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$outhold Town Planning 'Board SOUTHOLD. L, !., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickharn, Chalrma~ Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle MINUTES SOUTHOLD TOWN PL~qNIN~ BOARD December 9, 1968 A reguiar meeting of the Southold Town Ptannin9 Board was held at 7:30 P~M.~ December 9, 1968, at the Town Office, MainRoad, Southoid~ New York. There were present: Henry Moisa, Acting Chairman(Late), William Unkelbach, Alfred Grebe~ Frank Coyle. Absent: Mr. Jhhn Wickham, Chairman PUBLIC H~qING: Upon the question ~f approval of .the foLbwing plat: Plat of propertyentitled Rosewood Estates, situated lyin9 and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N~v York, bounded and described as follows: B~GINNING at a monument set at the intersection of the northerly line of Bergen Avenue and the w~sterly line of Cox Neck Road and from said point of beginning rura~ing thence along the northerly line of Bergen Avenue, S. 75° B6~ 30" W. 440.55 feet to a monument and lands of ~artes Murphy~ formerly of WilliamLinds~v; runnin9 thence along said lands of Murphy the following eight courses smd distances: (I) N. 22° 57' 30' W.- 684.47 feet; (2) N. 23° 03' 40'~ W. 200.05 feet; (3) N. 18° 36' .~0' W.- 100.15 feet; (4) 28~ 40~' W.- 200.40 feet; (5) N. 1§~ 45' 20" W.- 100.06 feet~ (~) N. 2i~ 45' 40' W.- 99.79 feet (7) N. 20° 30' 20" w. 100.06 feet; and (8) 17' 50" W._ 59.64 feet ~o a monument and lands of J. Sledjeski; thence alon9 said lands of $1edjeski the following four courses and distances~ (!) N. ?4~ 42' 10' g.- ~73.56 feet to a point; (2) S. 23~ 23~ 30" E.- 72~.52 feet to a.monuement; (3) S. 23~ 16~ B0" B.- 179.70 feet to a monument; and ~outho!d Town Pla~ningBoard December 9, 1968 (4) S. 16© 16' 30~%E.- 142.30 feet to a monument sad lands of Pause wang; running thence along said lands of Pausewang the following two courses and distances; (I) S. !0~il'' 20,~ E. 189.08 feet to a monuments and (2) S. 85: 15' 00~' E.- 206.55 feet to a monument set on the westerly line of Cox Nehk Road; run/%in9 thence along the westerly line of Cox Neck Road, S. 20° 13' 30" W._ 28.28 fe~t to an angle point in said road; continuing thence~along the westerly line of Cox ~!eck Road~ S. 4~ S6~ 30" E.- 224.$0 feet to the monument set at the point or place of begriming. ~-~. UN~LBACH: ts there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of ~his subdivision~ RICPL~D L~_R~f~ ESQ.: I don't have anything further to offer. ~. the surveyor has met all the requirements of the Board and the highway department. The highway has been given tentative approval, the Board of Health has given their okay. We have complied with every~ng to ~ate. (A discussion was held on the amount of the performance bond. The applicants felt that the bond could be reduced. The in~tallation of curbs was discussed. !~. Larry Tuthili reproted the mes~ t~e bond could be reduced would be by about $2,000.00. It was agreed that the Planning Board would reco~mmend to the Town Board that the bond for Rosewood Estates, be reset for $22,000.00.) ~4~, ~LBACH: I~ there anyone present ~uho wishes to speak against this subdivision? (There was no response. ) ~q. U~{ELBACH: Hearing none: I will close the hearing at this time and ~'e will make our ~ecision later this evening. Dominic T. Aurichio~ ~sq. appeared before the Planning Board in regard to a change of zone for Stephen J. Dororski~ and Frances Doroski. The Board and i~. Aurichio discussed this application at some !enght. The Board referred to their minutes of June BO~ t967, at which time th~ advised Mr. Doroski what type of business zone and how much of ~ business zone they would be inclined to go along with. The property involved is located at Southold, in theTownof Southold, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: P~J~CEL ~ - Beginning at the intersection of the northwesterly line of Middle Road (CR 27) as re!ocatedwith the southwesterly line of land of ~dd~ and southeasterly boundary line of land of Doroski~ from said point of beginning r,~uning southwesterly aton9 said northweste ly l~e of ~le Road (CR 27) as rel~ated~ 400 feet; thence a!on~ land of Doroski three courses: (i) Northwesterly parallel to said boundary line of land of ~udd: 300 feets thence (Z) northeasterly parallel to said northwesterly line of ~iddle Road (CR 27)~ ~00 feet~ more or less to land of M~dd; thence (3) southeasterly along said land of ~Mudd~ 300 feet: more or less to the point of beginning. Southold Town Planning Board -3- December 9, 1968 P~CEL II - Beginning at the intersection of the northwesterly line of original ~4iddl~ Road, with the southwesterly boundary of land of Suffolk County and the southeasterly boundary of land of Doroski; from said point of beginning running southwesterly along said northwesterly line of original ~.[idd!e Road, 400 feet; thence at right angle to last described course northwesterly along other iandof Doroski~ 315 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly line of Middle Road (C~ 27) as re!ocated~ thence northeasterly along samd southeasterxy l_ne o~ 5~ddle Road (CR 27) as relocated 375 feet more or less, thence along the westerly ~ide of ]_and of Suffolk Co~%ty, two courses~ (I) easterly 27 feet, ~uore or less, ~hence (2) ~ southeasterly 283 feet more or iess: ~o the point of beginning excepting whatever part of the above described Parcel IIwhich is already inthe '~B'~ zone. On motion by ~. Unkelbaach~ seconded by ~fr. Coy!e~ it was REHOLVED the Southold To%vn Planning Board favorably recommend to the Southold To~ Board the change of zone from ,~A" Residential and ~ricu!tural District to "B'~ Business District on the property el Doroski as described above The Planning Board ~s discussed this change of zone with Doroski on June BO, 1967, and has record of this discussion in their minutes. This ch~ugeof zone is requested in view of the relocating of 5~ddle Road. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- ~ir. ~oisa, Btr. Urzkelbach, ~vir. Grebes C.~yle. ~;~. Dennis Hurley appeared before the Pis~zuing Board in re§~rd to the s~odivision to be k~own as Jacksons Landing~ located on the easterly side of Mill Road, at Mattituck~ in the To~ of Southold~ County of Suffolk a~d State of New York. ~. Hurley stated that every~ing was in order for a/public hearing. It was pointed out that curbing would be required. The Board advised Mr~ Hurley they would set the next regular meeting as the date for s public hearing on this subdivision and he would be notified of this date. ~ssrs: Robert W. Gil!ispie~ Jr., Robert Bergen, Fred H~sle, and Charles Grigonis~ Jro~ members of the $outhold To~ Board of Appeals met with the Piannin~ Board inregard to the ~attituek Shopping Center their request for a reduction in the!andscaped are~ so tha~ they could have more parking. The Board of Appeals wanted the Planning Board views~' on this before the heard the application. It was generally agreed that it would be acceptable to reduce the landscape area and make more parking area, Southold Town Planning Board -4- December 1968 The P!annin9 Board reqeived from theTown Board the original petition of LeRoy BDovcn for a change of zone fro~.~ "A~' Residential and Agricultural District to "B-2~ Business district on the following described property: A~! that certain real property situated at Bast Marion, Town of Southoid~ County of Suffo!k= and State of New York, bounded and deseribed as follows: B~GIA~ING at a monument on the northerly line of Main ~State)Road~ at the intersection be~en thepremises herein described and land of Village of_ Green- port, running thence along the northerly line of ~,~in (S~ate) Road the foliowin9 four courses and distances: (i) westerly along a c~rve bearing to the right, having a radius of i00g.O feet, a distance a!on9 said curveof 50.76 feet toa point, thence (2) south 69 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds ~est 164.00 feet to a pipe; (3) south 77 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds west i6~.00 feet to a pipes (4) south 66 degress 48 minutes 40 seconds v~st ~.SB feet to a pipe at the division line between the premises herein described and land no~ or formerly of Floyd F. Biing; thence north 34 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds v~est alon9 the last mentioned land 193.16 feet to-~u iron bar and the land now or formerly ~f t~Yayland C. Brown; thence north 60 degrees 0! minutes 30 seconds east a!on9 the last mentioned land 286.44 feet to a monument and land of the Village of Greenport first above mentioned; thence south 33 degrees 17 minutes O0 seconds east along the lastmentioned land ~ 265.80 feet to the northerly line of Main (State) Road at the point or place of beginning. On motion by ~. Coyie= secondedby Mr. Grebe~ it was Pd~SOLV~D that the Southoid Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold T~vn Board the change of zone from '~" Residentialand Agricultural District to ~'B-2~ Business district on the above described property. The Plama%ing Board points out that the property herein described has been used for business for many years as a non-corz6orm~g use. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Moisa, Fir. Unketbach, Mr. Moisa, M~. Gr~e. The Pl~nning Board received from the Town Board the original petition of David 14udd, ~ddle Road~ Southold, New York, for a change of zone from '~" Residential and Agricultural District to ~B' Business District oncertain real property situatedat $outhold: in the Town of Southo!d,County of Suffolk~ and State of New York= and more particularly bounded and described as foll~Ns: PARCEL t - Beginning at the intersection of the extension north~sterly of thenortheasteriy line of Ackerly Pong Lane with the southeasterly line of ~iddle Road (CR27) as relocated~ from said point of begirn~ing running northeasterly a!on9 said southeasterly line 334 feet, more or less, to lan of Suffolk County~ thence southeasterly along said land of Suffolk Coutny 185 feet, more or less: to the northwesterly line of Middle Road! thence south%¢es~erly along said northwesterly line, 285 feet, more or iess~ to said extension of Acker!y Pond Lane~ thence along said extension three courses: (1) westerly 39 feet~ more or iess~ thence (2) northwesteriy~ 244 feet, more or less: thence (3) northerly, 3~ feet, more or less to the point of beginning. ~ . ~So~athold Town Planning Board -5- December 9, 1968 PARCEL II - Beginning at the intersection of the northwesterly line of Middle Road (CR 27) as relocated, with the northeasterly boundarly ~f land of Doroski and the southwesterly boundary of i~nd of M~dd; from said point of beginning rur~uing northwesterly along said land of Doroski, 300 £eet~ thence along said land of ~udds two courses: (I) northeasterly parallel to said northwesterly line of ~4iddl~ Road, 400 feets thence (2) southeasterly parallel to said boundary line of Doroskis 300 feet to said northwesterly line of ~;~ddle Roads thence southwesterly along said north~esteriy iine~ 400 feet to the point of beginnigs excepting whateverpartof the above described Parcel II which is already in the "B~' zone. On motion by ~;~. Coyle, seconded by ~.ir. Grebe~ it was R ~SOLV~D that the Southold Tovzn Planning ~oard recom=~end favorably to the Southold Town Board the chang~ of zone from ~'A~' Residential and ~gricultural District to "B~ Business District on the property described herein. ~he Board finds that this property is conducive ~o business to coD--~orm with ~he ~aracter of the adjoining property owned by Doroski~ Vote of the ~ard: Ayes:- I4r. ~isas ~. Urhke!bach, Mr. Coy~e, Mr. Grebe. On motion by I.~. Grebes seconded by r. Moisa, it was RESOLVBD that the Southold To~wn Planning Board grant final approval to the subdivision to be known as Rosewood ~states~ subject to the subdivider posting a bond and said bond being accepted by the Southold Town Board. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. 5~oisa= ~4r. Unkeibachs ~z~. ~rebe, Mr. Coyie. The next regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board will be held at 7:~°0 P.~4.~ ~ ~nday, January i$, 1969, at the To%~n Office~ Main Road: Southotd ~ I~ew York. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. HENRY MOiSA, ACTING CHA~RB[~N Respectfully submitted, Barbara C. Dzttmann~ Secretary Southoid Town Planning Board