HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Dept Schedule Association of Towns of the State of New York Hilton New York & Towers February 19 - 22, 2012 Informational Hearing on Proposed Resolutions Sunday, February 19, 2012 - 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Regent Parlor, 2nd Floor Opening General Session for All Officers Monday, February 20, 2012 - 8:45 a.m. Grand Ballrooin, 3rd Floor Rebecca A. Connolly, President, AOT; Town Clerk, Town of Somerset, Presiding Pledge to the Flag: Rebecca Haines, Town Clerk, Town of Ellery Invocation: Murray Jaros, AOT National Anthem: Rachael Engert, Buffalo State College student, Town of Somerset Address: Honorable Thomas P. DiNapoli, Comptroller, State of New York Address: Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor, State of New York - Invited Message: G. Jeffrey Haber, Executive Director, AOT Breakfast with the Association Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 8 a.m. Grand Ballroom, 3rd Floor Rebecca A. Connolly, President, AOT; Town Clerk, Town of Somerset, Presiding Pledge to the Flag: John LaPointe, AOT Past President and Supervisor, Town of Putnam Invocation: Daniel Engert, Supervisor, Town of Somerset God Bless America: Rachael Engert, Buffalo State College student, Town of Somerset Address: Honorable Charles E. Schumer, United States Senator Address: Honorable Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General, State of New York Annual Business Meeting Wednesday, February 22, 2012 - 9 a.m. Beekman Parlor/Sutton Parlor North, 2nd Floor Pledge to the Flag: Donna L. Conlin, Town Clerk, Town of Schodack (Participation by Accredited Delegates/Alternates of Member Towns) Building Officers Beckman Parlor 10:00 - Noon Rhode Island Night Club Fire Dom/nick G. Kasmauskas, CFPS, National Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc. The presentation will review the circumstances of the tragic incident that ended 100 lives (97 at the scene and 3 later and left several dozens more with burn injuries. We'll take a look at people and their egress instincts, the importance c proper and documented inspections, as well as some ideas for record keeping. Included are the live-fire burn test video of a mock up of the Station Nightclub stage area (where the fire started) with and without fire sprinklers. 1:00 - 3:00 Installing CSST Systems to Meet NYS Code Robert Torbin, PE, Director of Codes and Standards, Omega Flex, Inc. The 2010 editions of the New York State Fuel Gas Code and Residential Code include changes that alter the manner in which corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) gas piping systems are installed. The code enforcement community must become aware of these changes to permit safe use, proper installation and thorough inspection of these types of gas piping systems. Among the major changes to the 2010 codes: new requirements./bt electrical bonding of CSST to the grounding electrode system; additional requirements for protection against mechanical threats; and an update on prohibited instal- lation practices. The traimng course will cover these ne,~ additions to the NYS codes as well as a review of the manu- facturer ~ recommended hardware and assembly practices, the general principles for sizing of and layouts for CSST gas piping systems and minimum requirements for inspection, repair and system testing. 3:00 - 4:00 Inspection Testing and Maintenance for the Authority Having Jurisdiction Dominick G. Kasmauskas, CFPS. National Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc. This' session will provide an overview of the Chapters of NFPA 25 more in line with the code enforcement official's scope, particularly Chapters 1 through 4. It is important th, at all parties (code official, building owner, and fire sprinkler contrac- tor) understand that NFPA 25 is a building owner s document and that the proper inspection, testing and maintenance pf their water-based fire protection systems is the building owner's responsibility. We will also review the difference betwee~ the internal investigation and obstruction investigation. Town Boards & Supervisors Sutton Parlor North 10:30- 11:30 Passing the Buck (or Sharing It): Provisions and Tips for Towns to Save Costs on Some Everyday Municipal Issues Joseph F. Castiglione, Esq., Young Sommer Ward Ritzenberg Baker & Moore LLC and Robert A. Panasci, Esq., Young Sommer Ward Ritzenberg Baker & Moore LLC This' course discusses statutory provisions and practical tips to help towns avoid certain costs or share certain costs' ot various municipal functions, including intermunicipal agreements, costs concerning a municipality's review of certain applications, costs on Freedom of Information Law matters, sewer and water services and real property tax certiorari proceedings. 11:30- 12:30 Length of Service Award Programs Edward J. Holohan, President, Penflex Inc. What is a LOSAP? How is it used to recruit and retain volunteers? Is your LOSAP is properly funded? What is an actu- arial loss? What is an actuarial gain? How do these things' affect program costs? Are LOSAPs the answer to the looming 1:00 - 2:00 Implications of Power Plant Siting (Article 10) Legislation on Power Development in New York State James Muscato, Esq., Young Sommer Ward Ritzenberg Baker & Moore LLC Unti/ the re-enactment of Article 1 O, potential environmental impacts associated with power projects in New York State were evaluated under SEQRA. The SEQRA process has typically resulted in the host community/local jurisdiction having the primary approval authority over a given project, although an applicant was still required to obtain all other permits from other local, county, state and/or federal agencies with jurisdiction. However, for most New York projects those in excess of 25 MW- the process established by the newly enacted Article 10 will soon replace SEQRA and other state and local permitting. The goal for the new Article 10 is to replace the current process with a single, centralized review by the New York State Siting Board for all major power projects in New York. Based on a comprehensive perspective of the power permitting experience in New York, particularly in the renewable energy field, as well as analysis of Article ] 0 and proposals for related regulations, this presentation will give the audience valuable insight into the future review and approval process for power projects in New York State. 2:00 - 3:00 Municipal Annexation Daniel A. Spitzer, Esq., Hodgson Russ LLP An analysis of the complex laws and procedures applicable to the annexation of land by one municipality from anothe~ 3:00 - 4:00 Primer on Environmental Compliance, Part I Beth Morss, Esq., Young Sommer Ward Ritzenberg Baker & Moore LLC Towns are not exempt from environmental regulation. To the contrary, many activities performed by towns for their citi- zens are subject to federal and state environmental laws; failure to comply can give rise to penalties and worse. This course provides town officials with a primer on the major environmental laws potentially applicable to towns, addressing such issues as oil and chemical storage, building and equipment maintenance, waste management, spill reporting and response and stormwater management for public works and highway maintenance facilities. 4:00 - 5:00 Primer on Environmental Compliance, Part I1 Beth Morss, Esq., Young Sommer Ward Ritzenberg Baker & Moore LLC Towns are not exempt from environmental regulation. To the contrary, many activities performed by towns for their citi- zens are subject to federal and state environmental laws; failure to comply can give rise to penalties and worse. This ' courseprovides town officials with aprimer on the major environmental lawspotentially applicable to towns, addressing l such issues as oil and chemical storage, building and equipment maintenance, waste management, spill reporting and response and stormwater management for public works' and highway maintenance facilities. Building Officers Beekman Parlor 8:00- 10:00 DCEA Code Update Raymond J. Andrews, R.A., Division of Code Enforcement and Administration, NYSDOS The first part of this program will explain the new Uniform Code and the new Energy Code, including key changes to these codes. It will also note changes that have already taken place in these new codes, which are found in NYCRR. The presen~ tation will also cover recent laws that have impacted the Uniform and Energy Codes and other agency's regulations. Part 1203, code enforcement and the annual reports will also be discussed. The second part of the program will discuss events currently taking place at the Department of State Codes Division, including: code development, educational services code interpretations, energy, regional services and technical services. 16 2:00 - 3:00 Shop Safety/PESH and Work Comp Cost Control Roger Cuva, Manager Risk Services, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance; Loren Pratt, Vice President, Marketing, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance; and Jay Lewandowski, Loss Control Specialist, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance An overview for town supervisors/board and highway superintendents on what they should be looking at in their highway garages and shop as far as maintenance relative to providing a safer workplace in the framework under which PESH and Workers' Compensation insurance carrier loss control staff'look. The overview will also convey how providing a saJ&r workplace - and safer operationa/ activity in general - can help municipality and highway department's efforts stabilize ever-increasing workers'compensation costs over the long term. 3:00 - 4:00 Planning for Cleaner, Greener Communities (Planning) Mark Lowery, Climate Policy Analyst, Office of Climate Change, DEC; Lindsay Robbins, Project Manager, NYSERDA; and Jeanne Herb, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University Under Go~ Andrew Cuomo 's Cleaner, Greener Communities competitive grants program, economic development regions have been awarded grants to fund development of regional sustainability plans. Towns will be important participants in planning as members of regional planning consortia, and planners will be expected to include sustainability measures and metrics by which plans can be assessed. This workshop will introduce town officials' to the Cleaner, Greener Com- munities program and to the development and use of sustainability performance measures and metrics. 4:00 - 5:00 Resources for Climate Smart Communities (Planning) Jeanne Herb, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University; Mark Lowery, Climate Policy Analyst, DEC; and Jennifer Manierre, Associate Project Manager, NYSERDA Climate Smart Communities is an interagency state program that provides support to local governments in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs, while preparing for the effects of climate change. Direct technical assistance is being provided to participating communities through several Climate Smart Communities coordinators. This workshop will introduce town officials to the goals of the program and resources available to local governments. Town & Village JuStices (Continuing Education) - Core A Gramercy Suite 9:00- 10:00 Alternate Arraignments Al Chapleau, Esq. 10:15 - 12:15 Pre-Trial Hearings Hon. Christian Hummel, Hon. Nancy M. Sunukjian and Al Chapleau, Esq. 1:15 - 3:15 DWI Sentencing Hon. David Gideon, Hon. Nancy M. Sunukjian and A1 Chapleau, Esq. 3:30 - 4:30 Ethics: Miscellaneous Issues Part 1 Hon. Thomas J. Sheeran, Hon. Robert Boglc and Maryrita Dobiel Appearance of impropriety; superviso~ responsibilities; practice limitations and ex-parte communications. 4:30 - 5:00 ASSESSMENT looking at backwashing procedures, water chemistry and h),draulic calculations. 11:00 - Noon Overview of the International Green Construction Code (IGCC) Dorothy M. Harris, Int'l Codes Council, Inc. An overview of the development schedule and general provisions of the IGCC will be provided, along with an explanation of how the IGCC differentiates it from existing Green Building Stundards. 1:30 - 2:30 Innovative Programs to Improve Energy Efficiency in New York Municipalities Silvia Marpicati, PE, Malcolm Pimie/ARCADIS Through NYSERDA's Outreach to kVater and kVastewater Facilities Program, communities throughout New York have access to tools and technical assistance to improve the energy efficiency and economics of their treatment facilities, while also meeting or exceeding regulatory requirements and reducing the overall environmental impacts. This presentation will fbcus on the educational portion of the program, outlining the main components' and specific benefits of the three- prong approach to the training program for operators, officials and engineers. 2:30 - 3:30 Re-Lining and Rehabilitation of Damaged Structures Pat Keenan, ConTech 3:30 - 4:30 Stormwater Quality Using DEC Chapter 9 Verified SMPs Don LaBlanc, ConTech Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Building Officers Certification Beekman Parlor 8:00 - Noon Commercial Envelope and Lighting Energy Code Juan Carlos Toro, PE This session will educate the New York State construction community about the energy code in order to increase compli- ance. The emphasis' of the envelope and lighting modules will be on the typical prescriptive compliance path of the energy code. In some situations, projects may not be able to comply with all these prescriptive measures and would need to seek compliance through a performance-based path. Includes a discussion on interpretations and applications of the code by addressing the building sciences and the intent behind the code's prescriptions. Within each section of the code, there are numerous, seemingly small issues that have a large impact. We will identify and discuss these points to ensure that students understand the full application of the code. The last section will be devoted to enforcement of the code to ensure compliance, with emphasis placed on the standard compliance path using COMcheck. The performance-based Energy Cost Budget Method of ~ISHRAE90. ] will be introduced as an alternate method of compliance. '-Please'return plastiC't adge 0vers to: registration area. ' ' :