HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraining ProgramAssOciation of Towns of the State of New York Hilton New York & Towers February 19 - 22, 2012 ln~nrm~t~on~ }i:~e~rm~ ~m Proposed Resnlutmns Stmday, February 19, 2012 - 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Regent Parlor, 2od F/nor Opening General Session for AH Office~s Monday, Febrnary 20~ 2012 - 8:45 a.m. nrand Ballroom, 3rd floor nebecca A. Connolly, President, 10% Town Clerk, Town et Somerset. Presiding Pledge ~o the F~ag: Rebecca Haines, ~lown Clerk, To~n of Eller) h~vocatian: Mnrray Jaros, AOT National Anthem: Rachaei Engert, Buffalo State College student, Town of Somerset Address: Honorable Thomas P. DiNapo~i, Comptrn~ler, S~ate of New York Address: Honorable Andre~ M. Caomo~ Governor, State al' Ne~5 York - Invited Message: G../effrey Haber, Execrative Director, AOT Breakfast with the Tuesday, February 21~ 2012 - Gra~d Balb'oonl, 3rd Floor Rebecca A. Connolly, President, AOT; Town Clerk~ Town of Somerset, Presiding Pledge to the Flag: John LaPointe, AOT Pasl President and Snpervismq Town of Putnam Invocation: Daniel Engert~ Supervisor, Town of Somerset God Bless America: Rachael Engert, Buffalo State College student, Town of Somerse~ Address: Honorable Charles E. Sehnmer, Umted States Senator Address: Honorable Eric T. Schneiderman, Atlorne) General, State of New York Anmml Business Meeting Wednesday February 22 2012 ~ 9 a.m. Beekman Parlor'Sutto~ Parlor North, 2nd Floor Ple{lge to the Flag: Donna L. Conlin, ~l)}wn Clerk, Town of Schodack (Participation by Accredited Delegates/Alternates of Member Towns) WITH SPECIAL GRATITUDE WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES FOR OUR 2012 TRAINING SCHOOL AND ANNUAL MEETING GOLD SPONSORS ... NEW YORK MUNICIPAL INSURANCE RECIPROCAL WORKERS~ COMP ALLIANCE/WRIGHT RISK MANAGEMENT SILVER SPONSORS ... CANNON, HEYMAN & WEISS, LLP Program Table of Contents MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2012 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2012 Ftscal ........................................................................ 2 Fiscal ...................................................................... 14 Pcrsonnd/Labor .................................................... Continuing Legal Education .............................. Building ¢ fficers ................................................... Town Boards &z Supervisors .............................. Technology ............................................................. Additiona] Town Boards & Supervisor Classes ................................................ Roads & Highways .............................................. Town &Vil]agc Justices: Continuing Education: Parts I & II ........................................ Court Clerks: Continuing Education: Basic/ Core &: Advanced Classes ................................ 10 Tax Collectors ...................................................... 11 Town Clerks ......................................................... 12 Miscellaneous/Environmental Issues ............. 12 Engineer Certification ........................................ 1 Natural Gas Drilling and Municipal Concerns ........................................... 14 Continuing Legal Education ............................ 15 Building Officers .................................................. 16 Town Boards & Supervisors ............................ 17 Planning & Zoning ............................................. 19 Town &: vii]age Justices: Continuing Education: Parts I ~ II ...................................... 20 Court Clerks: Continuing Education: Basic/ Core &: Advanced Classes ................................. 21 Tax Collectors ..................................................... 22 Tmvn Clerks ........................................................ 23 Engineer Certification ....................................... 23 Building Officers Certification ....................... 24 Information on Education Credits where applicable: Town Attorneys Continuing Legal Education (CLE) - $200 additional lee to obtain credit. Town Justices receive free £:LE for Justice courses onlv (beld at the Sheraton). Continuing Professional Education (CPE} for accountants is available for all OS~' courses; no charge. Engineers Professional Development {EPD) - courses require additional S200 fee to obtain credit. Code Enforcement Officers (CEO) All In-Service credits provided by NYSDOS at no additional charge. Planning and Zoning Education Credit Association of Tox~nsandNYSDOS please fill out certificate a~ailable in classroom. The program for the 2012 Training School and Annual Meeting contains several "tracks" of courses. The Association of Towns, however, suggests that you not be constrained by any particular "track." If you see a course description that interests you, please attend that course. Board membe~ should sit in on a town clerk course if the subject matter interests them. Tax collectors should sit in on a personnel course if the course description intrigues' them. The "tracks' are merely a tool for organizing similar subject matter and do not represent a restriction on who can attend. Registered attendees can take any course that is of J~red at the Training School. We at the Association want you to maximize your Annual Meeting experience and take the most from it home to your respective towns. Monday, February 20, 2012 Fiscal Mercury Ballroom 10:30- 11:30 Regional Economic Development Councils: New York's New and Evolving Development Process Kimbcrly Finnigan, Esq., Cooper Erving & Savage LLP Go< Andrew Cuomo 's Regional Economic Development Councils represent a fimdamental sh~/l in the state k approach to economic development ton'ard a ground-up process in n'hich regions decide theirpriorities and plans based on local as- sets, local expertise and community discussion. Learn about the dialogue that took place among diverse stakeholders', the strategic plans that resulted and the evolution of the R~gional Council process, inch~ding the possibiliO, ctf a new.fimding competition in 2012. 11:30- 12:30 Lessons Learned From the Dissolution of Seneca Falls Diana Smith, fenner Mayor, Village of Seneca Falls, Director of Business Development, MRB Group, PC: Comfie Sowards, fenner Administrator, Village of Seneca Falls, Project Manager, MRB Group, PC; Paul W. Reichel, Esq., Counsel, Village of Seneca Falls, Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC; and Jean K. O'Connell, President, J. O'Connell & Associates, Inc. The residents o/Seneca Falls voted to dissolve their village, leaving the town and counly to provide./brmer village ser- vices. In this session, Jbrmer village officia& and their support team wi[/review the dissolution process, including the dissolution stuc6, and plan, the impacts and the many unfi,¥seen circumstances that arose in Seneca Fsi&. Discussion will consider the unintended consequences of dissolution, the lessons learned in Seneca Falls and a/bcus on gfficiencies and shared services as a positive alternative. 2:00 - 3:00 Audit by the Town Board Laura Rodolakis, Training Program Manager, Di¥ision of Local Government and School Accountability, OSC T/tis session will help local (?/ftcials understand the annual requirement to audit the records' and documents of various town (?{ficia/s and employees. It will include key infiJrmation on the annual audit and general record keeping requirements /br these (?/ficials and emplqyees. 3:00 - 4:00 Funding Municipal Projects for Small Cities, Villages and Towns William Reemtsen, LaBella Associates, PC and Edward Flynn, AICP, LaBella Associates, PC This presentation wil/ /bcus upon two a3;oects il/developing an ~[~ctive capital improvemen(/imding plan: aligning high- priori(v pr~jects with grant./imding program priorities and s~q~porting grant fitnding proposals with a Capital Improve- ment Program. 4:00 - 5:00 The Real Property Tax Levy Cap Steven Hancox, Deputy Comptroller, Division of Local Government and School Accountability, OSC During ~his session, OSC slq[/'will share what th0, have learned/b/lowing the fi~wt round of tax cap filings,/br calendar year entities, rnpks will inclnde: filing compliance rates, common reportin~ errors' tip.s fi~/' avoiding d~o.se en'or.s and whal to eYpeel /bF ilex! .Ueal: Personnel/Labor Trianoo Ballroom 10:30 11:30 Hot Buttons: Personnel Issues tbr Every Town Ronni M. Travers, SPIfR, President, Public Sector HR Consultants LLC; Nanette L. Hatch, VPS. Senior Consultant, Public Sector HR Consultants LLC; and Jefl?ey Swiatek, Esq., Hodgson Russ LLP This session will present s'oh,ions lo human resource management issues/&'ing town government. It will also/bcus on the legal reqztiremen~.s' that must he considered t~' town q~eials when taking action on personnel matters. ~pics to be discussed in~ lu&: PrivaO' and Proper ~s'e qf (7;mputer Equipment; E#Pclive Corrective Aetion Policies and Pro- cedures; Time and Attendanee Policies How to Control Fraud and Abuse; and Holding &q;ervisors Accountable/bt Poll0, Complianee. 11:30- 12:30 Bargaining and lhe Property Tax Cap: Impact on Negotiations Sluart Waxman, Esq., Thomas, Drohan. Waxman, Petigrow, and Mayle LLP and Judith Crdin Mayle, Esq., Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow, and Mayle LLE This presentation n'i// cover &e town ~' and union Js' rights and obligations under the F~y/or Law and Dqborough Amend- ment; mandatoo; non-mandatory and prohibited su~}ects cf bargaining; the Cohoes TheoO' g/' Omve~zvion; obligations el)he negotiating teams: the steps to resolving a co//eetive bargaining agreement; costing out the town Js' and union Jg pro- posals; ~mder.sTanding the tm' cap and its impact on the eolleetire &uLgaining proeess' and creative u'~vs to save monev through contract negotiations. 2:00 - 3:00 Full-Time, Part-lime, and Independent Contractors: When They Make Sense Jefkey Swiatek, Esq., Hodgson Russ LLP Towns are under rremendous pressu~ w controI personnel costs. This session will explore the opportunities and pi¢dlls q/'using part-time and seasonal employees, and outside contractors, to provide town se~q,ices at a lower cost. 3:00 - 4:00 Public Officers: Qualifications, Vacancies and Holdovers James Cole, Esq., Special Counsel, AOTSNY This course will examine: &fining the term publie ~[ficer; qual~i'ing./br public q~ce; ereating and filling cf vacancies; and holding over in e[fiee. It will also present the steps that a public o~eer mnst take to complt' with the law and preserve his or her job. 4:00 - 5:00 Avoid Getting Burned: Hot Topics in Background Checks and Hiring Ernest R. Stoker, Esq., Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC This presentation will address the legal trends' in background and credit checks, use q/social media in investigating ap- plicants and questions that may be asked qf prospective emplqvees prior to making a job ~/~'~ The purpose is to alert employers to the legal limits o/ their' investigations of the background and qualifications o/~rospective employees" to help m'event lawsuits and c/aims c(di.scrimination. A name badge is MANDATORY for admittance to all sessions. 3 Continuing Legal Education Petit Trianon 10:00 - I1:00 Civili~': A Complement to GML Article 18 Robert Barter, Esq., Hiscock & Barclay, LLP Municil;a[ atlornm's have the same client obligations as attorne)'s relmesenling private clients. However; municipal at- torn~!s also have competing concerns because of the ve~y public nature (?]'their work. According(l~ muuicipal attorneys must not lose s}ght of their obligation to comporl themselves in a civil and prr~/~'ssional manner This' program addresses the eore components qf eivilily and pr(?fi~ssionalism as adjuncts to the basic ethical re~v)onsibili0 o['mtmicipal attorncg,s as they navigate through Article 18 pi'the New York General Municit;al Lam 11:00 - Noon GML Section 103 Easy as A, B, D James Loeb, Esq., Partner, Drake, Loeb, Hcller, Kennedy, Gogerty, Gaba & Rodd PLLC Public bidding under GML 103 appears straigh(/brward. The bid must he awarded to ~he lowest resv)onsible bidde~: in the case (~f AAA Carting u Town of &)utheast, NY, courts, including the Court of Appeals, have provided town attorneys with some guidance. The road is not ah*co,s smooth. 1:00 - 2:00 Zoning Case Law Update Matthew F. Fuller, Esq., FitzGerald Morris Baker Firth PC Join Matt Fuller?~br the 2011 Zoning and Planning Case Law Ut;d~te. Discussion n,ill fi~ us on relevant cases and legisla- tive updates.fi'om 2011 in the zoning, planning and SEQRA practice areas. 2:00 - 3:00 Ambulance Contract Issues for Towns Bradley M. Pinsky, Esq., Scicchitano & Pinsky, PLLC Few town attorneys acquire the necessary experience to competently a&h~ess ambulanc'e eon/tact issues. This lecture ~ i/l get )au up to speed on the complex issues presented by the town ~ relationship with an ambulanee se~a,iee. 3:00 - 4:00 Myth Busters: Is there a Judicial Aversion to Municipal Liability? A. Kevin Crawford, Esq., NYMIR and Michael E. Kenneally, Jn, Esq. Associate Counsel, AOTSNY ~ there a judicial aversion to imposing liabili~ on municipalities as ('hk~f du~e Lipmann stated in his dissenting opinion in the Groninger ('axe? We will look at.five cases decided t43, the Court qf .4t;t;eals in the past year and to see !lin[hot there )~' a judicial ave~zs'ion to iml;osing munieipal liabilio'. 4:00 - 5:00 Ethical Considerations in Terminating the Client-Attorney Relationship Cara E. Greene, Esq., Outten & Golden. LLP This p~vgram will address the ethical considerations that arise when ending the client-altorm9 relationshil). The program **,ill examine trader what circumstances an attornc? mgr and must withdraw and what obligations attorneys owe to the elient in those circumstances. The program will also address what happens to the client file and what arenues ~f recoto;s'e an altorn~9' has to recoup an unpaid/~'e. 4 volunteer vhortage Iha! will impact crest town? ,4ll lhcve qttestiuns ami t,orc ~ill he ad~h'evs~'d in l/tis Technology Sutton Parlor North 2:00 - 3:00 The Wireless Revolution in Your '[own: Meeting Constituent Demands & Avoiding Political Minefields Anthony B, Gioffi'e III, Esq., Cuddy 8.: Fcdcr. LkP: Kara Lcibin A×ocar, Esq., Policy Analyst. Personal Communicalions [ndusn3~ Association; Carl J. Calabrcsc, Esq_ Masicllo~ Martucci. Calabrese and Associates: and Elizabeth Hill Director of State & Local Government Aflhirs, American Tower Corporation Overview q/the wireless indnstO, lod~v and a look to the fimtre. Discz~ssion q/'the mare' uses o/wireless technolo&9 (com- munication, sq/~,O', smart grid, healthcare, ,vhipping, etc.) and the iml)acr~ p/'this increased u,ve. ,4n uubiased disc'ussion qf the currently avaik~b& resea~z'h regatzling potential health c;ffeczx fi'om wire&sx technology, ./oeusing on a~v potential inpacls fi~om cell sites. A gui& to how and wi(!' municipalities shouM choose c ar~,lbl(v when hiring a consultant. 3:00 - 4:00 Cyber Security is OUR Shared Responsibility Thomas Smith, Director, Ofrice of Cyber Security, NYSDHSES Director Smith will discuss the ctnwenl c)'her thFea! environment, with an emphasis on tho.se threats of greatesl eouee~'n to state and local govet'nments and how entities can prioritize their ~'~]OFIS and resources to address the most si,k, ni~eanl threats. The session will also include a discussion qf the resources and serviees available fizun the Of~c'e q/Cyber Securi- ty, including the [bllowing: real-time advis'ories and alert3: a.ssistance with incident response; managed ~ecuriO' .services; along x~ ith policies, standw'd~ and guidelines. 4:00 - 5:00 Municipal IT Environments: Financial and Operational Optimization Edv, ard J. Kccnan, Jr., Managing Director, Bownc Management Systems, Inc.. K>rmer Nassau County Chief lechnology Officer and Girk Cakmak, M.S.M.B.A., Project Manager, Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Elected ~cadency and municipal lT man~gement teams have been, and continue Io remain, under sign~flcant finaneia/ prey- su~v to reduce operational and capital costs while maintaining eum*ent [T.vervices, fi, aturex and applicatiunx bolh inter- nal(v ami to the constituents flu9' selwe. How Call ?OU use pFOC('n, innovative IT cost-saving techniques lo Inec[ .VOIII' ellF- rent challenges? Whew do "cloud-based services "fit in your strate,~v? .lorn Ed Keenan q'Buwne Management &wtems, Grmer Chiq/ Teehnologv O~cer q'Nassau CounO; who will share strategies fin' optimffing munieo;al lT em,imnments ~nd achieving sign~fieant cost savings in the near4erm. Town Boards & Supervisors (Exceptions noted in bold in parentheses next to course title) Sutton Parlor Center 10:30- 11:30 Learn How the Municipal Electric & Gas Alliance Helps Save Money on Town Energy Bills Barbara Blanchard, Executive Director. MEGA; Gordon Boy& Energy Next. MEGA Consultant; and Ronald Feldstein, President, MEGA Board of Directors Tou'ns get inundated with q[]brs lbr "lou' cost energ~ " but how do you know the dc, als fi'om the seams? The MEGA pro gram has been working fi,' municl¢;alifiev ,since the mid- '90s he/pinX to realize actual c'ovl savings plus stahili? on their ene~9' bills..Join us/bt this workshop where ne review the hasic.s q/'MEG,,Is program and,shon you how MEG,4 can help ]oca[ ~oveFtuHenls avoid cost? Ini.vlakt~,~ when [nll'c'hasitl~ eneQ~l'. 11:30- 12:30 Advanced Topics in SEQRA (Planning & Zoning) Robert H. Fellcr~ Esq., Bond, Schocncck & King, ?LLC 6 Building Officers Beckman Parlor 10:00 - Noon Rhode Island Night Club Fire Dominick G. Kasmauskas, CFPS, National Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc. The presentation will review the circumstances of the trr~ic incident that ended lO0/ives (97 at the scene and 3 later and lq/? several dozens more with burn injuries. Edt, 'll take a look at people and their egress instincts, the importance c proper and documented inspections, as well as some ideas./bt record keeping. Included are the liverfitv burn test video (?fa mock up qf the Station Nightclub stage area (**,here the fire started) with and without fire 3prinkle~w. 1:00 - 3:00 Installing CSST Systems to Meet NYS Code Robert Torbin, PE, Director of Codes and Standards, Omega Flex, Inc. The 2010 editions (?/'the Ne~ York State Fuel Gas Code and Residential Code include c'han,ges that alter the manner in which corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) gas piping ~vstems are installed. The code o?/breement communiO, must become aware of these changes to permit safe use, proper installation and thorongh inspection (?/these O7~es (?/'gas piping *3,stems. Among the mq/or changes to the 2010 codes: new requirements.lot electrical bonding q/ CSST to the grounding electrode system; additional requirements/brp~vtection against mechanical threats; and an update on prohibited instal- lation practices. The training course will cover these new additions to the NYS codex as well as a review of the manu- ./bcturer's reeommended hardware and assembly practices, the general prineiples Jbr sizing qf and layouts./hr CSST gas piping systems and minimum requirements for inspection, repair and ~3,stem testing. 3:00 - 4:00 Inspection Testing and Maintenance for the Authority Having Jurisdiction Dominick G. Kasmauskas, CFPS, National Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc. This session will provide an overview of the Chapter~ c~'NFPA 25 more in line with the code enforcement (?{fir'ial ~s' scope, particularly Chapters l through 4. It is important that all parties (rode (?fflcial building o,a ner, an4fire ,sprinkler contrac- tor) understand that NFPA 25 ia' a building owner's document and that the proper inspection, testing and maintenanee qf their water-base~fire protection systems is' the building owner k re.~72onsibi[iO'. We will also review the d~ffbrenee between the internal investigation and obstruction investigation. Town Boards & Supervisors Sutton Parlor North 10:30- 11:30 Passing the Buck (or Sharing It): Provisions and Tips fi)r Towns to Save Costs on Some Everyday Municipal Joseph F. Castiglione, Esq., Young Sommer Ward Ritzcnbcrg Baker & Moore LLC and Robert A. Panasci, Esq., Young Sommer Ward Ritzenberg Baker & Moore LLC This conrse discusses statuto~ provisions and praetical tips to help tou,ns avoid certain costs or share certain costs on various municipal.fimctions, including intermm~icipal agreements, costs concerning a munieipaliO, ;~' review (?f certain applications, costs on Freedom of h?fi*rmation Law matters, sewer and water set~'iees and real properO, tax certiorari 11:30- 12:30 Length of Service Award Programs Edward J. Holohan, President, Penflcx Inc. What is a LOSAP? How ia' it used to recruit and retain volunteetw? is your LOSAP is proper(v.fimded? What is an actu- arial loss? What is an actuaria/ gain? How do these things qffkct program eosts? Are LOSAP~ the answer to the looming 5 communiO' cllrrcq?t/Y hal'e a recrcalion p/an, and flsa, is il part O/ a /ac~er in&h~raled rugion? DT~at do we need lo do to ~mprove lhe rect~otiona] opporttnldius in the ,q diromkwk Par~? Wilh 3 million acres o{ hmd and conservalion easements Oil anolhgr hall:million acres, hah can Ihu Del)aFlOlelll O/'Envirom~leHla/ ('{Hl~'~qTal[on heifer sllpl]oFl recto'arian? How 2:00 - 3:00 Understanding the State Animal Population Control Program Dcbora M. Bresch. Esq., Senior Director. Eastern Region. Gas eminent Relations, ASPCA: Michael Barretl, Vice President, Grants ManagcmenL ASPCA: and Adam Licblmg, Directon Grants Compliance. ASPCA }bu will learn about the ne~ state animal population contra[ program, including the histocv O/the program, how the program is flmded, how the program is administered, the importance of .sy;qving and neuterin,q cats and dogs, how your residents' Call benefit.firm the program, why a state plvgram saves towns man(9' and how the new t;lvgram is more Cost- ('ff~ctive than the prior program and how towns can apl;/y./br fimdng. 3:00 - 4:00 Burning Issues (Assessors) Andrea Nilon, FIAO, Assessor, Town of Hamptonburgh Experienced Assessor and Assor iation Vice President Andrea Nilon will lead an (~xploration qj Qfien-asked assessment- related questions, recent legislative changes and how to deal with them. This course will provide an opporluniO, to ansner questions jrom the attendees. 4:00 - 5:00 Assessment-Related Case Law Update (Assessors) Michael B. Risman, Esq. Partner, Hodgson Russ, LLP This presentation will provide an analysis q! recent ass~,ssment-related case law ]bt assesso~w, supervisors and town board members. Roads and Highways (Exceptions noted in bold in parentheses next to course title) Regent Parlor 10:30- 11:30 Fleet Management 101 Roger Thompson, Fleet Operations and Facilities Specialist, Weston & Sampson Huw your municipal organization approaches the management (ff'its fleet of motor vehicles and equipment has dramatic impa~:t on its abiliiy to provide services in a time(l' and cost-qff~ctive manne~: This course will provide you with valuable iq/brmalion that will identO5' opportunities/bt imp~vvement within ),our.fleet operalion. It wil/./ilrther provide the bench- marks that measure the level qf compeliliveness oj?ozlr orj4anhation, how to caJczi/ate slq{fing levels and il will address the vesv controveiwiaJ tot)lc qf outsoulz'ing opportunities jbr fleet and parts manal4emenl. 11:30- 12:30 Best Management Practices for Road Salt Storage and Deicing Applications Elizabeth M. Davis, CPG, Hydrogeologist, Sterling Environmental Engineering~ P.C. Road salt at storage [hci/ilie.~ and the apl~lication q[ deicing materials to roadwa) s can cause salt migration into ground- watec suL'/~c e water and soil. hnpacts to drinking water .S'Ulv)lie.~, streams and agricultural land represent potential sign(ficant issnes fi)r towns. Rr~gulatosv requirements, permit slandard¥ and best management practices (B.~Ps)./br salt storaxe and the application q/deicing material to providu sq/L' road condiliollx, while minimizing sail I'lln(~[], will be re- viewed, ,4 ttem&t's arc encouraged to share alld discuss B.WPs ils(~d t}r their municipaJiO', Lind tinte will be ptvvided al the end (~['the course fi*r an open di,w us ~ion. The advanced SEQRA course will discttss topics that will help the practitioner conduct the environmental revien, pro- tess mort. ~[fieient~v without the loss ~['a~? substantive, h n'iH address: the proper ase o/'scopin,~; conditioned negative declarations; the role O[ non-lead a~gencies; SEQRA permit conditions; avoiding segmentation; when and how to use the generi~ ElS; and how social, economic and other non-environmental eonsiderations.fiwtor into the decision-making 2:00 - 3:00 New York State Dam Regulations: Putting Together an Action Plan Richard C. Wakeman, PE, Vice President of Civil Engineering, C.T. Male Associates, P.C. Regulations pertaining to the thousands' ~/'dams in New Yor~ State will be reviewed. Municipalities that are not in compli- ance with these regulations are at risk, both in terms p['sqJeguarding the public and, fi: the financial penalties that could accrue. In this presentation, M~ ~keman will present these regulations; discuss the detai/a' and importance (?f the plans' and assessments that must be detelol;ed to sati~:~i' the regulations and their approximate costs: and present several case histories iYustrating their importanee. Tot~ics covered wiY include: a chronolo~ of the regulations and their components; hazard classifications and what thc9, mean; action plans,fi: municipalities; their development and cost: and case smd- ies'. 3:00 - 4:00 Surviving the Day After: A Municipal Guide to Recovery David M. Hoovler, Esq., Deputy Supervisor, Town of Decrpark and Municipal Attorney; and Alfred Fusco, Jrt, Professional Engineer, Fusco Engineering and Land Surveying; and John F. Flynn, Director of Emergency Management, Town of Dcerpark T/ds course ia' &'signed to act as a primer to enhance municil;a/ o[ficials' abilities to deal with the ram!fications o/'a post-disaster environment where disaster response t~wns to disaster recovery. The t;rogram will.focua' on limitin,g disaster- related losses and lessening the financial and p~>'chologk al impacts/br municipalities when con/i'onted by natural or man-made disasters. 4:00 - 5:00 Capital Planning Laura Rodolakis, Training Program Manager, Division of Local Government and School Accouutability, OSC In this s'ession, we will discz~ss issues./bund with local government iq/ixtstrueture and the bent?fits and proeesa'./br develop- ing an g[~betive capital plan. Town Boards & Supervisors (Exceptions noted in bold in parentheses next to course title) Sutton Parlor South 10:30- 11:30 The Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act Thomas .1. Warth, Esq., Hiscock & Barclay, LLP In this presentation, we u'ill ~z~view the Smart Growth Puhlie lq/hasttmcture Poli0, Act,s' 10 smart gron,th criteria, the scope oJ'the act and how it impacg localities, t)raetice pointe~:~ /br eompb,ing wilh the act and how the aet fits in with other state s'mart growth programs. 11:30- 12:30 Adirondack Park Recreational Plan William Farber, Chairman, Adirondack Partnership; James McKenna, Chai~nman, Recreation Plan Work Group: Paul Hai, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry; and Robcrl K. Davies. Director, Division of Lands and Forests, NYSDEC The Adirondack Partnershil; will be developing a rerreation plan/br the Adirondack Park. This session will address such qaestions as the./ol/otving. A.~ local government leaders, hot*' can it help you? How can rou be involved? Does Yom' Town & Village Justices (Continuing Education) - Core B Murray Hill Suite 9:00 - 10:00 Ethics: Miscellaneous Issues Part 11 Hon. Thomas J. Shccran, lion. Robert Bogle and MaLwrita Dobid Dixqurzl!hc(~lions: rexponding to misconch~r l, c~xtra_iudk'ial ~zc ti~,itie,w po/ilic rd aclil'iO' clnd jlldic'ird dt!meanol: 10:00 - 12:15 Life Cycle of a Small Claim Kcvin McArdle, Esq. 1:15-2:15 DMV Updates lda Traschcn, Esq. and Christine Legoriu, Esq. 2:30 - 4:30 Domestic Violence Hon. Sara Sheldon Farkas and Hon. Richard Tarantino 4:30 - 5:00 ASSESSMENT Town & Village Court Clerks (Continuing Education) - Basic Nassau Suite A 9:00- 10:15 Small Claims Matt Chivers, Esq., Office of Court Administration and Denise Cookingham, Town of Mamaroneck Court Clerk 10:30 - Noon Fiscal Responsibility Laura Rodolakis, Manager, Local Official Training, Division of Local Government and School Accountability, OSC and Ramona Pcrsan, Court Clerk. Village of Valley Stream 1:00 - 2:30 Web-DVS Tina Richburg, Office of Court Administration and Vehna Richardson, Court Clerk, Village of Great Neck 2:45 - 4:00 Criminal Disposition Reporting Tina Richbnrg, Office of Court Administratiou and Denise Cookingham, Court Clerk, Town of Mamaroneck 4:00 - 5:00 Enforcing Payment of Fines Kevin Reilly, ()ffice of Court Administration and Vehna Richardson, Court Clerk, Village of Great Neck Town & Village Court Clerks (Continuing Education) - Advanced Nassau Suite B 9:00- 10:15 Jury Trials Janet Smith, Court Clerk, Town of Chcnango I0 2:00 - 3:00 Shop Safety/PESH and Work Comp Cost Control Roger Cuva, Manager Risk Services, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance: Lorcn Pratt, Vice President, Marketing, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance~ and Jay LewandowskL Loss Control Specialist, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance An overviewjbr town s~q~em'isors/board and highway superintendents on what the~ should be looking a~ in their hi~hw~O, gar~es and shop asian' as maintenance rek~tive W providing a sa/bt workplace in the.fl'amework under which PESH and ~brkers' Compensation instwanee carrier loss control staff'&ok. The overview hill also conv~3, how providing a sq/br workpkwe and sqfi~r operational aetiviO, in general can help munieipaliO, and h~hw~ department k ~[/brts stabilize ever-increasing workers 'compensation costs over the long re, wt. 3:00 - 4:00 Planning for Cleaner, Greener Communities (Planning) Mark Lowery, Climate Policy Analyst, Office of Climate Change, DEC: Lindsay Robbins, Project Manager, NYSERDA; and Jeanne Herb, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgcrs University Under Gev. Andrew Cuomo ~v Cleane~; Greener Communities coml;etitive grants program, economic' development regions have been an'arded grants to fi~nd development c~'regional sustainabiliO, plans. /bwns will be important participants in planning as members of regional planning consortia, and planners will be expected to im h~de sustainabilii¥ measures and metrics ~v which plans can be asse.st~ed. This workshop will introduce town qJficials to the Cleaner; Greener Com~ munities program and to the deveh)pment and use of snstainability pes/brmanc.e measm'es and metrics. 4:00 - 5:00 Resources for Climate Smart Communities (Planning) Jeanne Herb, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgcrs University; Mark Lowery, Climate Policy Analyst, DEC; and Jennifer Manierre, Associate Project Manager, NYSERDA Climate Smart Commtmities ia' an interagencT state program that p~w'idex support to local gove~wnzents in ~z'ducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs, while preparing.fi~r the qffects of climate change. Direct technical assistance is beingprovided to participating communities through severc,I Climate &hart Communities coordinators. This workshop will introduce town oj~cials to the goals of the program and resom~'es avaik~ble to local governments. Town & Village Justices (Continuing Education) - Core A Gramercy Suite 9:00- 10:00 Alternate Arraignments Al Chapleau, Esq. 10:15 - 12:i5 Pre-Trial Hearings Hon. Christian Hmmnel, Hon. Nancy M. Sunukjian andAl Chapleau, Esq. 1:15-3:I5 DWI Sentencing Hon. David Gideon, Hon. Nancy M. Sunukjian and Al Chapleau, Esq. 3:30 - 4:30 Ethics: Miscellaneous Issues Part 1 Hon. Tho~nas J. Shceran, Hon. Robert Bogle and Maryrita Dobiel Appearance oj irnproprieO,: superviseO, re3~oonsibi/ifies; practice/imitations and er-l;ar~e communications. 4:30 - 5:00 ASSESSMENT Town Clerks Morgan Suite 10:30- 11:30 Managing Vital Records: Part 1 qm Mcany, Field and Security ('oordinator and Rcgislration /llit Supervisor. Office >fVital Records. NYSDO}I This re'o-part ~es.xion will cover t)raclioe,s and lwo('c~hll'e,v /iw handling New )brk Stole ~ ilal rp( ol'~Js. 77~u c otuwu will 'idL' alt ol'ol'l'ieu o/the Xlclle [~ uital rcc'ord~ tv~lom, itlC]llrfill,~ laws, lei'rtL% acce]//atlCp s'lalldtll'd% dlllie~s a/Id rc,Sl;on,sibili ties r¢'registt'ars and clerks, issuing, filing, protecting and seem'lng vita/recordv and neu' and emetzing issues. 11:30- 12:30 Managing Vital Records: Part 1I Jim Meany, Field and Security Coordinator and Registration Unit Supervisor. Office of Vital Records~ NYSDOH Please see COlll%e description Utlder Par! / above. 2:00 - 3:00 Using the MU 1 Retention Schedule Lorraine Hill, Regional Officer, Local Government Advisory Services, New York State Archives Retention and disl;osition is the /bundation q/'a good recor~' management program. Thi,~ training session will provide faun clerks and recordx management oJficera,,with guidance on how to use the ,~¥w }brk State,&z'hives 'Reeord~ Retention and Disposition &'hedule ML~ l [bt use tlr towns. 3:00 - 4:00 Fiscal Responsibility: Being Prepared for a Town Board Audit Laura Rodolakis, Training Program Manager, Division of Local Government and School Accountability, OS(7 This session will a.¥$iM la.¥ receivers and collectors and town clerks in understanding thu alldil process al?d hell' to /lc prepared, for an audit. 4:00 - 5:00 Cyber Security and Information Breach Technology Law Thomas Smith, Director, Office of Cyber Security, NYSDHSES The presentation will discuss the current cyber securiO, threat land~cope and the challenges and risks we./ace tod~o'. les will include whal ~overnment data needs to be protected and the ,~3,stems and controls avaih~ble to protect that cb~ta. Hr~ving apl~ropriate securiO' policies in place, including an lff[brmation SecuriO' Breach Not~ficalion Polk3', should be part qf an enli0'~ seeuriO.D'amework. Components qf a brear h notification poll0' will be discussed, as ~ell ax how respond when a ~hen a breach or cu~w. Miscellaneous/Environmental Issues Madison Suite 10:30 2:00 Speaker Room Designated spcwe./or sT)eakers lo prepare./bt their resl;ective pre,sentations. 2:00 - 4:00 DEC roundtable on Improving SEQR Jack Nasca, Director. Division of Environmental Permits. NYSDEC and Robert Ewmg, Enxironmen~.al Analyst 2. Division of Environmental Permits~ NYSDEC NYDEC is starting the proce,~.v/bt making chan,k, ex to the SEQR ,Itt. DEC ix askin,g./or input on pos.~'ihle changes lo its SEOR rQ4ulations fi'om town q#wial.~ to help shape those changes. ,41l sti~,geslions are uelcome, hut the DEC' i,s partic'zi- ]ar~v inielx:s'led in gathering ideas fl)r a~kliliona] ~17)e 11 aclionx, aeUing meaningfid liine fi'ames and rc'rhlcitlg the size q/ 12 10:30 - Noon Access to Court Records Becky Letko. Office of Court Adrninistration 1:00 - 2:30 Domestic Violence/Orders of Protection Brendon Dupree, Esq. Office of Court Administration 2:45 - 4:00 T-SLED 4:00 - 5:00 DWI Hon. David Gideon, Justice, To~vn of Dewitt and Denise Cookingham, Court Clerk, Town of Mamaroneck Tax Collectors Bryant Suite (Exceptions noted in parentheses next to course title) 10:30- 11:30 Understanding Exemptions Patrick Daffy, Assessor, Town of Manlius A practical explanation qfhow real property tax exemptions and the office qftax colleetor/receiver of taxes and assess- ments inte~:~ect. 11:30 - 12:30 Cutting Government Spending: Yes, Tax Collectors Can Meet Customer Service Goals while Facing a Shrinking Budget Louis Marcoccia, Receiver of Taxes, Town of Brookhavcn, John F. Kreutz, Deputy Receiver of Taxes, Town of Brookhaven and Toni Matarese, Town of Brookhaven Creative use q/'cost cutting and efficiencies through technolo~q3 to stretch a tar collector/receiver bndget and maintab customer se~'ice. 2:00 - 3:00 Tax Collection in Towns for New Collectors Elizabeth Greene, Board Member, Town of Newburgh, Past President, AOTSNY This course will provide an overview o, f the p[flce of tax collector~receiver qf taxes and assessments, while addressing specific issues a new or recent col/eclor/reeeiver is likely to fiwe. 3:00 - 4:00 Fiscal Responsibility: Being Prepared for a Town Board Audit (MORGAN SUITE) Thomas Plowinske, Associate Examiner, Division of Local Government and School Accountability, OSC Tiff,s, session will assisz tax reeeivers and collectors and town clerks in understanding the audit p~vcess and how to be prepared,[or an audit. 4:00 - 5:00 Cyber Security and Information Breach Technology Law (MORGAN SUITE) Thomas Smith, Director, Office of Cyber Security, NYSDHSES This presentation will discuss the current cyber security th~z, at hmdscape and the challenges and risks we fitce to&n'. Topics will include what government data needs to be protected and the s3'stems and eontro& available to protect that data. Having appropriate security policies in place, including an infbrmation Security Breach Notification Polio~ should be part oj an entity J~ security fi'amework. Components ora breach notification policy will be discussed, as well as how tt rr~s'pond when a when a breach occurs. 11 EL$~v. The sevvion Lv not a prcventation or lormal O'aini~?Z, hnt an opport.ni(v.lor municipa/ qfficia/v to have a dialogm? with DE(',ttaff on ho w lo imt.'o~e the ~tx iv?lng SEQR t.ztce~ nitho.l diminZ~hin.(4 cq?l'it'l;nnlcnlal l. uteetion Engineer Certification Gibson Suite 10:30- 11:30 NYSDEC Wetland and Re-Mapping Barbara B. Bcall. PWS, LEED AP. Thc Chazen Companies and Dominic Cordisco, Esq., Drake, Locb, lteller, Kcnncdy, Gogerty, Gaba & Rodd N)~DEC is ptw eeding ~ith Ibc remapping ~?[ its re,~ula/ed wetlands' in three m~/or watershed corridors in New State. The maps are being fimdized, and the.fi~cst publie hearings are erpected to occur nevt .v~ring, The new maps will add thousan& el'acres qi new(v rc~nlated u'etMnds', bbc instanee, in Orange Coun0 a&ne, the new ~naps show 16,000 acres of additional new welland area.~. ThZt pro~ztm will ln'ovi& an merview cf the d~ffbrences betu'een./e&~zd and state wet&nd mapping proceases, the N)~'DEC k wet&nd rQ~ulalion, the mapping proeess and the areas like(v Ia be qffkcted 11:30- 12:30 lechnology, Operations & Process Engineering (TOP): Increasing Efficiency While Driving Down Costs Anthony Catalano, P.E., BCEE. Woodard & Curran, Inc. Teehnoh)&9', Operations and Process Engineering (TOP) is a 33'stem that eonsider~ the b~,g t?ientre lbr municipalities that possess water and wastewater utilities,.fi)eusing on the need to increase operational e[ficienc) while driving down costs and ultimately' leading to sizeable ,savings {hr citie,s and towns. 2:00 - 3:00 Maintenance of Stormwater Ponds Joseph P Bergcr PE, LS, CPESC, CPSW, Berger Engineering & Surveying, PLLC This sexsion will cover the ,~2~w Yor,~ State requirements fi)r pond maintenance, the components q/'stormwater ponds' and their[unctions, as well as.fimding mechanisms available fi)r pond maintenanee. 3:00 - 4:00 Hydrofi'acking & Local Issues Mark R Millspaugh, PE~ Sterling Environmental Engineering, PC When the development e/' Matz'elhts Shale resources commence, towns need to be prepared. Praetieal implications c~/' gas developmen! and local planning will be reviewed from the per.v;eetive ~?#kwal government. The potential demand on communiO, resomz'es will be revealed and discussed. 4:00 - 5:00 Environmental Issues in Land Development Smart Mesinger, The Chazcn Companics This e/ass will inwvide an overview q/the mqjor environmental r~5~ulations ax th(9' qff&'t /and development in New York. Areas eovered will include: [~'dera[, state and local ~etland~ regtdation, enlt~n'a[ resources, water resources, rare/threat- ened/;'ndangered species, noise, air qualio,, vist~al impacts, environmental contamination and socioeconomic impacts. The ~ ourse will aZso discuss how each area q/regulation relates to the SEQRA p~ucess. 13 Tuesday, February 21, 2012 Fiscal Mercury Ballroom 10:00- 11:00 Town Budgets: Working with What You Have Thomas Plowinske, Associate Examiner, Division of Local Government and School Accountability, OSC During this session, we will examine procedures that should be used in developing and monitoring the budget. In addi- tion, this session will help town q[ficials with the requirements.fbr amending a budget and what reports are neeessa~Tfor monitoring the budget th~vughout the year 11:00- 12:30 Values and Integrity: A Complement to Ethics for Public Officials Stuart H. Brody, Esq., Hiscock & Barclay, LLP and Adjunct Professor of Ethics, Business School, SUNY New Paltz Mt: Brody will examine the.fitndamentals oj~ublic integriO~ a /br broader concept than ethical compliance and a practice upon which true leadership is' built. He' will reveal common misconceptions about integriO'; ./bt instance, the impression exists that doing the "right thing" is usually clear and the talent~br doing so is innate. He will demonstrate that acting with integri(v is a methodologg; qf deliberate decision-making; a practice whieh involves distinct elements' or skills that must be systematically deployed in order to be ~[)~,ctive: discernment of duty. accommodating multiple duties, balancing qf duties against reasonable risk and ~ffkctive communication. 2:00 - 3:00 Preventing Theft and Fraud Thomas Plowinskc, Associate Examiner, Division of Local Government and School Accountability, OSC During this' session, OSC will identi~ steps that local officials can take to help prevent and ctetect fraud and abuse. Participants will learn about the fraud triangle, nhat makes oryanizations vulnerable to fi*aud and what can be done to minimize the risks. 3:00 - 4:00 Multi-Year Financial Planning Maria Stamoulis, Training Development Specialist, Division of Local Government and School Accountability, OSC - Long-term planning can improve a local government s overall financial condition by integrating financial, cop#al and strategic planning. It can also support the decision-making process by enabling local officials to demonstrate the Iong- term financial impacts q/'choices made today. During this session, we will discuss certain elements ora good plan, guide attendees through the state comptroller k web resources and ~4or/~' collaborative~ toff# out part q/'a sample template. 4:00 - 5:00 Energy Efficient Buildings - Don't Just Reduce Costs, Generate Revenue for your Town! David Ayoub, Partner-in-Charge, Tax Department, Bowers & Company CPAs, PLLC Energy improvements to public buildings are great/hr redtteing your operating expenses, but wha! man), town oJficials don't realize is that Iht')' can also generate revenue/bt your town. Find out how know/edge o/Section 179D el'the IRS code can help maximize the ben,fit of your energy improvements, whether those imp~vvements were done in the last two ,ears or are sbtted.[br the.fi~ture. Natural Gas Drilling and Municipal Concerns Trianon Ballroom 0:00 - 11:00 Marcellus Shale Gas Development Public Safety Aspects Michael Atchie, Local Government Specialist, Chesapeake Energy 14 What can local enteQ4eney veto,ice p~z;viders evpect li'om natural gas drillJn,~ verviee demands? I~,Tutt ~we tile additional training aud equil~rnenl requirements, ff a~t~'? T/tLs ,se~,~ion will l;rovid~, answers aud examples thal are ba.~ed on c*kperi- ence?om actual ~h'il]iu~ operations. 11:00- 12:30 Hydraolic Fracturing in New York: A Potential Regulatory Approach Steven C. Russo. Deputy. Commissioner and General Coansel. NYSDEC Thi.s discussion will /oeus on tile regulatosr ~eheme proposed to regulate hij4h-vo/ume l(l'~h aulie /hwturin,~ 't Vew ~b ~k State, which is eurrent(v undeq~oing environme~tal review, il will summarize thc proposed regulations, draft Generic Environmental' Iraq;ac'! Statement and L'ulTelIt status. A ,v~ecial emphasis will be placed on the role of local governments' in connection ~* ith the proposed regulalo~3, regime. 2:00 - 3:00 Property Taxation and Compulsory Integration F. Dunne, Director of Property Tax Research, Office of Tax Policy Analysis, NYSDTF and Mara B. Ginsberg, Esq., Hinman Straub, PC This xes'sion will be sT;lit between a discussion on how natural gas drilling will impac! local real properO' tax assessments and levies and how the concept el eompulso~3' integration world's in Ne~ York State. 3:00 - 5:00 Home Rule and Shale Gas Development: Perspectives Gregory R. Ncarpass, Esq., Nixon Peabody LLP; David Everett, Esq., Whiteman Ostcrman & Hanna LEP; and Michael Kenneally, Esq., AOTSNY Environmental Conservation Law preetnpts local laws "relating to tile regulation qf tile oil, gas and solution mining industries. "But is a local zouing law oj general applicabiliO' a law that re&rcs to the oil, y;as and solution miniug indus- tm? This two-hour session will present the audience with d~[~brent perspectives on this and other questions rc~arding the scope e/municipal e/home rule authoriO~ in coutext of shale gas development. Continuing Legal Education Petit Trianon 10:00 - Il:00 New York's Real Proper~ Tax Cap in Perspective: Construction and Constitutional Questions Douglas E. Goodl¥iend, Esq., Orrick, Hcrrington & Sutcliffe LLP and Michael Kenneally, Esq., AOTSNY Chnpter 97 (?/'the Laws of 2011 imposed a tax cap on local gove~wments in Nen York State. This session provides an ovem,iew el'tile tax cap le, gislation as at;plied to local gove~wments and addresses the question (?l'~hether its treatment oJ debt service meets the demand~ El'thc New York State Constitution. 11:00 - Noon Public Nuisances, Unsafe Structures and Property Maintenance: Laws, Roles and Regulations Wade Beltramo, Esq., New York Conference of' Mayors This session will cover the basic eode enjbn'ement practice.~ that are essential.lot properO' maintenance enJbrcement. Administrative tools such as stop work orders, orders to correct and notices oJ violation will be discttsxe~ The in,~eetion will a/so be highlighted, including in,v;ections, search warrants (app/ring,/or and executing) and rental properO, registration programs. Civil and criminal enfi)rcement procedures will he discussed; the pros and cons (?leach process will he outlined,/bcusing on bow CEOs determine ~hich eourse lo take. Practical teehniques (e.g. using a digital cam- e~zl) will be bri~:/(v discussed The discus.sion (?/'lhese procedural issue5 will be underlakeu while /oeusing on properO' maintenance eufi)rt'ement. 15 1:00 - 2:00 Implications of Power Plant Siting (Article 10) Legislation on Power Development in New York State James Muscato, Esq., Young Sommer Ward Ritzenberg Baker & Moore LLC Until the re-enactment oJ'Article 1 O, potential environmental impa~ ts associated with power projects in New York State were evaluated under SEQRA. The SEQRA process has o,pit al~v resulted in the host eommuniOMo~ aljaris'dietion having the prima;3, approval authoriO, over a given pre~ecl, although an applicant was still required to obtain all other permits ~)'om other local counn, state and/o~ tkderal a~'encies with Jurisdiction. However tbr most New York projeets ~ those in exeess el25 MW the prwcesx established by the new~v enaeted ,4rticle 10 will soon replace SEQRA and other state and local permitting. The goaljbr the new Article 10 is to replace the current process with a single, centralized review by tire New York State Siting Board fi;r all major power projects in New York. Based on a comprehensive per:v~ective pf the power permilting experience in New York, partir ular~v in the renewable ener~, field, as well as analysis ojMrtiele 10 and proposals for related regulations, this presentation will give the audience valuable insi,tht into the [uture review and app~wval process./br power projects in New York State. 2:00 - 3:00 Municipal Annexation Daniel A. Spitzer, Esq., Hodgson Russ LLP An analysis ef the complex laws and procednres applicable to the annexation (4['land ltv one municipalit)'~[ivm another: 3:00 - 4:00 Primer on Environmental Compliance, Part l Beth Morss, Esq., Young Sommer Ward Ritzenberg Baker & Moore LLC Towns are not exempt./horn environmental regulation. To the contrao; maw activities pes[brmed ~v towns fim their citi- zens are subject to jkderal and state environmental laws; jbilure to comp~r can give rise to penahies and worse. This course provides town officials with a primer on the major* envitvnmental Im~x potentially applicable to towns, addressing such issues as' oil and chemical storage, building and equip~nent maintenance, waste management, 379#l reporting and response and stormwater management.[hr public works and highwcO' maintenance facilities. 4:00 - 5:00 Primer on Environmental Compliance, Part II Beth Morss, Esq., Young Sommer Ward Ritzenberg Baker & Moore LLC Towns are not exempt~hom environmental regulation. To the contrary, maw activities per]brmed ~, towns tim their' citi- zens are subject to.J~'deral and state environmental laws; j~tilure to comply can give rise to penalties and wo~we. This co~r~e prr~virl~'~ town c!,.,[?cials with a primer on the major environmental [aws potential~v a.~p[icable to towns, addressing such issues as oil and chemical storage, building and equipment maintenance, waste management, spill reporting and response and stormwater management.fbr pnblic works and highw~O, maintenance.Jbeilities. Building Officers Beekman Parlor 8:00- 10:00 DCEA Code Update Raymond J. Andrews, R.A., Division of Code Enforcelnent and Administration, NYSDOS The first t;art of this program will explain the new Un !/brm Code and the new Energ3' Code, including k~9, changes to these codes. It will also note changes that have ah'eater taken plaee in these new codes, which are finmd in NYCRR. The presen- tation will also covet' recent laws that have impacted the Uni[brm and Energy Codes and other agency ts' regulations. Part 1203, code en~;rcement and the annual reports will also be discnssed. The second part et'the program i, ill discnss events c'urrently taking place at the Department e[' Stale Codes Division, inc'[uding: code development, educational services, code interpretations, enetx); regional ser~,ices and technical se~7'ices. 16 10:00 - Noon Existing Building Code of New York State Raymond J. Andrews, R.A.. Division of Code Ent'orcelnent and Adminisn'ali(m, NYSDt)S The ]z}¥i.~ting 13uildinl4 ('odu q/:Vew )br~ Slate is t;arl t~/ I]l(' ~hl~fOrlH Fire, th't, ueolion and Building ('ode, whi~ h which Jx I]1(' illa/or ?orJ~otl gj wot'~ ill itlO~[ iHllllJclji~#ifie~. ~Jlc' ~ Ollt'S(' J3 ~tl JlllFOdl~( [JOI1 itl thc IlSU ~( [Jl~s ( odt) Jl ~'ac h L'hLlj)lOl' O/'IhC codu LIIld Jlc'Jps cvpJ~lJll IJl(? []lt'c'c dJ[~L)rcvil L'OIIlpIialIC(P Illr'thod5 0lIU ('all ll3'U llhUll working on bniJdin~(L Jtlchlrfill,~ bLs'roi'J( olios. TJlu c'Olll~hc prouJdc,~ I1~ o hOlOW Ol cOIflJtlllJl1~[r (~ll~ alJoI7 Cl't, rfil./~)r code (~/~('J~[s gild 3'[al~' Cdll{'alJon crt)dj[/~)r tlFChJl{'CIs arid 1:00 - 5:00 Residential Energy Code Juan Carlos Toro, P.E., Stevcn Winter Associates TtTis lbztr-hozn' course..lbcusing on residenlia[ construction and the 2010 Enerj4~' Con.s'ervation Construction ('ode qf ,¥ew York State. assumes the particit)ant afl'ear(v ha.~ a general understanding ql the Enes&t~ Code. Primarill fi)cusing on the implementation and use q[ the Ene~xv Codc~ with respect to design, compliance and inspections, the exetvises and i~/br- marion in this course will help designers, design pre[~ssionals and builders zmderstand what is required fi'om submitting documentation through construction, h shows what code pfficials should and will be Iooking.~br when doing fieht inspec- tions, j4iving the dexiL, n prq/~,ssiona] and builder a ]e,k~ up on their competition, There is an emphasis on understanding that comp~vin,g with the Energy (bde ia' not as d~fficult or time consumin,g us mom believe, nor does it add ~trorbitant costs to a prt~/cc't ifa well-thought out approach is taken, in short, this is a I,et3 user.fi~iend(v approach to the understand ing and implementation qf the residentia[ p~vvisions within the 2010 ECCC qfNYS. Town Boards & Supervisors (Exceptions noted in bold in parentheses next to course title) Sutton Parlor North 10:00- 11:00 Retirement System Update Jack McPaddem Director of the Office of Advisory Council Afl~airs~ New York State and Local Retirement System, OSC The New York State and Local Employee Retirement ~vstem u'ill update )'ou on the current emphd~ er contribution rates and.fliture rate trends, as well as s?tem-related issues and legislation that q[fizct municipal employers. 11:00- 12:30 The Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Law for Town Boards Robert J. Freeman, Executive Director, Committee on Open Government, NYSDOS A lively and iq/ormative discussion q/'the requiretnentx and ram(fi('ations q/'the Freedom qfh~/brmation and Open Meet- ings lin*s, including an update on amendments adopted in 201l. 2:00 - 3:00 Conflicts of Interest and Ethics Mark R. Stevens, Esq., Senior Attorney, Division of Legal Scrviccs, ()SC OSC Legal Division wi//.fl;cus on the provisions o/Article 18 qf the General Municipal Law. inc/udin,g the authority to adopt codus q/'ethic~ and decisional lan re/atin,g to ('oqflicts o/'interext. 3:00 - 4:00 Legalities of Purchasing Mark R. Stevens, Esq., Senior Attorney, Division of Legal Services. OSC This session will discuss Ic,'4al ruquirements /br c'ontp(~lilivc bidding, inc'luding tz, cent .s'tatutoci, amendments to the Gen era[ ,k[unicipa[ Law .(103 aod ~ario.s e.¥ceplion,v lo the bidding requirementx. 17 4:00 - 5:00 Navigating the OGS Website and Contract Updates Lauren Hartley, Purchasing Officer, Procurement Serviccs~ NYSOGS The presentation will cover navigatin.g the OGS Website, how to locate eontracts, contract pricing, .filed contract lette~w ,fi;r. fitel and road s'alt and other valuable iq/brmation./br pm'chasers. AIso discussed will be contra~ t updates and ~ ontrar t changes with regard to the strategic sou~z'ing team in place at OG& Town Boards & Supervisors (Exceptions noted in bold in parentheses next to course title) Sutton Parlor Cemter 10:00- 11:00 Emergency Medical Service Issues for Towns Bradley M. Pinsky, Esq., Scicchitano & Pinsky, PLLC Towns are j'bced with nurne~vus challenges when attempting to contraet /br ambulanee services. This lecture discusses those challenges, provides the legal considerations involving ambulance contracts and proposes solutions.fi;r towns. 11:00- 12:30 How to Survive a RLUIPA Investigation (Planning) Anne MacGregor, Producer, Moondance Films; Prof. Marci Hamilton, Paul R. Verkuil, Chair, Public Law, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law; and Professor Patricia Salkin, Raymond & Ella Smith Distinguished Professor of Law, Albany Law School The documentat? "America ~' Holy War, "Jbaturing a discussion (4/'the impact pf the Religious Land Use and h~stitntional- ized Persons Act (RLUIPA) on local governments, with case studies.firm Rockland CotinG; will be sereened. The docu- menta~T will be.Jbllowed with a Q&A panel discussion/~'aturing the fihn producer and leading authorities on RLUIPA who are.f~atured in the.film. 2:00 - 3:00 Questions & Answers with Association of Towns Attorneys 3:00 - 4:00 Retirement Reporting for Elected and Appointed Officials Michelle Caruso, Employer Participation Representative, Division of Retirement Services, OSC A rr?resenlative of the New York State and Local Retirement System will be providing an npdate on the new record- keeping and reporting requirements fi~r elected and appointed q~cials. Town Boards & Supervisors (Exceptions noted in bold in parentheses next to course title) Sutton Parlor South 10:00- I1:00 Don't Be a Victim of Rising Workers' Comp Costs! Loren Pratt, Vice President, Marketing, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance; Eric Hartcom, Director of Claims, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance; Howard Bitner, Claims Account Manager, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance; Roger Cuva, Manager Risk Services, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance: Aaron Reader, Marketing Representative, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance ,4 panel workshop on how to ectse the stress oj'workers 'coml;ensation costs with a panel q/'experts lo ansn er )'om' sT;ec!fie questions. ,4 discussion ~f the rising costs, pro-active concepts yot! ran do to reduee yom' expos'm'e and./ittm'e costs and best practices to accomplish these goals. It doesn't matter whut program you choose, these/bctors a#~,et all O/'llS. 18 I 1:00- 12:30 The IRS on Current Developments in Payroll Issues Francis G. Rcina. Federal-State-Local Goxrcrmncnt Specialist. Internal Revenue Service recot'd-ket7~in~ hhll~' ~lll~J who Io co111~1~7 ~o1' h('lp oi? p~O,l'Ol/ ot' l't7)ot'lJllj~ Jssll(*~ 2:00 - 3:00 The Risks of Forest Pests: How Advanced Preparation Can Prevent the Loss of Trees and Money in Your Town (Environmental) Daniel Rourke~ Dircctor, Office of Outreach, Edocation and Enforcement Coordination,,Division of Lands and Forests, NYSDEC; Emily Kurth, Conmmnication Coordinator, Division of Lands and Forests, NYSDEC; and Erin Brady, Communication Coordinator, Dix'ision of Lands and Forests, NYSDEC ~)tw toa'n ;s' trees (and tm4k, eL~') are in trouble. By preparing/hr the arrival o/ /bresl pests in your communih, and in- cFe'c~sitlg cln'al'eness cltnollg town slq[/ who work with trees, I'OllF JOWl7 can g, reat(~' reduce the risk (?f em'ironmenla] and economic damages caused &v /brest pes'ts. N}~DEC Lands and Forests sial]members provide in/brmation and ans'wer questions aboul /orest pest (emcrabt ash borer and Asian long-horned beetle) communiO, preparedness,.firewood regula- tions and quaranlinex and. fimding opporlunities. 3:00 - 4:00 PRISM, iMAP and lnvasive Species (Environmental) Peg Salter, Coordinator Capital-Mohawk PRISM; Leslie Surprenant. Director, Office of Invasivc Species Coordination, NYSDEC: Meredith Taylor, Coordinator of Catskills Regional lnvasive Species Partnership PRISM; Whittney Hill. Intern, Catskills Regional Invasive Species Partnership; and Tara Salerno, Natural Heritage Program, NYSDEC This session n'ill provide an overview q['the Partne~xhips lbr Re(gional hn,asive Species Management (PRISM; program, including: strucnlre and.~nction qJ'PRIS~' how to contact the loca/ PRIS~ Also covered will be the iMaphn,axives' database and how towns can access and download i~fi)rmation fi~om the database. Final~; we will look at a case study r?['PRlS~/tonn cooperation. 4:00 - 5:00 Understanding the Brownfield Opportunity Area Program: A Town Perspective (Environmental) Darlene DeVoe, To~vn of Fort Edward and Lisa Nagle, AICP, Principal, Elan Planning, Design & Landscape Architecture The perceived or real contamination qf underutilized properties often slows the redevelopment process, negatively ira- par'ting c~ comtllloliO, Js laA base. While qfien considered an urban issue, the presence q{ bro*~?fields' can also be a rural and small town concern, h~ i~,.s~onse, New ~)rk Slaw created a 90 percent matching grant program called the Browqfield Opportuni(l' Areas Program (BOAL This muhi-diseiplinao', communiO,-based and partnership-driven approach proeides the.flexihiliO, lo address changing market trend~ and properO, challenges m expand opportunities.Jbr economic develop- ment, job gt'owfl~ and enhanced qualiO' q/fi[& This session will describe the BOA program and hi~,hli~ht the eM;eriences o] two ~)~xtate ,'~k,w ~rk towns'. Planning & Zoning Regent Parlor 10:00- 11:00 The Changing Landscape of Community Planning: Tax Cap, Complete Streets and Affordable Housing Steve Ncuhaus, Supervisor, Town of Chester and Benjamin H. Sydem A ICP. Director of Planning and Communily Development, Labcrgc Group lion' hal'u thc/,'operO' tux cup, smart ,~rowth /cgisJalion. rcxionuJ economic dul'eJopment p/a,ning and shared services cJILIl?g('d lJle wEO' .FOil tlppl'O~lCh eCOllOlllic ~llld COllllllllllJ(V ([euc'Joplllell[ iii I'Ollt' towll? ('Oil?e jolt? the rJiscIIssJon els We 19 learn how to weave the ne~ regulations and polic3' directions into the./bbric qf local~v based economic and communiiy development initiatives. 11:00- 12:30 Revising Zoning Catherine M. Hamlin, Land Use Training Specialist I. NYSDOS and Natasha Esther Phillip, Esq., Senior Attorney, NYSDOS This course addresses when it is appropriate to update a municipaliO, J~ zoning regulations and what you should be look- mg at when you review it; the importance ef the comprehensive plan; and procedures~/br the amendment of zoning laws and ordinances, including r~/~rral to the county planning board, public hearings and,filing requirements. Code et~forc'e- ment officers may receive one hour cjf in-service credit. Attorneys mr0 receive one-and-a-ha~f honrs c~/'Continuing Legal Education in the area of proJkssional practice. 2:00 - 3:00 ABCs of Special Use Permits Catherine M. Hamlin, Land Use Training Specialist 1, NYSDOS and Natasha Esther Phillip, Esq., Senior Attorney, NYSDOS Some uses require additional review and should be granted permission only if the application meets certain conditions. These 3;oec ial uses include gas stations, dog kennels and uses with drive-through windows. The 372ecial use permit is also usec~/br development in environmentally sensitive zones with overlays such as./bt wetlands, steep slopes and ahmg xceni~ ridgelines. Scenarios in which the special use permit tool is most help[ul ** ill be discussed, along with rules local boards' must fi2llow tim reviewing and approving applications for special use permits. Code e~brcement q[ficers mc(v receive one hour c?f in-sem'ice credit. Attorneys may receive one hour of Continuing Legal Education in the area qf proj~ssional practice. 3:00 - 4:00 Municipal Regulation of Signs Catherine M. Hamlin, Land Use Training Specialist I, NYSDOS and Natasha Esther Phillip, Esq., Senior Attorney, NYSDOS The regulation of signs isn't just a zoning issue; when regulating signage, munk ipalities must be carefid to avoid violat- ing.fi'ee speech. This course reveals what municipalities may and ma), not regulate in commercial or non-commercial signage and explores how signage can be regulated fi~r communiO, aesthetics. The session also addresses the drafting oJ a sign control law: the content of local sign control regulations; regulating billboard~ and other pi'/'-premises signs; and eliminating noncon/brming or undesirable signs. Code enforcement officers moo., receive one hour c?f in-xe~*'ice credit. Attorncgw may receive one hour c?f Continuing Legal Education in the area qf prq/k~sioncd practice. 4:00 - 5:00 Municipal Regulation of Signs (cont.) Catherine M. Hamlin, Land Use Training Specialist i, NYSDOS and Natasha Esther Phillip, Esq., Senior Attorney, NYSDOS The regulation qf signs isn't just a zoning issne -- when regulating signage, mm?icipalities must be carefid to avoid vio- lating fi'ee .sT)eech. This course reveals what municipalities mcO, and may not regulale in conunercia] or non-commercia] signage and ex'plores how signage can be r<gulated fim communiO' aesthetics. The session also, addresses the drqfiing el a sign control law; the content of local s~-n control regulations: regulating billboards' and other Q fl-premises signs; and eliminating noncoms/arming or undesirable signs. Code ert/brcement ojficers m~v receive one hour Qf in-sen'ice credit. Attorncvs mcO, receive one hour ef Continuing Legal Education in the area qf prqfessional practice. Town & Village Justices (Continuing Education) - Core A Grainercy Suite 9:00- 10:00 Ethics: Miscellaneous Issues Part 1 Hon. Thomas J. Sheeran, Hon. Robert Bogle and Maryrita Dobiel, Esq. 2O 10:15- 11:15 Alternate Arraignments Al Chapleau, Esq. and Anthony Rossi. Esq. 11:15- 12:15 Pre-Trial Hearings Hon. Christian l lummel. Hon. Nancy M. Sunukjian and Al Chaplcau. Esq. 1:15-2:15 Pre-Trial Hearings (can't) tton. Christian Hummel. Hon. Nancy M. Sunukjian and Al Chapleau, Esq. 2:30 - 4:30 DWI Sentencing Ifon. David C, ideon, Hon. Nancy M. Sunul~iian and Al Chaplcau, Esq. 4:30 - 5:00 ASSESSMENT Town & Village Justices (Continuing Education) - Core B Murray Hill Suite 9:00- 11:00 Domestic Violence Hon. Sara Sheldon Farkas and Hon. Richard Taraatino 11:00- 12:15 DMV Updates Ida Traschcn, Esq. and Christine Legorius, Esq. :15-2:15 Ethics: Miscellaneous Issues Part II Hon. Thomas J. Shccram Hon. Robert Bogle and Maryrita Dobiel, Esq. Disqual!fications; re,~7;oncling to misconduct; extra-judicial activities: political activi(y and judicial demeanor 2:30 - 4:30 Life Cycle cfa Small Claim Kevin McArdlc~ Esq. 4:30 - 5:00 Assessment Town & Village Court Clerks (Continuing Education) - Basic Nassau Suite A 9:30- 10:45 T-SLED Bill Leonardo. NYSDMV, Cathy Deaton. NYSDMV and Linda McCartney, Court Clerk, Village of Malvern 11:00- Noon Ethics Maryrita Dobieh Esq., New York State Office of Court Administration and Ramona Persan, Court Clerk, Village of Valley Slream 21 1:00 - 2:30 Criminal Procedure Law Judy Bromlcy, Court Clerk, Village of Scarsdalc and Janet Smith, Court Clerk, Town of Chcnango 2:45 - 3:45 Ask the Resource Center Resource Center Attorneys 3:45 - 5:00 Digital Recorders Elizabeth Booth, New York State Office of Court Administration and Daxvn Marie Klingner, Court Clerk, Town of Amenia Town & Village Court Clerks (Continuing Education) - Advanced Nassau Suite B ¢:30- 10:45 E-Justice Bill O'Connor, NYSDCJS, Judi Prendergast, NYSDCJS and Denise Cookingham, Court Clerk, Town of Mamaroneck 11:00 - Noon Village Ordinances Hon. Robert G. Bogle, Justice, Village of Valley Stream and Debbie Newham, Court Clerk, Village of Patchogue 1:00 - 2:30 Court Security Lt. Wayne Luce, New York State Office of Court Administration and Velma Richardson, Court Clerk, Village of Great Neck 2:45 - 3:45 Ask the Resource Center Resource Center Attorneys 3:45 - 5:00 Digital Recorders Elizabeth Booth, New York State Office of Court Administration and Dawn Marie Klingncr, Court Clerk, Town of Amenia Tax Collectors Bryant Suite (Exceptions noted in parentheses next to course title) 10:00- 11:00 lax Service Organizations Kathleen Bishop, Corelogic and Brian Downey, Data Analyst, QBE FIRST Mortgage holder~' q/?en contract with Tax Service O~ganizations (TSO.9 to sea,,ice real properO' tax exc~vn' accounts. TSO representatives will describe their interactions n'ith colleetorsD*eceivers, the issues that arise and some solutions that have emerged. Bring your questions.t 11:00- 12:30 Legislative Update/Q&A Joseph Gerberg, Counsel, NYSORPS, Michael E. Kenneally, Jr., Associate Counsel, AOTSNY and Murray Jaros, Special Counsel, AOTSNY ,4 comprehensive revieu' c~/'legislation enacted in 2011 that q#~<'ts tax collecting q~//cers, as well as a look at what the Legislature has in store for 2012. Following the legislative up&~le, the t;anel will he available to answer the questions that the collecting c?~c ers may have. 22 2:00 - 3:00 The Freedom o1' lntbrmation Act and Open Meetings Law (Morgan Suite) Robert J. Freeman. I{xecutivc Director, Committee on Open Government. New York State Department of State .~ live~v and inlbrmalive div( .vvian 9/ ltte requitx'm~tnls and ramifications of'f he of FOIL and ().~I[., ineludin,~ an updale 3:00 - 4:00 Acceptiag Credit Cards (Morgan Suile) Laura Skibinski. Esq., Associate Atlorney. Dixision of Legal Services. OSC OSC Legal Division slqff'wi[[ discuss legal requirements[bt acceptanee q[ eredit card pr(vment.s ]or municipal taxe.~ and/ or other ehargex. Also to be eovered are: internal control concerns and infi)rmation seeuriO' related to receiving credit eard pro'ment.~ and new OSC regulations. Town Clerks Morgan Suite 10:00 o I1:00 Fiscal Responsibilities of the Town Clerk Kimbcrly Monte, Associatc Examiner, Division of Local Government and School Accountability, OSC This session will assist to~n e/erks in understanding their mqjor.financial duties and responsibilities. 11:00- 12:30 Minutes: I Can Take the Hours, But Ohhhh Those Minutes Rebecca A. Connolly, MMC, Town Clerk, Town of Somerset, President. AOTSNY One q/the tnos! tedious responsibilities town cler~' have is to tYrepare the minutes of the to u,n hoard meetings eoml;lete~v and ol?/ective(~ Proven techniques and tips will he shared so the clerk can record the histo~3, (~f our towns aecuratel)'. 2:00 - 3:00 The Freedom of intbrmation Act and Open Meetings Law Robert J. Freelnam Executive Director, Committee on Open Government, NYSDOS A live(v and mfl)rmative discussion q/'the requirements and ramifications ~/the Freedom ofhT/brmation and Open Meet- ings laws, including an update on amendments adopted in 2011. 3:00 - 4:00 Legal Requirements Surrounding Credit Cards and Electronic Financial Transactions Laura Skibinski, Esq., Associate Attorney, Division of Legal Scrviccs, OSC This session will discuss legal requirements/bt the aeeeptance qf t~ro'ments t? credit/debit card. It will also discuss legal requirements p/'making or receiving certain poyments eleetronieall~; including aecepting pavmenls via a municipal Inter- net Website or the Website q/ a lhird-pariT vendor and makfi*g electronic or wire tran~'/brs. Engineer Certification Gibson Suite 10:00 - 11:00 Reverse Engineering to Diagnose the Problem with Filter Underdrains - Kingston Water Department Phase I Filter Improvements Thomas A. Laustscn, P.E., BCEE, Associate. (;DM Smith This presentation will outline the intensive, lengthy and eollabo~zttive inve~'li~k, ation, u'hieh included hvdraulie testing an existing tmderdrain, rehahilitating an ok{filter with an underch'ain q/ a similar configuration Of the "original 23 looking at backwashing p~vcedures, water chemist~T and tlvdraulic cak:ulations. 11:00 - Noon Overview of the International Green Construction Code (IGCC) Dorothy M. Harris, lnt'l Codes Council, Inc. An overview c~flthe development schedule and general provisions qf the IGCC will be provided, along with an explanation c~f how the IGCC d~fferentiates ifil'om existing Green Building Standards. 1:30 - 2:30 Innovative Programs to Improve Energy Efficiency in New York Municipalities Silvia Marpicati, PE, Malcolm Pirnie/ARCADIS Through NYSERDA ~ Outreach to Water and Wastewater Facilities Program, eommunities throughout New York have access to too& and technical assistance to improve the energy e]ficiency and economics of their treatment facilities while also meeting or exceeding regulatory requirements and reducing the overall environmental impacts. This presentation will focus on the educational portion q['the program, oudining the main components and spec!ftc benefits of the three- prong approach to the training program.[br operators, q[fleials and engineers. 2:30 - 3:30 Re-Lining and Rehabilitation of Damaged Structures Pat Keenan, ConTech 3:30-4:30 Stormwater Quality Using DEC Chapter 9 Verified SMPs Don LaBlanc, ConTech Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Building Officers Certification Beckman Parlor 8:00 - Noon Commercial Envelope and Lighting Energy Code Juan Carlos Toro, PE ance. The emphasis of the envelope and lighting modules will be on the typieal prescriptive compliance path of the energ? code. In some situations, projects may not be able to comply ~ ith all these prescriptive measures and would need to seek compliance through a pe;7~brmance-based path. lneludes a discussion on interpretations and applications of the code by addressing the building sciences and the intent behind the code's prescriptions. Within each section of the code, there are numerous, seeming/)' small issues that have a large impact. We will ident~9 and discuss these points to ensure that students understand the full application q/'the code. The last section will be devoted to eq/brcement (?/'the code to ensure compliance, with emphasis placed on the standard compliance path using COMcheck. The per[brmance-based Ene~xv Cost Budget Method qfMSHRAE90.1 will be introduced as' an alternate method (tf eompliance. Please Recycle Your Badges. Please return plastic badge covers to registration area. 24 AI(P AATV AOTSNY (:HIPS DLGSA ElS EMS ERS FIAO FOIl. GASB IAO ICBO NYMIR NYPF N¥SAA NYSAMCC NYSATRC NYSATSH NYSBOE NYSCSCIC NYSDA&M NYSDCJS NYSDCS NYSDEC Glossary of Program Abbreviations American Institute ot Cerlilicd Planners Adirondack Associalinn of %m ns & Villages Ne~ York Consolidated }lighway lmproxcmcn; Program Division of Lnca] Govcrnmcnt and School Accountability Environmeutal Impact Statemcnl Emergency Medical Services Employees' Retirement System Fellow of the Institute of Assessing ()fficers Frccdom of Information Law Govcrnmenta[ Accounting Standards Board Geographic Infbnnadon Systems Institute of Assessing Officcrs Intemalional Coffikrence of Building Officials New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal New York Planning Federation NYS Assessors Assnciation New Ynrk State Association of Magistrates Court Clerks NYS Association of Tax Receivers & Collectors NYS Association of Town Supcrintendents of Highways NYS Board of Elections NYS Cyber Security & Critical Infrastructure Coordination NYS Depa~ment ofAgricnlture & Mkts. NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services NYS Department oFCivil Service NYS Department of Environmcmal NYSDED NYSDHSES NYSDMV NYSDOH NYSDOS NYSDOT NYSDPS NYSDTF NYSEFC NYSERDA NYSOAG NYSOCA NYSOFT/CIO NYSOGS NYSOPRHP NYSORPS NYSOSC NYSRWB NYSSPE NYS/CA OFPC OML SEQR SMSI SUNY SWMA TSLED USDA NYS Department of Econnmic Development NYS Di;ision ofllomeland Securily & I mergency Scr,, ices NYS Department of Motor Vehicles NYS Department of Health NYS Department of State NYS Department of Transportation NYS Department of Public Service NYS Department ofTaxatinn & Finance NYS Environmental Facilities Corp NYS Encrgy Research & Development Agency NYS Office of thc Attorney General NYS Office of Court Administration NYS Office for Technology/Chief Information Officer NYS ()ffice of General Services NYS ()ffice of Parks, Rccrcation and Historic Prcscrvation NYS Office of Real Property Serviccs NYS Office of thc State Comptroller NYS Racing &Wagcring Board New Ynrk State Society of Professional Engineers NYS Town Clerks Association Office of Fire Prevention & Contrnl Open Meetings Law State Environmental Quality Review Shared Municipal Service Incentive State University of New York Solid Waste Management Authority Traffic Safety Lay, Enfbrcernent & Disposition United States Department of Agricuhurc FLOOR PLAN EXHIBIT AND STATE AGENCY CONSULTANT AREA ....... CDC)C) ' ~ 3~1 ~ · RENDEZVOUS IWEST PROMENADE EAST PROMENADE · TRIANON '~--'I""I~"""""=1' I-"~ ~ ~ /-' r.- I-'-~' ;. -- " _, I-'TiC .:4., ..... l ....~ ~ ', - I J ' ROTUNDA · · P~ · . . .,..... ,. · · · · ; ~ · · · .--J.--.I 1~- ,,.:. · MERCURY TRIANON GP~AND BALLROOM BALLROOM ·· BALLROOM II Reglonal Econonltc Mercury Developmein Cotmcds: New Lessons Learned From the Au&t by tile Town Board Ballroom York's New and Dissolution of Seneca Falls (Fiscal) Evolving Development Process Trianon Hot Buttons: Persomael Bargaining and the Full-Time, par t-Time, and (P&rsonnel & Labor/ Issues for Every Town Property Tax Cap: Independent Contractors. Naatral Gas Drdhng) Impact on Negotiations When They Make Sense C~wli~y: A Complement to Petit Tnanon GML OML Section 103 Easy as A, B, D Zoning Case Law Update Ambulance Contract Issues fei (CLE) Article 18 Beckman Parlor 1 3p.m. 3:30 p.m 4p.m. I 4:30 p m Funflmg Municipal Projects The Real Property Tax Levy for Small Climes, Cap Villages and Towns Public Officers', Avoid Getting Burned: Hot Vacancins and Holdovers Topics in Baakgrounfl Cheeks mad Hiring Myth Busters' Is there a Etineal Considerations in JudicialAversion to Mummpai Tenffinatmg the Laabdrty9 Client-Attorney Relationship Inspection Testing and (Building Officers & Certtfieahon) Sutton Parlor North (Town Boards & Supervisols/Teehnology/ EnVlrormaentaI) Sutton Parlor Center (Town Boards & Su~pervisordPImmmg) Rhode Island Night Club Fire Passmg the Buck (ol Sharing It)' Provisions and Tips for Towns to Save Costs on Some Everyday Municipal Issues Learn How the Mumcipa[ Electric & Gas Alliance Helps Save Mone.y on Town Energy Bills Length of Service Award Programs Advanced Topics in SEQRA (Plarming & Zoning) Installing CSST Systems to Meet NYS Code The Wireless Revolution in Your Town: Meeting ConstiPaent Demands and ~al Minegelds New York State Dam Regulations: Putting Together an Acllon Plan Having Jurisdmtion Cyber Sectmty m OUR Shared Responsibility MtmieipaI IT Environments: Financial and Operational Optnffization Surviving the Day ARer: A Muninipa Capital Planning Sutton Parlor South (Town Boards & Supervisors/Environments The Smar~ Crrowth Public Inffastmcktre Policy Act Adirondack Park Recreatmnal Plan Understanding the State Animal Population Control Binning Issues (Assessors) Update (Assessors) Shop Safety/PESH and Work Planning for Cleaner, Greene~ Rhsourees for Chmate ~mart Comp Cost Control Co~mnumties (Planmng) Cotmnunll~es (Planamg) Resent Parlor (Roads & Highways/ Planning & Zoning) Gramercy Suite (Town Justices) MmTay Hill Suite {Town Justices) Fleet Management 10 L Nassau Suite B (Com~ Clerks) Alternate Arraignments Ethics. M~scellaneous Issues Part II Best Management Praehces for Road Salt Storage and Deicing Applications (10:15) Pre-Trial Hem rags Life Cycle cfa Small Clahn Nassau Suite A (Court Clerks) Small Clauns (until 10:15) Jury Trials (unttl 10:15) Access to Coati Records (1.15 - 3:15) DWI Sentencing (1:15 -2:15)DMNUpdates Web-DVS Ethics' Miscellaneous Issues Part I Bryant Suite (Tax Collectors) Morgan Smte (TownClerks) Madison Suite 0Viis c./Envtroamental lssues) Gibson Suite (Engineer Certlficattou) Understanding Exemptions Managing Vdal Records' Part I NYSDEC Wedand and Re-Mapping Cutting Government Spending' Yes, Tax Collectors Can Meet Customer Service Goals willie Facing a SlnSnking Budget Managing Vital Records: Part I[ Speakm Room Domeshc Vmlenee/Orders of Protection (2:45) Ctimlnal Dinpomticn Reporting Tax Collection In Towns for New Collectors (2:45) T-SLED T Engineering (TOP): Increasing / Using llle MU1 Retention Schedule Fiscal Responsibility: Being Prepm'ed for a Town Board Audit (Morgan Suke) DEC rotmdtable on Implovlng SEQR Maintenance of Stormwater Enforcing Payment of Fines [Hydrof;acking & Local Issues DWI Cyber Sectmty and Information Breach Technology Law (Morgan Suite) Environmenta! Issues in Land Development 9 a,m a.m. .[ aah. Town Budgets: Working with What You Have Marcel[us Shale Gas Development Public Safety Aspects Values and Integrity: A Complement to Efltlcs for Public Officials 12:30pm 2 p.m. 2.30 p.m. Preventing ThUd and Fraud 3 pm. 3:30 p.m. 4 p m 4:30 p.m. Multi-Year Flllm3cla[ Plannmg Home Rule and Shale Gas Development: Perspeetxves Energs~ Efficmnt Buildings - Don't Just Reduce Costs, Generate Revenue for your Town! Hydraulic Fracturing in New York: A Potential Property Taxatmn and Regulatory Approach Compulsory Integration New YoflCs ReaI Property Tax Cap Public Nuisances, Unsafe Implications of Power Plant Siting in Perspective: Sttuetttres and Property (Attlcle 10) LegSslation on Power Mumclpal Armexatinn Prlmer on Environmental Primer on Enviromnental Constractinn and Compliance, Part I Compliance, Part I1 Constiinllonal Questions Maintenance: Laws, Rules and Regulations Development in New Yoflc State (g a.m.) DCEA Code Existing Building Code of New Yoflc State Residential Energy Code Update The Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Conflicts of Interest and Etines LegaI~tles of Pmchasing Navigating the OGS Web site and Retirement System Update Law for Town Bomds Contract Updates Emergency Medical Service Issues How to S~trvive a RLUIPA Questions & Answers with Retirement Reporting for Elected and for Towns Investigation (Planning) Association of Towns Attorneys Appointed Officmls The Risks of Forest Pests' How Understandmg the Advanced Preparation Can PRISM, LMAP and Invasive Brownfleld Opportumty Area Don't Be a Victim of Rising The IRS on Current Developments m Payroll Issues Prevent the Loss of Trees and Program A Town Workers' Comp Costs! Money in Your Town Species (Environmental) Pelspective (Environmental) (Enviromnental) The Changing Landscape of Commumty Plamamg: Tax Cap, Revising Zoning ABCs of Special Use Permits Mtmmlpal Regulation of Signs Municipal Regulation of Signs Complete Streets and Affordable (cont'd) Ethics: Miscellaneous (10:15) Ahernate Arraignments (11:15) Pre-Trial Hearings (1.15) Pre-Trial Hearings (con['d) DWI Seutenclng Assessment Issues Part I Domestic Violence DMV Updates (1' 15) Ethles' Miscellaneous Issues Part I1 Life Cycle of a Small Clakn Assessment (9:30 - 10.45) T-SLED , Ethics Ctiminal Procedure Law (3:45) Digital Recorders Village Ordinances Legislative Update/Q&A Minutes: I Can Take the Hours, But Okbhh Those Minutes Overview of the Intemational Green Construction Code (IGCC) Court Security The Freedmn of Informallon Act and Open Meetings Law (Morgan Suite) (2:45)Ask the Resource Ceute~ Legal Requirements Sun oundin Credit Cards and Electronic Financial Transactions (Morgan Suite) (9'30 - 10'45) E-Justice Tax Service Organizations Fiscal Responsibilities ofdre Town Clerk Innovative Programs to Improve Energy Efficiency m New York Re-Lining and Rehabihtatinn of Damaged Stonnwater Qualtty Using DEC Chapter 9 Verified SMPs Diagnose the Problem with Filter Underdrains - Kingston Water Department Phase I Filter Improvements Envelope and Lighting Energy Code (unulnoon)