HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/07/2011Fishers Island Harbor Committee
PO Box 39, Fl, NY 06390
SEP 1 9 2012
Friday, October 7th, 2011
4:30PM Commnnity Center
1. Meeting started at 4:30pm.
2. Those in attendance Elby Burr Chair, Peter R, Chippy duPont, Steve Malinowski, Harris Parsons,
Louisa Evans. By phone, Maggie Purnell, Leslie Goss, Jeb Cook.
3. Minutes from the May 27th meeting were approved with one correction.
4. The Yacht Club dredging project was reduced in size to only include the Sea Stretcher and
surrotmding area. NY State has approved the work the club is awaiting CT approval. The current
dump site for disposal is New Haven.
5. Mooring report for the summer is as follows 74 paid moorings for a total of $9,080.
6. Bay constable report was given by Mike Couroy. All in all things were very quiet. Both 4th of Jnly
and Labor Day weekends went without incident. We had one report of an oils slick which was
covered by Mike in his boat and the Coast Guard Helicopter. concern for a sunken vessel was not
7. Commuter boat Popeye requested again this year the use of the town dock. He also would like to put
up a sign on the dock to help keep the docking end for his boat clear. The committee agreed to the
sign. Proposed sign would read Loading and Unloading only.
8. Pump-out service went very well this summer with our new approved operator Matt Skinner. Over
1500 of waste was collected. The season ends the last day of October. In addition Maggie Purnell
reported very good news. NY State has approved Long Island Sound, which includes Fishers Island
Sound as a no discharge zone. We have been working towards this for years and it has finally been
9. The safe boat'mg course was held in August, taught by George Peabody, Elbert Burr and Matt
Skinner, 4 adults and 9 children took the course and passed.
10. Chippy duPont reported on the current success of the new helix screw type mooring. Those in
service are holding up well, require less scope and have greater holding strength in the harbors
muddy base.
11. Louisa Evans reports that the town is closing their books now and want all seasonal expenses
12. Under other matters to come before the committee. Steve Malinowski reported that water testing
records received from Elbert Burr doing testing for the F.I. Conservancy has found that waters in
Hurricane Cove have a high content of interococci. A sign that septic leachant is finding its way into
the small bay. It was decided that a committee of three; Maggie Purnell, Steve Malinowski and
Elbert Burr will put together a plan to track down the source of the problem.
13. Request by Tom Cashel Sr. to turn his mooring #93 over to his son Tom Cashel Jr. He has a house
on Fishers Island. Committee agreed, but Tom Jr needs to apply for the site in the Spring of 2012.