invasive, non-native vegetation, and to create a 9' wide common beach access for lots 1 & 3 as shown on the filed map. Any permitted clearing is subject to a1.1 approvals and permits necessary for clearing near surface waters and other protected. natural features. The 0.9+ acre parcel identified as "Open Space" on the filed map and also known as tax ap number 1000-23-2-5.6 will remain as a non-disturbance buffer in perpetuity. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance is prohibited, except for the removal of invasive, non-native vegetation. Any permitted removal of vegetation is subject to all approvals and permits necessary for clearing near surface waters and other protected natural features. 6. Sixty (60) foot Landscape buffer along SR 25 as shown on the filed map i. The 60 foot buffer shall remain undisturbed in perpetuity except for permitted activities. Permitted activities within the buffer are limited to the removal of exotic invasive weeds and invasive vines, removal of dead and/or diseased trees that are hazardous to life or property. The buffer may be supplemented with plantings of native and drought tolerant species. ii. The sixty (60) foot landscape buffer located on Lot 3 will satisfy in part the clearing limits pursuant to Sec. 290-49 of the Southold Town Code. 7. The creation of this subdivision in no way commits either the Town or the County to any program to protect this property from shoreline erosion and that any approval granted by the 't'own in now way signifies that the development and use of this property is considered without hazard and possible loss. 8. There shall be no further Subdivision of lots 1, 2 and 3 in perpetuity 9. As shown on the filed map, any significant tree outside of building envelopes shall be preserved in perpetuity and any significant tree inside the building envelope shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible. 10. This development shall comply with all applicable Southold Town Code related to storm water management and the Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan, dated March 30, 2011 as approved by the Office of the Town Engineer on December 13, 2011, and filed with the Filed Map 11. The 4' wide walking path that runs through lot 1 will be a mowed path and maintained by the owner. of lot 1 12. Utilities, including but not limited to electric, gas, telephone and television, must be located underground 13. Prior. to any construction activity taking place on the lots, the property owners shall be required to obtain and submit a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDS General Permit for storm water discharges for the action. 14. Each of the lots shown on the approved plat dated March 8, 2012 is subject to the clearing restrictions (Percentage of Site Permitted to be Cleared-Lot l: 25 percent, Lot 2: 25 percent, Lot 3: 35 percent) pursuant to Southold Town code Section 240-49. 15. The residential application and use of synthetic fertilizers in pesticides capable of entering the potable water supply is prohibited. a. Only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20~ of the total nitrogen in the mixture is required. b. A maximum of 1 lb of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year is required. c. Fertilizer products shall be applied only during the growi.nq season (typically mid-March though mid- October). • 16. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant, his successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may be terminated, revoked or amended by the owner of the property only with the written consent of the Town of Southold granted by a majority plus one vote of the Planning board, after a public hearing. I7. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect_ the validity of these covenants as a whole or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. 18. The aforementioned restrictive covenants are intended for the benefit of and shall. be enforceable by the Town of Southold, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or law. The failure of said agencies of the Town of Southold to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any officer or employee thereof. 19. The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. That the within Declaration shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant and his successors and assigns and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked or amended by subsequent owners of the property unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the town of Southold or it.s successors, after a public hearing. IN WITNEuS WEIEREEORE, the DECLARANTr}tias ~dli~,y executed this document the day and year first above yKitten: 1 t ~ ~ f.,, ConsCons anti3rP oanVicntx"""~ A . as I nnou ~ / C. t ! ~ ,i ' j..,..... Ma iar'`Io`annou ~ Angelika`"C. Ioannou ACKNOWLEDGT~NT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF ~%~,rr.Z~s~l On the ly)t~ day of ~-ry`~ in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personallyappeared Constantine Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me~on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same .in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual. or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ~ Notary Public r~rkin, :„~;'tir~;rtirqunr, tt~ xt ~ !~e~:xa~; zc ~ At VJ3pi t8b£ ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NF,W YORK ) ) :ss.: COUNTY OF ~{r.¢(u-'1 On the day of kL'u-9 in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Maria Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument., the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrurent. ~c d ~ ~ ~(~lC~iti N tary Public cr~~f~us vtLUO~c> prtv(94y PUOIIC,$CA'K ar Mk"~''~R~ nae~s a c~ ~~>wae ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF `1 ~""U~ On the day of ~,uC~,cG#''+ in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Athas C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. 1 ^ Notary Public ci.AFsYS E. VLLUOSO ;;orr1°. Ye9i~,5ctT&rJl'~NFK£t~Al~ :.nrmr, nf,ZUtaHS x13 ^GMI aFiIQY, =-1IY [3 CC1' 12,........, dl!(i65 Sltl YI5U31466 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATF, OF NEW YORK ) ) :ss.: COUNTY OF lt'~~r~+,l On the j`I~--~ day of x€~,.~,+i~`~ in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally==~ppeared Angelika C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same i.rt ttis capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ,~~,t~tt .1 ~ ~'t,e/K%3C~ No ary Public tyiATiYS E. YCLUt75Q SO'rA0.Y PUHlitl.`T`1'F.lSP NEPo YI~Ad cr:g~~r'ror n~,i~;aS 2G t x ui.~d6tf I A I itlTl 11,-,,.<....... • SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plat, piece or parcel of land, situate, tying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as part of Lot No. 7, on Map of Brianngloid-ByThe-Sea at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 22,1978 as Map No. 6711, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Main Road distant 4848 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Kayleigh's Court with the northwesterly side of Main Road; RUNNING THENCE the following three courses and distances, along land now or formerly of Rand: 1) North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 337.02 feet; 2~ South 65 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds West,159.00feet; 3) North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 474.26 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; THENCE along said high water line which has a tie tine bearing North 61 degrees 54 minutes 45 seconds East, 437.92 feet to a point; THENCE South 27 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds East, 652.90 feet to the northerly side of Main Road; THENCE along the northerly side of Main Road along an arc of a curve having a radius of 2259.01 feet, a distance along said curve of 35 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. 3~ S" "OPEN SPACE" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25) where same is intersected by the division line of the westerly side of land now or formerly of Stainevich with the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25~; THENCE South 27 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds East, 129.76 feet to the tie line of Orient Harbor; THENGE South 37 degrees 36 minutes 20 seconds West, 365.76 feet to land now or formerly of Bolletino; THENCE North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 117.76 feet to the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25); THENCE easterly along the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25j along an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 2325.01 feet, a distance along said curve of 366.10 feet to the first above mentioned division line and the point or place of BEGINNING. • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS -``~pF SO(/j~, P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI ~~V` Old Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS N ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ • ~ 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III ~ ,~y~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR yC~V~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1838 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Peter Harris, Superintendent From: Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner ~S Date: August 27, 2012 Re: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Application Name: Constantine loannou Tax Map Number: 1000-23-1-14.7 Location: on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Final Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Road Profiles (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: ) X_ Other: Bond (Dated: 6/20/12 ) Site Plan (Dated: ) Revised Site Plan (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: 1 Other (AS BUILT) (Dated: ) Project Description: This aroposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92 332 sa ft Lot 2 equals 124 679 sa ft. inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-wav. and Lot 3 equals 80 000 sa ft Additional Comments: Attached are a copy of the bond and an acceptance of the bond from the Office of the Town Engineer. Pursuant to §240-32 the Superintendent of Highways must accept the Bond. Please make any comments that you feel are applicable. Thank you for your cooperation. SCOTT A. RUSSELL ~~~~ttf~Otk~o JAMES A. RICHTER, RA. SUPERVISOR ~ ENGINEER TOWN [iALr, - 53095 MAIN ROAD TOWN OF SOUTNOID, NEW YORK 11971 Fax. (63l) - 765 -9015 ~ Tel. (63l) - 765 -1560 ~y,L„1 lAMrE.wctrrRR@TOwN.souTxor~.riY.us OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OP SOUTHOLD Donald J. Wilcenski March 1, 2012 Chairman -Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Standard 3 Lot Subdivision for Constantine loannou State Route 25, Orient East Marion Causeway SCTM 1000 - 23 - 01 -14.7 SCTM 1000 - 23 - 02 - 5.6 Dear Mr. Wilcenski: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Bond Estimate prepared by the office of Joseph Fischetti, JR., PE. for the above referenced subdivision. Please consider the following: 1. The Bond Estimate submitted by the applicant did not take into account the SW PPP that has been previously approved for compliance with Chapter 236 for stomrvvater management. For that reason, I have amended the Bond Estimate accordingly. 2. The additional items noted in the Bond Estimate refer to construction items required by the SW PPP. If the Engineer representing the applicant has any questions he can contact my office directly. 3. Please Note: Town Code section § 240-37. Administration fee. (C.) When new road construction is not part of fhe subdivision (subdivision on an improved road), the applicant shall pay a review fee equivalent to $2,000 per lot or 6% of the bond estimate, whichever is greater. I have indicated and administration fee of $ 6,000 on the Bond Estimate. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Si r y, J es A. Richter, R.A. ~ ~ N1T, Pa, r SCOTT A. RUSSELL a~`ti°~~~~c° JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A.. SUPERVISOR ~ _ ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD o"Si TOWN OF SOUTHOID, NEW YORK 11971 Fax. (631) - 765 -9015 ~ Tel. (631) - 765 -1560 y~l IAMIE.RICItTt:RR~TOwx.souTROtn.NY.us ~E F Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I , ~ OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER s j TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAR - 2 2012 ~ Southold Town BOND ESTIMATE Planning Board TANDARD SUBDIVISION of CONSTANTINE IOANNOU - State Route 25, East Marion, TOWN Of SOU7HOLD SCTM # 1000.23-01-14.7 DATE March 1, 2012 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNR PRICE AMOUNT 1. 1.5 ACRE CLEARING & GRUBBING $ 2,500.00 $ 3,750.00 2. JOB ROUGH GRADING / UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION - 5,000.00 3. 2,000 L.F. STRAW BALES /SILT FENCING 6.00 12,000.00 4. JOB MAINTENANCE of EROSION CONTROLS - 3,000.00 5. JOB STABALIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - 3,000.00 6. 1,000 S.Y. F1NE GRADING 1.50 1,500.00 DRAINAGE 7. JOB CATCH BASINS (With Cast Iron Grate & Frame) 4 EACH 8' Diameter x 8' Deep 2,000.00 8,000.00 1 EACH 8' Diameter x 6' Deep 1,700.00 1,700.00 1 EACH 8' Diameter x 4' Deep 1,400.00 1,400.00 7 EACH 8' Diameter x 2' Deep 1,100.00 7,700.00 8. JOB STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - 5,000.00 SURFACING 9. 42 C.Y. BLUE STONE WEARING COURSE - (2" Thick) 135.00 5,670.00 10. 12 EACH CONCRETE SURVEY MONUMENTS 100.00 1,200.00 11. 47 C.Y. TOPSOIL 50.00 2,350.00 12. 425 S.Y. SEEDING 3.00 1,275.00 13. 1 EACH STREET SIGNS 200.00 200.00 14. 28 EACH STREET TREES 250.00 7,000.00 15. 1 EACH FIRE WELL 15,000.00 15,000.00 16. JOB MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC - 2.000.00 TOTAL $ 86,745.00 ADMINISIRATION FEE $ 6,000.00 § 240-37 (C). 2,000 /Lot] SUBDIVISION BOND BondNo. 1 0 5801 386 ICNOR' ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS, that we Constantine loannou as Principal, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America authorized to do business is the State of New York , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of 5otrihold NY as Obligee, in the penal sum of Eighty Sbc Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Five and 00/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($86,745.00 )DOLLARS, lawful money of Iae United States of America, for the payment of which well and roily to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. ~RgAS, Constantine loannou ras agreed to construct in East Marion Town of Southold N.Y. THE FOLLOWING LMPROVEMENTS -scttn # 1000-23-01- a~ ~ ~OII uxlrl~ - - - l. 15AQ8 arrrs+ol~nc S 1.YflJp i l,]AYO 9. RCY. BA8S1198~_a~t, 1„~ ~m I 1 IlH rW~Qd~,~I. . Ur1~DB7ICAYA]%M L~~ 10. 13 rAIX WIDBRAIRVEY,~@~ 10aY0 U~L3 I 1 ,•~ij. iQAMBAm!/BRLPBRBA 6rl 12,1GWM 11. AGT. 1VrrOP. - R00 2faru t JLtB rA¢IIDNYametRa~+aot+vNS sPOSr~ I ~ ffiax. ®¢A - ]r0 IFSm x m rrrw~mlanuo~lt,rtv~ - : towm . 6 -y00E aT. fll80ACmq - 13Y~ 1}MAA H. a F.ttB 8Iffi<'Rffi 15091 1p1t1W - IS. 161q, F1{9MH1. 11QMDJ ISpro.W 16. Ae ~'IGrVI&UMZt ..>W alms acumw.swat rim>acigPa,'nrrFic - 20W~ • 8uF rtMeK[rpy Ip00,00 +POam t 11K4 r.?ynt:rA@ tt0090 41KW IOtIL - i K'M590 1 awl rJ40M1[[c0'.pp ;1mm L14090 - . t t1~ r.tra.`crrpq ~ umco anlao I >d ~ SIOW[11rr1lIN8lP0.01&rDlf - spa99o NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall xnshuct, or have constructed, the improvements herein described and shall save the Obligee harmless from any loss, cost or iamage by reason of its failure to complete said work, then this obligakioa shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full `orce and effect_ iigned, sealed and dated this 20 day of June 2012 Constantine Ioannou Rincipai By:_ ~ \ 1 ~v~,~ Travelers Casu nd Sure pan America By: Robert J Frey AttcmeY""-~aot N.OOMRC 7bC ' WAR IS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE' ORDER ST PAUL POWER OF ATTORNEY TRAVELERS Farmington Casualty Company SL PaW Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company S[. PaW Mercury [asurattce Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Seaboard Surety Company - Travelers Casualty and Surety Company o[ America St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Attorney-In Fact No. 214205 Certificate No. O O O O 1~ O J .k KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Seaboard Surery Company is a corporation duty organiud under the laws of the State of New York, that SL Paul Fire and Marce Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company and St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Mimesafa, that Famrington Casualty Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America are corporations duly organized undo the laws of the State of Connecticut, that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company is a corporation duly organized undo dre laws of the State of Maryland, that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized undo the laws of the State of Iowa, and that Fidelity and Guaranty insurance Underwriters, htc. is'a wrporation duly organized undo the laws of the State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called the "Companies'), and that the Companies do hereby make, consthute and appoint Robert I. Frey of the City of Vallr~r Ctream ,State of New Ynrk , they true aM lawful Attomey(s}in-Fact, tuL in their separate capacity if more ttian one is named above, to sign, execute, seat and acknowledge any and all bonds, recogaizances, conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory iu the nature tnueof on behalf of the Cotpanies to the' usiaess tceing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guarantceing bonds and undertakings required or ao~i)[4iti~dings allowed by law. ~g~4 ~pti`1~yy tttit~tdbe~y,~neb8hd~rpa~[e seals to be hereto affixed, this 6th W WFfNE55 WHEREOF, the Companies have reused this ins } Cl day of February 2006 tS Farmington Casualty (:ale~~~`~-[(}Q~ St. Pout Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty~fis r(~r6~!~~~~,O~ St. PaW Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Ins nderwrst'ers, Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Seaboard Surety Company 1Yavelers Casualty and Surety Company of Amuira St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company UWted States FideBty and Guaranty Company rnau,~ ~rY ~ OAa iaffil ~~~^ayy. 'µ~r Aiy~ ~ ~ r~ u ?oa ~ r `i '1i~6' ~ O ~ kj~st"°°aiE ~ ~ ~ O ties $ taaa g # ~ .1951 1927 a `sear. S ~'ssast ~ e u$~ py w• F ~ ~ ~'n:ara+dr °C'. Aar rP ~ ~ ~ vr7 /Jtta` State of Connectcut By: ~ City of Hartford ss. Be W ompson, Se ' r Vic Prcsidea[ On this the 6th day of February 2006 ,before me personally appeared George W. Thompson, who acknowledged Nmself to be the Seaior Ytce President of Farmingmn Casualty Company, Pidehty and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Unduwriters, Inc., Seaboard Suety Company, SL Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, S[. PaW Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so [o do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes druein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. p,T!? In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. W w' y • My Commission expires the 30th day of Lune, ?A06. O ~~IG # Made C Teoranlr, Notary Public 58440-9-05 Printed in U.S.A. WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WTHOUT THE RED BORDER T7tAYElERS cas7tALnAt6) suRETrCOMPANY oP AMERICA HARTFORO.coNNECrtcur ae7es FlNM1OtAlSTATEMENT AS OF OECEMBQ255.2051 AS FlLED W THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY CAPRAI STOCKS 8,180,000 ASSETS LIABILITIES & SURPLUS It1VEST®CASH S t3 ~U g~EO PREMIUMS S 8t3,328,906 837,831,780 lNESTMENTN007AE WEANDAC(2ZUED 19,234,247 REINSIXtANCE PAYARI.EON PAID LOSSE56LO5S ADJ. EXPENSES 2604.152 O1t1ER N1VESTE9ASSETS 249.777A07 COS6ADJUSTMF3tf E14'Q4SCv 525,055,959 PRE4AflMA BNA?R 'X8 239,273682 COMfAISQOI~FS 90,856.887 NEYD~DTAXASSEf 87.832A57 TAXES, LICENSFSAND FEES 60278.705 ~RECOAIFRAtu.E ip~ggglg3 07FIQt t7WFJ19C~ 28,866,6t8 8Eg1Wf1F8 LH1oING REMMFS7ED (XX.LATFJ1AlASSE7Ti 7.944,006 fi1N06HF3D1X1DERRFJlLg7RANCE TIES 85A37AtB lfiO1STPo811IED PAYMENTS 2.684,867 CI~@fTFED@tALANOF0~4, TAX6 40.068.821 OTH9iA77SETS 361289 tlEARTAlKS4AND REMSNOTAIJ.OCA 76,811.'K7 AMOIX1T61Nff77FElDJRETARI~HY FOR ONIERS 51,860,217 f1E11~WC[NE R~JPo101CE AsStR4® s,15{708 PoIJCY71m~ztX7nr>s~s 6s~1,w9 PROVIS00Nfi7RRE[45URANCE 6,891,97+ PAYA9ETOPARENf.8Ue810NR~A8~AFFIUATES SS,TBB;BD9 PAYABLE POR ZiE~T7ES 7.2+8903 PAYAQ.EI~RSf3.UR1TIE5 LH4DING ~ 7.314.000 GE>ff2lJlRAtICENETPRBdUMS PAYABLE (nA1zA14) ESCHEAT WB3.IIY 1 887.849 O7ff7tAOCPoKAFXPEHSESANDiJ/i3R.RES TOTAL.LIA&LIIIES - CAPITALSIOfXC 8 8.430000 PAro W 3URM.US 4'39.863.780 OTFiHt SURPLUS 1277.781.608 TOTAISURPLU5T0~ S 1.682A75200 TO'fAI.ASSE7S E 4256A47JiB0 TOFAt.L1A8L7t1ES 6SURPLUS S 4250A47b5D STATE OF CONNECTICUT ) COUNIYOFfiAR1FORD )SS. C11Y~HAR7FORD 1 MIgNH.J.000DY,BQNG OULYSWgW. SAYS1t7AT 77E IS SECOPAV[CE PRESIOFJ4T.OF iWWELERS CASUALTYMA)SURELY COMPANY OF AI/ERIG, AfiD'7}7ATTOTF7E BESTOF F93XNONAJ-DCEi AND 89.lEP.1f~FORE0007G ISAllgJE AND COftiIECTSTATEM64T OF THE FlNAt~fM-CONORION OF 8ND COMPANYAS OF7HE SIST DAYOF77E:C948ER.2071. ~ 4~~PRES ~ ~ Ec>BS~ Iv4o suroRN ro BEFORE ME THIS NoTaRr 13fHDAYOF APR0.2D52 SUSAN M. WEtSSLEDFR NamyPdiUe `,17.71)Jltr~ fl J.(y CommLssion ESpira Narsm6e~30. ~07I ~ e =rq~ O`FA4'2 ~d 'u~i *~A= UBLYG A~^ ~ • ACKNOWLEbGEAAENT PF21NC1PAL: STATE bF ) SS.: COUNTY OF ) On this _ day of . In the year 200 ,before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on Ehe basis of satisfactory evldence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscxibed to the within Instrument and admowledged to me that he(sheJlhey executed the same in his/her/lheir capadty(les), and that by fisJher/their signature(s) on the instrument, the Individual(s) or the person upon behalf of whir:h the Indlvidual(s) acted, exearted ttre instrument Notary PubUc SURETY: 1 STATE OF ,VQX ~DC~( ) )SS. COUNTY OF N [w~~ c~ 2olL On this 2~ day of ~v+v . , in the year260_, before me, fhe undersigned, personally appeared ROBERT T FREY personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name{s) is {are) subscribed to the wthin instrument and acknowledged to me that helsheJlhey executed the same in hisPoedttieir capadty(ies), and that by h~/hediheir signature(s) on the irrstnrment, iha individual(s) or the person upon behaff of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. C Notary Public VINCENT SHUM NOTARY PUBUC, STATE OF NEW YORK NO.OtSH817S5i3 QUALIFIED IN QUEENS COUNTY COMMISSION FXPIgES DEC. 24, 20,~,~ WAR IS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOl1T THE" RDER This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of Ne following resolutions adopted by Ne Boards of Directors of Farmington Casualty Company, Iidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., Seaboard Surety Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, SL Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guazanty Company, which resolutions are now ht full force and effect, reading as follows: RESOLVED, Na[ the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Second Vice Presideq[, Ne Treasurer, any Assistant Treasuru, Ne Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint At[omeys-in-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of anthorlry may prescribe m sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds, recognirarrces, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, m conditional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her, and it is FURTEIER RESOLVED, Nat the (.'hainnan; the President, any Vice Chaiman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers oc employees of this Company; provided Nat each such delegation is in writing and a copy Hereof is fled in Ne office of Ne Secretary; and it E FURTHER RESOLVED, Nat any bond, recognizance, antraU of indemnity, or writing obligatory N Ne nature of a toad, recognizance, or conditional undertaking altall6e valid and binding upon fhe Company when (a) signed by Ne President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Yrce President, any Senior Vice President m any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, dre Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed wiN the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary; or (b) duly executed (under seal, if required) by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to Ne power prescribed yr his or her certificate or Neir certificates of authority or by orre or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority; and i[ is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature of each of the following officers: President, any Bxecutive Yta President, any Senior Yra Presidwt, any Yra President, any Assistant Yrce Presidem, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of Ne Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorcey m m any certifrcart relating thereto appointing Resident Yin Presidwts, Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-in-Fact for purposes Doty of executing and attesting bonds end undertakirrge and other writngs obligatory in Ne nature Hereof, acrd any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile see! shall be valid and binding upon Ne Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile sigoaNre and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on Ne Company in Ne future wiN respecr to any bond or understanding to which it is attached. I. Kori M.7ohanson, the mdersigned,Aasistant Secretary, ofFamtington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Ia., Seaboard Surety Coarpany, St Paul Fue a~ Marine Ins C?mPan St. Paul Guardian Insurance CAmpany, S[. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and S"""~=~un~ d United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certify that Ne above and foregoing is a tme and cortect copy of the P~we{Q{,~m meanies, wtiich H io fuB fora and effect and has not been revoked. 4Q`l 1 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, [have hereunm set my hand s;id{(~ aoies Nis ~~day of , XI / tr~' ~r `~I~1` 1 Kori M. Johans Assistant Secretary ~~e~"e°v+i6F O ' n s. o~,M rMi~s .Ps rxrvr r.+xr M,°p syryNb • Y °b NOOgpIMaD ~ rvwr ~,y?4s, ~ flr'''°''~ 1977 1951 y~1927 , aeatr 8 ~j~Y' Dan g ~"~°oo~°'~ ~ toss y e rrax ~O~ - SSEL 3Od To verify the authenticity of Nis Power of Aftomey, call I-800421-3880 or contact us az wwwstpanltravelersbond.com. Pleas refer ro Ne Attorney-Tn-Fact number, Ne above-named individuals and Ne details of Ne bond to which the power is atached. WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RFC BORDER ~ • ~ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WH.CENSKI O~~QF SOUlyQI Southold, NY 11971 Chair ~ ~ OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS G Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR Qli~'COU,M'~~ Southold, NY 1111 Telephone: 631 765-1838 Fax: 631 76b-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 14, 2012 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Conditional Final Approval: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, August 13, 2012, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft.; and WHEREAS, on March 13, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board granted 2nd Preliminary Plat Approval on the plat entitled "Minor Subdivision for loannou Constantine at East Marion", dated September 7, 2000 and last revised February 25, 2004, prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C.; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2012, the agent submitted requested changes to the draft Covenants and Restrictions, the draft Road and Maintenance Agreement, and the Final Plat along with the Final Plat Fee; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2012, the agent submitted the Park and Playground Fee and the Administration Fee; and WHEREAS, on March 29, 2012, the agent submitted the requested New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Permit Re-issuance; and WHEREAS, on April 9, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board, at their Work Session, reviewed the Bond Estimate provided by the Office of the Town Engineer, the revised Draft Covenants and Restrictions, the draft Road and Maintenance Agreement, and the Final Plat and agreed to waive the final hearing after finding that the Final Plat was substantially the same as the Preliminary Plat pursuant to Section 240-56 Southold Town Code; and N / • • loannou Page Two August 14, 2012 WHEREAS, on May 2, 2012, the agent submitted the changes requested to the Final Plat; and WHEREAS, on May 9, 2012, the agent submitted the revised Road and Maintenance Agreement, and the Covenants and Restrictions; and WHEREAS, on July 2, 2012, the agent submitted the subdivision bond; and WHEREAS, on July 10, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board, at their Work Session, tabled the acceptance of the subdivision bond for further review of the bond expiration date; and WHEREAS, on July 23, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board, at their Work Session, reviewed the bond request and found that the bond's expiration is automatically renewed each year; and WHEREAS, on July 24, 2012, the agent submitted a Schedule A and minor changes requested to the Covenants and Restrictions; and WHEREAS, on July 25, 2012, the agent submitted 13 copies of each of the Final Mylars and Prints endorsed by the Department of Health Services; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board herby grants Conditional Final Approval on the map entitled "Final Plat Standard Subdivision Constantine loannou" dated September 7, 2000, last revised March 8, 2012, with the following conditions: 1. File the Covenants and Restrictions and the Road and Maintenance Agreement with the Suffolk County Clerk and submit a filed copy of each to the Planning Department. 2. The acceptance of the Bond by the Southold Town Board. This approval is valid for 180 days from the date of the resolution unless an extension of time is requested by the applicant and approved by the Planning Board. No more than two extension periods of 90 days each may be granted. If conditions are not met within 360 days of the Conditional Final Plat Approval, the application for Final Plat must be re-submitted along with the corresponding fee. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, c`~?.~r~s ~ ~t1w~,.d. Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~QF SO(/T~, P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI ~0~ ~lO Southold, NY 11971 Chair y OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ • ~0 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SH)OR ly(',QU~ ~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE August 14, 2012 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Bond Acceptance for the Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, August 13, 2012, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft.; and WHEREAS, on March 1, 2012, the Office of the Town Engineer recommended the Bond Estimate in the amount of $86,745.00; and WHEREAS, on April 9, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board, at their Work Session, accepted the Bond Estimate on the recommendation of the Office of the Town Engineer; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board accepts the Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America Subdivision Bond No. 105801386 in the amount of $86,745.00 and recommend same to the Town of Southold Town Board. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. .Very truly yours Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk James Richter, Engineering Inspector ~ SUBDIVISION BOND BondNo. 105801386 HI30W ALL MEN BY THIsSE PRESENTS, that we Constantine loannou Principal, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America rthori2ed to do business in the State of New York , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of outhald NY ~ Obligee, in the penal sum of Eighty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Five and OOH00 - - ($86,745.00 )DOLLt#RS,hrvvfulmoneyof e I7nitted States of America, for Hre payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, exeeabors, (minishators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. ~S, Constantine loanrwu us agreed to cooshud in Fast Marion Taarmm of SouHtold N.Y. THE FOLLOWfNG IMPROVEMENTS -sctm # 1000-23-01- ~ a~ . - eea~ - ===~i i u aiaowanmu sumw ~ t'm~ > acr. arms~uaauaaamg-amao u+no ima aaaaY¢~®mGVAmn ~ - L~q ,a. aar8 m1~naRVe~I~POmcR au9 ~ umw ~ 4 AB1S. EDAM tA0 ~~LO ' 1L (/CL MfOG, A0I T,SLW ~ 1 lily tf44T~0A811GfO0HPmitiB - ,pyp ' ~ N' a~ ~ 901?0 ~ ' 4 MM ar, rm6dtwrop ~ Lm 490am. - u u ~ StlEaelsi - ~ amm ramm - ~ u ~ ava : rusws+. aeoem ~seoom t4 1W ~ YAQfIfP/t~2a 7. IW tliQM~ OrtSeOrtRmy 1IOmC[4/1ClSMPl15. - - 3~ i u Q e.Lp~t, q 4 ~ ~ - ml'ic ~ s ~Rw.YO ' i e a r~rn v ~ u ro a sae ~ snmtnuaf~amoieLtewt wo~.~ NOW, THEREFO$E, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall mstntct, or have consttrmted, Hie improvements herein described and shall save the Obligee Larmless from any loss, cost a' usage by reason of its failure m complete said work, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain. in fldl mx and effect igned, sealed and dated this 20 day of June 2012 - Constantine ioannou ` ~a~ Travelers Casu^ nd Surety pan f America By. Robert J Frey Att°"'eY"'-F`'~c ' WARN( IS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE f RDER STPAUL POWER OFATTORNEY TRAVELERS Farmington Casualty Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fiddelity and Guaranty Insurance Company S[. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Seaboard Surety Company - lkavelers Casualty and Surety Company ai Amercaa St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Attorney-In Fad No. 2147A5 Certificate No. O O O O~ 2 O 9 IINUW ALL MEN BY TIBI,SE PRESENTS: That Seaboard Surety Company u a wrporaation duly organized undo the laws of the State of New York, that St. Pwl Fite and Maine Inaumnx Compahy, St. Paul Cuardiazr insurance Company and St. PaW Mercury Insurance Company ate wrpomtions duly organized undo the hws of the State of Mimesota, that Farmington Casualty Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America am wrporaQoos duly otgmiud order the Laws of the State of CooneMicut, Wert United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company h a wtprnatian duly organized under the laws of the State of Marylmd, that Fdeiiry and Guaranty Insumace Company is a wrpotafion duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that Fidelity and Guaranty Lutunoce Underwriters, Inc. is'a wrpaatioa duly organized undo the laws of the State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called the "Companies"),and that the Companies do hereby make, wnstitute and appoint Robtxt i. Frey of the 6ty of Vallr3. Ctw.m ,State of New Ytttlr , thek true and lawfW Attomey(a}in-Fan, each to their upara0e capacity if more Wan one is named above. ro sign,exeate, scat and aclmowkdge any and aB lwnds, tewgnizanees, waditional undeatakiogs and other writings obligatory in the name Werwf oa behalf of the Companies in races cee5ng the fWdity of persons, gaannteeing the performance of wnbtaUS and exeating or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings.required or~`~~iat~igings albwed by law. ~I'~~Q~~ ~~~~1~ Q .~G`~ ~ 6th ~ oW117VE~NWB7iRF.OF, We Companr2~ ve caused tltis maam~~`4'st.~riS`be s{~ae~bffind,~5~ot orate seals W be herero afFized. this Farmington Casualty ~ ~ St. Pad Guardian Insurance Company FideBty and Guaranty ~p!aqq~~Olll St. Paul Mercury Lasurana Company Fidelity tend Gatarawty nderwrllen, Inc. Tnvelera Casualty and Surety Company Seaboard Surety Company Tnvekta Casualty and Surety Company of Amerir St. PaW Fire and Marine Insurance Company Udted States Fidelity and Guaranty Company easu.S aaKlr aµa ~a taa~ „"+W µrr ay ,MMq Mb ~ Y977 ® ~ # ~ 3a..a,''~ ~''vaaa-aaa ;~a`yd y ter.: .1951 1927 seat. ~ ~ e w '°a• ~ sear. 3 . ~ . area , a. de ~ , + ~4 naa" Smte of C-oonectiwt By: t~ City of Hartford as. tge W oayaw, S ' r Yi President On this the 6th day of Febtnary 2006 ,before me personally appeared George W. Thompson. who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Ytce President of Farmington Casualty Company, Fdelity and Guaranty Lrsunnce Company, Fidelity and Guaanty Inaunnce Underwriters, Luc.. Seaboard Surety Company. SC PaW Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. PaW Guardian insnrance Company. St. PaW Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United Stairs Fidelity and Guaranty Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so to do, oxewted the foregoing inamrmcn[ for the purposes therein wntaitted by signing on behalf of [he corporations by himself as a duly auWorized officer. p,TIT tQ WiMess Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. ~ Q7 w" C . ~J-<JU W~Aµ^~ My Commission ezpircs the 300r day of lone, 2006. ~ AbBli~ * Marie C. Terreaulr, Natazy Public s 58440~~9-OS Printed in U.S.A. WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WfTta7trt THE wen Rnanco WARNI( IS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITJiWf THE P DER This Power of Attorney is granted wrier and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by ttre Boards of Diredas of Farmington Casualty Company, Jtdelity and Guaranty insurance Company, Pidehty and Guaranty Insurance Utrderwritecs, liK., Seaboard Surety Company. St. Paul Fire and Maria insurance Company, SL Paul Guardian Insurance CanpanY. SL Pml Mercury Insurance Company, travelers Casualty and Suety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, whisk resolutions ate aw in full force and effect, reading as follows: RESOLVED, that the lfiairnran, the President, any Yrce Chaiman, my Exeeudve Yice President, any Senior Yice President, my Vice Presidtm, any Second Yrce. President, the treasurer, my Assistant treasurer, the Corpomm Seaetuy a any Assistant Secehry may appoint Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents m as for and on behalf of ant Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her cerfifiate of authority may presaibe to sign with tbe Company's name and seal with the Company's scat bonds, recogaiiaaes, connects of indedmiry, and other writngs obligatory in the nature of a bond, recogniuha, m wodifional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of DIreCM[S at my fine may remove my such appoimce and revoke the power given him or her; and it ri F[1RTHER RESOLVED, that the l7taitman; the President, any Yra Chairman, any Executive Yrce Pesidwt, any Senior Vice President or any Via President may tklegase all a my pm of the foregoing authority to oa or more otficus or employees of this Company; provided that each such delegation is in writing and a wPY iherpof is flied in the office of the Secreary; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that any bord, recogniranm, contract of indemnity, « writing obligatory is the Hahne of a bond, recogn'vance, a wnditioml wdertaking shall be valid anti binding upon the enntpany when (a) signed by the President, any Via fAaiwan, my Exewfive Via Prtsident. my Sepia Yax President a my Vice Preaideat, my Second Yux President, the Treasurer, any Assistant treasureG We Corporate Serxeury or my Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's swl by a Saaetary or Assistant Secretary; a (b) tidy executed (under seat, if required) by oa a mere Attorneys-in•Faa and Agenti pursuant to the power prescribed in his a ha cerfificate a their certificates of authority or by one a more Company officers pmauant b a written delegation of mthority, and it is FURTHER RE50LVED, that the aigaamce of each of the following offices: President. any Exaudve Vim President, any Senior Yra Prrsideot, my Yroe President, any Asaistm[ Yroe President, any Seerehry, my Aasinam Secrwry, and the xal of ttk Company vuy be affixed by facsimile ro any power of attorney a m any rn6fxate relating thereto appointing Resident Ywe Presideafa, Residem Assistant Seaetariea a AUOSaye-iu•Pact fa purposes mly of exauUOg and attesting bwds and andatakinge and other writings obligatory in the nature lhewf, and any mch powaof attorney a eutificatebeadag such facsimile signanne a facsimile seal shall be valid sad binding upw the Company and my snch power an executed and oetificd by asrch facaimik aignauve and tacsitnRuaeal ahaD be valid and binding w the eontpany is the Cudne wish respect to any bond a andersunding to which it is attached. c~~~~w~ i, Kai M. Johanson, the underaigned,Assistaot Secreary, of Farrington Casualty Company, • "^"'•J and Guaranty ins,.ra.,.-~ ContpanY, Fidelity and Guaranty Iosunuoe Underwriters. Inc.. Seaboard Surety Company. St. Paul Fire and Marine Lrsu lajmpm St Pout Guardian Lurmance Company, St. Peal Mowry Innnance l7~pany, l'tavelera Casualty and Smey Company.lravelers Casualty and Su United Sierra Fidelity and Cruumry Company do hereby tutify that the above and fomgoing le a true and span[ copy of the P s mpaoles, which le in Cull fore and effect and has at bew revoloed. ~~`¢O'.~1 i'~~ . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have heteunm set my hande~q~ V,~~~ ild.(o~ita this ~1 day of ~4"~~~ 2l1 ~jjyyO¢~~ 1 ~O~ Kori M. Johaus Assisma[ Secreary slRry y aura rash, txts~ ~nMU rpyt, r.. .1 stisi ~ 1977 1927 qq tamrpn a ~ ~ ter. 1951 3seAt. ' sett F 3 a a [core 1b vorify [he authenticity of this Power of Attorney, call 1-800421-3880 or contact us at wwwslpaultravelersbondxwm. Please refer to. the Attoray-[o-Fact number, the abovenamed individuals std the details of the lwnd m which the power is attached. WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY LS INVAUD WITHOIJi THE RED BORnFR • • mava ERS Casuasr um su~tt co~nParer of UaoacA NAR7FORD,C0NNEC71CUf aete9 flNANC1AlSTATIRAHiTAS DF DECEMBER 91.2011 AS FILED 8i 7HESTATE Of REVYJERSEY CAPRAL STOCK S 8A80.000 ASS L0V30.lIlES 7.SURPWS ~I CAS7)AND BiVES7ED CASH E 31. 03 PREANIAAS S ~19,~.808 90MD3 8IYE87MHJf8/C08E DDEANDACCRUE0 488888it ~pAYABLEDN PN0LQti5B5bfASS ADJ. Efa~ENSES 2,804.782 O'176t WVFStEDASSEI3 24smAar tA88A0tR1STMH17hJ0~B~ 6ZSP~9s8 1ltTDE3~DTAXA8SE7 87.892.057 iA10:S, Lif$iSP8AP87 FE64 80.27&10"+1 R9~IVECERE0D1A3tA8YE 40,88183 Q114HdFJ8'l3ls>~ 28,868,819 l83G!lif71E8t$l71ND P6NVESIED COLU7ERAlASSE7S 7.94(088 fi11MBF1E8DIRNEftII~IRAN(t;~ ~ ll~ 95;031A78 tROI$TPoBUI®PAYMENfB 2,13,987 QRtPB/fF~1l.NA)FgtEPBN, TA70'S 48,086,7 gTF482ASSE7S 881,789 18e7M7TA11CE'SA1bDF1~t4D7AU41OA 18,84i,ffi1 I, AMODN18MI179E1DlRETA111E776N FDRQRROtS 81.880877 RE117DACIMERE7/~LiP1fIE Atw'SIAJC-0 3,181.788 R801P.7RtAtICE &8.887 ~ At$1pfRL1A7E4 8 PAYABLEFDR~IRRI~I~IHG~ ~ 7,9/Ip88 cEOm~aE1PREMai51s1~arAB1E mA+~aw1 o711g1oArwuaealles 801.&19 iairra~lrA s cAP17A1_stol~c s B,~BOA69 PNDNSUtv+13u 413,80;796 onc~>~vs 4nta9ime 7ora~sutanusio~ s L~J175.286 T07ALASSETB - 4~ .236A07.TO TDT/0.UA8tlI1C-86SURPLS/S 8+`0 S1AlEpF C0~EC11CUf ) I Cg1N1Y0FfWtTT~0RD jBS. G7Y0F1fARiFD)iD ) M1CFIAEI.J.000DY,fIi8HG t1ULYS7VORN,SAYSIFNTHEIS SBC0NDV[CE tYtGS7DEMf, OF TRAIIHPRS CASDAL7YAND SUREYY OQMPANY 0FAIdgBCA AND'17MTT0TNE 88510E HISYJIONA.®G'EN8) BELIFF,711EfICKa lSA7ROEA186DlMREC1SIHTBAH1i0F 7F1E`•F8WM:8LL CONDi710N OF S'ND C.0kWM%Ag0FTk1E91S1DAY0F O[,20t1. SEC 18)N~ PRESI' J 44 l OAB~ t/._s SDANDSIYDR117'0 BEFORE ME I7-0S N0Ti1RY t31H D/1Y OF APRB.. 2012 ' SUSAN M. NEfSSI.BDF•R - NamyPxbBt 111 U ~~tr ,yp cown~LcsJanErpiro Abra~er3R j8/2 ~a``t~,~~t`S`9`'% oTtA-t2 ~o'- ~ ro' • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PRINCIPAL: STATE OF ) SS.: COUNTY OF ) On this _ day of in fhe year 200 ,before me, the undersigned, petsonally appeared personally known to me w proved to me on Ura basis of sadsfakdory eNdenca to he the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the wlthln instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/diey executed the same in hlslFterflhelr capadty(fes}, and that by hfsRterRhek signature(s) on the instrumerrt, the IndiNdual(s) a the perborr upon behalf of which the hKihhduai(s) ailed, executed the instrumerlf. Notary Public SURETY: STATE OF ~VQ v ~°C~~ ) SS.: COUAI7Y of N u~> 4~ ) \ 20 t>_ On this day of Jv+v, . in the year260_ , before me, the undersfgnpd, personally appeared ROBERT J FREY personally known m me or proved tome on the basis of satlshactory evidence to be the Individual(s) whose name(s) is (era} subscribed to the within ktsitumerd and acknowledged to me that helshe/they exekxrted the wane in his(heHttielr capadty(ies), and that by hislher(thak signature(s) on the instrument. the individuals) or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument Notary Public VINCENT SNUM NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK NO.OtSFISt78513 QtWJFl~ IN QUEENS CWN7'! COMMISSION EXPIRES ITEC.24.20 t MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS QF SQU~. P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSffi O~~ HQl Southold, NY 11971 Chair ~ ~ l~ OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS G Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR l9'CO~~rty Southold, NY 1111 Telephone: 631 765-1838 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 27, 2012 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848' e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: At the July 23, 2012 Work Session, the Planning Board reviewed above-referenced application and agreed that all the requested changes have been made to the revised Road and Maintenance Agreement and the Covenants and Restrictions. The Board also agreed to consider accepting the Bond. at their August 13, 2012 Public Meeting with the recommendation that the Town Board do the same. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, Alyxandra Sabatino Planner • Algn typing xvM Mle Ilne for Cauble Grre spacing y OUILL.COM ? ? .settab ar~aelerrows - MEMO LETTER PATRICIA C. MOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW I`1~I 51020 Main Road ~ ~ ~~V 4~1 I Southold, NY 11971 (631) 765-4330 email: pcmooret ®optonline.net DATE ~7 _ ~ s ~ TO - SUBJECT /a~niu~n~ ~ ~w~ c /3 ~ /n it .gQ c~ - JUL 2 5 2012 " Please reply i~ No repty necessary _ _ _ • P~,~~-~~ Page 1 of 1 Sabatino, Alyxandra K. _ From: betsy@mooreattys.com Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 11:05 AM To: Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Subject: RE:loannou Attachments: doc20120723100418.pdf hi Aly...here you go! please let me know you got them, sometimes my email has a mind of its own! Betsy Perkins LA Moore Low Offices William D. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4663 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4330 mailing & physical address: 2 4 51020 Moin Rood Southold NY 11971 _ _J fox number for both 631.765.4643 Original Message Subject: Ioannou From: "Sabatino, Alyxandra K." <avxandra.sabatinoCo)town.southold.nv.us> Date: Fri, July 20, 2012 2:23 pm To: <betsvColmooreattvs.com> Betsy, I spoke with Pat yesterday and told her that Ioannou was going to be on the work session for Monday. There were just some minor changes to the C&Rs: The requested submittal of a Schedule A was not submitted. Additionally, in Clause 5 the word "shown" is spelled incorrectly. Pat was hoping you could change them for Monday however; if you don't get a chance to do them it's not a problem. They can be completed after the work session. Thanks so much, Aly Alyxandra K. Sabatino Southold Town Planning Department 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: (631)765-1938 7/23/2012 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made this day of 2012 by Constantine Ioannou, Maria Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Athas C. Ioannou residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Angelika C. Ioannou, residing at lOS Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York of the Ioannou Qualified Personal Residence Trust hereinafter collectively referred to as the DECLARANT, states as follows: WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of. certain real property situate at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County New York, more particularly bounded and described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto; and WHEREAS, for and iri consideration of the granting of subdivision application for. tax map parcel numbers, 1000-23-1- 14.7 and 1000-23-2-5.6, entitled "Final Plat Standard Subdivision Constantine Ioannou at East Marion" prepared by John T. Metzger, dated September 7, 2000, last revised March 8, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the "Filed Map"), and as a condition of granting said app=oval, the Towrr of Southold Planning Board has required that the within Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Uffice; and WHEREAS, Declarant has considered the foregoing and determined that same will be in the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcel; NOW, THEREE'ORE, THIS DECLARANT WITNESSETH: That Declarant, for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed does hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that the said premises herein described shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns to, 1. Access to Lots 1, 2 and 3 on the approved plat shall be from the 25 foot wide right-of-way attached to Lot 2 The 16 foot gravel road must be constructed to the specifications in Southold Town Code for roadway construction prior to issuance of building permits for lots 1, 2 and 3 3. The existing stone driveway over Lot 3 will be abandoned upon completion of the new 16 foot gravel road 9. The existing 25 foot wide right of way, as shown on map dated as last revised March 8, 2012, and located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 shall not be used for vehicular access 5. There is a 100 foot wide non-disturbance buffer on lots 1 and 2, as shown on the filed map. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within this buffer, is prohibited, except for the removal of invasive, non-native vegetation, and to create a 9' wide common beach access for lots 1 & 3 as shown on the filed map.. Any permitted clearing is subject to all approvals and permits necessary for clearing near surface waters and other protected natural features. The 0.9+ acre parcel identified as ~~Open Space" on the filed map and also known as tax ap number 1000-23-2-5.6 will remain as a non-disturbance buffer in perpetuity. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance is prohibited, except for the removal of invasive, non-native vegetation. Any permitted removal of vegetation is subject to all approvals and permits necessary for clearing near surface waters and other protected natural features. 6. Sixty (60) foot Landscape buffer along SR 25 as shown on the filed map i. The 60 foot buffer shall remain undisturbed in perpetuity except for permitted activities. Permitted activities within the buffer are limited to the removal of exotic invasive weeds and invasive vines, removal of dead and/or diseased trees that are hazardous to life or property. The buffer may be supplemented with plantings of native and drought tolerant species. ii. The sixty (60) foot landscape buffer located on Lot 3 will satisfy in part the clearing limits pursuant to Sec. 240-99 of the Southold Town Code. 7. The creation of this subdivision in no way commits either the Town or the County to any program to protect this property from shoreline erosion and that any approval granted by the Town in now way signifies that the development and use of this property is considered without hazard and possible loss. 8. There shall be no further Subdivision of lots 1, 2 and 3 in perpetuity 9. As shown on the filed map, any significant tree outside of building envelopes shall be preserved in perpetuity and any significant tree inside the building envelope shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible. 10. This development shall comply with all applicable Southold Town Code related to storm water. management and the Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan, dated March 30, 2011 as approved by the Office of the Town Engineer on December 13, 2011, and filed with the Filed Map 11. The 9' wide walking path that runs through lot 1 will be a mowed path and maintained by the owner of lot 1 12. Utilities, including but not limited to electric, gas, telephone and television, must be located underground 13. Prior to any construction activity taking place on the lots, the property owners shall be required to obtain and submit a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDS General Permit for storm water discharges for the action. 14. Each of the lots shown on the approved plat dated March 8, 2012 is subject to the clearing restrictions (Percentage of Site Permitted to be Cleared-Lot 1.: 25 percent, Lot 2: 25 percent, Lot 3: 35 percent) pursuant to Southold Town code Section 240-49. 15. The residential application and use of synthetic fertilizers in pesticides capable of entering the potable water supply is prohibited. a. Only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20~ of the total nitrogen in the mixture is required. b. A maximum of 1 lb of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year is required. c. Fertilizer products shall be applied only during the growing season (typically mid-March though ntid- October). 16. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and sha77. be binding upon the Declarant, his successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may be terminated, revoked or amended by the owner of the property only with the written consent of the Town of Southold granted by a majority plus one vote of the Planning board, after a public hearing. 17. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. 18. The aforementioned restrictive covenants are intended for the benefit of and shall be enforceable by the Town of Southold, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or law. The failure of said agencies of the Town of Southold to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any officer or employee thereof. 19. The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. That the within Declaration shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant and his successors and assigns and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked or amended by subsequent owners of the property unless ar~d until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the town of Southold or its successors, after a public hearing. IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, the DECLARANT has duly executed this document the day and year first above written: Constantine Ioannou Athas C. Ioannou Maria Ioannou Angel.ika C. Ioannou ACKNQWLEDGMBNT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the _ day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Constantine Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the i.ndi.vidual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Maria Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual. whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Athas C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Anqelika C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as part of Lot No. on Map of Brionngloid-By-The-Sea at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 22,1978 as Map No. 6711, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Main Road distant 4848 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Kayleigh's Court with the northwesterly side of Main Road; RUNNING THENCE the following three courses and distances, along land now or formerly of Rand: 1) North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 337.02 feet; 2) South 65 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds West, 159.00 feet; 3) North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 474.26 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; THENCE along said high water line which has a tie line. bearing North 61 degrees 54 minutes 45 seconds East, 437.92 feet to a point; THENCE South 27 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds East, 652.90 feet to the northerly side of Main Road; THENCE along the northerly side of Main Road along an arc of a curve having a radius of 2259.01 feet, a distance along said curve of 336.95 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. "OPEN SPACE" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ofi land, situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25) where same is intersected by the division line of the westerly side of land now or formerly of Stainevich with the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25); THENCE South 27 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds East, 129.76 feet to the tie line of Orient Harbor; THENCE South 37 degrees 36 minutes 2D seconds West, 365.76 feet to land now or formerly of Bolletino; THENCE North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West, 117.76 feet to the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25); THENCE easterly along the southerly side of Main Road (S.R. 25) along an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 2325.01 feet, a distance along said curve of 366.10 feet to the first above mentioned division line and the point or place of BEGINNING. • WORK SESSION AGENDA • SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, July 23, 2012 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 4:00 p.m. Executive Session -Litigation Applications Project Name: loannou, Constantine SCTM#: 1000-23-1-14.7 Location: on the north side of State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion Description: This proposed standard subdivision is for 3 Tots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 = 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 = 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right- of-wa ,and Lot 3 = 80,000 s . ft. Status: Conditional Prelimina A royal Action: Review revised C & Rs & Bond re uest. Attachments: Staff Re ort Project Name: Peconic Land Trust, Inc. SCTM#: 1000-63-1-25.3 Greenhouses Location: 3005 Youngs Avenue, Southold Description: This proposed site plan is for two 16' x 24' (384s.f.) greenhouses for a ricultural use on a 2.3 acre arcel in the R-80 Zonin District. Status: Pendin Action: Review comments from referrals & public hearing Attachments: Staff Re ort Project Name: Platinum East Pro ernes, LLC SCTM#: 1000-69-6-3 Location: 48205 Route 25,1956.85' west of Ackerl Pond Lane, Southold Description: This site plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,880 sq. ft. electrical contractor office/warehouse on 0.9 acres in the General Business (B) _ Zonin District, Southold. Status: _ Pendin Action: Review comments from referrals. Attachments: Staff Report ~ Project Name: _ Go ins SCTM#: 1000-114-11-9.1 _ I Location: 13200 Route 25, Mattituck Description: This proposed site plan is to convert an existing 2,187 s.f. single family dwelling to three apartment units at 850 s.f., 850 s.f. and 486 s.f. Seven parking stalls are proposed at 13200 NYS Rt. 25, Mattituck, in the HB _ Zonin District. _ Status: Pendin Action: Review re uest from a licant for site work Attachments: _ ~ Staff Report i PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road f~ ~ /~/2/~~ Southold, New York 11971 / c/ Tel: (631) 765-4330 ~ Fax: (631)765-4643 July 2, 2012 hand delivered Chairman Donald Wilcenski Southold Town Planning Board Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU SCTM: 1000-23-1.14.7 Dear Chairman Wilcenski: With reference to the above and pursuant to the April 12, , 2012 letter enclosed please find Subdivision Bond. Please review and advise. Thank you. , , Ve t ly yours, ' P ri is C. Mo ~Ii~ PCM/bp encls. C: Mr. & Mrs. Constantine loannou MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~pF SOUTy P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI 0~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair ~ ~ OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS G @ 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III ~ a~~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR l~C'oU rtV Southold, NY II 1, Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 10, 2012 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Bond Acceptance for the Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: Please be advised that a determination on the July 9, 2012 Southold Town Planning Board Public Meeting Agenda item regarding the Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America Subdivision Bond No. 105801386 in the amount of $86,745.00 for the above-referenced Standard Subdivision was tabled. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman SUBDIVISION BOND Bend No. -105801 386 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Constantine loannou as Principal, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America authorized to do business in the State of New York , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Southold NY as Obligee, in the penal sum of Eighty Soc Thousand Seven Hundn~l Forty Five and 00!100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($86,745.00 )DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, joinfly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Constantine loannou has agreed to construct in East Marion Town of Southold N.Y. THE FOLLOWING IMPROVEMENTS -sctm # 1000-23-01 - , ~ - L IS Ad9 OSpYIIbk(Vfl~PS3 S ],SOOAp S 3]SOLO 2 2 FID tOOI$OADIHi/. 9. 4CY H(21651aRWGWHLIXABBI.E-Q'.tMSJ IISIM SWUM 1 '{WD V. 81RA/HQTVFHi(AG 6A3 SSW _ 10. 13 PAIX Nim)[1118pK]2Y160IVe3CN1Y. lL6W lApfq ADD ll. A CY. t03'60Q, SO.W ;3N.W ~ Y IW MAQlORlIIaSS li US ffY. BEmQW 3.L0 f$ISD] i Ipe STA8.3rI®C[;618pCINN PNRANg - 35[OID ' 13. 1 PdG 8MffC9®i9 ]O0W NDAO 6 y4008Y. PLYBGBppING ~-ISO U~.UA 19. LFAS$ SLpFhT1Rffi5 13050 >.OODLO - I3. I IAA FHEN&L 13A9SN 13.aW.M 1W G1L813p9QID(WU604LmpohlFlme) 15. lW ~ 19~ si8A1R3C >~m • pA~ 8!Dioecx F.(Np '{OOOSO (!lam _ i ]L308 e'.piamSZ6'.Dxp yW]lM 4300x0 !pip[. - f 86,]/5.00 I 1 rMm e•.mmesa<e•.ce 3.IWla IASOM a > ~ aip~3$nuin~vsnmartclm3r t.laaao ~ ~ ' NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDTI'ION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall construct, or have constructed, the improveme~s herein described and shall save the Obligee harmless from any loss, cost or damage by reason of its failure to complete said work, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed, sealed and dated this 20 day of June 2012 - Constantine Ioannou t\ ~ ~ \ Principal By: ~i'1~k~.1 , l Travelers Casu nd Surety pa f America By: Robert J Frey Attorney-in-Frct c ocoewiccc oleo WARN HIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE ORDER STPAUL POWER OFATTORNEY TRAVELERS Farmington Casualty Company S[. Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, [nc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Seaboard Surety Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and"Guaranty Company Attorney-[n FaM No. 214205 Certificate Na. O O O O 7 2 O 91 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Seaboazd Surety Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York, that St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, SL Paul Guardian Insurance Company and S[. Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under [he laws of the State of Minnesota, that Famungton Casualty Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America are cotporaGons duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, [hat United States Fidelity and Guazanty Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Maryland, that Fidelity and Guazanty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of [he State of Iowa, and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. isa corporation duly organized under the laws of [he State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called the "Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Robert J. Frey of the City of VAIIP,y StreAm ,State Of New Ynrk ,their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each N tFtea separate capacity if more than one u named above, to sign, execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, recognizances, conditional underakings and other writings obligatory in thenature thereof on behalf of the Companies vt thew business ~o(f;~uazanteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required o~p <in ary {tons gr6iACeedings allowed by law. Qtl WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have caused this inStrKrq~t Idbe ~nedYndl~'~tr orate seals to be hereto affixed, tlus 6~ day of February 2006 ~ GG111 Ci Farmington Casualty C i$t~q~`_~[(y~~ r~ St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guazanty Bha~~(7prRpay~,~~` St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insu a nderwrNers, Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surely Company Seaboard Surety Company 1Yavelers Casualty and Surety Company of America 'MV St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company ~eI.sUArl -qn•• ta9rrY < Ox~IFf4y p, lxbyy <hy +~6 n rr07gRn® £ ~•aox<hiF ~ oa<r\° s a rfa: ~ 1977 1927 tm r%"~' `ie ~ asannao,` i.~e~a~ 1951 ~O~` w ~Ea~aee' .\8x.%ar` 'OFS e ~trea~ < x+ AIa State of Connecticut gy; Ci of Hartford ss. [Y rge W ompson, S ' r Y President On this the 6th day of Febmary 2006 before me personally appeared George W. Thompson, who acknowledged himself [o be the Senior Vice President of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., Seaboazd Surety Company, SL Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, SL Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so [o do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. p,TET In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. ~ t7y w~ . My Commission expires the 30th day of June, 2IX16. * AbffiIG ; Marie C Tetreault, Notary Public 58440-9-05 Printed in U.S.A. WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WRHOIff THE RED BORDER WARNI IS POWER OF ATTORNEY 1S INVALID WITHOUT THE RDER This Power of Attomey is grnn[ed under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of D'vec[ors of Famungmn Casualty Company, fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidehty and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., Seaboazd Surety Company, S[. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, S[. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Trnvelers Casualty and Surety Company, Trnvelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, which resolutions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows: RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attomeys-in-Fact and Agents m ac[ for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe [o sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and outer writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or cmditional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of Directors a[ any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her; and it x FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman; [he President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority [o one or more officers or employees of this Company; provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary; and it is FURTE~R RESOLVED, draz any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in [he nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President, any Vtce Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President ar any Vice President, any Second Vtce President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary; or (b) duly executed (under seal, if required) by one or mote Attomeys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant m the power prescribed in his or her certificate or they certificates of authority m by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority; and i[ is FURTEIF,R RESOLVED, that the signature of each of the following officers: President, any Executive Yice President, any Senior Vice President, any Yice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company rosy be affixed by facsimile [o any power of attorney or m any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attomeys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signamro or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shag be valid and binding on the Company in the firmre with respect to any bond or understanding m which i[ is attached. I, Kori M.lohanson, the undersigtted,Assistan[ Secretary, of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guazanty Insurance Underwd[ers, Inc., Seaboard Surety Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insuran Cympan St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Tmvelers Casualty and Sur~tparty~l~me~d United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certify Iha[ the above and foregoing is a [roe and correct copy of the P~ow°-~,t4ry' omg3[Qxebuj~ed~ s meanies, which is in full force and effect and has not been revoked. Ql SY',S` IN TISTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand an o s ((anies this ry~day of ,1A ~ ~ , O¢ Kori M. Johann Assistant Secretary 6,~d'A~g ~h ~r`~ ~ddM ~Ml~~K ~~~aVgn 'yrr ~ho~ ~WeMy,.~ b-pay,ity Y''~ec~~~'6 n a~eopr M yn d ; pP' tra= ~ 1977 1951 1927 ~I SeAr, o : n ~ w~raw, a seat F ~O ~ ~uNfiP '~arar,'~` c.xa r:. 4wx~ ~s~. ,rr 1 ~f To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney, call 1-800-421-3880 or contact us at wwwstpaultravelersbond.com. Please refer to the Attorney-In-Fact number, the above-named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached. WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEV IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER TRAVELERS CASUAl7YAND SURETYCOMPANY OFAMERICA HAt2TFORO,CONNECTICUT 08785 FIN1INCIAI STATEMEN7AS OF DECEMBER S7,2811 AS FILED B4 THE STATE CF NLW JERSEY CAPLCAI STOCKS 8,480,000 ASSETS LIA&L7HES & 9URPLU3 CASHAND 9RrEST®CASH S 103,857,622 UI4FARNED PREMIUMS S 813,528,908 BONGS 3525,992,554 LOSSES 1137.881.750 94VESTtAENT @1COME DUEAFIDAC(2fUED 49,294241 72EO45UR/IMCE PAYABLE ON PAID IOSSLSSLOSS ADJ. EJO~FNSES 2,604.752 O7HBt 9YVESIEO ASSETS 249,171AW L036ADJUSf5474T E7tPENSES 525,055,955 NETOf3•FJiREDTAXASSET 87532A57 T LNT3iSES/WOFEES 80278,706 R~RANCE RECOVERABLE 10.985Ae5 O7FER E7{PFliSES 29,686,879 REC71F6TIE3I84DIND REBAIESTED COUATERAIASSETS 7,344,088 FUNDS H[iD UNDER REINSURANCE TREAl1ES 95531A16 IRAISTWBUI®PAYMENTS 2,693,987 CURRENfFEOQtgEANO FOREI(~IINCOLIETA70:S 48,088,527 OTHER ASSETS 567289 REMITTANCESAND I7EMS NOTALLOCAtED 18.841,351 AM01541S 9~ATL##frJD7RETAINEO BY ~ ANY FOR OTHERS 51,860277 RETROACTIVE RENA4l1RAP~E RLSERVEASSlA4FD 5.752.85 PdJCY1SOlDEft DIVIDB4D3 - B.S17549 PROVISION W42 fiB45URAl1CE 6,897,571 PAYA8LET0 PARENT,8UBSIDwRESANDAFRLIATES 53~766J58 PAYABLE FOR SECURRIES 7,1A9,9N PAYABLE FORSECURITES L13671NG - 7,3M,088 CEDED NE7PRBdUMS PAYABLE ESCHEATLUBIlITY ~ I71A OTHER ACCRUED EXPF3ISESANO LIAB9.H1E$ 51H.696 TOTAL LMe1LrtEiS Y 2.6114.372262 CAPITAL STOCK S 6,4,000 PAN) N SURPUb 459,805.780 OTHER SURPLUS 1211.787.606 TOTAL SURPLUSTOPOLICYHOLOEp,'S S t.652A75.286 TOTAL ASSETS S 4.256M7.560 IOTAI LUBRDIESd SURPLUS S 4258.M7,550 STATE OF CONNEC7ICUf COUNTY OF HARTFORD )SS. CRY OF HARTFORD ) MKOiAELJ. L700DY, BEING OULYSWORN,SAYSTFIAT HE IS SECOND VICE PRESmENT,OF TRAVELERS CASUAL7YAND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA ANDTF4ATT0T}IE BESTOF HIS KNOWLED(a'EAND BELIEF, TFIEPoRCi3091G ISATRUE ANDCORRECf STATEMENT OF THE FlNANCI0.l CONDLLION OF SAID COMPANYASOFT1E 5157 DAY OF DECEMBER,2017. 1O Ni PRESI SUBSCRlBEDANDSVNDRNTO BEFORE ME THIS ~4~~ y II~R A 13TH DAY OF AM1R, 2072 SUSAN M. WEiSS[.EDER No7oryPrrblic ``,.7 .1tlj}rltrrrrr A~Cwnmtu7on Erplrc Norembe( 30. 2012 `p 2Cir~~ vv t/s~~~ =N 7Y .n. UBLrG,~ '~O~N~~~ `GJ~c ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PRINCIPAL: STATE OF j SS.: COUNTY OF ) On this _ day of , in the year 200_ , before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) Is (are} subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me That helsheJthey executed the same in his/herftheir capadty(les), and that by his/herffheir signature(s) on the [nshument, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of wtNCh ttte individual(s) ailed, executed ttre instrument. Notary Public SURETY: STATE OF ~P-v ~°c'C } nn 11 ) SS.: COUNTY OF yV us~i~ \ /LoIZ On the 2~ day of cJunr _ , in the year260~, before me, the undersigned, personalty appeared ROBERT J FREY _ personally known to me or proved to ma on the basis of satisfactory evidence to 6e the indtvklual(s) whose name(s) is (are} subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shelfhey executed the same in hisiherfttietr capadty(ies), and that by h's/herftheir signatures} on the InsitvmeM, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public VINCENT SHUM NOTARY PUSLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK N0.07SHa17&S13 QUAtIFlED IN WEENS COUNTY COMMISSION EJ(PIRES DEC.24, 20 ~ PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road COG~%t7 ~/2//~ Southold, New York 11971 f ) (J Tel: (631) 765-4330 ~ Fax: (631) 765-4643 July 2, 2012 hand delivered Chairman Donald Wilcenski Southold Town Planning Board Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU SCTM: 1000-23-1.14.7 Dear Chairman Wilcenski: With reference to the above and pursuant to the April 12, , 2012 letter enclosed please find Subdivision Bond. Please review and advise. Thank you. Ve ~t ly yours, J,~,ia ~Ql~ Pa~tri I~"a C. Mo~fe' ~7/ ' PCM/bp ~ encls. C: Mr. & Mrs. Constantine loannou SUBDIVISION BOND Bend No. -1 05801 386 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Constantine loannou as Principal, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America authorized to do business in the State of New York , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Southold NY as Obligee, in the penal sum of Eighty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Five and 00/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ($86,745.00 )DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, Jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Constantine loannou has agreed to constnuct in East Marion Town of Southold N.Y. THE FOLLOWING IMPROVEMENTS -sctm # 1 000-23-01 - m o~ol~ JiRPPkE a~~- 1. 15 Ant9 QFAPN'A!(Ri10Bptp S 0$00.00 S 3,]50lA ~ 2 AB ?(IQOH~ADlp/. 9. PGY HISI85tt]NGWPANpTr CCORSE-lT nkb 1331p 5.6N0] [INQ/y49P6D FM.fYAT1LRi f.WSU3 t0. i1 HA4I CWI~B{Bl ~RVE4MOhTR4E.T.. 106W )m].W 3. 3.0.V LF. SIkAW BAIkB/8QSF9NS\3 600 13~000M ,1. l)GY. iOP90¢ - sPW 2]SOAO I l~ ].GOOD 12 VS SV. ~[I)G lAJ I}]SJp 3. lOD everricn~pNS[&VCIIOtiPMRAA~ - SpOOD ' 13. 1EAC8 8[AFEIS[@19 - )Ip.W 100D 6 IA00 SY, tLN8mM1I46 i4. 78 E1CH SIRffif18H6S - 2W.W ),000Dp .a.. _ I3. 1BAC8 FII.O WIDL IS,IXgAO IS.WO.N 3fR G'ILN1iPoCSLm0.+vlflmcl 16. ]OB P0.0)EC[IOti CW 18APPfC - 20~ 4 eArn rn;or:f•.oxq apoo.ao 4Wl.00 1 sAw r.mmec:scy ywom 1,]aaao OOtAL - f 84]9f.00 I 1 r~ e•.Snmt.:e~.feo f,lmro uooD ) enrn f~.f~xr ' ! roe srowSnxAei~uaarmamcllolr t.laaao ism NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, flair if the said Principal shall construct, or have constructed, the improveme~ herein described and shall save the Obligee harmless from any loss, cost or damage by reason of its failure to complete said work, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed, sealed and dated this 20 day of June 2012 - Constantine loannou B O \ PrinciPai Y= Travelers Casu nd Surety pan America / By: RObeR J Frey Attcmey-in-Fact c xnorr_cc~ ~roa WARt~THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT 7HE BORDER STPAUL POWER OF ATTORNEY TRAVELERS Farmington Casualty Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Seaboard Surety Company Travelers Casualty and Surely Company of America St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Attorney-In Facl No. 214205 Certificate No. O O O O~ 2 O 9 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Seaboazd Surety Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of [he State of New York, that St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, SL Paul Guazdian Insurance Company and SL Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the S[a[e of Minnesota, that Farmington Casualty Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America are corporations duly organized under the laws of the S[a[e of Connecticut, that United Slates Fidelity and Guazanty Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of [he Slate of Maryland, that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under [he laws of [he State of Iowa, and [ha[ Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. isa corporation duly organized under [he laws of the State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called the "Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Robert J. Frey of the City of Valle Stream , S[a[e of New Ynrk ,their We and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, [o sign, execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, recognizances, conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature [hereof on behalf of rite Companies in [heir((~b.usiness oLguaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing [he performance of wntracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or pe,4as6in arms fii~ceedings allowed by law. . ~ , a„ te° t IIV WITNESS WHEREOF, Ne Com antes have caused this ms t ~tlfe sane and rrrl~~~ 6th day of Febm p 2006 r~"~E- tl "F ~ ~ 1T~i~~O rate seals to be hereto affixed, this ~ y k Farmington Casualty Cogpp~Iny ~g~ St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Ihst`u•ance,~oiitpar}Y.a,. St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insuf'aIles~Underwriters, Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Seaboard Surety Company 1Yavelers Casualty and Surety Company of America ~~~r./y~ Sl. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company t~c'Q 6V,C~L Wn" 1s ~ /Y ~Fl~f6~ ~~~~M!Mf~~ p~,~dV9q~ ~ ~~~fv MHO ~19t2~n0 aV9- a~a0n~rjfs y! ON~t'^ ° pan ~s2~ a~ ~ a' S1 ma # i o, ~J.SE AL o ~SBA~ caxa°+~ ~Ma~y7 r ~N ~ Y' n`' ryEµ~ °~enveee S.~AM~' E A /Aa State of Connecticut By: City of Hartfo[d aa. G rge W ompson, Sen' r Vic President On [his the 6th day of February 2006 before me personally appeared George W. Thompson, who acknowledged himself [o be the Senior Vice President of Fartning[on Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., Seaboazd Surety Company, SC Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. p,TET In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. TAq~ ~ Vy w° l.. My Commission expires the 30th day of June, 2006. * AblLIG } Marie G Teneauh, Notary Public 58440-9-05 Printed in U.S.A. WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER TRAVELERS CASVAITY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA HARTFORD,CONNECTICUT 88783 FINANCUlISTATE44ENTAS OF #CEMBER S7, 2011 AS FILED 84 THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY CAPRAI 5TOCIC S 5,480,000 ASSETS LNBILRIES 8 suRPLU3 CASH AND WVESTEO CASH S 403,857,822 IkffARNEO PREMIUMS E 813,326,806 BONDS 3,b25,e92,~4 LOSSES 837,681,738 84VESTMENT MCOME OUEANDACCRUEO 49,234,241 REINSURANCE PAYABLE ON PAID LOSSES&LOSS ADJ. E%PENSES 2,804,752 OTHER OJVESfEOASSEB 244.171,807 LOS6ADJUSfMEN'T E70'ENSES 525,055J3S3 PREMNM BALANCES 2~~78,862 CANMISSfONS 30,858JDi NET OEFERREDTAXASSET 87.832,051 TA71ES, lICE11SESAND FEES 80.270.185 RE013URANCE RECOVERABLE 70.88SA83 OTNF.R ENPENSFS zs,es5,e73 SECIAtliIES LENDING REINVESTED COLLATERALASSETS 7,340.088 FUNDS HELD UNDERREINSIALLNCE 7RF.ATKS 85.037.416 U!8)ISTRIBUf®PAYMENTS 2,b93,987 CURl~NT FEDERAIAND FOREfGNINC08iE TA10S 44,088,527 OTHERA33E7S 351,289 REMITTANCES AND BENS NOT ALLOCATED 18,847,1 AMOU4T6 WD'FB~LDlRETAINED BY COMPANY FOR OTHERS 31RW,277 RELROACDVE REBlSIMWNCE RESERVEASSIAAEO 3,752,708 POI-ICYHOLDER OMDBi05 B,itT,b49 PROVISION FOR RE@ISUNAIICE 6,597,371 PAYALII.E TOPAREM,SUBSB1tARE5 AND AFFILUTES SS,788,809 PAYABLE FOR SECURRIES 7,244,803 PAYABLE FOR SECURfiE.S 18871146 7.344.088 CEOFJ)RIIRANCE NETPREMIUM3 PAYABLE (77,612,044) FSCHEATtUBI1.ffY W4,843 OTHERACCRUED EXPENSESAND LUBILITIES 507.838 T07Al LNBILRES S 2.8174.372.2 CAPITAL STOCK S 8,48D,000 PAID IN SL82PLUS 439,803,76D OTHER StfitALUS 7.ZL1.79L508 TOTAL SURPLUS TOPOLICYHOIDERS S 7.852.076.268 TOTAL ASSETS E 4.2.Sfi.M7JiW TOTAL LM8kIT1ES e.SURPLUS S 4.258.M7S5D STATE OF CONNECTICUT ) COUNTY OF HARTFORD )S5. c1noFHARTFORO > MICfiAEI J.bOODY,BEING DULYSWORN, SAYSTHAT HEIS SECOND VICE PFIESIDFM,OF TRAVELERS CASWLLTYAND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERM.A, AND T4IATTOTHE BEST' OF HIS KNOVAFD(,EMB) BELIEF, THE FOREGOING ISA TRUE AND CORRECT STATEMl34T OF THE FlNANCIAI CONDNION # SAID COMPANYAS OF THE 31ST OAYOF OECE8IBER.2071. S E~~' DAN PRE~81\ ~3 . 1 DAN ti~ A SUBSCR03ED AND SVNORN TO BEFORE ME THIS NOTARY P~ 13tH DAY # APRIL. 2012 SUSAN M. ~VEISSLEDER NmOryPubllc `-~µt4j}1~1.(~~~s MpCowmiulonExpfrerXorex~ber 30, IO/2 P` Irv ~'i .W 7Y A= 1'UBLYG ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PRINCIPAL: STATE OF ) j SS.: COUNTY OF ) On this _ day of , in the year 200_, ,before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shefthey executed the same in his~hediheir capacity(les), and that by hismedthefr signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which the Individual(s) acted, executed the instnsment. Notary Public SURETY: STATE OF ~Pa' ~ar 1( ) )SS: couNTY of N c,» t~ > 2~tz_ On this 2~ day of v.~v , , in the year2t)f1_ ,before me, the undersigned, personally appeared ROBERT J FREY personalty known tome or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the vrithin instument and acknowledged tome that he/she/they ex~uted the same in hislirer/their capaaty(ies), and that by his/herltheir signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of vfiich the individuals} acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public VINCENT SMUM NOTARY PUBUC, STATE OF NEW YORK N0.01 SN817!%13 QUAt1FlED IN QUEENS COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC. 24, 20~,~ WARN~THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE ~RDER This Power of Attomey is granted under and by the thority of the following resolutions adopted by [he Boards o vectors of Fartningmn Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guazanty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., Seaboard Surety Company, SL Paul Fire and Mazine Insurance Company, SL Paul Guazdian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Tmvelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guazanty Company, which resolutions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows: RESOLVED, that the Chahman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, [he Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attomeys-in-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in [he nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and any of said officers or [he Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her; and i[ is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of [he foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of [his Company, provided [ha[ each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in [he office of the Secretary; and i[ is FURTHER RESOLVED, Iha[ any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second Vtce President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasureq [he Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary; or (b) duly executed (under seal, if required) by one or more Attomeys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant [o the power prescribed in his or her cenificare or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant [o a written delegation of authority; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that rite signature of each of the following officers: President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Yce President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company may be affmted by facsimile [o any power of attorney or m any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attomeys-in-Fact for purposes oNy of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature [hereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsiatile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respect m any bond or understanding [o. which it is attached. I, Kori M.lohanson, [be undersigned, Assistant Secretary, of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., Seaboard Surety Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Cgmpan St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Tmvelers Casualty and SurP~~4np ~~''QQ~'rlmen d United S[a[es Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and cores[ copy of [he Powettom&e,ggze`~t(ed bX s~ompanies, which is in full force and effect and has not been revoked. R ~.4~ ~q~: ~ ~ ~ ~ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ~ tht9~s oY s~~anies this f7~day of , 20 ` ~ ~ ~ 't!4' v ~ 9.Ik~' P ,.w~.,,,. `'x~" ~ Kori M. 7ohans Assistant Secretary '~',,,~~MNN ? S x ~LX6V.~+ frl~nEl~ ' Pxf X ' O\~ \V~ p~,1XtV9~ ~X tL yaO~ t~ a ~82 X u~ X~Xy wfopM~4lfr n 'f ~ / µ~ppa Y IVAtFORD, ~ d~CtlN P L~5 MB 1`+a' 1"t® O~ ao~ ~~EaL/~o°'~~~SBEL%a° s r~ fS ~dPI Q ~R ~NEM c~vo fy. AMA ip...... ~t+ X`ti `~'It/ F' To verify the authenticity of [his Power of Attorney, call 1-800-421-3880 or contact us at wwws[paultravelersbond.com. Please refer [o the A[[omey-In-Fact number, the above-named individuals and the details of the bond m which the power is attached. WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER OSI08l2012 11:33 MOORE OFFICES • ~Wg6317651643 P.001l014 WILLIAM D. MOORE j~ Attomsy et Lsw 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (831) 785-4883 Fax: (631) 765.4043 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET, The pegrs compdsing this lacslmlle transmission contain confidential information hnmWUUam D. Moore. This Information is intended solely Ru use by the individual entity named as the reapient hereof. Hyou are not the Intended recipient be aware that any disclosure, copying, dlstNbutlon, or use of the contents of this trensmissbn is prohtblfed. !f you have received this transmission in error, please notify us by telephone lmmed/la~tety so wa may arrange to retrieve this trensmissbn at no cost to you. T0: (.~Q,l~ ~ . Fax ~ MAY " 9 X12 RE: ~ t~(~tJ NOV( . DATE: S- ~ ~ TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET' IF TRANSMISSION IS FAULTY OR INCOMPLETE, PLEASE CALL BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CLIENT NAME: OPERATOR; CpM~ME^NTS: 1.~ `~ry ~ ~ ~P Q~ V J~ 05/0812012 11:33 MOORE O(F/_FICES ffA%1831785A643 P.0021014 RDAD & MAINTENANCEAGREEMENT This Declaration ("Declaration") is made thls_day of , 2012, by Constantine Toannou, Maria Ioanuou, as Settlors, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Atbas C. Toannou residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Angelika C. Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York as Trustces of the Ioammou QualiSed Personal Residence Trust ,hereinafter collectively referred to as "Declarant". WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner in fee simple of real property situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffollc, State of New York, known and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 23, Block 1 ,Lot 14.7 and Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 13, Block 1 and Lot 5.6; and WHEREAS, Declarant has made an application to subdivide said real property into three (3) lots, as shown on the Pinal Plat Standard Subdivision of Constantine Ioannou, prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C., last dated TBD and WHEREAS, Declarant desires to provide for maintenance and management of the 25 foot right-of--way which provides a common access of ingress and egress to lot 1, 2 and 3; NOW, THEREFORE, for purposes of carrying out the intentions above expressed and in consideration of the foregoing recitals, fire Declarant hereby covenants and agrees that the Lots shall hereafter be subject to the covenants and restrictions as herein cited. All the provisions of this Declaration shall operate as covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of the Lots, their heirs, successors and assigns, to wit DRIVEWAX RESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Tha 16foat gravel road w/tlrln the 2Sfoot right-0f-way shall be of standard stone blend composition to a width of sixteen(16') feet. The common driveway shell be conahncted in accordance with Town of Southold specifications. Lot 2 will own the 15 foot right-of way , as shown on the map and lots 1, 2 and 3 will have an equal right over said driveway. The 1S foot right-of-way will provide both a common access to the lots and contain the underground utilities for the subdivision, including but not limited to, public water, electric, gas and cable tv. Tke existhtg stone driveway over lot 3 wilt be abandoned upon conynletdon of the 15 food right-of-way pursuant to Building SpeC~cations, Section 161-15A of the Southold Town Coda The above construction spec~atlons must be met prior to issuance ojburlding peimlts for Lots 1, 2 and 3. 0510812012 11:34 MOOR OFFICES • (FA>~i176516d3 P.0031014 MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF DRIVEWAY 1. Tht owners of Lot 1, 2 and 3 hereby covenant and agree that the parties, its successor or assigns in interest, shall share equally in the costs and expenses of maintaining the 16 foot gravel roaaC and use, manage, administer, maintain and operate the subdivision driveway in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration. All parties agree that they will contribute toward and cause to be performed year-round maintenance of the 16 foot gravel road in accordance with normal, customary and responsible management practices, which practices include but are not limited to: a. The routine maintenance of the driveway, including but not limited to, litter collection, clean out drainage, snow removal and repair of the surface as necessary to keep the driveway in good and working order. b. The use of agents, subcontractors or employees to be reasonably necessary to carry out the responsibilities under this I)eclaraflon. 2. The owners shall maintain in effect at all times a policy of public liability insurance . 3. The owners of Jot 2 shall maintaix the 28 street trees located along the 25 foot right- of-way in perpetuity 4. The owners of lots 1, 2 and 3 shall install and malntaix the 11 ixch corrugated metalpipa as depktad withix the 25 foot right-of-way. MANAGEMENT COSTS 3. The owner of Lot 2, in its sole discretion, is appointed as agent to contract and oversee the maintenance and repairs authorized by this agreement and shall: a.. Prepare an annual budget for equal share of the vests of managing the driveway on a yearly basis (hereinafter referred to as "Maintenance Costs") including, but not limited to, the costs of administration, taxes, insurance, maintenance and repair. b. Maintain a "Reserve I?tmd" for extraordinary repair and replacement of the driveway. Money for the Reserve Fund shall be held and accounted for separately from the general funds. The Annual Reserve Fund fee for each lot shall be computed for the amount necessary to replace the driveway over a fifteen (15) year period. 05f0812012 11:34 MOORE L~OFFILES • ~All)63176546A3 P.004l014 c. In the event that unforeseen extraordinary expenses arise and sufficient funds are not available in the above-described Reserve fund, the owner of Lot 2, may recommend a special assessment and all lot owners shall be obligated to promptly pay the amount of the Special assessment to the owner of Lot 2. d. The owners of Lots 1, 2 and 3 may appoint another management agent. PERMITTER AND PROI~IIBITED USES 4. The driveway shall be used by the Lot Owners, their guests and invitees subject to the following restrictions: a. When installing, maintaining, or otherwise servicing utility and service lines, Lot Ovmera shall have their respective agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors, and other representatives (i) use reasonable cam not to damage the driveway; (ii) minimize the disturbance of shrubbery or other vegetation along the driveway; end (iii.) upon completion of repair or maintenance, restore the driveway substantially tin the same condition as existed at the time of commencement of the work b. The driveway shall not be used for the dumping or abandoning of any solid waste or debris oa or along its length. ' c. No construction or installation of any structures of any kind, permanart or otherwise (including, but not limited to, gates), may be made without prior written consent of Declarant. d. No construction or installation of any structures and/or landscaping which serve to impede eight lines along, entering upon, or exiting from the driveway maybe made. e. No alteration or modification of the driveway, once constructed, will be permitted without prior written consent of Declarant and the Planning Board of the Town of Southold. F TERMS OF PAYMENT,' 5. Al] Maintenance Costs, Reserve Ftimd fees, and special sasessments as detailed about shall be billed to the Lot Owuera and shall be required to be paid within thirty (30) days after the date of the bill submitted by the owner of Lot 2. 6. The Lot Owners shall comply with the terms of this Declaration. In the event that any Lot Owner fails to comply with the terms set forth herein within thirty (30) days after notice of _F - - OSl08I2012 11:34 Pt00R~ OFFICES • ~A>gEi17654643 P.OOSI014 violation is given by the owner of lot 2, then they shalt have the right and power to enforce by any proceeding at law or inequity, all the terms of this Declaration. 7. In the event any legal proceedings are necessary to enforce the terms and conditions of this Declaration, the Lot Owners shall indemnify and hold the owner of Lot 2 harmless from any and all coats seaoeiated with such proceedings including, but not limited to, all court costs, service fees, deposition transatipt fees and all other expenses and reasonable attorney fees incurred by the owner of l:.ot 2. 8. That this Declaretion contained herein shall be construed to be in addition to and not in derogation or limitation upon a~ local, state or federal laws, ordinances, regulations or provisions in effect at the time of execution of this agreement, or at the time such laws, ordinances, regulations and/or provisions may hereafter ba revised, amended or promulgated. 9. if any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of tlris Declaration shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlaw8il, invalid or held to be unaonstitudonal, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole, Or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or uaconsdtutionttl. 10. The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated herein, and they are deemed to be incorporated herein and trade a part hereof as though fully set forth. 11. The within Declaration shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant, his heirs, successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities, claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, tnodiSed, terminated, revoked, or amended by subsequent owners of the premises unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold or its successor, following a public heerhtg. 12. If the parties or its succeseora or aasigna fails to meet its obligations with regards to the terms of this driveway and Maintenance Agreement, the Declaration the parties shall have the tight to enforce the terms of this agreement in a Court of Law. 13. All notices required under this Declaration shall be mailed to the Lot Owners' addresses or to the property addresses unless older arrangements have been made by the Lot owner. Notice shall be deemed Effective when mailed. 14. !n the event that the Declarant is no longer in title to airy portion of the subdivision, then, in that event, notice shall be given to the then owners of the ]ands maldr?g up the subdivision by mailing said notice to their addresses shown on the current Town tax rolls. Ownership should revert back to property owners within the subdivision who are obligated to abide by the terms of this Agroament. osrosrzou t t:sa rmor:E i.~oFFlCes • ffrur>sitnsaea3 P.oosrota IN WITNESS W~~OF, the Declarant has executed this Easement and Declaration the day and year fast above written, Declarant: Constantine Ioa:nnou Maria Ioannou Athas C.Iosnnou Angelika C. Ioannou STATE OF NEW XORK ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of , 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeared Constantine Ioannou, personally known t0 me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose namea are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same iut their capacity, and that by their signatures on the ittshument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of , 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeared Maria Ioannou, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names ere subscribed to the within instrument and ackrwwledged to me _ _ 0510812012 11:34 MOORF~ OFFICES • tFAlg6317651643 P.0071014 that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of , 20] 2, before me the undersigned, personally appeared Athas C. Ieannou, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satsfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in thew capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of , 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeared An$elika C. Ioannou, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose nsmcs aro subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. Notary Publie os~osizo~z »:sa rwoR oFFicES ffAX~317651643 P.0081014 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RE9TRICTIONB THIS DECLARATION made this day of 2012 by Constantine Ioannou, Maria Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaaton, New York and Athas C. Ioannou residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaaton, New York and Angelika C. Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaaton, New Xork of the Ioannou Qualified Personal Residence Trust hereinafter collectively referred to as the DECLARANT, states as follows: 11EP,'REAB, Dealwraat ie the owner of certain real property situate at Eaat ~arioa, is the Town of Southold, Suffolk Couatp ivew York, more pwrtionlazly bounded sad deearibad sa act forth is Schedule A annexed hereto; and AREAS, for wad is coasidaratioa of the granting of subdivision appiiaatioa #or tax m~ paroel n~bera, 1000-23-1- 11.7 and 1000-23-2-5. 6, entitled "Pleas plat Standard Subdiviaiaa Caastwatiae Ioaaaon at East Dfar3aa° prepared by John T. Metzger, dated September 7, 2000, last revised (hezeiawtter referred to as the "Plied Mwp~), sad as a condition e! greeting said approval, the Town of Sonthoid plaaaiag 8oaxd hae required that the with9.a Declaration be recorded i.a the Suffolk County Clerk's Offiaw; wad TPSEREAS, Declarant has ooasidered the toreQoing sad determined that same will ~ in thw best interest of the Dwalwrwat sad aubseguent owners of said pwrael; NOw, TAEREPIORA', TXSS .CIECLARANT TPdTNESSETB: Thwt Dsclsraat, !or the pnrpoaw of aarxyzag ont the iatantiona :laova expreasod dou hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant sad wyree that the said premises herein deearibed shall hereafter b~ aubjwet to the following aovenaats which shall rue with the.isad sad aha11 be binding upon aZl purchasers sad holders oP said premiere, their hwira, exeoutora, Segal representatis~a, distributeea, successors sad aaaigna to, 1. Access to Lots 1, 2 and 3 on the approved plat shall be from the 25 foot wide right-of-way attached to Lot 2 2 The 16 foot gravel road must be constructed to the specifications in Southold Town Code for roadway construction prior to issuance of building permits for Iota 1, 2 and 3 0510812012 11:34 MOORE FILES • ffWgG~17fi5~/3 P.0091014 3. The existing atoae drivexay over Lot 3 x111 be abaadoaed upoa caugpletioa of the nex 16 foot gravel road 4. The existing 25 foot wide right of way, as shown on map dated as last revised and located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 shall not be used for vehicular access 5. Thera is a 100 foot xide eon-diaturbaaoe buffer en lets 1 and 2, as shown on the filed map. All aleariag, grading cad gronad diatnrbance within this buffer, is prohibited, except for the removal of invasive, non-aativr vsgetatioa, cad to create a 4' xide common beach access for lots l d 3 aasowa en Ilse filed map. Any permittsd clearing is anbject to 111 approvals cad permits aeaessup for clearing sear enrface raters sad other protected rsatural features. Tice 0.9+ ease parcel ide~atified as "Open Space" on the tiled map sad also kaowa as tax ap amber 1000-23-2-5.6 rill remain as a nen-diatnrbaaae buffer is perpetuity. Ail aleasiag, grading and ground disturbance is prohibited, except for the rcaioval of invasive, non-native vegetation. As{p permitted xeewval of vegetation is svbjeet to all approvals and p.radts aeaessary for aleariag near earfaae xatera cad other protected natssral features. 6. Sixty (60) foot i,andscape buffer along SR 25 as shown on the filed map I. The 60 foot buffer shall remain undisturbed in perpetuity except for permitted activities. Permitted activities within the bulfor are limited to the removal of exotic invasive weeds and invasive vines, removal of dead and/or diseased trees that are hazardous to life or property. The buffer may be supplemented with plantings of native and drought tolerant species. ii. The sixty (60) foot laadaaape buffer located on Lot 3 rill satisfy is part the aleariag limits pursuant to $eo. 240-49 of the Southold Toxa Code. 7. The creation of this subdivision in no way commits either the Town or the County to any program to protect this property from shoreline erosion and that any approval granted by the Town in now way signifies that the development and use of this property is considered without hazard and possible loss. 05I08I2012 11:35 M00 OFFICES • ffA~06317659613 P.0101014 8. There shall bw ao further 3vbdiwiaion of lots 1, 2 and 3 is perpetuitp 9. Aa shown oa the flied map, say aigaifiaaat trww outside of baildiaQ wnvwlopes shall be preaezved in parpstnity sad sap aignifioant tress inside the buildiag envelope shall bw preserved to the prwateat axteat possible. 10. This dwwlopmeat shall oomply with ail applicable Southold Town Code related to storm water managemeat and thw Stozm dater Pollntioa Brotwatioa Plan, dated Mesh 30, 2011 as approved by thr Office of thw Town ffiuginesr on Deaamber 13, 2011, and filed with the Filed Map 11. ,The 4~ xide xalkiag path that ruffs throagh lot 1 rill bo a moxed path sad maintaiawd by the owter of lot 1 12. Otilitiea, inaiudiaq hnt net limited to wlwatria, gaa, telephoaw sad twleviaion, moat be ieaated aadergrouad 13. Prior to any construction activity taking place on the lots, the property owners shall be required to obtain and submit a New York state Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDS General Permit for storm water discharges for the action.' 19. Each of the lots shown on the approved plat dated is subject to the clearing restrictions (,Ywrawntage of Sita Permitted to be Ciearwd-Lot l: 25 percent, Lot 2: 25 percent, Lot 9: 45 percent) pursuant to Southold Town code Section 240-49. 15. The residential application sad ass of synthetic fertilisers 3.:t pesticides capable of sateriag the potables water aupplp is prohibited. a. oalp the use of organic fertilisers xhwrw thw xatwr-soluble aitrogwn is no more than 208 of thw total aitrogw is thw mixture is required. b. A maximtua of 1 lb of nitrogwa per 1,000 square feet in say ones application, with a awmiiative application of no more than 2 lbs. pwr 1,000 square feet per pear is required. c. Fertiliswr prodnata shall be applied only during the groxiag season (typically mid-Marsh though mid- Oatobes). 0510812012 11:35 MOORE~OFFKES • ffNg63176516A3 P.0111014 16. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant, his successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may be terminated, revoked or amended by the owner of the property only with the written consent of the Town of Southold granted by a majority plus one vote of the Planning board, after a public hearing. 17. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and zestrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same sriall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. 18. The aforementioned restrictive covenants axe intended for the benefit of and shall be enforceable by the Town of Southold, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity Cr law. The failure of said agencies of the Town of Southold to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any officer or employee thereof. 19. The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated made a part hereof, as though fully set forth hezein. That the within Declaration shall run witri the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant and his successors and assigns and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked or amended by subsequent owners of the property unless and until approved by a majority plus ane vote of the Planning Board of the town of Southold or its successors, after a public hearing. IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, the DECLARANT has duly executed this document the day and year first above written: Constantine Ioannou Athas C. Ioannou Maria Ioannou Angellka C. Ioannou 0510812012 11:35 l~ORE~ OFFICES • (FA%~i17654843 P.0121014 Schedule A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 0510812012 11:351~ORE OFFICES • ffA1g631765d643 P.0131014 AClOTOiPL1NT STATE OF NEW YORK } } :as.: COUNTX OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared ConaEan~inp Ioanssou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACFQTOWLSD(~N'P STATE OF NEW YORK ) . ) :99.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Maria ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public 0510812012 11:35 MOORE~ OFFICES p:lOgg17fi5d643 P.0141014 ACIQ~OIPI,SD(~liT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Athae C. Ioannon personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACFCNO'PTLEDC~NT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Angellka C. ioaAaou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the Same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public i MO LETTER PATRICIA C. MOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW 51020 Main Road /n( Southold, NY 11971 (831)765-4330 email: pcmoorel ~optonline.net DATE TO '/J ~ Jj ¢ ~i ~ SUBJECT ~V ( L~/VK~ L ` ~ nn o ~,c~ MAY h c ~vSed lh~ ~ r~~ ~ Gv~c/'~ ~o L,~~_P ~ ~izt~~J Ai*(~I ~ %GP~L/ L O~J~=~-C~H-- ~ A-? --f- J~C { ` r,~.~ol~ ~aky~E~f .P~> Off ~f SIG Please reply ~ No reply necessary • ~ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~O~~~F SO(/ryOlO So t O 1d,oNY 11971 DONALD J. WILCENSKI Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ ~O 54375 State Route 25 MARTIN H IDOH ~~i,'C (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) ~U~, Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 12, 2012 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Courtin East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: At the April 9, 2012 Work Session, the Planning Board reviewed the submitted Bond Estimate, Road and Maintenance Agreement, Covenants and Restrictions, and Final Plat land agreed to the following: A.`1 Bond Estimate: The Planning Board agreed to allow the applicant's agent to review the Bond Estimate provided by the Office of the Town Engineer with their own surveyor. B. Make the following chanoes to the Road and Maintenance Aoreement~ 1. Change title from "Driveway and Maintenance Agreement" to "Road ands Maintenance Agreement". 2. Throughout the remainder of this document, please change the wording "common access/common driveway" to "16 foot gravel road", except where noted below. 3. Change the term "Settlors" to "Declarants". 4. The first WHEREAS, third line down, add the Tax Map Number 1000-23- 2-5.6. 5. The second WHEREAS, third line down: "this date will change in accordance with the last revised plat". 6. The third WHEREAS, second line down: replace "common driveway" with "25 foot right-of-way". 7. In the Driveway Design and Construction section, the following amendments are required: a. Clause One: The 16 foot gravel road within the 25 foot right-of- way shall be of standard stone blend composition to a width of sixteen (16') feet... Lot 2 will own the 25 foot right-of-way...The 25 foot right-of-way will provide..." b. Add a clause: "The existing stone driveway over Lot 3 will be abandoned upon the completion of the 25 foot right-of-way pursuant to Building Specifications, Section 161-15A of the Southold Town Code. The above construction specifications must be met prior to issuance of building permits for Lots 1, 2, and 3". 8. In the Maintenance and Management of Driveway section, the following ame~r tlments are required: a. Add a clause that states: "The owners of Lot 2 shall maintain the 28 street trees located along the 25 foot right-of-way in perpetuity". .~6. Add a clause that states: "The owners of Lots 1, 2, and 3 shall install and maintain the 12 inch corrugated metal pipe as depicted within the 25 foot right-of-way". 9. In the Management Costs section, the following amendments are required: a. Clause b: capitalize the word "Reserve". 10. In the Terms of Payment section, the following amendments are required: a. Clause 8 and 9: replace the wording "covenants and restrictions" with "declarations." C. Please make the following changes to the Final Plat: 1. Add the location of the fire well. 2. Add the significant trees as shown on the ERSAP, dated December 13, 2010. D. Please make the following changes to the Covenants and Restrictions: a. Replace the first paragraph with the following: DECLARATION AND COVENANT SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD THIS DECLARATION made the _day of _ by and residing hereinafter collectively referred to as the Declarant, states as follows: WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate at in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, more particularly bounded and described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto; and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the granting of subdivision application for tax map parcel numbers 1000-23-1-14.7 and 1000-23-2- 5.6, entitled "Final Plat Standard Subdivision Constantine loannou at East Marion" prepared by John T. Metzger, dated September 7, 2000, last revised , (hereinafter referred to as the "Filed Map"), and as a 2 condition of granting said approval, the Town of Southold Planning Board has required that the within Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office; and WHEREAS, Declarant has considered the foregoing and determined that same will be in the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcel; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARANT WITNESSETH: 1. That Declarant, for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed does hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that the said premises herein described shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns, to b. Add Schedule A that describes the metes and bounds of the property. c. Revise Clause 5 to read as follows: "Buffers. There is a 100 foot wide non-disturbance buffer on Lots 1 and 2, as shown on the Filed Map. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within this buffer, is prohibited, except for the removal of invasive, non-native vegetation, and to create a 4' foot wide common beach access for Lots 1 and 3 as shown on the Filed Map. Any permitted clearing is subject to all approvals and permits necessary for clearing near surface waters and other protected natural features. The 0.9 +/-acre parcel identified as "Open Space" on the Filed Map and also know as Tax Map Number 1000-23-2-5.ti, will remain as anon-disturbance buffer in perpetuity. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance is prohibited, except for the removal of invasive, non-native vegetation. Any permitted removal of vegetation is subject to all approvals and permits necessary for clearing near surface waters and other protected natural features." d. Add a clause that states: "There shall be no further subdivision of Lot 1, Lot 2, and Lot 3 in perpetuity". e. Add a clause that states: "As shown on the Filed Map, any significant tree outside of building envelopes shall be preserved in perpetuity and any significant tree inside the building envelopes shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible". f. Add a clause that states: "This development shall comply with all applicable Southold Town Code related to storm water management and the Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan, dated March 30, 2011 as approved by the Office of the Town Engineer on December 13, 2011, and filed with the Filed Map". g. Add a clause that states: "The four foot wide walking path that runs though Lot 1 will be a mowed path and maintained by the owner of Lot 1 h. Add a clause that states: "Utilities, including but not limited to electric, gas, telephone and television, must be located underground". i. Change Clause 3 to: "The existing stone driveway over Lot 3 will be abandoned upon completion of the new 16 foot gravel road". j. Add a clause before Clause 3 that states the following: 3~ "The 16 gravel road must be constructed to the specifications in Southold Town Code for roadway construction prior to issuance of building permits for Lots 1, 2, and 3". k. Clause 4: "last revised March 8, 2012": This date will change in accordance with Final Plat revisions. I. Clause 6 Section is change "buffers" to "buffer'. m. Clause 6 Section ii: change to "The sixty (60) foot landscape buffer located on Lot 3 will satisfy (in part) the clearing limits..." Also, please have the surveyor clarify the percent clearing. n. Clause 7: the word "be" is misspelled. o. Clause 8: change to "Each of the lots shown on the approved plat (add date of Final Approved Plat) is subject to the clearing restrictions (Percentage of Site Permitted to be Cleared- Lot 1:25 percent, Lot 2: 25 percent, Lot 3: 35 percent) pursuant to Southold Town Code Section 240-49". p. Clause 8 change to: 8. The residential application and use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides capable of entering the potable water supply is prohibited. a. Only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture is required. b. A maximum of 11b. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year is required. c. Fertilizer products shall be applied only during the growing season (typically mid-March though mid-October). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, ~Uf~~ ~c~b~~ Alyxandra Sabatino Planner Encl.: ERSAP with highlighted significant trees cc: Planning Board Mark Terry, Principal Planner Heather Lanza, Planning Director 4 WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, April 9, 2012 4.00 p.m. Southold Town Meefina Hall 4:00 p.m. Applications 5:30 p.m. Review Public Meeting Agenda Project name: .Mill Creek Inn & Marina SCTM#: 1000-56-7-2 _ Location; ;64300 NYS Route 25, on south side of Rt. 25, 424' west of Dolphin Drivel Greenport Description: j This site plan is for the proposed improvement and renovation to an ;existing 50 slip marina & 8,989 s.f. restaurant with new marina/dock master building, parking areas and site drainage on a 3.27 acre parcel in .the M-II Zoning District. Status: New Application Action: Review for completeness. , _ _ Attachments: Staff Report _ _ Project name: Fischer, Daniel & Nancy SCTM#: ; 1000-15-8-1.1 Location: 38785 NYS Rt. 25, Orient Description: ;This is a proposed 2 lot standard subdivision of a 1.67 acre parcel where Lot 1 36,333 sq. ft & Lot 2 = 36,332 sq. ft. in the R-40 Zoning District. Status: Cond Preliminary Approval.,. _ _ Action: ,Agent to meet with Board re: drainage. Attachments: Staff Report . . Project name. ~ 1 ~ SCTM# 1000-23-1-14,7 i . - Location: ; on the north side of State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion i Description: ~ This proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81- acres where Lot 1 = 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 = 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right- of-way, and Lot 3 = 80,000 sq. ft. Status: Conditional Preliminary Approval ' Action: ,Review revised draft deeds and Road & Maintenance Agreement. Attachments: 'Staff Report Project name: Knapp, Alfred SCTM#: ' 1000-68-1-11 & 13.3 . Location: , 3425 Soundview Ave., Peconic „Description: .This proposed lot line change will transfer 11,578 sq. ft. from Parcel B to Parcel A. Parcel A will increase in size from 377,613 sq. ft. {8.6 acres) to 389,191 sq. ft. (8.9 acres). Parcel B will decrease in size from 164,878 sq. ft (3. acres) to 153,300 sq. ft. (3.5 acres). R-80 Zoning District. Status: Pending ' . _ Action: Review draft deeds. - i Attachments: ,Staff Report.., . G ~ ~ Page 1 of 2 Sabatino, Alyxandra K. I ~ W From: betsy@mooreattys.com Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 9:47 AM To: Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Subject: RE: loannou C&Rs Attachments: TOWN C&R'S MARCH 2012.pdf hi, Aly. Here are the revisions to the C & R's. Please regarding the fertilizer, I just included it new paragraph 9, and not labeled a-d. hope its ok! let me know! Betsy Perkins LA Moore Lnw Offices William D. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4663 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4330 mailing & physical address: 51020 Main Rond Southold NY 11971 MAR ~ ( 212 fax number for both 631.765.4643 Original Message Subject: RE: Ioannou C&Rs From: "Sabatino, Alyxandra K." <avxandra.sabatinoCaltown.southold.nv.us> Date: Thu, March 29, 2012 12:22 pm To: <betsvCalmooreattvs.com> Cc: "Terry, Mark" <mark.terrvC~town.southold.nv.us> Hi Betsy, As a follow-up to our phone conversation please make the following changes to the Covenants and Restrictions: 1. Include the 4' wide common beach access path and describe that lot 1 and 3 have access to it. 2. Clause 5- Remove "and that access to the beach shall be permitted." The purpose of the 4' wide common beach access path is to consolidate access points. Therefore the ability to establish an access through the non-disturbance buffer on lot 1 should be removed. 3. Clause 3- Please add "pursuant to Section 161-15A of the Southold Town Code." 4- Include the following language regarding fertilizers: a) The residential application and use of synthetic fertilizers in pesticides capable of entering the potable water supply is prohibited. b) Only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 3/30/2012 Page 2 of 2 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture is required. c) A maximum of 11b of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year is required. d) Fertilizer products shall be applied only during the growing season (typically mid-March though mid-October). If you have any questions please call. Thanks, Aly 3/30/2012 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made by Constantine Ioannou, Maria Ioannou, as ttlor~, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York ~ d Athas C. Ioannou residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, u; /New York and Angelika C. Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, ~ Douglaston, New York as Trustees of the Ioannou Qualified Personal Residence Trust this day of 2012 hereinafter referred to as the DECLARANT, as the owner of premises described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the PREMISES) desires to restrict the use and ~2Zz~- enjoyment of said PREMISES and has for such purposes determined to impose on said PREMISES covenants and restrictions and does hereby declare that said PREMISES shall be held and shall be conveyed subject to the following covenants and restrictions: 1. DECLARANT has made application to the Southold Town Planning Board (hereinafter referred to as the PLANNING BOARD) for approval of a 3 lot subdivision of property located on State Route 25, Orient East Marion Causeway, East Marion, New York. 2. Access to Lots 1, 2 and 3 on the approved plat shall be from the 25 foot wide right-of-way attached to Lot 2 `v~ l~k ~J Yj2G~inA WNen ~a~~.>H~ck~',~,'~' 3. The existing driveway will be abandoned awl construction ro€ the 25 foot right of way to building specifications pursuant to Section 161-ISA of the Southold Town Code. Construction specifications prior to issuance of building permits for lots 1, 2 and 3 G 9. The exis ing 25 foot wide right of way, as shown on map ~ dated as~laGt LPV~sed March 8 201 and located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 shall not be used for vehicular access 5. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within the 100 foot wide non-disturbance buffer is prohibited except for the 4' wide common beach access for lots 1 & 3 and beach access on lot 2 and the removal of invasive, non- native vegetation and subject to the Town of Southold Trustees review and approval 6. Sixty (60) foot Landscape buffer along SR 25 as shown on the filed map i. The 60 foot buffer shall remain undisturbed in perpetuity except for permitted activities. Permitted activities within the buffe rs are limited to the removal of exotic invasive weeds and invasive vines, removal of dead and/or diseased trees that are hazardous to life or property. The buffer may be supplemented with plantings of native and drought tolerant species. ii. The sixty (60) foot landscape buffer will satisfy~in ~ ) part, the clearing limits pursuant to Sec. 240-99 of the c9n Southold Town Code. iii. The creation of this subdivision in no way commits either the Town or the County to any program to protect this property from shoreline erosion and that any approval granted by the Town in now way signifies that the development and use of this property is considered without hazard and possible loss. 7. Prior to any construction activit taking place on the k h~~, lots, the property owners shall ~ required to obtain and w~ submit a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDS General Permit for storm water discharges for the action. 8. Each of the lots shown on th~%approved is subject to the clearing restrictions pu o Southold Town code Section 290-99. ~e~ i1 2~~/ ~Y L 2S'/> y~~ ~ J y ~ The residential application and use of synthetic fertilizers in pesticides capable of entering the potable water supply is prohibited. ,,Only the use of organic fertilizers where the water- soluble nitrogen is no more than 20~ of the total nitrogen in the mixture is required. A maximum of llb of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year is required. Fertilizer products shall be applied only during the growing season (typically mid-March though mid-October). 10. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant, his successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may be terminated, revoked or amended by ~ the owner of the property only with the written consent ~-~l of the Town of Southold granted by a majority plus one vote of the Planning board, after a public hearing. 11. Zf any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, i unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. 12. The aforementioned restrictive covenants are intended for the benefit of and shall be enforceable by the Town of Southold, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or law. The failure of said agencies of the Town of Southold to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any officer or employee thereof. 13. The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. That the within Declaration shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant and his successors and assigns and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked or amended by ~ +a subsequent owners of the property unless and until "~`S' approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the town of Southold or its successors, after a public hearing. IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, the DECLARANT has duly executed this document the day and year first above written: Constantine Ioannou Maria Ioannou Athas C. Ioannou Angelika C. Ioannou ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Constantine Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Maria Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Athas C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Angelika C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public • ~I'I, 1~~I ~S Page 1 of 1 Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Fri From: betsy@mooreattys.com Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 10:21 AM To: Sabatino, Alyxandra K.; Terry, Mark Cc: pat Subject: loannou Attachments: doc20120329091856.pdf Hi, Aly. Here is the NYS DEC permit extension to 4/13. As soon as I have the memo from you re: revisions to C & R's, I will get them right back to you. Thanks. Betsy Perkins LA Moore Law Offices William D. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4663 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. AAA 2 g 631.765.4330 moiling & physical address: 51020 Main Road Southold NY 11971 fax number for both 631.765.4643 3/29/2012 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Ertvirpnmental Permits, Ragion 1 SONY ~ Stony Hroak 50 Circle Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 Phone: (631) 4440365 • Fax: (631) 444-0360 Website: www.dec.nv.aov Alexander B. Grannis Commissioner PERMIT REISSUANCE Patricia Moore April 19, 2010 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11952 Re: Permit # 1-4738-03407/00001 MpA 2 9 ioannou Property Dear Ms. Moore: The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEG) is in receipt of your request to renew orextend the above referenced permit and the request has been reviewed pursuant to the Uniform Procedures Regulations (6NYCRR Part 621). In order to continue to conduct authorized activities the permit is hereby reissued to April 18, 2013.. This letter is a modification to the original permit and must be available at the permitted site wheneverauthorized work is in progress. All other terms and conditions remain as written in the original permit. Sincerely, arrara Permit Administrator ca Constantine ioannou MHP File Page 1 of 1 • • Sabatino, Alyxandra K. _ _ From: Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 12:23 PM To: 'betsy@mooreattys.com' Cc: Terry, Mark Subject: RE: loannou C&Rs Hi Betsy, As a follow-up to our phone conversation please make the following changes to the Covenants and Restrictions: 1. Include the 4' wide common beach access path and describe that lot 1 and 3 have access to it. 2. Clause 5- Remove "and that access to the beach shall be permitted." The purpose of the 4' wide common beach access path is to consolidate access points. Therefore the ability to establish an access through the non-disturbance buffer on lot 1 should be removed. 3. Clause 3- Please add "pursuant to Section 161-15A of the Southold Town Code." 4- Include the following language regarding fertilizers: a) The residential application and use of synthetic fertilizers in pesticides capable of entering the potable water supply is prohibited. b) Only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture is required. c) A maximum of 11b of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year is required. d) Fertilizer products shall be applied only during the growing season (typically mid-March though mid-October). If you have any questions please call. Thanks, Aly 3/29/2012 ~ PATRICIA C. MOORS Attorney at Law L' 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 n') Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 March 15, 2012 Chairman Donald Wilcenski Southold Town Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road ~ l~ PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU SCTM: 1000-23-1.14.7 Dear Chairman Wilcenski: With reference to the above and pursuant to the February 29, 2012 letter and the March 12, 2012 resolution granting 2nd Preliminary Plat approval, enclosed please find: 1. Draft C & R's with requested changes in italics and bold. 2. Draft Road & Maintenance Agreement with requested changes in italics and bold. Please note that we made additional changes to keep consistent with all three lots using the d riveway. # q ~ ~ . ~ q (t, O l 3 5 -~f ~ z l ~ 9 l~ 02 . ~,S 3. My clients checks totaling $19,204.70 together with Final Plat Approval application 4. Final Plat last dated March 8, 2012 with requested changes. Please be advised that the Mylars and prints are currently with the Health Department for re-stamping and we respectfully request that your Board continue with the review process of this file. Thank you. Very truly yours, Patricia C. Moore PCM/bp encls. C: Mr. & Mrs. Constantine loannou ~ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~iY' ? tint ~ ~ P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI F Southold, NY 11971 Chair ~ ~ 4i OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS r ~ ; Town Hall Annex _ r KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ r~i( 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III r~~,. (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.9IDOR ;,~6~ki ~ ~ ~ ,~J- Southold, NY ^1- Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 29, 2012 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the ri/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore, This letter is in response to your letter dated January 18, 2012. We have received the Office of the Town Engineer's approval of the required SWPPP. ' Additionally the Planning Board discussed the action at the February 27, 2012 Work Session. In order for this subdivision to continue towards Final Plat ' Approval, the Planning Board is requiring that the following be submitted/amended: 1) Using the fee submitted by the applicant on May 22, 2009 and the plat'' titled "Minor Subdivision for laonnou Constantine at East Marion", dated September 7, 2000 and last revised February 25~,20Q4f,52G,xk)~.?~,°,d Preliminary Plat submission. The Board"will~consider issuing 2" Conditional Preliminary Plat at the next Public Meeting on March 12, 2012. 2) After the Planning Board grants Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval, submit a Final Plat Application and the required fees pursuant to § 240-8 of the Southold Town Code. 3) Submit a Plat with an updated Heath Department stamp after all changes have been made to the Final Plat. w m.. . 9 4) Make the following changes for the Final Plat, a. Specifications for the fire well shall be coordinated with the Easter Marion Fire District pursuant to the East Marion Fire District's determination made on September 1, 2004. i ~ ~ ~ ~ b. Change plat title from "Standard Subdivision (Preliminary Plat) ~ Constantine loannou" to "Standard Subdivision (Final Plat) Constantine loannou". c. It is the policy of the Planning Board to consolidate curb cuts along S. R. 25. The Planning Board will place a condition on the Final Approval Resolution that states: "No building permit for lots 1, 2, and 3 shall be given until the stone driveway running though lots 2 and 3 is abandoned and the 25 foot right of way is constructed to building specifications pursuant to §161-15 A. Construction specifications." d. Remove the General Pollution Control Conditions. e. Remove the Rain Runoff Retention Calculations. ~ 5) Make the following changes to the Covenants and Restrictjons, ..,.~._..r,..._~_._. a. It is the policy of the Planning Board to consolidate curb cuts along S. R. 25. In the past the Planning Board requested that access to all lots be over the proposed 25' right of way. Amend language accordingly, abandoning the existing driveway to Lots 2 and 3 and constructing the 25 foot right of way to building specifications pursuant to §161-15 A. Construction specifications, prior to issuance of a building permit for Lots 1, 2, and 3. b. Add the following clauses; (i) Sixty (60) foot Landscape Buffer along S.R. 25 as shown on the' filed map. The 60 foot buffer shall remain undisturbed in perpetuity except for permitted activities. Permitted activities within the buffers are limited to the removal of known exotic invasive weeds and invasive vines, removal of dead and/or diseased trees that are hazardous to life or property. The buffer may be supplemented with plantings of native and drought tolerant species. (ii) The sixty (60) foot Landscape Buffer will satisfy in part the - clearing limits pursuant to § 240-49 of the Southold Town Code. (iii) The creation of this subdivision in no way commits either the Town or the County of Suffolk to any program to protect this property from shoreline erosion and that any approval granted by the Town in no way signifies that the development and use of this property is considered without hazard and possible loss. 6) Make the following changes to the Road and Maintenance Agreementy~ a. Clause 1: please replace "The owners of Lot 2 and ~ hereby' with "The owners of Lots 1, 2, and 3 hereby'. 7) Please pay the Park and Playground Fee ($7,000 per lot) and the'' Administration Fee which is six percent of the Bond Estimate ($5,204.70) in the amount of $19,204.70 pursuant to § 240-53 and § 240-37 of the Southold Town Code. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you. Alyxandra Sabatino Planner Enc: September 1, 2004 Sketch Plat showing fire well location. cc: Planning Board, Mark Terry, Heather Lanza • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~ ` ~ P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI ~ - Southold, NY 11971 Chair ~ u OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III - (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR .r, I° Southold, NY Telephone: 831 765-1938 Fax: 631 785-3138 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 13, 2012 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: 2"d Preliminary Plat Approval: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, March 12, 2012, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft.; and WHEREAS, on August 9, 2004, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Approval on the plat, dated as last revised September 7, 2000; and WHEREAS, on February 14, 2005, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval on the plat, dated as last revised February 25, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board granted an extension of time for Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval effective from August 15, 2005 until February 15, 2006; and WHEREAS, in a letter dated January 11, 2007, the agent indicated that the application remains pending in the Health Department at this time and, therefore, is requesting another extension of time in order to meet the conditions of Preliminary Plat Approval; and loannou Page Two March 13, 2012 WHEREAS, on February 12, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board granted an extension of time for the Preliminary Plat Approval effective from February 15, 2006 until February 15, 2007; and WHEREAS, on August 29, 2008, a letter was sent to the applicant stating that Preliminary Plat Approval had expired and that the applicant should re-submit an application and a second preliminary filing fee; and WHEREAS, on May 22, 2009, the applicant submitted a preliminary filing fee in the amount of $1,000.00; and WHEREAS, at the February 27, 2012 Work Session, the Planning Board found that they will consider issuing 2nd Preliminary Plat Approval upon the plat entitled "Minor Subdivision for loannou Constantine at East Marion", dated September 7, 2000 and last revised February 25, 2004, and use the $1,000.00 preliminary filing fee submitted by the applicant on May 22, 2009; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants 2"d Preliminary Plat Approval on the plat titled "Minor Subdivision for loannou Constantine at East Marion", dated September 7, 2000 and last revised February 25, 2004, prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C. The next step to continue towards Final Plat Approval is the submission of a Final Plat Application and fee. Preliminary Plat Approval shall expire six months from the date the Planning Board adopted its resolution of approval, unless extended by further resolution of the Planning Board, such extension not to exceed a total of 180 days. In the event that the applicant shall fail to apply for approval of a final subdivision plat within one year of Preliminary Approval, all documents required by this section shall be re-submitted and a second preliminary filing fee shall be paid before any application for Final Plat Approval shall be accepted or processed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, C'~ Donald J. ilcenski Chairman ~S DRIVEWAY AINTENANCE AGREEMENT This Declaration ("Decl on") is made this_day of , 2012, by Constantine Ioannou, Maria Ioannou, a Settlors residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Athas C. Ioannou residing at everly Road, Douglaston, New York and Angelika C. Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York as Trustees of the Ioannou Qualified Personal Residence Trust ,hereinafter collectively referred to as "Declarant". WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner in fee simple of real property situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, known and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 23, Block 1 ,Lot 14.7 ;and / ~ 23-2 -S 1o WHEREAS, Declarant has made an application to subdivide said real property into three (3) lots, as shown on the Final Plat St of Constantine Ioannou, prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C., last date March 8, 2012 W , ~ ~ „ l,.n.~? ;ry WHEREAS, Declarant desires to provide for maintenance and management of the C` common driveway hick prohid~ls a common access of ingress and egress to lot 1, 2 and 3; S i NOW, THEREFORE, for purposes of canying out the intentions above expressed and in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the Declarant hereby covenants and agrees that the Lots shall hereafter be subject to the covenants and restrictions as herein cited. All the provisions of this Declaration shall operate as covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of the Lots, their heirs, successors and assigns, to wit: DRIVEWAY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The om o i shall be of standard stone blend composition to a width of sixteen(16') feet. The ~ ~y shall c ns ct d i accordance with Town of Southold specifications. Lot 2 will own the ~ ~4~ shown on the map and lots 1, 2 and 3 will have an equal right ov rsaz~way The ser" W" ~ y will provide both a common access to the lots and coritai~i the underground utilities for the subdivision, including but not limited to, public water, electric, gas and cable tv. MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF DRIVEWAY T_h_e n~'m' ow~rers-af Loth,-~ anr~3 hereby~covenant and agree that the parties, its i r ss n suc c o~ ~g sin interest; s~iall share equally in the costs and expenses of ma~ntai in~ t e~ and use, manage, administer, maintain and operate the subdivision in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration. All parties agree that they will contribute toward and cause to be performed year-round maintenance of the oe~.~,.ro~,ovcziy in accordance with normal, customary and responsible management practices, which practices include but are not limited to: ~,N n ~Z _ liar 6~.K.1 2e.1 C d~,~ '~-i~S~~~ Skn~ ~J7 .y,v~ D`^lr Kok 3 d1~.~11 ~t kVu_.. 2p n{~. ~p.~ a. The routine maintenance of the~rvgwxy, including but not limited to, litter collection, clean out drainage, snow removal and repair of the surface as necessary to keep the m good and working order. b. The use of agents, subcontractors or employees to be reasonably necessary to carry out the responsibilities under this Declaration. 2. The owners shall maintain in effect at all times a policy of public liability insurance . 1~h~.~ w~.~ , ~ ~ ? MANAGEMENT COSTS 3. The owner of Lot 2, in its sole discretion, is appointed as agent to contract and oversee the maintenance and repairs authorized by this agreement and shall: a.. Prepare an annual budget for equal share of the costs of managing the driveway on a yearly basis (hereinafter referred to as "Maintenance Costs") including, but not limited to, the costs of administration, taxes, insurance, maintenance and repair. b. Maint ' a "Res rv~ Fund" for extraordinary repair and replacement of the l~u~~e'~oney for the Reserve Fund shall be held and accounted for separately from the general funds. The Annual serve Fund fee for each lot shall be computed for the amount necessary to replace the ~i~ewa~ over a fifteen (15) year period. a In the event that unforeseen extraordinary expenses arise and sufficient funds are not available in the above-described Reserve fund, the owner of Lot 2, may recommend a special assessment and all lot owners shall be obligated to promptly pay the amount of the Special assessment to the owner of Lot 2. d. The owners of Lots 1, 2 and 3 may appoint another management agent. PERMITTED AND PROHIBITED USES 4. The driveway shall be used by the Lot Owners, their guests and invitees subject to the following restrictions: a. When installing, maintaining, or otherwise servicing utility and service lines, Lot Owners shall have their respective agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors, an other rep esentatives (i) use reasonable care not to damage the ~ ' ay ~ii) minim ze the disturbance of shrubbery or other vegetation along the td~,y; an~ (iii) upon completion of repair or maintenance, restore the ~~ve""~a"`J~ substantially to the same condition as existed at the time of commencement of the work. b. The ~vay shall not be used for the dumping or abandoning of any solid waste or debris on or along its length. a No construction or installation of any structures of any kind, permanent or otherwise (including, but not limited to, gates), may be made without prior written consent of Declarant. d. No construction or installation of any structures and/or landscaping which serve t~mped~sight lines along, entering upon, or exiting from the ew~y~rhay be made. e. No alteration or modification of the ~ltri~e~°rvay,tonce constructed, will be permitted without prior written consent of Declarant and the Planning Board of the Town of Southold. TERMS OF PAYMENT 5. All Maintenance Costs, Reserve Fund fees, and special assessments as detailed above shall be billed to the Lot Owners and shall be required to be paid within thirty (30) days after the date of the bill submitted by the owner of Lot 2. 6. The Lot Owners shall comply with the terms of this Declaration. In the event that any Lot Owner fails to comply with the terms set forth herein within thirty (30) days after notice of violation is given by the owner of lot 2, then they shall have the right and power to enforce by any proceeding at law or in equity, all the terms of this Declaration. 7. In the event any legal proceedings are necessary to enforce the terms and conditions of this Declaration, the Lot Owners shall indemnify and hold the owner of Lot 2 harmless from any and all costs associated with such proceedings including, but not limited to, all court costs, service fees, deposition transcript fees and all other expenses and reasonable attorney fees incurred by the owner of Lot 2. ~(l,~~ht ~~ECiCv~t~onS~ , 8. That hese covenants and restrictiar~ontained herein shall be construed to be in addition to and not in derogation or limitation pon any local, state or federal laws, ordinances, regulations or provisions in effect at the time of execution of this agreement, or at the time such laws, ordinances, regulations and/or provisions may hereafter be revised, amended or promulgated. 9. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these povenants apd rectricrions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole, or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. 10. The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated herein, and they are deemed to be incorporated herein and made a part hereof as though fully set forth. 11. The within Declaration shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declazant, his heirs, successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities, claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked, or amended by subsequent owners of the premises unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold or its successor, following a public heazing. 12. If the p i s ins-successors or assigns fails to meet its obligations with regazds to the terms of this~t8~~~e~.uay~d Maintenance Agreement, the Declazation the parties shall have the right to enforce the terms of this agreement in a Court of Law. 13. All notices required under this Declazation shall be mailed to the Lot Owners' addresses or to the property addresses unless other arrangements have been made by the Lot Owner. Notice shall be deemed Effective when mailed. 14. In the event that the Declazant is no longer in title to any portion of the subdivision, then, in that event, notice shall be given to the then owners of the lands making up the subdivision by mailing said notice to their addresses shown on the current Town tax rolls. Ownership should revert back to property owners within the subdivision who aze obligated to abide by the terms of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has executed this Easement and Declaration the day and year first above written. Declarant: Constantine Ioannou Maria Ioannou Athas C. Ioannou Angelika C. Ioannou STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of , 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeared Constantine Ioannou, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of , 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeared Mazia Ioannou, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of , 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeared Athas C. Ioannou, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public • STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of , 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeazed Angelika C. Ioannou, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. Notazy Public DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made by Constantine Ioannou, Maria Ioannou, as Settlors, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Athas C. Ioannou residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Angelika C. Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York as Trustees of the Ioannou Qualified Personal Residence Trust this day of 2012 hereinafter referred to as the DECLARANT, as the owner of premises described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the PREMISES) desires to restrict the use and enjoyment of said PREMISES and has for such purposes determined to impose on said PREMISES covenants and restrictions and does hereby declare that said PREMISES shall be held and shall be conveyed subject to the following covenants and restrictions: 1. DECLARANT has made application to the Southold Town Planning Board (hereinafter referred to as the PLANNING BOARD) for approval of a 3 lot subdivision of property located on State Route 25, Orient East Marion Causeway, East Marion, New York. 2. Access to Lots 1, 2 and 3 on the approved plat shall be from the 25 foot wide right-of-way attached to Lot 2 3. The existing driveway will be abandoned and construction of the 25 foot right of way to building specifications pursuant to Section 161-15A. Construction specifications prior to issuance of building permits for lots 1, 2 and 3 4. The existing 25 foot wide right of way, as shown on map dated as last revised March 8, 2012 and located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 shall not be used for vehicular access 5. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within the 100 foot wide non-disturbance buffer is prohibited except removal of invasive, non-native vegetation and subject to the Town of Southold Trustees review and approval and that access to the beach shall be permitted. 6. Sixty (60) foot Landscape buffer along SR 25 as shown on the filed map i. The 60 foot buffer shall remain undisturbed in perpetuity except for permitted activities. Permitted activities within the buffers are limited to the removal of exotic invasive weeds and invasive vines, removal of dead and/or diseased trees that are hazardous to life or property. The buffer may be supplemented with plantings of native and drought tolerant species. ii. The sixty (60) foot landscape buffer will satisfy in part the clearing limits pursuant to Sec. 240-99 of the Southold Town Code. iii. The creation of this subdivision in no way commits either the Town or the County to any program to protect this property from shoreline erosion and that any approval granted by the Town in now way signifies that the development and use of this property is considered without hazard and possible loss. 7. Prior to any construction activity taking place on the lots, the property owners shall br required to obtain and submit a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDS General Permit for storm water discharges for the action. 8. Each of the lots shown on the approved plat is subject to the clearing restrictions pursuant to Southold Town code Section 240-99. 9. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant, his successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may be terminated, revoked or amended by the owner of the property only with the written consent of the Town of Southold granted by a majority plus one vote of the Planning board, after a public hearing. 10. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. 11. The aforementioned restrictive covenants are intended for the benefit of and shall be enforceable by the Town of Southold, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or law. The failure of said agencies of the Town of Southold to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any officer or employee thereof. 12. The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. That the within Declaration shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant and his successors and assigns and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked or amended by subsequent owners of the property unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the town of Southold or its successors, after a public hearing. IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, the DECLARANT has duly executed this document the day and year first above written: Constantine Ioannou Maria Ioannou Athas C. Ioannou Angelika C. Ioannou Schedule A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Constantine Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Maria Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACKNOWLEDQ~~NT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Athas C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGL~IENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2012 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Angelika C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~OF SOUjyO P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI ~0 l~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS G Q Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ • ~O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III Oly ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR ~OUNT'1,~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: March 19, 2012 Re: Checks You have received two checks totaling $19,204.70. Please allocate these funds as follows: $14,000 Park & Playground Fee of and the Administration Fee (also known as the Planning Inspection Fee) of $5,204.70 for the loannou Standard Subdivision. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Check Date & Amount to Number Fund loannou Standard Subdivision 23-1-14.7 3/13/12 -#621 $5.204.70 to Administration Fee (aka Planning 3/13112 -#984 Planning Inspection Ins ction fee Fees 6.2115.20 loannou Standard Subdivision Park & 23-1-14.7 See above $14,000.00 to Park Pla round fee & Pla round fees LR ~ • ~ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~pF SOUj~o P.o. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI hQ Southold, NY 11971 ' Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS N ac Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS G ~ a~O 54375 State Route 25 MARTIN H. IDOR ~OI~C~(f~ (cor. MaSoutho]dYNY gs AveJ Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 831 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 13, 2012 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: 2"d Preliminary Plat Approval: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, March 12, 2012, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 ~I equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft.; and WHEREAS, on August 9, 2004, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Approval on the plat, dated as last revised September 7, 2000; and WHEREAS, on February 14, 2005, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval on the plat, dated as last revised February 25, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board granted an extension of time for Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval effective from August 15, 2005 until February 15, 2006; and WHEREAS, in a letter dated January 11, 2007, the agent indicated that the application remains pending in the Health Department at this time and, therefore, is requesting i another extension of time in order to meet the conditions of Preliminary Plat Approval; and loannou Page Two March 13, 2012 WHEREAS, on February 12, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board granted an extension of time for the Preliminary Plat Approval effective from February 15, 2006 until February 15, 2007; and WHEREAS, on August 29, 2008, a letter was sent to the applicant stating that Preliminary Plat Approval had expired and that the applicant should re-submit an application and a second preliminary filing fee; and WHEREAS, on May 22, 2009, the applicant submitted a preliminary filing fee in the amount of $1,000.00; and WHEREAS, at the February 27, 2012 Work Session, the Planning Board found that they will consider issuing 2nd Preliminary Plat Approval upon the plat entitled "Minor Subdivision for loannou Constantine at East Marion", dated September 7, 2000 and last revised February 25, 2004, and use the $1,000.00 preliminary filing fee submitted by the applicant on May 22, 2009; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants 2"d Preliminary Plat Approval on the plat titled "Minor Subdivision for loannou Constantine at East Marion", dated September 7, 2000 and last revised February 25, 2004, prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C. The next step to continue towards Final Plat Approval is the submission of a Final Plat Application and fee. Preliminary Plat Approval shall expire six months from the date the Planning Board adopted its resolution of approval, unless extended by further resolution of the Planning Board, such extension not to exceed a total of 180 days. In the event that the applicant shall fail to apply for approval of a final subdivision plat within one year of Preliminary Approval, all documents required by this section shall be re-submitted and a second preliminary filing fee shall be paid before any application for Final Plat Approval shall be accepted or processed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. \Very truly yours, t \ Donald J. ilcenski Chairman r _ yo~yF~OL,{-~4 JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SCOTT A. RUSSELL ~ SUPERVISOR ~ _ ENGINEER TOWNHALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Fax. (631) - 765 - 9015 ~ Tel. (631) - 765 - 1560 ~ s~~~ JAMIE.RICHTER@TOWN.SOUTHOLD.NY.US OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Donald J. Wilcenski March 1, 2012 Chairman -Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Standard 3 Lot Subdivision for Constantine loannou State Route 25, Orient East Marion Causeway SCTM 1000 - 23 - 01 -14.7 SCTM 1000 - 23 - 02 - 5.6 Dear Mr. Wilcenski: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Bond Estimate prepared by the office of Joseph Fischetti, JR., PE. for the above referenced subdivision. Please consider the following: 1. The Bond Estimate submitted by the applicant did not take into account the SWPPP that has been previously approved for compliance with Chapter 236 for stormwater management. For that reason, I have amended the Bond Estimate accordingly. 2. The additional items noted in the Bond Estimate refer to construction items required by the SWPPP. If the Engineer representing the applicant has any questions he can contact my office directly. 3. Please Note: Town Code section § 240-37. Administration fee. (C.J When new road construction is not part of fhe subdivision (subdivision on an improved road), the applicant shall pay a review fee equivalent to $2,000 per lot or 6% of the bond estimate, whichever is greater. I have indicated and administration fee of $ 6,000 on the Bond Estimate. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Si er y, J es A. Richter, R.A. ~ ~ N~TI~~I'~~ I' '~UfFtttk SCOTT A. RUSSELL ~,~oti© ~p~, JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISOR 4~~ ~ ENGINEER 70WN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD q~p ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Fax. ie3t>-7es-9ols ~ +t~ $ Tel. (631)-76s-uw I ~j7 I~ '~.teQl ~ ~~4~!' JAM]E.RICHTER@TOWN.SOUTHOLD.NY.US r n I ~ ~ 1l LS ~ ..-I r s OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER MAR -T 2O]P ,JI TOWN OFSOUTHOLD e_.-J BOND ESTIMATE Seutna~d Town TANDARD SUBDIVISION of CONSTANTINE IOANNOU Planning guard ~ State Route 25, East Marion, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCTM # 1000-23-01-14.7 DATE March 1, 2012 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. 1.5 ACRE CLEARING & GRUBBING $ 2,500.00 $ 3,750.00 2. JOB ROUGH GRADING / UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION - 5,000.00 3. 2,000 L.F. STRAW BALES /SILT FENCING 6.00 12,000.00 4. JOB MAINTENANCE of EROSION CONTROLS - 3,000.00 5. JOB STABALIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - 3,000.00 6. 1,000 S.Y. FINE GRADING 1.50 1,500.00 DRAINAGE 7. JOB CATCH BASINS (With Cast Iron Grate & Frame) 4 EACH 8' Diameter x 8' Deep 2,000.00 8,000.00 1 EACH 8' Diameter x 6' Deep 1,700.00 1,700.00 1 EACH 8' Diameter x 4' Deep 1,400.00 1,400.00 7 EACH 8' Diameter x 2' Deep 1,100.00 7,700.00 8. JOB STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - 5,000.00 SURFACING 9. 42 C.Y. BLUE STONE WEARING COURSE - (2" Thick) 135.00 5,670.00 10. 12 EACH CONCRETE SURVEY MONUMENTS 100.00 1,200.00 II. 47 C.Y. TOPSOIL 50.00 2,350.00 12. 425 S.Y. SEEDING 3.00 1,275.00 13. 1 EACH STREET SIGNS 200.00 200.00 14. 28 EACH STREET TREES 250.00 7,000.00 15. 1 EACH FIRE WELL 15,000.00 15,000.00 16. JOB MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC - 2.000.00 TOTAL $ 86,745.00 ADMINISTRATION FEE $ 6,000.00 § 240-37 (C). 2,000 /Lot] y • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~pF SOpj~o P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI ~Q ~0 Southold, NY 11971 Chair y # OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS Gc~, ~ ~p 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III 0~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR ~CQU~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 76b-1838 Fax: 631 76b-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 29, 2012 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e% Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore, This letter is in response to your letter dated January 18, 2012. We have received the Office of-the Town Engineer's approval of the required SWPPP. Additionally the Planning Board discussed the action at the February 27, 2012 Work Session. In order for this subdivision to continue towards Final Plat Approval, the Planning Board is requiring that the following be submitted/amended: 1) Using the fee submitted by the applicant on May 22, 2009 and the plat titled "Minor Subdivision for laonnou Constantine at East Marion", dated September 7, 2000 and last revised February 25, 2004 for the 2nd Preliminary Plat submission. The Board will consider issuing 2nd Conditional Preliminary Plat at the next Public Meeting on March 12, 2012. 2) After the Planning Board grants Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval, submit a Final Plat Application and the required fees pursuant to § 240-8 of the Southold Town Code. 3) Submit a Plat with an updated Heath Department stamp after all changes have been made to the Final Plat. 4) Make the following changes for the Final Plat, a. Specifications for the fire well shall be coordinated with the East Marion Fire District pursuant to the East Marion Fire District's determination made on September 1, 2004. b. Change plat title from "Standard Subdivision (Preliminary Plat) Constantine loannou" to "Standard Subdivision (Final Plat) Constantine loannou". c. It is the policy of the Planning Board to consolidate curb cuts along S. R. 25. The Planning Board will place a condition on the Final Approval Resolution that states: "No building permit for lots 1, 2, and 3 shall be given until the stone driveway running though lots 2 and 3 is abandoned and the 25 foot right of way is constructed to building specifications pursuant to §161-15 A. Construction specifications." d. Remove the General Pollution Control Conditions. e. Remove the Rain Runoff Retention Calculations. 5) Make the following changes to the Covenants and Restrictions, a. It is the policy of the Planning Board to consolidate curb cuts along S. R. 25. In the past the Planning Board requested that access to all lots be over the proposed 25' right of way. Amend language accordingly, abandoning the existing driveway to Lots 2 and 3 and constructing the 25 foot right of way to building specifications pursuant to §161-15 A. Construction specifications, prior to issuance of a building permit for Lots 1, 2, and 3. b. Add the following clauses; (i) Sixty (60) foot Landscape Buffer along S.R. 25 as shown on the filed map. The 60 foot buffer shall remain undisturbed in perpetuity except for permitted activities. Permitted activities within the buffers are limited to the removal of known exotic invasive weeds and invasive vines, removal of dead and/or diseased trees that are hazardous to life or properly. The buffer may be supplemented with plantings of native and drought tolerant species. (ii) The sixty (60) foot Landscape Buffer will satisfy in part the clearing limits pursuant to § 240-49 of the Southold Town Code. (iii)The creation of this subdivision in no way commits either the Town or the County of Suffolk to any program to protect this property from shoreline erosion and that any approval granted by the Town in no way signifies that the development and use of this property is considered without hazard and possible loss. 6) Make the following changes to the Road and Maintenance Agreement, a. Clause 1: please replace "The owners of Lot 2 and 3 hereby' with "The owners of Lots 1, 2, and 3 hereby'. 7) Please pay the Park and Playground Fee ($7,000 per lot) and the Administration Fee which is six percent of the Bond Estimate ($5,204.70) in the amount of $19,204.70 pursuant to § 240-53 and § 240-37 of the Southold Town Code. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you. Alyxandra Sabatino Planner Enc: September 1, 2004 Sketch Plat showing fire well location. cc: Planning Board, Mark Terry, Heather Lanza Southold Town P in Board Work Session - Februa 012 - Pa a Three Project name 'Scharf, Charles & Amy 'SCTM# 1000 81-3-25.1 & 81-3-26 Location: Located at Paradise Point Road Southold Description: ~ This proposal is to transfer 48,211 s.f. from SCTM#1000-81-3-25.1 to ' ' ;SCTM#1000-81-3-26. As a result, Lot 25.1 will decrease from 135,332 s.f. to 87,120 s.f. and Lot 26 will increase from 94,446 s.f to 142,657 s.f ; m the R 80 Zornng District. Status: ,Open Action: ~ Review draft letter. Attachments. ~ Draft Letter Project name loannou, Constantine ;SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7 Location: on the north side of State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in _ 'East Marion Description: ;This proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot ' 1 = 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 = 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right- of-way and. Lot 3 80,000 sq: ft. Status: Expired Condifional Preliminary Approval Action: Discuss response to Patricia Moore's letter, dated 1/18/12. Attachments. Staff Report - Project name: Selwyn, Marianne, Melanie, and SCTM#: ; Michael 1000-15-6-28 & 29 Location: 200 Three Waters Lane Orient i Description: ~ This is a proposed 2 lot subdivision where Lot 1 is 12,803 sq. ft. and Lot 2 is 12,924 sq. ft. The ZBA has granted an area variance for this property Status: Pre-submission Action: Review reply letter to Patnaa Moore's letter, dated 1/26/12. Attachments Draft Reply Letter MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~Of S~Vl~rO So uhOold ~NY 11971 DONALD J. WILCENSKI ~Q Chair ~ # OFFICE LOCATION: WILLLAM J. CREMERS H ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ ,~p~p~ 54375 State Route 25 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~~~COU"Ty (cor. M Sou holdYlo`u~ngs Ave.) I1t1 Telephone: 631 785-1935 Fax: 631 76b-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: James Richter, Engineering Inspector From: Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner ?C•S Date: 1/30/12 Re: Standard Subdivision of loannou Application Name: Constantine loannou Tax Map Number: 1000-23-1-14.7 Location: on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: 1 Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated: 1 Final Subdivision Map (Dated: 1 Road Profiles (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: ) X_ Other- Bond Estimate (Dated: No Date 1 Sketch Site Plan (Dated: 1 Preliminary Site Plan (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: 1 Other (AS BUILT) (Dated: 1 Project Descriation: This proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. Thank you for your cooperation. Enc: 1 Bond Estimate 1 Plat entitled "Preliminary Plat Constantine loannou" SCOTT A. RUSSELL 44~g,UfFOt,~~~ JAMES A. RICHTER, R.~ SUPERVISOR ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD ~*$f TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Fax. (631) - 765 -9015 Q R Tel. (631) - 765 - 1560 'fA.¢~ ~ ~~4~' IAMIE.RICHTER@TOWN.SOUTHOLD.NY.US OFFICE _Ol F THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Martin H. Sidor December 13, 2011 Chairman -Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Standard Subdivision for Constantine loannou State Route 25, Orient East Marion Causeway SCTM 1000 - 23 - 01 -14.7 SCTM 1000 - 23 - 02 - 5.6 Dear Mr. Sidor: JAN ) 9 As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan "SWPPP" forthe above referenced subdivision. The plan was prepared by the office of Jeffery T. Butler, dated 3/23/11 with a revision date of 10/15/11. Please consider the following: 1. The SWPPP submitted is satisfactory and appears to meet the minimum requirements of the SPDES General Permit for Storrnwater Discharges from Construction Activity. (Permit GP-0-10-001) In addition, the SWPPP also meets the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Stormwater Runoff. 2. I have completed a SWPPP Acceptance Form and have enclosed two copies for your use. One copy should be given to the applicant and it should be submitted by them to the DEC with there NOI. 3. Please note that on page 10 of 10, item #'s 38 & 39 are answered NO! This should be revised and/or amended to reflect that the Town of Southold is a regulated Traditional Land Use MS4. 4. Please note that all elements of the SWPPP must be satisfied prior to beginning any work. Please make explicit note of SWPPP requirements, Part B (8) for inspection requirements and Part D (1- 4) for the approved wnstruction sequence. 5. A copy of the SWPPP and NOI must be submitted to the Building Department for there reference with any/all application(s) for building permit. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. nce ely, 1 ' ` mes A. Richter, R.A. cc: Michael Verity, Building DepaAmerit I / New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Water 625 Broadway, 4th Floor Albany, New York 12233-3505 MS4 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Acceptance Form for Construction Activities Seeking Authorization Under SPDES General Permit *(NOTE: Attach Completed Form to Notice Of Intent and Submit to Address Above) 1. Project Owner/Operator Information l.Owner/OperatorNamc: COnStantlne loannou 2. Contact Person: Constantine loannou 3. street Addresa: 105 Beverly Road 4. CSry/state/zip: Douglaston, New York - 718-545-3131 ll. Project Site Information s. Projecdsrtc Name: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou c,. Strcct Address: State Route 25 - Suffolk County Tax Map 1000-23-01-14.7 z city~srnc/zip: East Marion, New York 11939 111. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Review and Acceptance Information s. swppp Rcv~ewcd ey: James A. Richter e. Trt~e;Posaiou: Engineer io. oam rfnai swppp Revmwed and Aeeepmd: December 13, 2011 1~'. Regulated MS4 Information i i. Name or nns4: Town of Southold 12. MS4 SPDFS Permit Identification Number: NYR?OA 524 13. Contact Person: ~anleS Q. RlChter i4. street Address:53095 Main Road is. city/state/z~p:Southold, NY 11971 16. Tele,honc Numbcr:631-765-1560 (NYS DEC-MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form -January 2010) Page 1 of 2 MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form -continued . V. Certification Statement -MS4 Official (principal executive officer or ranking elected official) or Duly Authorized Representative I hereby certify that the final Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the construction project identified in question 5 has been reviewed and meets the substantive requirements in the SPDES General Permit For Stonnwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). Note: The MS4, through the acceptance of the SWPPP, assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the design included in the SWPPP. In addition, review and acceptance of the SWPPP by the MS4 does not relieve the owner/operator or their SWPPP preparer of responsibility or liability for errors or omissions in the plan. Printed Namc: Ja„mes A. Richter Title/Position: E=t~g (leer Signature: Date: Dgcember 13, 2011 VI. Ad itional Information Page 2 of 2 01118/2012 13:39 MOORS LAW,^G.fICES ~AXJ6317654643 P.0011001 ~-,1'~~ ~ PATRICIA C. MOORS ~ Attorney u Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New Yark 1]971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765.4643 January 18, 2012 Chairman Donald Wiicenski Southold Town Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 By Fax ~i n r,, i~ ~ ~ RE: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU SCTllil: 1000-23-1.14.7 Dear Chairman Wilcenski: I confirmed with the Town Engineer that he has approved-the-SWP_P--and forwarded to Mr. Terry notice of this approval. This was the final item remaining open, we ask that this subdivision be approved. I hope that after 10 years of review this subdivision process can tx completed. Thank you. ul urs, ricia C. Moore PCM/bp ' encls. C: Mr. & Mrs. Constantine loannou _ _ _ _ • State of New York PE2M 12 (09/09) Department of Transportation Highway Work Permit Permit No.: 20111018474 Date Issued: 08/23/2011 k/ jl Project ID No.: w Expiration Date: 12/01/201 I *Permittee 1• *Permittee 2• IOANNOU QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST 1000-02300.0100-011007 & 0200- 005006 C/O 105 BEVERLY ROAD DOUGLASTON, NY 11363 , Emergency Contact: PATRICIA C. MOORE Emergency Numixc 631-765-1330 Under the provisions of the Highway Law mr Vehicle & TrafFc Law, permission is hereby granted to the permittee to: TO CONSTRUCt AND PERMANENTLY MAINTAIN RESIDENTIAL ACCESS AND OTHER INCIDENTAL WORK ON THE N/S/O NY 25 BETWEEN MMS 1702. 1703 AS PER ATTACHED PLANS AND SPECIFICATTONS. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT NYSDOT STANDARDS / SPECIFCATTONS AND SHALL BE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE RESIDENT ENGINEER. THE PF.RMITTF:F. IS RFSPONSIDLE FOR TF:MIX)RARY TRA1T•lC CONTROL IN ACCORDANCE W ITH THE NATIONAL MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND THIi NYS SUPPLEMENT. ANYONE WORKING WITHIN THF, HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL WEAR HIGH-VISIBILITY APPAREL MELTING THE ANSI 107-2IX)4 CLASS II STiWDARDS AND A HARD HAT. County Municipality State Hwy Suh Route Beg Ref End Rat SUFFOLK SOUTHOLU R3R11 25 25 WIHI7(12 25 U71Ml703 as set forth and represented in the attached application at the particular location or areas, or over the mutes as stated therein, if required; and pursuant to the conditions and regulations general or special, and methods of perforning work, if any; all of which are set forth in the application and form of this permit See additional conditions on PAGE 2. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED BASED ON ALL LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS BEING SATISFIED. Dated aU Hauppauge Date Signed: 08/23/2011 Commissioner of Transportation By... F nk e ! l C~ 1 (,MPORTANT: THIS PERMIT, WITH APPLICATION AND DRAWING (OR COPIES THEREOF) ATTACHED. SHALL BE PLACED [ THE HANDS- OF THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE ANY WORK BEGINS. THE HIGHWAY WORK PERMIT SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT TI-(E SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. BEFORE WORK IS STARTED AND UPON ITS COMPLETION, THE PERhIITTEE ABSOLUTELY h1UST NOTIFY: Roy Ressig (Acting), Resident Engineer 631.727.173t "UPON COMPLETION OF WORK", SECOND TO LAST PAGE, ivIDST BE COMPLETED, SIGNED BY THE PERMITTEE, AND DELIVERED TO THE RESIDENT ENGINEER. State of New York PERM 42 (09/09) Department of Transportation Highway Work Permit Permit No.: 20l 1 I O 18474 ' Date Issued: 08/23!2011 j~ Project ID No.: c ~ Expiration Date: 12/0 U201 t Return this page to: Roy Ressig (Acting), Resident Permittee 1: IOANNOU QUALIFIED PERSONAL Engineer RESIDENCE TRUST 1900 County Rt. 58 C/O 105 BEVERLY ROAD Riverhead, NY 11901 DOUGLASTON , NY 11363 - UPON COMPLETION OF WORK AIiTHOR1ZED, THIS PAGE OF THE PERhHT MUST BE COMPLETED, SIGNED BY THF, PERMITTEE, AND DELIVERED TO THE RESIDENT ENGINEER. Work authorized by this permit has been completed. Refund of deposit or return/relcase oP bond is requested. DATE PERMITTEE AUTHORIZED AGENT (if any) TO 8E COMPLETED 8Y NYSDOT: Work authorized by this permit has been satisfactorily completed and is accepted. Inspection Report must be completed. 'Refund of Deposit is authorized iJ' Retum of Bond is authorized Unable to meet schedule as specified in bid proposal Amount charged against Bond may be released. r J Retain bond for future permits I`~ Forfeit of Guarantee Deposit is authorized i ~ Other DATE RESIDENT ENGINEER 'Mailing address of refund has been verified. If different, list new address: The Regional Office will forward this form to the Main Office with the appropriate boz checked. Permit closed r'~ Bond retumed/released Refund of Guarantee Deposi[ on this permit is authorized Forfeit Guarantee Deposit to NYSDOT Other DATE REGIONAL TRAFFIC ENGINEER The issuing authori[y reserves the right to suspend or revoke this permit a[ its discretion without a heating or the necessity of showing cause, either before or during the operations authorized. The Pernittee will cause an approved copy of the application to be and remain attached hereto undi all work under the permit is satisfactorily completed, in accordance with the terms of the attached application. All damaged or disturbed areas resulting from work performed pursuant to this permit will be repaired to the satisfaction of the Department of Transportation. * Upon completion of the work within the state highway rightro6way authorized by the work permit, the person, firm, corporation, municipality, or state department or agency, end his/her or its successors in interes4 shall be responsible Por the maintenance and repair oP such work or portion of such work as set forth within the terms end conditions of the work permit Permit Fee : SI5.00 Retum Deposit to: PARKSIDE NORTH SEVELOPERS Insurance Fee: $25.00 Address: 14-SI BROADWAY Total Fees: $40.00 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY I 1106 Am[ Recd t: 540.00 Check Num: 10525 Check Date: 09-APR-I I App I Dep Ck 1772 App 1 Dep Amt: 52,500.00 Dep Ck Dated: 16-AUG l I UOF: App I: No App 2: No Attachments and additional re uirements to this Hi hwa Work Permit include: FERM 33 -Highway Work Permit Application for Non Utility Work PERM dl-ld -Method of Performing Wbrk within the State Right of Way Other - Aaach I Approved Plans END OF ATTACHMENTS PERM San (1ID~ STATE OF 1~1N YORK DEPARTl1ENT OF TRM~PORTATKMi PgEVNaE a ODPIEB MIa11MAY rYOR1C P~~ AFFtJCATKMI FOR NON•i1TIL11Y MIONC ~~OPw aooplYdr) ApNBBYBBYIIwrbprri .hl/iwr.aho.gc lb.,larMapNerlaa~rw..w.d/Ow~.ae~eaneA~plsrtrMrr. ~~~oc+ n ne u ~Va lrPud /'bscvra-~ ~ rckHG~ T~~SY Aedi,.G?~., ros' ,BeveLlc~. load AOdian s7~~~,ia.~n ar..r' A, ' / 10.3 c~, ar._ze Fihe{LD. NO «sner s.o.q w. 3b- 677/ - ~ , ,q,byrr~orrw.7rSt ~ s~lS' 3/ 3 ~ Ri]~i1~f111k~11i~I1M+111..~w ff ~ ! c«+r+wnonaarsa/ 17 f»Gt~ct; .--s ,*p T Na doaiaal pr~n G3/' 7/eS 3 3 fl ; iB~lYriii~R RETUIMIVerRTO:A~rnererra`y xerueNOFG®OAT~OIOTRIC.Brralro.w ray erms Nrro~~Ptt2k5(DE//~~lVaert/4~ (/e! 6~OPrT ,m,~ Aai?r. /~'S~ ~C7r000rtJOU i. EpnrrOaata.oa~ewpPwlanrraarrnly..yry/ra,wr i ~J, DOU q4, z A~rcar.aa..ra~a.~oAc 9~ iBr. 9/~•,~,r3 .te _.a.oohawaPe.~onaaraw~w...a.rea ~~J a PnMaM~~aoYSAeby Paw.rpNO~.~6~a''~'E`~ ~ ! :«pr.m ro_ tL ABaB.OBM allr arlpldNraWSwMnrOOy Mb~t PROPOSED YnCBIt Ie~rra.cA+~k ~ rwe4,l~ C".v~n~vr6s, .~~tr..rn.-~.. fe? ~7i L,nF .Sr~`JlJ(yrSr['.,.) ATTACIED. Prir ~ Bpeeio~rar I.OfJ111014 Bra Rma _L"! ~ BrBI NbinAr Odr~naneal MOMlr ~"Q7b}-r,1~702 and Rrwwr. Mrrr 2.~-0704'-x703 Ton,a .~Wlf~d oovpac ~U ~~0 /fir BEOR REDtARENB~lfB: (CASOk Mpiaprr BrM c~Rq ~/~,c{e~- iswErf SDtcf~o,~ ?"/anei /-~+c~ _E7rp1 Mii1wY _ TygB _ BIB«OBB 4tlApinr r PaFa r m.rr.a a a mrlwrrr, w~. «TrPe r, no nrBw ~mn r rgrsa r vq«» r aarnrre a a an« rrn murr~w, grip. «TrPE r, ndr a MA,P.7./PR Appna. A Boon nBOUIRBAENIB POn NIBNwArwarc Perms. Am.p.n.arr wt~w~ Wfclt llry parr iwYrlwR wpYOir ~Mdl~lorr YlaAan MSIppBOron ~gonM Dei Ib04a~+Biprw \ ` n.a A-P2 ~ L ,8~1 ! Seonitl Apprrt BdrY~s D~a /r _ . A~MOIrIBOCIA~r10 1B r~~rrrl~ ' . ..a.i~ r;t _ .h ApABrrr H.~.,411~w~17MIb6OrR ~w~~,.,},,,.,,~_( P614ff 61861IF.D CONfINBEM UPON LOCAL REQUIiB,EMB BeNO BA7r1fED. 08117/2011 14:09 MOORS LAW Q~ICES ~AX)631765d643 P,0011001 PATRICTA C. MOORS Attorney at Law 51020 Main Roed Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 August 17, 2011 Southold Town Planning Board F,UG 1 8 2011 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 By fax Rt;: PROPOSED STANDARD SUBDIVISION OF CON3TANTINE IOANNOU SGTM: 1000-23-1.14.7 Dear Mr. Sidor. With reference to the above, this subdivision application has been pending since 2004, after a Court action wherein the Planning Board was directed to accept the subdivision application. We diligently pursued this subdivision application, however, due to Health Department delays the preliminary map expired, you required us to make changes to the map and pay the preliminary map filing fee again. On December 7, 2010 you requested additional documents and revisions to the map and on January 10, 2011 our office provided to you the 8 prints of the revised plan last dated 1/6111 (highlighted to show requested revisions), road & drainage plan last dated 12/23/10 and 6 prints of the ERSAP map last dated 12/13/10. We further advised your office that our engineer had completed the curb-cut design and ft was under review by NYSDOT. I have confirmed today with the NYSDOT that the curb cut has been approved by NYSDOT pending receipt of the $2,500 fee for the bond. Pursuant to your letter of April 22, 2011, we provided your office with the revised Notice of Intent and one set the revised plans and further provided you with the additional prints of the Erosion Control detail on June 23, 2011. The Board and staff has had more than enough time to review this subdivision. I respectfully request that pursuant to Town I.aw 276 the map be granted preliminary approval, waive further hearings on the preliminary map, and the Board set the hearing for the "final map". Thank you. / ~1ls truly ours, ~.B ncia C. Moore C; Mr. ~ Mrs. Constantine loannou Kalin, Carol From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 10:07 AM To: Kalin, Carol Cc: Terry, Mark Subject: FW: Constantine loannou Subdivision SWPPP review From: Richter, Jamie Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 9:46 AM To: Terry, Mark Cc: Lanza, Heather Subject: Constantine Ioannou Subdivision SWPPP review Mark I have contacted Jeff Butler regarding the SWPPP prepared for the above referenced project. He is coming in to my office to review several issues related to the prepared documents. It appears that there are various GREY areas in the report which have not been adequately addressed to my satisfaction. He has agreed with some of my concerns such as the estimated areas of soils that will be disturbed. The SWPPP also indicates that the property abuts route 25 with no mention of the wetland immediately across the road. We will be reviewing the documents together to come up with a punch list of items that need clarification or changes. We have set a meeting on Thursday 8/11 to go over the documents. Once our meeting is done and changes have been implemented, 1 will be able to complete my SWPPP & Drainage Review. Then I will be able to process the SWPPP Acceptance Form that will be used with there Formal submission to DEC with there NOI. Jamie James A. Richter Office of the Engineer Town of Southold, New York Jamie. richterCp~town. southold. ny. us Office: 631-765-1560 Cell: 631-926-9430 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. t MO LETTER PATRICIA C. MOORE, A ORNEY AT LAW D() t 51020 Main Road I l~ 6outhold, NY 11971 ~ t (831)765-4330 email: pcmoorel ~optonline.net DATE ~ J / / TO I SUBJECT/ N ~ O ~1 ? • I I1.1 1 S (o Pry<< ~ t\tJ r\cJ~/Lc1 L SIGNED Please reply ~ No reply necessary PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 May 24, 2011 BY HAND Attn: Mary Terry, Principal Planner Town of Southold Pr";,'f 2 5 2011 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: PROPOSED STANDARD SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU SCTM: 1000-23-1.14.7 Dear Mark: With referenced to the above and pursuant to your attached letter of April 22"' enclosed please find a revised Notice of Intent and one set the revised plans. It is our understanding that a set has already been sent to Town Engineer Richter from our engineer. Please continue to review this application for preliminary approval and schedule this matter for public hearing on your next calendar. Thank you. i~ truly yo ~s, f, `tea C. Moore PCM/bp encls. C: Mr. & Mrs. Constantine loannou J. Richter, Town Engineer (revised plans received directly) • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~OF SO(/j~o P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR l0 Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS G R Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ ~O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III ~rtV ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) DONALD J. WILCENSKI C~VOI Southold, NY Telephone: 631 76b-1935 Fax: 631 76b-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 22, 2011 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine laannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore, The Town Engineer has advised this office that the features on the plans last submitted are too small and cannot be used to evaluate the completeness of the SWPPP. The plans need to be revised to a legible scale and must show all of the features indicated in the SWPPP. Sincerely, = r.---,--' ~ _ _ Mark Terry Principal Planner Cc: Jamie Richter, Town Engineer r I 1358331598 NOTICE OF INTENT New York State Department of Enviwnnwntal Conservation _ Division of Water _ = 625 Broadway, 4th Fioor NYR~~~~~_~I A16any, New York 72233-3505 'f°` °°rY' Stormwater Discharges Associated with Canstruetion Activity Under State Pollutant Discharge Elimination Syatom (SPDES) General Permit # GP-q-lq-q01 All sections must be completed unless otFuraise noted. Failure to complete all items may result in this form being returned to you, thereby delaying your coverage under this General Permit. Applicants must read and understand the conditions of the permit and prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan grior to submitting this NOI. Applicants are responsible for identifying and obtaining other DEC permits that may be required. -IMPORTANT- RETURN THIS FORM TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE owNEaJOP:ERATOR MUST BIGE FQRM awner~'dperatorInfoiaation O_w_n er/O~e rotor (CO an Name/Private Owner NameBMUncialit Name) C alnls~t1a n~i n e T o a n n o u Owner/0 erator Contact Person Last Name (NOT CONSiILTANT) Con s t a n t i n e I o a n n o u Owner/0 erator Contact Person First Name Owner/O erator MailinAddress ~1 0_.5~~Bre v e r l y R o a d City r F D o u g 1 a~ t o n~ I I ~I ~~~-I -~---I I StlaI~~~yyt11e Z~ip~~~ P~~Owner~rator~ Fax OwnerlOgeratar 7 1 8- 5 4 5- 3 1 3 1 7 1 5 4 S- 3 1 9 8 Email (Owner/Oe_er_at_or) ~ ---Qc[TI®It~jus-rr~NT-! `d6~ FED rax 1D r.. -I - ~ I - I-~J~_n (not required for indva.duals) Sage 1 of 14 J 1863331599 Project Sita InfozmatiOn Pro ect/Site Name S u b d i v i s i o n o f C o n s tan t i n e I o a n n o u Street Address (NOT P.O. BOX) n Merin Road _ TI I Side of Street North O South O Bast O Waat Cit /Town/Vi11.a. 'e (TkFRT ISSUES BUILDING. PERMIT} Mia i n R o a d State 2i Count IIEC Re ion N Y S u f f o l k ~g. Name of Nearest Cross Street. ~ C o v e B e a c h' R ~ a a d ~-~~-r~ Distance to Nearest Cros sBtreet (Feet) Project In.Relation td Cross Street 4 8 8 0 O 2torth C7. South l Saet O Weat Tax Map Numbers Tax Nap Numbers Section-Block-Parcel 1 0 0 0- 2 3- O 1- 1 4 7 i. Provide the Geographic Coordinates far the project site in NYTM Units. To do this you must go to the NYSDFC Stormwater Interactive Map on the ?EC websi to at: www.dec.ny.qov/imsmaps/stormmater,Fviawror.htm 7,oom. S.n to your Project hocat.ion such that you can accuse tely click on the centroid of your site. Once you have located your project site, go to the toal boxes on the top and , choose "i"(identify). Then click on the center of your site and a new window containing the x, Y coordinates in UTM will pop up. Transcribe these coordinates into the boxes below. For probl sans with the i.n teractive map use thehelp function. X Coordinates (Bastin ) Y Coordinates Northin ) 7 2 4 9 4 3 4 5 5 7 7 5 3 2. What is the nature of this acnstructi cii project? Q New Coastructian • Redeveiopment with incraaa~ im imp~rviouanaaa Q Redevelopment ri.th na iner~aaa in inparviouan~sa L Faga 2 of 1Q 7387331596 3. Select the predominant land use for both pre and post development conditions. SELECT ONLY ONE CHOICE FOR EACH , Pre-Development Poat-Development Existing Land Use Future Land Vae O FOREST O SINGLE FAMILY HOME Number of Lots O PASTURE/OPEN LAND • SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION O CULTIVATED LAND O TOWN HOME RESI?ENTIAL ~ SINGLE FAMILY HOME O MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL O SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION Q INSTITUTIONAL/SCHOOL O TOWN HOME RESIDENTIAL O INDUSTRIAL O MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL Q COMMERCIAL O INSTITUTIONAL/SCHOOL O MUNICIPAL O INDUSTRIAL O ROAD(HIGHWAY O COMMERCIAL Q RECREATIONAL/SPORTS FIELD Q ROAD/HIGHWAY Q BIKE PATH/TRAIL O RECREATIONAL/SPORTS FIELD Q LINEAR UTILITY (water, sewer, gas, etc.) O BIKE PATH/TRAIL Q PARKING LOT Q LINEAR UTILITY Q CLEARING/GRADYNG ONLY O PARKING LOT Q DEMOLITION, NO REDEVELOPMENT O OTHER O WELL ?RILLING ACTIVITY "(Oil, Gas, etc.} O OTHER *note: for gas well drilling, non-high volume hydraulic fractured wells only 9. will future use of thissite be an agricultural property asdefined by the NYS Agriculture and Marke is .Law ? O Yes • No 5. Is this a project which does not require coverage under the General Permit (e.g. Project done under an Individual SPDES Permit, or O Yas a No department approved remediation)? 6. Is this property owned by a state autharity,.state agency,,federal government or local government? Q Yas ® No 7. Zn accordance with the larger common plan of development or sale, enter the total project site acreage, the acreage to be disturbed and the future impervious area (acreage)wi.thin the. disturbed area. Round to the nearest tenth of an acre. Total Site Acreage To Existing Impervious Future Impervious Acreage Se Disturbed Area Nithin Disturbed Araa 9fitbin Disturbed B. Do you plan to disturb more than 5 acresof soil at. any one':time? O Yee • No 9. Indicate the percentage of each Hydrologic Soil GrOUp (H^a G) ak. the Si l-e. A B C D 8 0 0 2 0 CWa ~~S 0 Fags 3 of 10 9155331591 I 10. Is this a phased project? Q Yea. t~ No Start Date End Date 11 . Enter the planned start and ~ / ~ / 1 1 - ~ / ~ ~ I 2 end dates of the disturbance / ! / ~12. Identify the nearest, natural, surface waterbodyPiesj towhich constructabnsite runoff will discharge. Name Con e C~- - 12a. Type of waterbody identaf~.edan question 12? O wetland / State Jarisdietidn On Site (Answer 12bj O Wetland / State Jurisdiction Off-Site O Wetland / Federal Jurisdiction OmSite (Ans~eer 126 O Wetland / Federal Jurisdiction ©ff Site O Stream / Creek On Site ~ O Stream / Creek Off Sate ~ O River On Site O River Off Site 12b.Haw was`the wetland identified? O Lake On Site O.Requlatory Map O Lake Off Site Q Qeltneated by Gansultant O Other Type On Site Q Delinea ted. by Arm. Corpsof Engineers O Other T e O__~~~Ll Other (ide~ y~~ 13. Has the surface waterkaody (ies) in, question 12 been identified as a O gea O No 303 (d) segment in Appendix E of GP-0-10-001? Is this project located in one of she Watersheds identified in Appendix C of GP-0-10-001? O Yea ~ No 15. Is the project located in one of the watershed areas associated with AA and AA-S classified O Yes ® No Ovate r.s? If no, skip qu®ation 16. Hoge 4 of 1R 6222331593 16. Does this constructionactivity disturblandwith no existing impervious coverandwherethe Soil 51oPe OYea ! No Phase is identified as an E or F an the USDA Soil Survey? if Yes, what is the acreage to bediaturbed? 17. Will the project disturb soils within a State regulated wetland or the protected 100 foot. adjacent O Yes • No area? 18. Does the site runoff enter a separate storm sewer system (including roadside drains.swales,.dxtches, O Yap !-No OUnknoen culverts, etc)? 19. What is the name of the municipalitylentity that owns the separate storm sewer system? ! _l nTI~~T~ 1_ 20. Does any runoff from thesite enter a sewer classified. as a Combined Sewer? O Yes • Na O Unknaxn 21. Has the required Erosion and Sediment Cant-rol component of the SWPPP been developed in conformance with the current NY3 • Yes O No Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control (aka Blue Book) ? 22. Does this construction activity require the developmentof a SWPPP that includes Water Quality and Quantity. Control. O Yea ! No components (Post-Construction Stormwater Management Practices) (I£ Na, skip questions 23 and 27-36~ 23. Have the Water Qual ity and 9uantity Control components of the SWPPP been developed in. comformance with the current NYS O Yes ® No Starmwa t.er Management Design Manual L Fage 5 aP 10 9262331595 24. The Stc rmwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)'was prepared by: • Professional Engineer (P.E.)' O Soil and Water Conservation Diatsict (SItCD--} O Registered LandacapaArchitect (R.L.A). O Certified Profeaaionelin Eroaionand S~dimeat Control (CP$SC). O Omer/Operator - O Other SWPPP Pre arer - _ J e f f r e y T a u t l e r , P E P C Contact Name (Last, S ace, First)-. ~Je f f rey T B u t ler P E Mailin Address 2 0 6 L i n c o l n S t r e e t R i v e r h e a d ~Tr~m~n N Y 1 1 9 0 1 ~~c~-~ Phone 'Fax 6 3 1- 2 0 6- 8 8 5 0 6 3 1- 7 2 7- 8 Q 3 3 Email _ rj ebut 1Qao l com u SWPPP Preparer Certification I hereby certify that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) far this project. has been prepared in. accordance with the terms and conditions of the GP-0-10-001. Furthermore, I understand that certifying false, incorrect or inaccurate information is a violation of this permit and the laws of the State of New York and could subject me to criminal, civil and/or administrative proceedings. First Nanre ItlI J e f f r e y Last Name _ B u t l e r Si nature Date ~ ~ 2 9 ~ 1 1 L Paye 6 of 10 J ~-r 5911331597 25. Has a construction sequence scheduleforthe planned management practices been prepared? - ~ Ysa O No 26. Select all of the erosion and sediment control practices that will be employed on the project site: Temporary Structural Vegetative Measures O Check Dams O Brush Matting ® Construction Road Stabilization O Dune Stabilization O Duat Control O Greased Waterway O Earth Dika S Mulching O Leval Sgraader ~ Protecting Pegetation O Perimeter Dike/Swale O Recreation Area Zmgrovem®nt O Pipe Slope Drain O Seeding O Portable Sediment Task. O Sodding O Rock Dam O Straw/Bay Bale Dika O Sediment Basin O Streambank Protection a Sediment Trags O Temporary Swale ~ Silt Fence ~ Topaailiaq ® Stabilised Construction Entrance O Pegetating Waterways ~ Storm Drain Inlet Protection Permanent Structural ® Straw/Bay Bale Dike O Temporary Access Waterway Crossing ® Debris Basin O Temporary Stormdrain Diversion O Diversion O Temporary Swale O Grade Stabilization Structure O Turhidi.ty Curtain O Laad Grading O Water bars O Lined Waterway (Rock) O Paved Channel (Concrete) Biotechnical O Paved Flume O Brush Matting O Retaining Wall O wattling O Aiprap Slope Protection O Rack Outlet Protection Other O Streambank Protection ~~I I ~T~T~f~l~l__TT1-l- Page 7 of 10 0199331590 Wataz Quality and Quantity Cantrnl important: Completion of Questions 27-35 is not required if response to Question 22 is No. Poet-Cdnstructica Stormsrater Managwnt Prectices. 27. Indicate all Stormwater Management Practice(sj-that will be installed/constructedonthis site: Ponds .Wetlands OMicropool Extended Detention. (P-1) O Sl~allat~R~tland (11-1}. G Wet Pond (P-2) O Extended DetantionWetland (W-2) O Wet Extended Detention (P-3) O poadfWetiand System (W-3) O Multiple Pond System (P-4) ~ O Pno3cat Wetland(W-4) O Pocket Fond (P-5) Tnffiltration F i.l terinq OIafiltraCion Travch (I-1} O Surface Sand Filter (F-1) Q infiltratitan Basin (I-2) CiUndergrovad Sand Filter (F-2)._ ~ Dry xa11 ~~I-3). _ O Perimeter Sand Filter (F-3) ~ O t1nderground Tnfiltratina System` O Organic Filter (F-41 Ctpan Channels OBioretention (F-$} ODry Swsle.'(Q-i.) O other O Wet Swale..(O-2) Alterna.tive.Practice Verified'Propiie tary.Practice O Rain Garden O %ydrodynaaiic O Cistern O Wet Vault O Green Roof D Media Filter O Stormwater Ylantass O Permealzd~ Faving (Modular 81.00&) 28. Describe other Stormwater management practices not listed above or explain any deviations from the technical standards, ~ 29. Has a long term Qperation anal Maintenance Planfor the post-construction. stormwater managementpractice (s) been ~ Ya¦ O No developed? If Yes, Identify the entity responsi171e for the lanq term Qperatinn and Maintenance ~~-1~1 TTl-T1-TT~~TTTl-1-T--I--T~I-TTT1-1-1~T1~T~ LI-'- Page @ aE 10 T 2999331595 30. Provide the total water quality volume required and the total provided for the site. WQv Required NQv Provided ~•~acre-feet ~'~acre-feet 31. Provide the following Unified Stormwater SzingCriteriafor the site. Total Channel ProtectionStorage Volusie (CPV) - Extended,detentionof post-developed 1 year, 29 boob storm event" CPV Required CPv!Pzov3dsd ~•~acrr feet ~.~acre-feat 31a. The need to provide far channel pzotection has been waived because: O Site discharges directly to fourth order stream or larger Total Overbank flood Control Criteria (Qp) - Peakdischarge,: ra to for the 10 year storm Pra-Development Pont-d®velopment CFS ~•~CFS Total ExtrameFlood CpntrolCriteria-(Qf) -.Peak dschargerate for the 100 year storm Pre-Devalopa~ent Post-davalop®ent ~,•~CFS ~.~CFS 316. The need to provide for flood control has bezn. waived because: O Site discharges directly to fourth ordaz stream or larger O Downstream analysis reveals that flood oontrol is not required l IMPORTANT: For questions 31 and 32, impervious area should be calculated considering the project site and all offaite areas that drain to the post-construction atosmwatar management practice(s). (Total Drainage Area ~ Project Site + Offsi to areas) 32. Pre-Construction Impervious Area - As a percent of the Total Drainage Area enter the percentage of the existing impervious ~ O areas before construction begins. 33. Post-Construction Impervious.Area -As a percent of theTota1 orai n.age Area, enter the percentage of the future impervious areas p that. veil 1. be created remain an khe site after comgletion of ~ 'O construction. 39. Indicate the tetal number of post-construction starmwater management practices to be installed/constructed. 35. Provide the total number of stormwateY dischargfl points,from the site. Pinclude discharges to either surface watflrs or to separate storm sewer systems) L Page 9 of 10 J 3489331590 36. Identify other DEC permits that are required for this project. DEC Permits O Air Pollution Control O Navigable Waters Protection / Article 15 • Coastal Erosion O water Quality Certificate O Hazardous Waste Q Dam Safety O Long island We11s O Water Supply O Mined Land Reclamation O Freshwater Wetlands/Article 29 O Other SPDES • Tidal Wetlands O Solid Waste O Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers O None O Stream Bed or Bank Protection / Article 15 O Other 37. Does this project require a US Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Permit? O Yea • No If Yes, Indicate Size ofImpact. 38. Is this project subject to the requirements of a regulated, traditional land use control MS4? O Yes ~ No (If No, skip question 39) 39. Has the "MS4 SWPPP Acceptance" form been signed by the principal O Yea ® No executive officer or ranking elected official and submitted along with this NOI? 90. If this NOZ is being submitted for the purpose of continuing coverage under a general permit for stormwater runoff from construction activities, please indicate the former SPDES .number assigned. N Y R Omer/Operator Certification I have read or been advised of the permit conditions and believe that I understand them. I also understand that, under the terms of the permit, there may be reporting requirements. Z hereby certify that this document antl the corresponding documents were prepared under my direction oz supervision. I am aware that there axe significant peaaltiae for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. I further understand that covazage under the general permit will be identified is the acknowledgment that r will receive as a result of anbmittinq thin POI and can be as long as sixty 160) business days as provided for in the general permit. I also understand that, by submitting this NOI, I am acknawledgimj that the SMPPP has been developed and will be implemented an the first element of constrvct ion, and agreeing to comply with all the terms and conditions of the general permit for which this NOI ie being submitted. Print First Name PSI 0 1 S Ia ?J ~ N r Print Last Name ,.~,0 ANN ~ U owner/ rator Signature Data L Page 10 of 10 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBER ~~Of S~UjyO P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS N >e Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ ~O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) DONALD J. WILCENSKI ~~UNfY,~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 22, 2011 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine Ioannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e% Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore, The Town Engineer has advised this office that the features on the plans last submitted are too small and cannot be used to evaluate the completeness of the SWPPP. The plans need to be revised to a legible scale and must show all of the features indicated in the SWPPP. S/ince~rely, Mark Terry Principal Planner Cc: Jamie Richter, Town Engineer MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~aOF SO(/j~o ~ P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS u~ ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ ~O 54375 State Route 25 DONALDSJ. WILCENSKI OIyC~Ul~ ~ (cor. MaSoutholdYNY ~ Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANiVING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jamie Richter, Town Engineer From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner Re: Standard Subdivision of Constantine IOannou SCTM#: 1000-23-01-14.7 and 1000-23-2-5.6 Date: April 22, 2011 Planning Board Staff has been made aware that the Applicants Agent for the above referenced action forwarded you the requested SWPPP (dated 3/23/11) and NYSDEC NOI (dated April 5, 2011) on April 12, 2011. Enclosed is a revised plat (dated 1/16/11) and road and drainage plans (dated 12/23/11) also for you review. The Planning Board is requesting a quick response as they are eager to place the application on a May work session. If you have any questions or require more information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Enc. • • p~ ~~.,_µ-r PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (63 765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 April 20, 2011 Attn: Skaik A. Saad, PE, Civil Engineer III , Traffice Engineering and Safety State of New York Dept. Of Transportation State Office Building 2 1 2011 250 Veterans Memorial Highway pFR Hauppauge NY 11788 RE: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU SCTM: 1000-23-1.14.7 YOUR CASE # 10-18474P Dear Mr. Saad: With referenced to the above, enclosed please find Highway Permit Work application executed by my client and three (3) sets of plans prepared by John Metzger, licensed surveyor. It is my understanding that Mr. Joe Fischetti. P.E. has been working with your office to complete the plans in accordance with your instructions. Also enclosed is my client's check in the amount of $40.00 is enclosed which represents the the $15.00 application fee and $25.00 NYS DOT blanket policy fee. Thank you and please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. Very truly yours, Patricia C. Moore PCM/bp encls. C: Mr. & Mrs. Constantine to nnou Planning Board w/encl ~G~uv Lanza, Heather From: Betsy Perkins [mooreattys@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, Aprit 11, 2011 10:16 AM To: Lanza, Heather Subject: ioannou Attachments: LTR TO ENG COPY PB WTH SWPPP.pdf; swpppaccept10.pdf hi, heather. we spoke to Jamie Richter late fridayafternoon. We have the Notice of Intent, SWPPP and Soil report. See attached letter which will be delivered to him today. On 1/10/11, we forwarded the revised maps, etc. to your office and trust Jamie has received them as well. In subsequent emails due to the size, i will email you separately the documents. The engineer only provided us 2 originals. thanks. Betsy Perkins LA Law Offices of William D. Moore; tel # 631 765 4663 APR ~ 4 2011 Patricia C. Moore; tel # 631 765-4330 fax # for both; 631 765 4643 NOTICE: The in/ormadon contained in this e-mail !s intended for the use o/the named recipient only. It may contain information that is legally privileged, confidential, and/or exempt Irom disclosure under applicable law. H the reader of this message is not the intended reeipien4 or the employee w agent responsible for delivering this message to the Intended recipien4 You are hereby notified that any use, disclosure, dissemination, distribution, copying, or faking any action in reliance on the contents of this communication !s sMetly prohibited. N you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by a-mail, by using your reply button to advise us of such error. Thank you. 1 PATI2ICIA C. MOORE ~l L2. Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 April 11, 2011 Attn: James Richter, Town Engineer Town of Southold Main Road APR 1 2 2011 PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 HAND DELIVERED RE: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU SCTM: 1000-23-1.14.7 Dear Jamie: With reference to the above and pursuant to our conversation of Friday, April 8, 2011, enclosed please find an original NYS DEC Notice of Intent (dated 4/5/2011) together with SWPPP Acceptance form in duplicate. Also enclosed is the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (dated 3/23/11) and Custom Soil Resource Report for Suffolk County (dated 3/29/11). Please be advised that on January 10, 2011, we forwarded to the Planning Board several prints of the revised subdivision map last dated 1/6/11, Road & Drainage Plan last dated 12/23/10 and ERSAP map last dated 12/13/10 which I trust you have already received from Planning for your review and comments. Kindly review and if all is in order, sign the SWPPP acceptance and return to our office for filing with the NYS DEC. Thank you. Very truly~rs~_ ~---P~tricia C. Moore PCM/bp encls. C: Planning Board via email Mr. & Mrs. Constantine loannou a ~ ~ • _ New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Water 625 Broadway, 4th Floor Albany, New York 12233-3505 MS4 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Acceptance Form for Construction Activities Seeking Authorization Under SPDES General Permit *(NOTE: Attach Completed Form to Notice Of Intent and Submit to Address Above) I. Project Owner/Operator loformation 1. Owner/Operator Name: ~ ' ~ ~ iY~-t~ ~l f,) ~ `y (v ;v . . 2. Contact Person: 3. Street Address: ~ ~ ~j ~ ~ 1J a. city/state/z;p: _ ~ ~ `~u N ! ! ~ ~P 3 II. Project Site Information 5. ProjecUSite Name: S J!,~Q~~ ~ ~ S ~ i3"~ U~ <}v a ~'J~.>-l c -~c j~-rV N~ t-<. 6. Street Address: ~ ~ I,f K 1~~~~ 7. City/State/Zip: III. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Review and Acceptance Information 8. SWPPP Reviewed by: 9. Title/Position: 10. Date Final SWPPP Reviewed and Accepted: IV. Regulated MS4 Information 11. Name of MS4: l2. MS4 SPDES Permit Identification Number: NYR20A 13. Contact Person: 14. Street Address: 15. City/State/Zip: 16. Tele hone Number: (NYS DEC -MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form -January 2010) Page I of 2 MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form -continued V. Certification Statement -MS4 Official (principal executive officer or ranking elected official) or Duly Authorized Representative I hereby certify that the final Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the construction project identified in question 5 has been reviewed and meets the substantive requirements in the SPDES General Permit For Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). Note: The MS4, through the acceptance ofthe SWPPP, assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the design included in the S WPPP. In addition, review and acceptance of the SWPPP by the MS4 does not relieve the owner/operator or their SWPPP preparer of responsibility or liability for errors or omissions in the plan. Printed Name: Title/Position: Signature: Date: VI. Additional Information Page 2 of 2 _ New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Water v 625 Broadway, 4th Floor - Albany, New York 12233-3505 MS4 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Acceptance Form for Construction Activities Seeking Authorization Under SPDES General Permit *(NOTE: Attach Completed Form to Notice Of Intent and Submit to Address Above) I. Project Owner/Operator Information 1.Owner/Operator Name: C ~ 6-]Y~ Nr t,J r ~ c~~ h1 N t.•( . 2. Contact Person: 3. Street Address: , (J S ?jL`\J C (Z ~ fJ a. city/state/zip: ~ ~,!~siU~ N / /3 ~3 11. Project Site Information 5. ProjecUSite Name: S.J/,bOl V ~ S i ~ Ci)>J ~ C'c~Tl 'N c ~~,y}rUA-+~- 6. Street Address: ~ A ~ R.p(tp Q 7. City/State/Zip: ~ ~ ,q (jam / D n-1 N ~ / III. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Review and Acceptance Information 8. SWPPP Reviewed by: 9. Title/Position: ]0. Date Final SWPPP Reviewed and Accepted: IV. Regulated MS4loformation 11. Name of MSa: 12. MS4 SPDES Permit Identification Number: NYR20A 13. Contact Person: 14. Street Address: 15. City/State/Zip: 16. Tele hone Number: (NYS DEC -MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form -January 2010) Page 1 of 2 • MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form -continued V. Certification Statement -MS4 Official (principal executive officer or ranking elected official) or Duly Authorized Representative I hereby certify that the final Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the construction project identified in question 5 has been reviewed and meets the substantive requirements in the SPDES General Permit For Stormwater Dischazges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). Note: The MS4, through the acceptance of [he SWPPP, assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of [he design included in the S WPPP. In addition, review and acceptance of the SWPPP by the MS4 does not relieve [he owner/operator or their S WPPP prepazer of responsibility or liability for errors or omissions in the plan. Printed Name: Title/Position: Signature: Date: VI. Additional Information Page 2 of 2 1358331596 ' NOTICE OF INTENT New York State Department of Environmental Conservation _ Division of Water 625 Broadway, 4th Floor NYR~~~~~? - Albany, New York 12233-3505 cc°` °E` °s° °"lY' Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity IInder State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit # GP-0-10-001 All sections must be completed unless otherwise noted. Failure to complete all items may result in this form being returned to you, thereby delaying your coverage under this General Permit. Applicants must read and understand the conditions of the permit and prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan prior to submitting this NOI. Applicants are responsible for identifying and obtaining other DEC permits that may be required. -IMPORTANT- RETURN THIS FORM TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE OWNER/OPERATOR MUST SIGN FORM Owner/(1~9Yrat0= Irif©rmition Owner/O erator (CompanName/Private Owner Name/Municia lit Name) C o n s tan t i n e I o a n n o u Owner/0 erator.COntactPerson Last.Name (NOT.CONSULTANT) C o n s t a n t i n e I o a n n o u Owner/0 erator. Contact Person First:Name Owner/0 erator Mailin Address 1 0 5 B e v e r l y R o a d Cit D o u g l a s t o n State Zip N Y Phone (Owner/ erator) Fax(Owner/0 erator) 7 1 8- 5 4 5- 3 1 3 1 7 1 8- 5 4 5 3 1 9 8 Email (Owner/ erator) FED TAX ID m ' :(not required for individuals) L Paqe 1 0£ 10 1863331599 • • Project 8ito Inforaation Project/SiteName S u b d i v i s i o n o f C o n s tan t i n e I o a n n o u Street Address .(NOT P.O:.SOX): M a i n R o a d Side of Street ® North O $oeith O 8aat O Mast City/Town/Vi31a e (THATiSSUES BUILDING. PERMIT): ~s F-(~2~~0 0 0 ~c~r State :Zi Count.: ` DEC Re ion N Y S u f f o l k 1~ Name. of Nearest"Cross Street C o v e B e a c h R o a d Distance to Nearest Cross Street (Feet)- Project InRelation to Cross Street 4 8 8 0 O North O South ~ 8aet ' O xaat - Tax Map Numbers Tax Map Numbers Section-Block-Parcel 1 0 0 0- 2 3- 0 1- 1 4 7 1. Provide the Geographic Coordinates for the project site in NYTM Units. To do this you must go to the NYSDEC Stormwater Interactive Map on the DEC website at: www.dec.ny.gov/imamapa/stormwater/viewer.htm Zoom into your Project Location such that you can accurately click on the centroid of your site. Once you have located your project site, go to the tool boxes on the top and choose "i"(identify). Then click on the center of your site and a new window containing the X, Y coordinates in UTM will pop up. Transcribe these coordinates into the boxes below. For problems with the interactive map use the help function. X Coordinates (Eastin ) Y Coordinates (NOrthin ) 7 2 4 9 4 3 4 5 5 7 7 5 3 2. What isthenatureof thisconstruction project? O New Construction ~ Radavalopmant-,with increase in ispazv;Louanass O Rati~valvplu~nt with no inaraaaa' in ileparwiouenaes L Paqe 2 of 10 I 7367331596 • ' 3. Select the predominant land use for both pre and post development conditions. SELECT ONLY ONE CHOICE FOR EACH Pre-Development Post-Development Existing Land Use Future Land Use O FOREST O SINGLE FAMILY HOME Number of Lots O PASTURE/OPEN LAND ~ SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION ~3 O CULTIVATED LAND Q TOWN HOME RESIDENTIAL ~ SINGLE FAMILY HOME O MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL O SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION O INSTITUTIONAL/SCHOOL O TOWN HOME RESIDENTIAL O INDUSTRIAL O MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL O COMMERCIAL O INSTITUTIONAL/SCHOOL O MUNICIPAL O INDUSTRIAL O ROAD/HIGHWAY O COMMERCIAL Q RECREATIONAL/SPORTS FIELD O ROAD/HIGHWAY Q BIKE PATH/TRAIL O RECREATIONAL/SPORTS FIELD O LINEAR UTILITY (water, sewer, gas, etc.) O BIKE PATH/TRAIL O PARKING LOT O LINEAR UTILITY O CLEARING/GRADING ONLY O PARKING LOT O DEMOLITION, NO REDEVELOPMENT O OTHER O WELL DRILLING ACTIVITY *(Oil, Gas, etc.) O OTHER *note: for gas well drilling, non-high volume hydraulic fractured wells only 4. Will future-use of this site be an agricultural property as de€ined by the NYS.Agriculture and Markets Lax ? O Yes • No 5. Is this a project which does not require coverageunder the General Permit (e.g. Project done under an Individual SPDES Permit, or O Yes ~ No department approved remediation)? 6. Is this property owned by a state authority,.. state agency, federal C?yoe ® No government .or local...government? 7. In accordance with the larger con¢non plan of development or sale, enter the total project site acreage, the acreage to be disturbed and the future impervious area (acreage)within the disturbed area. Round to the nearest tenth o£ an acre. Total Site Acreage To Existing Impervious Future Impervious Acreage Be Disturbed Area Within Disturbed Area Within Dia turbed 8. Do you plan to disturb more than 5 acres of soil atsany one• ime? O Yae • No 9. Indicate the percentage of each Hydrologic Soil Group(HSG) at the site. A B C D 8 0 0 2 0 0 ~ o ~ °'o L Page 3 of 10 9155331591 • • 10. is`this a phased p~dject? O xes ~ Na' Start Date End Date 11 . Enter the planned start and ~ / ~ / 1 1 - ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 2 end dates of the disturbance 12. Identify the nearest, naturals surface waterbody{des) to wlxch construction site runoff will:-discharge.' Name n o n e 12a. Type of"waterbody identified in .Question 123 . O wetland I State St~riediction On Site .{Answer"12h}'" O Wetland 1, State Jurisdiction Off Site O Wetland / Federal .Jt~risdictiori 4ttt Sits, (Answer 12b)'` O Wetland / Ff:deral Jurisdiction Off Site O Stream 1 Greek On .Site O Stream / Creek Off Site . O River On Site O River Off Site }2h.,.How was the" wetland identified? O Lake On Site Q Regulatory ~fap O Lake Off Bite O Delineated by"=Consultant O Other Type On Site O Delineated"by Army Carps of Engineers O Other T+ e Off Site O Other (identify) , 13. Has the surface waterbody(ies) in question 12 been identified as a O Yes O No 303 (d) segment in Appendix E of GP-0-10-001? 14. is this project locatedn one ofthe Watersheds. identified in O.Yee • No Appendix C of GP-0-10-0012 15. Is the project located in one of the watershed areas associated with AA and AA-S classified O Yes ~ No waters? If no, skip question 16. L Page 4 of 10 J I. 6222331593 • • 16. Dpes this construction activity ,disturb land with no existing impervious covet and where the :Soil Slope O Yea • No Phase is identified as an E'or F on- he USDA SoiS Survey? If>:Yos,.rhat is the soraa~a,,to bo d9sturtrW? 17. Will the project disturb soils within a State regulated wetland or the protected 100 foot adjacent O Yes ~ No area? 18. .Does the ::site runoff enter a separate storm sewer system (including roadside dr`ains,.swales, ditcries,.- 0 gss A No O Unknown culverts, etc)'~= 19. What is the name of the municipality/entity that owns the separate storm sewer system? 20. Does any .runoff from the .site enter a ses+er classaf~.ed ' ~s a Comgined $ey~er? ~ ~ z :.O Yaa • No O Vxilcnown 21. Has the required Erosion and Sediment Control component of the SWPPP been developed in conformance with the current NYS • Yes O No Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control (aka Blue Book) ? 22. Does this construction activity require the development taf a, SWPPF thst inclucjes Water Quality and Qtxantitit:Gcs~t~'ol~' ~ ~ OY~IS .comp©nent~s _'(Post-nst~uc~~on Stormw~ter ~ianageatexit.~~ictf~ea~~ (If No, skip quoations ~9 ane! 2?~351;; 23. Have the Water Quality and Quantity Control components of the SWPPP been developed in comf ormance with the current NYS O Yea O No Stormwater Management Design Manual ? L Page 5 of 10 J 9262331595 • • 29. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP} was grepared.by: ~ Ptafamaioam]. 8ngin~r ,(P.E,j O Soil and Water Cantarvatiah District (SiPCD) - ORagia~i^~d LaAdaaapa,AY'6bitacat {RiL.A} O Grti~id Ps~Paasi~t?t3. in )6roaion and Sadiaaat CautF.itol : ~CP$~C) O Ow+»rl0porator O Other SWPPP Pre arer J e f f r e y T B u t i e r P E P C Contact Name (Last, S ace, First) J e f f r e y T B u t l e r P E Mailin .Address.: 2 0 6 L i n c o l n S t r e e t City R i v e r h e a d State 2i N Y 1 1 9 0 1- Phone €ax 6 3 1 2 0 8•- 8 8 5 0 6 3 1- 7 2 7'- 8 0 3 3 Email j e b u t l@ a o l c o m SWPPP Preparer Certification I hereby certify that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for this project has been prepared in accordance with the terms and conditions of the GP-0-10-001. Furthermore, I understand that certifying false, incorrect or inaccurate information is a violation of this permit and the laws of the State of New York and could subject me to criminal, civil and/or administrative proceedings. First Name MI J e f f r e y ?T Last Name B u t l e r Si nature Date ~3 ~ 2 9 ~ 1 1 Page 6 of 10 r 5911331597 • • 25. Has a ccnStruch7.On sequence schedule €or the planned management . practicas~ )seett pxegaYedR 'i, nF; ~ Yoh O 3ia 26. Select all of the erosion and sediment control practices that will be employed on the project site: Temporary Structural Vegetative Measures O Check Dams O Brush Matting ® Construction Road Stabilization O Dune Stabilization O Duat Control O Grassed Waterway O Earth Dike ® Mulching O Level Spreader ® Protecting Vegetation O Perimeter Dike/Swale O Recreation Area Improvement O Pipe Slope Drain O Seeding O Portable Sediment Tank O Sodding O Rock Dam O Straw/Hay Bale Dike O Sediment Basin O 3treambank Protection ~ Sediment Traps O Temporary Swale ~ Silt Fence ® Topsoiling ® Stabilized Construction Entrance O Vegetating Waterways ® Storm Drain Inlet Protection permanent Structural ~ Straw/Hay Bale Dike O Temporary Access Waterway Crossing ® Debris Basin O Temporary Stormdrain Diversion O Diversion O Temporary Swale O Grade Stabilization Structure O Turbidity Curtain O Land Grading O Water bars O Lined Waterway (Rock) O Paved Channel (Concrete) Biotechnical O Paved Flume O Brush Matting O Retaining Wall O Wattling O Riprap Slope Protection O Rock Outlet Protection 0~~, O Streambank Protection L Page 7 of 10 J 0199331590 • • Water Quality and Quantity Control important: Completion of Questions 27-35 is not required if response to Question 22 is No. Bost-Gtmatruotion 8toraNatar ~ Praotiaee 27. Indicate all Stprmaater~,Management Practice(s,) that; Will be installedfconstructed ox: this bite: Ponds Wetlands O Micropool;Extaadid Detention (P-1) - b $halloa ttetland (W-1) O tPet Pond (P-2) O ffixtanded Detention Xetland (1t-2) O1Pet ffixtanded Deteation (B-3) O Pexnd/Netland ,Syu~a (N-3) O Multiple Bond Syatan (P-4} p i~ek4t Vtetland (x-6) . 0 Socket Bond (P-5)' Infiltration, . Filtering ~~O Infi~tr$ton Traaeh (I-1:.). O Surface Sane( Bilter ,(F-1) O,IaEiltrattm Hasin (i-2) , O Underground Sand 3+31ter (F 2), O Dry 'ISAlI tI-~3) OParimetor Sand S'ilter (B-3) OUnt4erground Iat!iitsatioa System O l7rgaaic Bilt~ar (Bw-4) ~ ~ x~ ' : . Open~Channels O H2oratenton (B-5) O Dry°Swale'(4-1) 0 other O Stet Sraie (0-2> AlternatSve Practice Verified Proprietary Practice O Baia Garden O ky`c4tadynanto O Biatera ~ ~ ~O Iht Vapl#~; . F ~ ,4. O_GrNn )toof ~ ' ~ ~ t+l?~ P~.Iter O Stormwater Blanters O Be:maabla Paving :(Mexdular Ploek) 28. Describe other stormwater management practices not listed above or explain any deviations from the technical standards. 29. Has a long term Operation and Maintenance Plan for the post-construction, stormwater management :practice (a) been- O Yqa O No developed? If Yes, Identify the. entity responsible for the longterm fDperation and Maintenance L Page 8 of SO J 2994331595 • • 30. Provide the total water quality volume required and the total provided for the site. WQv Required WQv Provided acre-feet ~'~acre-feet 31. Provide the following Unified Stormwater Sizing Criteria for the site. Total Chaan*1 protection &tpra4rR Volute (Cpv) - Extended detention of post-developed 1 yeer> ~9 tsour storm anent Gpv Required CPv Brovided ~r~aere-fast ~.~acre-fat 31a. The need to provide for channel protection has been waived because: O Site discharges directly to fourth order stream or larger Total Overha=ik Flood Control CriteFia -,PSak di,&chazge rate tozzthe 10 year storm pre-Devrlopaent Poet-developmemt ~.~CBS ~.~CF9 Total 8xtreme Flood Control Cslteria (Qf) -'Peak itischarge rate for the 100 year storm Pr®-Devolopaent port-development ~.~CgB ~.~CFS 31b. The need to provide for flood control hasbeen waived because: O Site discharges directly to fourth order stream or larger O Downstream analysis reveals that flood control is not required IAlPORTANT: For questions 31 and 32, impervious area should be calculated considering the project site and all offaito areas that drain to the post-construction atormwater management practice(s). (Total Drainage Area = Project Site + Offsite areas) 32. Pre-Construction Impervious Area - As a percent of the Total Drainage Area enter the percentage of the existing impervious areas before construction begins. 33. POSt-ConstructiohSmpervious, Area - As a percentgf the Total Drainage Area, enter-the percentage of the future impervious areas that will-~l~e created/rema#n.tsn the site after co letiosl't~f-'''~ construction. 39. Indicate the total number of post-construction stormwater m management practices to be installed/constructed. 35. Provide the .total number of stozmwater discharge points krom the site. ;(inol,ud~ discharges .to exther~ ~faee 3eakers or_t~a separate storm ,newer systems) ~ ~ L Page 9 of 10 J USDA United States A product of the National Custom Soil Resource Department of Cooperative Soil Survey, Agriculture a joint effort of the United Report for O ~ States Department of K Agriculture and other S uff o I k County Federal agencies, State 7 Natural agencies including the Resources Agriculture) Experiment New York Conservation Stations, and local Service participants loannou Subdivision r ~ `s ~ } y{ # - March 29, 2011 Preface Soil surveys contain information that affects land use planning in survey areas. They highlight soil limitations that affect various land uses and provide information about the properties of the soils in the survey areas. Soil surveys are designed for many different users, including farmers, ranchers, foresters, agronomists, urban planners, community officials, engineers, developers, builders, and home buyers. Also, conservationists, teachers, students, and specialists in recreation, waste disposal, and pollution control can use the surveys to help them understand, protect, or enhance the environment. Various land use regulations of Federal, State, and local governments may impose special restrictions on land use or land treatment. Soil surveys identify soil properties that are used in making various land use or land treatment decisions. The information is intended to help the land users identify and reduce the effects of soil limitations on various land uses. The landowner or user is responsible for identifying and complying with existing laws and regulations. Although soil survey information can be used for general farm, local, and wider area planning, onsite investigation is needed to supplement this information in some cases. Examples include soil quality assessments (http://soils.usda.gov/sqi/) and certain conservation and engineering applications. For more detailed information, contact your local USDA Service Center (http://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app? agency=nres) or your NRCS State Soil Scientist (http://soils.usda.govlcontacU state_officesn. Great differences in soil properties can occur within short distances. Some soils are seasonally wet or subject to flooding. Some are too unstable to be used as a foundation for buildings or roads. Clayey or wet soils are poorly suited to use as septic tank absorption fields. A high water table makes a soil poorly suited to basements or underground installations. The National Cooperative Soil Survey is a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local agencies. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has leadership for the Federal part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Information about soils is updated periodically. Updated information is available through the NRCS Soil Data Mart Web site or the NRCS Web Soil Survey. The Soil Data Mart is the data storage site for the official soil survey information. The U.S. Department ofAgriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means 2 for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 3 Contents Preface ....................................................................................................................2 How Soil Surveys Are Made ..................................................................................5 Soil Map ..................................................................................................................7 Soil Map (loannou Subdivision) ............................................................................8 Legend ..................................................................................................................9 Map Unit Legend (loannou Subdivision) ............................................................10 Map Unit Descriptions (loannou Subdivision) .....................................................10 Suffolk County, New York ...............................................................................12 Bc-Beaches ...............................................................................................12 Fd-Fill land, dredged material ...................................................................12 MfC-Montauk fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes .............................12 PIA-Plymouth loamy sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes .....................................13 RdA-Riverhead sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes ...................................14 SdA-Scio silt loam, sandy substratum, 0 to 2 percent slopes ...................15 W-Water ....................................................................................................15 Wd-Walpole sandy loam ...........................................................................16 References ............................................................................................................1 B 4 How Soil Surveys Are Made Soil surveys are made to provide information about the soils and miscellaneous areas in a specific area. They include a description of the soils and miscellaneous areas and their location on the landscape and tables that show soil properties and limitations affecting various uses. Soil scientists observed the steepness, length, and shape of the slopes; the general pattern of drainage; the kinds of crops and native plants; and the kinds of bedrock. They observed and described many soil profiles. A soil profile is the sequence of natural layers, or horizons, in a soil. The profile extends from the surface down into the unconsolidated material in which the soil formed or from the surtace down to bedrock. The unconsolidated material is devoid of roots and other living organisms and has not been changed by other biological activity. Currently, soils are mapped according to the boundaries of major land resource areas (MLf2As). MLRAs are geographically associated land resource units that share common characteristics related to physiography, geology, climate, water resources, soils, biological resources, and land uses (USDA, 2006). Soil survey areas typically consist of parts of one or more MLRA. The soils and miscellaneous areas in a survey area occur in an orderly pattern that is related to the geology, landforms, relief, climate, and natural vegetation of the area. Each kind of soil and miscellaneous area is associated with a particular kind of landform or with a segment of the landform. By observing the soils and miscellaneous areas in the survey area and relating their position to specific segments of the landform, a soil scientist develops a concept, or model, of how they were formed. Thus, during mapping, this model enables the soil scientist to predict with a considerable degree of accuracy the kind of soil or miscellaneous area at a specific location on the landscape. Commonly, individual soils on the landscape merge into one another as their characteristics gradually change. To construct an accurate soil map, however, soil scientists must determine the boundaries between the soils. They can observe only a limited number of soil profiles. Nevertheless, these observations, supplemented by an understanding of the soil-vegetation-landscape relationship, are sufficient to verify predictions of the kinds of soil in an area and to determine the boundaries. Soil scientists recorded the characteristics of the soil profiles that they studied. They noted soil color, texture, size and shape of soil aggregates, kind and amount of rock fragments, distribution of plant roots, reaction, and other features that enable them to identify soils. After describing the soils in the survey area and determining their properties, the soil scientists assigned the soils to taxonomic classes (units). Taxonomic classes are concepts. Each taxonomic class has a set of soil characteristics with precisely defined limits. The classes are used as a basis for comparison to classify soils systematically. Soil taxonomy, the system of taxonomic classification used in the United States, is based mainly on the kind and character of soil properties and the arrangement of horizons within the profile. After the soil scientists classified and named the soils in the survey area, they compared the 5 Custom Soil Resource Report individual soils with similar soils in the same taxonomic class in other areas so that they could confirm data and assemble additional data based on experience and research. The objective of soil mapping is not to delineate pure map unit components; the objective is to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. Each map unit is defined by a unique combination of soil components and/or miscellaneous areas in predictable proportions. Some components may be highly contrasting to the other components of the map unit. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The delineation of such landforms and landform segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. Soil scientists make many field observations in the process of producing a soil map. The frequency of observation is dependent upon several factors, including scale of mapping, intensity of mapping, design of map units, complexity of the landscape, and experience of the soil scientist. Observations are made to test and refine the soil- landscape model and predictions and to verify the classification of the soils at specific locations. Once the soil-landscape model is refined, a significantly smaller number of measurements of individual soil properties are made and recorded. These measurements may include field measurements, such as those for color, depth to bedrock, and texture, and laboratory measurements, such as those for content of sand, silt, clay, salt, and other components. Properties of each soil typically vary from one point to another across the landscape. Observations for map unit components are aggregated to develop ranges of characteristics for the components. The aggregated values are presented. Direct measurements do not exist for every property presented for every map unit component. Values for some properties are estimated from combinations of other properties. While a soil survey is in progress, samples of some of the soils in the area generally are collected for laboratory analyses and for engineering tests. Soil scientists interpret the data from these analyses and tests as well as the field-observed characteristics and the soil properties to determine the expected behavior of the soils under different uses. Interpretations for all of the soils are field tested through observation of the soils in different uses and under different levels of management. Some interpretations are modified to fit local conditions, and some new interpretations are developed to meet local needs. Data are assembled from other sources, such as research information, production records, and field experience of specialists. For example, data on crop yields under defined levels of management are assembled from farm records and from field or plot experiments on the same kinds of soil. Predictions about soil behavior are based not only on soil properties but also on such variables as climate and biological activity. Soil conditions are predictable over long periods of time, but they are not predictable from year to year. For example, soil scientists can predict with a fairly high degree of accuracy that a given soil will have a high water table within certain depths in most years, but they cannot predict that a high water table will always be at a specific level in the soil on a specific date. After soil scientists located and identified the significant natural bodies of soil in the survey area, they drew the boundaries of these bodies on aerial photographs and identified each as a specific map unit. Aerial photographs show trees, buildings, fields, roads, and rivers, all of which help in locating boundaries accurately. 6 Soil Map The soil map section includes the soil map for the defined area of interest, a list of soil map units on the map and extent of each map unit, and cartographic symbols displayed on the map. Also presented are various metadata about data used to produce the map, and a description of each soil map unit. 7 i Custom Soil Resource Repor~ Soil Map (loannou Subdivision) m e N ~ 724800 72afl50 724900 %24550 725000 725050 41°8'27" ~ 41°8'27" ~~q` 0 ,n N ~ ~ R 'a,- I 0 0 m m k. e d V O N _ U y O ;'t j '3J tel.' f . . p ~4. ~ o - o ..,4,, N e a v.: a J' rt o m Q Y o N ~ T mgr ~ W .F x~ ~:n' a n 41 " 8' 13" 41 ° 8' 13" 724800 724850 724900 -2a95o ~?5000 725050 m Map Scale. 1.2,080 d printed on A s¢e (8.5" x 11") sheet. m ~ N Meters 0 20 40 80 120 ~ Feet 0 50 100 200 300 Custom Soil Resource Report MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) ~ Very Stony Spot Map Scale: 1:2,080 if printed on A size (8.5" x 11 sheet. Area of Interest (AOI) ,t Wet Spot soils The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:20,000. ~ Other Soil Map Units Special Line Features Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map • Special Point Features _ Gully measurements. Blowout Short Steep Slope Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service ® Borrow Pit Web Soil Surve URL: htt //websoilsurve .nres.usda. ov r. , Other y p~ y g Clay spot Coordinate System: UTM Zone 18N NAD83 Political Features ~ Closed Depression Cities ~ This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of X Gravel Pit Water Features the version date(s) listed below. Gravelly Spot Q Oceans Soil Survey Area: Suffolk County, New York ® Landfill Streams and Canals Survey Area Data: Version 9, Feb 26, 2010 A Lava Flow Transportation a-~+ Rails Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 8/1/2006 Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Interstate Highways The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were US Routes compiled and digitized probably differs from the background p Miscellaneous water - imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting p Perennial water Major Roads of map unit boundaries may be evident. ~ Rock Outcrop ^i Local Roads + Saline Spat • Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot p Sinkhole yy Slide or Slip ~ Sodic Spot Spoil Area Q Stony Spot Custom Soil Resource Report Map Unit Legend (loannou Subdivision) SutfoBc CoYnty, Now Ymk {NY70) , MsP Urgt S7lmbot . Mrp Uqq Rime Acros In Af01 Percent of AAI Bc ,Beaches 1.0 12.2% I Fd !Fill land, dredged material 0.5 6.5°,6 MfC i Montauk fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 1.3 15.9% PIA ~ Plymouth loamy sand, O l0 3 percent slopes 3.2 39.5% RdA Riverhead sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 1.2 i 14.9% SdA Scio silt loam, sandy substratum 0 to 2 percent 0.8 i 9.6% slopes W Water 0.1 1.2% Wtl Walpole santly loam 0.0 0.2% Totals for Area of Interest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.0 700.0°h Map Unit Descriptions (loannou Subdivision) The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They generally are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used. Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with some characteristics of each. A few areas of minor components may not have been observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially 10 Custom Soil Resource Report where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape. The presence of minor components in a map unit in noway diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic classes but rather to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties and qualities. Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soil series. Except for differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement. Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity, degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series. Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas. These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups. A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all areas. Alpha-Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example. An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar. Alpha- Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform. An area can be made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up of all of them. Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example. 11 Custom Soil Resource Report Suffolk County, New York Bc-Beaches Map Unit Setting Elevation: 0 to 100 feet Mean annual precipitation: 45 to 50 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 54 degrees F Frost-free period: 150 to 225 days Map Unit Composition Beaches: 100 percent Description of Beaches Interpretive groups Land capability (noninigated): 7s Fd-Fill land, dredged material Map Unit Setting Mean annual precipitation: 45 to 50 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 54 degrees F Frost-free period: 150 to 225 days Map Unit Composition Fill land, dredged material: 95 percent Description of Fill Land, Dredged Material Interpretive groups Land capability (nonirrigated): 7s MfC-Montauk fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting Mean annual pnecipitation: 45 to 50 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 54 degrees F Frost-flee period: 150 to 225 days Map Unit Composition Montauk and similar soils: S5 percent Description of Montauk Setting Landform: Moraines 12 Custom Soil Resource Report Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Crest Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Loamy till over firm sandy till, derived mainly from crystalline rock Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent Depth to resMctive feature: More than SO inches Drainage class: Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to hansmit water (Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.57 inlhr) Depth to water table: About 16 to 36 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity: Low (about 4.2 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability (noninigated): 3e Typical profile 0 to 2 inches: Fine sandy loam 2 to 27 inches: Fine sandy loam 27 to 60 inches: Loamy sand PIA-Plymouth loamy sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes Map Unit Setting Mean annual precipitation: 45 to 50 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 54 degrees F Frost-free period: 150 to 225 days Map Unit Composition Plymouth and similar soils: 85 percent Description of Plymouth Setting Landform: Moraines, outwash plains Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Acid sandy glaciofluvial or deltaic deposits Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Excessively drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): High to very high (5.95 to 19.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None 13 . • Custom Soil Resource Report Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity: Very low (about 2.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability (nonirrigated): 3s Typical profile 0 to 4 inches: Loamy sand 4 to 27 inches: Loamy sand 27 to 60 inches: Gravelly coarse sand RdA-Riverhead sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes Map Unit Setting Mean annual precipitation: 45 to 50 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 54 degrees F Frost-free period: 150 to 225 days Map Unit Composition Riverhead and similar soils: 80 percent Description of Riverhead Setting Landform: Moraines, outwash plains Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Convex Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Loamy glaciofluvial deposits overlying stratified sand and gravel Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): High (1.98 to 5.95 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity Low (about 5.1 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability (nonirrigated): 2s Typical profile 0 to 12 inches: Sandy loam 12 to 27 inches: Sandy loam 27 to 35 inches: Gravelly loamy sand 35 to 65 inches: Stratified coarse sand to gravelly sand 14 Custom Soil Resource Report SdA~cio silt loam, sandy substratum, 0 to 2 percent slopes Map Unit Setting Elevation: 100 to 1,000 feet Mean annual precipitation: 45 to 50 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 54 degrees F Frost-flee period: 150 to 225 days Map Unit Composition Scio, sandy substratum, and similar soils: 85 percent Description of Scio, Sandy Substratum Setting Landform: Lake plains Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Convex Parent material: Glaciolacustrine deposits, eolian deposits, or old alluvium, comprised mainly of silt and very fine sand Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 2 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Moderately well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.20 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 18 to 24 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity: Moderate (about 6.9 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability (nonirrigated): 2w Typical profile 0 to 1 inches: Highly decomposed plant material 1 to 8 inches: Silt loam 8 to 29 inches: Silt loam 29 to 39 inches: Silt loam 39 to 60 inches: Stratified gravelly sand W-Water Map Unit Setting Mean annual precipitation: 45 to 50 inches 15 Custom Soil Resource Report Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 54 degrees F Frost-flee period: 150 to 225 days Map Unit Composition Water: 100 percent Description of Water Properties and qualities Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of Flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Wd-Walpole sandy loam Map Unit Setting Mean annual precipitation: 45 to 50 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 54 degrees F Frost-free period: 150 to 225 days Map Unit Composition Walpole, poorly drained, and similar soils: 50 percent Walpole, somewhat poorly drained, and similar soils: 35 percent Description of Walpole, Poorly Drained Setting Landform: Outwash plains Landform position (two-dimensional): Footslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material: Sandy glaciofluvial deposits Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Poorly drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.20 to 5.95 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 6 to 12 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity: Low (about 5.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability (nonirrigated): 4w Typical profile 0 to 1 inches: Highly decomposed plant material 1 to 6 inches: Sandy loam 6 to 27 inches: Sandy loam 16 Custom Soil Resource Report 27 to 60 inches: Sand Description of Walpole, Somewhat Poorly Drained Setting Land(orm: Outwash plains Landform position (two-dimensional): Footslope Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Concave Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material: Sandy glaciofluvial deposits Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Somewhat poorly drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.20 to 5.95 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 6 to 18 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity: Low (about 5.4 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability (noninigated): 4w Typical profile 0 fo 1 inches: Highly decomposed plant material 1 to 6 inches: Sandy loam 6 to 27 inches: Sandy loam 27 to 60 inches: Sand 17 • References American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2004. Standard specifications for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing. 24th edition. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2005. Standard classification of soils for engineering purposes. ASTM Standard D2487-00. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deep-water habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS-79/31. Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal Register. September 18, 2002. Hydric soils of the United States. Hurt, G.W., and L.M. Vasilas, editors. Version 6.0, 2006. Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States. National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteristics and boundaries. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. http://soils.usda.gov/ Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. http://soils.usda.gov/ Soil Survey Staff. 2006. Keys to soil taxonomy. 10th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://soils.usda.gov/ Tiner, R.W., Jr. 1985. Wetlands of Delaware. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Wetlands Section. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report Y-87-1. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National forestry manual. http://soils.usda.gov/ United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National range and pasture handbook. http://www.glti.nres.usda.gov/ United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National soil survey handbook, title 430-VI. http://soils.usda.gov/ United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2006. Land resource regions and major land resource areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 296. http://soils. usda.gov/ 18 Custom Soil Resource Report United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1961. Land capability classification. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 210. 19 • STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN FOR: STANDARD SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU SCTM #1000-O1-14.7 & 1000-23-02-5.6 3 Lot Residential Subdivision Main Road East Marion, NY Town of Southold County of Suffolk New York CONTACT: Jeffrey T. Butler, P.E., P.C. 206 Lincoln Street Riverhead, NY 11901 Tel: (631) 208-8850 PERMITTEE: Constantine Ioannou 105 Beverly Road Douglaston, New York Tel: (718) 545-3131 DATE: March 23, 2011 s • Table of Contents A. SITE DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................1 1. Project Description l 2. Existing Site Conditions ............................................................................2 3. Wetlands ....................................................................................................2 4. Soils ...........................................................................................................2 5. Historic Places and Archeological Resources ...........................................3 B. PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES 3 1. Temporary Staked Haybales/Silt Fencing .................................................3 2. Mulching ....................................................................................................3 3. Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit .........................................3 4. Tree Preservation and Protection ...............................................................4 5. Stone Drain Inlet Protection .....................................................................4 6. Soil Stock Piles ..........................................................................................4 7. Surface Stabilization (Permanent Vegetation Controls) ............................4 8. Maintenance of Erosion and Sediment Control Measures ........................7 a. Site Inspections ........................................................................................7 b. Reporting 7 C. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ..........................................................................7 1. Construction Overall Start and End Dates (Homes Currently Sold).........7 D. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE .........................................................................8 1. Construction Schedule Sequence & Equipment - (Roadway) 8 2. Construction Schedule Sequence & Equipment - (Dwellings) .................9 3. Construction Area Parameters 9 4. Project Construction and Operation ..........................................................10 E. POLLUTION PREVENTION AND WASTE DISPOSAL ..................................10 1. General Pollution Prevention-During Construction ...............................10 2. Maintenance of Pennanent Water Quality Control ...................................10 3. Construction Site Log Book l l APPENDLY A Sample Inspection Log Report ......................................................19 APPENDIX B List of Contractors .........................................................................20 APPENDIX C Custom Soil Resource Report Attached . ~ • A. SITE DESCRIPTION: The site is 6.82 acres off Main Road in East Marion. It is currently identified as Tax Parcels 1000-01-14.7 & 1000-23-02-5.6. The property is currently within the zoning district R80. The proposal is to divide the parcel into three residential lts ranging in size from 80,000 sq. ft. to 119,408 sq. ft. There is an existing dwelling which at this time is shown to remain. The properties bordered by the Long Island Sound to the North, a single family residence to the West, a single family residence to the East and Main Road (SR 25) to the South. Main Road (SR 25) is a State maintained right of way which serves as access to the property. 1. Project Description: Request To Construct: 3 Lot residential subdivision for single family dwellings with a private right of way connecting to Main Road. (Dwelling on Lot 2 exists) Area of Parcel: 297,010 sq. ft. (6.8 acres) Square Footage of Existing Building(s): 3268 sq. ft. Square Footage of Proposed Drive (Gravel): 6850 sq. ft. Proposed area of disturbance: 35,000 sq. ft. (.8 Acre) Proposed Impervious Surfaces (includes buildings and driveways: 3.3% (10,000 sq. ft.) Minimum setbacks of Proposed Buildings/Structures: Front: 60 ft. Side: 20 ft. Rear: 75 ft. (100 at water) Wetlands: 100 Soi] Type: RdA, SdA, RdB, MfC, PiA Max Clearing Allowed: Lot 1-24,400 sq. ft. Lot 2-29,852 sq. ft.* Lot 3-28,000 sq. ft. Flood Hazard Zone: AE 11 Range In Elevation: MHWM to 20 (F. T. datum) Name of Abutting Water Body: Long Island Sound Depth To Water Table: 8.6' Public Water Available?: No Source of Water Supply: Private well Connection to Sewage Treatment Available: No Type of Sewage Waste Disposal Proposed: Private systems (ST,LP) Adjacent Land Uses/Zoning: R80 Number of Access Points: 1 *Note that Lot 2 is already improved with a single family dwelling and cleared as part of this project. In addition, Lots 1 and 3 are already partially cleared and planted with lawn areas. I estimate the total land disturbance associated with the improvements necessary to develop Lot 1 and 3 and develop the private drive to be approximately 35,000 sq. ft. According to the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Construction Activity, this project is required to submit a NOI and SWPPP with Erosion and Sediment Controls as dictated by the New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control. The project is residential in nature, has less than 5 acres of disturbance and has less than 25% impervious cover when completed. The proposed project, Subdivision of Constantine Ioannou, involves the development of a 6.8 acre piece of residentially zoned land (R-80) on Main Road in East Marion, New York into a 3 Lot residential subdivision for single family dwellings with related improvements such as, but not limited to, a private driveway (Kristi Rose Court), site drainage, site landscaping, sanitary and private water wells. The access to the site is via Main Road (SR 25), which is a NY State owned and maintained improved road. Potential pollutant sources are limited to those associated with a residential construction project. These potential impacts will be contained on the site through the implementation of the erosion control plan. 2. Existing Site Conditions The site is currently improved with a single family dwelling and a barn and has a dirt driveway cut in off Main Road. The site is partially wooded with several species off hazdwoods and pines and partially cleared with a lawn. A single family dwelling and a detached barn exist and are proposed to remain as part of this project. The property surfaces exist today as noted: Wooded: 50.0% 148,104 sq. ft. Cleared: 48.9% 145,638 sq. ft. Buildings: 1.1% 3,268 sq. ft. 3. Wetlands The site abuts the Long Island Sound to the North. The setback requirement on the proposed map is 100' from the top of bluff. There is a parcel on the South side of Main Road which is a wetland area. This parcel is not proposed to be part of the developed azea and is to remain "as is". 4. Soils According to the "Custom Soil Resource Report for Suffolk County, New York for Ioannou Subdivision" (see attached), the project site contains Soil Type: Beaches (Bc), Fi1lLand (Fd), Montauk Fine Sandy Loan, 8 to 15% slopes (MfC), Plymouth Loamy Sand, 0- 3%slopw (PiA), Riverhead Sandy Loam, 0 to 3% slopes (RdA), Scio Silt Loam, 0 to 2% slopes (SdA), Walpole Sandy Loam, (Wd). In addition to the Soil Report, a test hole was conducted on site to determine the specific soil characteristics for the property (refer to site plan). 2 5. Historic Places and Archeological In accordance with GP-0-10-001 Part III.A.8, research has been completed using the New York State Historic Preservation Office-GIS for determining adjacent properties on or eligible for historic places or archeological resources. It has been determined that none of the adjacent properties are on or eligible for historic status or are within an archeological sensitive area. It is noted that al] of the proposed construction activity and stormwater discharge is designed to be contained on site and not within any defined archeological or historically sensitive area. As such, no further measures are necessary beyond those proposed. B. PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES Specific methods and materials employed in the installation and maintenance of erosion control measures conform to the "New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control" (NYSDEC, August 2005) Blue Book. 1. Temporary Staked Haybales/Silt Fencing Haybale and silt screen barriers will be installed at the limit of construction activities along the length of the project site and at the specific clearing limits of each phase prior to any clearing activities, and will be the primary sediment and erosion control measure. Bales shall be securely anchored in place by stakes or re-bar driven through the bales. The first stake in each bale shall be angled toward the previously laid bale to force bales together. Silt fencing shall be placed on slope contours to maximize ponding efficiency. Haybales will be removed when they have served their purpose so as not to block or impede storm flow or drainage. Haybales must be replaced at three month intervals. 2. Mulching Installation of mulch and associated anchoring in accordance with the "New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control" (NYSDEC, August 2005) shall be done in areas exposed for more than seven days. This includes temporary stabilization of the existing slope at the west end of the site, beyond the cul-de-sac, when construction in this area has temporarily ceased for more than 7 days. 3. Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit and Construction Road Stabilization The site entrance/exit and construction road shall be maintained in a condition that will 3 • prevent tracking or flowing of sediment onto public-right-of--ways in accordance with the "New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control" (NYSDEC, August 2005). This may require top dressing, repair and/or cleanout of any measures used to trap sediment. When necessary, wheels shall be cleaned prior to entrance onto public right- of-way. When washing is required, it shall be done on an area stabilized with crushed stone that drains into an approved sediment trap or sediment basin. 4. Tree Preservation and Protection All trees and other vegetation to remain shall be protected and remain undisturbed. Prior to construction, the contractor will install snow fencing along the dripline of the canopy to protect all existing trees scheduled to remain. If grade changes exceed 12" within 10' of any existing tree to remain, the contractor shall instal] tree wells or tree (retaining) walls in accordance with NYC-DPR specifications to preserve the existing tree. 5. Storm Drain Inlet Protection A temporary, somewhat permeable barrier meeting the requirements of the Blue Book must be installed around inlets in the form of a fence, berm or excavation around an opening, trapping water and thereby reducing the sediment content of sediment laden water by settling the purpose of which is to prevent heavily sediment laden water from entering a storm drain system through inlets. 6. Soil Stock Piles The two areas chosen for stockpiling operations (see plan) shall be dry and stable. Stockpiles shall be established with a maximum slope of 2 on 1. Upon completion of soil stockpiling, each pile shall be surrounded with staked haybales and silt fencing as described above. Piles will then be stabilized with vegetation (seeding with quick germinating species within 7 days) or covered. 7. Surface Stabilization (Permanent Vegetation Controls) Recreation Area (Lawn) Improvements Time of Planting Plantings will be done from August I Sm to May 15~h, where possible. If plantings need to be done during summer months, irrigation will be used to ensure successful seeding. Site Preparation 1) Topsoil: Following installation of erosion control measures and any site re-grading needed, a minimum of 4" of topsoil will be placed in areas to be seeded. Topsoil will have the following specifications: a) Topsoil shall have at least 6% fine textured organic material by weight, and no greater than 20%. b) Topsoil shall have at least 20% fine textured material passing the No.200 sieve 4 c) Topsoil shall not have more than 15% clay. d) Topsoil treated with soil sterilants or herbicides shall be identified to purchaser. e) Topsoil shall be relatively free of stones > 1.5" diameter, trash, noxious weeds, and will have <10% gravel. f) Topsoil containing soluble salts >SOOppm shall not be used. Topsoil shall be distributed to a uniform depth over the area, and shall not be placed when it is partly frozen, muddy, or on frozen slopes or over ice, snow, or standing water. Topsoil placed and graded on slopes greater than 5% shall be promptly fertilized, seeded, mulched and stabilized by "tracking" with suitable equipment. 2) Seedbed will be prepared by loosening soil to a depth of 4-6". 3) Lime: Pulverized limestone will be applied by machine as needed to establish a pH of 6.5. 4) Fertilizer: Commercial fertilizer will be applied at a rate of 850 pounds of 5-10-10 or equivalent per acre (201bs/1,OOOsq.ft). 5) Limestone and fertilizer will be incorporated into the top 2-4" of topsoil. 6) Foreign matter, sticks, and stones over 1"diameter will be removed from surface, and the seedbed will be firmed. Plantine The following seed mixture will be used for this site: 50% Kentucky bluegrass at a rate of 1301bs/acre 50% Perennial ryegrass at a rate of 1301bs/acre OR 100% tall fescue, turf-type, fine leaf, at a rate of 150-2001bs/acre Seeds shall be applied by machine to a depth of/<" and firmed in such a manner as to provide uniform, vigorous stand. Seeded areas shall be kept moist by contractor to ensure proper germination. Bare areas shall be re-seeded as often as necessary to establish 100% coverage. Maintenance Approximately 3-4 weeks after germination, fertilizer shall be applied at a rate of llb/1,OOOsq.ft. using a complete fertilizer with a 2-1-1 or 4-1-3 ratio. If air temperatures exceed 85~F for an extended period, fertilizer will be applied once temperatures cool. New seedlings shall also be protected from use to allow development of a dense sod with good root structure. For long term maintenance, pH of seeded areas shall be kept between 6.0-7.0. Areas shall be fertilized in late May to early June with 10-10-10 analysis fertilizer at a rate of lOlbs/1,OOOsq.ft. Fertilizing shall be repeated in late August is sod density is not adequate. Compacted or heavily used areas will be aerated annually using a spoon or hollow tine type aerator. Any bare areas will be reseeded with seed mixture described above. Trees, Shrubs, and Vines Plant Material 5 1) All planting material shall be first quality, nursery-grown and true to genus and species. Plant materials that display irregularities in habit or other characteristics not typical of the species, or which display mechanical damage will be rejected by the landscape architect. 2) All plant material shall be certified by grower to be free of disease and insects. Contractor will provide certification from grower to landscape architect/engineer. 3) All plant material shall be off loaded, moved and placed with deliberate care to avoid dropping or otherwise damaging plant material. Plants damaged or disfigured during transit or offloading will be rejected. 4) Prior to delivery, the trunk, branches, and foliage of the plants shall be sprayed with a non- toxic antidesicant according to manufacturers recommendations (except for state nursery seedlings). 5) Plant species will be selected from "Trees Suitable for Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York", from the New York State Standards and Specifications for Sediment and Erosion Control (NYSDEC, August 2005). Plantin Time Deciduous trees and shrubs shall be planted April lsc-June lsc and October 15cn-December 15cn. Evergreen trees shall be planted April lsc-June lsc and September lsc-November 15~n. Site Preparation Individual sites for plantings seedlings will be prepared by scalping the sod away from a 4sq.ft. area where the seedling is to be planted. Al] planting beds shall be cultivated to a depth of 8" or chemically treated for weed control. Foreign objects that will interfere with the plantings shall be removed. Plantine All trees and shrubs will be planted with spacing to allow for mature crown size. The following guides will be observed, where possible: large trees 50-60' apart, small trees 20-30' apart, columnar species 6-8' apart, hedges 1-4' apart, and shrubs will be planted so mature shrubs will touch or overlap by 1-2'. Plants shall be located as shown on the approved site plan. Prior to planting, the galvanized wire basket securing the root ball will be removed, and the burlap covering around the stem will be untied and rolled down. Plants will be set upright in holes, and will be watered thoroughly on the day of planting. Immediately after planting, deciduous tree trunks will be wrapped from the bottom to the first limb with 4" wide bituminous impregnated, insect resistant tape or paper manufactured for that purpose. Tree will be tied with jute at top and bottom. Disturbed area around individual planted trees and shrubs shall be mulched with a 2-3" layer of woodchips. Wood chips will be pulled 1"away from the base of shrubs to avoid fungus development. Injured twigs and branches shall be pruned following planting. However, the shape of the plant should not change. 6 Maintenance After all work is complete, all excess soil, peat moss, debris, etc. will be removed from site. Plants will be watered two weeks after planting, and then every two weeks for two years during dry periods exceeding three weeks without rain. After one year, wraps will be removed. 8. Maintenance of Erosion and Sediment Control Measures Site inspections will be conducted by a qualified professional as described in New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity Permit No. GP-0-10-001, or a person knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control working under the supervision of a certified professional. The following maintenance schedule and protocols will be used during construction: 1. Sediment barriers, including the haybales and silt fencing, will be inspected weekly and following rain events of greater than 0.5". Repairs to haybales and silt fencing will be made as needed following inspection or replaced every three months. Maintenance measures for construction road stabilization, storm drain inlet protection and mulch shall be done in accordance with the "New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control" (NYSDEC, August 2005). 2. Permanent vegetation controls: a. All lawn areas will be inspected weekly and re-seeded as needed to maintain 100% coverage. All lawn areas will be mowed and watered by contractor to maintain grass at a maximum of 2.5". b. Planting areas will be inspected weekly and re-planted as needed. Contractor shall guarantee all plant material for one year following the date of final inspection and acceptance by owner. If more than five acres are exposed at any given time during construction, inspections must occur at a frequency of two per week and separated by at least two calendar days. In this case, conduct post-rain event inspections for those measures specified in the "New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control" (NYSDEC, August 2005). Post-rain event inspections maybe expanded to include al] on-site ESCs provided the aforementioned schedule requirements are met. b) Reporting A site inspection report shall be completed following weekly site visits. A summary report will be prepared and posted on site each month. C. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1. Construction Overall Start and End Dates er homes currentl sold Dwelling on Status of Sale Construction Start Date Construction Finish Date Lot Number 7 1 - - - 2 - Developed 3 - - - D. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE Construction will commence first with infrastructure, which is clearing, rough grading, installation of drainage structures, utilities and placing gravel on the roadway. The proposed development of the single family dwellings for the lots 1 and 3 will then take place over time on an as sold basis with utility hook-ups and final grading to follow. Please refer to the table below. Note that the site is estimated to be fill neutral. 1. Construction Schedule Sequence & Equipment- (Driveway) Estimated overall start date: - - and Estimated overall end date: - - Task Name Type of Materials Materials Estimated End And Date Machine Exported Imported Trips Date (EST) Stake Out N/A - - _ 7/1/11 Land Clearing & Bulldozer Installation of Chipper Berms and Excavator - 2 Hay Bales, Etc. Dump 6/7/11 Trucks Grading Bulldozer - - _ 7/1/11 Drainage Excavator - Pipes, Z 7/15/11 Trucks leachin ools Utilities Backhoe 6/7/10 - 8 Gravel Trucks - Gravel and 8/1/11 Tractor Sub base 4 The following table outlines the construction sequence for each of the 2 dwellings. 2. Construction Schedule Sequence & Equipment- (Dwellings) Estimated overall start date: and Estimated overall end date: based on number of homes current] sold Task Name Type of Materials Materials Estimated Start End Machine Ex orted Im orted Tri s Date Date InfrastrueCUre Stake Out N/A - - _ Foundation Excavator - Concrete 2 Concrete Trucks Dwing Lumber - Lumber 8 Trucks Sanitary System Backhoe Precast 1 pools Final Grading Bulldozer - - - Gravel Trucks - Gravel 4 Tractor trucks Landscaping Bobcat - Nursery 2 Trucks stock Note that personal vehicles and light trucks are not counted. This is typical for 1 dwelling, multiply by 9 for complete site 3. Construction Area Parameters The site encompasses a total of 6.81 acres. The project development is to be phased with .15 acres disturbed during the private roadway installation and .85 additional acres to be disturbed during the home construction. Due to the slopes of the property, there will be one universal erosion and control plan implemented and maintained during the course of the project. 9 4. Project Construction and Operation Construction for the roadway and the development of the 3 lots is expected to last for 12 months. During construction, material handling and storage will occur within the construction entrance gate which will be stabilized with a crushed stone base as noted. The site will be secured by a chain link fence and gate. E. POLLUTION PREVENTION AND WASTE DISPOSAL Stormwater management on this site has been designed in accordance with the New York State Stormwater Management Design manual prepared by the Center for Watershed Protection for the NYSDEC (August 2010). Management practices incorporated for this project include installation of leaching pools (drywells). 1. General Pollution Prevention-During Construction During construction operations, roll off containers will be placed within the site in order to facilitate disposal of construction debris. Work areas shall be maintained in an orderly and clean manner to prevent wind blown litter from exiting site. Potential hazardous material, if any, will be segregated in separate containers for transport to an approved off-site receiving area. These potential pollutants will be covered with plastic to avoid contact with rainwater and contamination of the associated runoff while on site and during transportation. No on-site disposal of any construction materials will be permitted. A temporary portable restroom will be put on site and utilized during the construction phase. The contractor is required to have an emergency spill kit on site during the construction phases. Temporary fuel storage for the fueling of construction equipment will not take place. 2. Maintenance of Permanent Water Quality Control Following construction, leaching pools (drywells) and catch basins will be cleaned to remove sediments accumulated during construction. All construction erosion control measures are to be removed and all landscaping is to be installed. The leaching pools (drywells) which are to remain private property, they are to be cleaned to remove sediments accumulated during construction. The landscape grow in is to be monitored and dressed up as necessary to comply with the plan. The individual owners are to inspect all leaching pools (dry wells) monthly and after any significant rainfall. All leaching pools (drywells) are to be kept free of unwanted vegetation and debris. Then, annually, leaching pools (drywells) will be cleaned and pumped if necessary to remove accumulated sediment to maintain proper function. Sediments removed will be trucked to an approved upland site for disposal. Landscaped areas are to be reseeded and re-mulched on an annual basis. The information regarding post construction contact information is not available at this time. The 3 lots are intended to be sold off to individual owners and are not for sale at 10 • i STATE POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CONSTRUCTION SITE LOG BOOK KRISTI ROSE COURT SCTM #1000-23-O1-14.7 & 1000-23-02-5.6 3 Lot Residential Subdivisions Main Road East Narion, NY Town of Southold County of Suffolk New York PERMITTEE: Constantine Ioannou 105 Beverly Road Douglaston, NY Tel: (718) 545-3131 12 • • I. PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING DOCUMENTS Project Name: Permit No.: Date of Authorization: Name of Operator: Prime Contractor: a. Preamble to Site Assessment and Inspections -The Following Information To Be Read By All Person's Involved in The Construction of Stormwater Related Activities: The Operator agrees to have a qualified professional conduct an assessment of the site prior to the commencement of constructionZ and certify in this inspection report that the appropriate erosion and sediment controls described in the SWPPP have been adequately installed or implemented to ensure overall preparedness of the site for the commencement of construction. Prior to the commencement of construction, the Operator shall certify in this site logbook that the SWPPP has been prepared in accordance with the State's standards and meets all Federal, State and local erosion and sediment control requirements. When construction starts, site inspections shall be conducted by the qualified professional at least twice every 7 calendar days and within 24 hours of the end of a storm event of 0.5 inches or greater (Construction Duration Inspections). The two inspections have to be separated by at least two days. The Operator shall maintain a record of all inspection reports in this site logbook. The site logbook shall be maintained on site and be made available to the permitting authorities upon request. The Operator shall post at the site, in a publicly accessible location, a summary of the site inspection activities on a monthly basis (Monthly Summary Report - not required by Permit No.GP-0-10-001). The operator shall also prepare a written summary of compliance with this general permit at a minimum frequency of every three months (Operator's Compliance Response Form), while coverage exists. The summary should address the status of achieving each component of the SWPPP. Prior to filing the Notice of Termination or the end of permit term, the Operator shall have a qualified professional perform a final site inspection. The qualified professional shall certify that the site has undergone final stabilization using either vegetative or structural stabilization methods and that all temporary erosion and sediment controls (such as silt fencing) not ' "Qualified Professional means a person knowledgeable in the principles and practice of erosion and sediment controls, such as a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), soil scientist, licensed engineer or someone working under the direction and supervision of a licensed engineer (person must have experience in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control). z "Commencement of construction" means the initial removal of vegetation and disturbance of soils associated with clearing, grading or excavating activities or other construction activities. ' "Final stabilization" means that all soil-disturbing activities at the site have been completed and a uniform, perennial vegetative cover with a density of eighty (80) percent has been established or equivalent stabilization measures (such as the use of mulches or geotex[iles) have been employed on all unpaved areas and areas no[ covered by permanent structures. 13 • needed for long-term erosion control have been removed. In addition, the Operator must identify and certify that all permanent structures described in the SWPPP have been constructed and provide the owner(s) with an operation and maintenance plan that ensures the structure(s) continuously functions as designed. b. Operator Certification-attached c. Qualified Professional's Credentials & Certification "I hereby certify that I meet the criteria set forth in the General Permit to conduct site inspections for this project and that the appropriate erosion and sediment controls described in the SWPPP and as described in the following Pre-construction Site Assessment Checklist have been adequately installed or implemented, ensuring the overall preparedness of this site for the commencement of construction." Name (please print): Title: Date: Address: Phone: E-mail: Signature: d. Pre-construction Site Assessment Checklist (NOTE: Provide comments below as necessary) 1. Notice of Intent, SWPPP, and Contractors Certification: Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Has a Notice of Intent been filed with the NYS Department of Conservation? [ ] [ ] [ ] Is the SWPPP on-site? Where? [ ] [ ] [ ] Is the Plan current? What is the latest revision date? [ ] [ ] [ ] Is a copy of the NOI (with brief description) onsite? Where [ ] [ ] [ ] Have all contractors involved with stormwater related activities signed a contractor's certification? 2. Resource Protection Yes No NA [ J [ ] [ ] Are construction limits clearly flagged or fenced? [ ] [ ] [ ] Important trees and associated rooting zones, on-site septic system absorption fields, existing vegetated areas suitable for filter strips, especially in perimeter areas, have been flagged for protection. [ ] [ ] [ ] Creek crossings installed prior to land-disturbing activity, including clearing and blasting. 14 • 3. Surface Water Protection Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Clean stormwater runoff has been diverted from areas to be disturbed. [ ] [ ] [ ] Bodies of water located either on site or in the vicinity of the site have been identified and protected. [ ] [ ] [ ] Appropriate practices to protect on-site or downstream surface water are installed. [ ] [ ] [ ] Are clearing and grading operations divided into areas <5 acres? 4. Stabilized Construction Entrance Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] A temporary construction entrance to capture mud and debris from construction vehicles before they enter the public highway has been installed. [ ] Other access areas (entrances, construction routes, equipment parking areas) are stabilized immediately as work takes place with gravel or other cover. [ ] [ ] [ ] Sediment tracked onto public streets is removed or cleaned on a regular basis. 5. Perimeter Sediment Controls Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Silt fence material and installation comply with the standard drawing and specifications. [ ] [ ] [ ] Silt fences are installed at appropriate spacing intervals [ ] [ ] Sediment/detention basin was installed as first ]and disturbing activity. [ ] [ ] [ ] Sediment traps and barriers are installed. 6. Pollution Prevention for Waste and Hazardous Materials Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] The Operator or designated representative has been assigned to implement the spill prevention avoidance and response plan. [ ] [ ] [ ] The plan is contained in the SWPPP on page [ ] [ ] [ ] Appropriate materials to control spills are onsite. Where? 15 II. CONSTRUCTION DURATION INSPECTIONS Page 1 of Inspector (print name) Date of Inspection Qualified Professional (print name) Qualified Professional Signature The above signed acknowledges that, to the best of his/her knowledge, all information provided on the forms is accurate and complete. CONSTRUCTION DURATION INSPECTIONS SITE MAP (attach) [ ] 1. Indicate extent of al] disturbed site areas and drainage pathways. [ ] 2. Indicate site areas expected to undergo initial disturbance or significant site work within the next 14-day period. [ ] 3. Indicate all areas that have undergone temporary or permanent stabilization. [ ] 4. Indicate al] disturbed areas that have not undergone active site work during previous 14- dayperiod. Maintaining Water Quality Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Is there an increase in turbidity causing a substantial visible contrast to natural conditions? [ ] [ ] [ ] Is there residue from oil and floating substances, visible oil film, or globules or grease? [ ] [ ] [ ] All disturbances are within the limits of the approved plans. [ ] [ ] [ ] Have receiving lake bay, stream, and/or wetland been impacted by silt from project? Housekeeping 1. General Site Conditions Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Is construction site litter and debris appropriately managed? [ ] [ ] [ ] Are facilities and equipment necessary for implementation of erosion and sediment control in working order and/or properly maintained? [ ] [ ] [ ] Is construction impacting the adjacent property? [ ] [ ] [ ] Is dust adequately controlled? 16 CONSTRUCTION DURATION INSPECTIONS Page 2 of Runoff Control Practices I. Excavation Dewatering Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Upstream and downstream berms (sandbags, inflatable dams, etc.) are installed per plan. [ ] [ ] [ ] Clean water from upstream pool is being pumped to the downstream pool. [ ] [ ] [ ] Sediment laden water from work area is being discharged to asilt-trapping device. [ ] [ ] [ ] Constructed upstream berm with one-foot minimum freeboard. Soil Stabilization 1. Topsoil and Spoil Stockpiles Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Stockpiles are stabilized with vegetation and/or mulch. [ ] [ ] [ ] Sediment control is installed at the toe of the slope. 2. Revegetation Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Temporary seedings and mulch have been applied to idle areas. [ ] [ ] [ ] 4 inches minimum of topsoil has been applied under permanent seedings. Sediment Control 1. Stabilized Construction Entrance Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Stone is clean enough to effectively remove mud from vehicles. [ ] [ ] [ ] Installed per standards and specifications? [ ] [ ] [ ] Does al] traffic use the stabilized entrance to enter and leave site? [ ] [ ] [ ] Is adequate drainage provided to prevent ponding at entrance? 2. Silt Fence Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Installed on Contour, 10 feet from toe of slope (not across conveyance channels). [ ] [ ] [ ] Joints constructed by wrapping the two ends together for continuous suppoR. [ ] [ ] [ ] Fabric buried 6 inches minimum. [ ] [ ] [ ] Posts are stable, fabric is tight and without rips or frayed areas. Sediment accumulation is of design capacity. 17 3. Temporary Sediment Trap Page 3 of Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Outlet structure is constructed per the approved plan or drawing. [ ] [ ] [ ] Geotextile fabric has been placed beneath rock fill. Sediment accumulation is % of design capacity. 4. Temporary Sediment Basin Yes No NA [ ] [ ] [ ] Basin and outlet structure constructed per the approved plan. [ ] [ ] [ ] Basin side slopes are stabilized with seed mulch. [ ] [ ] [ ] Drainage structure flushed and basin surface restored upon removal of sediment basin facility. Sediment accumulation is % of design capacity. 18 CONSTRUCTION DURATION INSPECTIONS Page 4 of b. Modifications to the SWPPP (To be completed as described below) The Operator shall amend the SWPPP whenever: 1. There is a significant change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance which may have a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to the waters of the United States and which has not otherwise been addressed in the SWPPP; or 2. The SWPPP proves to be ineffective in: a. Eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants from sources identified in the SWPPP and as required by this permit; or b. Achieving the general objectives of controlling pollutants in stormwater discharges from permitted construction activity; and 3. Additionally, the SWPPP shall be amended to identify any new contractor or subcontractor that will implement any measure of the SWPPP. Date: Modification & Reason: 19 APPENDIX A-Sample Inspection Log Report 20 • APPENDIX B List of Contractors and Subcontractors Certification; General Contractor In accordance with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges form Construction Activity Permit No. GP-0-10-001: "Trained Contractor -means an employee from the contracting (construction) company, identified in PartIII.A.6., that has received four (4) hours of Department endorsed training in proper erosion and sediment control principles from a Soi] and Water Conservation District, or other Department endorsed entity. After receiving the initial training, the trained contractor shall receive four (4) hours of training every three (3) years. Prior to the commencement of construction activity, the owner or operator must identify the contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) that will be responsible for installing, constructing, repairing, replacing, inspecting and maintaining the erosion and sediment control practices included in the SWPPP; and the contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) that will be responsible for constructing the post-construction stormwater management practices included in the SWPPP. The owner or operator shall have each of the contractors and subcontractors identified at least one person from their company that will be responsible for implementation of the SWPPP. This person shall be known as the trained contractor. The owner or operator shall ensure that at ]east one trained contractor is on site on a daily basis when soil disturbance activities are being performed. 21 Please note that contractors have not been selected at this time. Once contractors are selected, this section will be completed. Company Name Trained Acknowledgement of Trained Contractor's Name compliance w/SWPPP Contact Information Contractor's Signature statement below (Initial) I hereby certify that I understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the SWPPP and agree to implement any corrective actions identified by the qualified inspector during a site inspection. I also understand that the owner or operator must comply with the terms and conditions of the most current version of the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("SPDES") general permit for stormwater discharges from construction activities and that it is unlawful for any person to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards. Furthermore, I understand that certifying false, incorrect or inaccurate information is a violation of the referenced permit and the laws of the state of New York and could subject me to criminal, civil and/or administrative proceedings. 22 i • Please note that subcontractors have not been selected at this time. Once subcontractors are selected, this section will be completed. Company Name Trained Acknowledgement of Trained Subcontractor's Name Subcontractor's Signature compliance w/SWPPP Contact Information statement below (Initial) I hereby certify that I understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the SWPPP and agree to implement any corrective actions identified by the qualified inspector during a site inspection. I also understand that the owner or operator must comply with the terms and conditions of the most current version of the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("SPDES") general permit for stormwater discharges from construction activities and that it is unlawful for any person to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards. Furthermore, I understand that certifying false, incorrect or inaccurate information is a violation of the referenced permit and the laws of the state of New York and could subject me to criminal, civil and/or administrative proceedings. 23 i ~ APPENDIX C-Custom Soil Resource Report 24 _ _ STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING 250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAU PPAUGE, N.Y. 1 1 788-551 8 www.nysdot.gov SUBIMAL CHAKRABO RTI, P.E. JOAN MCDONALD REGIONAL DIRECTOR ACTING COMMISSIONER March 1, 2011 Mr. Joseph Fischetti, P.E., SECB MAP - 4 1725 Hobart Road P.O. Box 616 Southold, NY 11971 Your December 1.2010 Submission Proposed Subdivision for Constantine Ioannou NY 25, East Marion SCTM No. 1000-02300-0100-014007 & 0200- 005006 Our Case No. 10-18474P Dear Mr. Fischetti: This is in regard to the site plans for the referenced project which were submitted to us for review. Prior to an approval of the site work within New York State highway right-of-way and issuance of a New York Slate Highway Work Permit, the following items must be addressed: 1. Please add a note to the plan stating that all work will be coordinated with our Capital Program Project, PIN0808.58, Drainage Improvements. 2. Please show where the catch basins are draining to and the catch basin connections. 3. Thank you for addressing the issue of establishing one (1) NY 25 access point for all three (3) lots as the sole access. The existing driveway should be called out for removal on the plans with appropriate restoration details shown. 4. The Work Zone Traffic Control should also include signing to accommodate bicyclists. Please revise the plans accordingly. Site plan approval for highway work permit issuance is contingent upon our receipt of all of the following items within six (6) months of the date of this letter and no further revisions are made to the plans once we approve them. Mr. Joseph Fischetti March 1, 2011 Page 2 of 2 If the Highway Work Permit will be secured by anyone other than the property owner, i.e. contractor, the applicant must provide a signed letter from the property owner stating the applicant is authorized to act on behalf of the property owner in this matter. The letter must also include the property owner's mailing address and telephone number. Kindly submit three (3) sets of the revised plans, permit fee and surety bond (sample enclosed). It is also mandatory that protective liability insurance be provided by the permittee. This must be accomplished by submitting a completed Perm 17, Certificate of Insurance, in accordance with Option A (form enclosed), or by submitting the fee specified below to be covered under the NYSDOT Blanket Policy. Also enclosed is a Highway Work Permit Application to be completed and returned to us. The same party must secure the application, completed Perm 17 and the Surety Bond. All checks issued to the State of New York must show a Federal Identification Number. Permit Fee (Payable to "State of New York"): $15.00 Bond Amount: $2,500.00 Insurance Fee: $25.00 or Perm 17 Questions concerning this matter should be directed to Mr. Mark Wolfgang at (631) 952-7973. Please send all correspondence to his attention. Kindly refer to the subject case number and County tax map number in all correspondence. Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter. Very truly yours, Cr~° ,,a; S~?netl gy ~ft2;',a A. Sad SHAIK A. SAAD, P.E. Civii Engineer 1L Traffic Engineering and Safety Attachments: Perm 17, Perm 33, Perm 44 cc: Mr. Peter Hams, Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold r. Martin Sidor, Planning Board Chairperson, Town of Southold s. Tamara Sadoo, Planner, Town of Southold SAS:MDW:ajf Sadoo, Tamara From: Sadoo, Tamara Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 10:11 AM To: 'Patricia C. Moore' Subject: RE: Stormwater prevention plan Hi Pat- we do not have the SWPPP forms. They are all on the DEC website as is all of the information pertaining to them. The reason we need to do the SWPPP in addition to the Town's Engineer review for drainage etc. is that the Town of Southold is a designated M54 now. As such, the Town needs to comply with the DEC requirements on this as all of this must be done prior to any construction taking place. The Town reviews the SWPPPa now but it is still a State requirement to complete one. We have built it into to the subdivision process so that once subdivision approval has been given there are no outstanding permits left prior to construction. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks. a Tamara -----Original Message----- From: Patricia C. Moore tmailto:pcmoorelWoptonline.net] Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 12:55 PM To: Sadoo, Tamara Subject: Stormwater prevention plan Jamie Richter is away till Nov.22- do you have the Town's SWPPP form in your machine. Please forward to me the form. Jamie wants the SWPPP submitted prior to construction (subdivision review) but the form is not on the Town's web site. What I do not understand is why subdivisions would not be exempt under the Town's general permit if the subdivision review process incorporates engineering which results in a 0 Stormwater runoff. Houses have gutters, 'leaders & dry wells, roads have drainage plane, and the maps generally have stormwater pollution retention control language (proper silt fence installation for stockpiled dirt). Also- the clearing limits for each lot generally keep clearing (preventing storm water pollution) to less than one acre. I think Jamie has enough to do without reviewing & signing off on SWPPP. Let me know if I have to wait till Jamie returns. Thanks Pat 1 • Page 1 of 1 Sadoo, Tamara • From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 12:13 PM To: Richter, Jamie; Sadoo, Tamara Cc: Terry, Mark Subject: RE: Constantine loannou Standard Subdivision Jamie stopped by our office today to talk about this. I told him the Planning Board would make the S WPPP a condition of the Conditional Final Approval, and he said he would review the drainage at that time. From: Richter, Jamie _ _ _._.w . Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:37 PM To: Sadoo, Tamara Cc: Lanza, Heather; Terry, Mark Subject: Constantine Ioannou Standard Subdivision Tamara: You have sent over the revised drainage plans for the loannou Subdivision project. This project will require the preparation of a complete SWPPP! I have attached a sample SWPPP Template which describes the outline for a proper SWPPP. As we discussed, this project will require a SWPPP that meets with DEC Construction Permit Requirements. The plans sent over to me only begin to address the drainage plan & requirements of the Construction Permit. Please notify the applicant that this SWPPP is needed to review any proposed drainage for this site. If you would like to discuss this requirement in more detail just let me know. Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter. Thank you! Jamie 2/7/201 I MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~QF SU~/ry P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~Q~ Old Southold, NY 11971 Chair ~ * OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ i~ 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III Q~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) DONALD J. WILCENSKI yCl7U~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OFSOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: James Richter, Engineering Inspector From: Tamara Sadoo Date: January 28, 2011 Re: Standard Subdivision for Constantine Ioannou Application Name: Constantine Ioannou Tax Map Number: 1000- 23-1-14.7 Location: The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion. Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: ) X Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated: 4/20/2010 ) Final Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Road Profiles (Dated: 1 Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: ) Other (Dated• ) Sketch Site Plan (Dated: ) Preliminary Site Plan (Dated: 1 Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: ) Other (AS BUILT) (Dated: ) Project Description: This proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 42,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of--way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. Additional Comments: These are the revised drainage plans submitted by the applicant on January 11, 2011. Thank you for your cooperation. _ _ Q(~ PATRICIA C. MOORE 1 " Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: {631)'765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 January 10, 2011 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road JAN 1 1 2011 PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU SCTM:1000-23-1.14:7 Dear Chairman: With reference to the above and pursuant to your letter of December 7, 2010, (copy attached), enclosed please find the following: 1. Revised subdivision plan (6 prints) last dated 1/6/11, highlighted to showing requested revisions 2. Road & Drainage Plan (6 prints) last dated 12/23/2010 3. 6 prints of ERSAP map last dated 12/13/10 Please be advised that Joseph Fischetti has completed the curb-cut plan and same is being reviewed by Mark Wolfgang at this time. Please continue to review this application_for preliminary approval and schedule this matter for public hearing on your nex~~ealendar. Thank you. tru y yours, a' PCM p en C: Mr. & Mrs. Constantine loannou • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ' ~yQF SO(/ry P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~ ~0~ Ql0 Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLLSM J. CREMERS Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ 0 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND Q~ ^ ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) DONALD J. WILCENSKI ~4~Y111 t Southold, NY Telephone: 631 766-1938 Fax: 631 765-3138 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 7, 2010 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore, This letter is in response to your letter dated November 8, 2010. Based upon your November 9, 2010 letter the Southold Town Planning Board has reviewed the file and the history of this application. Whole the Southold Town Planning Board understands your desire to continue to move this application forward towards completion and final approval, it appears that there are a number of items which have been previously requested which remain outstanding. On August 31, 2010 the Southold Town Planning Board sent you a letter requesting a number of items be submitted, stemming from the Monday August 30, 2010 Work Session so that the review process by the Southold Town Planning Board of the above referenced application may continue. These outstanding items are as follows: 1) Please submit drainage plans for the exiting structures on site as well as for the proposed 25' wide right-of--way. 2) Please remove "Minor Subdivision" from the preliminary map and replace the title with "Standard Subdivision for..."followed by "Preliminary Plat" 3) Please submit atable -shown on the preliminary plat -which outlines all `buildable" and "unbuildable" areas as defined by Southold Town Code §240- 3. 4) Please submit asteam-lined ERSAP indicating a/ significant trees on site, all existing structures and setbacks, topography, water resources, vegetative type and cover type, top of bluff lines, scenic viewsheds and any significant natural areas and features. Please refer to Southold Town Code §240-10 for more information. 5) Please indicate upon the Preliminary plat that a 60' landscaped buffer shall remain along S.R. 25. There already is existing vegetation there. 6) Please indicate a 100' non-disturbance buffer from the top of bluff line landward. This non-disturbance buffer shall be maintained in a natural vegetated state. 7) Please indicate upon the map a common beach access 4'(feet) in width for Lots 1 and 3. 8) Please ensure that all these required changes are shown upon the preliminary plat prior to resubmitting the preliminary plat for Southold Town Planning Board review. Once the above referenced items are received the application will continue with the review process. As your letter dated November 8, 2010 states, you are in the process of completing the NYSDOT curb cut plan and having the drainage calculations finalized. You also recently sent me an a-mail dated November 11, 2010 asking about the SWPPP the Town of Southold will require. The Planning Board will require that the SWPPP be submitted for review prior to construction commencing as per New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) requirements and will include this requirement as a condition in the resolution granting Final Approval for this application. I responded to your a-mail on November 12, 2010 pointing you to the NYSDEC website for SWPPP information and forms and explained why the Town of Southold now requires SWPPPs to be submitted. Again, once all of the above referenced items have been submitted and the covenants and restrictions, bond estimate and road and maintenance agreement have been reviewed and approved the application may receive the re-issued Conditional Preliminary Approval now expired since February 15, 2006. Once the application receives Conditional Preliminary Approval, the review for Final Approval will commence. The Southold Town Planning Board would be more than happy to meet with you on this application as your letter dated November 8, 2010 requests. Please call our offices at your earliest convenience so that we may schedule a meeting. We may be reached at (631) 765-1938. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you. Tamara Sadoo Planner • ~ MAILIVM G ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~F ~QUT P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~0~ ~Oj_ Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS G @ 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND ~ ~ /y~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) DONALD J. WILCENSHI ~°VU~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 786-1838 Fax: 831 765-3138 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 7, 2010 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e% Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore, This letter is in response to your letter dated November 8, 2010. Based upon your November 9, 2010 letter the Southold Town Planning Board has reviewed the file and the history of this application. Whole the Southold Town Planning Board understands your desire to continue to move this application forward towards completion and final approval, it appears that there are a number of items which have been previously requested which remain outstanding. On August 31, 2010 the Southold Town Planning Board sent you a letter requesting a number of items be submitted, stemming from the Monday August 30, 2010 Work Session so that the review process by the Southold Town Planning Board of the above referenced application may continue. These outstanding items are as follows: 1) Please submit drainage plans for the exiting structures on site as well as for-~ the proposed 25' wide right-of--way. 2) Please remove "Minor Subdivision"from the preliminary map and replace theme title with "Standard Subdivision for..."followed by "Preliminary Plat" 3) Please submit atable -shown on the preliminary plat -which outlines all "buildable"and "unbuildable"areas as defined by Southold Town Code §240- ? 3. 4) Please submit asteam-lined ERSAP indicating al significant trees on site, ally existing structures and setbacks, topography, water resources, vegetative type and cover type, top of bluff lines, scenic viewsheds and any significant natural areas and features. Please refer to Southold Town Code §240-10 for more information. 5) Please indicate upon the Preliminary plat that a 60' landscaped buffer shall remain along S.R. 25. There already is existing vegetation there. 6) Please indicate a 100' non-disturbance buffer from the top of bluff line landward. This non-disturbance buffer shall be maintained in a natural vegetated state. 7) Please indicate upon the map a common beach access 4'(feet) in width for' Lots 1 and 3. 8) Please ensure that all these required changes are shown upon the preliminary plat prior to resubmitting the preliminary plat for Southold Town Planning Board review. Once the above referenced items are received the application will continue with the review process. As your letter dated November 8, 2010 states, you are in the process of completing the NYSDOT curb cut plan and having the drainage calculations finalized. You also recently sent me an a-mail dated November 11, 2010 asking about the SWPPP the Town of Southold will require. The Planning Board will require that the SWPPP be submitted for review prior to construction commencing as per New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) requirements and will include this requirement as a condition in the resolution granting Final Approval for this application. I responded to your a-mail on November 12, 2010 pointing you to the NYSDEC website for SWPPP information and forms and explained why the Town of Southold now requires SWPPPs to be submitted. Again, once all of the above referenced items have been submitted and the covenants and restrictions, bond estimate and road and maintenance agreement have been reviewed and approved the application may receive the re-issued Conditional Preliminary Approval now expired since February 15, 2006. Once the application receives Conditional Preliminary Approval, the review for Final Approval will commence. The Southold Town Planning Board would be more than happy to meet with you on this application as your letter dated November 8, 2010 requests. Please call our offices at your earliest convenience so that we may schedule a meeting. We may be reached at (631)765-1938. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you. Tamara Sadoo Planner Southold Town Pl~no Board -Work Session -12/6/10 ~pe Two Projectname: loannou, Constantine ,SCTM#: , 1000-23-1-14.7 Location: on the north side of State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in I East Marion Description: This proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 = 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 = 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right- of-way, and„Lot 3 = 80,000 sq. ft. Status: Expired Conditional Preliminary Approval _ Action: Review reply letter to Patricia Moore's letter dated 11-9-2010 .Attachments: Draft Reply Letter Project name: Neumann, James ,SCTM#: ' 1000-107-1-1.1, 107-1-1.2 Location: ;Mattituck Creek and Mill Road, Mattituck _ 'Description: 'This proposal is to create a total of 5 lots from a 24.9 acre parcel with ,one, existing house bordering Mattituck Creek in the R-80 Zone. Status: Open Action: Applicant's agent to address Planning Board. _ _ _ Attachments: None . _ _ . i Project name: Perillo, Thomas 8 Edith I SCTM#:.1000-145-2-17.1 &17.2 Location: Peconic Bay Boulevard Mattituck Description: :This proposed lot line change will transfer 3,887 s.f. (the flagpole} of SCTM#1000-45-2-17.1 to SCTM#1000-145-2-17.2. Lot 17.1 will decrease from 30,235 s.f. to 26,348 s.f., and Lot 17.2 will increase from 22,457 s.f. to 26,344 s.f. An area variance from the ZBA was granted in 2006 for Lot 17.1 to become more non-conforming in the R-40 Zone. Status Open Action: Accept application for review. ,Attachments: Staff Report,. Project name: Flora Nurseries/Girards i, SCTM#: 107-10-10.1 Location: ~ 6900 Wickham Ave, Mattituck Description: Proposed Subdivision Status: _ ~ Withdrawn Action: Consider returning fees paid. Attachments: Discussion: 1. Heritage at Cutchogue property -results of site visit Friday. 2. 2011 Planning Board Schedule for work sessions and public meetings -draft 3. Southold Town Planning Board Applications - 2010 Third Quarter Report 11;08/2010 16:23 [':AA 631 765 4645 ~IOl1Rf L.q6 (1 ~(;p.S ~lannin~ ftoacd CQJ 001 • ~ ~ PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 1197] TeL(631)765-4330 I~ax: (631) 765-4643 November 8, 2010 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 ~,OV -9 2010 Southold, NY 11971 (By Fax) RE: Constantine Ionnou Brionngloid-By-the-sea subdivision SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7 Dear '!Damara e3fter a lengthy Court action between 2001 and 2003 the Planning Board was directed to accept a subdivision application of the subject property, and the 'T'own Board, in good faith, granted a waiver from the moratorium. The Planning Board began the review of the suxbdivision in 2004. The subdivision application. pre-dates the subdivision code Section 240. This subdivision application has been the subject of both :;ketch plan and preliminary plat approval since 2004. The Preliminary plat approval expired while the map was being reviewed by the Suffolk County Health Department. Neverthele;;s, once the HealtYa Department approval was cbtained the map was again ready for prelirminary map re-issuance. Prior to issuance of the extension the Board requested an extension fee of $1,000 which was paid, nevertheless, the Board did not act on our extension. 7: have reviewed the history of this file and find the following: The most recent correspondence from you dated August 31, 2010 asks my client to provide information which was addressed duringsketch plan review, furthermore, the SEQRA determination was completed on August 10, 2004. We have attempted to be cooperative, 11:08/201.0 16:23 PAS 6:51 765 46A;S TIUORI? I,:UF 01~1'I CP:S P7 ann ine Roar~l CQ 002 • • but your requests are going backwards. This subdivision was j started in 2000 and application accepted in 2004, after litigation. Sketch plan approval and SEQRA was granted August 10, 2004 and the resolution directed my client to submit "final maps". The code Chang=_d and Preliminary map approval was required, but it was granted on February 15, 2005. The Health Department approval delayed submission of final maps so Preliminary Map approval was extended to February 15, 2006, and February 15,2007. We requested an additional extension to complete the Health Department approval and paid $1,000 for the extension. This request was held pending becau;ae on August 18, 2009 the Board started asking for additional information regarding the top of the bank and whether the Trustees had jurisdiction over the lots. We again, in good faith, cooperated. After months of delay, the Trustees advised the Board that {.he lots were not within the Trustees jurisdiction, but they asked my client to move the road over to the east by a few feet and design a culvert in order to protect the Dam Pond ecosystem. This cost my client time, engineering, legal and survey fees. After it was reviewed by the Town Engineer this change was completed. We submita ed on September 23, 2009 the items requested in your November 24, 2009 letter: NXSDEC permit which had been issued in 2005, copy of the Bond estimate, proposed C&R',~ and Road Maintenance agreement. We are presently completing the NYSDOT curb cut plan. The engineering is being prepared by Joe Fischetti PE. The drainage calculations are also being finalized. Keeping in mind that the common access is a driveway and that an~~ structures to be constructed on the lots will require compliance with the Town Drainage Code. would respectfully request a meeting with you regarding your August: 31, 2010 letter. This map should be approved, as a final map and the review process be over.. The map has not changed in 10 years, other than the minor design revision to the road entrance to accommodate the Trustee's request. Please contact my office at your earliest convenience. Ve rul you/rs _P3t~Yicia C. Moore cc: Mr. Ioannou ,t euwe r STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING 'LSO VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY H AU PPAUG E, N.Y. 11788-5518 $U BIMAL CNAKRABORTI, P.E. STANLEY GEE REGIONAL DIRECTOR ACTING COMMISSIONER September 27, 2010 Ms. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Town of Southold June 17.2010 Submission Proposed Subdivision for Constantine Ioannou NY 25. East Marion OCT - 1 2010 C No. 1000-02300-0100-014007 & 0200- 0 00' ur C se No. 10-18474P _ Dear Ms. Moore: - This is in regard to the site plans for the referenced project which were submitted to us for review. Prior to the approval of the site work within New York State highway right-of--way and issuance of a New York State Highway Work Permit, the following items must be addressed: 1. In recent years, many states have employed access management as a major technique to address conflicts between through traffic and that generated by developments. The goals of access management are to limit the number of access points, separate conflict points and remove turning traffic from through movements. New York State is utilizing this technique to minimize impacts to State highways. We recommend, therefore, that cross access to this site be obtained from adjacent property. If this is not presently possible, it should be shown on the plans for implementation as part of future redevelopment. 2. We recommend that one (1) NY 25 access point be developed for all three (3) lots as the sole access and all other access points along the NY 25 frontage be removed. The access point to NY 25 should be considered along the frontage to provide the maximum site distance and the minimum disturbance to existing wetlands and vegetation. 3. The plans must show all traffic signs, including text, as well as pavement mazkings, utilities and other appurtenances along the site's State highway frontage. We recommend that the plan preparer consult our website, specifically addressing the plan requirements for residential access to NY 25 at the following web link, https://www.nysdot. og v/reg•onal_ Ms. Patricia C. Moore September 27, 2010 Page 2 of 3 offices/region4/Repository/residentialdriveways.pdf All work and material details should be shown to NYSDOT specifications. 4. A Work Zone Traffic Control plan must be provided for work on NY 25. The plan must include the note "All lanes must be open to traffic before 9 am and after 3 pm. No lane closings are permitted on weekends or holidays. Nighttime lane closings will not be permitted without prior approval from the State Permit Inspector." 5. The plan must include the note "Repair existing shoulder, sidewalk and curbing as ordered by State Engineer." 6. An on site turn around area should be shown on the plans for each lot to preclude the possibility of a vehicle backing out onto NY 25. 7. Please show and call out the nearest NY 25A mile mazker on the plan. 8. A driveway profile or on site elevations, including elevations at the State highway right-of- way line, shall be shown on the plans to ensure that all drainage is contained on site since we do not permit runoff from private property onto the State highways. Add drainage calculations to the plans. 9. A note shall be added to the plans requiring the contractor to clean existing drainage basins along and immediately adjacent to the NY 25 site frontage at the completion of construction. 10. We recommend that permanent survey markers be installed at the property limits along the State highway frontage. 11. Any utility work proposed in State Highway right-of--way will require separate application and submission of plans (installation details, restoration details and Work Zone Traffic Control plan -all referenced to NYSDOT specification item numbers and the National Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices with NYS Supplement) to our Riverhead Maintenance facility. The applicant may contact Mr. Kevin Matthaei at (631) 727-1731 for further directions regarding Utility Highway Work Permit (HWP) applications. The applicant should be made awaze that utility HWP issuance is subject to issuance of the HWP required for site work. Please submit five (5) sets of revised plans. In your response letter, please state how the above comments aze addressed, item by item. Review of the subject material is being coordinated by Mr. Mark Wolfgang. He can be contacted at (631) 952-7973 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Please send all correspondence to his attention. Kindly refer to the subject case number and County tax map number in all correspondence. Ms. Patricia C. Moore • • September 27, 2010 Page 3 of 3 Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter. Very truly yours, L. ,Jr` SI~.A1~~A: ~~GAD, P.E. Civil Engineer III Traffic Engineering and Safety cc: Mr. Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold r. Martin Sidor, Planning Board Chairperson, Town of Southold Ms. Tamara Sadoo, Planner, Town of Southold SAS:MDW:mm MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~pf SO(/j~, P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS G @ 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND ~Q • ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) DONALD J. WILCENSKI l~r,QU~ ~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 76b-1938 Fas: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 31, 2010 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore, The Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the above referenced application at their Monday, August 30, 2010 Work Session. Based upon this review, the Southold Town Planning Board is requesting the following items be submitted by the applicant: ~~/1) Please submit drainage plans for the exiting structures on site as weld / as for the proposed 25' wide right-of-way. 2) Please remove "Minor Subdivision" from the preliminary map and ` py~ replace the title with "Standard Subdivision for..." followed by ~ "Preliminary Plat". „n ~/3) Please submit atable -shown on the preliminary plat -which outlines ~JU~ all "buildable" and "unbuildable" areas as defined by Southold Town ? Code §240-3. /4) Please submit asteam-lined ERSAP indicating al significant trees on site, all existing structures and setbacks, topography, water resources, vegetative type and cover type, top of bluff lines, scenic viewsheds and` any significant natural areas and features. Please refer to Southold Town Code §240-10 for more information. 5) Please provide a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) for the V Town Engineering Inspector to review. ~ i 6) Please indicate upon the Preliminary plat that a 60' landscaped buffer shall remain along S.R. 25. There already is existing vegetation there../' 7) Please indicate a 100' non-disturbance buffer from the top of bluff line landward. This non-disturbance buffer shall be maintained in a natural n vegetated state. 11~Oy' 8) Please ensure that all these required changes are shown upon the preliminary plat prior to resubmitting the preliminary plat for Southold ~ Town Planning Board review. " The Southold Town Planning Board is awaiting clarification from the Southold Town Engineering Inspector regarding submission of the SWPPP, ~ If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Thank you. /C~ir~~ ~Q j~~ Tamara Sadoo ~ Planner e cemw_ ` m STATE OF NEW YORK ~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION `I STATE OFFICE BUILDING 250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAU PPAUG E, N.Y. 1 1 788-551 8 SU BIMAL CHA KRABORTI, P.E. STANLEY GEE REGIONAL DIRECTOR ACTING COMMISSIONER July 14, 2010 Ms. Tamara Sadoo Planner Town of Southold Planning Boazd Office P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 1197E Town of Southold June 17, 2010 Submission Proposed Subdivision for Constantine Ioannou JUL 1 9 2~1~ NY 25, East Marion SCTM No. 1000-02300-0100-014007 & 0200- 005006 Our Case No. 10-18474P Deaz Ms. Sadoo: This is to acknowledge receipt of your submission of the above permit application. In order to work within the right-of--way of NY 25, a NYSDOT Highway Work Permit will be required. The submitted plan is helpful; however, it does not contain sufficient information to progress a meaningful review by our staff. We are in the process of conceptually reviewing the submission and will provide some general comments concerning this submission. We note that atwenty-five foot right-of way is being provided. It appeazs that all three (3) lots could use this right-of--way for access to NY 25. We recommend that this right-of--way be developed for all three (3) lots as the sole access to NY 25 and all other access points along the NY 25 frontage be removed. In the mean time, we recommend that the applicant consult our driveway policy manual which is available on our website at www.nysdot.gov. On the NYSDOT A-Z Site Index click on "H", then click on Highway Work Permits and then click on Policy and Standazds for the Design of Entrances to State Highways. In addition to the driveway design, the publication contains a complete list of items to include on submitted site plans. All work and material details shall be shown referenced to NYSDOT specification item numbers. In addition, the attached NYSDOT Region 10 Project Infonnation Checklist should be fully completed by the applicant and returned to us with future plan submissions. Ms. Tamara Sadoo • July 14, 2010 Page 2 of 2 This permit application should be sensitive to the unique visual and historic setting of the Long Island North Shore Heritage Area, which runs from the Queens/Nassau County line to Orient Point, and from Route 25 or I-495, (whichever is farther south), to Long Island Sound in the north. Questions concerning this matter should be directed to Mr. Mark Wolfgang at (631 } 952-7973. Please send all correspondence to his attention at the address above. Please always refer to the subject Case Number and the County Tax Map Number. Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter. Very yours, SHAIK A. SAAD, P.E. Civil Engineer III Traffic Engineering and Safety Attachment: NYSDOT Region ]0 Project Information Checklist cc: Mr. Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold Mr. Martin Sidor, Planning Board Chairperson, Town of Southold Long Island North Shore Heritage Area Planning Commission SAS:MDW:mm N.Y.S.D.O.T. REGION 10 PROJECT INFORMATION CHECKLIST Project Name: Address: Tax Map No.: Engineer /Contact: Address: Telephone No.: Property Owner: Address: Telephone No.: SEAR documentation with final determination -required prior to final permit application submission ? Included ? Future Submission SPDES documentation for site /right-of-way disturbances of one (1) acre or more is required prior to final permit submission. The required documentation is the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), Notice of Intent and the NYSDEC acknowledgment letter ? Not Applicable (less than 1 acre of disturbance) ? Included ? Future Submission c ~~1~ .rz.%z;7 .zil ~G SCOTT A. RUSSELL ~'o`~ JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A.1~ SUPERVISOR I ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD ~ ~ ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 t~} w ~ Far. (631) - 765 - 9015 ~ ~ Tel. (631) - 765 -1560 JAMIE.RICHTER@TO W N.SOUTHOLD.NY.US ~ 4~ OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Martin H. Sidor May 10, 2010 Chairman -Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Standard Subdivision for Constantine loannou ` ~--~i ~ State Route 25, Orient East Marion Causeway ! ~ I ~ ~ ~ ; SCTM 1000 - 23 - 01 -14.7 SCTM 1000 - 23 - 02 - 5.6 i So^fnold Town `I Plaani^.g 9oarJ Dear Mr. Sidor: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Site Plan, dated 04/07/10 for the Standard Subdivision for Constantine loannou. This site plan has been prepared by the office of John T. Metzger, Peconic Surveyors, P.C. Please consider the following: As per my last report dated 6/17/05, the following four (4) items have not been satisfactorily addressed. 1. Drainage calculations have not been provided and a drainage system has not been indicated. Runoff calculations and drainage system designs for the stone blend roadway should be provided to prevent run-off from entering the state highway system. Arun-off coefficient of 0.6 should be used for all stone blend road areas. ~~2. A NYS DOT Curb Cut Permit is required. 3. As indicated on the Site Plan, the Top of Bluff is shown on the beach and below the 5' contour. It would appear from the contours indicated on the map that the top of bluff should be at or near the 10' contour through lot # 1 and follow the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line through Lot # 2. This item should be reviewed with Mark Terry, LW RP Coordinator, for consistency with regard to the demarcation of where the Top of Bluff is located. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact my office. Keep in mind that this determination will directly impact the potential size of building envelopes. 4. Please note that the proposed disturbance resulting from construction activities would include the grading of the new road and the construction of new homes. The total ground disturbance for this project will be greater than one (1) acre in area. [This would include all graded & disturbed areas for the new road/driveway and drainage areas as well as the proposed building envelopes.] This project will require coverage from NYS Department of Environmental Protection (DEC) under the Phase II State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Program. The Developer must obtain coverage under the General Permit for Storm-water Runoff from Construction Activity (GP-0-10-001) prior to the initiation of construction activities. Any and all construction activities, including clearing & grubbing of any area, must begin with the installation of site plan approved Erosion and Sediment Control practices. Page 1 of 2 Martin H. Sidor, Chairman -Planning Board May 10, 2010 Re: Standard Subdivision for Constantine loannou SCTM 1000 - 23 - 01 -14.7 SCTM 1000 - 23 - 02 - 5.6 Page 2 of 2 In addition to the above referenced items, please consider the following: 5. As of October 2009, the Town of Southold has been designated as a regulated MS4. See Item # 4 above -Because this project will exceed a cumulative area that will be in excess of 1 Acre, a Storm-water Pollution Prevention Plan must be submitted to the Town for review. Please review all DEC requirements for SPDES General Permit related to storm-water discharges from Construction Activities (GP-0-10-001) and submit a SWPPP for review & Acceptance. (ntq~:in,~+w.dec.ny.9owa,emicava3iaa.nrn,l) 6. lot # 1 indicates a frame barn & Garage structure that appears to remain on site. Has the Planning Board considered there location related to front and side yard setbacks? This item should be reviewed with the Building department prior to final approvals. 7. The site plan indicated the location of a new Well on Lot # 2. It is located within the Easement area that has been provided for turning emergency access vehicles. This new well should be located outside of this easement area and protected with Bollards or other such means to prevent damage from vehicular traffic. 8. ANon-Disturbance BufferArea has been indicated forthe area located between the proposed building envelope and the top of bluff. (See item # 3 above. This item will have a direct impact on the location of the proposed Building Envelope.) A definition or clarification of what this "Non-Disturbance Buffer" means should be noted on the site plan drawing. Will this Buffer allow for a lawn area that is maintained orwill this area be required to grow back into a natural growth of vegetation? 9. All proposed building envelopes should be reviewed by the Building Department for consistency with current Zoning regulations. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. inc ely, ames A. Richter, R.A. cc: Michael Verity, Building Depart ent Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Southold Town Trustees C=;'~3Li'~'C~1C~ 1.=:58 h31-8544 C PLANIt-0Pa UEP~ F':GE ~~l (~6 T1 Suffolk County Depa~•tment of Planning Thomas A. Isles, Director P. D. Box 6100 Hauppauge, New York 11788 (631-853-5190) Fax; (631-853-4044) FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET To: Tamara Sadoo Fax 631-765-3136 `~1~ From: John Corra] Date: 8/5/2010 Subject: SCPC Decision Letter YOU SHOULD RECEIVE 3 PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIY~ ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL (637) 853»5190. zllessage: Dear Tamara, Please find the Suffolk County Planning Commission Decision Letter for Constantine loannou. A hard copy of this letter is also being sent in today's mail. Please feel free to call me at 631-853-4022 with any questions. Sincerely, John Corral I p~'3 • ~ r II°~i'~'U11~ 1. r:;l--E5 U43 r PLAhJIFdG DEP~ Fii~_~E N'~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING THOMAS A. ISLES,A.LC.P DIRECTOR OF PLANNING August 4, 2010 Town of Southold Planning Board Office P.Q. B0X 1179 Southold, NY 11971 ~ _ ~ 20~~ Re: Application of "Constantine >~tinou 'i SCTM No.: 1000-023.00-01.00-014.007 SCPC File No.: 5-5D-78-4.2 Desr Ms. Sadao: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-24 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on August 4, 2010 reviewed the above captioned application and aijer due study and deliberation have resolved to Approve the Subdivision with the following Conditions and Comment. Conditions: 1) The subdivision shalt be redesigned so that Lots ]and 2 are flag lots that have a minimum width of 15 feet and front on Main Aoad (S.R. 25). The current layout ofthe proposed subdivision results in two land locked lots. The creation ofland lacked lots, as stated in the Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook, "is contrary Co good subdivision layout principles and can create access problems for emergency and service vehicles. This lack of access could result in health, safety and welfare problems for the future residents of landlocked lots, nut Ya mentign potential disputes over the use and maintenance of any Right-oF--Way over an adjacent parcel." The creation of two 15 foot wide Flag lots would i»sure legal individual access to the residence lots. A common driveway and or Right-of-Wa}- easement could still be created over the access strips of the two flag lots. However, ifnecessary in the future Yhis common access agreement could be extinguished and individual legal access to the each residence would still be possible. 2) The Coastal Erosion Hazard Arca line shall be flagged in the field by a qualified expert and iodinated on the final subdivision map. The Subdivision Map does not show that the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line was flagged in the hold by a qualified expert. The Coastal Erosion Hazard Line shall be flagged by a qualified expert and indicated on the final subdivision map because the subdivision's building setbacks and non-disturbance areas are depcadanton the location of this line. 3) All stormwatcr runoff resulting from the develvpmeni sod improvement of the subdivision or any of its lots shall be retained on site by adequate dtamage structures so that the storm water runoff will not flow into the state road, any body of water or neighboring property. LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH FLOOR P. 0. BOX 6100 (631) 853-5191 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788-Otl99 TELECOPIER (631) 853.4064 ~~i EISr''~~J1~J 13:5^ F~^1-C~°_~~ qq S C F'LiaJIN~~ GEP: F'FGE 173 • Due to the fact that the proposed subdivision is adjacent to environmentally sensitive ]and and a important regional highway (Main Road (S.R. 25 it is very important that any stormwster runoffrcmains on-site. 4) The Town shall require with covenants and restrictions that the creation of this subdivision in no way ~l commits either the Town or the County of Suffolk fi any program to protect this property from shoreline erosion and that any approval granted by the Tmvtt in no way signifies thatthe development and use ofthis ~ property is considered without hazard and possible loss. ~t~ The subject property is located between two large bodies of water with the Long Island Sound ro the North and Orient Harbor fi the south and just to the east of a causeway that connects East Marion to Orient. As a result this area is susceptible to tidal flooding and erosion especially during large storm events such as Hurricanes and Nor'caaters. 5) The applicant shall be directed to ennsuflt the Suffolk County Planning Commission's adopted ~ergy Efficiency and Public Safety Guidelines. The Suffolk County Planning Commission has recognized the importance of energy efficiency and public safety and has recently adopted related guidelines. Comment: 1) Clearing and cutting of vegetation within 50 feet of the bluff should be limited to that necessary for maintenance and the removal of diseased, decayed and dead material. Such clearing is required to be subject to review by the Town to insure proper maintenance and preservation of the natural buffer. This Suffolk Counh Planning Commission Guideline was designed to help insure that natural buffers adjacent to bluff areas are preserved. Please Noic: • The Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook for policies and guidelines can be found on the interne[ at the below website address: http'/}yM1v suffolkcountvnv govtHome'denartments'planningJPublicalions°io20and%20infvrmation asnx#SCPC A copy of the Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook is also included with this letter. • Pursuant to 239-mG. of the General Municipal Law, the referring municipality within (30) days after final action, shall file a report with the Suffolk County Planning Commission, and if said action is contrary to this recommendation, set forth the reasons for such contrary action. Sincerely. Thomas Isles, AICP Director of Planning G ohn H. Corral Planner JHC:jc LOCATION MAILING AgORESS H. LEE DENNISON 6LDG. • dTN FLOOR P, O. BOX 6700 (B31) 8535[97 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY 17788-0099 TELECOPIER (839) 853.x044 - ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK • STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING THOMAS A. ISLES, A.I.C.P DIRECTOR OF PLANNING August 4, 2010 Town of Southold Planning Board Office 9 2Q~Q P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 PSG ' Re: Application of "Constantine Ioannou" SCTM No.: 1000-023.00-01.00-014.007 SCPC File No.: S-SD-78-4.2 Dear Ms. Sadoo: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A14-24 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on August 4, 2010 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation have resolved to Approve the Subdivision with the following Conditions and Comment. Conditions: 1) The subdivision shall be redesigned so that Lots I and 2 are flag lots that have a minimum width of 15 feet and front on Main Road (S.R. 25). The current layout of the proposed subdivision results in two land locked lots. The creation of land locked lots, as stated in the Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook, "is contrary to good subdivision layout principles and can create access problems for emergency and service vehicles. This lack of access could result in health, safety and welfare problems for the future residents of landlocked lots, not to mention potential disputes over the use and maintenance of any Right-of--Way over an adjacent parcel." The creation of two 15 foot wide flag lots would insure legal individual access to the residence lots. A common driveway and or Right-of--Way easement could still be created over the access strips ofthe two flag lots. However, if necessary in the future this common access agreement could be extinguished and individual legal access to the each residence would still be possible. 2) The Coastal Erosion Hazard Area line shall be flagged in the field by a qualified expert and indicated on the final subdivision map. The Subdivision Map does not show that the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line was flagged in the field by a qualified expert. The Coastal Erosion Hazard Line shall be flagged by a qualified expert and indicated on the final subdivision map because the subdivision's building setbacks and non-disturbance areas are dependant on the location of this line. 3) All stonnwater runoff resulting from the development and improvement of the subdivision or any of its lots shall be retained on site by adequate drainage structures so that the storm water runoff will not flow into the state road, any body of water or neighboring property. LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. -4TH FLOOR P. O. BOX 6100 (631) 853-5191 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER (631) 853044 t Due to the fact that the propose division is adjacent to environmentally s~tive land and a important regional highway (Main Road (S.R. 25 it is very important that any stotmwater runoff remains on-site. 4) The Town shall require with covenants and restrictions that the creation of this subdivision in no way commits either the Town or the County of Suffolk to any program to protect this property from shoreline erosion and that any approval granted by the Town in no way signifies that the development and use ofthis property is considered without hazard and possible loss. The subject property is located between two lazge bodies of water with the Long Island Sound to the North and Orient Harbor to the south and just to the east of a causeway that connects East Marion to Orient. As a result this area is susceptible to tidal flooding and erosion especially during large storm events such as Hurricanes and Nor'easters. 5) The applicant shall be directed to consult the Suffolk County Planning Commission's adopted Energy Efficiency and Public Safety Guidelines. The Suffolk County Planning Commission has recognized the importance of energy efficiency and public safety and has recently adopted related guidelines. Comment: 1) Clearing and cutting of vegetation within 50 feet of the bluff should be limited to that necessary for maintenance and the removal of diseased, decayed and dead material. Such clearing is required to be subject to review by the Town to insure proper maintenance and preservation of the natural buffer. This Suffolk County Planning Commission Guideline was designed to help insure that natural buffers adjacent to bluff areas are preserved. Please Note: • The Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook for policies and guidelines can be found on the Internet at the below website address: htto://www. s uffo Ikco untynv. eov/Flome/departments/plannin e/Pub I ication s%20and%201 nform ation.aspx# SC PC A copy of the Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook is also included with this letter. • Pursuant to 239-m6. of the General Municipal Law, the referring municipality within (30) days after final action, shall file a report with the Suffolk County Planning Commission, and if said action is contrary to this recommendation, set forth the reasons for such contrary action. Sincerely, Thomas Isles, AICP Director of Planning ohn H. Corral Planner JHC:jc LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. -4TH FLOOR P. O. BOX 6100 (631) 853-5191 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER (631) 853-4044 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ I,,, STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING THOMAS A. ISLES, A.I.C.P DIRECTOR OF PLANNING July 27, 2010 Town of Southold _ Planning Board Office I j, PO Box 1179 _ _ Southold, New York 11971 r Att: Tamara Sadoo, Planner ~ A~~ - 2 Re: Constantine Ioannou ' ` ' ' Zonin Action: Subdivision ~ I I g L__.___.------___J 1 S.C.T.M. No.: 1000 02300 0100 014007 I , SCPC File No.: S-SD-78-4.2 - Dear Ms. Sadoo: Please be advised that pursuant to Sections A14-14 thru A14-25 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the above captioned application which has been referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission will be reviewed by the Commission at its regular meeting on Wednesday, 12:00 noon on August 4, 2010 in the Legislative Auditorium at 725 Veterans Memorial Highway located in Hauppauge, NY. The regular meetings of the Suffolk County Planning Commission aze open meetings pursuant to the NYS Open Meetings Law, they are not public hearings. Any request to address the Planning Commission on any matter including subdivision or zoning referrals must be submitted prior to the meeting. Each request shall be submitted on a card (distributed before the regular meeting) identifying the person and/or organization and topic. During the public portion of the regular meeting each speaker shall be allotted three (3) minutes. An individual who has requested the opportunity to address the Planning Commission may relinquish his/her time to another speaker. However, no speaker may speak for more than six (6) minutes. In accordance with Suffolk County Planning Commission Policy, any information to be submitted to the Planning Commission will not be accepted at the meeting unless it has been acknowledged by the local referring municipality. The information must be accompanied with a letter from the local referring municipality describing such contents, as well as, instructions for treating previously submitted material. This policy was instituted to avoid confusion as to which information is being reviewed by all agencies. Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact this office. S~i n`c e r e l y j''~ ' 1~ ?John Corral Planner JHC:ds cc: Constantine Ionnou LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH FLOOR P. O. BOX 6100 (631) 853-5191 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER (631) 853-4044 MO LETTER PATRICIA C. MOORE, A~RNEY AT LAW hI Lr 51020 Main Road s~r.~ Southold, NY 11971 (831)765-4330 email: pcmooret ~optonline.net DATE ~ T SU&IEC~ O~ 1 ~~Q l - cr> F ~ ~Y11 a ,IQ ` c.~~.-~ 11- 7 - l y D~ $ ~ Please reply ~ No reply necessary SIGNED • • MArr.rNG ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~F S~Vry P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~0~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) DONALD J. WILCENSHI !'`~,'QU~ ~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 76b-1938 Fas: 631 765-3156 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator From: Tamara Sadoo Date: June 17, 2010 Re: Standard Subdivision for Constantine Ioannou SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Location: The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion. The Planning Board refers this application to you for your infonnation, comments, review, and certification, if applicable. The file is available at your convenience. Description This proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of--way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. Thank you for your cooperation. wY/ ) Tamara Sadoo Planner l • MAII,ING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~QF SQUry P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~0~ Q/_ Southold, NY 11971 Chair y ~Ou ,,,i 7i' OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ @ 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND Q ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) DONALD J. WILCENSKI I~C~VOI , ~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 17, 2010 Mr. Walter Gaipa Secretary and Treasurer East Marion Fire District PO Box 131 East Marion, NY 11939 Re: Request for review on Proposed Subdivision for Constantine Ioannou SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion. Dear Mr. Gaipa: The enclosed subdivision application, referenced above, is being referred to you for fire access review. Please respond with your recommendations at your earliest convenience. This proposed standard subdivision is for 31ots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of--way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. Please contact me at (631)765-1938 if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, ~a~7~/~-a_. Tamara Sadoo Planner Encls.: Subdivision Application Subdivision Plat MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~pF SOUry P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ ,gyp 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) DONALD J. WILCENSKI IyCQU~ ~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 766-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: James Richter, Engineering Inspector From: Tamara Sadoo Date: June 17, 2010 Re: Standard Subdivision for Constantine Ioannou Application Name: Constantine Ioannou Tax Map Number: 1000- 23-1-14.7 Location: The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o I{ayleigh's Court, in East Marion. Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: ) X Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated: 4/20/2010 ) Final Subdivision Map- (Dated: ) Road Profiles (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: ) Other (Dated• ) Sketch Site Plan (Dated: ) Preliminary Site Plan (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: ) Other (AS BUILT) (Dated: ) Project Description: This proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of--way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. Additional Comments: Thank you for your cooperation. • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~pF SO(/j~, P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR 0~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ A 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) DONALD J. WILCENSKI lyCOUn l' ~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 76b-1835 Fas: 631 766-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 17, 2010 New York State Department of Transportation Mark Wolfgang Re: Comments on the Standazd Subdivision for Constantine Ioannou Located: The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion. SCTM 1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Deaz Mr. Wolfgang: The following subdivision is being referred to you for comments This proposed standazd subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of--way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. If there are any questions you can contact us at (631) 765-1938 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Respectfully yours, ~ Tamara Sadoo Planner Cc: File Enc. 5 standard subdivision maps Subdivision application • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS a0F ~~Ur P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR h~~ Southold, NY 11971 Chao l~ ~ OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND ~ DONALD J. WILCENSKI (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) l COU~~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 76b-1938 Faa: 631 76b-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 17, 2010 Suffolk County Planning Commission 220 Rabro Drive P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Attention: Mr. John Corral Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section A14-24, Suffolk County Administrative Code, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following proposed application to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: Map of: Standard Subdivision for Constantine loannou Hamlet/Locality: East Marion, Southold The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e!o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion. Zoning: R-80 S.C. Tax Map No.: 1000 - 23-1-14.7 Stand. Sub._X_Conserv. Sub. Site Plan Cluster Lot Line Change MATERIAL SUBMITTED: Subdivision Plat (1)_X_ Road Profiles (1) Drainage Plan (1) Topographical Map (1) Site Plan (1) Grading Plan (1) Other materials (specify and give number of copies) Waiver of Subdivision Requirements -See attached sheet Page 2 Southold Town Planning Board Referral Referral Criteria: SEQRA STATUS: 1. The project is an ( )Unlisted Action ( ) Type I Action ( )Type II Action 2. A (X) Negative Declaration ( )Positive Declaration ( )Determination of Non-significance has been adopted by the Planning Board. 3. E.I.S. statement enclosed. ( )Yes ( ) No 4. The proposed division has received approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health. (X )Yes ( )No Comments: This proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion. We request acknowledgement of receipt of this referral (X) Yes ( ) No Referral received 2008 by the Suffolk County Planning Commission and assigned File No. Sincerely, Qom') Tamara Sadoo Planner 06/Oi/2010 12:06 FAR 601 765 4643 MOOI2I~: L:1W OFFICES f~001 ~ ~ ~3 -r PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law _ 51020 Main Road Southold, New York t 1971 Tel: (631)765-4330 Jt1N _ ~ 2p10 Fax: (631)765-4643 - - II FACSIMILE COVER SHEET J The pages comprising this facsimile transmission contain confidential information from Patricia C. Moore. This information is intended solely (or use by the individual entity named as the recipient hereof. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of this transmission is prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please noiify us by telephone immediai`ely so we may arrange to retrieve this transmission at no cost to you. TO:M Q.,v' ~ `z ~~i C~Q,~-`- FAX NO: DATE: - 1 - r TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET IF TRANSMISSION IS FAULTY OR INCOMPLETE, PLEASE CALL BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. comments: C~ c~ c~nr i ~ C~ c~~ 06/07/2010 1L:Oi FAS 631 765 4643 MOORS LAN' OFFICES Cd 002 li • • PATRICIA C. MOORS ~ Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road it Southold, New York ll97] Tel: (631) 765-4330 i Fax: (631)765-4643 April 14, 2010 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU SCTM: 1000-23-1.14.7 Dear Chairman: With reference to the above and pursuant to your letter of November 24, 2009, (copy attached), enclosed please find the following: 1. Copy of memo from Joseph Fischetti, PE 2. Revised subdivision plan last dated 4/7/10, showing new drainage pipe and the re-alignment of the access road Please continue to review this application for preliminary approval and schedule this matter for public hearing on your next calendar. ~ Thank you. V~r~r-tr~ yours, ~~atricia C. Moore PCM/bp encls. C: Mr. & Mrs. Constantine loannou osiovzolo 1z:o~ rn~ sa1 7ss asaa (J ookt: i..aw oFFrcES • r~ooa ~~s~ PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 1725 HOBART ROAD / PO box 616 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 TEL: 631.765.2954 FAX: 631.614.3516 a-mail: Joseph@fischetti.com i ' Date: April 13, 2010 Reference: loannou Patricia C. Moore 51020 Main Road ' Southcald, NY 11971 Pat, Attached are 3 copies of the subdivision plan with the new drainage pipe and the re- alignment of the access road. I nave discussed this drainage design with Jaimie Richter and he gave me a verbal OK for its design. There is an existing drainage ditch that runs parallel with the roadway that the 12 inch culvert will be installed. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call. ery truly yours Jose h Fischetti, E Cc: loannou osio7~zolo iz:o~ tax sat 7ss a~ xooae Law oF'r•tces • rdooa _ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~OF SOUTyO ~ sou h ld ANY 11971 MARTIN H. SIDOR l~ Chair ~ ~ OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS G ~ Town Hall Annex I{ENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ + ,~O 54375 State ]Zoute 25 OSE H LDTOWNSEND ~~C~Ury1' loot. MaSonthold, NI' Ave.) IY ~ ~ Telephone: 631 766.1938 Faz: 631 766-8186 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 24, 2009 PaRricia Moore, Esq. 51!020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion ~I SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore, I Ttnis letter is a fol?ow-up to the Southold Town Planning Board's November 23, 2009 Work Session where the above referenced application was reviewed. Based upon this review, the Planning Board has accepted the Southold Board of Trustees recommendation to construct a culvert to run perpendicularly (running east to west) under the proposed driveway for the above referenced property to allow water to continue to flow through to the identified sensitive area consisting of a stand of phragmites on S.R. 25 immediately adjacent (to the west) of the prw~posed driveway. The next step discussed at the work session ff for the applicant to review the above recommendation, and if acceptable to provide drawings showing the culvert to be constructed under the proposed driveway with all applicable and associated measurements, dimensions, materials used etc. and ret:um this drawing to the Planning Board for their review and for review by the Southold Town Engineer. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact this office. Thank you. 'Q~~ Tamara Sado~O Plranner ~ • 5rs ('6 PATRICIA C. MOORS ~~,ti Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 April 14, 2010 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road ppF 2 p 2010 PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU SCTM: 1000-23-1.14.7 Dear Chairman: With reference to the above and pursuant to your letter of November 24, 2009, (copy attached), enclosed please find the following: 1. Copy of memo from Joseph Fischetti, PE 2. Revised subdivision plan last dated 4/7/10, showing new drainage pipe and the re-alignment of the access road Please continue to review this application for preliminary approval and schedule this matter for public hearing on your next calendar. Thank you. / Vecy yours, `~"}satricia C. Moore PCM/bp encls. C: Mr. & Mrs. Constantine loannou ~ ~ ~~5~~ PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 1725 HOBART ROAD / PO Box 616 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 TEL: 631.765.2954 FAX: 631.614.3516 a-mail: Joseph@fischetti.com Date: April 13, 2010 Reference: loannou 1 ~dV Patricia C. Moore ~~~Z 0 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Pat, Attached are 3 copies of the subdivision plan with the new drainage pipe and the re- alignment of the access road. I nave discussed this drainage design with Jaimie Richter and he gave me a verbal OK for its design. There is an existing drainage ditch that runs parallel with the roadway that the 12 inch culvert will be installed. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call. Very truly yours Jose h Fischetti, E Cc: loannou n~,~~n,~.o-~ s,..,„ni WORK SESSION AGENDA • $OUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, November 23, 2009 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Applications Pro'ect name: loannou, Constantine_ TSCTM#: 1000-23-1-14.7, 23-2-5.6 Location: on the north side of SR 25, 4848 east of Kayleigh's Courtin East Marion Description: Standard subdivision. 3 lots on 6.8 acres. Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 114,288 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zonin District. _ _ Status: Ex fired Cond. Prelim. Ap~oval Action: Review Trustee/Plannin site visit and Trustee recommendations. Attachments: Re ort on Site Visit/E-mail from Trustees Pro'ect name: Zuckerber , Llo d P. SCTM#: 1000-86-1-10.9 Location: Southwest corner of Wells Road. and State Route 25 in Peconic Description: 80/60 clustered Conservation subdivision on 32.83 acres. Lot 1 equals 65,562 sq. ft., .Lot 2 equals 77,694 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 29.5416 acres and is proposed to be preserved through a Sale of Development _ Rights to the Town of Southold. Status: _ Sketch A royal Action: _ Review Town En ineer comments on rp oposed drainage. _ Attachments: Town En ineer Comments Pro'ect name: Mazzaferro, Karen SCTM#: 1000-63-1-12 Location: _ on the east side of Horton's Lane,1450 Horton's Lane, Southold j Description: Standard subdivision to subdivide a 4.28-acre parcel into 3 lots, where Lot 1 equals 41,994 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 43,631 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 90,023 s . ft in the R-40 Zoning District.__ _ Status: _ Sketch royal Action: _ _ Accept Preliminary Ap Ip ication/Be fig n referrals and SEQRA. Attachments: 1 Timeline/Staff Report_______ Pro'ect name:__ Seven Eleven T SCTM# 1000-142-1-27 1 Location: _ n/e corner of Factory Avenue & NYS Route 25, Mattituck Description: Site plan to convert an existing 1,985 sq. ft. gas station/accessory j convenience store to a convenience store with a 685 sq. ft. addition, ~ having a 2,670 sq. ft. building on a 24,829 sq. ft. parcel in the Business _ Zone. _ Status:_ _ New Site Plan _ _ _ Action: Review comments from the Public Hearing and Staff Report with the _ Planning Board. attachments: _ t Staff Report Packet Discussion: Draft ZBA Comments -Theodore Martz, Nassau Point 2070 Planning Board Meeting Schedule Page 1 of I Sadoo, Tamara From: Cantrell, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 11:48 AM To: Sadoo, Tamara Subject: FW: Ianou driveway conversation Hi Tamara, Below is the write-up that you requested about the conversation between Ms. Moore, Jill & Jim on the Ianou driveway. I hope it is what you are looking for. On Friday, November 13, 2009 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. came into the Trustees office to discuss with Jim King & Jill Doherty the proposed driveway on the Ianou property. Mr. Ianou does not agree with the recommendations made to change the path of the driveway to have it put further away from the wetland area. In lieu of changing the path of the driveway, Ms. Moore asked if the driveway can remain as it was shown on the plans with the installation of a culvert under the driveway. Mr. King and Mrs. Doherty agreed that a culvert under the driveway would be acceptable in lieu of changing the path of the driveway. Too much? ECiza6etk CantreCC Clerk Typist Town of Southold Board of Trustees ph: (631) 765-1892 fax:(631) 766-6641 11/19/2009 i TIMELINE Project: Standard Subdivision for Constantine Ioannou SCTM#: 1000-23-1-14.7 Location: The parcel is located n/o Main Road in East Marion. Description: Creation of a 3-lot standard subdivision on 6.8 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 114,288 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. in the R-80 zoning district. 2004 • February 2004: Request for waiver of Subdivision moratorium • February 24, 2004: Hearing held re: request for moratorium waiver • February 24, 2004: Moratorium waiver granted. • Apri16, 2004: Request to Trustees for determination of jurisdictional wetlands on northwest corner of property • April 14, 2004: Trustees determination: non-jurisdictional • Apri129, 2004: Letter to applicant regarding incomplete application: no yield plan submitted -proposed 3 lots on 6.818 acres in R-80 zoning district on property that contains bluffs, wetlands and beach ecosystems. • May 6, 2004: Letter to Planning Board arguing that Yield map is not required. • June 14, 2004: Town of Southold assumes lead agency for SEQRA for this unlisted action. • August 9, 2004: Request by New York Natural Heritage Program for U.S.G.S topographical map for project site. • August 9, 2004: SEQRA completed. Negative Declaration issued for this unlisted action. • August 10, 2004: Conditional Sketch granted subject to 4 conditions: Tidal Wetlands pennit, DOT curb-cut permit for proposed ROW, submission of a DEC SPEDES permit, submission of a revised map showing bldg. envelopes, test hole data, name of person who flagged wetlands and date, names of adjacent property owners, proposed water supply, property lines w/in 200', fire wells and hydrants w/in 200'. • August 18, 2004: Plan refen•ed to East Marion Fire District • September 1, 2004: Maps submitted to PB • August 31, 2004: East Marion Fire recommends one electric fire well be installed as indicated on the plan • September 8, 2004: Referrals sent to Jamie Richter and SCPC • October 18, 2004: SCPC disapproved the application for the following reasons: Creation of landlocked parcels Top of bluff and CEHA line not flagged or indicated on map SCPC recommends the creation of 2 flag lots with access strips adjacent to each other and extending to the public road (SR 25). • October 25, 2004: Memo to PB re: adoption of new subdivision regulations therefore application is required to comply with new regulations: Thus under new regs for preliminary approval applicant needs to submit: o Prelim application and fee o ERSAP o Conditions outlined in conditional sketch o Rename "standard subdivision" o DEC permits or letter of non jurisdiction o NYSDOT cur-cut permit o NYSDEC SPEDES permit o Park and playground fees o Incorporate SCPC comments o Common-driveway or ROW easement • November 5, 2004: Letter to applicant advising of SCPC comments and disapproval • December 14, 2004: PB resolution overriding SCPC disapproval • December 17, 2004: Applicant submits revised maps, SPEDES permit • January 11, 2005: PB sets February 14, 2005 for Preliminary Public Hearing • February 14, 2005: Public Hearing held and closed • February 14, 2005: Conditional Preliminary Approval granted with 7 conditions. • May 16, 2005: Maps submitted with requested revisions as outlined in Conditional Preliminary Approval • May 26, 2005: Request by applicant that final hearing be waived as there are no substantial differences between the preliminary map and the final map • June 21, 2005: Jamie Richter provides comments on plan • August 14, 2005: Letter sent to applicant advising of expiration of conditional preliminary approval on August 15, 2005. Request an extension be submitted along with further submission requirements as outlined in conditional preliminary approval and comments supplied by Town Engineer • December 9, 2005: Request for extension submitted by applicant due to Health Department review timeframe • December 13, 2005: Resolution granting extension of conditional preliminary approval from August 15, 2005 to February 15, 2006. • January 16, 2007: Letter from applicant advising PB that applicant is still awaiting Health Department approval • August 29, 2008: Letter sent to applicant advising that conditional preliminary approval has expired therefore applicant must resubmit application along with a second preliminary filing fee before any application for final approval shall be accepted or processed. • May 22, 2009: Letter from applicant advising that still awaiting Health Department approval, requests continued extension/re-application? Plus check for $1000.00. • July 8, 2009: Submission of map with Health Department approval Recommendations: 1) Conditional Preliminary approval expired February 15, 2006 - 3 Y: years go. i Applicant must re-submit preliminary application and fee. A fee for $1000.00 has been submitted but no new application has been submitted. v There are numerous outstanding requirements which need to be submitted by the applicant. These items/requirements will be outlined in a letter to the applicant, including ERSAP and Yield Map. 4) Once the Planning Board is in receipt of all the required outstanding items/submissions, a new review will take place. 5) All referrals shall be sent out again for this proposed project. 6) The top of bluff line shall be marked by the applicant and verified by the Town of Southold Board of Trustees. 7) Based upon the new review and satisfaction of all the requirements for Preliminary approval, the Planning Board should consider holding another Public Hearing on the preliminary application as over 4 years have passed since the last Public Hearing on the preliminary application was held. 8) Once the Public Hearing has been held and closed the Planning Board may consider granting preliminary approval. Page 1 of 1 Sadoo, Tamara From: Sadoo, Tamara Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 11:46 AM To: ' (billcre@optonline.net)'; 'George Solomon'; 'Joseph Townsend'; 'Ken Edwards'; 'Martin Sidor' Cc: Terry, Mark; Lanza, Heather; Standish, Lauren Subject: Joint site visits with Trustees to loannou and Tully Hello everyone, This is to confirm our conversation at yesterday's work session (10/19) that the Southold Town Board of Trustees has scheduled site visits to the Tully and loannou properties in East Marion on Wednesday November 4~h at S:OOa.m. as part of their regular site visits. The Trustees will depart from the Southold Town Hall Annex at 8:30 a.m. and head east. I am not sure which property they will visit first, but likely loannou first as it is further east. Mark Terry and myself will attend this site visit and to date, Planning Board member George Solomon has tentatively confirmed. If any other Planning Board members can attend, please feel free to let either Mark or myself know. Thank you, Tamara Sadoo 10/20/2009 • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~OF SOUry P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~1,~ Southold, NY 11971 Ohau ~ # OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS Town Hall Annex XENNETH L. EDWARDS G ~ 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON ~ ~~ry ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs AveJ JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND `yr,OVOI ~ ~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1838 Fas: 631 ?65-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: James King, President From: Martin Sidor, Chair Date: October 5, 2009 Re: Standard Subdivision for Constantine Ioannou Location: The property is located n/o Main Road in East Marion west of Truman's Beach. SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 The Planning Board respectfully requests a joint Planning BoardlBoard of Trustees site visit to the above referenced property for review, comments and a determination of Board of Trustee jurisdiction for the proposed right of way access from S.R. 25 to the proposed lots and proximity to adjacent wetlands west of the property line. Please contact Ms. Tamara Sadoo of my office at your earliest convenience with possible dates and times so that a joint site visit maybe scheduled. Thank you for your cooperation. Southold Towr>~anning Board -Page Two - Octob~0~09 Project name: Chase Bank -Mattituck SCTM#: 1000-143-3-33.2 Location: 10300 NYS Route 25, 133' east of Marlene Lane &NYS Route 25, Mattituck Description: This site plan is for the new construction of a 4,200 sq. ft. bank-with two drive-through bays on a previously developed 112,647 sq. ft. (2.59 acre) parcel in both the B, General Business, and R-40, Residential Zones. , Status: Under review . _ Action: ,Consider declaring Lead Agency for this Unlisted Action. Attachments: ,None Project name: loannou, Constantine SCTM#: 1000- 23-1-14.7 & 23-2-5.6 Location: :North side of SR 25, 4,848' east of Kayleigh's Court in East Marion. Description: Standard subdivision of three lots on 6.8 acres where Lot 1 equals 192,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 114,288 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft.', in the R-80 Zoning District. _ Status: Sketch Approval Action: Review memo to Trustees. 'Attachments: .Memo to Trustees/Timeline Project name: Aries EstatesITullp SCTM#: 1000-22-3-2 Location: :Westerly terminus of a private right-of-way which extends north-from Kayleigh's Court in East Marion. Description: Standard subdivision of 11 acres into two lots, where Lot 1 equals 3.7 acres, including 1.4 acres of open space, and Lot 2 equals 7.6 acres, including 5 acres of open space, in the R-80 Zoning District. Status: 'Sketch Action: ~ Review memo to Trustees. Attachments: Memo to Trustees/Timeline 5:30 p.m. Review Public Meeting Agenda iii PATRICIA C. MOORS Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (63 765-4643 September 23, 2009 U V = is Planning Board'- _ Town of Southold Main Road - ~ ~ PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 - RE: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CON_ BTANTINE IOANNOIt SCTM:1000-23-1.14.7 ~ = Dear Chairman: With reference to the above and pursuant to your letter of August 18, 2009, enclosed please find the following; 1. Copy of NYS DEC permit (dated March 2, 2005) 2. A copy of the Bond estimate as prepared by our engineer, Joseph Fischetti. 3. Proposed C & R's and Road Maintenance agreement for your review and comments t understand that a site visit by the your board is no longer necessary. I further understand the Board of Trustees completed their inspection of the property and you are in receipt of their report, however, it is our understanding that this property does not lie within Trustees jurisdiction Please be advised that we are completing the application to the NYS DOT and will copy you when the application has been submitted to them. Please continue to review this application for preliminary approval and schedule this matter for public hearing on your next calendar. Thank you. Very tru yours, r ~ C P tricia C. Moor~~~ PCM/bp encls. • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBE~ dF SOOT P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~0~`~ Holes Southold, NY 11971 Chair y~ ,I(. OFFICE LOCATION: ~ WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ,y~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ YQ 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON ~~r.I (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND 'Y4'QU~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 18, 2009 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n!s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e% Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore, This letter is a follow-up to the Southold Town Planning Board's August 17, 2009 Work Session where the above referenced application was reviewed. Based upon this review, the Planning Board will require submission of the following to continue it's review of this application for Preliminary Approval: 1, - rom t 2. Submission of a determination from the Town Trustees for the proposed action. ® Submission of a New York State Department of Transportation Curb- Cut/Highway Work Permit for the proposed right-of-way. 4. Submission of a Draft Bond Estimate? ~ 5. Submission of a Road and Maintenance Agreeme~it 6. Submission of Draft Covenants and Restrictions which contain th~ following clauses: a. Access to Lots 1 and 2 on the approved plat shall be from the 25' wide right-of-way attached to Lot 2. b. The existing driveway, which currently provides access to the existing residence on Lot 2, shall be abandoned. c. The existing 25-wide right-of-way as shown on map, dated as last ' revised February 25, 2004, and located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 shall not be used for vehicular access. d. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within the 100' wide non-disturbance buffer is prohibited except that access to the beach shall be permitted, subject to approval from the Planning Board, the Town Trustees and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. e. Prior to any construction activity from taking place on the lots, the property owners shall be required to obtain and submit a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDS General Permit for stormwater discharges for the action. f. Each of the lots shown on the approved plat is subject to the clearing restrictions pursuant to Southold Town Code §240-49. The Planning Board will also schedule a site visit for this property to look at the beach area in order to determine whether there is a bluff or a dune. Based upon this site visit, the Planning Board will request that you submit an individual plot plan which should clearly reflect either the bluff and top of bluff or dune(s) on the property. I will contact you with the date and time for the site visit. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Thank you, Tamara Sadoo Planner New York State Department of Environmental Conse• tion Dlvi~io'n of Environmental Permits, Region One B'uiiding 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 v Phone:(631)444-0365 FAX:(631)444-0360 _ Website: www.dec.siate.ny.us Erin M. Crotty Commissioner March 2, 2005 Constantine loannou Constantine D&B 14-51 Broadway 3`tl Floor Long Island City, New York 11106 Re: Permit#1-4738-03407100001 loannou Property, 16855 Main Road SCTM # 1000-23-1-14.7 and 1000-23-2-5.6 Dear Mr. loannou: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing regulations (6NYCRR, Part 621) we are enclosing your permit. Please carefully read all permit conditions and special permit conditions contained in the permit to insure compliance during the term of the permit. If you are unable to comply with any conditions, please contact us at the above address. Also enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuously posted at the project site and protected from the weather. Sincerely, Naomi Handell Environmental Analyst cc: Patricia Moore MHP file rvtvv T Vrin J I H l t Uth'Hh5 I MtIV I Vh tN V IFiUIVMtN I HL I:UNtitFSVA I I VN DEC PERMIT NUMBER I .-ECTIVE DATE 1-4738-03407/00001 March 2, 2005 FACILITY/PROGRAM NUMBER(S) EXPIRATION DATE(S) PERMIT March 1, 2010 Under the Environmental Conservation Law TYPE OF PERMIT ¦ New ? Renewal ? Modification ? Permit to Construct ? Permit to Operate ? Article 15, Title 5: Protection of Waters ? Article 17, Titles 7, 8: SPDES ? Article 27, Title 9; 6NYCRR 373: Hazardous Waste Management ? Article 15, Title 15: Water Supply ? Article 19: Air Pollution Control ? Article 34: Coastal Erosion ? Article 15, Title 15: Water Transport ? Article 23, Title 27: Mined Land Management Reclamation ? Article 15, Title 15: Long Island Wells ? Article 36: Floodplain Management ? Article 24: Freshwater Wetlands ? Article 15, Title 27: W ild, Scenic and ? Articles 1, 3, 17, 19, 27, 37; Recreational Rivers ¦ Article 25: Tidal Wetlands 6NYCRR 380: Radiation Control ? 6NYCRR 608: Water Quality Cenification ? Article 27, Title 7; 6NYCRR 360: Solid Waste Management PERMIT ISSUEDTO TELEPHONE NUMBER Constantine loannou 718 545-3131 ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE Constantine D&B, 14-51 Broadwa , 3rtl FI, Lon Island Cit , NY 11106 CONTACT PERSON FOR PERMITTED WORK TELEPHONE NUMBER Patricia Moore, 51020 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 631 765-4330 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROJECT/FACILITY loannou, 16855 Main Road, East Marion, NY 11939, SCTM # 1000-23-1-14.7 & 1000-23-2-5.6 COUNTY TOWN WATERBODY NYTM COORDINATES Suffolk Southold Long Island Sound/Orient Harbor DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED ACTIVITY: SUBDIVIDE A 6.8 ACRE PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS, WITH EACH OF THE THREE LOTS IN EXCESS OF 40,000 SOUARE FEET. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN A000R- DANCE WITH THE PLAN PREPARED BY .IOHN T. METZGER, LAST REVISED FEBRUARY 25, 2004. By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, the General Conditions specified (see page 3 & 4) and any Special Conditions (see page 2) included as part of this permit. DEPUTY PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR: ADDRESS Mark Carrara Region 1 Headquarters Bld . #40, SUNY, Ston Brook, NY 11790-2356 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ~ ' DATE March 7, 2005 Pa e 1 of 4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS • 1. The p8rmittee shall incorporate the following language as a Declaration of Protective Covenant to the deed for Lot 3: "Declaration of Protective Covenant: Regulated tidal wetlands associated with Orient Harbor are located at 16855 Marin Road in East Marion, County Tax Map Number: District 1000, Section 23, Block 2, Lot 5.6, otherwise known as the property of Constantine loannou and her heirs, assigns, or successors. Hereby establish the following restrictive covenant upon the above described lands, which restrictive covenant shall be construed as running with the land and shall be inseparable from fee simple title. The landowner and successive landowner(s) shall have a copy of this covenant attached to their respective deeds. This property is subject to the provisions of New York State Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) Article 25 or its successor. No structures shall be allowed and/or permitted to be constructed on the land south of Main Road (S.R. 25) associated with Lot 3. This. area shall remain in its natural state. In addition, the conduct of regulated activities may occur only pursuant to ECL Article 25 it prior approval is given by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) or its successor. Regulated activities include, but are not limited to the erection of any structure(s), excavation, dredging, grading, filling, clearing of vegetation, and application of chemicals." This restrictive deed covenant shall be recorded with the Clerk of Suffolk County within 60 days of the issuance of this permit. A copy of the covenanted deed or other acceptable proof of recording, along with the number assigned to this permit, shall be sent within 120 calendar days of the issuance of this permit to: NYSDEC, Regional Manager, Bureau of Habitat, SUNY Building 40, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356. 2. The permittee shall incorporate the attached Covenant (or similar language) to the deed for Lot 1 and file it with the Clerk of Suffolk County within 30 days of the effective date of this permit. This deed covenant shall run with the land into perpetuity. A copy of the covenanted deed or other acceptable proof of record, along with the number assigned to this permit, shall be submitted within 90 days of the effective date of this permit to: NYSDEC, Bureau of Marine Habitat, SUNY Bldg 40, Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356. 3. The permittee shall incorporate the attached Covenant (or similar language) to the deed for Lot 2 and file it with the Clerk of Suffolk County within 30 days of the effective date of this permit. This deed covenant shall run with the land into perpetuity. A copy of the covenanted deed or other acceptable proof of record, along with the number assigned to this permit, shall be submitted within 90 days of the effective date of this permit to: NYSDEC, Bureau of Marine Habitat, SUNY Bldg 40, Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356. DEC PERMIT NUMBER PAGE 2 OF 4 1-4738-03407/00001 NOT~TION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIG;~NS Item A: Permittee Accepts Lega esponsibility and Agrees to Indemnifica ion The permittee expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, its representatives, employees, and agents ("DEC") for all claims, suits, actions, and damages, to the extent attributable to the permittee's acts or omissions in connection with the permittee's undertaking of activities in connection with, or operation and maintenance of, the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether in compliance or not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This indemnification does not extend to any claims, suits, actions, or damages to the extent attributable to DEC's own negligent or intentional acts or omissions, or to any claims, suits, or actions naming the DEC and arising under article 78 of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the permittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the permittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, easements and rights-of-way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. GENERAL CONDITIONS General Condition 1: Facility Inspection by the Department The permitted site or facility, including relevant records, is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation (the Department) to determine whether the permittee is complying with this permit and the ECL. Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71-0301 and SAPA 401(3). The permittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative during an inspection to the permit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. General Condition 2: Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. General Condition 3: Applications for Permit Renewals or Modifications The permittee must submit a separate written application to the Department for renewal, modification or transfer of this permit. Such application must include any forms or supplemental information the Department requires. Any renewal, modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. The permittee must submit a renewal application ai least: a) 180 days before expiration of permits for State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES), Hazardous Waste Management Facilities (HWMF), major Air Pollution Control (APC) and Solid Waste Management Facilities (SWMF); and b) 30 days before expiration of all other permit types. Submission of applications for permit renewal or modification are to be submitted to: NYSDEC Regional Permit Administrator, Region 1, SUNY Bldg #40, Stony Brook NY 11790-2356 General Condition 4: Permit Modifications, Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right to modify, suspend or revoke this permit in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 621. The grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a) materially false or inaccurate statements in the permit application or supporting papers; b) failure by the permittee to comply with any terms or conditions of the permit; c) exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; d) newly discovered material information or a material change in environmental conditions, relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; e) noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions, orders of the commissioner, any provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department related to the permitted activity. DEC PERMIT NUMBER PAGE 3 OF 4 1-4738-03407/00001 ADDITIONAL GENERAL CO~IONS FOR ARTICLES 15 (TITLE 5), 2~, 34 AND 6NYCRR PART 608 ( TIDAL WETLANDS ) 1. If future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters orflood flows or endangerthe health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State, and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners, shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of anysuch removal or alteration. 2. The State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 3. Allnecessaryprecautionsshallbetakentoprecludecontaminationofanywetlandorwaterwaybysuspendedsolids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. 4. Any material dredged in the conduct of the work herein permitted shall be removed evenly, without leaving large refuse piles, ridges across the bed of a waterway or floodplain or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause damage to navigable channels or to the banks of a waterway. 7. There shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the work herein authorized. 8. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 9. If granted under 6NYCRR Part 608, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation hereby certifies that the subject project will not contravene effluent lim itations or other lim itations or standards under Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (PL 95-217) provided that all of the conditions listed herein are met. 10. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project, the permittee and contractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion of the form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work and, if required, a survey. 11. All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submitted by the applicant or his agent as part of the permit application. Such approved plans were prepared by John T. Metzner. DEC PERMIT NUMBER PAGE 4 OF 4 1-4738-03407/00001 95-20-1(11/03)-9d New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ~ ~ ~ ~ i The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has issued permit(s) pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law for work being conducted at this site. For further information regarding the nature and extent of the approved work and any Department conditions applied to the approval, contact the Regional Permit Administrator listed below. Please refer to the permit number shown when contacting the DEC. ~ Regional Permit Administrator Permit Number ~ -y ' o3`fo~ ~oo~ 1 Expiration Date M~~h ~ F Z®I O NOTE: This notice is NOT a permit Bond Estimate For The Minor Subdivision Constantine Ioannou Roadway: 2 inch crushed stone wearing course, spread and compacted 16'x425'x2" = 42 cubic yards $135/cy = $5670.00 Street Trees: 2 to 3" Caliper 30 foot spacing 28 @ $250.00 each = $7,000.00 Topsoil and Seeding 4" inches of topsoil shoulder 4'-6" Topsoil delivered - 47 Cubic yards 47 cy @ $50.00 = $2,350.00 Shoulder raked, seeded 425 square yards @ $3.00 = $1275.00 Street Signs 1 each -Stop Signs 1 @ $200.OOeach = $200.00 Total Improvement Cost = $16,495.00 f4'..~Y k~ V. 3 ~6n. $h L ~ ~ ~A" fi~ .,jQ)T~~ ffi f i `ry~~'E.~ ~Y FA tt t 1R?3€ ~N J t 1 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made by Constantine Ioannou, Maria Ioannou, as Settlors, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Athas C. Ioannou residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Angelika C. Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York as Trustees of the Ioannou Qualified Personal Residence Trust this ~ of 2009 hereinafter referred to as '`~L~ as the owner of premises described in Sched ~~"A" annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the PREMISES) desires to restrict the use and enjoyment of said PREMISES and has for such purposes determined to impose on said PREMISES covenants and restrictions and does hereby declare that said PREMISES shall be held and shall be conveyed subject to the following covenants and restrictions: 1. DECLARANT has made application to the Southold Town Planning Board (hereinafter referred to as the PLANNING BOARD) for approval of a 3 lot subdivision of property located on State Route 25, Orient East Marion Causeway, East Marion, New York. 2. Access to Lots 1 and 2 on the approved plat shall be from the 25 foot wide right-of-way attached to Lot 2 3. The existing driveway, which currently provides access to the existing residence on lot 2 shall not be used for lot 2, but may be used as access to lot 3 4. The existing 25 foot wide right of way, as shown on map dated as last revised February 25, 2004 and located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 shall not be used for vehicular access 5. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within the 100 foot wide non-disturbance buffer is prohibited except removal of invasive, non-native vegetation and subject to the Town of southold Trustees review and approval and that access to the beach shall be permitted. 6. Prior to any construction activity taking place on the lots, the property owners shall br required to obtain and submit a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDS General Permit for storm water discharges for the action. 7. Each of the lots shown on the approved plat is subject to the clearing restrictions pursuant to Southold Town code Section 240-49. 8. These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant, his successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may be terminated, revoked or amended by the owner of the property q~by~w~th the written consent of the Town of Sout ranted by a majority plus one vote of the Plannin~;ard, after a public hearing. 9. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful; invalid, or unconstitutional. 10. The aforementioned restrictive covenants are intended for the benefit of and shall be enforceable by the Town of Southold, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or law. The failure of said agencies of the Town of Southold to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any officer or employee thereof. 11. The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. That the within Declaration shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant and his successors and assigns and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked or amended by subsequent owners of the property unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the town of Southold or its successors, after a public hearing. IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, the DECLARANT has duly executed this document the day and year first above written: Constantine Ioannou Maria Ioannou.„, q ~ .,...n k'+y.,~ ~x .a ~ .t ` a Athas C. Ioannou Angelika C. Ioannou ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2009 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Constantine Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and t by his signature on the instrument, the individual or th~~pe~~on upon behalf of which the individual acted, execu ~~~e~instrument. , j, Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2009 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Maria Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGMENT • i STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2009 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Athas C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed°~the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the r~"fi6trument, the individual or the person upon behalf of.-vihch..bhe individual acted, executed the instrument. J Notary Public ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) :ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of in the year 2009 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Angelika C. Ioannou personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose'name is n•° ~ subscribed to the within instrument and ackn~ut-3~e~ged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and.~ha:E`by his signature on the instrument, the individual or,~ye`ba~'rson upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed` instrument. Notary Public DRIVEWAY & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT This Declaration ("Declaration") is made this_day of , 2009, by Constantine Ioannou, Maria Ioannou, as Settlors, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Athas C. Ioannou residing at 105 er aston, New York and Angelika C. Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverl , d, n, ew York as Trustees of the Ioannou Qualified Personal Residence T ~ ,hereinafter collectively referred to as "Declazant". WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner in fee simple of real property situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, known and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 23, Block 1 ,Lot 14.7 ;and WHEREAS, Declazant has made an application to subdivide said real property into three (3) lots, as shown on the Minor Subdivision map of Constantine Ioannou, prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C., last dated and WHEREAS, Declarant desires to provide for maintenance and management of the common driveway which provides a common access of ingress and egress to lot 1 and 2; NOW, THEREFORE, for purposes of carrying out the intentions above expressed and in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the Declarant hereby covenants and agrees that the Lots shall hereafter be subject to the covenants and restrictions as herein cited. All the provisions of this Declazation shall operate as covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of the Lots, their heirs, successors and assigns, to wit: DRIVEWAY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The common driveway shall be of standard stone blend composition to a width of sixteen(16') feet. The common driveway shall be constructed in accordance with Town of Southold specifications. Lot 2 will own the common driveway, as shown on the map and lots 2 and 3 will have an equal right over said driveway. The common driveway will provide both a common access to the lots and contain the underground utilities for the subdivision, including but not limited to, public water, electric, gas and cable tv. MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF DRIVEWAY 1. The owners of Lot 2 and 3 hereby covenant and agree that the parties, its successor or assigns in interest, shall shaze equally in the costs and expenses of maintaining the common driveway and use, manage, administer, maintain and operate the subdivision driveway in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration. All parties agree that they will contribute toward and cause to be performed year-round maintenance of the common driveway in accordance with normal, customary and responsible management practices, which practices include but are not limited to: a. The routine maintenance of the dr' y, including but not limited to, ' ~ litter collection, c ot~~ s w removal and repair of the surface as necess i e driveway in good and working order. i b. The use of agents, subcontractors or employees to be reasonably necessary to carry out the responsibilities under this Declaration. 2. The owners shall maintain in effect at all times a policy of public liability insurance . MANAGEMENT COSTS 3. The owner of Lot 2, in its sole discretion, is appointed as agent to contract and oversee the maintenance and repairs authorized by this agreement and shall: a.. Prepare an annual budget for equal share of the costs of managing the driveway on a yearly basis (hereinafrer referred to as "Maintenance Costs") including, but not limited to, the costs of administration, taxes, insurance, maintenance and repair. b. Maintain a "Reserve Fund" for extraordinazy repair and replacement of the driveway. Money for the Reserve Fund shall be held and accounted for sepazately from the general funds. The Annual reserve Fund fee for each lot shall be computed for the aznount necessary to replace the driveway over a fifteen (15) year period. c. In the event that unforeseen extraordinary expenses arise and sufficient funds are not available in the above-described Reserve fund, the owner of Lot 2, may recommend a special assessment both lot owners shall be obligated to promptly pay the amount of the Special assessment to the owner of Lot 2. d. The owners of Lot 2 and 3 may appoint another management agent. PERMITTED AND PROHIBITED USES 4. The driveway shall be used by the Lot Owners, their guests and invitees subject to the following restrictions: a. When installing, maintaining, or otherwise servicing utility and service lines, Lot Owners shall have their respective agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors, and other representatives (i) use reasonable care not to daznage the driveway; (ii) minimize the disturbance of shrubbery or other vegetation along the driveway; and (iii) upon completion of repair or maintenance, restore the driveway substantially to the same condition as existed at the time of commencement of the work. b. The driveway shall not be used for the dumping or abandoning of any solid waste or debris on or along its length. c. No construction or installation of any structures of any kind, permanent or otherwise (including, but not limited to, gates), may be made without prior written consent of Declazant. d. No construction or installation of any structures and/or landscaping which serve to impede sight lines along, entering upon, or exiting from the driveway may be made. e. No alteration or modification of the driveway, once constructed, will be permitted without prior written consent of Declarant and the Planning Board of the Town of Southold.( TERMS OF PAYMENT A 1~' 5. All Maintenance Costs, Re ~ Fund fees, and special assessments as detailed above shall be billed to the Lot Owners and shall be required to be paid within thirty (30) days after the date of the bill submitted by the owner of Lot 2. 6. The Lot Owners shall comply with the terms of this Declazation. In the event that any Lot Owner fails to comply with the terms set forth herein within thirty (30) days after notice of violation is given by the owner of lot 2, then they shall have the right and power to enforce by any proceeding at law or in equity, all the terms of this Declazation. 7. In the event any legal proceedings are necessary to enforce the terms and conditions of this Declaration, the Lot Owners shall indemnify and hold the owner of Lot 2 harmless from any and all costs associated with such proceedings including, but not limited to, all court costs, service fees, deposition transcript fees and all other expenses and reasonable attorney fees incurred by the owner of Lot 2. 8. That these covenants and restrictions contained herein shall be constnred to be in addition to and not in derogation or limitation upon any local, state or federal laws, ordinances, regulations or provisions in effect at the time of execution of this agreement, or at the time such laws, ordinances, regulations and/or provisions may hereafter be revised, amended or promulgated. 9. If any section, subsection, pazagraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole, or any other part or provision hereof other than the pazt so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. 10. The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated herein, and they are deemed to be incorporated herein and made a part hereof as though fully set forth. 11. The within Declazation shall run with the land arrd shall be binding upon the Declarant, his heirs, successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities, claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked, or amended by subsequent owners of the premises unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold or its successor, following a public hearing. 12. If the parties or its successors or assigns fails to meet its obligations with regazds to the terms of this driveway and Maintenance Agreement, the Declaration the pazties shall have the right to enforce the terms of this agreement in a Court of Law. 13. All notices required under this Declaration shall be mailed to the Lot Owners' addresses or to the property addresses unless other arrangements have been made by the Lot Owner. Notice shall be deemed Effective when mailed. 14. In the event that the Declarant is no longer in title to any portion of the subdivision, then, in that event, notice shall be given to the then owners of the lands making up the subdivision by mailing said notice to their addresses shown on the current Town tax rolls. Ownership should revert back to property owners within the subdivision who are obligated to abide by the terms of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has executed this Easement and Declazation the day and year first above written. Declar nt• l STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the day of ,before me the undersigned, personally appeared, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public S • ~l James F. King, President ~~,oF soUTyo Town Hall Annex ~ 54375 Main Road 1 Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President ~ ~Q l,q'~ P.O. Box 1179 Peggy A. Dickerson ~ ~ Southold, New York 11971-0959 Dave Bergen G ~ • iQ Telephone (631) 765-1892 Bob Ghosio, Jr. ~ Fax (631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Tamara Sadoo Planning Board FROM: Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Board of Trustees DATE: September 21, 2009 RE: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 In response to your request, I conducted a site inspected of the above- referenced property and found the top of bluff line to be accurate with the survey prepared by John T. Metzger last revised November 15, 2006. Please be advised that no construction, sedimentation, or disturbance of any kind may take place seaward of the tidal and/or freshwater wetlands jurisdictional boundary or seaward of the coastal erosion hazard area, or within 100' landward from the top of the bluff and/or wetlands jurisdictional boundary, without further authorization from the Southold Town Board of Trustees pursuant to Chapter 275 and/or Chapter 111 of the Town Code. - :~r Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance. ~F~ 21 209 .moo.. - - • ~ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~OF SOUjy P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~Q~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair ~ ~0,1f. OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~Q 54375 State Route 25 OSEPH L TOWNSEND ~ua l (cor. Mai~Rd. aY~ gs Ave.) ~u11 i ~ Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fas: 631 765.3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: James King, President From: Tamara Sadoo Date: September 3, 2009 Re: Standard Subdivision for Constantine Ioannou SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and a determination of jurisdiction along with a top of bluff line or dune verification. Description: This proposed project is the creation of a 3-lot standard subdivision on 6.8 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 114,288 sq, ft., and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. in the R-80 zoning district. The property is located n/o Main Road in East Marion west of Truman's Beach. The applicant has staked the top of bluff/dune line. The Planning Board respectfully requests that the Southold Town Board of Trustees conduct a site inspection to verify the top of bluff and/or dune along with any other jurisdictional determinations deemed necessary. Thank you for your cooperation. MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~QF ~DUTy P,O. Box 1179 MARTIN H. 5IDOR ~0~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair ~ `may OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS Gijt~ O 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON ~ ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND l~(,'QU~ ~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 76b•1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 18, 2009 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e% Kayleigh's Courtin East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore, This letter is a follow-up to the Southold Town Planning Board's August 17, 2009 Work Session where the above referenced application was reviewed. Based upon this review, the Planning Board will require submission of the following to continue it's review of this application for Preliminary Approva{: 1. Submission of a Tidal Wetlands Permit or Letter of Non-Jurisdiction the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. 2. Submission of a determination from the Town Trustees for the proposed action. 3. Submission of a New York State Department of Transportation Curb- CutlHighway Work Permit for the proposed right-of-way. 4. Submission of a Draft Bond Estimatel/ 5. Submission of a Road and Maintenance Agreement 6. Submission of Draft Covenants and Restrictions which contain the following clauses: a. Access to Lots 1 and 2 on the approved plat shall be from the 25' wide right-of-way attached to Lot 2. b. The existing driveway, which currently provides access to the existing residence on Lot 2, shall be abandoned. c. The existing 25-wide right-of-way as shown on map, dated as last revised February 25, 2004, and located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 shall not be used for vehicular access. d. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within the 100' wide non-disturbance buffer is prohibited except that access to the beach shall be permitted, subject to approval from the Planning Board, the Town Trustees and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. e. Prior to any construction activity from taking place on the lots, the property owners shall be required to obtain and submit a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDS General Permit for stormwater discharges for the action. f. Each of the lots shown on the approved plat is subject to the clearing restrictions pursuant to Southold Town Code §240-49. The Planning Board will also schedule a site visit for this property to look at the beach area in order to determine whether there is a bluff or a dune. Based upon this site visit, the Planning Board will request that you submit an individual plot plan which should clearly reflect either the bluff and top of bluff or dune(s) on the property. I will contact you with the date and time for the site visit. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Thank you, ~ ~'!/~'7'7 ~-Q- Tamara Sadoo Planner WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, August 17, 2009 4:00 p.m. Site Plan and Subdivision Applications: Pro'ect name: Ehrlich former) Hollisters Restaurant SCTM#: 1000-56-4-22 Location: 64755 Main Road, Green ort Descri lion: ZBA A lication for a S cial Exce lion Permit to re-o en a restaurant Status: A roved Site Plan Action: Provide comments to the ZBA re ardin the a lication. Attachments: Draft Comments Pro'ect name: Breeze Hill Farm SCTM#: 1000-74-1-36 Location: 31215 CR 48, Peconic, 609' west of Hen 's Lane, Peconic Description: Site plan is for two new barns and the expansion of a building to be used as a farm office. Status: O en Action: U -date PB on DOT Curb-Cut Permits issued & send out referrals Attachments: Staff Re ort Pro'ect name: loannou, Constantine SCT_M#: 1000-23-1-14.7 Location: _ North side of SR 25, 4848' east of Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion Description: Standard subdivision of 6.8 acres into 3 lots in the R-80 Zoning District. Status: Expired Preliminary Approval Action:_ Update Planning_Board on the status. Attachments: Timeline-Overview i Pro)ect name: Neumann, James A. _SCTM#: 1000-107-1-1.1 & 1.2 ~ocation: End of Mill Road in Mattituck Description: ~ Standard subdivision of 24.9 acres into 5 lots bordering Mattituck Creek in the R-80 Zone. ; i Status: Open j Action: ~ Discuss site visit. i Project name: _ Briarcliff Sod, Inc. ~ SCTM#: 1000-97-10-1 ~ Location: South side of Rt. 25 & north side of Leslie's Road in Peconic. _ ~ Description: j Conservation subdivision of 24.97 acres into 2 building lots and one I agncultural lot (21.55 acres) preserved as farmland by Suffolk County. ~ Status: Co_nditional Sketch Ap rp oval _ _ ~ Action: ^~Review Town Engineer's Report on submitted drain~e~lans._, j PATRICIA C. MOORE y " - Attomey at Law U 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 July 7, 2009 Town 1ofSouthold Main Road '.1 , PO Box 1179 g 2009 ` Southold NY 11971 1;` t` ~11L RE: IOANNOU "e' SCTM: 1000-23-2-5.6 Dear Chairman: Supplementing our May 21 s' letter to you, please be advised that the we have just received approval of the maps from the Suffolk County Health Department. I am attaching via fax a reduced portion of the approved map and will hand deliver a full copy to you. We have already submitted the $1,000.00 extension fee as well as an updated application form. Please let this letter serve as a second request to place this matter on your next work session on July 13, 2009. Thank you. Ve ly yours, P ricia C. M ore PCM/Q encls. C: Mr. & Mrs. Constantine loannou (via fax only) 06/26/2009 19:54 FAX 631 765 4643 MOORE LAW OFFICES + PlannlnB Board ~ 001 • i PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51D20 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765f1643 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET The pagan comprising this facsimile transmission contain confidential information from Patricia C. Moore. This information is intended solely for use by the individual entity named as the reclpient hereof. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of this transmission is prohibited. If y u have received this transmission in error, please notify us by telephone immediadely so we may arrange retrieve this tranQQsmission at no cost to you. TO:\~ ~ Cl:l.l.~ FAX NO: RE~~ O(a tJtJ ~.l . DATE: ~ _ 'L ~ ~ O TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET IF TRANSMISSION IS FAULTY OR INCOMPLETE, PLEASE CALL BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. comm~ants: 1 . r~_, 111,'- JUN 2 9 2009 ~f. C~ • • PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law ~ 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 May 21, 2009 Planning Board ~ ~ - - ~ ' ' Town of Southold Main Road ~ ~ , i~ U PO Box 1179 j,~~ _ Southold NY 11971 ; _ ~ ~ `l MAY 2 2 2009 ~ ; . SCTM: 1000-23-2-5.6 , {i{ Dear Chairman: With reference to the above and pursuant to our previous correspondence, please be advised that the above application is still active and we are awaiting for approval of the maps from the Suffolk County Health Department. Please let this letter serve to confirm as a request that the above application be extended and in accordance with your instructions, I am enclosing my clients check in the amount of $1,000.00 representing the extension fee. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter and would you please be kind enough to place this matter on your next work session on Monday, June 1, 2009. Ve my yours, Pa rici~i Coore PCNY/6p~ " ~ ~ ~ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~OF SOUryo sou hOold,oNY 11971 MARTIN H. SIDOR l„ Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS y ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ ~0 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND l'f~'QU~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 76b-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: May 22, 2009 Re: Pavment Please deposit the attached check into the deferred account. Payment is for the Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou preliminary plat application fee: application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Applicnnt/Project Nnme d~ Tax Map # Amount Check Date/No. T Authorizntion Code Constantine Ioannou Standard 23-1-14.7 $1,000.00 4/30/09 - 10278 Subdivision . zr-, ` ,n~ a~ .;Y I *:~F~Y. , b .7~ ~4.. `k ~ a CK ~=1 ~ F 4 ~ , ~ pouars ~ e Enc. ~ .f ~ rh e tr' ~ # a ~e ~ - z~ ~ x - a a. LASER FICHE FORM SUBDIVISIONS Proiect Type: Standard Status: Expired SCTM # : 1000 - 23.-1-14.7 Proiect Name: loannou. Constantine 2004 location The property is located on the north side of State Road 25. 4848 feet e/o Kavleigh's Court, in East Marion. Hamlet: East Marion Applicant Name: Constantine loannou Owner Name: loannou, Constantine Zone 1: R-80 Approval Date: l~~ ~i?~/~ PLAT Signed Date: ~f~ ~n~py~e~ OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that vre have received the related information Zone 2: Zone 3: C and R's Homeowners Association R and M Agreement: Address: County Filing Date: SCANNED DEC19~ Records Management SCAN Date: 80~ g f ~3~ • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 O~~~F ~~UlyO Southold, NY 11971 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair ~ o OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR G ~ 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND OIiYCOU,rtV Southold, NY 111, Telephone: 631 766-1935 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 29, 2008 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the nls/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore, This letter is to inform you that pursuant to §240-19(G)(1) and (2), the application for preliminary plat approval for the above referenced property has expired. If the applicant would like to re-submit this application, a second preliminary filing fee shall be paid before any application for final approval shall be accepted or processed. Thank you. Sincerely, Tamara Sadoo Planner Town of Southold Southold Town Annex 54375 State Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Telephone: (631) 765-1938 • , ~ it PATRICIA C. MOORS ~ ~ ~ ~ -1~~ Attorney at Law ~ ~ - 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 ~ ~ A~~ 2p01 i Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 1 , t, - F,~ January 11,2007 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: IOANNOU SCTM:1000-23-2-5.6 Dear Chairman: With reference to the above and pursuant to the conversation had with your office today, please be advised that the above application is still active and we awaiting for approval of the maps from the Suffolk County Health Department. Please let this letter serve to confirm as a request that the above application be extended. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter. ery ruly yours, Pa ic~M ore PCM/bp C: Mr. & Mrs. Constantine loannou MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD n~_. _..t ~ ~O f S~U~b P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE 0~ '70l Southold, NY 11971 Chair ~ Q OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS G ~ 54375 State Route 25 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~ ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) GEORGE D. SOLOMON li('COU'm'~~ Southold, NY 4 111, Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 13, 2005 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the north side of State Road 25, 4,848 feet east of Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, December 12, 2005, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft.; and WHEREAS, on August 9, 2004, the Southold Town Planning Board granted conditional sketch approval on the plat, dated as last revised September 7, 2000; and WHEREAS, on February 14, 2005, the Southold Town Planning Board granted conditional preliminary plat approval on the plat, dated as last revised February 25, 2004; and WHEREAS, in a letter dated December 6, 2005, the applicant has requested an extension of time in order to meet the conditions of conditional preliminary plat approval; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Planning Board hereby grant an extension of time for conditional preliminary plat approval effective from August 15, 2005 until February 15, 2006. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, erilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~F SOUIy P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE h~~ Old Southold, NY 11971 Chair l~( l~I OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS w ~ Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON ~Ql • (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND ~CQUry l' N~ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 13, 2007 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the n/s/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, February 12, 2007, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft.; and WHEREAS, on August 9, 2004, the Southold Town Planning Board granted conditional sketch approval on the plat, dated as last revised September 7, 2000; and WHEREAS, on February 14, 2005, the Southold Town Planning Board granted conditional preliminary plat approval on the plat, dated as last revised February 25, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board granted an extension of time for conditional preliminary plat approval effective from August 15, 2005 until February 15, 2006; and WHEREAS, in a letter dated January 11, 2007, the applicant indicates that the application remains pending in the Health Department at this time and therefore is requesting another extension of time in order to meet the conditions of preliminary plat approval; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants an extension of time for the preliminary plat approval effective from February 15, 2006 until February 15, 2007. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Jerilynv'%~ouse Chairperson ~ ~ s~~ PA"I"RtCL4 C. 1VTOORE A~corney aY Law 1 t)2~ b9ain Road Southold, ?~~ew Y"ori: i 19?i 1'el: (ti31) ifi$-433C) Fax: (6. 1) ?fS-4E43 Margaret ftutkowsl:i St:crctarv Decerber 9: 207 Sout'no.iw T::wn Piarnina Board Sw.rn Ha 3. 1 5.>09 ~ M~ .n 2oa Southo.d, ?dY ii5`7i i o'~ FRX1 ~l"11~1 ~Ot~ BE: Briar_ngioic3-By-Che-:ae~a subdivision Dcar Aa'hcat~r: T:~e .=ub:ii-riai~on is wiCl: the Health Department, pending heir. rtvieth and a~pro~.ra1. Please grant an ertensiotz of r.tee preliminary mad. S!~r'y°t.~-u1~ yours, ~ .Futrici.~ C. Moore _-+.ea~ Z~d E494 S9L IE9 aot,~,}0 mad a~ooW QTEt60 SO 60 oa0 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBER • P.O. Box 1179 o~~pF SOUlyol Southold, NY 11971 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair ~ ~ OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS G Q 54375 State Koute 25 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~ ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) GEORGE D. SOLOMON Ol~COUn 1 , Southold, NY 111, Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 26, 2005 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Dear Ms. Moore: The Preliminary approval for the above-referenced subdivision application expired on August 14, 2005. Please submit an extension of time request so that we may update the approval and our files accordingly. As a reminder, enclosed please find one copy of the Engineer's report dated June17, 2003 and the Planning Board resolution of approval dated February 15, 2005, which outlines the outstanding submission requirements for this project. With respect to the Engineer's report, please review comments 1 and 2, which have not yet been addressed on the map. In addition, please be sure to submit the completed LWRP Coastal Consistency Review Form, the final application and fee and the park and playground fee in the amount of $14,000 ($7000 per newly created lot). With respect to the Covenants and Restrictions, please add a clause that details the planting specifications required by the Planning Board and guarantees the survival of the proposed street trees for a period of not less than 5 years. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact this office. Si ely, Anthony ezz Senior Planner I I~ ~ T ~ ~ o~gUFFO(,~co JOSHUA Y. HORTON Gyp JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISOR ~ : ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD ~ ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Fax. (631) - 765 - 9015 ~ Tel. (63l) - 765 - 1560 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER ,,~s~t~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse June 17, 2005 Chairperson -Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Subdivision of Constantine loannou State Route 25, Orient East Marion Causeway SCTM 1000 - 23 - 01 - 14.7 SCTM 1000 - 23 - 02 - 5.6 Dear Mrs. Woodhouse: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the site plan for the above referenced project. Please consider the following: 1. As designed, the proposed "Tee" shaped road end may not adequately provide for the turning radius of emergency equipment. Please note, this basic concept for providing turning access has been acceptable in the past but due to the narrow width of the Right of Way there may be problems. If property owners install fencing along the inside corner of proposed roadways on lot # 2 & # 3 it will be difficult for larger vehicles such as rescue or fire trucks to turn around within the Right of Way. This configuration, as proposed, should be further detailed to verify adequate turning access for larger vehicles. 2. Drainage calculations have not been provided and a drainage system have not been indicated. Runoff calculations and drainage system designs for the stone blend roadway should be provided to prevent run-off from entering the state highway system. Arun-off coefficient of 0.6 should be used for all stone blend areas. 3. A NYS DOT Curb Cut Permit should be required. 4. As indicated on the Site Plan, the Top of Bluff is shown below the 5' contour. It would appear from the contours indicated on the map that the top of bluff should be at or near the 10' contour through lot # 1 and follow the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line through Lot # 2. This item should be reviewed with Mark Terry, LW RP Coordinator, for consistency with regard to the LW RP. The final determination with regard to actual location of Top of Bluff should be made by Mark Terry. Please keep in mind that this will directly impact the potential size of building envelopes. 5. Please note that the proposed disturbance resulting from construction activities would include the grading of the new road and the construction of new homes. The total ground disturbance forthis project will be greater than one (1) acre in area. [This would include all graded & disturbed areas for the new road/driveway and drainage areas as well as the proposed building envelopes.] This project will require coverage from NYS Department of Environmental Protection (DEC) under the Phase II State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Program. The Developer must obtain coverage under the General Permit for Storm-water Runoff from Construction Activity (GP-02-01) prior to the initiation of construction activities. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sin erely, James A. Rich er, R.A. cc: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator ~~gOFFO(,~co • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMB~RS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE ~ ~ Southold, NY 11971 Z Chair y OFFICE LOCATION: W ~ Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J. CREMERS Oy~fol ~aO~ 54376 State Route 25 KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY GEORGE D. SOLOMON Telephone: 831 786-1938 Fax: 631 766•$136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 15, 2005 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the north side of State Road 25, 4,848 feet east of Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zq,~Iing District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moe: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held do Monday, Febbruary 14, 2005, adopted the following resolution: The public hearing was closed. WHEREAS, this proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft.; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Part 617, Article 6 of the Environmental Conservation Law, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, established itself as lead agency for the action on June 14, 2004; and WHEREAS, on August 9, 2004, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, Part 617, Article 7, made a determination of non-significance and granted a Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board granted conditional sketch plan approval on August 9, 2004 for the proposed action; and WHEREAS, the. applicant has submitted an application for preliminary plat approval upon the map, dated as last revised February 25, 2004; therefore, be it , loannou -Page Two - 2/15/05 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant conditional preliminary plat approval on the plat, dated as last revised February 25, 2004, subject to the following conditions: 1. Submission of a map with the following revisions: a. The map needs to be revised to show a t-shaped turn-around split between Lots 2 and 3, with a corner radius sufficient enough to facilitate proper vehicle circulation. b. Across-section or detail of the proposed 16'-wide road shall be shown on the map. c. The 16'-wide road needs to be shown within the 25'-wide right-of-way. d. A notation indicating that the existing 25'-wide right-of-way located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 will not be used for access. e. Street trees are to be shown on each side of the 16'-wide road in accordance with the provisions of Section A108-45 of the Town Code. The street trees shall be planted 30' on center and consist of species suitable for marine environments, i.e. Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana). 2. SubmJission of a Tidal Wetlands Permit or Letter of Non-Jurisdiction from the New Yor1c State Department of Environmental Conservation. 3. Submission of a determination from the Town Trustees for the proposed action. 4. Submission of a New York State Department of Transportation Curb- Cut/Highway Work Permit for the proposed right-of-way. 5. Submission of a Draft Bond Estimate. 6. Submission of a Road and Maintenance Agreement 7. Submission of Draft Covenants and Restrictions which contain the following clauses: a. Access to Lots 1 and 2 on the approved plat shall be from the 25' wide right-of-way attached to Lot 2. b. The existing driveway, which currently provides access to the existing residence on Lot 2, shall be abandoned. c. The existing 25-wide right-of-way as shown on map, dated as last revised February 25, 2004, and located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 shall not be used for vehicular access. d. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within the 100' wide non- disturbance buffer is prohibited except that access to the beach shall be permitted, subject to approval from the Planning Board, the Town Trustees and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. e. Prior to any construction activity from taking place on the lots, the property owners shall be required to obtain and submit a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDS General Permit for stormwater discharges for the action. f. Each of the lots shown on the approved plat is subject to the clearing restrictions pursuant to Section A106-56 of the Town Code. • i loannou -Page Two - 2/15/05 Conditional preliminary approval is valid for six (6) months unless an extension of time is requested by the applicant and approved by the Planning Board. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, enlyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson ~ ~ ~~r~ F Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: / / /4 6't'~- Subject: ~ pGi n ~ ~ ~ SCTM#: 1000 - j,3 - ~ ~ Date: ~ ~ yo ~O,r Comments: ~ ~ Gam' C~J' ~ • ~ S i- gUFFO(,~c JOSHUA Y. HORTON JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISOR ~ = ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD ~ . ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Fex. (631) - 765 -9015 Tel. (631) - 765 - 1560 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse June 17, 2005 Chairperson -Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Subdivision of Constantine loannou State Route 25, Orient East Marion Causeway SCTM 1000 - 23 - 01 -14.7 SCTM 1000 - 23 - 02 - 5.6 Dear Mrs. Woodhouse: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the site plan for the above referenced project. Please consider the following: 1. As designed, the proposed "Tee" shaped road end may not adequately provide fw the fuming radius of emergency equipment. t?lease note, this basic concept for providing fuming access has been acceptable in the past but due to the narrow width of the Right of Way there maybe problems. If property owners install fencing along the inside comer of proposed roadways on lot # 2 & # 3 it will be difficult for larger vehicles such as rescue or fire trucks to turn around within the Right of Way. This configuration, as proposed, should be further detailed to verify adequate fuming access for larger vehicles. 2. Drainage ca~ulations have not been provided and a drainage system have not been indicated~Runoff calculations and drainage system designs for the stone blend. roadway should be provided to preventrun-off from entering the state highway system. A runoff coefficient of 0.6 should be used for al! stone blend areas. 3. A NYS DOT Curb Cuf Permit should be required. 4. As indicated on the Site Plan, the Top of Bluff is shown below the 5' corrtcwr It would appear from the contours indicated on the map that the top of bluff should be at or near the 10' contour through lot # 1 arrd folbw the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line through Lot # 2. This item should be reviewed with Mark Terry, LW RP Coordinator, for consistency with regard to the LW RP. The final determination with regard to actual location of Top of Bluff should be made by Mark Terry. Please keep in mind that this will directly impact the potential size of building envelopes. 5. Please note that the proposed disturbance resulting from construction activities would include the grading of the new road and the construction of new homes. The total ground disturbance forthis project will be greater than one (1) acre in area. [This would include all graded & disturbed areas for the new road/driveway and drainage areas as well as the proposed building envelopes.] This project will require coverage from NYS Department of Environmental Protection (DEC) under the Phase II State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Program. The Developer must obtain coverage under the General Permit for Storm-water Runoff from Construction Activity (GP-02-01) prior to the initiation of construction activities. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Si erely, ' / //r'~? James A. Rich er, R.A. cc: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator May 26 OS 11:12a Moore Law Office 631 765 4643 p.2 • r,~~rxici~ c. siaax~ Attarncr Luw > I U?U Mun Rand Scwtht~id. \ex Yark 1197; Tal:(631ii65-2330 FaC: (6311 ~G_:-9613 MriV ?b, 2UC;5 Southold .'env:, - enni*<g hoard S2rilyn 3. Lvcodnouse, '.hair ?.O.Baa 1.19 SoLahcld, 2~7Y 21971 By Far. and ha^d c;:•li`~er Ott: AAT_i1oP`7 Re: C'.;arnea~s starda.r.d ~unaivisior. SC~Td~2tC'0--63-1-25 Una lot snbdivisic~. Dear ?r_thony: Sn iigY:t of the fact tha_ the fina'~ map wi13 be in su"astantia2li the same ~ear~., as the pre"_iminary map are respect~:ully °e¢uest _hat _:ne public hearing or. the final map be ~aaiVed. :har;; you nor your courtesies. Very truly yours, ~ Patricia C. Dloace cc : ~.r . Israel t~ 1 • i PATRICIA C. MOORS A[tomey a[ Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 Robert Kassner Mazgazet Rutkowski Legal Assistant Legal Secretary May 13, 2005 Ms. Jeri Woodhouse, Chairwoman Southold Town planning Board Town Hall . 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Minor Subdivision Constantine Ioannou MAY t ~ J(lri East Marion i SCTM# 1000-23-O1-14.7 _ 1000-23-02-5.6 ~ ~ Dear Ms. Woodhouse: This is in response to your 2/15/05 conditional preliminary plat approval subject to submission of a map with revisions a thru e as contained in the resolution. Please find, enclosed, the requested revisions. If you have any questions, or require additional data please contact this office. Very truly yours, . _ / ' Patricia C. Moore Encl's cc: Constantine Ioannou ~ ~ ~gpFfO(,~~, ~ MAHdNG ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~ P.O. Boa 1179 JERII.YN B. WOODHOUSE ~ ~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair y OFFICE LOCATION: ~ Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~~l b4375 State Route 26 KENNETH L. EDWARDS * (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY GEORGE D. SOLOMON Telephone: BS1 78b-1958 Fas: 831 786-$136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 15, 2005 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the north side of State Rosd 25, 4,848 feet east of Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zahing District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moe: i The Southdld Town Planning Board, at a meeting held n Monday, February 14, 2005, adopted the following resolution: The public hearing was closed. WHEREAS, this proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft.; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Part 617, Article 6 of the Environmental Conservation Law, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, established itself as lead agency for the action on June 14, 2004; and WHEREAS, on August 9, 2004, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, Part 617, Article 7, made a determination of non-significance and granted a Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board granted conditional sketch plan approval on August 9, 2004 for the proposed action; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted an application for preliminary plat approval upon the map, dated as last revised February 25, 2004; therefore, be it loannou -Page Two - 2/15/05 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant conditional preliminary plat approval on the plat, dated as last revised February 25, 2004, subject to the following conditions: 1. Submission of a map with the following revisions: t r ~ The map needs to be revised to show a t-shaped tum-around split ~ r ~ ~t19!~.0, 2 with a cglrnelr radius sufficient enough to iaeilitate , proper vehicle circulation. l~ Across-section or detail of the proposed 16'-wide road shall be shown on the map. Iz~ The 16'-wide road needs to be shown within the 25'-wide right-of-way. ~,et' A notation indicating that the existing 25'-wide right-of-way located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 will not be used for access. !Street trees are to be shown on each side of the 16'-wide road in accordance with the provisions of Section A108-45 of the Town Code. - The street trees shall be planted 30' on center and consist of species suitable for marine environments, i.e. Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana). . Submission of a Tidal Wetlands Permit or Letter of Non-Jurisdiction from the New Yoyfc State Department of Environmental Conservation. Submission of a determination from the Town Trustees for the proposed action. 4. Submission of a New York State Department of Transportation Curb- Cut/Highway Work Permit for the proposed right-of-way. 5. Submission of a Draft Bond Estimate. 6. Submission of a Road and Maintenance Agreement 7. Sutxnission of Draft Covenants and Restrictions which contain the following clauses: a. Access to Lots 1 and 2 on the approved plat shall be from the 25' wide right-of-way attached to Lot 2. b. The existing driveway, which currently provides access to the existing residence on Lot 2, shall be abandoned. c. The existing 25-wide right-of-way as shown on map, dated as last revised February 25, 2004, and located along the westerly property line of Lot 1 shall not be used for vehicular access. d. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within the 100' wide non- disturbance buffer is prohibited except that access to the beach shall be permitted, subject to approval from the Planning Board, the Town Trustees and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. e. Prior to any construction activity from taking place on the lots, the property owners shall be required to obtain and submit a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDS General Permit for stormwater discharges for the action. f. Each of the lots shown on the approved plat is subject to the clearing restrictions pursuant to Section A1o6-56 of the Town Code. loannou - Pacae Two - 2/15/05 Conditional preliminary approval is valid for six (6) months unless an extension of time is requested by the applicant and approved by the Planning Board. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, L_ i~ erily~house Chairperson AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as n/o State Road 25, 4,848 ft e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM: 1000-23-1-14.7 by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on February 14, 2005 I have sent notices, by certified m ' urn receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of whi l~ttached, to the owners of record of every property which abu d every property which is across on Patricia C. Moore, Esq. Your Name (prl 51020 Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 Address February 4, 2005 Date Notary ub c NpMta~ry PublEc State o New~Yak No. 4982528~y ~Exp a dyro 9. d,_,O~ PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY: 12:00 noon, Fri., 2/11/05 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou SCTM#s: 1000-23-1-14.7 Date of Hearing: Monday. February 14, 2005, 6:00 p.m. W/ PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK x In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT Constantine Ioannou OF (Name of Applicant) MAILINGS CTM Parcel #1000-23-1-14.7 -------------------------------------------------x COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, Margaret Rutkowski residing at Mattituck, New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the 1st day of February, 2005, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in Southold, New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIP'T' REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the (X) Assessors, or ( )County Real Property Office Southold, for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. / ' /CC~I.i~=~yus7.6tJ~ (Signature) Margaret Rutkowski Sworn to before me this 1st day of February, 2005 f 7, . _ (Notary Public) pATRICIA C. MOORE Notary Public, State of New York SuffolkCounty - No. 4861668 Commission F.xplrea June 18, 3IL~.S~ PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank you. ' , • Address List - Ioannou SCTM: # 1000-23-1-14.7 23-I-14.8 Mr. George C. Stankevich 23-2-5.7 74 Montauk Highway, Ste. 22 East Hampton, NY 11937 23-1-14.10 Mr. Irwin Seigel Ms. Carol A. Seigel 278 S. Bayview Road Freeport, NY 11520-3234 23-1-14.6 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bolletino 23-2-5.5 PO Box 537 East Marion, NY 11939-0537 23-1-14.13 Ms. Janet N. Profeta 29 Hofstra Drive Plainview, NY 11803 PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney a[ Law 315 Westphalia Road P.O. Box 483 Mattituck, New York 11952 ' Tel: (516) 298-5629 Fax: (516) 298-5664 Margaret Rutkowski Secretary February 1, 2005 BY CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED FIELD(Name) FIELD(Address) FIELD(City State) Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine Ioannou Located n/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM 1000-23-1-14.7 Dear FIELD(Greeting): I represent Constantine Ioannou with regard to his property located on the north side of State Road 25, 4,848 feet east of Kayleigh's Court in East Marion. Mr. Ioannou is proposing to subdivide the parcel into three lots. We have submitted the required application and a hearing on this matter has been scheduled for Monday, February 14, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. at Southold Town Hall. Enclosed is the Notice to Adjacent Property Owners and a copy of the proposed subdivision. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Patricia C. Moore PCM/mr Encls. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a standard subdivision; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the R-80 Zoning District; 4. That the application is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (2nd FI., North Fork Bank) Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938; 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, February 14, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Traveler/Watchman, published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner's Name(s): Constantine loannou Date: 1 /13/05 • ! . ~ PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971-4616 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 February 2, 2005 Southold Town Planing Board Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Application of Constantine Ioannou SCTM: 1000-23-1-14.7 Hearing: Monday, February 14, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. Dear Ladies/Gentlemen: Enclosed please find the Affidavit of Mailing with four (4) Certified Mail Receipts for the above referenced matter. Very truly yours, Patricia C. Moore PCM/mr Encls ~ ~ ~~gpFFO(,~cG ~ MAHSNG ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS hi0 Gy P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE C ~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair y OFFICE LOCATION: O ~ ~ Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J. CREMERS '~~ljpl ~aO! 54375 State Route 25 KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY GEORGE D. SOLOMON Telephone: 631 766-1838 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law and Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 14th day of February, 2005 on the question of the following: 6:00 p.m. Proposed Standard Subdivision for located on the north side of State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000- 23-1-14.7 6:05 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for David Rose Perennials located approximately 1,807' ~ s/o Sound Avenue, on the w/s/o Aldrich Lane, known as 5645 Aldrich Lane, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-120-3-11.12 6:10 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Francis Kestler located at the n/w intersection of NYS Route 25 and Pacific Street, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-142-2-16 6:15 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Fitness Advantage located at the n/e intersection of County Road 48 and Youngs Avenue, on the n/e/s/o CR 48 and the a/s/o Youngs Avenue, Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-55-2-16 6:20 p.m. Proposed Amendment to Covenants & Restrictions, Lots 13 & 14, Section 2 of approved Major Subdivision Summit Estates located on the west side of Shipyard Lane in East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-35-8-5.21 & 5.22 Dated: 1 /18/05 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson . ~ • i PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2005 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFICE. THANK YOU. COPY SENT TO: The Traveler/Watchman . ~ i • Kalin, Carol From: Dina Kontokosta [dkontokosta@travelerwatchman.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:28 PM To: Kalin, Carol Subject: Re: Legal Ads for 2/3/05 Edition We received the file and it will appear in the 2/3 edition. Thanks! Original Message From: "Kalin, Carol" <Carol.Kalin~town.southold.ny.us> To: <editorial@travelerwatchman.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:14 PM Subject: Legal Ads for 2/3/05 Edition Attached please find the legal ads for the 2/3/05 edtion. Kindly send a confirmation of receipt for our records. Thanks. «ioanrosekestlerfitnesssummit.doc » 6:00 Ioannou Standard Subdivision 6:05 David Rose Perennials Site Plan 6:10 Ke stler Site Plan 6:15 Fitness Advantage Site Plan 6:20 Summit Estates Amendment to Covenants & Restrictions 1 . ~ ~~gUFFO(,~co ~ MATTING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS h~~ l/,y P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE G ~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair y G ~ OI FICE LOCATION: • Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J. CREMERS '101 ~a~ 54375 State Route 25 KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ (cor. Main Itd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY GEORGE D. SOLOMON Telephone: 631 765-1938 Faa: 631 765-5136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law and Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 14th day of February, 2005 on the question of the following: 6:00 p.m. Proposed Standard Subdivision for Constantine loannou located on the north side of State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000- 23-1-14.7 6:05 p.m. Proposed Site P-tan for David Rose Perennials located approximately 1,807' s/o Sound Avenue, on th~w/s/o Aldrich Lane, known as 5645 Aldrich Lane, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-120-3-11.12 6:10 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Francis Kestler located at the n/w intersection of NYS Route 25 and Pacific Street, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-142-2-16 6:15 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Fitness Advantage located at the n/e intersection of County Road 48 and Youngs Avenue, on the n/e/s/o CR 48 and the a/s/o Youngs Avenue, Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-55-2-16 6:20 p.m. Proposed Amendment to Covenants & Restrictions, Lots 13 & 14, Section 2 of approved Major Subdivision Summit Estates located on the west side of Shipyard Lane in East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-35-8-5.21 & 5.22 Dated: 1/18/05 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) CAROL KALIN, Secretary to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 18th day of January, 2005 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Southold Town Hall. 53095 Main Road. Southold. New York 2/14105 ReQUlar Meetinu: 6:00 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Standard Subdivision for Constantine loannou SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 6:05 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for David Rose Perennials SCTM# 1000-120-3-11.12 6:10 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for Francis Kestler SCTM#1000-142-2-16 6:15 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for Fitness Advantage SCTM#1000-55-2-16 6:20 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Amendments to the Covenants & Restrictions of Section 2, Summit Estates, Lots 13 & 14 SCTM#1000-35-8-5.21 & 5.22 ~c~ f=c~ /1 O~~~L arol alm Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board Sworn to before me this day of , 2005. ; c- Notary Public BARBARA ANN RUDDER Notary Public, State of New York No. 4855805 Qualified in Suftolk County Commlulon Ezplna Aprll 14,s~~ LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK the Town Law and Article XXV STATE OF NEW YORK ss: of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will Lise Marinate, being duly sworn, says be held by the Southold Town that she 1s the Le al Adverttsln Planning Board, at the Town g g Hall, Main Road, Southold, Coordinator, of the Traveler Watchman, New York on the 14th day of February, 2005 on the question a public newspaper printed at Southold, of the following: in Suffolk County; and that the notice of 6:00 p.m. Proposed Standard which the annexed is a Tinted co ,has Subdivtsion for Constantind! P PY ,Ioannod located on the north- been published in said Traveler side of State Road 25, 4,848 feet Watchma~ once each week e/o Kayleigh's Court, East Marion, Town of Southold, for............week successivel County of Suffolk, State of New ~ y' York. Suffolk County Tax Map Comdr lest in~ on the ....:............day of Number 1000-23-I-14.7 ......ice .'..L.SG.~.... 2005. 6:05 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for David Rose Perennials locat- ~ ~ 4 - ed approximately 1,807' s/o ls.-.~l~:'c~.~-Q- _ Sound Avenue, on the w/s/o Aldrich Lane, known as 5645 Aldrich Lane, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk y~ County Tax Map Number 1000- t0 before me this.:-!....day Of 120-3-11.12 .,,~,~~{,C!c,?y 2005. 6:10 p.m. Proposed Site Plan .i for Francis Kestler located at the n/w intersection of NYS Route; 25 and Pacific Street, Matti[uck Town of Southold, County ni ~~~C~F.II~~~ Suffolk, State of New Yore. ' ~ Notary Pub11C Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-142-2-16 6:15 p. m. Proposed. Site Plan - far Fitness Advantage located at Emey Hamm NOTARY PUBLIC, S[a[e of New York the n/c in[erseetlon of County No. O1 HA5059984 Road 48 and Youngs Avenue, an Qua~iBea in Suttoik County the n/e/S/O CR 48 and the e/S/O Commission expires May 06, 2006 Youngs Avenue, Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000- 55-2-16 620 p.m. Proposed Amendment to Covenants & Restrictions, Lots l3. & l4, Section 2 of approvcil Major Subdivision Summit Estates located on the west side of Shipyard Lane in East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-35-8-5.21 & 5.22 Dated: 1/18/05 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLAN- NING BOARD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson ]X213/05 (556) ~ • ¦ Complete Rems 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. Signature item 41f Restricted Delivery rs desired. X ? Agent ¦ Print your name and address on the reverse ? Addressee s0 that We Can retUm the Card t0 yOU. B. ecei a by (Panted Name) C. Date/yf De,v~Ie/ry ¦ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, 'r J or on the front N space permits. D. Is delivery address tliftemnt fmm item t? ?Ves 1. Article Addressed to: If YES. enter tlelivery adtlress below: ? No Mr. George C. Stankevich 74 ttontauk Highway, Ste. 2~ East Hampton, NY 11937 3. ice Type ertifled Mail ? Express Mail Registered ? Retum Receipt for Merchandise ? Insured Mail ? G.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (EMra Feel ?Ves 2. Article Number 70Q4 2510 X005 2376 772 (imns/er hoar service Isbell PS Form 3811, February 2004 ' omestic Return Receipt tozs9s-oam-is6o u. is Oetrvery aeoress amemm from rtem ; ~ ,ca 1. Article Addressed to: It YES, enter delivery address below: ? No Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bollet:in:• 2~5 ~ v/' ~ t/lf~> Po 5~,: 537 ~i?l7iZ/t~o.? c~'`~Ci~S Bast *'ariot:I TdY 11939-037 / 3. ice Type rtified Mail ? Express Mail Registered ? Return Receipt for Merchandise ? Insured Mail ? C.O.D. 4. Res[actetl Delivery? (Extra Fee) ?Ves 2. ArticleNUmber 7004 2510 0005 2376 7689 (Transfa/ from service IabeQ -4Q1i c_ - Receipt W259s-02-M-1560 ~ p eat TO r Sheet t o.; ~ • ~ • • IKq~71JI~I~lLI6~93NIU]x~(.~]~~177a' arPO Bax NO. J~) _ city, siaie, zii61 ~q~q !L, ~ ¦ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete ~ Signatu V (.u' V~- ~lV ~ item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ~~j// ? Agent „ ¦ Print your name and address on the reverse X ~ ~ ? Addressee so that we can return the card to you. D nt TO ~ B. Receive ( ed N e Date of Delivery o ~ ¦ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, S ~ 1 ~ or on the front ifs ace ertnits. - G _ Siiee(AP~NlM._ _ - t` . P P orPoBOxNO.~ ~5.,('J/,((al//PC~ OC1 C~ D. Is delivery adtlress differenlfrom item l7 ?Yes . 1. Article Addressed to: , It YES, enter delive adtless below: ? No city,"siaie,"ziaa'~~EPD/~1~1~-J //!'ZD, Ms. JaneC Pro fete ry 1.9 Hofstra 6riv.= o enrro Plainview TVY 11803 o ~,C, 9' l1 _ A ~ Iti - SheetAPfNo, a _ ar PO Bax N¢ - - _ 3. rvice Type CiN~ Srare, ZIW4 _ dtr ~/f ~ rtified Mail ? Express Mail _ ~ Registered ? Retum Receipt for Merchandise „ s ? Insured Mail ? C.O.D. O Sent o 4. RasMcted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ~ Vey o c~E~,~Ck -fAa1K~l/;~ - - ~ Streei,Apt:No:i-----'` 2. Article Number e,PO_e_e.nb.~J<fcL_/r(,ry ,S~L; (TransRyrlromseMce/abel) 7004 2510 0005 2376 7672 - - - //~-m - ----y-/ Giry. Srete, 2/pyy- / % / a'~ n I / ///j - _ - ~ / /`ff J%/'~ /V j\ PS Form 3811 , February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-0'1-M-1590 „ ~gUFFO(,~~, ~ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS GG,y P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE O= ~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair y eZ OFFICE LOCATION: RICHARD CAGGIANO G • ~ Town Hall Annex KENN TH L EDWARDS y~01 54375 State Route 25 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 78b-1835 Faa: 631 76b-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 11, 2005 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located n/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, January 10, 2005, adopted the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, February 14, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. for a Preliminary Public Hearing. Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 58, Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The sign and the post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office, Southold Town Annex. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Posting along with the certified mailing receipts AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday. February 11th. The sign and the cost need to be returned to the Planning Board Office after the public hearing. Please contact this office with any questions. Very truly yours, ~ ~l ~ Gc~GL~ s~~.~~~ / - -7 . Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson encl. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a standard subdivision; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the R-80 Zoning District; 4. That the application is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (2nd FI., North Fork Bank) Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938; 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, February 14.2005 at 6:00 a.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the TravelerlWatchman, published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner's Name(s): Constantine loannou Date: 1/13/05 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices, by certified mail -return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY: 12:00 noon. Fri., 2/11/05 *..****..,.~,,.****~.,...***~«****~******..«.*.,t***.*.~«««...,.,.**...~*~**~~*..,~~««..,.*.*...~~*~~*..**~ Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou SCTM#s: 1000-23-1-14.7 Date of Hearing: Mondav, February 14, 2005. 6:00 p.m. § 58-1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING § 58-1 Chapter b8 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING § 68-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 12-27-1996 as L.L. No. 26.1996. Amendments noted where applicable.) 68-1. Providing notice of public hearings. Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing, this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. The board or commission reviewing an application shall provide for the giving of notice: A. By causing a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed bylaw. B. By requiring the applicant to erect the sign provided by the town, which shall be prominently displ~ yed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application abuts, giving notice of the application, the nature of the approval Bought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than ten (10) feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven (7) days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision. C. By requiring the applicant to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street 5801 1_%_se § 58-1 SOtI'PHOLD CODE § b8-1 from the property included in the application. Such notice shall be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, posted at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The applicant or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision. 5802 i-sa-ae CONSTANTINE IOANNOU IOANNOU STANDARD SUBDIVISION 1000-23-1-14.7 Proposal for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. MON. -FEBRUARY 14, 2005 - 6:00 P.M. r r . PATRICIA C. MOORS Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 January 6, 2005 BY HAND C/L. % a LY Southold Town Planning Board ~ G~n 5 _ Main Road Southold, NY 11971 ~/~o~oZ Re: Minor Subdivision of Constantine Ioannou a,3-i-1~.'7 Dear Anthony, Enclosed please find a check made payable to the Town of Southold in the sum of $1,000 for filing fees on the application for my client, Constantine Ioannou. Thank you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very Truly Yours, C ~l»~. ~ ~ atricia C. Moore PCM/er L.._ ~ _ _T___J • • fir 'MT December 16, 2004 Anthony P. Trezza, Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Board ~l ~ ~~^!'~~n 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 i ~r a Southold, NY 11971 I~~' tJ DEC 1 7 RE: Constantine Ioannou East Marion SCTM# 1000-23-01-14. Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Trezza: As requested in your letter of November 5, 2004 enclosed are maps showing: 1.25' wide right-of--way incorporated into lot 2 2. Date and name and of person who flagged bluff 3. Area 100' setback from the top of the bluff marked as anon-disturbance buffer This map will also be sent to the DEC as requested in their notice of incomplete application. A Stormwater Pollution Protection Plan has been prepared and is enclosed. A Notice of Intent N O I) has been sent to the DEC. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact this office. Very truly yours Patricia C. Moore Encl. gUFFO(,~~, ~ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~Gy P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE ~ ~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: RICHARD CAGGIANO ~ • 'F Town Hall Annea KENNE 'H L EDWARDS y~01 54376 State Route 25 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 786-1838 Fag: 831 786-3138 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 14, 2004 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located on the north side of State Road 25, 4,848' east of Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: F1-80 Dear Ms. Moore: ' The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, December 13, 2004, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 114,288 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board received comments from the Suffolk County Planning Commission on October 18, 2004 and reviewed said comments at their October 25, 2004 Work Session; and WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Planning Commission disapproved the subdivision application for reasons stated in their correspondence, dated October 6, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Planning Commission finds that Lots 1 and 2 are "landlocked" and does not consider the proposed 25' wide right-of-way to be proper road frontage according to Commission standards; and WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Planning Commission is requiring that Lots 1 and 2 each contain a 15' wide flag strip which will provide proper road frontage according to Commission's standards and that the proposed 25' wide right-of-way be replaced by a road which would be suitable for dedication to the Town; and WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Planning Commission is requiring that the top of the bluff and the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Line be flagged in the field by a qualified loannou -Page Two - 12/9/04 expert, verified by the appropriate regulatory agency and said information to be shown on the map; and WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Planning Commission is requiring a minimum setback of 100' landward of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Line for any proposed sanitary system and a minimum setback of 50' landward of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Line for clearing, grading and/or ground disturbance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the aforementioned comments from Suffolk County Planning Commission; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Southold hereby overrides the Suffolk County Planning Commission's comments for the following reasons: 1. The proposed 25' wide right-of-way will be incorporated into Lots 1 or 2 and will be adequate road frontage according to Town standards. 2. The 25' wide right-of-way has been reviewed by the Town Engineer and has been found to ;onform to the road specification of the Town Code. 3. The Town of oouthold already requires a minimum setback of 100' from the top of the bl!Sff for any structure and the applicant has agreed to establish a "nondisturbance buffer' within the area of the 100' setback which will prohibit clearing, grading or ground disturbance. 4. The flagging information for the bluff will be added to the map as required by the Planning Board. However, it is not the Town's policy to require that a qualified expert flag the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Line. This information is taken directly from the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area maps. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, s~~" Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson ' .,fl ' ~gpFFO(,~co MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ,rO P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE C Southold, NY 11971 Chair `p - ~ OFFICE LOCATION: RICHARD CAGGIANO ~ • 'Z' Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J. CREMERS y~0 54375 State Route 25 KENNETH L. EDWARDS # ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY Telephone: 831 786-1938 Faz: 831 786-3138 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 5, 2004 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Minor Subdivision of Constantine laonnou Located on the north side of State Roan in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mrs. Moore: Enclosed, please find one copy of the Suffolk County Planning Commission's comments in reference to the above-captioned subdivision application. As you know, the Planning Board discussed these comments at their work session on October 25, 2004. However, I wanted to reiterate what it is the Board agreed to. To address the Commission's concerns that lots 1 and 2 are landlocked, the Planning Board has asked that the 25' wide right-of-way, which is currently part of lot 3, be incorporated into either lots 1 or 2. This should not have any impact on the lot area of lot 3 since the survey indicates that lot 3 is 80,000 s.f. exclusive of the right-of-way. As requested by the Commission, please indicate who flagged the top of bluff as well as the date it was identified. With respect to their request that the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area line be "flagged in the field by a qualified expert," it is not the Planning Board's policy to require that this line be flagged. We are aware that this information is taken directly from the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Maps. We will apply the Town's 100' setback from the top of bluff, not the Commission's recommendation that the setback be 100' landward of the CEHA line. In addition, the Board has asked that the area within the 100' setback be designated as a non- disturbance buffer. This overrides the Commission's recommendation fora 50' wide buffer landward of the CEHA line. Please be sure that this area is clearly indicated on the map. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely„ r'.;~-~ Anthefiy P. Trezza Senior Planner ~ ~~i~~ COUNTY OF SUFFOL STEVE LEW SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE THOMAS IGLES, A.LC. P. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR OF PLANNING October 6, 2004 p~~~ Ms. Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Jr., Chair ~ ~j~~ ~ ILA ~ U ~ ~nl Town of Southold Planning Bd. ~ ' ' ' 53095 Main Road - P.O. Box 1179 ,v Southold, NY 11971 11 ~ S. ~I cc.T Re: Ioannou Constantine Seulhold luwa SCCFileNo.: S-SD-78-04.1 pi,.;;;.,3Foa,^ SCTM No.: 1000-23-1-14.7 and 1000-23-2-5.6 Dear Ms. Woodhouse: Pursuant to the requir;ments of Section A14-24 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on October 6, 2004 reviewed the above cap+ioned application and after ; due study and deliberation resolved to disapprove it because of the following ~easons: ` 1. The proposed subdivision will result in the creation of landlocked lots. Access for the proposed lots is intended via Main Road for Lot 3 and via a 25 foot right-of--way across Lot 3 to Lots 1 and 2. By Commission definition Lots 1 and 2 are "land locked", and the creation of such lots is contrary to Commission guidelines. Aland locked parcel is one that does not have frontage on an existing or proposed public road. The creation of such a lot is contrary to good subdivision layout principles and creates problems as far as access by emergency and service equipment is concerned. This lack of access could result in health, safety and welfare problems for the future residents of the landlocked lot, not to mention potential disputes over the use and maintenance of any right-of--way over an adjacent parcel that may be created for the purpose of access. The subdivision map should be redrawn to show Lots 1 and 2 as flag lots. Each lot should be provided with a minimum of 15' of frontage along Main Road. Each lot should be designed so that it will be capable, by itself, of accommodating emergency and service vehicles over the access strip. While a common drive or easement can be established over the access strips to the bulk portion of the lots, court or other action could conceivably extinguish such an arrangement in the future. Hence, each lot must be designed with good planning principles. 2. A small bluff is located along the shoreline of Long Island Sound. It is not indicated on the map that the "top of bluff' was flagged in the field by a qualified expert. In addition, it was not indicated on the submitted map that the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area line was Gagged in the field by a qualified expert. Commission policy is to have no sanitary system or structure constructed landward of a l00' setback from such lines: Moreover, the Commission would LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH FLOOR • P. O. BOX 6100 • 1831) 853-5190 I OO VETERANG MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY 11'188-0099 7ELECOPIER (6311 853-4044 Aprll 7, ZOO4 ~FFOLK COUNTY PLANNING DEPAFi~NT Page YT require restrictions on clearing and grading within 50' of said Imes. It is not cleaz that the proposed building envelopes would be acceptable to the Commission without said field flagging • and the locating of these lines in the field by a licensed surveyor and represented on any and all proposed development maps. Comment: An approvable form of the map, pursuant to Suffolk County Planning Commission guidelines would be to create two (2) flag lots with the access strips adjacent to each other and extending to the public road. The access "poles" to the bulk of the lots should be within an access right-of--way suitable for dedication to the Town highway system in the future. Within the right-of--way a common drive or country land can be established over the access poles. Very truly yours, Thomas Isles, AICP Director of lanni~ Andrew P. Freleng, AICP Principal Planner APF:cc 0:1CCHORNYISUBDINCOMISHLTICOM2004\OCT\SD78-041.OCT LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH FLOOR ¦ P. O. BOX 6100 • (63 11 853-5 190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY 1 1 788-0099 TELECOPIER (8311 053-4044 1 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~o~OgUFFO(,~~,OG MAID o. BoAXD1DR9 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE C y~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair ~ OFFICE LOCATION: RICHARD CAGGIANO ~ • 'F Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J. CREMERS 'j'?f0 a~~ 54375 State Route 25 KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1838 Fas: 631 785-3138 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Planning Board Members From: Anthony Trezza, Senior Planner Date: October 25, 2004 Re: Proposed Subdivision of Constantine loannou SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7 & 1000-23-2-5.6 As a reminder to the Planning Board, this proposed three lot subdivision received a waiver from the moratorium from the Town Board on February 24, 2004, thereby allowing the applicant to proceed with the application. However, since receiving the waiver, the new subdivision regulations have been adopted the Town Board. While the application will continue to be processed by the Planning Board, conformance with the new regulations is required. The Planning Department offers the following comments/recommendations as follows: 1. The next phase of the subdivision process is Preliminary Plat Approval. The applicant will need to submit the new application form, supporting materials and appropriate fees. 2. The new subdivision regulations require the submission of an Existing Resources and Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP). It is recommended that the following ERSAP requirements be waived: A106-11(A)(6)(g)(h)(o)(p) and (t). If the applicant finds that any of the other ERSAP requirements are not applicable, it should be indicated on the map or submitted to the Planning Board in writing. 3. The map will need to be further revised to include building envelopes, name of the person who flagged the wetlands along with the date, names of adjacent property owners, property lines within 200', location of the electric firewell required by the Planning Board, clearing calculations for each lot proposed in accordance with the new subdivision regulations (existing clearing should also be provided). 4. This proposal is classified as a Standard Subdivision pursuant to the new subdivision regulations. Subdivisions are no longer classified as "major" or "minor." 5. Pursuant to Section A106-47(C) of the Town Code, the Planning Board has the authority to require a cluster development on a parcel of 7 acres or less in size if the Board finds that said clustering will protect and preserve the natural and scenic qualities of the land. In this case, although the subject property is waterfront, the Planning Department finds that it is insufficient for an open space plan. 6. It appears the driveway, which bisects Lot 3, will continue to serve the existing residence on Lot 2. However, access to Lots 1 and 2 should be from the 25' wide right-of-way. 7. The applicant will need to submit either a permit or determination of non- jurisdiction from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for this project. 8. The applicant will need to obtain a New York State Department of Transportation Curb-Cut/Highway Work Permit for the proposed right-of- way. 9. The applicant will need to submit a NYSDEC SPEDES permit for the action or a covenant and restriction mandating the securing of the permit prior to any construction activity. 10.The applicant will be required to pay a park and playground fee of $7,000 per vacant lot proposed. In addition to the aforementioned items for the Board's consideration, this office is in receipt of comments/recommendations from the Suffolk County Planning Commission dated October 6, 2004. The Commission disapproved the subdivision map for the reasons indicated in the attached correspondence. With respect to comment number 2, the map should be revised to indicate who identified the top of bluff and when it was located. However, it is not our policy to require that the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area line be flagged by a qualified expert. This information its taken directly from the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area maps. The Planning Commission also asks that all building envelopes be setback at least 100' landward of the CEHA line. However, the Town requires that all structures to be setback 100' from the top of bluff. It is recommended that the building envelopes conform with the Town's requirement. In addition, the Planning Commission is asking that no clearing and grading be permitted within 50' of the CEHA line. It is recommended that the area within the 100' setback from the top of bluff be designated as anon-disturbance buffer, except that access to the sound shall be permitted as long as the property 2 owner(s) obtain the necessary approvals/permits from the NYSDEC, the Town Trustees or any other regulatory agency for which approval will be necessary. With respect to comment number 1, the Planning Commission has deemed Lots 1 and 2 to be landlocked and does not consider access from a 25' wide right-of-way to be proper road frontage. Currently, lots 1 and 2 will be accessed by a 25' right-of-way over lot 3. Since Lot 3 will have a lot area of 80,000 s.f. exclusive of the right-of-way, it is recommended that the right-of-way be incorporated into either lot 1 or lot 2 and that a common driveway easement or other legal instrument be filed. Common driveway details need to shown on the map for referral to the Office of the Town Engineer. Atts. 3 . • COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ S?~`~ `i~/ SIEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE THOMAS ISLES, A.LC.P. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR OF PLANNING October 6, 2004 Ms. Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Jr., Chair jc~ ~ ``C~ ~ + Town of Southold Planning Bd. ~Yvl,_1~ ~ 411, 53095 Main Road - P.O. Box 1179 t 1 1 ~,'r Southold, NY 11971 + ~ Re: Ioannou Constantine *,~mn SCCFileNo.: S-SD-78-04.1 5'~~`~0„<?~~a'" SCTM No.: 1000-23-1-14.7 and 1000-23-2-5.6 Dear Ms. Woodhouse: Pursuant to the requirements of Section A14-24 of the Suffolk CounTy Administrative Code, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on October 6, 2004 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation resolved to disapprove it because of the following reasons: 1. The proposed subdivision will result in the creation of landlocked lots. Access for the proposed lots is intended via Main Road for Lot 3 and via a 25 foot right-of--way across Lot 3 to Lots 1 and 2. By Commission definition Lots 1 and 2 are "land locked", and the creation of such lots is contrary to Commission guidelines. Aland locked parcel is one that does not have frontage on an existing or proposed public road. The creation of such a lot is contrary to good subdivision layout principles and creates problems as far as access by emergency and service equipment is concerned. This lack of access could result in health, safety and welfare problems for the future residents of the landlocked lot, not to mention potential disputes over the use and maintenance of any right-of--way over an adjacent parcel that may be created for the purpose of access. The subdivision map should be redrawn to show Lots 1 and 2 as flag lots. Each lot should be provided with a minimum of 15' of frontage along Main Road. Each lot should be designed so that it will be capable, by itself, of accommodating emergency and service vehicles over the access strip. While a common drive or easement can be established over the access strips to the bulk portion of the lots, court or other action could conceivably extinguish such an arrangement in the future. Hence, each lot must be designed with good planning principles. 2. A small bluff is located a]ong the shoreline of Long Island Sound. It is not indicated on the map that the "top of bluft' was flagged in the field by a qualified expert. In addition, it was not indicated on the submitted map that the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area line was flagged in the field by a qualified expert. Commission policy is to have no sanitary system or structure constructed landward of a 100' setback from such lines. Moreover, the Commission would LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH FLOOR ¦ P. O. BOX 6100 ¦ (63 11 653-5 1 90 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY I 1786-0099 TELECOPIER (6311 853-4044 April 7, 2004 ~JFFOLK COUNTY PLANNING DEPA~NT Page require restrictions on clearing and grading within 50' of said lines. It is not clear that the proposed building envelopes would be acceptable to the Commission without said field flagging and the locating of these lines in the field by a licensed surveyor and represented on any and all proposed development maps. Comment: An approvable form of the map, pursuant to Suffolk County Planning Commission guidelines would be to create two (2) flag lots with the access strips adjacent to each other and extending to the public road. The access "poles" to the bulk of the lots should be within an access right-of--way suitable for dedication to the Town highway system in the future. Within the right-of--way a common drive or country land can be established over the access poles. Very truly yours, Thomas Isles, AICP Director of lanni~ i Andrew P. Freleng, AICP Principal Planner APF:cc G:\CCHORNVISUBDI V\COMISHLT\COM2004\OCT\SD78-047.OCT LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH BOOR • P. O. BOX 61 00 • (6311 853-5 1 90 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY I 1 788-0099 TELECOPIER f831) 853-4044 ~ ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SIEVE LEW SUFFOLK COUNiY EXECUTIVE THOMAS ISLES, A.I.C.P. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR of PLANNING October 6, 2004 Ms. Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Jr., Chair ~ V ~ ' = ~ Town of Southold Planning Bd. ~ ~ 1 ~`~-='~~I~ ' 'I 5s095 Main Road - P.O. Box ] 179 1~~~ ' I Southold, NY 11971 ` ~ ~ 1k Re: Iaannou Constantine SCC File No.: S-SD-78-04.1 SCTM No.: 1000-23-1-14.7 and 1000-23-2-5.6 Dear Ms. Woodhouse: Pursuant to the requirements of Section A14-24 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the Suffolk County Planning Commission on October 6, 2004 reviewed the above captioned application and after due study and deliberation resolved to disapprove it because of the following reasons: 1. The proposed subdivision will result in the creation of landlocked lots. Access for the proposed lots is intended via Main Road for Lot 3 and via a 25 foot right-of--way across Lot 3 to Lots 1 and 2. By Commission definition Lots 1 and 2 are "land locked", and the creation of such lots is contrary to Commission guidelines. Aland locked parcel is one that does not have frontage on an existing or proposed public road. The creation of such a lot is contrary to good subdivision layout principles and creates problems as far as access by emergency and service equipment is concerned. This lack of access could result in health, safety and welfare problems for the future residents of the landlocked lot, not to mention potential disputes over the use and maintenance of any right-of--way over an adjacent parcel that may be created for the purpose of access. The subdivision map should be redrawn to show Lots 1 and 2 as flag lots. Each lot should be provided with a minimum of 15' of frontage along Main Road. Each lot should be designed so that it will be capable, by itself, of accommodating emergency and service vehicles over the access strip. While a common drive or easement can be established over the access strips to the bulk portion of the lots, court or other action could conceivably extinguish such an arrangement in the future. Hence, each lot must be designed with good planning principles. 2. A small bluff is located along the shoreline of Long Island Sound. It is not indicated on the map that the "top of bluff' was flagged in the field by a qualified expert. In addition, it was not indicated on the submitted map that the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area line was flagged in the field by a qualified expert. Commission policy is to have no sanitary system or structure constructed landward of a 100' setback from such lines. Moreover, the Commission would LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH FLOOR • P. O. BO% 6100 • (63 11 853-5 1 90 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY I 1 788-0099 TELECOPIER (6311 853-4044 Aprii 2004 S•OLK COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTM•T Page 2 require restrictions on clearing and grading within 50' of said lines. It is not clear that the proposed building envelopes would be acceptable to the Commission without said field flagging and the locating of these lines in the field by a licensed surveyor and represented on any and all proposed development maps. Comment: An approvable form of the map, pursuant to Suffolk County Planning Commission guidelines would be to create two (2) flag lots with the access strips adjacent to each other and extending to the public road. The access "poles" to the bulk of the lots should be within an access right-of--way suitable for dedication to the Town highway system in the future. Within the right-of--way a common drive or country land can be established over the access poles. Very truly yours, Thomas Isles, AICP Director of lanni~ i Andrew P. Freleng, AICP Principal Planner APF:cc G:\CCHORNY\SUBDI VICOMI SHLT\COM2004\OCT~S W 8-041.OCT LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH FLOOR • P. O. BOX 6100 • (63 11 853-5 190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY I I ]88-0099 TELECOPIER 1631) 853-4044 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~Ogp>FFU(,~CO JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Gy~ P.O. Box 1179 Chair Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 y = Southold, New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGIANO ~ ~ Telephone (631) 765-1938 WILLL4M J. CREMERS .fi ~ Fax (631) 765-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~Ol ~ .~a MARTIN H. SIDOR PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 8, 2004 Suffolk County Planning Commission 220 Rabro Drive P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Attention: Andrew Freleng, Principal Planner Subdivision Review Division ~ Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section A14-24, Suffolk County Administrative Code, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following proposed subdivision to the Suffolk Counly Planning Commission: Map of: Minor Subdivision Map of loannou Constantine Hamlet/Locality: East Marion S.C.D.P.W. Topo No.: See plat Zoning: R-80 S.C. Tax Map No.: 1000-23-1-14.7 & 1000-23-2-5.6 Major Sub._ Minor Sub._X~Site Plan Cluster Lot Line Change MATERIAL SUBMITTED: PreliminaryPlat (3 copies)_X_ Road Profiles (1) Drainage Plans (1)_ Topographical Map (1) Site Plan (1) Grading Plan (1) Other materials (specify and give number of copies) 1. One copy of Application Packet as submitted by applicant. Waiver of Subdivision Requirements -See attached sheet Page 2 Southold Town Planning Board Referral Referral Criteria: The property is located within 500 feet of State Road 25. SEQRA STATUS: 1. The project is an (X) Unlisted Action ( ) Type I Action ( )Type II Action 2. A (X) Negative Declaration ( )Positive Declaration ( )Determination of Non-significance has been adopted by the Planning Board. 3. E.I.S. statement enclosed. ( )Yes (X) No 4. The proposed division has received approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health. ()Yes (X )No Comments: This proposed minor subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 s.f., Lot 2 equals 114,288 s.f. and Lot 3 equals 80,000 s.f. in the R-80 Zoning District. We request acknowledgement of receipt of this referral (X) Yes ( ) No Referral received 2004 by the Suffolk County Planning Commission and assigned File No. Si el , Anthon_ . Trezza Senior Planner S:\Planning12004 Suffolk County Planning Ref\8.5.04 scplanning minor constantine.doc ~ , • gUfFO(,~ • PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS OHO ~'0 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE G.y P.O. Box 1179 Chair ~ ~ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 eia Z Southold, New York 11971-0969 RICHARD CAGGIANO W ~ Tele hone (631) 765-1938 WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ • ~ P KENNETH L. EDWARDS y~o! ~ ~a0~ Fax (631) 765-3136 MARTIN H. SIDOR PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jamie Richter, Office of the Town Engineer From: Anthony P. Trezza Senior Planner Date: September 8, 2004 Re: Minor Su%idivision of Constantine laonnou SCTM 1000-23-1-14.7 & 1000-23-2-5.6 The subject property is located north of State Road 25, 4848' east of Kayleigh's Courtin East Marion and is identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7. The proposal is for a 3-lot minor subdivision on a 6.81 acre parcel of land, where Lot 1 is 92,332 s.f., Lot 2 is 114,288 s.f. and Lot 3 is 80,000. Please note that the second parcel of land identified as SCTM# 1000-23-2-5.6 is shown on the proposed plan but contains wetlands and cannot be developed. The existing residence is proposed to be located on Lot 2. Access will be provided by way of a common driveway. Are you going to require road and drainage plans for this application? A copy of the tax map and the proposed plan is attached for your review. After reviewing the plan, please advise this office of any comments and/or recommendations you may have. _ Mw OhE1 W --E-~_ IlOA EA1P SKRUF WIM1T TA% MV 4 MYCIIO W <rvln • wrs lwtl y. A M K11AR alrtRr R0Ei9GN 6 M MMWW i - n. f ...c- ff/~ C ~ 1 ~~0 S 1~a~y~ ~yJ~ (TrJ lY t 11'0 QOI ' >r 6 t~s s ,a0 O• V' a 15 ~ +`9 r O•py ~ ~•O vJ o-i / G ,EOry ~4? A ~ `"~.bb 19N O,i• ens Q S(/a• \ MAP 1 1 y~ ~A~F e~ O O m ® ~ ~ o b ?~alJ \\a a ~ ~T ~~yy o ~ Y2~ ~ y~c , T \ 3s 1piJ S. s I. 'iJ O S 2ys%J ~siJ z • O }f a~6 pµlE~ ~~3 y ~A S i~ s'µJ a2 ~ 2a'~J ~ J 2A 1 x4 ~%J Yr'~` ?a 1;L u 1 65 ~y,IJ LOAicI , M O g0 xipc~ ra rr .xa EEE sc. xs anw-mcr a . 3 smr.~ w w m sr un - ~ - sfaoroa w sa - yp.R oma u. - _ x - _ w.ESS OnASR ariaAESE, Tu vRroatcs w sswr,w••.eae (211 \q E,, O mvr.nw --r-_ w~rla -_R-_ ARE nrew TIE RCLLp.%p L61A%:T& NOTICE Aw y,,,, . ww oAl.er w - - T - - Y1.1.9AYhk1 u. - nr - - u ax sESm MAxiFIN11CE'. AITFMI%N•SA4F OR uRn.. oameurgx ar ar ROR1IX1 a nE Em OYfM s w»owaw rwe onrA+~-_A-_ W M 12l A(d Or 121A rTn u. AM smn W - _ R _ RI~W, nn MF15E $IfTM NMIY iAM WP 6 flpldlfD Mw.r s41e1 u~ -n-_ AbNAAtE TAfM1IAifR 111ROIR 1'9i1FR RA65111 Of NE war An 121 Alcl r1a uR sw. bnN NA - _ s - _ b6aEro REAL %NpFAtt iA% SEANCE 1CMY. f gUFFO(,~ • PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS O~Q C~ JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE ~`Z` G.y P.O. Box 1179 Chair o= ~ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 t~ Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGIANO W ~ Telephone (631) 765-1938 WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ • 'F KENNETH L. EDWARDS y?f~l u ~~0~ Fax (631) 765-3136 MARTIN H. SIDOR PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 2, 2004 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Minor Subdivision of Constantine laonnou Located on the north side of State Roan in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mrs. Moore: The East Marion Fire District has reviewed the proposed subdivision plan for the above-referenced property and has recommended the installation of one electric farewell in the location shown on the sketch. A copy of their correspondence dated August 31, 2004 along with the sketch is enclosed for your review. Please amend the subdivision plan accordingly. The Planning Board will be advised of the Fire District's recommendation at the September 13th meeting. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to contact this office. Sin y, nthon . Trezza Senior Planner Enc. • ~ST MARION FIRE DI~ICT Board of Fire Commissioners PO Box 131 Main Road East Marion, NY 11939 (631) 477-0163 Fax (631) 477-8310 Email: EMFDistrict@optonline.net August 31, 2004 Anthony P. Trezza Senior Planner Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Deaz Mr. Trezza, Enclosed is the sketch plan for the proposed subdivision of Constantine Ioannou, in which the Board of Fire Commissioners and the Chief of the East Marion Fire Department have reviewed. Their recommendation is for one electric farewell to be installed as indicated on the plan. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input. Very truly urs, Walter Gaipa Fire District Secretary P. S. Please correct your mailing label for us to show the correct name for contact information. Thank you. LS ~ ~ D V r~ ( ~ ~ ern _ I ~ LJ ~ Sm.ahald ToK~n Pie--`j g^,.,~ Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: ~O 0 ~ Subject: 4ryn p ~ /~lCc~ s °J /GI rne,' ~ud~tl~u SCTM#: 1000 - Z`3 - D / - _ ~ _ S 6) Date: 9 ~i~D Comments: / _ Co ~ / rl I i fp V a I e r- SEP ' Southold T~wa Planning Baa~~ PLANNING BOARD ME>~RS o~pS~FFO(~-cOG ~ . JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE _ P.O. Box 1179 Chair y ~ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGIANO O ~ ~ Telephone (631) 765-1938 KENNE H L EDWARDS y~0,( y Fax (631) 765-3136 MARTIN H. SIDOR 'R PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 18, 2004 Ms. Cynthia Goldsmith, Secretary East Marion Fire District P.O. Box 131 East Marion, New York 11939 Dear Ms. Goldsmith: Enclosed please find one (1) sketch plan dated September 7 2000, for Proposed Minor Subdivision of Constantine loannou, located on the north side of Main Road approximately 4848' east of Kayleigh's Court, East Marion. SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7 & 1000-23-2-5.6 O The enclosed site plan is being referred to you for fire access review and for your recommendations as to whether any fire- wells are needed. Please specify whether firewells are shallow or electric. 6~ The enclosed subdivision is being referred to you for your recommendation as to whether any firewells are needed. Please specify whether firewells are shallow or electric. Thank you for your cooperation. V I yo rs, Anthony P. Trezza Senior Planner enc. S:\Planning\2004 Fire District Refl8.12.04 loannou.doc { • ~SpFFO(,~~, PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Off' ~G JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE y~ P.O. Box 1179 Chair y = Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGIANO O ~ ~ Telephone (631) 765-1938 KENNE 'H L. EDWARDS y~~j ~ ~,a~~ Fax (631) 765-3136 MARTIN H. SIDOR PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 10, 2004 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Minor Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located n/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, August 9, 2004, adopted the following resolutions: WHEREAS, this proposed minor subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 114,288 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on February 24, 2004, the Southold Town Board adopted Resolution No. 171 of 2004 approving a conditional waiver from Local Law No. 3 of 2002, Local Law No. 3 of 2003 and Local Law No.13 of 2003 for the proposed action; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, established itself as lead agency for the unlisted action and, as lead agency, grants a Negative Declaration for the proposed action; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant conditional sketch plan approval on the plat, dated & last revised on September 7, 2000, subject to the following condition: 1. The submission of a Tidal Wetland Permit from the New York Department of Environmental Conservation and a determination from the Southold Town Trustees for the action. % ~ • loannou -Pape Two - 8/10/04 2. The submission of a New York State Department of Transportation Curb-cut / Highway Work Permit for the proposed right-of-way. 3. The submission of a New York State Department of Environmental Protection SPEDS permit for the action or a covenant and restriction mandating the securing of the permit prior to any construction activity. 4. The submission of a revised map to include the following required information: building envelopes, test hole data, name of person who flagged the wetlands along with the date, names of adjacent property owners, proposed water supply and sewage treatment, property lines within 200', fire wells and hydrants on site or within 200'. Sketch plan approval is conditional upon the submission of final maps within six months of the date of sketch plan approval unless an extension of time is requested by the applicant and granted by the Planning Board. The final maps, eight (8) paper prints and three (3) mylars, must contain a current stamp of Health Department approval and must be submitted before a final public hearing will be set. The Planning Board has reviewed the property and has decided that it i~%inadequate for a reservation of land for park and playground use. Therefore, a cash payment in lieu of land reservation will be required. The amount to be deposited with the Town Board shall be $10,000 ($5,000 per vacant lot in the subdivision). Please note that the plat will be referred to the Town Engineer for comments regarding right-of-way design and could be subject to change. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, / ~yn B. Woodhouse Chairperson ~ ~ ~gpFFO(,~~ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Q~' OG JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE ~Q y~ P.O. Box 1179 Chair H - Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGL4N0 O ~ ~ Telephone (631) 765-1938 KENNETH L. EDWARDS y~~j y ~,aQ~ Fax (631) 765-3136 MARTIN H. SIDOR T PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination Non-Significant August 9, 2004 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed actior described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Em•ironmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: Proposed Minor Subdivision of Constantine loannou SCTM#: SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Location: Located n/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion SEAR Status: Type I Unlisted (X) Conditioned Negative Declaration: Yes ( ) No (X) Description of Action: This proposed minor subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 114,288 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zoning District. Reasons Supporting This Determination: The action will require a tidal wetland determination from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Town of Southold Trustees. An Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and it was determined that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. SEAR Negative Declar~ -Pape Two The determination was based upon the following: No substantial adverse change in existing air quality, ground or surface water quality or quantity, traffic or noise levels; a substantial increase in solid waste production; a substantial increase in potential for erosion, flooding, leaching or drainage problems will occur as a result of this action. No significant removal or destruction of large quantities of vegetation or fauna; substantial interference with the movement of any resident or migratory fish or wildlife species; impacts to a known significant habitat area; substantial adverse impacts to known threatened or endangered species of animal or plant, or the habitat of such a species; or other significant adverse impacts to natural resources will occur. The proposed action is not in a material conflict with a community's current plans or goals as officially approved or adopted. The proposed action will not impair the character or quality of important historical, archaeological, architectural, or aesthetic resources or of existing community or neighborhood character. No major change in the use of either the quantity or type of energy will occur. No creation of a hazard to human health will occur. The proposed action will not cause a substantial change in the use, or intensity of use, of land including agricultural, open space or recreational resources, or in its capacity to support existing uses. Based upon such, no significant adverse impacts to the environment are expected to occur should the project be implemented as planned. For Further Information: Contact Person: Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner Address: Southold Town Planning Board Telephone Number: (631) 765-1938 Enc. cc: Roger Evans, DEC Stony Brook Suffolk County Dept. of Health Suffolk County Planning Commission Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Applicant ` ~ ~D~yFFO[kco PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS O G JERILYN H. WOODHOUSE ~ y~ P.O. Box 1179 Chair Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 y ~ Southold, New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGIANO O r ~ Teleghone (6311 765-1938 WILLL9M J. CREMERS y~ Fax (631) 765-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ MARTIN H. SIDOR PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 9, 2004 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Reouest for copv of U S.G.S. Topoaraphical Map SCTM#: 1000-23-1-14.7 Dear Ms. Moore: This office has received a request from the New York Natural Heritage Program requesting a copy of the U.S.G.S. Topographical Map for the above-referenced project site. However, we do not have this information on file. A copy of the correspondence we received from the NYSDEC is attached for your review. It is suggested that you contact your surveyor who may be able to assist you with this matter. When you obtain the information needed, please send it directly to the DEC at the address provided. Should you need further assistance, please feel free to contact this office. ly, Anthon . Trezza Seni tanner Encl. _ HOW T~ QUEST DATA FOR A PROJECT SITE D ~ ~ o l trk Natural Heritage Program I, VW/ AtIG - 5 2(104 V I in writing. please send a request letter w ich provides all ill provide a report on the rare species of antra s, ~munities, which are or may be in the vicinity of the prof ect ;w York Natural I ~ ~ ' guests are discour n 8 - 3 sts each day, we : /C/~ ~ 'ou will receive ti [n order for us to e( i~l C~i~..~ ~ d'" ckly, the followit ~ponse will be de: 1. Write a brief Descri~on of the proposed proje development, landfill siting, bridge repair, corn use ofthe project site. 2. Tell us Whyyou need the data (e.g., environm I permit, management plan, town planning). Inc include the data (e.g., EAF, DEIS, Phase I Assessment), ana, a appucaote, me r,cau Agency for SEQR review. 3. Include the Name of all counties and towns where the proposed project is located. 4. Include the Name of all 7 `/z minute U.S.G.S. topographical maps where the proposed project is located. 5. Include a Photoco~y of the appropriate 7'/z minute (1:24 000 or 1:25,000 scalel U.S.G.S. t~oeraphical map(sl. Tax maps, architectural drawings or road maps, not useful. 6. Cleazly Mark the boundary of the proposed proiect with a colored pen or highliehter. EXAMPLE OF A COMPLETE DATA REQUEST: "A 250 unit housing development is proposed for 400 acres in the Town of Red Hook, Dutchess County. The site is currently undeveloped, and mostly wooded with some former agricultural fields. We have been contracted to review the environmental impacts of the project and prepaze the Environmental Assessment Form under SEQR to be reviewed by the Town of Red Hook acting as Lead Agency. In order to complete the EAF, we will need to know whether the proposed project would likely impact any ecologically significant areas or rare species of plants or animals. Enclosed is a photo- copy of the Saugerties USGS Quadrangle showing the location of the proposed develop- ment in red." WHERETO SEND YOUR REQUEST: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation-Information Services 625 Broadway - 5`h Floor Albany, NY 12233-4757 Phone (518) 402-8935 FAX (518) 402-8925 e • ~ - PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~gUFFO(,~c JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE ~l/ P.O. Box 1179 Chair o y~ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 y Southold, New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGIANO ~y • ~ Telephone (631) 765-1938 WILLL9M J. CREMERS O KENNETH L. EDWARDS '1' Q~ Fax (631) 765-3136 MARTIN H. SIDOR ~~I ~ `A~ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 14, 2004 Re: Lead Agency Coordination Request Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1. Yourjurisdicticjn in the action described below; 2. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. Issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposal and a completed Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Proje.:t Name: Minor Subdivision of Constantine loannou SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Requested Action: This proposed minor subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 114,288 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zoning District. The property is located n/o State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion. SEQRA Classification: ()Type I (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Mark Terry, Senior Environmental P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11~ (631) 765-1938 x ~ i ,j(jN 2 ~ ~ ~^~'hold?own -,a.~ N.19, t~:'t't~~::=.L h.:,~.TAGE Page 2 Lead Agency Coordination Request The lead agency will determine the need for any supplemental information on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. In addition please provide any information that should be considered during this review. Planning Board Position: (X) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( )This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. (X) Other (see comments below) Comments: The parcel adjacent to the Long Island Sound and Orient Harbor. In addition. the parcel contains slopes greater than 15 percent. Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Very truly yours, erilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson cc: Joshua Y. Horton, Supervisor Southold Town Board Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Board of Trustees Building Department Southold Conservation Advisory Committee Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Suffolk County Department of Health Services '~*NYSDEC -Stony Brook, Sheri Aicher -'~NYSDEC -New York Natural Heritage Program -Albany 'l~'Suffolk County Water Authority, John Milazzo, Esq. *Maps are enclosed for your review Enc. ' DATA REQUEST FORM • D~ ~pC D ' Information Services, NYI-IP (rev. 10/17/03) Date Received Requ • / / PROCESSED BY: Requestor: First: / MI: Last: Organization: Address: Q ,S! ~ City State: Zip - 9's Phone 3 ~ / ~'3~ Fax # - PROJECT TYPE: ~itivt,ir~ ~*~+~a~e ~~,w~~/ LOCATION: ^L~'~~ Counties: J Towns: RESPONSE: • Pao Data Data Found Coastal Management Program Wildlife Management Area (alert Regional WM) Breeding Bird Atlas Block(s): Significant Habitat Code(s): SEND COPIES T Criteria Regional Fish and Wildlife Staff: Regional Wildlife Manager in region(s): All requests _ Regional Fisheries Manager in region(s): 1) Site includes, adjoins or could impact a body of water or a named waterway; 2) hits of any fish; 3) all hazardous waste site projects Endangered/T'hreatened Fish and Wildlife Staff: Peter Nye (Endangered Species Unit) Hits of endangered or threatened animals (except fish) and invertebrates Shaun Keeler (Bureau of Fisheries) Hits of endangered or threatened fish Regional Bureau of Habitat Staff: • _ Regional Habitat Manager in region: Hits in Regions 5 and 7 only CUSTOM RESPONSE: - - ~ ~ New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Permits, Region One Building 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 V Phone: (631) 444-0403 FAX: (631) 444-0360 - LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION RESPONSE June 22, 2004 Mark Terry Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION REQUEST Minor Subdivision of Constantine loannou East Marion, NY 11939 SCTM# 1000-23-01-14.7 Dear Mr. Terry: This letter is in responsetoyourLead AgencyCoordination RequestofJune 14, 2004 regarding lead agency coordination forthe above project pursuantto the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) ofthe Environmental Conservation Lawand it's implementing regulations (6NYCRR Part 617). This Department has no objection to the Town of Southold Planning Board Office assuming lead agency status for this action. Please send your SEQRA determination to my attention at the address shown above. Please advise the applicantthat proposed subdivision will require a Tidal Wetland Permitfrom this Department. If you have any questions, please call me at 631-444-0403. Sincerely, Sherri Aicher Environmental Analyst p[~C~C~UM~ D JUN 2 4 2004 C... ..__~l ..i 11 PLANNING BOARD MEMBE~ O~QSVfIF~(~`+O ~ p O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair C~ ~ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 y Southold, New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGIANO ~ • Telephone (631) 765-1938 WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ Fax (631) 765-3136 KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR ~ '~aO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 15, 2004 Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Minor Subdivision of Constantine loannou Located n/o State Road 25, 4,848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, June 14, 2004, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposed minor subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 114,288 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on February 24, 2004, the Southold Town Board adopted Resolution No. 171 of 2004 approving a conditional waiver from Local Law No. 3 of 2002, Local Law No. 3 of 2003 and Local Law No.13 of 2003 for the proposed action; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board start the SEAR lead agency coordination process for this Unlisted Action. The plat has been referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission, New York State Department of Transportation and the Orient Fire Department for review and comment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, C_.:. Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson ' UFFO( PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~QS ~'C JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE .r~ P.O. Box 1179 Chair c y~ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 y Southold, New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGIANO y, ~ Telephone (631) 765-1938 WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ Fax (631) 765-3136 MARTIN HESDORDS 'y.~~ ~ `~~Q`' PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 14, 2004 Re: Lead Agency Coordination Request Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-S~QRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3. Issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposal and a completed Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: Minor Subdivision of Constantine loannou SCTM#1000-23-1-14.7 Requested Action: This proposed minor subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 114,288 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zoning District. The property is located n/o State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court in East Marion. SEQRA Classification: ()Type I (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner (631) 765-1938 x 243 Page 2 Lead Agency Coordination Request The lead agency will determine the need for any supplemental information on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. In addition please provide any information that should be considered during this review. Planning Board Position: (X) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( )This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. (X) Other (see comments below) Comments: The parcel adjacent to the Long Island Sound and Orient Harbor. In addition. the parcel contains slopes greater than 15 percent. Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Very truly yours, erilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson cc: Joshua Y. Horton, Supervisor Southold Town Board Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Board of Trustees Building Department Southold Conservation Advisory Committee Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Suffolk County Department of Health Services '~'NYSDEC -Stony Brook, Sheri Aicher '~NYSDEC -New York Natural Heritage Program -Albany 'Suffolk County Water Authority, John Milazzo, Esq. *Maps are enclosed for your review Enc. ;4-1G-2 (2; tai)-ic ~ 617.21 SEQR Appendix A State Environmental puality Review ' FULL ENVIFONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. - The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. _ FuII EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a pb[entially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE-Type 1 and Unlist:,d Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: ? Part 1 ? Part 2 ?Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the' lead agency that: ? A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will riot have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. ` - ? B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures.described in PART 3 have been required. T, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.' ? C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts. that. may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions /ft ~NO12 ~ B D ! l/i S r nN ~ dvS5T~97?7NE ~ONAI OU_ Name of Action Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer $itinature of Responsible. Officer in Lead Agway Sign.~tureu( I'reparrr(Ifdiffcren(fromresponsibleoificerl Oate 1 - •w PART 1-PROJECT INFORION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effE on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions wit! be consider az part of the application for approval and maybe subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additior information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not invo new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and spec each instance. NAME OF ACTION Myrvo2 ~u430fvrsrm~3 Cawsr~nA~~ _ionnotti LOCATION OF ACTION (Include Slreel Address, Municipality end County) NAME OF APPLICANTISPONSOR BUSINESS TELEPHONE Corr ~7-A'n/rrrt/s: .1-vN,Jou ( ) - AoDRESS _ /.r yl "r^" G/ ~ ' 3 r2Q ~L-06 t2_ CI7Y/P0 ~J STATE 21P CODE LO7VCr ~f'SL-A'/l/.D GIT~ ~ L//Olo NAME OF OWNER pf dllferent} ~ BUSINESS TELEPHONE ( 1 ADDRESS CRYlPO STATE ZIP COOE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION L~rsnrutr ~/~uae F9~o Z BUTS dz~hdtvr[l<rl / Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped aieas. 1. Present land use: ?U,ban ?Industrial OCommercial f~(Residential (suburban) ?Rural (nond ?Forest Agriculture ?Other 2. Total acreage of project area: a acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPCE7IC Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) tilA acres N(A acr Forested N(A acres N~,~ acr Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) 'y/FF acres N~~ acr Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECG) 'd7~ acres - O7S au Water Surface Area ~o.t~~-r(,r..l,~vg~res ~ O~5- ac Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) acres ~`~YA ac Roads, bu(fdings and other paved surfaces Z acres - 2 ac Other (indicate typel acres ac 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project suet a. Soil drainage: Nell drained lDb % of site 1]Moderately well drained % of site ?Poorly drained % of site b. if any agricultural land Is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of th land Classification Systeml acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project siteT ?Yes ~No a. What is depth to bedrockt (In feet) 2 ~ S. Approximate percentage of•p~ed project site with slopes. 00-10°/• % 010-15% ` °j° ?15% or greater B7~ 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? OYes l'~lo 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? ?Yes ~No 8. What is the depth of the water table? ~ (in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? ~lYes ?No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ?Yes ~No 1l. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? OYes f`~No According to Identify each species 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations)- f~yes ?No Describe YIG ~ctrsc+~ ~Bf/iI~ 13. Is the project site resently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? ?Yes I~CIo If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? ?Yes ~INo 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas with or con tguous/to project area: a. Name L-~ng l-~S ~l~ ~odYICJ b. Size (In acres) 77. Is the site served by existing puh!ic utilities? Yes ?No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? Yes ONo b) If Yes, will improvementr%be necessary to allow connection? t~lYes ?No 18. Is the site located in an agricultur district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? ?Yes C~No 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguo s to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? ?Yes ~9No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? OYes ~jNo B. Project .Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate)'' pp a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor ~ acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: G•g acres initially; acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped ~ acres. d. Length of project, in miles: / (If appropriate) e. 'If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed ~ ~A off. f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing ~A ;proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially J Ultimately 3 i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure ~ height; width; length. j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy isT $DO ft. 3 2. How much natural mater. (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed free site? •~a.iL- tons/cubic yards 3 Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? ?Yes .~No NIA a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ?Yes ?No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ?Yes ?No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed .from site?G / --acres 5. Will any matu~~,,,~~~r,,e~~~yyyf'''orest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? OYes ~.avo ' 6. If single phase//project: Anticipated period of construction months, (including demolition). _ 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated urgb~r)., G~~_~~ b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 IC mont~h~w_e~~~ year, (including demolitionJ. c. Approximate completion date of final phase"` ~ ~mon[h year.. . d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ?Yes ?No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? ?Yes ~No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction ~6 ;after project is complete ~ 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 0 11. Wil( project require relocation of any projects or facilities? ?Yes ~Jo If yes, explain 12. 1s surface liquid waste disposal involved? ~'es ~Nd p!/~ ~7 r \ a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etcJ and amount rr l b. Name of water body into which effluent wiU be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? ,Yes ?No Type ~J'Lt-U~ Sa~1.C~2z-csl 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease proposal? ?Yes ~iJo Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flooc~~plain? ?Yes o 16. Will the project generate solid waste? $rlYes ?No a. If yes, what is the amount per month ~ tons b. If yes, will ap ~e,,x~' ,t,ir solid waste fpac-ility be, use ? Yes ?No c. If iy~ n5rhe ~ SS ;location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage isposal sys'fem or into a sanitary landfill? es ~tJo e. If Yes, explain 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ?Yes ~(do a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 1B. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? ?Yes ~No 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hollllur per day)? OYes l~,No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? ?Yes ~No 21. Will project result in an incre se in energy use? Yes ?No If yes ,indicate type(s) - 11. If water supply Is from wells, indicate pumping capacity. gallonslminute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day (0 gallonslday. 24. Does project involve Lrxal, State or Federal funding? ?Yes f~9,No If Yes, explain 1 4 r 25. Approvals Required: • ~ Submittal Type Dale City, Town, Village Board Yes ?No City, Town, Village Planning Board 7~Yes ?No ~~W[~e-n ~jp City, Town Zoning Board ?Yes 1~INo City, County Health Department I~Yes ?No ~.tur.Q ~Q~~bc~'ula~c Other Local Agencies ?Yes ?No Other Regional Agencies ?Yes ?No State Agencies ?Yez ?No Federal Agencies ?Yes ?No C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? Yes ONo IF Yes, indicate decision required: ?zoning amendment ?zoning variance ?special use permit subdivision ?site plan ?new/revision of master plan ?resource management plan Oother 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? _ 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? ~ Lors - t~Xrs~JN(r fLettae -r .2, Lod 4. -What is the proposed zoning of .the site? ~(7 5. 'What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permit[a~d by the proposed zoning? c3 X075 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? '~Yes~ ?I 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a mile radius of proposed a~u/ion? ~.e~~~ntha/~ t- 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining surrounding land uses within a mile? Yes ?t 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land; how many lots are proposed? `3 a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? _-o_C 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districtr? ?Yes ~I Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, polio fire protection)T Yes ?No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demandT ~BYes ?No l2. Will the. proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ?Yes Y°t' a. if yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? Yes ?No D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adve impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. 3'' 1 ~~oy Applicant/ nsor me ~ inn°~ Date Signatu Title If the ac tin the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceed with this usetsment. 5 D. INFORMATIONAL DETAILS AND WATER SUPPLY NARR4TIVE REQUEST Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be an adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. 1. Provide explanation of existing site use, occupancy, structures, sanitary flow, water use; compare to proposed use, occupancy, structures, sanitary flow, water use. jg ~crsrv~. /leua.r. dx lv • 8 aces, /vro~ osc ~`zva !fly bv6c(~vufe d~iom ~fetca.-a" ov~"~ h• 2. Indicate the source of water supply~~, ~nnenar~est public water main, nearest public well field, and adjacen private wells (if known). R~va.ri WCxv_re _ no Publre. ldn.~ a~a Wa.G. ~ti cr-rcl ~juci-ri.i;,},1 .ZXctQQa..~ Fo-r ,~ufu5 ho-u.oe -uo Pwbltstowitce~d fds . 3. If public water supply is proposed, indicate the ability of the water utility to provide water supply to the project. Provide letter of water availability or detailed explanation of status of review by water utility. - /J 1,1 4. If private water supply is proposed, indicate the well specifications, water quality based on on-site water quality data. Provide Suffolk County Department of Health Services approval or detailed explanation of status of review by agency. ATr~4 c~ iT ~ - 5. Indicate proposed water conservation measures that will mitigate for unavoidable adverse impacts (If any). Conservation measures should include, but not be limited to: a. The use of drought tolerant plants for landscaping. b. The preservation of existing native vegetative buffers.- ~ /ha-ec~u,.~d c. The conservation of existing open space areas. - s~~ an /u~Lbo d. The implementation of "natural" stormwater management practices (grass swales, filter strips, cre~at~e/~d ~w~etlands, etc...). a~.cyLt ri~l. ~pac~ yvLacrchr.~.~d a-o /Ilv,~ruli,P N"'T/"` ~ /at+cf co ~-P.tva,~d c+-.•~I j~lat ~ /~re/i'~1 ~ cC~aad /r~u~f J E. VERIFICATION ¢6-i ~U-~~~~ ~Bt~' °7 dam ~oac1 . I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. J 3 ~ , o~ Applicant/Spon~ e C~d~/t~~-r ~nno-u~ Date Signa a Title ' If the action is in the Coastal Area, acrd you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 6 ~ ~ PATRICIA C. MOORS Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road D ~ Ir ,2 ~ [,p Southold, N.Y. 11952 lei LS U D Tel: (631) 765-4330 MAY 6 2004 Fax: (631)765-4643 Southold Town May 5, 2004 Planning Board Ms. Jeri Woodhouse, Chairwoman Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 (BY HAND) Re: Ionnou minor subdivision SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7 Dear Ms Woodhouse: I am in receipt of your letter dated April 29, 2004 and I would respectfully advise the board that this subdivision, in all respects, complies with the zoning ordinance and a yield map is not required. The zoning code of this town defines "lot" as "any parcel of land...", and "lot area" as "the area of a lot taken at its perimeter, exclusive of any portion within a public or private street right-of-way". In application of the subdivision regulations " buildable land" is not the same as a "lot". The lot must be in compliance with zoning, a lot of 40,000 or 80,000 square feet is in compliance which the applicable zoning designation whether or not there exists wetlands or slopes. The only deduction authorized in the zoning code is 100-239, which states that lands under water are not used toward lot size. Nevertheless, there is no requirement in the zoning code that 100% of a lot be "buildable land". As to your request for a yield map, a yield map is only applicable in a cluster development (see Southold Town Code section 100-181) . Even with a cluster map, the Planning Board considers regulatory setbacks but it does not require deduction of wetlands, slopes, easements etc. Specifically, at Code Section A106-35A ,the code requires lots to be designed to "avoid foreseeable difficulties"by making sure the lots are arranged so that they can be built on, and A106-38 requires the Planning Board consider the natural features in the design of a lot to "encourage preservation of natural features". Lots on the Sound and Bay may contain slopes and wetlands in the lot area calculation provided that a reasonable sized building envelope is established. In conclusion, please be advised that the Planning Board is not authorized to deduct wetlands, slopes, easements, etc. from lot yield. and a yield map is not required for a minor subdivision. If you wish to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Patricia C. Moore cc: Mr.Ionnou Town Attorney PLANNING BOARD MEMB~S ~~gUFFO(,~co JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE .Z,~ ~ P.O. Box 1179 Chair C Z~ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 y Southold, New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGL9N0 y. • ~ Telephone (631) 765-1938 WILLIAM J. CREMERS G Fax (631) 765-3136 MART N HESDORDS y~~1 ~ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Apri129, 2004 Ms Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, New York, 1 1 97 1-46 16 RE: Minor Subdivision of Constantine Ioannou SCTM# 23-1-14.7 Dear Ms. Moore: The Planning Board has reviewed the application submitted on March 18, 2004. The application package was determined to be incomplete due to a missing a deed for the property. A deed was submitted on April 15, 2004. The application remains incomplete due to the following: 1. The applicant proposes 3 lots on a 6.818 acres in the R-80 zoning district. No yield plan has been submitted for the proposed action. The property contains bluff, wetlands and beach ecosystems. The property may also include slopes equal to or greater than 15 percent. Pursuant to the buildable lands definition (below) please identify and exclude tho areas from the yield then submit a yield plan for the proposed action. BUILDABLE LAND The net area of a lot or parcel after deducting wetlands, streams, ponds, slopes over fifteen percent (1 S%), underwater land, easements or other restrictions preventing use of such land for construction of buildings or development. Note, that the area north of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line must also be excluded. Upon receipt of a yield plan the project will be scheduled for an upcoming worksession. Sincerely, k Te Senior Environmental Planner Cc: Planning Board Valerie Scopaz, Director of Planning ~ ~ m- PATRICIA C. MOORS Attorney at Law D D 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 1 1 97 1-461 6 APR 1 6 2~J04 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 Sou'ha;a Tcwn April 15, 2004 Mr. Mark Terry Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Ioannou Dear Mr. Terry: As per your request, enclosed please find a copy of the Ioannou deed. If you have any questions, or need anything else, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Patricia C. Moore PCM/mr Enc. Form tl0U7' 9/BI45M --Iln r:+m nuJ x.l• P.~~.A, w ilb I'm .u. n, •cum, Gnuw r'• Atl•-Indir iJUJ er farlm ra iu n. I,ir U. +Iu+~l I CONSULT XOUR LAI~t REfORI SIONINO THIS tti•~TRUMENi^TNI TRUMENT SHOULD sE USED RY LAWYERS ONi THIS INDF.NRVRE, made the ~.JI~ day of..~,t,-,Ikgrr.,.` , nineteen hundred wdhf r.:t?..t C,gln.~ BETWEEN CONSTANTINE IOANNOU, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York 11363 party of the first part, and Constantine Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, NX and Maria Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York as Settlors and Athas C. Ioannou, residing at 105 Beverly Road, Douglaston, New York and Fatios Papatnichael residing at 50-05 Deepdale Place, Little Neck, NY 11362 as Trustees of the Ioannou Qualified Personal Residence Trust party of the second part, WfI'NFSSITH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, All. that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildi:tgs and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York known as Lot No. 7, on Map o£ Erionngloid-by-The-Sea at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk on August 22, 1978 as Map No. 67i1, bounded and described as foll BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Main Road distant 334.75 feet as ensured easterly from a monument marking the easterly side of land now Or formerly f Woglom; Running thence the following three courses and distances, along land now ormerly of Rand: 1) North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West 337.02 feet; 2) South 65 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds West 159.0 feet; 3) North 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West 468.99 feet to the ordinary high stet mark of Lond Island Sound; THENCE along said high water line which has a tie line bearing North 62 degrees 59 notes 20 seconds East 438.11 feet to a point; THENCE South 27 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds East along other land sow or formerly bf Rand and across Main Road 852.70 feet,, more or less to the ordinary high caster ma: lof Orient Harbor;running THENCE along said high water line 380 feet , more or less to a point, said high wat~ line having a tie line of South 36 degrees 40 minutes West 369.32 feet to a point; THENCE north 24 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds West along other land now or forterly of Rand, and across the Main Road 203.65 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly si of Main Road, at the point or place of BEGINNING. Excepting therefrom that much property as is covered by the Main Road having a width of 66 feet, throughout. BEING and INTENDED to be the same premises conveyd to the grantor by deed date Dec. 15, 1981, recorded Jan. 22, 1982 at Liber 9132 Page 269, in the office of Clerk Suffolk County. TA>( *IAP ESIG~VATIO~ ~,I. TOGETHER n~itti al! right, title and interest, ii ary,.of the party of the first part in slid to any streets and roads abutting the above describrd premises to the curter lines theseoF; TOGETHER with the appurtenances ~o. 2.3 and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said ¢remises; TO`HAVi; AND TO LIOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of t, 1,1 the party of the second part forever. ~~,i: 1~F S, ~ I AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatcve:, except as aforesaid. AND the tarty of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to tx applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the Iwyment of the cost of the improvenunt before using any part of the total of the sarne [or any other purpose. The ~wrrl "lzrty" shall x construed as ii it read "patties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duty executed this deed the day and year first abov written. Ix rasstxce a~ / j 'I ~ / T v C.1. On the ~ day of ~dG'A7U' MI--~{ 19`~ K ,before me On the day ~ 19 be1~, ~ personally ume ~ personally eamc `t ~oN ST73nI1~in<< :Lam o~.c_ to me known to be the individual described in and who to me known to be the individual described in and who ~ executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that ..i ~ executed the same. executed the same. ~ / _ T1. S11. NEILD A otNewYork Notary PuNpcg990507 D,~aUfied in Nossau Cou06 ~®~O fornmss~on Expires January STATE OF HEW YORK, COUNTY OF sss STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF sss On the day of 19 ,before me On the day of 19 ,before me personally ume personally came to me known, N•ho, being by me duly sworn, did depose and the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with say that he resides at Na. wfiom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that ha is the ' of that he knows ,the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrumcnt; that he to be the individual knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- execute the same; and that he, said witness, lion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. at the same tune subscribed h name as witness thereto. ~ALQ2SiQ IIts3 ~d~L ~LfD SECTION V?IIH CUb•ENAN"1' nCAINS'f ~iRAh'IUR'S r~C 15 E NO. BLOCK ~j °Z t?f~s l ta>r 1 ~ti~ ~.~?t\n1ti ac,~ LoT ~y, -7 - s~ C~ COUNTY UR 70WN .5"/~ ~ L TAX BI LI.INC ADDRESS TO I ~ /q AJNO tIT (~j (1~ ~ % O ~ ~JC/f~$L~~~- Recorded AI Requasf d Ticor Tills Guaradee Company ~~P~G i ~FNP ~--_7-1N~"~ ~ RETURN BY MALL TO: Dur.~bu~,d by KATZ & SERN~~`I~IN ATTORNEYS at LAW ~ICOR TITLE GUARANTEE 265 Post Avenue Westbury, NY 11590 • ' ~ 08133 1 Ca RFC,~n+ea IO F~~~0~0~0 11919PC 029 RE1L $STATE 98 SEP 24 PM 2~ O7 Number of pages is ii {~hviSai Y•,ij;"i~~lld~ ToRRENS SEP 24 199a CLERtt OF SUFFOLI( COUNTY Serial N TMNSFEA TAX - Certificate t! SUFFOLIG COUN'T'Y Prior ctf. n 08133 Decd /Mortgage Instrument Dccd / Mortgage Tax Sump Recording /Filing Stamps 4 FEES i q Page/'riling Fec ! Mortgage Aml. Handling _ ~ L Basic Tax _ TP-584 ~ 2. Additional Tax Noution Sub Total _ EA-52l'7 (County) ~ Sub Toul . _ Spcc./Assit. ~5' or EA-5217 (Bute) . _ Spec. /Adrl. R.P.T.S.A, ~y~S~~y~ TOT. MTG. TAX , _ 'S ~ ~ Dual Town _ _ Dual County Comm, of Ed. 5.00 a . Held for Apponionmcnt v!t Affidavit ~~ti_ ar~ TrmtsfcrTax _ Certified Copy Mansion Tax The property covered by this mongagc is or Rcg. Copy will be improvc<I by a.onc or two family Sub Total dwcllingonly. OOse; YES or NO ' CriP..1U'fU'i'AL I I , _ tf NV, sec approprate 4ix ctaase un page a ~ -T- of this instrument.' n Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification ~6' Title Company Inforrttalion a, Dist. Section Block Lot couwrr Q ) , Q (a r , , ~ ~ Company Nantc atC Title Number lnit~i5' 8 FEE PAID BY: KATZ & BERNSTEIN Cash Chcck~_Chargc ATTORNEYS at LAW Payer same as R & R 265 Post Avenue (or if dilTcrcnq Westbury, NY 11590 NAME: ADDRESS: RECORll & RETURN TO _ _ 7 (Alll)RISS) 9 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the atuchcd ~7/ C~~ made by: _ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) J7~~/J%i~,'e_ ~G'r7~^~O?.C 1-hc premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNfY, NEW YORK. TO c ~ j`l) ~ j In tttc Township of Jd ~t -L--/illn !i~ ~>2 6X U% C` t /i C' CJr~f'~' In the VILLAGE c ' /Z U Sl or HAMLET of %'/}S ~i,/yjt~ i~ t BOXES 5 TIIRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED [N BLACK INK UNLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. uaia..usu.. - _ ~i Albert J. Krupski, President • O~Q$uFFO(~'C~ ~ Town Hall James King, Vice-President /~Z' Gy 53095 Route 25 Artie Foster o ~ P.O. Box 1179 ti x Southold, New York 11971-0959 Ken Poliwoda G Peggy A. Dickerson .f~ ~ O~'~` Telephone (631) 765-1892 ~~j .iL Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES r-~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I APA 1 4 2004 1 i TO: Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner I c~ - FROM: Board of Trustees - - - - DATE: April 14, 2004 RE: Minor Subdivision of Constantine lounnou SCTM#23-1-14.7 The Board of Trustees reviewed the survey prepared by John T. Metzger last dated September 7, 2000 and determined the minor subdivision to be out of the Wetland jurisdiction under Chapter 97 of the Town Wetland Code and Chapter 37 of the Town Code. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~gUFFO(,~c JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE P.O. Box 1179 Chair C Z~ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 y Southold, New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGL4N0 y, • ~ Telephone (631) 765-1938 WILLIAM J. CREMERS G Fax (631) 765-3136 MARTIN HEBIDORDS ?'ipo~ ~ `#a0~' PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: The Board of Trustees From: Mazk Terry, Senior Environmental Planner Date; Apri16, 2004 Re: Minor Subdivision of Iounnou, Constantine SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7 The Planning Board is in receipt an application for a minor subdivision upon this property. Aerial Photos show a potential wetland system in the northwest corner of the property. The Planning Board is requesting s determination from the Boazd whether the system is jurisdictional prior to commencing review of the action. A map is enclosed. Cc: Planning Board • ~ ~ • > PATRICIA C. MOORS Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 D ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ InI March 18, 2004 I J MAA 1 9 2"~4 Southold Town Planning Board Soc!held ?oo:n Town Hall p~,~-p~,~P;;.. 53095 Main Road P. O .Box 117 9 ~ O a Southold, NY 11971 (~f! (j.Q (BY HAND) T 5c~ . i,J ~J~,-~,ti i~~ RE: Constantine IcQtinou Brionngloid-By-the-sea subdivision SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7 Dear Chairwoman Woodhouse: Enclosed please find an application for subdivision of my client's property together with the required application fee. As you know the Town Board granted a waiver from the moratorium. Ct'~.x ~,errr~rd~ ~ 57~, 00 Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Very tr~ly yours, . /p Y /Y.. ~ t~ .P~tricia C. Moore cc: Mr. Ioannou • }Dn~Nou F~c~ • (cuat~ ~ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO.171 OF 2004 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 24, 2004: WHEREAS an application has been made by Constantine Ionnou for a waiver from the provisions of Local Law #3 of 2002 (and extensions thereof] entitled "Temporary Moratorium on the Processing, Review of, and making Decisions on applications for Major Subdivisions, Minor Subdivisions and Special Exception Use Permits and Site Plans containing Dwelling Unit(s) in the Town of Southold" pursuant to Section 6 "Appeal Procedures", to permit the Planning Boazd to consider an application for a minor subdivision for the parcel of property known as SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7; and WHEREAS the application involves the subdivision of a 6.8 acre pazcel into 31ots; and WHEREAS the Town Board has reviewed the file, conducted a public hearing, and considered all pertinent documents; and WHEREAS the criteria that the applicant must meet is set forth in Section 6. (Appeal Procedure) of Local Law #3-2002 and the extensions of said Local Law, and the section states: Section 6. APPEAL PROCEDURES a. The Town Board shall have the authority to vary or waive the application of any provision of this Local Law, in its legislative discretion, upon its determination, that such variance or waiver is required to alleviate an extraordinary hazdship affecting a parcel of property. To grant such request, the Town Board must find that a variance or waiver will not adversely affect the purpose of this local law, the health, safety or welfare of the Town of Southold or any comprehensive planning being undertaken in the Town. The Town Board shall take into account the existing land use in the immediate vicinity of the property and the impact of the variance or waiver on the water supply, agricultural lands, open and recreational space, rural chazacter, natural resources, and transportation infrastructure of the Town. The application must comply with all other applicable provisions of the Southold Town Code. WHEREAS the Town retained a "moratorium group" consisting of in-house and outside planners and attorneys who have developed a "Comprehensive hnplementation Strateg}~' of the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Southold, and certain comprehensive planning currently being undertaken includes, but is not limited to, 80% preservation of open space throughout the Town and a 60% reduction in density, clear establishment of the Hamlet Centers, and a possible Transfer of Development Rights component (a full description of the "action" is set forth in the SEQRA Resolution dated January 7, 2003 for the Southold Comprehensive hnplementation Strategy which is incorporated by reference into this decision); and WHEREAS, planning work is proceeding during the moratorium, which was extended January 6, 2004 for an additional 180 days.. The issues facing the Town of Southold and possible solutions to those issues aze complex. Legislative solutions have not yet been agreed upon, and the Town continues to face significant development pressure; and WHEREAS the Town Board finds that the applicant has demonstrated an extraordinary hazdship, in that he has expended large sums of money to date on the project and has spent five years in litigation regarding his ability to subdivide the property; and WHEREAS the Town Board finds that the application is not in contrast with the extensive planning initiatives being undertaken by the Town, or the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS the Town Board finds that this application will not adversely affect the purpose of the Local Law # 3 of 2002 and the extensions thereof; and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold finds that the application will not adversely affect the health, safety, or welfaze of the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold finds that the minor subdivision application is consistent with the existing land use in the surrounding azea and has a minimal impact on water supply, rural character, natural resources and transportation infrastructure of the Town; and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold finds that the application has no effect on agricultural lands and open and recreational space; and WHEREAS based on the application, all relevant documentation, the comments set forth at the public hearing on this matter, the comprehensive planning currently being undertaken by the Town, the above referenced facts, and the criteria set forth in Local Law No. 3 of 2002 and the • extensions thereof, Section 6. Appeals Procedures, the applicant has met its burden pursuant to the criteria; and Be it RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that the application is 6ereby approved. Ct~Q, "T"~- EliOzabeth A. Neville Southold Towp Clerk ~ ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ?~1 ~ PUBLIC HEARING February 24, 2004 8:10 P.M. HEARING ON THE WAIVER APPLICATION OF CONSTANTINE IONNOU, SCTM #1000- 23-1-14.7 AND 1000-23-2-5.6 p ~~~~d~ Present: Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton D Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman John M. Romanelli MAA - ^ 2004 Councilman Thomas H. Wickh Councilman Daniel C. Ross Sovthatd Town Councilman William P. Edwards Flanniog soars r * * : Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney Patricia A. Finnegan COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Boazd of the Town of Southold hereby sets 8:10 a.m., February 24, 2004 at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold New York as the time and Mace for a public hearing on the auplication reauestine a waiver from the provisions of the Local Law entitled "Temporary Moratorium on the Processing, Review of, and making Decisions on the applications for Major and Minor Subdivisions, and Special Use Permits and Site Plans containing dwelling unit(s) in the Town of Southold" for the minor subdivision of Constantine Ionnou for the parcel identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7, 1000-23-2- 5.6 located on the north side of State Route 25 in East Marion. This has been published in the Suffolk Times, it has appeared out there on the Town Clerk's bulletin board and I should have a correspondence here from the Planning Boazd. This is dated July 8, 2003, the request of the family for a waiver of moratorium requirements. "The Planning Boazd has reviewed the June 9`h letter of Patricia Moore on behalf of her client, Constantine Ionnou, in which the Town Board is asked to waive the moratorium restriction regarding this application. Mrs. Moore's letter does not provide the context within which her client's property came to be created by the Planning Boazd. The Planning Board's position and recommendation cannot be understood without knowing this context. Accordingly, a brief synopsis is provided here. The subject property was the focus of a subdivision plat by the name of Brionngloid-by-the-sea. in 1977, the owner of the major subdivision wished to create seven lots. Since several of the proposed lots including the lot that is currently the subject of this request were further subdividable, the Planning Boazd recommended that provision be made for save access of all potential lots to Route 25. The subject property is located on the north side of Route 25, just west of Truman's Beach, on a narrow stretch of the causeway. There are no other public or private roads accessing this property. The owner refused to reconsider and asked for a waiver of the requirement to construct a road. The Planning Board and the Highway Department agreed to waive the 50 foot road requirement for this major subdivision on the condition that there be February 24, 2004 ~ 2 ~ ~ Public Heazing-Ionnou Waiver no fiuther subdivision of specific lots within the subdivision, one of which, #7, is the lot that is the subject of Ms. Moore's request. Correspondence and minutes and resolutions of the Boazd note that a resolution was to be filed which noted that lots 1,2,3,6 and 7 were not to be further subdivided. Access to these lots was to be by way of shazed two driveways over two designated right-of--way with lot #7 retaining its own driveway. The Planning Boazd approved the filing of the plat, provided the above noted restrictions were covenants and restrictions were filed as well. iJnfortunately, the prior owner and his attorney filed the~rr?ap but did not file the C&R's at the County Clerk's office. The plat was filed in 1978 without the C&R's. It appears that this omission was not noticed by the Planning Boazd and secretary at this point. Mrs. Moore, the attorney for the applicant, noted in her letter that her client has. been Qurs_~in_ h ..right,to subdivide the property since 1999. While preliminazy queries were ~ made to ,this office! beginning in 1999, an actual application to subdivide was not made until April of 209i~ 'Fhe Planning Board adopted a resolution on April 16, 2001, a copy of which is attached, this resolution re-stated the original intent of the original property owner to the Planning Board in 1978, as noted in the official minutes of the Planning Boazd. The hazsh denunciation and portrayal of the Planning Boazd by Mrs. Moore in her letter is not appropriate. Special Counsel Frank Isler informed the Planning Boazd that the conditions under which the Planning Boazd granted approval in 1977 were valid and constitutional, pazticulazly given the owner and his attorney's statements (on the record) of not wanting to comply with a mandatory road requirement. The ap eals court found that the owner's failure to file the C&R's with the Countv Clerk's office cowl not be held against the current property owner. appe s court handed down its decisi4niu_Anri 2003. Mrs. Moore's letter pertains to a reques atf~eF'Taruung~a'~Fd proce_~-with a thre n of her client's roe that is lot u a review of the file, the proposed subdivision, as it was presented to the Planning Boaz m n 20 m tion rovisions of the moratonum whereby 75% of the land must ~snrPSe~ ell, Further, to the best of our owe ge, no a ort as een ma e y cant to initiate discussions with the Town regazding land preservation. 'fhe~sub'ect property is environmen~ tally sens'ti iye due to its_ close proximjSx„t9,.bgt~. ~.4pg L~(~tS~ Sound and the we ar s sou o~~ Route to 25. The property is not served by public water. Route 25 in this vicinity is even more heavily traveled than it was in 1978. The application does not support the planning objectives of the town, which include the preservation of open space and recreational space and the preservation of the viral, cultural, commercial and historical character of the hamlets and surrounding areas and the preservation of the natural environment. The subject property is precisely the type of property that the moratorium was intended to capture. The applicant's position in this moratorium is no different from that of any other property owner with a subdividable pazcel. Attached aze maps of the proposed subdivision. Therefore, the Plannine Boazd recommendation is that the waiver not be azanted." And I have no other, I do have a letter from the attorney of the applicant; who is here tonight and could probably speak more effectively than I could on that. PATRICIA MOORE, ATTORNEY FOR THE APPLICANT: This is just an example, I am not threatening to read everything that is in this file. We could be here for days. The Planning Boazd's position, I think, they have their position certainly, my client, that we and I the attorney have a different position. For the record, my name is Patricia Moore, Main Road, Southold. I am the attorney for the applicant. By the way, my client nor I received notice of this hearing tonight and just by chance I looked at a copy of an agenda yesterday when I was' in the Planning Boazd and saw that this matter was here tonight. I made this application more than six, seven months ago. I would just suggest that in the future, you give, I don't know about the gentlemen before, they probably got the same type of notice I got, which is none. And I think anybody who has made an application should have the benefit Februazy 24, 2004 ~ 3 Public Hearing-Ionnou Waiver of a notice because, just by luck, I read that and I am here. I would have been extremely upset and probably run into the courthouse had you made a decision without my ability to be here tonight. So, just as a, fortunately, I am here. I do have a memorandum that I ask that you submit for the record and I have for everyone. The reason that I brought the box is to give some context as far as my client's side of the picture is concerned. Because he bou t a iece of property that was 6.9 acres about 23 _y~_~-a$o. The property was zoned 1 acre atshe_time; it is yr ~r art and it is the laz est narr~~ a~_rinih~ of this area hP use this piece of prop does come. from another ,h ,t^c;nn, EF~e.:•B~i~e~ghjd;.hX he-sea that the planner referred to an t~iis is lot 7 of that i i~ncin _~Ltd_-'_n,.tiuap;,.Now when he bought theAprop~erty,"~It~re was no covenan preventmg•him fr further subdividing the property, he bought this over-size piece, has two children who aze now adults, who are ready to build their homes and he merely wants to create two lots, he has his homestead; and create the two lots for the family. He went to the Planning Board and the planner, I referred to it, a date when we approached the Planning Boazd, and verbally in apre-submission conference requested the application to subdivide. We spent several months with my memorandums to the Town Attorney and reviewing the law, which is fundamental, real property law 101 and even non-lawyers understand the theory, which is: a covenant or a condition that so restricts a_propert~y mu,~~,jit,Tng zn~ .Y,.,cf .W...r.,.__._. be a record~snveuant,.at ~,~ota~tion on a map So they would put a person buying ..tim,....._-, one_of_those.p~Ap_~tie~on.natace.ihat_YherEas.some~nd~of_rgstr~ipn,pygv,,,utg,ttleif_use of the property.. My.clienl came_to the PlatuiipgBoazd, the Planning Board said well, there is this condition. It is buried in the file, we went to look in the file and sine enougli,~there was a` condition tmposed as part of the subdivision approval but it was no where to be found in his title report or even in looking at \/the filed map. At that point, we submitted the application to the Planning Boazd again. We were delayed and delayed and finally we said, please give us your decision in writing because where can we go next? We have no recourse; we must go to the court. I went to the State Su_nreme__C_ourt. She court ab olutel a eed with us. One: that the ' ' n did not a 1 to this 'n, it wasn'1<LernrdeA The. to believe at a condition that no lsiwn _ fu}~g~~v' . `J~imposed on subdivision regulations is essentially the PI?nn;nv a ~"rn P"°i"'`;;' ;,~nn;~, They aze imposing regulations on an app icahon or on a piece o property, which rs contrary to your zoning. So if the map says it is two acre zoning, or the map says it is three or ten or whatever, the Planning Boazd can't deviate from that. And that is what they have been doing uniformly for yeazs and they are still doing it today, even applications that I see before the Boazd presently, require the no further subdivision condition on it. The lower court said, absolutely that is not a proper condition, the Town appealed that decision. We went to the appellate division. Again, this is, my client pays me, thank you. The only ones who win aze the lawyers, obviously, but it is not fruitful because you don't want to see somebody's rights be affected. This is what he has incurred. The amount of time and the amount of money and the aggravation factor, obviously. We went to the Appellate division. The Appellate division was polite but they, again, said come on, Town, Mr. Islet was there defending the Town. It is ~Gpnditinn that ic„~o~ nn re~org You are telling us that you are going to impose this condition tha s buried in the file on this property owner? Ge~n~nf here c„ «,e «,~n that d~icioain. We came back now, to start the process because, and years now have gone by and expense, we came to the P ing Board and the Planning Boazd says, we can't decide this now because there is a moratorium. ell, what is our recourse now? Our recourse is come to ynu and ack that ;r he a waiver of the morakuau~-be-applieal~le,-giNea-tlie fact that we have now went through two court actions or do we go back to the court and say, court, had this application been reviewed at the time that it was submitted, we would have been so far through the process we would be looking back and there would be no moratorium. It wouldn't have affected us one bit. Not even, even the three lot subdivision can go February 24, 2004 ~ 4 • Public Hearing-Ionnou Waiver through the process in less than three or four yeazs. We aze here tonight to ask for this Board's relief. My client, it is not an environmentally significant application. The planner refers to sensitive land. Well, there is an existing sound front home that is set back probably 300 feet finm the Sound, the other lot is equally as lazge and could be developed the same way, set back from the bluff. We don't need any variances whatsoever. The only sensitive property is t~a~.heacl~&cat~tk~at-isacross the road,. across Route 25. Nobody has proposed to subdivide that area, that is open space, there is no, the app icahon is purely for the lot, the upland parcels. And I attached for your information, to help remind you what this lot, this subdivision would look like, it is the last sheet on the hand-out I supplied or you. The subdivision map so that you could see again this lot in comparison to the acreage of the other lots at the time in the 1970's when this property was approved, it was one-acre zoning. And each lot exceeds the one-acre zoning criteria. So, as faz as Monday morning quarterbacking and give reasons why this condition was imposed; I don't think it is genuine because all of these properties, all but two of the properties have road frontage. They all, and it was proper planning at the time and we don't disagree with that, that they have common access. We propose similarly, a~ common access. There is an existing driveway now, we could use the existing driveway or relocate it in suc a it is, again, a common access for the existing house and the two lots. So again, we are not imposing a significant change to the chazacter or any change to, or impact in this area both on traffic or on environmental features. This property is not one of your designated proposed purchases on the Community Preservation acquisition list, obviously it wouldn't be. It is not farmed or suitable for fazming, it is, this Boazd has in the past expressed no intent to upzone this type of property. So as far as the reasons to not grant a waiver of the moratorium in this instance, it just doesn't make sense. One as a matter of justice. The litigation that we have had to incur to prove an issue that was so fundamental, it was insulting between lawyers to have a condition imposed, a condition to be enforced that cleazly should not have been enforced. I am here to answer any other questions that you might have. I feel very strongly about this application because again, if the Town or if we as Boazd members, or you as Board members paid out of your pocket for the decisions you make, you wouldn't make some of the decisions that have been made or the Planning Boazd would not make the kind of decisions that they make because if you and I were sitting across from each other in a business world and you looked at the fairness and the equities and you say, if I fight this battle, I know I am going to lose because the law is so cleaz that I am just going to lose, I am not going to pay for that. But we as taxpayers underwrite the decisions that the Planning Boazd makes and the decision that they made in this instance was so fundamentally flawed that it cost my client a tremendous amount. That is the hardship; that is the reason that we aze here. Because enough is enough. Allow him to proceed. We don't want to have a third court decision, tell us that the Town should review a subdivision application. I thank you and I thank you for your courtesy. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you, Mrs. Moore. I appreciate it. Are there comments on this public hearing? COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: I would like to ask a question. I think I understand your azguments why the land should be subdividable and the fact that some C&R's never got recorded at the County has been vindicated, apparently, by the courts. And so that should go forwazd. But that really is not what we aze here for tonight. Wye az_e here to~udg~e a request for the waiver from the~moratorium. The azguments that I heazd why we should grant that waiver, is_.t1~1 Shg,,l~y'_argiment.kvaS_11~aLi1~Yhe application had proceededat_the pace-Yhatitshould..have_proce~~ed, without all of the interruptions_of February 24, 2004 ~ 5 Public Hearing-Ionnou Waiver the court and all of that, we would have been well into it before the moratorium was in place. Because of that, all of that momentum, that is the logic for granting the waiver. MS. MOORE: That is one of the reasons. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: But there were a lot of other cases of people who were caught up in various stages of application who have also been caught up and who have also, most of them, been denied. That argument by itself doesn't seem to me, is sufficient to justify a waiver. The thing that I am interested in is the waiver. What aze the other reasons why the Board should consider the waiver? MS. MOORE: I have listed, I have them all identified and listed as item 10. And I went through your ~riteria for why a moratorium was adopted and one of the main reasons would be talon whether or not 1~ 'ts development mnratnrinm rathgr than being allowed to procee . -.._..r COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: What is the preservation percentage? MS. MOORE: You can't preserve at this point, you have 6.9 acres, ou have three lots. There is no, the preservation is„t}Ue gis~open space that was rea~eserved, it is the sepazate tax lot number t atTi`Tts d grated across the, let me see,,Y'~'"ave-`1Tie Yax map number. You have about, you have, let's see, how much acreage. You have 1.2 acres across the State Route, that is shown as part of lot #7 of tkis subdivision, 1.21 acres is going to continue to be preserved. That is not proposed for subdivision. - The waiver is, if people could come in for preservation, they wouldn't need a waiver, so I would~,~ respectfully disagree with your analysis that you have to provide preservation to get a waiver. That is ' precisely why people come here. If they had preservation components, they wouldn't need to be here-, COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: If they had it high enough. MS. MOORE: There is no requirement, 75% preservation, sure. If you are dealing with somebody with 60% preservation, 40%, whatever. You also have situations where you have got years of litigation that wrongfully was imposed on a client. Wrongfully because you have two courts that have told you, pazdon me, you the overall town you, that the Planning Boazd, Planning Boazd you were wrong. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Mrs. Moore? MS. MOORE: Yes? SUPERVISOR HORTON: I think actually, your points have been made and re-made. I understand that cleazly. COUNCILMAN ROSS: I have three questions. MS. MOORE: Sure. COUNCILMAN ROSS: Who was the applicant in 1978? February 24, 2004 ~ 6 ~ ~ Public Hearing-Ionnou Waiver MS. MOORE: Helliman, I believe. The applicant; are you talking about the subdivision applicant? My understanding is that there were two property owners that got together. One was Helliman and the other one Rand. COUNCILMAN ROSS: Were they represented? ? MS. MOORE: Yes, they had an attorney. I don't know who it was. COUNCILMAN ROSS: Local? MS. MOORE: I don't know. COUNCILMAN ROSS: Just out of curiosity. Okay. When your client got the property it was an arms-length transaction? MS. MOORE: Oh, absolutely, yes. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Are there other comments from the Board? (No response) We will close this hearing. + * * ~ a ~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk o~gUFFO[,~~0 ? ~ ~ v~ ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE G'y~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ow P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS W nZf Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER ~,fr ~ Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ~Ql ~a Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ~ southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 103 OF 2004 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 3, 2004: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets 8:10 p.m., February 24, 2004 at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, for a public hearine on the aunlication requesting a waiver from the provisions of the Local Law entitled "Temporary Moratorium on the Processing, Review of, and making Decisions on the applications for Major and Minor Subdivisions, and Special Use Permits and Site Plans containing dwelling unit(s) in the Town of Southold" for the minor subdivision of Constantine Ionnou for the parcel identified as SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7, 1000-23-2-5.61ocated on the north side of State Route 25 in East Mariona O Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk D~ ~M~ ~a _ D Sou;rold Town Flarni~,g Eca-d • THL ~~bQ1i SUBpiVI$IQN;I~S.FUR - ON ACRES LOCATED ON SCT~Itt 1000- ~ ~ MINOR SUBDIVISION (NO RUADI ~ Complete application received ioo ~ Application reviewed at work session p ,ero. ox ~m•~ oK ` I~ro. M ~w Applicant advised of necessary revisions L1`2s-1`t~`'~ M ~ _ ~ p ~ .y. N ~ ~ U ixro. OK Revised submission ceceived ~ ~ o ~ ~nro. C7K a ~ ~ ~ o Sketch plan approval _ 3 ~ wy -with conditions u N O w ~ o ~ Lead Agenc~jCoordination ~0.~1~~ ~ SEQRA determination N 81 ~I ~ - ~ o Sent to Fire Commissioner 1 ~ ° x Receipt of fireweil location ~ Notification to applicant to include on Tina! map ti - o .o ~ ~ Sent to County Planning Commission ~ D~ 'rol oK a ~ ~ ~ o Receipt of County Report /d//d/~~l , ox .D N ~ V h m Review of SC~C report /d ~ o o ~ Draft Covenants and Restrictions received inro. OK ~ ~ d Draft Covenants and Restrictions reviewed oK Filed Covenants and Restrictions received H ~ ~ Receipt of mylars and paper prints with Health approval Final Public Hearing Approval of subdivision -with conditions - ~ ndGrSC Beni Of Siiudi ?i5ivra Project Status Report for Standard Subdivisions wroJar~Jrl~i~easltiHi.oc,~tr~n ?p€',n?,"~~?"ty~'1 Projem~, k~e~aiTption (take~thm ~farjralnc~ Tf~~k~fi'~~K , 1 ~~3! 1I „~tv 4 t ~ t y ^ ~ < ~ ,.fir ai ~fs`~! s F ` a'', Z~rA Ci~i~~~~~. Fi ; ti I ~ ~iE~ 5~~ ~ ~ ~l ~ ~ ~ ~i >GP Sketch Application Dates Pre-Submission Conference SEQRA Determination 8~ Sketch Application Received SC Planning Commission Referral ~1 61 py Application Fees Paid SC Planning Commission Comments lob 1 w.1 t~6 oJe~ols~sepc, ccw.,,,,,,.1;{ t 1o11 oy ~?e-v~c~~t~. ~?ERSAP Submitted ~ ~ 10` 1 Fire Department Referral Q~1'1~~_- Yield Plan Submitted Fire Department Comments Content Design Determined t~ Engineer Conference Fire Department Comments Jf ~ ~ r ZD6 l Sketch Plan Submission SEQRA Coordination 1 ~ ~ Qr-1 Conditional Sketch Approval $ ~ 9 ~ OM Landscape Plan Sketch Approval Soil Conservation Plan Preliminary Plat Application Dates f6 months after Sketch Plan Approval) r n' ~-~1,1 ~ 1 V 1~ ~,py Preliminarv Application Received cQ12q~ a ~ DEIS Submission 11 Application Fees Paid Referral of Legal Documents to Town Attorney Referral gf Road and Drainage Plans l' I Ol]~ Comments from Legal Department Received Engineer Conference FEIS Submission N~ y Ca12~~1'~ Comments from Town Engineer C~{21 ~ ~ ~ Preliminarv Hearing Set Draft Performance Estimate GI ~ ~ c~ ~ q Preliminarv Hearing Held Draft Covenants and Restrictions fn Preliminarv Hearing Closed 21?~t Draft Homeowner's Association Agreement N ~ Conditional Preliminarv Approval 211 S~ ~~i Draft Road Maintenance Agreement ~1~zf~ CJ{ Preliminarv Approval Scoping Session ~'1r"`° ~ 1 Z~ ~ ~Ll gr~.~t-Z- ~v 2-`l$` pl T~.4- ny,'u~ 1'11 ~D1 S~w~FF 1e.1}fv a~~i c t {~~0.1 ev.A ~r 9 ~ 2.5.1 0 $ p-L.~~1~S~~c~vCSio~~l`tiv~S ~ 1t~~ 1 1 Final Plat Application Dates/ (6 months after Preliminary Plat Approval) Final Application Received Z3~ I Z Affordable Housing Fee Paid Application Fees Paid Administrative Fee Paid ~ Mylars Received (5) NYSDEC Wetlands Permit Received 3~ .Z~I~S ~ \ , Paper Prints Received (81 NYSDOTIDPW Permit Received ~ ~ d~~^A Final Road and Drainage Plans Trustee Permit Received ~I Z~1I IZ ~~t~ ~~e~ak'"^~ Performance Guarantee Received Final Hearing Set ~I`~I 13 Performance Guarantee to Town Board Final Hearing HeIdlClosed Final Covenants and Restrictions ~/~/~/mil Filed Legal Documents Final Homeowner's Agreemen( Conditional Final Approval bI Final Road Maintenance Agreement `(/'r~/~ Final Approval 9/ 7~a©~a Park and Playground Fee Paid Map Endorsed by Chair gl~gT~,o/r~ Conservation Agreement LWRP Consistency Review Final Map Routing: Tax Assessors I 0 Building Department Land Preservation Highway Department Additional Notes: 17~,A(~ ~e~ ~JPPP ~ro Jurnty ~ich~ e~ ~n ~~11 i~ ~-Do lfi M y~ c ~ c c,Z c „-t.t -l 1 e1 9 q~oq ~o4.r~ a~ I Yv\ \ 1rGr' R ota ~1 re d ~~cv4mPr` ~ ceder e;l ~ if car ~;r F w z..~9 ;F~ I , Zoo~i -~soe~ i bo`r Sout~d Planning Department Sta~eport Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date 7-23-12 Prepared By: Aly Sabatino I. Application Information Project Title: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Applicant: Constantine loannou Date of Submission: June 21, 2010 Tax Map Number: 1000-23-1-14.7 Project Location: The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court Hamlet: East Marion. Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 6.8 # of Lots Proposed: 3 III: Status 2nd Preliminary Plat Approval IV: Action to review Bond submitted by the applicant Revised Road and Maintenance Agreement and Covenants and Restrictions V: Analysis Applicant submitted items requested in an April 12, 2012 letter: Revised C&Rs. Revised Road and Maintenance Agreement. Bond Estimate. Changes to the Final Plat. The Park and Playground Fee and the Admin Fee were previously submitted by applicant. VI: Staff Recommendations Sout~d Planning Department Sta~eport 1. All requested changes have been made to the Road and Maintenance Agreement- recommend accepting. 2. All requested changes have been made to the C&Rs ex eat the requested submittal of a Schedule A. Additionally, in Clause 5 the word "shown" is spelled incorrectly. Please submit the outstanding item referenced above and change the spelling in Clause 5. 3. The bond has been confirmed with Travelers' Bond Agency. The expiration date is June 2014 with automatic renewal. Recommend that the Planning Board accept the Bond at the next public meeting (August i 3"') with the recommendation that the Town Board do the same. Next Steps for this project: Once the changes to the Covenants and Restrictions have been made and the Planning Department has received twelve paper copies and four Mylar copies of the final plat endorsed by the Department of Health Services, schedule the application for Conditional Final Approval at the next Public Meeting with the conditions being file the Road and Maintenance Agreement and the Covenants and Restrictions with the Suffolk County Clerk. 2 Sout~d Planning Department Stai~eport Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date 4-9-12 Prepared By: Aly Sabatino I. Application Information Project Title: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Applicant: Constantine loannou Date of Submission: June 21, 2010 Tax Map Number: 1000-23-1-14.7 Project Location: The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court Hamlet: East Marion. Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 6.8 # of Lots Proposed: 3 III: Status 2nd Preliminary Plat Approval IV: Action to review Bond Estimate • Revised Road and Maintenance Agreement • Revised Plat • Revised Covenants and Restrictions V: Analysis Applicant submitted an updated New York State DEC permit on March 29, 2012. VI: Staff Recommendations A. Bond Estimate: Please see attached 1. Recommend approving the bond estimate at the May 7, 2012 Public Meeting. B. Make the Following changes to the Road and Maintenance Agreement: Soutf~d Planning Department Sta~eport 1. Planning Board: Who is responsible for maintaining street trees? Is lot 2 responsible or the collective lots? 2. Change title from "Driveway and Maintenance Agreement" to "Road and Maintenance Agreement". 3. Throughout the remainder of this document please change the wording "common access/common driveway" to "16 foot gravel road" except where noted below. 4. Change the term "Settlo???rs" to "Declarants". 5. The first WHEREAS third line down add the Tax Map Number 1000-23-2- 5.6 6. The second WHEREAS third line down: this date will change in accordance with the last revised plat. 7. The third WHEREAS second line down: replace "common driveway" with "25 foot right of way". 8. In the Driveway Design and Construction section the following amendments are required: a. Clause one: The 16 foot gravel road within the 25 foot right of way shall be of standard stone blend composition to a width of sixteen (16') feet... Lot 2 will own the 25 foot right of way.,.The 25 foot right of way will provide..." b. Add a clause "The existing stone driveway over lot 3 will be abandoned upon the completion of the 25 foot right of way pursuant to building specifications Section 161-15A of the Southold Town Code. The above construction specifications must be met prior to issuance of building permits for lots 1, 2, and 3" 8. In the Maintenance and Management of Driveway section the following amendments are required: a. Add a clause that states "The owners of lot 2 shall install and maintain the 12 inch corrugated metal pipe as depicted within the 25 foot right of way." 9. In the Management Costs section the following amendments are required: a. Clause b: capitalize the word "Reserve" 10. In the Terms of Payment section the following amendments are required: a. Clause 8 and 9: replace the wording "covenants and restrictions" with "declarations." C. Please make the following changes to the Final Plat 1. Add the location of the fire well 2. Add the significant trees as shown on the ERSAP dated December 13, 2010. D. Please make the following changes to the Covenants and Restrictions a. Replace the first paragraph with the following: 2 Sout~d Planning Department Sta~eport DECLARATION AND COVENANT SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD THIS DECLARATION made the _day of - by and ,residing hereinafter collectively referred to as the Declarant, states as follows: WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate at , in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, more particularly bounded and described as set forth in Schedule A annexed hereto; and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the granting of subdivision application for tax map parcel numbers 1000-23-1-14.7 and 1000-23-2-5.6, entitled "Final Plat Standard Subdivision Constantine loannou at East Marion" prepared by John T. Metzger, dated September 7, 2000, last revised , (hereinafter referred to as the "Filed Map"), and as a condition of granting said approval, the Town of Southold Planning Board has required that the within Declazation be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office; and WHEREAS, Declarant has considered the foregoing and determined that same will be in the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcel; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARANT WITNESSETH: l .That Declarant, for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed does hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that the said premises herein described shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns, to b. Add Schedule A that describes the metes and bounds of the property. c. Revise Clause 5 to read as follows: Buffers. There is a 100 foot wide non-disturbance buffer on Lots 1 and 2, as shown on the Filed Map. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance within this buffer, is prohibited, except for the removal of invasive, non-native vegetation, and to create a 4' foot wide common beach access for Lots 1 and 3 as shown on the Filed Map. Any permitted clearing is subject to all approvals and permits necessary for clearing near surface waters and other protected natural features." The 0.9 acre parcel identified as "Open Space" on the Filed Map and also know as tax map number 1000-23-2-5.6, will remain as anon-disturbance buffer in perpetuity. All clearing, grading and ground disturbance is prohibited, except for the removal of invasive, non-native vegetation. Any permitted removal of vegetation is subject to all approvals and permits necessary for clearing near surface waters and other protected natural features." d. Add a clause that states "There shall be no further subdivision of lot 1, lot 2, and lot 3 in perpetuity." 3 South Planning Department Sta~eport e. Add a clause that states "Any significant tree, outside of building envelopes, as shown on the Filed Map, shall be preserved." f. Add a clause that states "This development shall comply with all applicable Southold Town Code related to stormwater management and the Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan dated March 30, 2011 as approved by the Office of the Town Engineer on December 13, 2011 and filed with the Filed Map" g. Add a clause that states "Utilities, including but not limited to electric, gas, telephone and television, must be located underground." h. Change clause 3 to: "The existing stone driveway over lot 3 will be abandoned upon completion of the new 16 foot gravel road." i. Add a clause before Clause 3 that states the following: " "The 16 gravel road must be constructed to the specifications in Southold Town Code for roadway construction prior to issuance of building permits for lots 1, 2, and 3" j. Clause 4: "last revised March 8, 2012": This date will change in accordance with Final Plat revisions. k. Clause 6 section is change "buffers" to "buffer" I. Clause 6 section ii: change to "The sixty (60) foot landscape buffer located on lot 3 will satisfy (in part) the clearing limits..." Also, please have the surveyor clarify the percent coverage. m. Clause 7: the word "be" is misspelled. n. Clause 8: change to "Each of the lots shown on the approved plat (add date of Final Approved Plat) is subject to the clearing restrictions (Percentage of Site Permitted to be Cleared- Lot 1:25 percent, Lot 2: 25 percent, Lot 3: 35 percent) pursuant to Southold Town code Section 240-49." o. Clause 8 change to 8. The residential application and use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides capable of entering the potable water supply is prohibited. a. Only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture is required. b. A maximum of 11b of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year is required. c. Fertilizer products shall be applied only during the growing season (typically mid-March though mid-October). 4 Sout~d Planning Department Sta~eport Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date 02-27-12 Prepared By: Alyxandra Sabatino I. Application Information Project Title: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Applicant: Constantine loannou Date of Submission: June 21, 2010 Tax Map Number: 1000-23-1-14.7 Project Location: The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion Hamlet: East Marion Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Acreage of Project Site: 6.8 # of Lots Proposed: 3 III: Status Expired Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval IV: Action to review Review Timeline and discuss response to Pat Moore's letter. V: Analysis Conditional Preliminary Approval Timeline: • February 15, 2005 Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval was granted on the plat titled "Minor Subdivision for laonnou Constantine at East Marion", dated September 7, 2000 and last revised February 25, 2004. • February 13, 2007 Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval was extended. • February 15, 2007Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval expired. • August 29, 2008 Planning Staff sent a letter to the applicant requesting a re- submission of the preliminary plat application and a 2"d preliminary filing fee. • May 22, 2009 the applicant submitted the requested $1000 preliminary filing fee but not the 2"d preliminary plat application. Health Department Plat Expired July 2, 2010 South~d Planning Department Stat~eport VI: Staff Recommendations 1) Recommend using the fee submitted by the applicant on May 22, 2009 and the plat titled "Minor Subdivision for laonnou Constantine at East Marion", dated September 7, 2000 and last revised February 25, 2004 for the 2"d Preliminary Plat submission. The Board will consider issuing 2"d Conditional Preliminary Plat at the next Public Meeting on March 12, 2012. 2) After the Planning Board grants Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval, submit a Final Plat Application and the required fees pursuant to § 240-8 of the Southold Town Code. 3) Submit a Plat with an updated Heath Department stamp after all changes have been made to the Final Plat. 4) Make the following changes for the Final Plat, a. Change plat title from "Standard Subdivision (Preliminary Plat) Constantine loannou" to "Standard Subdivision (Final Plat) Constantine loannou". b. It is the policy of the Planniny Board to consolidate curb cuts along S. R. 25. Remove the existing driveway to lot 3 as recommended by the NYS DOT. c. Remove the General Pollution Control Conditions. d. Remove the Rain Runoff Retention Calculations. 5) Make the following changes to the Covenants and Restrictions, a. It is the policy of the Planniny Board to consolidate curb cuts along S. R. 25. In the past the Planning Board requested that access to all lots be over the proposed 25' right of way. Amend language accordingly, abandoning the existing driveway to Lot 3. b. Add the following clauses; (i) Sixty (60) foot Landscape Buffer along S.R. 25 as shown on the filed map. The 60 foot buffer shall remain undisturbed in perpetuity except for permitted activities. Permitted activities within the buffers are limited to the removal of known exotic invasive weeds and invasive vines, removal of dead and/or diseased trees that are hazardous to life or property. The buffer may be supplemented with plantings of native and drought tolerant species. (ii) The sixty (60) foot Landscape Buffer will satisfy in part the clearing limits pursuant to § 240-49 of the Southold Town Code. (iii) The creation of this subdivision in no way commits either the Town or the County of Suffolk to any program to protect this property from shoreline erosion and that any approval granted by the Town in no way signifies that the development and use of this property is considered without hazard and possib~e loss. 6) Make the following changes to the Fvoad and Maintenance Agreement, a. Clause 1: please replace ''The owners of Lot 2 and 3 hereby" with "The owners of Lots 1, 2, and 3 hereby". South~d Planning Department Sta~eport 7) Please pay the Park and Playground Fee {$7,000 per lot) and the Administration Fee ($2,000 per lot) in the amount of $18,000 pursuant to § 240-53 and § 240-37 of the Southold Town Code. 3 Tawn of Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivisions I. Application Information Project Title: Standard Subdivision of Constantine loannou Map Prepared By: John T. Mey~er Land Surveyor N.Y.P.L.S. LIC# 49618 Date of Map: September 7, 2000, I~st revised Aoril 7 2010. Date of Submission: June 21, 20'LQ Applicant Constantine loannou Tax Map Number: 1000-23-1-14.7 Proiect Location• The property is located on the north side of State Road 25.4848 feet e/o Kavleigh's Court, in East Marion. Hamlet: East Marior, Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Proiect Type of Application_Subdiyision Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 6.8 Yield Map or Calculation: 3 Number of Lots Proposed: 3 Acres of Open SpacJReser?ed Area: N/A Percentage of Open Space/Reserved Area (see attached calculation): N/A Type of Access Provided: 25' Roadway with 16' asphalt Length of ,4ccess: Aanror. 350 feet III. Site Analysis SEOR Type of Action: Unlisted Present land Use: Residential Existing Structures: One 1'h Story frame/stone residence. 1 story frame barn. frame ara e Existing Permits. Approvals. CO's, eta: Was Property Previ~ously~ Subdivided: No If Yes. Date of a,ppnwal;N/?1 Existing Easements or Restrictions: None Soil Type: QL. S~~. SAN Located within Coastal Erosion Hazard Zone: No Located within Flood 1-laza~~d Zone; No Predominant Vegetation: Need ERSAP Significant Trees on Site: Need EP.SAP Percentage of Slopes_0-10%=100% 1 Name of Abuttina7 Water Bod :Lon Island Sound Critical Environmental Area: No T_voe of Wetlands on or Adjacent to Site: N A Are There Trails on Site: No Name of Trail: N/A Depth to Water Table: 10 feet Distance to Public Water: NL Source of Water Suooly~ Well water Number of Access Points: One. Historical or Archaeological Si nificance: N/A IV: Permits and/o~s~ f2ev're.w F2eguired From Other Agencies This project wi~l ,~equire review and/or approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, the Southold Town Engineering Inspector, the Suffolk County Planning Cornmission, the East Marion Fire District, the NYS DEC. V: Project Analyscis This proposed standard subdivision is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sy. ft., Lct ~yquals 1,.',679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals EIO,000 sq. ft. VII: Staff Review/Flecommendations • Applicant has submitted preliminary subdivision application (June 29, 2009) • Applicant has subritted revised Preliminary plats June 21, 2010 • June 29, 2010: Southold Town Engineering Inspector provided comments (see review below; • Juiy 'i 9,LO i 0: IvYS DO f provided initial comments (see review below) • August 6, 20'10: SCPC provided comments (see review below) • SC Departrnent of Health Services approval received Southold Town Engineering Inspector Comments (6129/20701: Comment 1: Request applicant provide drainage calculations for all proposed and existing structures. Crainage only shown for existing drainage ditch running under proposed 1ri soadevaw Comment 2: F,ppli;;ant is in the process of obtaining NYS DOT permit (see NYS DOT initial cornrne:as beloJ~) 2 Comment 3: Top of bluff line. Already verified by LWRP Coordinator/Trustees/Sorthold Town PB members 2009 site visits. Comment 4 & 5: Requirement of SPDES permit. Will request applicant submit a SWPPP as part of the subdivision review process. Comment 6: Existing fame barn and garage -setbacks meet Southold Town Code requirements XXXX Comment 7: New well for Lot #2 must be located outside of emergency vehicle turn-around area. Should also be protected to prevent damage from vehicles. Spoke with applicant a..d applicant has stated that new well has received SCDHS approval ;July 8 .i!CCJj t?rerefore well cannot be moved. Suggestion as to how to re-design turn-around. Also add protective feature to well. Comment 8: Clarify "non-disturbance". New York Stag Department of Transportation Comments (7119/20101: • Initial comments provided by NYS DOT recommend that there be only one right-of-way for afl three iii'ts off of SR 25 and any other existing access points along SR ~ E; be rernoved. Applicant is in the process of obtaining a NYS DGT perrrr~t. Suffolk County Planning Commission/Department of Planning Comments (8/5/20101: • SCPC has Approved this proposed subdivision and has offered the foilowiny comments for consideration: Commenli 1: Access to tots 1 as~d 2. SCPC recommends considering creating two flag lots far pots 1 and 2, each with a 15' wide access fronting on SR 25 so that each have individual access and so as to not create two landlocked parcels. This would require that Lot 3 also have access over the flag for Lot 2 so as not to create multiple access ~uir.ts off of SR 25. Currently there exists one 16' wide right-of-way for all three lots ending with an emergency vetricle turn-arGUi°+d (not clearly shown on plat). Southold Town Engineering Inspector had no rsaes with access shown. Comment 2: SCFC requests the CEHA line be flagged by qualified expert. Line has been flag~~ad. Comment 3: Er+sure that adequate drainage is provided to contain storm-water runoff from resaltiny development. Keep all run-off on site. 3 Comment 4: SCPC requires C&Rs to ensure that the subdivision in no way commits the Town of Southold or Suffolk County to any program to protect the subject property from shoreline erosion and that approval of this subdivision in no way signifies this development to be without hazard and possible loss. Comment 5: Direct client to consult SCPC adopted Energy Efficiency and Public Safety Guidelines. (see attached) General Comment re: cutting of vegetation within 50' of bluff: limited to removal of deadldiseased, derayed material necessary to maintain preservation of natural buffer. This will all be outli~ red a:a part of tree subdivision requirements and can be reflected in covenants and restrictions regarding clearing. Recommendations • Request applicant submit drainage plans for review • Request applicant revise subdivision map removing "Minor Subdivision" and change to "Standard Subdivision" • Request applicant provide a table specifically outlining "buildable' and "non-buildable" land in order to determine accurate lot size for each of the three proposed lots. • Request applicant provide a streamlined ERSAP • Consider overriding SCPC recommendation re: two flag lots as previously done via resolution • Request applicant subrriit a SWPPP for Town review prior to granting Final Approval • Once revisions have peen made and re-submitted for review, consider scheduling a preliminary public hearing for this application. • Request applicant provide in writing who flagged CEHA line • Recommend 100' non-disturbance buffer from top of bluff landward • Recommend presenting hedge along SR 25 as a landscaped 60' buffer • Applicant shall show a!I required changes on preliminary plat • Request clarification from Southold Town Engineering Inspector whether "General Pollution Control Measures' shown on map will suffice for SWPPP reouirements. 4 ! • SUBDIVISION CHECKLIST Project Name: Constantine loannou SCTM 1000-23-1-14.7, Zoning: R-80 Location: The property is located on the north side of State Road 25, 4848 feet e/o Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion. Project Description from Planning Tracking: This proposed standard sukdivi~ion is for 3 lots on 6.81 acres where Lot 1 equals 92,332 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 124,679 sq. ft., inclusive of the 25' wide right-of-way, and Lot 3 equals 80,000 sq. ft. 1. Pre-submission Conference Pre-submission Conference Date Discussion points to cover: ? Is the parcel on the water map? Yes_ No ? If not on public water line, applicant advised to investigate water quality on site via test wells. ? Applicant advised that poor water quality can prevent an approval from the SG Dept of Health and thus prevent an approval of their subdivision. ? Review subdivision process. ? Yield map process. ? "Buildable lands" concept. I ~ ERSAP process ? Primary & Secondary Conservation Areas and how they help determine lot location. ? Cluster requirement Explore whether a conservation subdivision would serve the Town better than a standard subdivision. ? Discuss Suffolk Gounty Health Department review process ? Review Incomplete F'sle to verify application is subdividable Sketch Application: Sketch Application Date: March 19, 2004 Sketch Fees Received Date: June 24, 2004 Sketch Plan Submission Date: March 19, 2004 ? ERSAP with Field Survey as Window on ERSAP Submission Date: None -one has been requested f_l ERSAP Reviewed by Principal Planner Date: ? Yield Map Submission Date: Ll Yield Map Revie4~~ed by Staff Date: ? Primary and Secondary Conservation Map Submission Date: Cl Concept Design Discussed Date: ? Initial Site Inspection Date: ? Application Reviewed for Completeness: ? Staff Scoping Date: ? Work Session Date: -Accepted by Planning Board Date: Sketch Application Referrals: Southold Town Trustees Date Sent: 4/6/04 Date Received: 4/14/04 -Letter of non jurisdiction issued by Trustees ? Building Department Date Sent: Date Received: Southold Town Enginrer Date Sent: 9/8/04 Date Received: 6/21 /05 Resent and re-received: 6/17/10 6/29/10 Fire District Date Sent: 8118/04 Date Received: 8131/04 Recommendation to install fire well. Action on Sketch Plan: ? Sketch Approval Date: Conditional Sketch Approval Date: August 10, 2004 ? Sketch Denied Date: f7 Sketch Expired Date (six months from date of approval): Notes: Preliminary Application: Completed Preliminary Plat Submission Date: Re-submitted: 6-29-2009 Application Fees submitted Date: January 10, 2005, April 30, 2009 See §240-17 Technical Requirements for Preliminary Plat Details: A) Proposed layout B) Name of Subdivision clearly stating "Preliminary Plat" C) Name of Property Owner D) Name, address, tel. of NYS LS or engineer or architect preparing plan E) Any and all required tables/charts showing buildable, unbuildable, wetlands, clearing limits, and any other required and relevant calculations/information. F) Clearing limits shal6 be shown on individual lots and in a table G) Existing Easements and C&Rs with liber and page # H) Existing and proposed improvements I) Draft Road and Drainage Plans [J Completed Preliminary Plat Review Date: Landscape Plan Reviewed: Wane requested Soil Conservation Submitted/Reviewed: none requested Public hearing set date: January 11, 2005 _ Public Hearing held date: February 14, 2005- held and closed. Action on Public Hearing: Closed X Held open SEQRA: Coordinated SCDHS_Y_ SCPC_Y_ DEC_Y_ SCWA_ [J Uncoordinated Type of SEQRA Action: Unlisted SEQRA Determination: >Neg. Dec. Date issued: August 9, 2004 ? Pos. Dec. Date issued: Preliminarv Application Referrals: ? LWRP Coordinator Date Sent: Date Received: SCPC Date Sent: 8-18-2004 Date Received:8-18-2004* SCPC Date resent and received: 6/17/10 819110 Southold Town Engineer Date Sent: 6/17/10 Date Received: 6/29110 NY$ DOT Date Sent: 6/17/10 Date Received: 7/19/10 Action on Preliminarv Plat: ? Preliminary Approval IUate: ? Conditional Preliminary Approval Date: February 14, 2005 ? Preliminary Denied Date: ? Preliminary Expired Date (six months from date of approval): 12/13/05 Extensio~~~ of Pre~limina!y granted due to Health Dept. hold-up. 8/28/09 Letter to applicant advising that cond. Preliminary approval has expired. Notes: SCPC disapproved the appl'ca'ion on October 18, 2004 because of the creation of two landlocked parcels. The most recent comments submitted by the SCPC on August 9, 2010 approves the subdivision and lists the issue of landlocked parcels as a condition to approval. Can December 14, 2004 the PB overrode the SCPC denial. osnzrzol z ~ s:~s t~oari~ i.aw oFFices ffa~ P.oozroo2 . ~ SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD Subdivision Application Form ~ Final Plat Approval APPLYCArf:oN is HBRESY AlAD~ to tee Town of seuthold Planning Hoard ror FINAL PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision dgcribed 6erem. 1. NamoofSubdivisioa .~a~ ~~~{rurs/tLU ~~dy7Sfi1/7~t ~I-panr~o, 2. Snffoll: Coumy Tax Map k r~c3 ^ 7 3. Hamlet ~a ~ f /Y,~'Z r'rd.~ 4. Street I,acation ~}tE2~ ~ as s. District R - f3a 6. )>atc of Subnuasion ' 7. Slraeh Plan Approval Date ST - 9^ d 8. Preliminary Approval Date ~ - / '3 - / ~ YAR 2 3 9, Number of Lola Proposed 3 !0. Acreage of Open Space/Reserved Arm y'~r ho$'~ L 1. Affordable xoueing lJaita Proposed 12. Paroemage of Affordable Hwuring 13. If providing loss than 20%Modorek Income Fmuily Dweliing Chests (MIFDI;n, please inditmce how the property owmr intends ou satisfying the Affordable Housing requn^emeai pursuant to X240-10 B(2xa) of the Toan Code. NlA 14. Dose the Piml Plat conform subsfantini(y to the appNVOd Preliminary Peu7 if mt, please explain the . y~FS . 15. Application propand by [ l M~ [ I otLar Signature of Fraparer Date / " Pinal PlatApplicaGOn Faun SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD Subdivision Application Form -Final Plat Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for FINAL PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. I. Name of Subdivision ~6>~~f~,.~~ ~ ,~>s/C~rt.~ ~t ~~4>/Sf~l6?{~'yic' ~c~~nnc 2. Suffolk County Tax Map # . c~3 - ~fl 3. Hamlet ~q,t /)~r"~'b~ 4. Street Location ~ fz~' .~7" ~J J 5. Zoning District ~ ' ~j~Ci 6. Date of Submission 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date - % ~ O y/ 8. Preliminary Approval Date 3 - ~ ~ - ~ Z 9. Number of Lots Proposed ~ ~ ~ 6 2~]2 10. Acreage of Open Space/Reserved Area y~i 7c'S ~ - 11. Affordable Housing Units Proposed 12. Percentage of Affordable Housing 13. If providing less than 20% Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units (MIFDU), please indicate how the property owner intends on satisfying the Affordable Housing requirement pursuant to §240-10 B(2)(c) of the Town Code. lJl a 14. Does the Final Plat conform substantially to the approved Preliminary Plat? If not, please explain the differences. Y~~~ I5. Application prepared by [ ]owner [gent [ ]other _ ~ / Signature of Preparer i, ~ ' i'e'~~--°"-` Date ' ~ ~-Z- ~___.J- Fina/ P/atApplication Form 06/26/2009 14:54 FAX 631 765 4 43 MOORE LAW OFFICES ~ PlanninB Board ~ 002 - ~ - ~ - ~4, • ' f nrAUnac ADDRE85: PLANNDfO BOARD B'~ER$ P.O. Bo: 1178 dERr1~YN B. WOODHOUSE ~ Southohi, NY 11871 ~ ~ OFFlCS LOCA110N: RICHARD CAO(}IANO ~ Town Hell Mnex d. OR)~R8 rr187B State Route E6 ~kraRTIN HEgI ORS ~ ~ (oor. Main Rd. & Youngs AveJ Southold, NY TolepLone: 891 786-1888 I~'aa 881 786.8188 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF 90UTHOLD Application for Preliminary Plat Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for PRELIMAYARY PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. MINOR SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU 1. Name of Subdivision 1000-23-01-14.7 6 2 Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000-23-02-5.6 3 Hamlet Eaet Marion 4 Street Address/ Route 25, East Marion Project Location R-80 5. Zoning District 6. Date of Submission ~~1.~ ~o/ - (~/y o3 - 3/i7 0 ,y(,.w,+tk...,, 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date ~~9~C ~ ~ ' h. ' ~ V' 8. Acreage of Site 6.8 9. Parcel Yield 3 lots gun 2 9 Zoos lu). Number of Lots Proposed 3 lots - a. Number of Affordable Lots Required: 0 b. Number of Affordable Lots Proposed: 0 i ~ : c. Alternative Method/Payment Proposed to Satisfy Affords h; f~ouatng Requirement: n~a s,.> ;a a-. .:r~.:,._:_ ]1. Acreage of Open Space land along Ort.ent Harbor over 47,000eq.ft. 00/26/2009 14:54 FA% 631 765 3 MOORE LAW OFFICES PlannlnB Board f~j 003 • 12. Percentage ofOpen Space 15Z 13. Rangeof Lot5izes 12332, 124679, 80,000 14. Average Lot Size 19.000 I5. Private or Public Streets private 1G. Length ofRoad(s) 350' 17. Acreage of Road(s) 25 x 350 - 8, 750 13. Does the Preliminary Plat differ from the Sketch Plan previously approved by the Planning Board? Explain. no, except road added to lot 3 per Planning Board Te~lea[ 1'a. In addition to the application to the Town of Southold Planning Board, what other approvals are you seeking for this subdivision from state or other ageacies7 Please list other applications which are currently pending involving this project. If ~ possible, please provide application reference numbers. Health De artment Ref t'S10-O4-0013 DEC- 1-4738-03407 00001 20. Application completed by [ ]owner agent [ ]other SDgnatnre of Prepare '~~~~`_l ~ Date / ricia C. Moore ESq. ~gUFFO(,~cO MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS .Z~ ~ P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE ~ ~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair ~ OFFICE LOCATION: W Af RICHARD CAGGIANO ~ • ~ Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J. CREMERS y~ol ~~0~ 54375 State Route 25 KENNETH L. EDWARDS * (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY Telephone: 831 786-1938 Fas: 631 766-3138 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Application for Preliminary Plat Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. MINOR SUBDIVISION OF CONSTANTINE IOANNOU 1. Name of Subdivision 1000-23-01-14.7 & 2. Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000-23-02-5.6 3. Hamlet East Marion 4. Street Address/ Route 25, East Marion Project Location R-80 5. Zoning District 6. Date ofSubmission ~ ~ZS ~o / - ~~Y~c ~ - 3//7~c y <<//cam L?u ~ ~r~) 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date ~~9~0 8. Acreage of Site 6.8 9. Parcel Yield 3 lots 10. Number of Lots Proposed 3 lots a. Number of Affordable Lots Required: 0 b. Number of Affordable Lots Proposed: 0 a Alternative Method/Payment Proposed to Satisfy Affordable Housing Requirement: n/ a 11. Acreage of Open Space land along Orient Harbor over 47,000sq.ft. • 12. Percentage of Open Space 15~ 13. Range of Lot Sizes 92332, 124679, 80,000 99,000 14. Average Lot Size 15. Private or Public Streets private 16. Length of Road(s) 350' 17. Acreage of Road(s) 25 x 350 = 8, 750 18. Does the Preliminary Plat differ from the Sketch Plan previously approved by the Planning Board? Explain. no, except road added to lot 3 per Planning Board request 19. In addition to the application to the Town of Southold Planning Board, what other approvals are you seeking for this subdivision from state or other agencies? Please list other applications which are currently pending involving this project. If possible, please provide application reference numbers. Health Department Ref 11510-04-0013 DEC- 1-4738-03407/00001 20. Application completed by [ ]owner agent [ ]other Signature of Prepared '~~C Date 1-4-OS ~3fricia C. MOore ESq. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~ SUFFl1(~- BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. ~~~0 ~oG~ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman ~ y<~ P.O. Box 1179 WILLLAM J. CREMERS ~ h Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L. ED WARDS ~ ~ Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. .fi ~ Old Fax (63ll 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGL4N0 ~Ql ~r ~a 1~ p ~~~ov~ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAR i 9 ZQOG Subdivision Application so~tro~°~°a" Name of Subdivision: Constantine IBfinou Minor Subdivision Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000- 23-01-14.7 (open space-Beach 1000-23-02-5.6) Type of Subdivision: Major Minor Set-Off Lot-Line Cluster Subdivision: Yes No Hamlet: East Marion Street LOCatlOn: Main Road, Rt. 25 Acreage: 6 $ existing Number of Lots: house and two lots (3 parcels) Zoning District: R_80 Date. Re-submitted 6-4-03/3_17.~~t-~ Please list name, mailing address, and phone number for the people below: Applicant: Constantine Ionnou 14-15 Broadway, 3rd Floor Long Island City, NY 11106 Agent handling the application: Patricia C. Moore Esq. (ContaCtPersott) 51020 Main Road, Southold NY 11971 765-4330 Property Owner(s): SUrVey0i: Peconic Surveyors- John Metzger Travelors Street, Southold Engineer: Attorney: Patricia C. Moore 51020 Main Road Southold. NY 11971 Other Agent(s): Has this property had a previous application to the Planning Board? Yes No Has this property previously received a SEQRA review? Yes ~No Have you had any pre-submission conferences with the Planning Board? Yes No ~ ~~,~~~~N ~J Does this application have variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals? Yes No Appl. No. Date Is this property adjacent to any bodies of water? Yes No Are there any wetlands on the property? Yes No 5 CE A~f Lei n. u --%s ~~M~ S c. ~ ~,v,D Are there public water mains in an adjacent street? Yes N~ Is public water proposed for the subdivision? Yes No Is the majority of the property forested? Yes No Is any part of the property in active agricultural use? Yes No Is there an existing or proposed sale of development rights on the property? Yes No Is there a mortgage on the property? Yes o Does the owner own any adjacent properties? Yes No> Are there any building permits cuttently pending on this property? Yes No Signature of Preparer t , - ~ Date ~--•f"~} Constantine Ioannou 14-51 Broadway, 3rd Floor Long Island City, NY 11106 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Moore: I, Constantine Ioannou hereby authorize you to make an application to the Planning Board, Town of Southold, Suffolk County Health Department, and any other necessary agencies on my behalf. Very truly yours, ~ r J Constan~ne Ioannou • Apl'1.(CAN'T' TIIANSAC'I'LON AI. I1fSCL(1 ti1111R FO The Town of Southold's Code o[ Hthles prohibits conflicts oC interest on the part oC_towu oCflcers and em lp oyees. '1'Ire ~rpose o[ this form is to Provide lnformatlou which can alert the town of op ssi~Le conflicts of iu terest and allow it bo take wha Cever action is recess/ate bo avo!d same_ (Last name, (lest name, middle Lnlt lz 1, unless you are applying In the name of eomr_one else or - other enClty, such as a company. If so, tnd lcal:e the other person's oc company's name.) NA'l'11RE DF AITLICA9'LUNv (Cliecl< all. I;hat apply.) 'l'ax grievance varlauce _ Change of zone nppcoval of plat Rxemption from plat or of f.Lclal wap Other (If "Other," name the activity-) - Do you personally (nr Uhcouyh your company, elt'vgne, ni6l Lnq, parent, or cl.lld) have a relatLonnhip vith any officer or -employee of the Tovn of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interent_ "ilusineen interest" means a i)IIA lnP_nn, includ i.ny a pa[hnerelrlp, i.n vhich the town officer or employee has even a partial ovuerahip of (or emplgyment by) a corpocabion in vhich the town officer oc employee ours more than Sx of the - shares. YfS NO If you anevered "Y6S," comple Ce the ba Lance of this COrm and date and sign vhece indiw ted- Name of personemp Loyed by the Town of Southold Title or pos Ltlon of that person Describe the ce latlonship between yourself (Che appl Lcznt) and the town off Lcer or employee. Either check the appropriate 1Lne A) through D) and/or descrLbe in the space provided. 'fhe town offlcec oc amp loyre or Iris or her spouse, slbli.uy, parent, or child Ss (check alt. that app ly)r A) the owner of greater than SW. of the shares o[ 1:he co rpo ca to stock of Che appl leant (MIrP_n 't11P appl. lCa111; Ls a cocporatlou O) the Legal or benef lc izl owner of any Lnte rest l.n a nonco rpo[a Ce eul;ll;y (when tier appl leant is not a co rporatlon C) an officer, dlrec Car, par Cner, der employee of the appllcan6; or D) the acCual appl lean lt. UGSCRIp'I'[ON OF RIiLA'1'[(1NSIIi I` `;u hmll;Lrd Chls ~J _day /o~W7t_1_j1i4_ //~/J~~/ .r. i y n a C n r r ~d~Cj(~--1'-'JO~L(/1/J~~e~-`eE~_~~L~^I/?- I'r I nl: nainr_~,S-.~i_LLIL?Q.(2ULlQ N... h~/ O~tmiua C I~DOr'PL rLGf6~'MM - • ~gOFFO(,~~, • ELIZABETH A. NEVII.LE =~0 OGy~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK H Z P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER ~.f. ~ Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ~~l Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ~ southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 8, 2004 Patricia C. Moore Attorney At Law 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Constantine Ionnou Waiver Request Dear Mrs. Moore: It is my pleasure to inform you that the Southold Town Board, at its meeting held Tuesday, February 24, 2004, adopted resolution No. 171 granting the request for a waiver of the subdivision moratorium for the property identified as SCTM #1000- 23-1-14.7. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. Very truly yours, ~Q7~' Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enc. ljc cc: Irene Stulsky MAR 1 C 2004 ~gOFFO(,~~, • ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE ~~0 oG~/~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ~ Z P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER W ~ ~ Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Oy~01 Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ~ southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 171 OF 2004 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 24, 2004: WHEREAS an application has been made by Constantine Ionnou for a waiver from the provisions of Local Law #3 of 2002 (and extensions thereof) entitled "Temporazy Moratorium on the Processing, Review of, and making Decisions on applications for Major Subdivisions, Minor Subdivisions and Special Exception Use Permits and Site Plans containing Dwelling Unit(s) in the Town of Southold" pursuant to Section 6 "Appeal Procedures", to permit the Planning Boazd to consider an application for a minor subdivision for the parcel of property known as SCTM# 1000-23-1-14.7; and WHEREAS the application involves the subdivision of a 6.8 acre parcel into 3 lots; and WHEREAS the Town Boazd has reviewed the file, conducted a public hearing, and considered all pertinent documents; and WHEREAS the criteria that the applicant must meet is set forth in Section 6. (Appeal Procedure) of Local Law #3-2002 and the extensions of said Local Law, and the section states: Section 6. APPEAL PROCEDURES a. The Town Board shall have the authority to vary or waive the zpplicat-ion of any provision of this Local Law, in its legislative discretion, upon its determination, that such variance or waiver is required to alleviate an extraordinary hazdship affecting a pazcel of property. To grant such request, the Town Boazd must find that a variance or waiver will not adversely affect the purpose of this local law, the health, safety or welfaze of the Town of Southold or any comprehensive planning being undertaken in the Town. The Town Boazd shall take into account the existing land use in the immediate vicinity of the property and the impact of the variance or waiver on the water supply, agricultural lands, open and recreational space, rural chaaacter, natural resources, and transportation infrastructure of the Town. The application must comply with all other applicable provisions of the Southold Town Code. WHEREAS the Town retained a "moratorium group" consisting of in-house and outside planners and attorneys who have developed a "Comprehensive Implementation Strategy" of the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Southold, and certain comprehensive planning currently being undertaken includes, but is not limited to, 80% preservation of open space throughout the Town and a 60% reduction in density, clear establishment of the Hamlet Centers, and a possible Transfer of Development Rights component (a full description of the "action" is set forth in the SEQRA Resolution dated January 7, 2003 for the Southold Comprehensive Implementation Strategy which is incorporated by reference into this decision); and WHEREAS, planning work is proceeding during the moratorium, which was extended January 6, 2004 for an additional 180 days.. The issues facing the Town of Southold and possible solutions to those issues aze complex. Legislative solutions have not yet been agreed upon, and the Town continues to face significant development pressure; and WHEREAS the Town Boazd finds that the applicant has demonstrated an extraordinary hardship, in that he has expended lazge sums of money to date on the project and has spent five years in litigation regarding his ability to subdivide the property; and WHEREAS the Town Board finds that the application is not in contrast with the extensive planning initiatives being undertaken by the Town, or the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS the Town Boazd finds that this application will not adversely affect the purpose of the Local Law # 3 of 2002 and the extensions thereof; and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold finds that the application will not adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS the Town Boazd of the Town of Southold finds that the minor subdivision application is consistent with the existing land use in the surrounding area and has a minimal impact on water supply, rural character, natural resources and transportation infrastructure of the Town; and WHEREAS the Town Boazd of the Town of Southold finds that the application has no effect on agricultural lands and open and recreational space; and WHEREAS based on the application, all relevant documentation, the comments set forth at the public hearing on this matter, the comprehensive planning currently being undertaken by the Town, the above referenced facts, and the criteria set forth in Local Law No. 3 of 2002 and the extensions thereof, Section 6. Appeals Procedures, the applicant has met its burden pursuant to the criteria; and Be it RESOLVED by the Town Boazd of the Town of Southold that the application is hereby approved. ~r'Q- Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk .4-16-2 (2;t37)-7c 617.21 SEAR Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIFONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be signiricant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware or the broader concerns affecting [he question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. - Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given protect and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. ' Part 2: Focuszs on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a pbtentially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE-Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: ? Part 1 ? Part Z ?Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 iF appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: ? A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. - ? B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measure described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.` - ? C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts. that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will Ire prepared. • A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions M rNOr2. b(J,BO! (/c S r oiU ~-Ot~S.S'l~~ftlr7NE BONN OU. Name of Action N;une of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Offi~cr in Lr.~d Ar;r•ncy Sign.itureo( Preparcrpf diffcrentfrom responsible officer) Date 1 - • PART 1-PROJECT INFOR~ION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involvE new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specify each instance. NAME OF ACTION Myn/or2 bu3Jtvr sr cr) Ca,Nsr~-r-,A~~ _ionno~L LOCATION OF ACTION (Include Slreel Address, Munlclpallly antl County) ~A ~r /n ~ on7 NAME OF APPLICANTISPONSOR BUSINESS TELEPHONE COIJ ~7-AT/7-zr?Edr~ ,.ytJ/~A-r~ou ( 1 AODRESS /y, ~s /3/Ld9~ur ~ 3tZ0 J2,pU ?1-- CITYlPO ~ STATE ZIP CODE NAME OF OWNER Q( dlrrerenU BUSINESS TELEPHONE ADDRESS CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION L'X rSnNU !/ouae 9~o Z /v T5 rsub~ tvrC~<d Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed end undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: ?Urban ?Industrial ?Commercial ~iResidential (suburban) ?Rural (non-far. ?Forest ?Agricu(ture ?Other 2. Total acreage of project area: B acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural} rVIA acres N(A acres Forested n,~A acres N~~ acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.} N~Pr acres nl/t) acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) .075 r acIres ~ D~S~ acre<. Water Surface Area ~o~~/~~tres . Ot5 acre Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill} acres ~/A acre: Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces ~'Z acres • ~ acre: Other (Indicate type) acres acre 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project suet a. Soil drainage: (Nell drained of site ?Moderately well drained % of site ?Poorly drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the I Land Classification Systems acres. (See 1 NYCRR 3717). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppfags on project sites OYes ~No a. What Is depth to bedrocks (In feet) 2 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes. ?0-10% ~rJ % ?10-15% ` % al5% or greater B?~ 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? OYes f~LJo 1. Is project substantially ccn [iguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? ?'fes ~No 8. What is the depth of the water table? ~ (in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? ~I,Yes ONo 10. Do hunting, Fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ?Yes ~?Jo 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? ?Yes [~No According to Identify each species 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations). h~yes ?No Describe ~tJnJ~ ~~'~'d ~~/n~ 13. Is the project site resently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? ?Yes ~lo If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? ?Yes ~1No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas with or con iguous to project area: a. Name ~~~ivnt~~ad~~ b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? Y~Yes ?No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? C~.Yes ?No b) If Yes, will improvementr be necessary to allow connection? 1~Yes ?No 18. Is the site located in an agricultur district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? ?Yes ~No 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguo s to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? ?Yes ~1No ' 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? ?Yes l~iNo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) p a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor ~ acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: ~ acres initially; acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped ~ acres. d, length of project, in miles: ~ (If appropriate) e. 'If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed ~ ~A off. f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing ~ ;proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upori completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially i Ultimately 3 1. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure height; width; length. j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy Is? 3t~ ft. 3 2 How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed fro~e site? _!J~~- tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? ?Yes '~,No ~N/A a. if yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ?Yes ?No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ?Yes ?No '/mod 4 Now many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed-from site? acres. S. Will any matu.r~,et~'f'orest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? ?Yes ~wuo 6. If single phase/project: Anticipated period of construction Q months, (including demolition). _ 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated u(~bU~a~. c-brlvd,tixfz-~ b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 mont~h~r____~~ year, (including demolition). c Approximate completion date of final phase'" ~ Np'~month ~ year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ?Yes ?No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? ?Yes ~No ' 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction /o ;after project is complete © . 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project ~ 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? DYes ~No If yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? ~'es ~No N~,~ ~ _ \ - a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount 6. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged N~~--~ 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? Yes ?No Type i~tit/~ SrLJI.G(-d~ 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? DYes ~No Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain; ?Yes o 16. Will the project generate solid waste? ~`IYes DNo a. If yes, what is the amount per month ~ tons b. If yes, wilta7ap ex"stmt solid waste facility be, use ? Yes L1No c. If ~iypOnarhe ~L` p~; location d. WiII any wastes not go into a sewage isposal sys em or into a sanitary landfill? es ~tdo e. If Yes, explain l7. Will the project involve the disposal of solid wastet ?Yes ~No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? Yyyears. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? ?Yes 1@No 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one holllur per day)? ?Yes [~No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? ?Yes ~tJo 21. Will project result in an incre~se~'tn'`ene~rgy use? Yes ?No If yes ,indicate type(s) - 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity. gallonslminute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day (0 gallons/day. ~I,, 24. Does project involve Local, State or federal funding? ?Yes ~No If Yes, explain 4 ~ 25. Approvals Required: • • Submittal TYPe Date City, Town, Village Board (Yes ?No City, Town, Village Planning Board "(Yes ?No ~u~-(ruryrm o~Q~O City, Town Zoning Board ?Yes 1~No Gty, County Health Department (Yes ?No ~,w~t,L~.,a~~Si.bc~urrn i Other Local Agencies ?Yes ONo Other Regional Agencies ?Yes ?No State Agencies ?Yes ?No Federal Agencies ?Yes ?No C. Zoning and Planning Information 1 . Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? Yes ?No If Yes, indicate decision required: ' ?zoning amendment ?zoning variance ?special use permit subdivision ?site plan ?new/revision of master plan ?resource management plan ?other 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? eti;~ 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? ~ GoTS - ~Cr SnNc, /fenp~,tAe Z, 1t~25 4..What is the proposed zoning of .the site? /L' R~ 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? ~ 075 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? Yes ?No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a Y mile radius of proposed action? .~thaP 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a mile? ~IYes ?No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land; how many lots are proposed? `3 a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? ~-2~ 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? ?Yes ~Nc 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? 1~Yes ?No ' a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? S9Yes ?No 12. Will the. proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ?Yes' ~No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? }Yes ?No D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adversr impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate o avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. ~ 7~~y Applicant/ nsor m ~ IR.-n-14- s-anno-+-~ Date Signatur Title If the ac n is In the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceedin with this assessment. 5 D. INFORbIATIONAL DETAILS AND WATER SUPPLY NARRATIVE REQUEST Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. 1. Provide explanation of existing site use, occupancy, structures, sanitary flow, water use; compare to proposed use, occupancy, structures, sanitary flow, water use. /„}s a^"d t~crsrivcr //eu.a.a dx lv•Sac.ps, /?ro~rox tu~-o /off 3uF~l~vr~id~wm~taa.v-~ ,a~~dh~ 2. Indicate the source of evater supply, nearest public water main, nearest public well field, and adjacent=Q~ _ private wells (if known). R'wn.~e (lk~o ' no Publ~:e tda.~. avn Wa.C-.. ~vcal.~•F*~ G-ncl ~v~arc.I,A..' .P~FreQQa.~t Eey RK~.o}u~ ho,.ae -AlcProbltMaM#eee~aied '{n/ /ds. 3. If public water supply ~s proposed, indicate the ability of the water utility to provide water supply to the project. Provide letter of water availability or detailed explanation of status of review by water utility. - N I A 4. If private water supply is proposed, indicate the well specifications, water quality based on on-site water quality data. Provide Suffolk County Department of Health Services approval or detailed explanation of status of review by agency. ATr~fi ux#r~ ~c,ndlu~ 5. Indicate proposed water conservation measures that will mitigate for unavoidable adverse impacts (If any). Conservation measures should include, but not be limited to: a. The use of drought tolerant plants for landscaping. b. The preservation of existing native vegetative buffers.- ~ /{1acr~~"'~`n c. The conservation of existing open space areas. - ~fi~-oe Sparc aK /uCu~ d. The implementation of "natural" stormwater management practices (grass swales, filter strips, created wetlands, etc...). cSmuYGr s,cL ,eoac~ fyta-r-~+fu-~-.~v ~`O /V¢~uuQ ,EIi[~ce ~ land ~ ~.eurn-1~d a.~V ~Fl~~ /~ia~ntiZy h e(ea~~/,tne~'f E. VERIFICATION ~ 7'l a-~~+-fak u".rra"d' ~"'~~t' °7 .~a.n ~oac/ I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. ~1 3 ~ - Applicant/Sponsor- e t~b~/f~~tn-r ~F'n~ou-' Date Signa e. ~ Title ' If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 6 - DESCRIPTION OF EX~{G VISUAL ENVIROfYMEIVT 4. From each item checked in question I, check those which generally describe the surrounding environment. Within mile * 1 mile Essentially undeveloped ? ? Forested ? ? Agricultural ? ? Suburban residential ? ? ~ Industrial ? ? Commercial ? ? j Urban ? ? i ~ River, Lake, Pond ? ? I Cliffs, Overlooks ? ? Designated Open Space ? ? Flat ? ? Hilly ? ? Mountainous ? ? Other ? ? NOTE: add attachments as needed 5. Are there visually similar projects within: I "/z mile ?Yes ?No i '1 miles ?Yes ?No '2 miles ?Yes ?No ~ `3 miies ?Yes ?No _ ~ 'Distance from project site are provided for assistance. Substitute other distances as appropriate. i EXPOSURE 6. The annual number of viewers likely to observe the proposed project is NOTE: When user data is unavailable or unknown, use best estimate. CONTEXT 7. The situation or activity in which the viewers are engaged while viewing the proposed action is FREQUENCY Holidays/ Activity Daily Weekly Weekends Seasonally Travel to and From work ? ? ? ? Involved in recreational activities ? ? ? ? Routine travel by residents ? ? ? ? At a residence ? ? ? ? At worksitc ? ? ? ? Other ? ? ? ? t 2 - i •w • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~QF SQVTy P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI ~0~ ~l0 Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS G @ 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III '~Ol • (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR yC0U111 , Southold, NY 11 ~ ~ Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: March 23, 2012 Re: Checks Please deposit the attached check into 8691: Deferred Account. Fee is for a Final Plat application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tnx Map # Amount Check Date & Number loannou Subdivision: Final Plat 23-1-14.7 $500.00 3/22/12 - #991 a lication fee ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > h rs ~s ' ~ 'S- f LR ~ x a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v x X43 x ~ y Att. ~ #r~i' a ' >i t,~' y} 1 , z a~`,~~''3~~ ~ ~i a. i~ ~x t~1k g 5 A ri ~..kv ~ «s~ _ ~f ? ~ , i i~, t. l' s~ ~ ~ ~p : ~ ~ xr . h c , ' ~v~ $ sa z ~`~t4 as k P tit ~ ~ 4 ~ f ° i~` } I ~C02GO~i1'~Oi~.~1N3028577~i'~~099i ~ 7 o~FnM • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~~OF SO(/jyO P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J. WILCENSKI h0 l~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS H ~ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ • ~O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H. RICH III (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR ~OUNT1,~` Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1835 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: March 19, 2012 Re: Checks You have received two checks totaling $19,204.70. Please allocate these funds as follows: $14,000 Park & Playground Fee of and the Administration Fee (also known as the Planning Inspection Fee) of $5,204.70 for the loannou Standard Subdivision. Thank you. Project Nnme & Type Tax Map # Check Dnte & Amount to Number. Fund loannou Standard Subdivision 23-1-14.7 3/13/12 -#621 $5.204.70 to Administration Fee (aka Planning 3113/12 -#984 Planning Inspection Ins action fee Fees 6.2115.20 loannou Standard Subdivision Park & 23-1-14.7 See above $14,000.00 to Park Pla round fee & Pla round fees LR 6 21 ~ ~ ATHAS C. IOANNOU Pay To' t ~ der Of (Up~ µ F 1-----• LJ ~ m s I MARATHON BANK For 23 yl 7 ~~i~02601i?Oi~: ii'3028534~i' 0621 ~ .y, ~ e ~ 3~ ate, v r~ ~ ~ r`".~ ~ ~ s, ~ 'k ^`;~r . ~`v t~ K n :pmt liy,# f rs~~ I:0 260 i i 7fl i~: n~3~4 28547~~`~" ~ ~ 6imx~wye. espmwrn inf ~ 5, ~o~ w - ~a~ ~)`~~~~D~•7o e Town Of Southold . P.O Box 1179 ~ Southold, NY 11971 /t tT' ***RECEIPT*** /'r 1 Date: 01 /11 /05 Recei pt#: 1682 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 on ees $1,000.00 Check#: 1682 Total Paid: $1,000.00 ~`r Name: loannou, Constantine " Preliminary Plat Fee 105 Beverly Rd. Douglaston, NY 11363 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 105554 • ~Og~FFO(,~c • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ~.~0 ~G,y P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE C ~ Southold, NY 11971 Chair y ~y, ~ OFFICE LOCATION: RICHARD CAGGIANO ~ ~ ~ Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J. CREMERS y~ol ~aO~ 54375 State Route 25 KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY Telephone: 631 76b-1938 Fax: 631 785-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk From: Planning Department Date: January 10, 2005 Re: Check s Enclosed herewith is/are the check(s) listed below. Please return a receipt to us. Thank you. Project Name Project SCTM # Amount Check T e # loannou, Stand. Sub. 23-1- $1,000.00 Preliminary 1682 Constantine 14.7 Plat Fee enc(s). i 162 9 6 0 SHERMAN AVENUE ASSOCIATES 14-61 BROADWAY LONG ISLAND CITY, NV 11106 I S 1'758/260 DATE I~ S PAY JJ~~ ~ ORDER OF I V~ O t' ~OU~ ~Li~ ~ $ ...'-_W~~ 1.... OlJ t 11~) ttS ~t~9 °°~1P-' oou.ARS e .4LATLANTIC BANK® OF NfW YORK FOR ~ 1 ~.-111J~ ~N ~~j ~--FJN~I H~~~ M ~~y~» II O 168211• -~:0 2600 7 58 2~: II.05 060 52411• Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 ***RECEIPT*** Date: 06/24/04 Receipt: 0 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $2,500.00 Cash#: 024490 Total Paid: $2,500.00 r -l I hl I ~ , I ' ~i1! I i s~~,.,~~„~ r~,v~ f. - J Name: loannou, Constantine 105 Beverly Rd. Douglaston, NY 11363 ti Clerk ID: JOYCEW Internal ID: 96531 DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 6 \ 2" RAIN RUNOFF NOJS ~ 0.6 COEFFICIENT ~ COMPACT/ON •/hm r 40P.01A311 j 360'. If' = 5760 eq.IL ' 5760. D.1T • 0.6 ~ 5BB cull EXISTING 4' ASPHALT• ihm tlOP.C'9B301 5BB/4P.L' ~ H VF SHOULDER pg0y/pE /t VF OF dY LP,e 6' BASE• item •17309.1?lH_a9 ~ !41 BY + 4' JAy LRa. SECTION NO SCALE nrn z t eon N:,.. , pF NE{y \ 1 c,P~ SCNFr~~ ~ J I ' o \ SHARE ~ m~ I \ , ~ / THE 'Nm-I ~i GE 1 ROAD `NSO.o ~ 082bA~ pt's j FESSIONP G~ / I m rv/ al NARN m p TH/S SIGN SHALL BE INSTALLED , Z AT 80TH E/IDS OF THE WORK AREA { o G N AIL IAI~\v1 IF~R~ Ef~U7rIF~~IFUI~~ ~ ~o ° ~ ®II 11 Z d (yo`~" ,mob a`' CONSTANTINE IOANNOU ~ P?~`~ J' ~ `4 °~g A T ®~4~~INII~ x N az ~,~a``o~yc,° ~y 40 0 P,5 ~ TONAIN SO~I~~~fl..9~ z 71 O~~Q~~~z, / SUFFOLK CO~INTY, N. Y. ~s w ~P~,p~os ~ 1000 - 23 - 01 - 14, 7 0 ~ +dM ~ ss. IVOV, 23 2010 Z ~~~'~s~~°_ APR/L /2, 2011 (REVISIONS) ~ t O ~ 'c \ ~p wrvP~LEr ~T~P ~ ~O 1:5 ° ~Prp ay, ~ . . F7p C°'~R'ryo Mg iTPR~ T~ m ~ 0\4+4`".: z \ ~ o i - - Ailp - ~ m rY,c'S'/N / 9 ~ AFT a / ~ `FZ / 03 rc I `•S '>)~zc " ~ NRtiET~~, /~aa4• ~J/~ ~ . `a t°' m \ , ~r g~P ~ ~ A NOTE" ALL WORK WILL BE COOROMATED Wl7-H tl4 ° ~ NYSDOT CAPITAL PROGRAM PROJECT a T'.r`m rYA 'ti%T f-\ J- E ~ • PIN080&SB DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS a r'° H~'12-FT '~NP~ ~ u /B• I ~ -a 66~'/// h l ~ _ a ~ ~ ~~~x"' ~ J RURAL HIGHWAY 'y m o p0 mm / tie `;~~,'g ASPHALT CONCRETE 3" ,ps f "°r°' ~-3 `90• - SDBASE COURSE 6" (slOne ) ,FG" / 1 Damervenmlea are not regmrae rornagglrg aperalons 5go rr (1]si'p Llnasl R Aho6er space may be pmnaetl whet rraRF mndlhons r \6 4~ Je ~ auow EDGE OF PAVEMENT J6• o, Q•' r,$I' P' 2 Cenleabe cones are °plbnal entl may be ellminaretl WU FT ~(OpFonaq when space mnstmints exist Il cones are used, pWCe O]Shp L'nes)'r see N°re5 ~ra001l IIOw / N 6A~ /d 0em l6g FT (Mm.)FmmAeg9er 5g9Fi (1]Shphnes) \ D-0 O Slate Law signs INYRSII or NYR9~12) are ggional II Iha y~y~ anllapaletl walk durarbn is less lhan4hours Il usetl, s. ~,,p - T - - Y~ as a° Srale Law sign ~obeplacetl ID09 FT.madvanm of g6p FT(Mn _ _ 48' m+ ~R InNalwwnme sign ' Direction D/ Travel ~d 1 M. 4F'aggersymh°ISgn (W104a)and'ONE LANE ROPD M19m FWgger ~ ~pV'lunal) 500 FT. MAIN ROAD ° / ARFAD SIgq lw2D-0)ehanbemmnvsa, ca+ered nrlamea a, tae n]shp Unea) g ''y / s. avnYlmm maa ucerc when Aa99ln9 opeouons ere n°I 120 FT ~ ° ~1e2 INSIDE EDGE OF OUTERMOST TRAVEL LANE mod`}~. ocorrrinA (]skip bms) 1 ~ 55h°uN Ne tralfoqueue up prbrlq the atlvanse warning sgns Me'EE PREPARED TO STOP's'gn can be edaetl l° F~Y.` SCQIEv I = 2D Ne sign serks at Ne bmhgn shmm or the en9re admnce 2m-]OO Fi r•)~,iY' wamPg sign smes shall be moved lne bah°n pd°r to (5-1 ship Ehes) 100 Fi. hlax. / the queuM belle ~"~~(253kip Lines) W]-0 j:'%, Cone spacing not ELEVATIONS ARC REFERENCED TO MG.V.O. / P wzo-Ta " ]fix]fi In '~N mexmed 46 R. . ~ ~ (1 sFip Lna) - =FLOW DIRECTION OF RAINFALL i/ ]fix]fib ; ~ ~e ~ fI~°~%'/. LL f1n ~ / ]6x]6n. .~•r- mN°lat I~ _ ' oN~I /y,Y4 IDis sign shall be lomletl I F.rl _ ~EY' / G]0~2 aMax,mum tlmlance °l ~ 100 FT Max. F M 96x161n 560'(125k10 Llnes)Dasl ~~lt~l 2,65kip Lines) l the work area. 120 FT 'G4,~ (]SNIP Lmes) /~4'~ 44y~ NOTEr ]fix]61rt SOOR (OSed?b';I y` ~ < ALL LANES MUST BE OPEN TO TRAFFIC ~ Ngla'2 `t' Jo PEa A A It] Skip Lines) y, ' 25p FT. (Mtn ) A~ ~ ~ 1 - ~aF' A'L BEFORE 9 AM AND AFTER 3 PM. f~3'-- ~ 1 ~ i (w pFl NO LANE CLOSINGS ARE PERMITTED ON ~ Flag eee 'l y:.,,i A°m Nagger H1AA= ~g "ywn ~ E° WEEKENDS OR HOLIDAYS. N/GHT TlA7E J'i~r, a.Ai-n ?j,~ Z~r e i Wgrk Brea ~Il} rs~ t9 LANES CLOSINGS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED ~ (Ogl°mll r~ .P~1~ 4~0 STATE PERM~RINSPE~ OR FROM THE NYSD07 see Nmes L e Irf~M Spa FT II I / WORN ZONETMFFIL CONTROL aem pr i (195bp Lines) } REPAIR EXISTING SHOULDER AND CURBING oe 1t[ ~ c ~ AS ORDERED BY STATE ENGINEER SHORT-TERM STATIONARY ~ - OPE)UTIONINJGI.NNG ~s~~, ''U- U~ DAITIME xD. , h"` 4;r ' .49618 N6 CONTRACTOR TO CLEAN EXISTING DRAINAGE T ~f. Y.... y IANE CLOSURE WITH FLAGGERS R9a6w a ~ ,SOD FT .~e' / BAS/NS ALONG AND IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT oN (la sklP Lmas) P CON/r_ S A - ORS;,P.C. ~ m" TO NYS 25 SITE FRONTAGE AT THE RURAL (63U T65--5020 FAX 16311 T65-1797 ~ COMPLET/ON OF THE CONSTRUCTION TWO-LANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAY F.O. BOX 909 FEBRUARY 2999 TAST-C1R 1230 TRAVELER STREET / SOUTHOLD, NY. !1971 , • 00227 *. ~,,m**,m o, . SION CONSOL DETAILS FOR. SI~A~ TO~N OF so~.oko IH ~E HI~ ~ ~151~ ~ ~ ~A ~ ~lf, 5TO~R ~T ~FFOLK COUNt, NE~ APPLIGANT, ~I~AI~ ~L ~ 51~ 15 ~TLY 5T~ILI~. CONTOUR LINES ~FE~NG/D TO FIVE TOHN5 EAS~RN ~, ~ ~F ~ ~ ~AI~ ~1~ IN ~ ~ L~ ~TIO~ A~ TOP~PHIC HAP 1. ~IA~ ~ ~L BE ~ TO ~N~ ~T ~RI~ ~N. HA~RD AR~ HAP P~TO ~4~-~4~ ~ ~IL ~LAS~ P GATION5 ~A, ~A, H~, ~ I PlA ~ (I) I0, ~ ~flO~, ~E ~f¢ ~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~& ~o~ : B~I ~O~I~DI~Y~O~TORIS~I~P~HAI~AI~I~ 14~5 ~0.~1 X O.Iq X 1.0 = 250.~5 ~OF~TSTO~~ITI~AS~YTO~Y~m - 25~.44 6U~ PROglD PROPOSEg ~SE = ~26~ ~.PT. ~26D 5~.FT. x 0.1~ FT. x 1.0 = 555.56 GU.FT. USE (2) - D'm ~ D' EFF. DE~H LEACHIN~ POOL5 = 6~5.~4 GU.FT, P~VIDEP MSHTO ~-20 ~ ~ CAST I~N F~E A~ ~R LOT LOADI~ ~ ~ / C~P~ 11~2 ~ OR A~P E~AL PROPOSED H~SE = 1510 5~,FT. X~ / . I us~ ~1~ - AND ~-IF ~D[R ' _ i A~ / ~ -- ~ ~ I ~ ~ /'/ 24" X.% ' leOO~.F~. ' xX . j / ~ m o PROVIPE D LP5 ~'ex2' PEEP / ~- I I ,~ I . ~~~ .', ,,,,, I~~ / ~ a'-o" ~ & HIH. SL~E I,D ............. X U~E~YI~ 5ANP ~P e~L 5~TA OH N ~)ILDIN8 NIPE OR TMINE 2" X 2" 5TAKES ('fiND PER BALE) ~ 9TP, AH BALE5 60MPA(.,'1'ED FILL BALES TO BE 5ET IN 5TAKE5 (TTP), 4" TRENCH. 5ER SECTION. 5ER SECTION. ~ ~ NOT TO SC. ALE EXTRA 5TRENOTH FILTER FABRIC REO'D. MITHOUT MIRE HESH ,~ORT I0' HAX. O.C. 5pAClN~ W MIRE e~JPPOET FEI~E, 6' HAX. O.C,. ~ 5PAGIN~ N/O HIRE 9JPPORT FENCE'-~.~ \ STEEL OP. HOOp pOST (TTPJ FABRIC, 5EOJRELT TO UESTREAH 51DE OF POST NOTED, BLT PE'N6E 5HALL BE pLAC, EP pARALLEL TO 5LOPE CONTOUR.5 TO HAXlHIZE FONDIN~ EFFICIENCY. INSPECT AND REPAIR BILT FENCE AF1~R EACH 5TORH EVENT AND RE'HOVE SEDIMENT NHEN NEGEESAR¥. REHOVED BEDIHENT 5H,N-L BE DEPOSITED TO AN AREA THAT MILL NOT ALI.OH OPE-51TE TRANSPORT, . ILT FENC, E PETAIL NOT TO 5GALE STEEL OR HOOP pOST DRAIN DOGie. NOTE~, I, AREA cHOSEN FOR 5TOCKPILII',~' oPERATION5 .~HALL BE DRY AND 5TABLE. 2. MAXIHLIH RI-OPE OF OTOGKPILE 5NALL BE 2H. 5. UPON COMPLETION DP 50IL BTOCKPILINO, EAOH PILE 5HALL BE SURROUNDED HITH EITHER 51LT FL~IND OR 5TRAM BALES, THEN STABILIZED W ~ 2 TO BE USED J'~RE TOREOIL 15 HEGESDART FOR RE~OIN~ AND VEC~TATIND Pi51~P AREAS. Tt~HpORARY STOCKPILE STABILIZATION HEADIJ~ IN~IJJPE V~TATIVE COVER, F~JLCH, NOi~OETATIVE COVER, AND PERIPHERAL 5EDIHENT ~,APPII, I5 BARRIERS. 11~E STABILIZATION HEAetJRE(5) 5ELECTED 5HO~LD BE APPROPRIATE FOR THE Tll~ OF YEAR, 51TE 60NDITIOND, AND REQUIRED PERIOD OF USE. SOIL STOCKPILE NTB Concrete Waste Management Description end Purpose Prevent or reduce the discharge of po]lutmtts to stonuwater fi:om con(a'ete waste by conducing washout offsite, performing onsite waskout i~ a designated, m~ea, m~d n. aining employee and subcontractors. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE FUSED FOR PERIMETbN BERM. SOIL FOR BERM SHALL BE COMPACTED IN THE SAVE MANNER AS TRENCH BACNFILL CONSTRUCTION FENCE -- SEE DETAIL CF TRACKING (SEE NOTES, THIS SHEET) CQNSTRUC~ON SJDN ~ pLAN VIEW EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE USED FOR PERIMETER BERM. SOIL FOR SERM SHALL BE COMPACTED IN THE SAME MANNER AS TRENCN BACKFILL, FENCE SEE DETAIL CF 2~ SLOPE 8.0' X 8.0' TO CONTAIN CONCRETE CONTROL (SEE NOTES, THIS SHEET) CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA DETAIL SCALE: NONE Onsite Temporm'y Concrete Washout Facilltlh Transit Truck Washout Procedures Ten~poraw ~nc~te wasbout facilffies shodd be locat~ a minimum of 5o ~ from sm~ · ~in i~e~, open ~'ah~age facilities, and watemo~s~. Ea~ fadliw sbo~d be locat~ m~y A ~gu ~m~d be insmll~ adjacent to eacb w~hout fa~h~ to inform coucrete eqnipmen~ operators to u~i~ ~he proper faeilihes. Temporm~ mncmte washout facilities should be ~m~ct~ above ~ade or belmv ~ade at the opQon of ~e matraaor. Tem~m~ ~ncm~e w~hout facilities shotdd ~ mnstmcted and ma~tained iu sufficient quanh~ and s~e to remain ~ liquid ~d coaerme w~e generated bywashou~ operations. Temporal7 w~hout fasilities shoed have a tempora~ pit or bem~ed are~ of mtffiaent volume to completely ~utaiu aH liquid and waste ~ncrete materi~ generat~ duhng w~bont pmcedm.es. W~bout of ~nm'ete tme~ sho~8 be performed in desi~at~ areas oJgy. O~y concrete kom mker track d~utes should be washed into concrete wash out. ~nemte washou~ ~Oln concrete pmnper bi~ can be wasbed fltto concrete p~per tmc~ and discbmged into des~gnat~ washout ar~ or properly &pos~ of o~ite. m Ozme concrete xmstes ~e washed into Q~e designated area and ~ow~ to lmrden, ~e ~nm*te shoed be broken up, removed, and disposed of per ~-5, ~lid W~te Mmmgement. ~spose of hardened concrete oi1 a reg~ar basis. ~ Temporazy Concrete Washout Fa61i~ f~e Below Grade) Tempomzy concrete washou~ faeLlities (~e below ~ade) sho~d be constructed as sho~ on the detm~ at rite end of ffiis BMP, x~th a recommend~ mhnmum len~ and minhnmn Md~ of zo ~. ~e quand~ and volmne shoed be su~cient to mnta~ all li~id and concrete w~e gmterated by washout o~raQons. ~th and flag~ng shoed be cmnmer~ ~e. Plastic lining material shoed be a minimmn of zo ~ polyethylmie &eeting and should be f~e of holes, te~s, or oQ~er def~ts that compmmi~ the impermeabfli~ of ~e martial. Re~val ofTempora~ C~ne~te W~hout Facilities · ~en tempora~ concrete washout faculties a~ no longer required for the wor~ the hm'dened COlZCmte shoed be ~mov~ m~d ~sposed of. Mate~ ~ed to cous~mct tempor~ con~'ete w~lmut faeihfi~ should be removed ~om the site of file work and ~posed of. · Holes, depmssio~u OE other gro~d ~stm'b~ce caused by the x~mo~l of the tem~mw ~ncmte w~hout fadlffies shotfld be bae~lled and repaired. ~os~ ~1 of the above m'e low cost me. urn. Inspection and Maintenance I~pect and ve~ tlmt acd~-based B~s am iu place prior to the cot~tencement of ~ociated acfihfi~. ~dle acti~fies a~eeiated Milt d~e BMP are under way, in~t wee~y dmSng ~e mbW season and of Bvo-week iute~s in file ]mn-r~y season to ver~ tongued BMP implenmntation. ~ Tempora~7 concrete washout hc~ties should be mainta~ed to pro'de adequate holdh~g eapaciW with a a~mnum fi'eeboard of 4 m. for above ~'ade fadlitias and m in. for below D'ade facilifi~. Maintaiuiug tempormy conm'ete washout facihh~ should include remo~ and ~poshtg of hardened ~ncmte and re~lllhtg the fa~lifies to a ~uc~onal con~tion. Hat~en~ concrete ]natm'ials should be mmov~ m~d dbpos~ of. a Washout f~fi~ must be de.ed, o~ new fac~ifi~ must be coasmcted m~d ready for use once the xmshout ~ 75% fitlI PLYWOOD 48" X WHITE LETTERS HEIGHT LAG POST CONCRETE WASHOUT SIGN DETAIL (OR EQUIVALENT) 70' MIN. / PAVEMENT STABILIZt=D CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOT TO 5GALE 2"x2" 5TAKE5 (TI40 EACH BAL.~ BALES TO BE 5ET IN 4" T~H HAY BALE BARRRIER AT INLET5 NOT TO DC, ALE  DTAKED HAY OR 5TRAI, q / 5TJ~ HAYJ~ALE5 BUi TIGHTLY TO~:HETHEI~ I (.,ATOH BAOIN ~, NOTES, I. 5TAKES 5HALL DE HARDNOOD, HINII',IUH 51ZE I" X I" X :~". 2. HA'( BALE5 5HALL BE 5ET MITH I~01TOH D" IHBEDDED IN IEROUND. ALL NE1TIO0~, MATERIAL5 AND PROCEDUREO FOR EROSION t 5EDIHENT CONTROL 5HALL CONFORH TO HEH YORK ~II~INBE FOR UP, DAN EROSION AND 5EDIHENT CONTROL. INLET PROMOTION (HAl' BALED) NT5 N .~G~ RAIN RUNOFF RETENTION LOT NUMBERS SHOWN THUS'f71 ARE REFERENCED ~ 9i WELL CAP eo BaL TO SUBDIVISION MAP OF BRIONNGLOID-BY-THE-SEA - - ~ --~~~D` ,e• STORAGE _ _--3,R o TANK HOUSE 6 GARAGE = 3268 sq.ll. FILED IN THE OFFICE OF 'THE SUFFOLK COUNTY FINISHED ~ GRADE 326$ x / • 0.17 = 556 cull. CLERK AS MA? NO. 6711 ~ _ - ~ _ 556/22.3 = 26 VF - - 9's• PROVIDE 4 OWs 6'0 = 28 ' Oeep or /i/~ ~ equal nicer ov wAr v 5\TV,fO ~ ; . 100 # Tes! ~5' / ~I Ground l I/2' Buss P~less Adaptor t \SVFa % / Wafe~ - ! //2" 160# Tesl Schedule A' PVC l ~ /r s• Irc' WUNU / 5' Sf°a/ Casln9 SOU p ~2' e' ' e• r s• i /~J~' z / °YI 3' l6'.PoAO SECTION 3' i 511 / ' ~ I H.P. Gubmerslble Pump o v , T Q 5' Slalnla6s Slor/ Screen ' ~D ~ N 3' CFOWN - ~ \ WELL DE7~AlL S ~ 225• laames °~c EA ~M9 l S' =N~ ~N~ , sioPE n " / ~ . 3 p+ ' rt of 015 Yor' / Une ~ ' o fp ~m4 uax ro r°PSai / V ~p E a~ P EMSrq'G IPpLLYaIIi/~,E!!i/~ ~ NUZOI J O '1' G4AOE 2'COM'..CTED CLE.R % / `LO~( / / Y~- / peNe' ilU' 'F'~S\ YE/RlN6 L°(/RSE / OR ~ 1~ /i /1 IUI Er 'f+ 3/9'sTgVE BLEND RIkEO ~ \PRQ I 5A1 q5 / ~ ,rOr~. -A a FNE GR/OE SEEDED \A j S \ ~`O y1' ~p9 . ~ / , ~ DN-DP' ya * ~Qg rr' exsn e"e~ R~ii oa°ortiER / ~Y\C~ en-L ~ ,L\2. .i o ~ e w oClr N' swr<ecE Un rERUL r ~ { ~ ',o . ~ BwdeP - En o el STANDARD STONE BLEND nwl~!,~% ~ 'lyldAj' n?. ~ ROADWAY _ / ~H4A ,au " OP,,GE $Q s ~ ~ KEY MAP I HOUSE z -;~_\~DdaEp~Jft' g~\ ~ ~~T 2 Yor` SCALE/ 1°=600' ~ I ~ r lu ~F In\ lql ~ , o~ : ~ I~~Ea r- ~P XG .n0 W ~j \ Lo fRCrNPGRH 95D n9 sfaPbrPr FI,=°` ;e ~ SrTV{SE °''~;em°`,.w`II" STANDARDSU~DIVISION(PREL/MINARYPLATJ RdI i /i 6 FrGP!?m s .p 1/J1 1~ ERG e'"!'`T sY fain°II^A IRFlr En" r o Imp ~ 2° \ ss4r*a O I. M\ I b ~ / ~f5P1Y° / EYlfbopr mCS LP EP. I. I~r ~ 1,1© - p 9~L~ c CONSTAN77NE IOAI~NOU CESSPOIN.S 'O~O_ \ ~~Uli ( N / r4P AO 9G'Ay1 N= `a' h N ~ `~y~m° AT EAST MARION L S' mO~ ~~O~-rr ~ 5, ~3or 4 r ~ ~ ~ , (L\ l~ ~ F ~ ROAD .°~~m~° b ~g2,9T ~ • . •,xp?~" . ~~~2- \~SG . ~ ~=<N~ TOWN 'OF SOUTHc~LD TYPICAL PLOT PLAN ~ ~ r' v1` Q v_ - rya ~oZ ®,b° _ z N Y N 1 tes SUFFOLK COUNTY GENERAJ_ POLLVtION CgNIROL MEASJRES _ mP s A v`t/ Vie I t/ ¢.P'~ yePjem \ P4 0 _ m= ~ ~ r Ixw_~nx~:,"r~a~ ~Fmv~EONS°F,~E'u=LPnaExERAL w ~r \ __p0 srr.' Ra O> , p~ .,so_~ ~~~+v° ,r 2d w> IOJO-23=01-14.7 wEMERr,wo ERaslox ANO -r ° , t gAR GP m. 3 I _ r°.exmaL nF..sves lncuromc. oar ror unlrea ro, 9 \ `-~..FR~ ~/turW ;n 65'55 ~ u Y meO1rouowxa :Ilnu ae enaoreo axmv consrwcnow r,P r V g5~ / O n_ ~ 1 1 2 11 SCALE a 1 " > OG' .,rbrn,axraREnANeI~oRao~,~~ C,~~LI f\° ~ q ~~\03aRw+ p'~~C9i'. .':o / / JQPI ' ~+E..nVS),nMO"svi~i ~ww~ln lnnoisNrs'Yeeo ~J ~ S II\£ \ U' ~ "P X ,"a EPrOG ~~f/ d"li 3 . ' r ~w \e2, / ~ Y• S6PTGhLBER 7, 2000 x+e LEnr~rx of / r / Oec. 23, 20i 0 (preliminary to s aLenRlxs No c.+,alxs sx.`L ae~snes ~opEn ao ns .o -u-_N \ / ~rI' z \ •Z I LQ1 / I I°i`ro JAfJ 0II E p nJ Tine iws nREns ~ B%POxo vRAOeo AxasmwP~L a_ ~ ~ 2U' \ / de° ~ W y .N ~ e • ~ Q ~ O~ ~°r, J r (e JI JOp s. nxE O'er"': eea~`xE-;,5'rcal~i`REO SemuvN ,vE USe~r / o / ~ 6 2 ~1 .u~µce ~re EalL CaxscRaArlax e z 5.5511p ' S°p o ~'`i~_J a bh~ lAY Re~on-c*lon*laxs. Test 6orln9 5{01/03 ~ ° 6 9~ lo` _ sa 1 sERVi~ ~ L e E dy MrDmdd 8~usr/ante EL. f/ I iC\ \ \5 ,5 ~ a \ n x.~ i I~ - ol~ R N,. ~ u p`~pl~~°R~erF a B' - - - ~ F / Ry ' _ Dad Drown Loam M11r. \ \ W ; ffi 4 \ ` X °o'NOZ ao To i~iiF'asio a°. ar"+aveR+'ics o~R w uc OL off' ~ \ N \ err O ° / p, R oRnlRwe s.sre,s, seolnFr,r onxmeRS sxnu oe o3 ' \ l3\ W z r'O_ GO y OV O iALLEO KOPS rxP IIMrtS aF OISNRanNGE FRIDR ro rN] P' _ - \ O G IL£ , h N ~ siM'i aP CONSrWLTLx ANO 6N/.LL rs[ McINTAIUEO UMIL l c xmrxcnorv Is mMrl.ere Brawn slily Dmld wllA \ A\ z ~ ~ \~•IG~ 2/ ~ e°x5rwcnox el rw.xce sx.u ap vory AEavy GlavYl \ C \ ~ q my W ~~U, \,,~E' ~b /p ~ a. ~ ':.IMO:o rRevExr salt nrvo LOOSe aseRU Ran sLlw SM \T.' < E„ -`°m u` Iti i ]i :ucrm oNm Lout Ranos TIE cwlsrRUCncN sMRnxcE sweL OSp xruxea lMnL THE Sire IS FLRnnxENrLr 9,fi _ EL 2,9 \\~r\mz, ol~? N~ ~ Op~,' ~ ~ ~ /2~/~+ ~ E Iva a 6 Bi6n rlh Smd p c ,9 m 6 O °rF wLL se RErnmea ox-cUe Iv~ xo~wnx:e MIIA Y M4 $ ~ ` ~P@ ~ lµiizn"I. xuv.:iaxs nno nwFwxs EiNLOrs °R % aM ~r > o° A r ~ ~ i 'G / - IWSrIa.`~TMa-G'nsle"nwL~eL O°:F1OFAOFFm Pw`-~PiMe"r 10' - ~n vzrr p - Er rFarecrl°x Water N Brarn Me /o ~ Zr^jas^ ~ + 'ti ~ a / AFWwI,aArE nE..+a s«ALL a-a:EO ra caxrRaL ra,ar romm Smd Ylln rrry 9< ~ °voi ~ r xQP ~ SUFFGLI< COUNTY CEPARTMENT ?E HEALTH SERVICES 'vw wxs,xucna" Aeav/ Gra+el SW N ~nW hD ~ ti + i / 1 - 16.L_--- ~0 5 I+z~ies sluu Rew.I:IxF°'i.."`ce u+m vFV`.N°NOrol iaRaeo T zsn W..1 2 /.r + /dj` HAUHPAUGE, N.Y. REAa MC rERwxcrnr ernevreo, Fouonixc FsRMnxexr dY McOEndd Geosclenae 'T! '~i + orAelLaArlax, rnvEO xxaAS sN/.LL eE c,e.Neo aF soiL nxP ~ ys~~ t N OQ/' 1 ~2h y 4 ? ryb CaW S .NO aRAlxwE SYRR'IS 51VAL aE CLPN'EO ANR ,,vv~~~~..555555 r',~11~ FunNeo,vs xECassnar ~~l OJ'P , +e `Va J xrorxamR rv"NrE+U+.cc aF EROSOx eoMRaL MenamFS Iz 4YYNN /E FEgFO,pED w Illol°nM1'D aT FE0.loalc IK.PELibrv nxp rwfw Ieww a •rtaanm sraRre. nnmrerwleE , y / / nenvaES tae ro lxcumE Y+r.we ..or LIWTFD ro. cLenx~R-, ti~ ~YmS 7~ sOa ~~SG,/.~ RECxnR6e enslxa sEOmeM rr+_n nrvo oRreus ` a~ f7' a ~ L'Inxlx4 A~.o pEPwR OF 5E°IMexr enaxmRS. R[PnIR of sews Aro wlarr oweRrErss, A.o ae~wixv+.xa RsFnIR aF r mLer FRarecrlen oences ~ ~1 dje rf Z ~ //2~ , care,wwnoN, rxE CaxmwraR a.nli ca~Lr O ~1 nb ~ IHIS L TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED REALTY SUBDIVISION OR MrH nu iowL REeuwnoxs carvcewllrly rNe oizvasnL of 6 ~ / N Y ~ / / wuv r++srs.wo oEeals ANO rowc nxo xnv.xnws n+sre, \ ~ DE"ELUPMENi FCJR IN THE A;.,. Ai1ApsFSnxlrnRr ssaeR nxv s=_Rric srsrer ~ ~ / _ \ A ~ /S WITH A TOTAL OF LOTS WAS APPROV EO wlE~ss omEanlss aisecreo sr rxE avWE S, ~e mrvrRneraR ~ / ~ W / .C Onl THE ABOVE DATE WATER SUPPLIES AND $CWAGE DISPn SAL _ i¢Le F°~inwrnlxixa rxs xFRE z r Fxoa°s C / .y C; varr.w.nw or InsFECnox ° »z RUeASe ar Faumnxrs ra me ~ _ ..ti 131 / FPCILIT IES MUST CONFORM T? CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT rnar~asiu lo~nez ws ~cexss^Lxr~rsxAanFLr Yllm mE 'g Lx.oRr nxr - r /,1,j~ ~ 4~ AT THE TIME OF CONSi RUCTIDN AMD ARE 'sU R.IEL7 T? SEPARATE R1 °¢nallRCOibrtlOx5 o0.COU5 ,x F. xE~EC~~rnrEa ar ~F NE sus`i~aer FOR Revlalorv of n~e'.°MwFV wii'R`E`i.F`v°RO=~iAre~ (Jl ~ ~ ~ .h EOly HNNN 0 PERMITS PUR:UANT TO THOSE STANDARDS IHIS APPROVAL SHALL F F/ TOTAL AREA ~ 6.8/84 Acres 10 lie lines DE VALID GnLY IF IHE REALTY su BDI VISION/DEVELOPMENT MAP IS , ! H£REBY CfRT/FY THAT THE WATER SUPPL YISI AND/OR SEIVA GE DISPOSAL srl~EEr TREE 1E F~N '"'t' Aa/r',~ .c. LOT AREAS to IJe fines ?uLV FILED WITH THE CouNTV cLERI< WITHIN nNE rEAp nF rHls nnTE SYSTfMISI FOR TNlS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION ~Q, © t ; CONSENT Is HEREBY GrvEN FOR THE FaING OF THIS MAP NN wwcH BASED ON UPON REFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY OF THE SDIL 5/TE AND y~ = - ~ Toro AREA l Lorz LOT 3 THIS ENDUk SCMENT APPEARS w THE OFFICE of THE cnuNrr cLERk GROUND WATER ND DNS, ALL LOTS AS PROPOSED, CONFORM ~D THE 4%r ='d: \e L-~~ 97,BOP sp/f. /19,08 r il. BO.OOD mli IN ACCORDANCE WITIi PROVISIONS THE PUBLIC HEAL iH LAW AND SLpF01R CDLWTY EP TMENT OF HEIFA\L?TH'SERVICES CONSTRUCTION OWNER' = ,c- ~ THE suFFOLK couNTV SANITARY co DE STANDARDSW EFFEC OF THIS TAE - ~ y. 5'25 mABn,L } CON6TANTU'E IOANNOU r/r.c SIG~~P _ HAZARI'.' LIE TO L _ ' . 105 BEVERLY ROAD L.L SDf BID a ./I. 2P 338 r . lf. l OOUGLASTON NANOflI N,Y. 11363 SYMEEt ~ _ Q4 G4£ATER - 3000 r ! UAS TAL Ef<?c10N HAZARD LINE ~C rr ~ ~ P3' Rlg/i o/ Woy ID,3R' rµ/A VIT? A. MINEI THIS I$ T? CERTIFY THAT THE SUBDIVISION PLAT Hv RFEN APPF'?VCD FROM COASTAL FkOS1UN HA. AR / ~ \ ?iRECTOR, DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL-~-9HALITY DY THE PLANNING ROAR? ?F THE TOWN DF SOUTHOL? by RE SUL UT)ON ARCA MAP PHOTO NO. 4]-69] s~ ~ 1 / BIILDABLE AREA BO,DOP rµR 83,359 rq.//. 80,000 rq.B. ,r{~~~°~"Im ~A OF APPROVAL DA1F? ZONE R80 y p, ~ } 4 _ r,n~• • Rv SCHOOL DISTRICT c' ~ I, I Jx / CLEARIrJC ScHEGJLE ~ ; ~ /dK" ~,r„ ~ `'e CHAIRMAN PL AIJIJING BOARD FIRE DISTRICT: ?6 '\f~t- IS ° ~ I LOT y AUX. X CLEARING `S ~ ~ 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI1IS aUHDNISION FI nT WA MADE FP.OM ?VERHEAD WIRE ---~~-/~~I l,U=~~// ~ 39 hD00rrry.lf 33X ,t 1 ~~~~~p ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETE? O/22 /OU THAT ALL MONUI4CNTS CONTOUR LINES kEFERCNEEfI 7L7 ~ _ ~ Ly C. / SHnWN THUS D ACTUALLY EXIST AND 1HFIR P0S1T17NS ARE I:ORRE(ILY I-IVE EASTEkn TOWNS ~]'POGRAF'H1C MAF ANY ALTCFATION OR ADDIiIDN TO THIS SURVEr IS A V10LAT1DN Cdj--I YU C 1P~ s~ SHOWN AND ALL I ENSIONAL AND GEODC TIC DC TAILC ARE CORpEC I. uF S[[T/On ]209 CF THE NFw mRK STATE CDUCFl nON LAW (6 ,S,A~- P09~~' r: ~2'r>~'1-3 F7CiS: T797 _ NOI EI C%G-PI~AS PCR SEC LION RO?roUd61VIS10N C. ALL CERi1F1/'4TIONS P. _ _ LCI7 NUMBERS kEFER Tp 'SUBOIVI ,ION MAP fIF BERGEN ARE VALID FOR TH;° 11P AND COPIES IHEREGF ONLY IF J23(j I~r~',~,`~~` ~~TT JOH METZGE N Y L S LIC N? 9967E BR]ONNGLOID BY THE SEA' SUFf01 K COUNTY SAIL MAP OR COPIES DEAR LIE IMPRESSED SCAL OF THE SURVEYOR SOUTNOL 1+9. I 00- 227 FILE NUMBEd 6'71 WHOSC SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON '1. i ' ~,I LONG ISLAND SOUND 13].92' ~ _ ~ ~ ~ - - - T@ 114E ZONE VE ~ r°P orlwFp (el 131 z s r' =~-z~ ~ °a, w ut LA E v E EAp ION HAZARD D-IT O ~ I ~ m LINE yy O ! rrousE I ZONE ' ' ' RdA r"-- T - I •'j' ZONE AE (el 111 , ,~~rr r I N { l %r I y o ~ rr r o ~ ° ~ ,°r ] rr 'o~ ZONING DISTRICT R80 F J ~ ' I m SCHOOL DISTRICT 2 ~ o SdA ~ ~G 11 l I FIRE DISTRICT 26 ' ~ COASTAL ERSION HAZARD LINE .",r°' ' , FROM COASTAL ERSION HAZARD c~ / ~ ~ E AREA MAP PHOTO #47-647-83 ° ti I ~I • Ip Il`g~\r I 'i~ ~ 4 , ° CONTOUR LINES ARE REFERENCED TO Id I~ , I~~ ~ ~ f Q,~ THE FIVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPGRAPHIC °F~ 'J I~/~l-_--'.";\\~~>~' `I .MAPS .ryl~ T-~ d \'~+~k:,~\~+3_'-,,1.~ - L,OT NUMBERS ARE REFERENCED TO If`--"'~I,tl~Cp ,/I - % ?n ~r -oo . SUBDIVISION MAP OF BRIONNGLIOD BY ' u--+ a-____.L7^ ~t~ r a~ THE SEA" SUFFOLK COUNTY FILE N0. 6711 csuETExr „I • v _ '~ZOINt X /O O. ~ xz SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS .p ~ ~ ~ ro s. ra•!!a°•w.~ 17x°°• r } ~ / u,fn RdA, SdA, MIC, Wd d PIA ~ I ! ~ 1~ 1a A N Z~rCZL= AREAS WITH IS% SLOPE OR I :7 I 3'z +~~-o ~D GREATER I q l L0 ' > ~ Ac` - .~C =EDGE OF WOODED AREA I ~ I g 'p. 'p ,1~, L ~ ~i z O = TREE IB'0 AT BREAST HGHT. I : I HO1A5E ° ,b ~ UTILITIES I I ; ELECTRIC ~ I ` I m ~ PjP _~r WELLS ~ I SEPTIC SYSTEM ~'1" y TELEPHONE I ~ 0` l0~ 1 O yep°d GOIi $ CABLE ~ I - =FLOOD ZONE LINE ~ I W I 20~ ~'o 5' ,~'d ' FL 000 ZONE LINES FROM a FIRM 3610300064 H 9/25/09 ~ ~ r ~ t~•~ a~ n I' I I d ~ a' =}~~OP.~/ ~p 'J I I I ~ ~t%° 1 p I I 9r°' 1 1 2011 I ' N I i ~ ~ a~ J A ~ ~ / ~ l I- I I ~ ~ ~1 I I ~ ~ q£ ~2/ ~j~, ~P~e°~ ERSAP MAP CONSTANTINE IOANNOU i % ~ AT Eft ST MARION - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFIENT SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. 1000-23-01-14.7 1000-23-02-5.6 Scale: 1" .100' Dec. 73, 2010 ' 4'~QP 1~'frjv y+,, ti °r 1 AREAS ' ~ ~ ~ 1000-23-01-14.7 = 6.8185 acres to tie line " ~ ~ I 1000-23-02-5.6 = 0.8781 acre to lie line ¢ S. L(C. BIB ' (6 3/ 716 555 02 0 FA ~ r 6~1')"`O/1797 P.O. BOX 909 r~ 1230 TRAVELER STREET O O -G 2 ~ SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 , Rq/T OF WAY RS P.1. /9.0 Ir r rz c .PVT /5.53 VC 7S G, a ,I, e- L` B~ P.L lQB 1'T 3' I6' ROPO SECTION 3' ELla~e Ewsrws PV[Ia0 GRADE VC I.S~ PVC 939 ~ wl PVT 14.0 QC ILB~ L = BO' ~ N 3' arowM - tyTl•N EX / /O,t G.D ~ ~ R 12+1 9. ` _I 6.43 y y aoFE r, 3 Ec cu ~ I MAX. TO TLWSOL ° £XISTWG Y COAIPACTEO TO CE Q GRADE wE~F.T•G COLYtSC ~ mss; PROPOSED GRADE /,7BX ~ .W'sravE BLETD I!J _ 0.9X W ~ ~ FP.E GnAOE VV ~ Z 1' COM°ACTEp SASE COLHS£ TM1 6l V ? - R FbSTNG EAM1f( Mm av OTFCR TAM ! - ~ SLITABLE MATEFIAL sedwa wArz! y! - _ STANDARD STONE BLEND I DATIMI ~ O' ROADWAY ° ° ° ° ° N '3 N ~ a ° o ~ ROAD d DRAINAGE PLAN v g~ n N ~ ~ FOR 25' Ricer of war CONSTANTINE IOANNO ¢ PROFILE AT EAST MARION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Sca/el Verl. _ _ /O' /000 - 23 - 0/ - 4.7 ~PS. Hor/z. l'.= 40' Dec. 231 20/0 A ~O i. - fit' CeM~.L~A~ ENOf ~ d IXiT~1K~tMAM4~ MTCH O wl M%IT F~ E D.4 ~ we o ,q 7 n o a N _ _ _ _ _ ci^ ~ PLAN = 90 RAW, RUNOFF 25' RIGHT OF WAY A ~~~F NiFfy Y 4UNOFF LPs. l 8 2 RUNOFF LP 5 '~P I600sq./l. 960 aq./I. y TN ~-0Ere~n^ 1600*0.6*0.17=163 c0./1. 960* 0.6*O.17 98co./l. 'A 163/42.2 = 3.9 VF " 98/42.2 = 2.3 VF * ~i, R. ~~b ~ PROVIDE 2 LPs, 8' 0 * 2' Deep PROVIDE I LP. B'0 * 4' Deep I¢t~ ~ LPs 3 8 4 . ~_'t 4240 sq.ll. ~ ~ L~C. ~ 9618 424 0 * 0.6 * 0. l 7 = 432 c /1. 432/42.2 = 10.2 vF' ECON/C E PROV/DE 5 LPs. B'0 * 2' Deep ~ (63U 765-5020 FA.R`'•! `Z -/797 P.O. BOX 909 - SOUTHOLDIE~EY SgREET 00-227 N ,G\ WELL CAP BO aL LOT !UMBERS SHOWN THUS' f7J ARE REFERENCED ~ 9.~, I6' STORAGE TO S 1BDIVISION MAP OF BRIONNGLOID-BY-THE-SEA - - Ip TANK FILET W THE OFFICE OF ~i'HE SUFFOLK COUNTY / " ~ " " '`{FMJISNEO 1~ GflAOE ~ CLER; AS MAP N0. 6711 ~ _ _ _ - RIGHT OF WAY VD / 96' Ir / 100 # T--nsf --11 ~ S\TV ~ ~ l r/r emak Pvc ~ ~ \SVAN9 ~ / Grounq. l I/2' Brass Pllless Ada ler R Waler ~ I l/2' 160W Tosl Schedule 'A' PVC ~m 12, 6, 12, R, LNG ' a ~ _ ~ Ur 5' Slee/ CRSfng SO qqI s' e' r. G' 3~yy Z 1'6' 3' I6'ROAO SECT/ON 3' tE Q ~ i IMP. Submels/D/e Pump A o S QTR/ ' S' Sfc/nlsss Qfee/ Screen ~ ~ + / z. / a- cfloWN - ryvlm BJ OII T~.a sue' G~' N' ~ - - ~ t 3 d,c s' N WELL DETAILS i 2 lev~c O'M 4 ~ ~n°! soPEh3 q. \ ~ rOPSOL G i/ Bldh~~y6P' e c O (mY uaa la / O~ ~ Top LpodX 5u -rq ' prd 1.10 ai .\4jV. GRADE G Y cOUPACTEO TO tlE . a P[ 7~M~/ H4M1 ~P 0 e, WEARING C04v5Y' C1EAM1'E J: Y i~ / roslon ,o' ~F`~ .w'sioNE ar.ENG /oxen / pR 1 5r E i 1-`i ~bclGl E LQr.~ ~ P~ FINE GRADE sEEGEO \p~/ ,i \.\r`aV 5A A i bQ1 ~ ~ ~tLJ S ino`^{n a• c°uPacrcu e.sE cJUnse j / p1\ 61 ,99 \ ON,pW I , 1 ~~Q- ENISTING BANK RU4 UR OTKR ~ a\C Ir- C SlpTA9LE NATEM'AL Q x~\r o N a~YCIaP°~ g c~loNe, "N r STA/JDARD STOME ELE NU / Inw~'n v 1 P,,cE 1\; - \AIa9' KEY MAP HOUSE Z ~ _1~0~,Dj5TJ~ o ~ ? ~GN " SCALEI 1"-600' AFKI ^ry ~Wv,. °\y ~p~ ~n£5 20~ fa~pxCGl°cHx rM`~\~ .aPber IIreX 5' ~ i O i\ J V10 °l I o 1 la 5` SSE ~ el le, ICJ°" ~ MINOR SUBDIVISION I I \y Proppc H y , ~ \ 1/2Q,rE. ea ~ 5Y'anl°. n9 nr 5. 9. copy c, Av 0 5S mn i~~m f e' r1F ao _ ~ ` ~~pI'"' ° W r `YI °Px ~~3, CONSTANTINE IOAIVNOU .L~ CESSPOOLS ~Np~ ~ 'q[ P Iv iP N~ i ~ - p I~r~~~~ V'. ~ ~9;N Gc ` _ ~T~ ~30' E ~ %x''zz~~a rN o AT EAST MARION ROAD - m = 65.5 92~ % c~ ' ~.5 , ~s ~ TOWN OF SOL'THOLD TYPICAL PLOT PLAN "~-v ~ 'tJ 39 z'• f xv'. > o rt ~~,a~ m- LP ,p z v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ N \ ; ~ j lyr„'~ ' ®e5'mwv'©y,;,~,L~ \ p; o ?m~ SUFFOLK ~'O UNTY , N. Y. GENERI~L POLLVfION CONTROL MFP`e1Rf mr^ o r,o n >I r `U S'T, r„~`~~Rrx[PIeVI]°x>°F„~[I°LF,L6xERµ r. a'%° rsE' 1000-23-01-14.7 f°"s.° ~wu.senevr nx°[R°siax wx° u m~ \ L ST k GPfE°L>, za. c5'3~ ~ ~ 20 xgC]xILLWIxs. xxr N°6rw1Lr > ~osl \ ...PR. en ow ~yb~ 5'7 g'a ~ ~ 1 D00-23-02-5.6 TM ro<«w~~,~LL[[[xR~r.Lati.LLa~Lnrz~°x' y N["]rl~ o o. ~o~„~L'~ox a. a ~`:~P~,~o Oo \Lr~ . ~\p \ \ ~ CI. P2nN.9Y s. v ~s° \ \ SCALE: 1 =100' _ P'" fn9. SEPTCM,9GR 7, 2000 I~nr~isl nxL SxuLR[nnnl urvurvrsaeo. ~ ~ eN\s 0 .Y r•r/~ I ~fvPO OL ~ `I d+' ~ a'„[x rxa AS~rsP xG 6lwl. x[6LxxrswF~6o ~]r° I . ex.._ I„e. Qv \n2.~ ~ .r a l\ - I/q/ ~'1'( 3 / p mo° Feb. 25, 2004 (oddillons! nl[Mr ~ex ar'xpPLSev nRens nxo me Le, r.rn or -Ll--' ~ \ ~ i 'J r 2 \ oa a J ~'J / t"LIB ° / xo. Lxn°e°umsmlPPe°, Jon. /3z 2005 (revls/ons) nxcns sMxar aex~lxL :irN000~z~[o sx°IILx ree uzc or -io. \ / ~zd• ~r Z ,to r 5x Q °I 00 ~.x / vzo wxrvxe]sL.u ae o Moy Il, 2075 fre vlslonsJ u~R°nna,.,"„6°ILLLx]Or° rl°x][x.1G[ . 5'3 ' - [Ie..rlexe zo'- •5 pOr N-'" o i / I;O h' - hl Novr~151,2D06 (revfslons) x~a exLrx .xa aF LLF.w.o':La sr.,:n i Tesl Borlnq 5/01/03 ,,-r H5 g9• lo'~-? \ .n r~' ~ l' yT,-lT,;:'. - cake Fu~F veveunes Rwori 6wLL az [ by MtDWdd deoxlonce ~ I \ i o `"`j 4 °c\! / e~ rU\ ~ /i" p~~ '\V' _ FEB. 17r 2JI0 IUHAIN.IGE~PIPEI oi"-~ m°° our rx°n r.°enuG x'oPez, 0' _ . - - ? \'F A) V Y ~arA Braen Loom xp45 \ \ W ~ e /h a N~ APHIL 7r F010 fnvklonl aonvs onA e~xive svs~'P'Lielre aie nvrr o],.°wr"leRZ e~nLL oe OL o j,( \ N \ [p ~ ~ G \ % V rxe unxs aP xlsrvxsnxc[Pxeo ra rxe " \LS \o z c \ ~^,O b "N ' rLwinon : ma1OLVCO sxnu se nnlxrwlN vxrlL 2' \ o ICS L\ W / cover Brown s01y Sand WIIA -p~z T 'y I ~A :p ~ s"i~~ ver Aoo Gravel \ \ o W ~ b 2 aeo c~xsrx„rn°u eurRnuce su.u ne Y YY c 2 v ~ g '-t O r5 r0 / 6` ' snira:°Lr°rxevcxra°a ..n°L°c]e L[ert~s Frsel+eeGG sM \y\~ ~ _f W O r/ / niJ"ee[o °xr° L°cnL R°.L] rxe c°~IZrxuerlon zxrw+lez EL 2.9 \ a m = =ts^ oP ~ / ~ eewu o. nxixruxeG n+rlL ra sne Is P[Rnnxnm.r D.6 \ n T' o'^~ NlS b v /2 / ' ne~Lrse° IVa v b BLoWe eHy Sand \ O ~ ,a 61 \ Q~ / LL S[Reume°o~l.clrno~ LR°exce ~ r -r\ ~ m~-pm O ^ 0 /!V / wlr:'IL.L"on~'xnese,'L]n°ro nn° nrPxWxs x«oih wl.ero MIA r[q hoay 5md 57 p jga 7A \ a L (O VM/ ~y i .G / I~a~~nouix nIe wL o[ FR°acr[o ~RLn - exr 10' - - - 2 G\ v , o °F nPrn°PRiwre wLCr morccrl°. Welar N Bravn Rne to a'~z-~n~` r "~iL ' Z' N~ 1 ~ + / wa o4w°xlwre nuxs swLL e[ LseG rG caxrxeL LLSr cearee Smd HIA Yary ~'C n pot N ti O / Q' / ' xs,r.vLrlLx. Aovey Graval SW ~ mm_o w q'~1 ti Q + /b SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT ?E HEi'.L TH SERVICES eeLlnexr enluuelu wG Lmers eRO]I°x canrxrn /6' v' y~ LF1 ~ by 0 CJ / r\ Apwwnes sxnu ReHnlx ulrvice Wrll.vPLnNO OisrvRaee ~ s^ Jx ~1 2 a a (7' HAUPPAUGE, N.Y ens /.ae rexeuxerrl.r 6rw6vze° rou°rvmG PeRwxenr DY MaOondd Geos[lonee o :L P'd 'o p2 5•~~ / 710 _ _ oea°rv~el ;"riLx, Pnve° naF] siwi 6e aau+eo or s°a nu° P 4B~ N ~rv2 as n" ~1 7/ °j _ _ _ _ - _ . x° °xnlnnae 4rsrexs slx.u neu+e° nu° el.ufixev n] uee[sswr. + ~ ] nuxreravee °r ee°s°n cLlovaL neruwRn lz ~~d1d~,F0aW orb n' ~ ~F, _~la ~~I, ~I I'~I iLPee ienrann6v ns Ixomnre° Lr P[a,LLm n+zPFCnLN r.v° ' V / I nrmw I+nw art rrsLLLxsro sr°P«n, nnlnr[xr,xce 'J ~ ~ YO ~ % ~ Q HEA PE] CE6N INL WG[. &Ir nRP IIOr LIMIrPL ro, c4CnWNb ~°~6 / lo; \ oL necxnrt(. 61ttM6FDlnexf rR.,as wu° oarrcu6. 4GG `'YYY"` ~7 i Y ~ ' JUN 1 O10 enxlxs nx° PEPnIn of ]eornxxr e.]narexs. RernlR rn tr ~ I BCRW NIO WWNF ONCRIG[,.wG LL[hVIVb Ntl REPAIR~eP V ~ IxL6r PP°rzcn°n °evlc6s. +lv" Oy I S' Z ~ ~ / /20 0 i anlxs colarRUCn°x, we e°xrwcr°a sxnu c°mL• ~t4 6~0~ / o1~d THIS IS TU CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSEU REALTY SUB?i V1SION nR ~vurx nu Loar.L RE6LV.rlLx] caxceRxlxs nee oizP°6nL LP r R~o~~y ~ > r / wnereucx[u lLee,nxo °eeals,w°roxlc vex°xnu resre. \ ~ ~ BE VELUPMENT FnR_ -___-_-IN THE w6 ]rxlrnnr 6eners nx° fivee ]r]rzl. I ~ / ~ 1 ,XILe~sO eeRnlse olxecreo ar me °wxeR. rxe c°nrxncr°R \ Y ? ~ 7S WITH A TOTAL OF_LOTS WAS Ar'PRCIVF.? fiLG lore nLWrNNlx6 we xec[9NV nEp°I1°6 ~ \ Fll W / or carer µcrlur~7iviarms G[]e oP°nox or lxsFecnon \ t Rr -'fln o / / ITN THE ABOVE DATE, WATER SUPPLIES AN? SCWAGE ?ISPCJ3AL r Pmwrnxr] ro rxe ~ A (1[, WE,~L ~ / ~a[„.R'w"loM1 r¢6.nr ~LiM~+oxr7luiirRL[:oR":cal: ~ ?;~r,p ~',Y'r V ~3~ r,/ I FACILITIES MUST CONFORM TO CnNSTRUCTI?N SrAIJ?ARDS IN EFFECT Imezueo w°mlL.:naxs.a rxe.nF[P xeLOSelrnree er ~ , AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION AND ARE SU B.IE CI Tn SE PARq TE PI~CID rAxoMOx] OR LLX6r CCrIOn LLilVlrl[9 r0 T1E ~ \ ~ S f xe[a r°x llevul°x orn Wwm nxcee nrewPrsum~ (J1 w p ,N~y ~ ~ Y„HVM 0 PERMITS PUR"UANr Tn THCISC 9TANDARj7S Th115 nPPRO VAL SHALL. ~ / ' JC VALID ONLY IF THE REALTY SUDUIVIS ION/DE VCLUr'htENT MaP IS .l$ A2' , :'7 DULY F1LED W1TH THE COUNTY CLERK WITHIN ONC YCAR LIF THIS UATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPL YlS1 AND/OR SEWAGE DISPOSAL n0 ~ STREET TREE (EA ~ A G, CONSENT IS 4EREDY GIVEN FUR THE FIIJ NG OF PHIS MnP ITN Wri1CH SYSTfMlSI F R TfdS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY 0/RECTION BASER ON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY OF THE SOIL SITf AND G'~ CLEARING SCHEDULE n1ls ENnoasEMndr nPPCARS IN THE OFncE NF THE EniINrY cLERI< GROUND WA E ONDIAONS, ALL LOTS AS PROPOSED CONFORM ~'U THE cA LOT MAX. OF CLEARING w AccoRDANCE wITH PRGVISIONS OF' THE PUBL IL HEALTH LaW ANU SLI~FOLKC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHSERVICE,S`CONSTRUCTION GWNER' 1 9233.' S,F. 25% THE suFFOU< coulviY SAN1raRr coDE, STAA®AAOS Ef A$ OF DATE CONSTANTWE !DANNOU r ; - 105 BEVSRLY flOAD 2 12416;'9 S.F. 25% DOUGLAST?N NANOfl1 ,N,Y, 11363 3 80,Cj00 S,F. 35% r.. . LiIFlS TAL F.RUSILTN HAZRkD LIN!_ . ~ I rvi, ,'I. r`n VITU n M11VE1 THIS IS TO CF_RTfI Y FHAT THE SUB DIVI^,ION I'L AT H'."~ BFEN APPF'OVCLI FRnM COASTAL FRCISIDN HAZARQ r ~ IDRECTOR, DIVISION O. CNVIROIvMEPIi AL NUALITY BY THE PLANNING DOARO OF THL TOWN Of SOUTHOL IJ UY R650L UTION AREA MAP PHLTTL7 N0. 4/-647- 1 ~ ' DF APPROVAL DAteq_-_.____. zunlE RBn y "TOTAL AREA=?97,014 S,F, OR 6,8185 ACRES scHOOL Dlsrku'r r, /=f~',~~J,7 / TOTAL N0, NF LOTS=3 - .gyp' o - - Bv__-, FIRE nrsrRfcT, ,>c, I / AREA T OT 1=°2,332 S,F TD TIE LINE y ~~~'MGr2~ R` OF Nt- CHAIPMAN PLAIVNwC; BOARD ~s~"'~ AREA I OT 2- 124,679 S,F, TO T,(E LINE ; , 'SP~„+T mE 6~/,OP AREA LOT 3=8D,000 S, F, yti . z ~ , .p ~ C1VEkHCA11 WIkF:~~ ti 'I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAI i111S SUBLIIVISInN PL nT WA. MADE rP.nM - f7~~ L1C. ND. /19r;1B ACTUAL SURVEY; COMPLETED 9/22/00, THAT ALL. MONUMENTS CON7GUF' LINf.' REfERL N(L fl 111 ~ - ~ R. SHOWN THUS C AC Tl1ALLY LXISI AND iHF IR POS1 il']NS ARE I:ORRCL ICY I IVE EASTCkN TLTWNS :"RCJGRAFHII MAr' FlNY FlLSCRAiIUN UR ADm rIDN m rh'IS SORVLY 1S ~ ~yy8 IC ~~~lT V_ YO C RC. SFIOWN AND ALI_ 1 ENSIONAL AND GEODCIII" DCT/+ILS FlRF CORREE I. uF sL'CTIOn 1209 CF rNE NE 1J YORK ST9iC EDUCAiI. I~ 5A, 5~1~0 <631? 76J-1797 NUr[, rxCPJ ns PCR src nGN /znG-suvmvlSloN e. ALL EE /~9Tmi P. i~ 90'`x,.',"' _ LNT NUhIDE R;i REFER i0 'lUDUI VI', ION MAP I1f HERCON ARE VFlLfU FOR ilLr MAV A,VL COPIIS iHCREGF ONL lr?30 '$/J~/y,L~n-`" 17E1 7 1'y JOH MET2GE N L S L1C NO. 4961E DRIONNGLOID BY rHf S'EA' iUFrOI,K COL/N (Y SAIU MAP OR WPIFS h'E"AR LIE IhIPRt SSCD SCFlL OF fHE SURVEYOR SUUl HL7 Il `111 00- ! FILE NUMDCR 6'11 VHf15r SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON, , nale>~v®,a SCDHS ReL~F 51 0-040013 ~ OT NMBERS ShIOWN THUS (71 ARE REFERENCED _ •'%h _ WELL CAP eo al. ~ TO SL9D1VIS10N MAP OF BRIONNGL OID-BY-TNE-SEA ' " 7ANH FILEDIN THE OFFICE OF ~i'I1E SUFFOLI( COUNTY vWlsRev -l- sRAaE CLERH AS MAP N0. G711 r - ~ - - - ~ r _ ~ 9's• - wanrv wnr 5\TV.10 ~ 11/2' Hlvck PVC \5~ L fValord % %/2' 160# Te/sl Schedu/er'A' PVC le' 6' IP' 6• vO~U ' I'Ni 5' S/ce/ Casln7 5~ 6' e' 6• y2 I' fi' 3' I6' ROAO SECTION o A3N. z ~ SITE v ~ 1 H.P. Submsrclble Pump ~ T i ~ ~ 5' SPolnloss $lesl Screen N Ire•• I 3' arowN rrVmd WELL DE7-AILS b5~ 2385, n~ M"VVwn~~,~ 0. Na ~'m'Ca0 ~ SLCwE l.3 r• / r ' pl @ISuIVeYoM1, L,''";~~~Uloe' tit-v ~ '199Y E'~A95lTWOG P'LUA{°A6TE0 CLEABE r Ip coAc t,2op0-.' Nmurd ~ vl~ ~ ~ ~ cvnvE' .ia ariE°eicr+o / i QM i' Wit' '/rnslA~ I° d ~",t £ scc c°.o° RR ' r i / al E ~ - " i ~•'2 FWE 6ytAOE \nP ~ NP e112= ecd. rade 'q5 /,-,T.,\ (p6s~-~ Lk' W ~ roL' 9'COxwACTrpo 66,,~~se cawsE % E1AT . Pro,oO 9 yA /i N° ~ .YLf (p {1.9~` EXISrWG 6AAK RUN OTHER 1' 9' DVS > m , + 4°~^ SuITABEE NATERNL 4 ~ _ HELL p1 6 l9 f~:- ~\,0 IJON' P^eloP°- ,p L'owe\ '+i~~ STANROADWAYNE BLEND ~ . ° N `bid9~ KEY MAP N,n, et n%' : SCE Y. ~ . I HOUSE ler Z .ae .`~o~pEP~OPgP a ~ ~QT 2 SCALEI 1"=600' I N - P u~ 1 ~ ~ SEP iIC 4h ~ D `'D ~ ~ 2v~ 2°i1 UG uPI'h IIeJ I,aA R ~ styV,sEc Pon 95, m''s~Y?p' .IL~cwrcp e n° 2 5.1 Flo z MINOR SUBDIVISION I s £ \b pe Pi~cm m\\ o \ 1 gS0 . mjc Yl r" f eYl st'°.n rY' EnGaQ 26 \ W b ,I~ / w~ ~ zm OONSTANTINE IOAIVNOU LP LP. L LE65POOL5 j ~ ~~°a~lh ' I" ' F""P~9'2°~ -r ~~Nb~~~, AT EAST MARION 5 ~ y3 52 ? TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ROAD ~ m 192 1~ ~ f~ n'T r C\ ''s'D' 6` z v TYPICAL PLOT PLAN .i~-\ y. 39'6e Z'`.\ I ~E:Ii, ~ Iv ,,x'I \v LS\ Q h~ ; ' ; ~e,l°° ~ p' ~ SUFFOLK G"OUNTY , N. Y. e~RnL PO~urrION GONTROL,nEawr~s --mm"O ~ u moo: ~,d/ i// E., i' \Na'- 4,.°' 4 1000-23-01-14.7 ! P4~11:°"°""eLal",rHeP,>v~l.°xe°.,,,eI~LPns6xHRnL m \ / \Srr.~a,a ° " r"'. ,g4. ~ zs 1000-23-02-5.6 SrtlMUMrCR NwN,.GCMnc~wlx° prb'Iax AH° I 'nr c°xrRrn.nu~us xor Llnlre°r°, ~ I ?PR \GP WW', -.?„i 5' V 5U, \ ni_°inr`u.°rvlws slnu ee LnrLme° adws c°xsrwwnow, c,y, T \ \ ~Pp. P u. C'. s 65~ g9 ~ / I .SCALE: 1 = 100 r,w°cnLrnPersne oReL morecre° Inr r 7 ' : O " b C' 23• V ° A P I'x o,XLP M1^FPevL° ~ O„I L~~- 1 \P 1 j~~ O 1 ?e6 _ - P'" tf">s / / SIiPTL'M9L'R 7, 2000 nen"I+ii ,io sl°in%°uw.iu wauNRne°. C S s„\" \ J w -PV, `QLLb~+oG i / \ r+ 3 Fab. 25, 2004 (addll/ons! "`"""bn"'a op1e`I,•`os;EO~ens:°u°`me °euerx°oa -Lr--N \ ~ 4 y ` a~~: s+~~ ~ Jnn. 13, 2005 fravls(onsl nrvne nG~nRC~S UIe Eav°se°, R~.°eo4 mSrRIPRm, ~ \ \ ~ I N L O'•.m~ Moy II, 2005 fravlslensl ' u,ue'SwLOU ~ / 'eQ oc W~q 1 O ~ A pr,. e. I 7.00& frdVislonsi ' n5pc°uiiAG SLm d.R - 'P+"~ -s'- N'KLORpMICE WIYN E°IL fANS[RVnrl°H'9E0.VILE ~ ' , Is rvi ex°nn°xs ~ 2a. % \ X55 U0+ Ccc `~V o `A.-.J i ~ I ~ ~ Tasl 9orlny 5/01/03 ~ 65 yy, la~~- a n°'IVeimo ii°+..v"r~aflro"L°~.rlrLVO `n`°':es', wn`°°rissw.CL`oi° ~ 0, Ay MNWdd Gsasclenc6 \\5 1 o E" ~\q f,~ /nJ (rj -'•,~,v, EL. a I \ Q e, ~ ~ ~ • , ~ ti N Oork Brawn Lalun tl'y \ \ u ~ ~ r""celiiveorm"eeirn w~in%eii Pr*area:'mi oe rrvou~ OL uv~t. \N \ 6\; i~ o %'"b '~'.Yp1 1p -~5}I 0.5 ^°5 pA °MIlV.6C sr5Rln5. 6YDMENr Ynahl[0.S S,uLL °C _ - ' LEtl MOH, LN[ LIMAS pf °ISNPCnHLC'RI°R r0 rH 6 \ ~ \ Y' L P N 11~~ - saw inucnoi >,wxn°x nn° oxnu ee nwlxrnll•e° vvriL Z' \ d C~- ~ ~ V •IO' /h b - ~ - c , IL c°nrLerL. Brown silly swd wllA ~o \ z =n ~ ~ le 2 ` I SUBJECT TO COVENANTS RESTRICTIUN5 LIQER ~ 5c1. ver heat/ Gravel \o W ~ 01 n ~ ex.LL °rs r r c 4 rm4 b' / J r r~ r I PAGE 21 nux'.n xo'o;o rv`r°e"ve+r~.wniol^„o ogee oERRm .wl. uow sM \ S ~ 9 nrlj v 2~ / I,~ - v,LPe , l° Lae..L wnw rxe c°Ils,w+crl°x exrw.xce EL 1,9 \ m - 1 ~m~°' . 3~n~iui°o nwrnixe°wrn rHe 6lre is aeRflnxLnnr 96 - \ i~'J. 0~1 ~ N~ `tom W y/J j - E . IVaIv Of BFon slh Smd' \ ~ } s m m'Mr, m ~ V ~ 14 0 _ - _ - s, xL Rux°ff sllnu 6L Rcr.a+L° °n-sire Ip ncc°I,cnw,: w AI v Aaav s b " o ~ ~ 'V/ 'I n°r _ , nin+LOCnLI'NY.aArl°x6 N+°nrr,wvxiE w,iw.ae lnLers _ '~Y 7 and lM' p '9t Zr 70 w .I "w6nw,%sr°R:o~l rise he °oe raarecrm fa°w xmnenr 10' . r t i / i r nrraefal..relxLpr rR°.[°no,l ~ v `$.Cp`m ~ ti P m WolorNBrown Me to y o ~ p I iSUFFOLIC COUNTY DEPARTMENT ?L HEALTH SERVICES rdan Gnaoa5nrc nux6 eluLL ee wee ro c°niRee wsr e0ase Smd NIA vary -c m a`z ' a Q ,v / b I p I ~ I L rwcn°x. Aaavy fuaval SW Ingo W . \ /011 ~'~N 5 I -~I J .I ~ HAUPPAIJGC, N.Y. xi::LV'uw:~'61 ~~°L"alcw.f"°°L."«imravfL,.Pn nILNRRC° I6' zm rZ a , a /,h• I = I !S needs nRe rERn,vrrpnr 6Aryn6iL sso, fou°rvum rERnnxLxr BY McOonEld GO66clEnee ~ t w GJI' /r00 ~ _ ' -p ~':"rlv oru ~s snnLL ae cLe.xeo °r wIL nl,° A N (t' ~2 0.^' / '4~, I ~ j , dpL 0 2 ?DOJ esrsrea. ewu °e nuxeo ..no nJ + a rv B .-1 9 PLVSnC~n6 xELE55MY. `p, I ~ Vp,R/. , / 'I PI>aPCRr°R'ne°' A"`Ixol~:rc°sioyi eoµRr+aL Hen=uaf~ Is ~ vFVJa /r ',V v/ , _ - I ~1 _ 1°°IS wseLerl°n nx° v~ / I' Q ~ / 'sl i _ y :rr°e`np:~rr°ofrso'L°Ine°~r°R%. nnlxrnlnnce ~ I nc.r+, Lma wr nRe mr unlrec r°, LLCnnns ~ ~/{v/v\ ''yy~~1 ~~~:p p 6E°IHCM rMPS .WO pa~LLS, / h 1~ iJ °F PLC W nVn xlPn"Vi~li °r iC°me111 B.RRM1µS, PCMI0. vP j / 1 ~ ~ i 6enHE'nxo rwlnrf mvemeas, nxn el.erwws nnn uPnIR °r e X / 0 ui ~v,© vTl ' Her examcrlel, vevieev ,.f•/ I + N/ " Y x casrRl,on°H rxe c°nrw~r°R SHnu col~LV 2! / ~ THIS IS TO CERTIFY ThIAT 'TI-IE PROPOSCU KCAL TY SUUIIIV LION UR 1Oii,i..u"L°enL xewnn°xe a°xeeRnau Hie anemnL Of % / r r I S~~ /vr)b s°u~`wAre^x°oyuRls+w°r°xE: nn°xnuaows ro-are. ?EVLLUI'II14~EIVTff,,I OR _~-.0%O Y1I10VV IN ThIC PewLnn°nss ser,ea ..P°sevnc msren s~1' \ . 'a ~ / ~rjOl.t'1'VI DIQ WITH A TOTAL OF~I.OTS 'dAS APPROVf.O Less oNEwrue viaeacv 6r me anxEa m6 canrencr°a ~ ~q ,"~~`d.'C,,' ~ ~ W 6_ //5 ,p pN TI-IE A?OVE DATE, WATER SUPPLIES AIJU SEWAGE UISPL73AL RceaoHS °Le r°x nnwrnmxm rxL neeese,ur k~oR°s , i 4 mxs wona,L~nvmrs, rReR.a..nox °P lnsrscrlax A o / FFlCILIT IES MUST COIVFORIA T? CONS fRUCTIOIV SI AIJUAR?S IN EFF ECI' xr. uLense of foumdus ionic f \ n~N~~ ,,,;p,',, 1 / ,"m°o~%':un'°airlrs.~s ~cr~nwr~r~xn°L"IU.oRI .'n: '"n *"1 1'~ 13 1~ Ai fHE TIME Uf CONSTRUCTION AN? PRE SUB IECI f0 SE PARR CE 1OO r`"" no'I`+s ra rne`s,.Yrr nECeeslmren or .C7~, lo'n's`aa cexsrwcrlon snvlnes r°mc N~4. \ {}i' °'I'' ~~r„1 4ix L Q}_ f-r_RMITS PURSUANT TU THOSE 9TANUARllS, THIS APPI20V AL SHAl1 i Ego"~oH"° I„aIEER eoa Pev~a~°I. of r,a sr+Nw rvxLRL n~P,:~LR~„rn' ~ 1" ~+Ai. „ nd \ y' ro I Z LI OC VALIll ORLV IC THE RCALTY SUUllI VISION/?E VELOPMEPIT MAP IS / ~ x r OIJLY FILE? WITH lhlC COUNTY CLF.F:I< WITHIN NIJC YEAR OF THIS UA fE I HEREBY CERTIFY TH4T THE WATER sUPPL YlSI AND/OR SEIYAGE DISPOSAL ~ [rp srREeT rRe\' s irN reed, EpA 1 so• a.c, coNSENI Is rtERE et/ GIVEN Falz THE rIl-ING of rails MAP uN wHlcEl SYSTEMfSI FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY 0/RECTION A. f"=~V ' THIS EN?oks[MEN7 APPEARS ud THC OFFICE of THE CnuNTY cLERIA BASED ON UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY aF THE SOIL 5/TE AND ~ ~ -}~~'F~ES~: ?`LI~-~ CLEARIdING scNEDULE IN AccoR?ANCE wlTl-I PROVIS1uNS o~ Trlc Pueuc I-ZEAL rH LAw ANo GROUND IV R CONDITIONS, ALL LOTS AS PROPOSED, CONFORM S'0 THE ~ ~ - LGT MAH. OF CLEARING rHE suFFDUt couNTY SANITARY cn?E, SLIfFOLI( DEPARTMENT OF HfAL TN SERVICES CONSTRUCTION OIVNER• A I gp 33,32 S,F. 25% STANDARDS fEf.T AS Of THIS GATE cGNSrawwE mANNGU ' s ' 105 BENFALY ROAD - 2'124,6 T 0 SF o5/ \ OOUGLASrON MANOR, N. Y. 11363 3 80,400 ° ~ /J.A'!/L4i _ v LLIAS7AL F.ROSICIN HAZARD LIdNL `y"(UH fVrh'~~j I ?IREf TCJR •,?IVISION L7F ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ll-II'. IS T? CERTIF fHAT THE SLIBL I'J IS II]IV I'L Al Ht/; 13FEN APPF'OVCLI FROM CGAS TAL EkGSIDN HA2M •y"~~ r ~ \r~ AREA MAP PhI0T0 N a7-6977 a,r \1 ~ F ' OY THE PLANNING Bf]AR? ?F THE TOWN ?I' SOUTHOI.ll UY RL SCIL IITION Cs, 'i n ~iOTA!_!- AREA=297,014 S, F, OR 6,8185 ACRES _ OF APPROVAL UAI EIL_.-._____-, - . _ ZDNE~ IeBO ~ * vr~ a •r.. , ^ " TO TALL ND, OF LOTS=3 ~'~°F NElq'P- CHAIPMAN P NVINC SCHOOL DISTRIf1 ? w r BY - rrac DrsrrrlcT , , AREA I LOT 1=92,332 S,F TO TIE LINE •`r~ Me,,,, FJ~f LA i ~M;,:EI~,1~;'~`~~~AREA I LDT 3=8D, 010095 FF, T.D TIE LINE ~V'~;. ~;qs?'•T7~. HIT RHEAII WIRF> ~ - ~`e.~~"~AV``~r~ `-(t~ ~~FFi11 .~_~S L1C. NO '1961H I I-IERF_6Y CERTII Y THAI TI-IIS SU8L11V ISION PI Ai WA hIAUE FROM p P fC b 12•~E'Y01"k' PG qG TUAL SURVEYS CLJMPLE TEG 822/00 THFJ ALL MONL1MEIVfS LON70U(' IJNCS HE F'E Rl Nl1 U ll.l FlNY nC 7CRA HON UR AuOl fluty Tu thus SuGVCr u Fl vloLa LGN - 50" ~ (631) 765-1/9l SHOWN THUS PL AC TIDALLY L%1SI ANU 1HCIR POST i171VS ARE C.ORREI ILY FIVE CRCTEkK TOWNS -:'F'UGIRAFT III' Mql' ~ (6 '~~;v ' SPIOWN AN? ALL(/(III/,777r[I/h/JCnISIONAL ANO GEOllCIIC ULTAILf ARE CORREC I. ?F cCCTInN ]c`o9 CF ME N[N voRlr 5797E EDUCR i1uN LaW y i C ~ _ - _`L r:= ~~~~~/p.~ NNO7 NUhIUE R:i fEFtR Tp .IrIN hIAP I'Ir Ni RCON FlRCPVkLIDLFORJ iIb `yn Fll'uFlNO LYIr'IES TIiLREOFZONLIY'IrfJNS Ii ~3~ ~•r /~~~r~'r\' _ _T :u?rmvl 1,1.1. nn nary WELL CAP so ya. LOT NUMBERS SHOWN THUS (71 ARE REFERENCED N ~ L\'~ro 1e• STORABE TO SUBDIVlS10N MAP OF BRIONNGLOlD-BY-THf-SEA - - R1RrseE0 agAOE 1ANK ~ FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY ~ ~ - L CLfRk AS MAP NO. 6711 9C• ~ R1aFi OF YAY / ~ - _ - PS' ~Vi / ' 1 !lZ' BMck PVC ~ pNB 5 ~ < Grougd l I/2" Brass P/fhsG Adaptor i \SL / tg Walsr I //2' 160# Tbsf Sahadule 'A' PVC S\NG GI _ ~ re~e• le-s•I{ ~ 5' Steel Carlgg SO Z, e~ a fi- C) ~ s' a !i' ROAD SECTIav S' i ° 1 H.P. Su6mera/ble Pump A3 - ~ ~ Sit6 _ ~ 5' SlalnlGta $laa/ Screan ~ Sy~~ ~ s'r~Raw+, uvr•a ~ WELL DE1-AILS is 23a5 oyy Io.M=Ira°aJ Na - / ~ / I EIU~,IVSY'm P~ - E Llpe 1 4"_ O ~ 94 J uAx is a ' io ecrsax / V laa °dL 4~' rd i (W EIASTIN: e• cOliACrFA 4En y P.<o t. i., Naia .s l5\ ..(qq u4IOE wGRWG rouRSE .`r VO / / rO5I00 ,10' ~ 'FiaL~~t, 3M'STOM1E aLENO FANFD N J \R q5. E ,"C ,1'pnGl~-\ W tr .-''EEP - Fx+E rurPOE scme0 /nP~/' \\I•µp,C eJAr i AO ~ ; -rte'- ~ ' Sp o~r n• couve crEn eASE cowsE / j ' ~ N1 - xtti 61 199 ~ ON•p4rs 4` o+ ~'Qg~ ~~rAeLEeuirrmaL Ore arn~R • R\C N ~ o d _ w~"elo0°- ~ L'I~e~' wNw r STANDARD STONE 8L EN0 U / ~ ww °I q~~l` dG N '1Y - \pld9' ~ ° ROADWAY E > / HousE „x Z ssG }/IAOA"EptJ~BP W ~ ~ ~ 2 M~~ SCALEA~ 600 of Q / ' a - SEPnC 4h D go~ 2nPl CA \ sGPlrre LIEN ~ sT ~ ~~25 - fact p°Y qsa n9 Iv be°~ t° ' ~ vti - ~ ; o I ~ ,v~zD~~~~6E ~,ew,~.~ , °=~,e~°,~~~"~' mpo MINOR SUBDIVISION mar - / ~ 20 ~v W i b ~ r I° r~a°.n ~ ~i" LP LP. - ~oP 1"N ~ ~ ~ ,,aa > z~ ~ONSTANTINE IOAIVNOU L EEaaRDaLS~ ~ Y ~ E ~ ;,,a rl,, zo'r AT EAST MARION - ' I A3,~g°~ ~5~30~ ~ n X309 22 1~ ~ ROAD - ~m ~ ~v ,a 65.992 ~ ~ ~ ? TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ml~eN 3 p.~° mF TYPICAL PLOT PLAN Z r r^ N ~ Q? > 6 ~N N" / / o SUFFOLK COUNTY N. Y. GENtW1 POLLVTION GONiROL ME `hA>RE5 ~ O a o /5°. ~\ro r mwY yrn°!~,m \N 4 r ~ ~ ' caxoAFCe rnm rxe ra°vrsivxs yr rns v;cvACe:sruc W R+ \ / tTN Q,, n eA } ,y., si' Wj 1000-23-01-14.7 I 'v"s".nr srvAnw.eeN HAx.sersnr.xv eonsicn..xn S 30 _ ti ssowexr evxrruL._.xwes rxcwmxc, oe. x°r unrrev rv. q ~o~/ f GHk \6P W i 4 \I 1000-23-02-5.6 s rou°naa aIALS se ererm•v ewrxo eaxsrxeenv.~ \ ' ~ F~~ / '65 55g9 ~ J ~r~\ >x,, L ae rrnre°,ro rer ~ ~ 1' 3' ~ s " / SCALE: i " =100' er~iinr av`irs°ei coior'w'nna"rv ^e,ce °e a.Nea.r.rovEO `"a} ~L~~ ? ~n'~ °O` r j2aRlcr - ,~•all(nA~ nenxv wx°snrcL aenzm w°urv•>ev Ide { !»e p \t \n2.c ~ 'tart/` `QELp91 aC aW ' <LS~~.wo >..,oixe zx,~L ae scxsvuLen z°.>rv SEPTCMBER 7, 2000 ~xr °r exr~.,ens ~A, Axn,„> ~Nn~ ~ ~ , ~ _ ~ ~ , 3 ' Feb. 25, 2004 (OddlflOnsl nx"e"iw.r Axens r.+e sxroscn wvsv AUV Srwvvm -N \ 2 \ o~?o- J `Q~ ~ I°~r\ - unssx.as es eery srAarusen mGauzx rvs use ar 6` \ , g ~ ?On. 13 2005 (ievJslOnsl :wr°r..a"ur°ie`~rm~so Pe°°°"~+..e:'°x see °A "`i>xKl ee ,"rl xo ~ yr7o ~ L ~ 'wD•_ ° / Qx p~~ rvm o, / p MaY Ili /2005 (re NS/onsJ q .mvArr°":' r Tes/ Barln 5/IN/03 `w` zz' S'S Oq' N o J .h'_A .x~°. c~..~~ore°~AU. se 9 .%C \5 6 159. ,o'"-> a a °"v ry r oi:' Rco rNrouxre"w%n"Yrie:.saevo n°o~rcss. r sx..u °e G, by MWUN ZGwr/mGS EL. !1 1 \ \ p o ~ ~ ~o f4~ U~ - Rnxxr sn.Lr. ne rx..^rev °x nc s re Ax° xor DaiA &awe LGam ,y.1~ \ ~ \ W ~ ~ vecm ev roexre. AOdwexr rxareer~in on nuam OL or sl \SS\ O !o \'.o / ~ - xvro> ox neArw.aa>rsm.s, smrnrgr arswws snAU oc i GP v \ _ ~ b r I `rNrNLCO u° Me unn° or °rzMaenxce rrsrea ro rn_ ~ N \ ~ \o ~ / / s rot rvr ~mencx.wo sr.u ee nuxrupen umrL 2' \ p eC~ /J/ '1 N - °xxewn°x rs ronrLere Brswn Gd(y Smd wdA 7J \ ~ T ~ /h n>rwawrm caxmxucnvx exren,wesw,ice very AOavy Gravel \•"\0 4 yW q~ L~yb ~2 ~ . esmrxrnx.-_o ro rr.sr=xrmu. nnv Lo°>e vesaz rmM eew SM \C ~ < E ~ga+• 10' / - rnncrm oxro Lacee gcv.os rxE cwnrrwrwx exrwwcs ~ • m Os q ny ~ !j (n sx+aL ae w,mrudev v+n~ ne sire rs revnwomv EL 2.9 1 --t t _ -vm.0 N n uzen B.6 n o0i va 1 2 s KL r..wo.. sx,.LL sn r.er.rxsn ox-or.a ~n.ce°xs.r~s IVafGr h BMe GPo Bald \ p~ ~ ro ~~m ~ ~ V ~ pr / % ranuwrroFS.wv nrrn°vr.LS nv.~wss r,.crs a lA vud May Saq >A s v o A •y .1~ , / rWSL~ieo ox-an! sw.u ac nxmeerev rnvn xmnexr - ` ^Ss 1 M~cWM nR rna o. wgA°"RIwR I"LCr rv+nR°rl°N IG P NZ~~ L7 W / " Wabr N Brown IMG fG v z'>'p` m ~ \ 'ti x / r. Arrvorwnre nrwxs swu a usvv ro c°xmnL wcr wuGa Satd wBA very 9L ~ va~r2 \ O / awxo cwnmucnvx ' mrws+r>..«.rw Ax°arr<aEwsou cmrrwL IG' hPOYI B'~'~ N !^~o ~ [7q ~,`'~oti .I ' , //1(p SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT ?E HEALTH SERVICES nesA>uwes exnu newx rx rLrne unrLVrvrro owruaeev Zrn ,asr,st++e rtnrwleunr srA>vmo, eou°nixs reaxnxexr BY McDanWd GeotclentG '-L J 22 + r Y ? /h' HgUPPAUGE, N.Y rAwur~rrcn riven nee.v sxuL ee uerxeowxlL nxv ~ O ~2~ p /,~10 oeaua.xo wrArxr,se srsrwc sx.\~ ac cwxev Avo o N_ S`\ 2nj i ticK~ ° a / rw.nv u xecnsuar vgoren n.,wrewwcG as ewswr wxmvL nCAlM5 g ~ pOT' 4 s v r x rurow®,.s wme,.mo wrenwwe u¢rmnox rro _ exp' Q- % / riven xswvr on xweL°xaen >ronsw. wmrexnce r weuxes ewe ro rxcwne, evr n~ rnr urnrsv ro. nc,urw / / r + / % - - rk wa w>rxq eeorna.r rz.rs Axo oa.,reLLS. ecwu w°~ Aw nvmee°i A""nrv°c~xs'H,o wsiu or y ~ 4{v/ v~ Q, mserrwreenar1 vencn /AI 01- rv. wnnuc coramwnvx. ms wx+wcme >xta, cow.LV Z l / \ rem AU LGAAL peaunoxs c°rseauxs ravlsrvs,L Vr ~ / l~~ / b THIS I.: T9 CERTIFY iHq. souv ratsnc Arm oexn.wo rant Axn xnvuas w.sre N r ~ T THE PROPOSED REAL iY SUBDIVISION OP. ~rsA~os svarnar sense r«v sevnc sreren ~ ~ ? //j,J1 DEVELgPMENi FOR_ __[N THE wiess on¢wnse orneeren ar rns orxsrc +ne cvxmr.cr°n ~ \ A /Lj WTTH A TOTAL UF_I_gTS 'WAS APPRCIVFO r~eesraxemsroq ruwrAwmtt rxe.ecessw nacus \ _ 6` coxsrwenvx r.snvrnee, rvre.Awnrwxarxsrecn°x q b ~ rj / / run°era. Axo ~er°wnxz aLdee or nouurAxrs *a rxe s,I, \ ~ o / ~ ON THE ABq\E DATE. WATER SUPPLIES AND SCWAGE DISPgSAL rnar~w .uneNnts ro vaceswLr ro cvnrLr nnx rxe .c~rc, .xe G°nrwronsxAU eer°nr ux s~~\ ~''"1 I3) / FAC IL171ES MUST CONFORM TG CUNSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFCCT ~xr•~n>mc+rlcrsm~wnracas~rmev ev ,r ~ AT THE TTME OF CONSTRUCTION ANp ARE SUB.IELI TCI SEPARRTE e eoronwn wa cexz. nop~cnvrnn rv me eennanwLVnroxv.nie rvxene eme°n+r.re~ (n ~ d^_` p; ~`"i., Hxwx Q PERMITS PURSUANT TLl THOSE 97ANDAR?S. THIS APPROVAL SHALL. ~ ~ 1~~%' \ BE VALID ~gNLY IF THE REALTY SUH?IV ISION/DE`JELOPMENT MAP IS / NE7tfHY CEYIT/FY THAT THE WATER SUPPL YISJ AND/OR SEWgGE DISPOSAL ~0 -STREET TREE !EAST { ~ I p ~ ,*~1fj-~~,/ DULY FICED WITH THE CCIUNTY CLFRK WITHIN ONE YEAR OP THIS llATE SYST£dRSld FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION ~ ;i ~ , 3YJx"'" CONSENT IS HERE H" GIVEN FqR THE FILING CIF PHIS MAP qN WHICH OA5IFAONIIP(1/JACAREFULANOTHOROUGHSTUDYOFTHESO/L SITEAfdD ~ "l'r+C"'.~;v THJS ENDORSCWENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK GROt/ryp WATfR~ ONOITIONS, ALL LOTS AS PROPOSED CONFORM l(0 TN€ ~ '„qS~S.~" CLEARING SCHEDULE ' ~`„r' LOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS qFr THE PURL IC HE AL iH LAW AND SLNfOLRCOlN' O€PARTM€NTOEHEALTNSY:i4YlC€.~CONSTRUCTIL4N awNER+ MAX. %OFCLEARING / STAA®AISDSW'CT AS OF,TId~S DATE _ coxarq BIE IOANNOU 1 92,332 S.F. 25% "THE SUFFOLK CUUNTY SANITARY CCID€. ~ " : - _ !OB BEY ROAD 2 124 679 S,F. 25% ~ ' ~ ~ " DOUGLASiON AOWOR, N.Y. 11363 3 Btj,000 :.F. 35% - _ LUAS TAL F.kOSTON HAZARLI f INL'".~ _ VITCI A MINEI THIS IS Tq ~RTIFY THAT THE SLIBDI VI`•ION I'L AT H~,S HEEN APPROVED FROM LQA.S TAL ERTISfGW HAZ~ ~ - DrRFCTOR„pr VISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DUALITY , 0Y THE PLANNING $DARD OF THE TgWN Of SOUTHULll DY RE SOL VTION AREA MAP PHOTO NU 9% 690-~8. - OE APPROVAL DATEq_-~__-__-_--___-""______ zDNE, RHn TpTAL AREA=297,014 S.F. OR 6,8185 ACRES - DY _ _ scHODL DSSrRSr.r e I I. TQTAL N0. OF LOTS=3 - - FIRE nrsrRlEr '6 ~ t, ~=~,b~'1c~r+ AREA L,3T 1=92,33' S,F TO TIE LINE P.I'0~' CHAIFMAN PLAINNING BOARU - v`Y y AREA L3T 2~ 124,679 S,F"~ j0 TZE LINE ~ -~r+i ~-MYy "~Oy' _ ~,~,IANC,5~4`fr" AREA LOT 3=80,000 S.F, ~ 1 IdEREBY CERTIFY THAT THISSUBDIVISION PL A'I WA MA?E FRUM ~ ~ ~ CIVERHEAU WIRES- ~.s LIC. NQ, A961f1 ACTUAL SURVEYS CUMPLETED H; 22/00. THAT ALL MUNLIMENT`_. CONTOUR LINl.S Rf FE Rf Nl Efi IL1 ~ r _ SHAWN THUS D ACTUALLY EXISI AND iFIEIR POSIT77NS ARE CCIRRECILY FfVE EAR FERN TOWNS -~'POGRAF'I!!r' MAF' IC ~ DR ,C. SHAWN ANA ALL I ENSIgNAL qN0 GECIDCIIC DETAILS ARF LORRECi ANY AL TCkAT10N OR Abnf TITJN rU THIS SURVEY 1S' A V1OLa T1Lw - - NOTEr DF SCCT10h JPG9 GF THE NEW YORk STpiE EDUCATION LAW (6 r3,vO, ' zO <631) 765-1797 V~ EXCIPI AS PER SEClIDN J2D?-SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CFRTIFICpTIONS P. "9Ddb\~ - LO7 NUMBERS REFER Tp ':UBD1V1 ;ION MAP (IF HERCON ARE VALID FGR ThGr MAP'gND CfIPICS THEREOr ONLY IF jc'3O CLT r''~ ry JUH METZGE N L S LIC NCI, 95618 BRIONNGC?ID BY THE SEA" SUFF01 K C'El!INTY SAIL MAP DR COPIES BEAR iNE INPRESSEA SEAL Of THE SURVEYOR oo~ 2(~ FILE NUMBEI( 6.']). WHOSC S11iNAiURE APPEARS HEREON. SUUTHU! 119r 1 r s r LL CA~r~~T~ 6E ~S~jp ~ FCEN~ II~S~F'GL~ COI~TCY A . CLERK AS AfA'P NQ';6TI1 ~ IQO~ Taal ~ SQ~ND . ~ 4}awq % ~ A~~gppbr ~ ,SWPN9 ~ , Nhlan / IA!• 18'011 Tp! seMdeh A' PVC ~ ' ~GNG # p3~ 9 SITE I N.P. SuknarrBN Pwp B• SM81an SHaI Snaan ~ N . WELL DETAILS t$ 2385 5' N~ A'gSi~O, i~~/ ~ Na~° d ~~ne,nn W ttl ~ ~ ~ D ~ ~ 'TPRBGR aatl N 6~ 5 199 A s ' ~ D ORt~~t ~ ;t, P _ ~ 2004 ~ p`J`F ~u sE KEY MAP 4 A,H, . ~ waP 2 n $o"ifold 9uzrz `,vousE 2 wo L~~ ~ SCALE; 1"=600' N a ~ ~ l71 F l R f A/-~ ~nc ~ > ands. ~~N .PI'` rM~ ~ ~ o Sty faE P~jhy~ nq pb°er f'}. b` r ,,Ie~,~ w. r ~~~~";;"ea MINOR SUBDIVISION wk w r SI n.= ' n~~Prr,,, rkro-y~ A IAl ZNo Lea Pryp„ N ~ o, FOR IOANNOU CONSTANTINE f ~ ~ , E ~ '2 ~ ~ rtar AT EAST MARION a .r. l\1 ~,'1,°Icm ~ /'30 ~ , yrjoy2~; o~ /Jr ROAD 6P,,~ ..N 6539.922 p ,a,,,rtiy N TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 92r N ~Ao ¦ FN :r P;n~ ~ ~ SUFFOLK COUNTY , N. Y. TYPICAL PLOT PLAN ? / ,u yyt.m NQ, ~ o_ \ 1St a~> " 5 ,s, Nsv 1000-23-01-14.7 \ \ e. f' -mow ~39 ~ 1000-23-02-5.6 ~ ~ BptEK Prep ~ ra' / .Sr,.~liE': 1 n = 100r ~ \`o \1y,p ~ r EL~$LDG r ^ o-W ~ e, SEPTEMBER 7, 2000 N -t ~ ~ 'g i\\ 25'00 ~O'( 3 0`\ ~ Feb. 25, 2004 lwddlNonsl Test goring 5iaroa z"' 5`55 ODr ~ a\ h ~ ql D' el iC 5 6 159, to' a \ hb`1 l Dark Broaw Lawn \ O {di . OL Npt S \ ~ w 9t1 V Z' al •E \ N \ wY braes ady sma wm \Ls_ \ 4`~o b wry kaay' o-aw/ \ \ ~ ~ , GJ,' b rh• N - ae ~ RI y.s \j0,-c\ qy \nJbb O`Z a. , M~Ik wA. der ad¦YOVa~ \\Z-\\~ N ~ hhb ~i "J/ ~ r Y \ o l31 `s` N~ ~ ' ID ~ 'A o v ~ ; ; / WWar k+ braaa AM M ~ . kaev SanO~dM vary ,y ~t V ti r ? / S _0` ~w ~ N ` + SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES 18• wQ °s\l q,2y_`~r~~~ + + + ~ /bh1 HAUPPAUGE, N, Y. "7IIh ~a`~ ~ ~ ~y y~ + + Z ~i2~ , _ 0 L / /rib ~ ~ THIS IS TU CERTiFV THAT THE PROPOSED REALTY SUBDIVISION UR ~ //~1 DEVELOPMENT FOR IN THE > ~ /rj WITH A TOTAL OF LOTS WAS APPROVE? ~ 48A8 Wo ~ UN THE AHUVE DATE. WATER SUPPLIES AND SEWAGE ?ISPOSAL Q! ~~J~ / FACILITIES MUST CONFORM TO CONSTRUCTION STANDAR?S IN EFFECT ~y O AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION AND ARE SUBJECT TO SEPARATE N M.N~W~H' PERMITS PURSUANT TO THOSE STANDAR?S. THIS APPROVAL SHALL OWNERS HE VALI? ONLY IF THE REALTY SUHDIVISIDN/DEVELOPMENT MAP IS ' lOANNOU CONSTANTINE p DULY FILED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THIS ?ATE 105 BEVERLY ROAD O~ CONSENT IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE FILING OF THIS 'MAP UN WHICH DOUGLASTpN MANOR, N. Y. 11363 THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS ?~r THE PUBLIC HEALTH~LAW AND THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSRL FACILITIES FGR ALL THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE. LOTS IN THIS DEVELOPMENT COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS AND ~ 1 REQUIREMENTS pF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. COASTAL EROSION HAZARD LINE VITO A. MINEI THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN APPROVED FROM COASTAL EROSION HAZARD DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DUALITY HY THE PLANNING HOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HY RESOLUTION AREA MAP PHOTO NO. 47-647-83 OF APPROVAL DATED ZONES R80 TOTAL AREA=297,014 S.F. OR 6.8185 ACRES BY OFNEIy SCHGOL DISTRICTS z TOTAL N0, ~F LOTS=3 CHAIRMAN PL ti SEdd~~ '2f. FIRE DISTRICT: 26 AREA LOT 1=92,332 S.F TU TIE LINE ~o ~s AREA LOT 2=114,288 S.F. TO TIE LINE * r * AREA LOT 3=80,000 S,F. (EXCLUDING ROW) 88,269 S.F. (INCLUDING' ROW) ?vERMEAD WIRES= ~ N.Y.S. LIC. N0, 49618 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SU DI ISI WA DE FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETED e/2 /D N ENTS CONTOUR LINES REFERENCED i0 PECONIC SURVEYORS, P,C, SHOW1y THUS ¦ ACTUALLY E%IST THE POS ARE CORRECTLY FIVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP. ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION (631)765 - $020 FAX (631) 765-1797 SHOWN AND ALL I ENSIONAL AND 'NCA~R RE CORRECT. nF SECTION 7209 LF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LA V. / GND NOTES EXCEPT AS FER SECTION 7209-SUHDIVISIDN 2. ALL CERTIFICATIONS P.' D. BOX 909 LOT NUMBERS REFER TO 'SUBDIVISION MAP OF HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF j23Q TRAVELER STREET JOH METZGE L.S. LIC, .49618 BRIONNGLOID BY THE SEA' SUFFOLK COUNTY SAID MqP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED~SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR SUUTHOL D, N.Y. 1~'-T~ 00- 227 FILE NUMBER 6711. WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON. N j ea LOT NUMBERS SHOWN THUS'f7) ARE REFERENCED / h''ro TO SUBDIVISION MAP OF BRIONNGL010-B Y-THE-SEA ~ 9,R ~'o - FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY i Cf_ERK AS MAP NO. 6711 ~ i" O`IND ~ . 0 S SV PN NU ~9 C~ $0~ 92 ~,j~. SITE. v ~ ~ j / ls~ 23a51~ 5' N~ / ~p i E i~~ ~ ~ostoJ Llne _iIO, ~ APR 0 V~'~ ~ _ _ ~ ~ Lv~sl~~ ~ ~ R A' R5 qp' ~ Bpz°r ww ~ ~ RT~mt a 61.5 .99. /m 1-- o 1 /j Z ~ > ~at% N A ~ n ~ KEY MAP p5 2 SCALE. 1°=600' a o ~ Y" p.,, ~ a~ ~ ~ ,IO~K PROPOSED L~ o~ " - ~ o Sze ~~2\P~ N ~ ~ MINOR SUBDIVISION w b F R IOANNOU CONSTANTINE N~ ~ ~~p , ,p~,2p' I- ~ ~ ~ p d ~ AT EAST MARION 65359 I , P~°° a~~15'?Z N ~ ~ - ~ 2ooa D TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N ~ ~a.9?, o ~ , ~ N SEP \ N j ~ UFFOLK COUNTY , N. Y. N°~ ~ 1000-23-01-14.7 o ! ~ \ p ` / soamola Taw" 1000-23-02-5.6 FR SePRN/gN~R' ~ ~w 395 PlannmEBoar' (j TN 1~ ~ ~ SCALE: 1 " =100' T" ~ 1 ~~W eW~` ~ SEPTEMBER 7, 2000 3 4` ~~S 'I\ _ cY ~ p~ o / n' a X30' Z ~ ~ X _ ~A`^4r",",.,"~,,F'. , 5 0 ~ Y ~ 5 6 159 i~ ~ ~ ,7 ~1q' ir' _,~.d.. - i d, I- I \ W 'p'~E 'N~,I 4'~o e N'_ ~ MAR-12001 Southold `Co~ifa~ ? N~ °y ~ ~ Planniogl~~~d \ ~ ~ o~ X31 0A ~ ~ / ~ / v~ w N~~ a /y SUFFOLK CUUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SEPVJCEC w~ o~X~ 2' t~o~ /y y //y~ HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. R/~7, ,~'~t~ • / y ~ / b , o ~ / ~ e.~ Q- i~ - ' i:.-/:~ ~ ~ j~--" /Zo 04 ~ 1~(1 .9b rHIS IS rG cERnFY THAT IHE PROPOS[n REALrY YuBmvlsloN GP ? /1 ~ DE VELUPMENT FOP IN THE ~T ~ WITH A TOTAL OF LUTC WA`: APPROVED ~ ~q0~ / yj~ / ~ ON THE ABOVE DATE, WATER SUPPLIES AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL 4 q / ~ P ~3] / FACILITIES MUST CONFORM TG CGNSTRUCTIGN STANDARDS IN EFFECT C,~ . ~ AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION AND ARE SUBJECT TU SEPARATE KHUM O PERMITS PURSUANT T? THOSE STANDARDS THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID ONLY IF THE READY SUBDIVISION/?EVELUPMENT MAP IS ?WNCP~ ~ DULY FILE? WITH THE CUUNTY CLERK WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THIS DATE ]OANNOU CONS7ANTINE CO IDS BEVF_RLY RDAD LONSCNT IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE FILING OF THIS MAP UN WHICH DOUGL ASTON MANOR, N.Y 173c3 THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIDNS OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH LAW AND 7HE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE UI SPOSAL FACILITIES FUR ALL THE SUFFOLK CUUNTY SANITARY CU?E, LOTS IN THIS DEVELOPMENT COMPLY WITH THE STANDARD': ANB REOUJREMENTS OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEAL iH VITG A. MINEI COASTAL EROSION HAZAR? LINE THIS IS TU CERTIFY THAT THE SUBDiVTS1UN PLAT HAS BEEN APFRUVE? FROM COASTAL EROSION HA<'ARD ?IRECTOR, DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY BY THE PLANNING BUAR? OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHUL? BY RE SULUIIUN AREA MAP PHOTO NO. 47-647-B3 of APPRavAL HATED zolve RaD 70TAL AREA=297,014 S.F. OR 6.8185 ACRES scHDOL msratc J z TCTAL N0, OF LOTS=3 BY FIRE DrsTRlcr ee Ak'EA LOT 1=92,332 S,F TO TIE LINE pF NEW YO CHAIRMAN PLANNINU BOARD AREA LOT 2=114,288 S.F, TU TIE LINE ~P~~~".METa~Fh~ AREA LOT 3=80,000 S.F. (EXCLUDING ROW) 88,269 S.F. (INCLUDING ROW) ,o~ ,F,,~~ ° ~ ?vERHEAD WIRES= ~ ~ ` °a~IC. f~10, 49618 l HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT WAS MA?E FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS CUMPLETE? 8/22/00, THAT ALL MONUMENTS CONTOUR LINES REFERENCED TO PECUNIC SUR EYO~f z SHOWN THUS ¦ ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS ARE L'ORRECTLY FIVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ANV AL rERATION DR ADDI1fl1N TO rMls SURVEY IS A vIDLa TtUN ~ ~ SHOWN ANU ALL I ENSIDNAL AN? GE?DE T]C ?ETAILS ARE CURREC T. 4F SECTION ]209 OF THE NEw YORK STATE EDUCATtON LA V, C63U 76S - S 0 AXf C63~ 65-1797 NOTES EXCEPT AS PER SECTION ]209-SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CERTIFICATIONS P. G. BUX 909' ~ae~SJ,O LOT NUMBERS REFER TO 'SUBDIVISION MAP OF HEREON ARE VALJD FOR THIS MAP AN? CUPJES THEREOF !)NLY IF ]230 TRAVEL JUH METZGE LS LIC, NO. 49618 BRIONNGLOID BY THE SEA' SUFFOLK COUNTY SAJD MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR SOUTHOL D, N. Y. oo- 22x1 FILE NUMBER 67ll, WHOSE SJGNATURE APPEARS HEREON. I