HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/21/2012 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD
Tues., August 21, 2012
Present: Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator, Jennifer Andaloro, Assistant Town
Attorney, John Cushman, Comptroller, Chief Martin Flatley, Christine Foster, Personnel,
Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk, Karen McLaughlin, Human Services Director, James
McMahon, Director PublicWorks, Lauren Standish, Secretary to Supervisor, Susan
Boyle, Wright Risk, Penny Bedell, Capital One
Excused/Absent: Pete Harris, Superintendent of Highways, Jim Bunchuk, Solid Waste
Coordinator, Councilman William Ruland, Supervisor Scott Russell
Meeting began at: 9:05 AM
Approval of Minutes
Approved Minutes of June 28, 2012
Review of Employee Safety Surveys-Comments from Transfer Station
Tax Receiver's Office - concern with how often money is deposited on a daily basis.
Deposits should be made at least twice a day. Over $200.00 daily is the law. There was
also a request for a panic button. Phillip Beltz said he would discuss further with George
Building Dept. -concerns with safety and requests for a panic button. Jim McMahon will
price the removal of the counter and installation of a % door, although the current design
could've been required as a second means of egress.
Transfer Station - concerns with needle stick injuries. There was also a question to the
legality of accepting medical waste. There are guidelines on how to properly dispose of
medical waste and Jen Andaloro said she would review them. Jen Andaloro and Phillip
Beltz said they would also speak with Jim Bunchuck. There was a suggestion for a
quarterly bulletin for the Transfer Station for a Suffolk Times Ad.
Buildinq Surveillance
The committee was in agreement that there was no need as of now as it is cost
prohibitive and there was no concern noted on the surveys, however, it was discussed to
install a camera outside of the tax receiver's office. Jim McMahon said he would discuss
the cost with Lloyd. Karen McLaughlin indicated that there are two different alarm
systems at the HRC and suggested consolidating to one. Betty Neville will price the cost
of the cameras.
Employee Photo IDs
Phillip will coordinate for October at the Police Dept.
Follow-up with additional recommendations in the WPV Plan: Jim McMahon
1. Jim McMahon will research the possibility of installing video surveillance/trail
cameras at the Katinka house.
2. Highway - The front door alarm in vestibule of office area is being repaired.
3. Highway - Check if panic alarm is functioning.
4. Transfer Station - A "zero tolerance" sign should be installed under window
of scale house.
5. Town Attorney - Installation of a convex mirror in the hallway.
6. Historian - Installation of a convex mirror above door.
7. Town Hall - "Employees Only" sign installed by the basement door and a
sign reminding employees to "keep door closed".
Items listed 2-7 should all be completed by next meeting.
HCC Risk Control Site Inspection - Phillip Beltz
The inspector was very interested in the beaches and recreation center. He felt there
was a lack of signage at the Town beaches as well as the lack of lifeguards at all Town
beaches, and concerned about the liability of a day care center in the recreation center.
The inspector will provide a report to the Supervisor that will be shared with the
Executive Safety Committee.
20'12 Workplace Violence Prevention Traininq & PESH Traininq
Approx. two-thirds of the employees have attended so far. We have until the end of the
year to have more training.
Penny Bedell - Capital One Annex Buildinq
The windows have been changed and hope everyone is pleased. She requested a better
evacuation plan between the employees of the Town and Capital One. On May 31st
there was an incident where the fire alarms went off because of a toaster oven and the
fire department was told not to respond by a Town employee. This created a lot of
confusion. It was discussed that no one should have the authority to stop the fire
department from responding an automatic alarm. Phillip will send out a memo to Town
employees. Jen, John, and Christine will coordinate evacuations in the Annex. A fire drill
will be held late September or early October.
Noise Inspection at Transfer Station
PESH inspected the Transfer Station for compliance with noise levels. The noise meter
revealed decibel levels that were in compliance with noise levels that are safe for
employees and no formal noise protection program is required.
Cell Phone Use
Susan Boyle indicated that there is an article on the National Safety Council website
regarding the safety of employees while driving and performing work duties while on a
cell phone. The law applies to all and it is not negotiated. Jen Andaloro and Phillip Beltz
will develop a general cell phone policy and department policy to be reviewed at the next
Update Exposure Control Plan
Jen indicated that this should be updated annually. Those who are at risk are indentified
by title. Human Resource Center, Recreation Center, Police Dept. Transfer Station,
DPW, Highway Dept. and Justice Court Officer should be reviewed before the next
meeting to ascertain whether any updates are necessary.
Work-Related Injuries/Supervisor Accident Investiqation Report
A total of 17 work-related injuries to date for 2012.
Next Meetinq Date
To be announced
The meeting ended at 10:03 AM.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lauren M. Standish, Secretary