HomeMy WebLinkAbout014785/24/2885 21: §6 631 ?6§9864 ZBA PAGE 03 ~,.Nic.tlan WP # / ~ 7 Eevlond pew TB 7/01 p~ TO H~ ~N 0~ PU~C W~ AT A ~ ~ ~ ~di~, ~ ' i~n'~3 · . /D~-/'~ TI~ ~fl~ ~): ' F~ ~ of ~nt: ~4~'~ I .~ t~ ~. ~ ~ wh~ ~his e~nt ls to be held d do ~m to ~ w~ ~e ~, ' ' " " " " " " " . /V "" " 1. B~ om.~_.~p~m~ of this I~mlt, Al~licant a~mes to edefluetoly sul~r~s~ end direct ell Nrki~J be an this site, and Applicant a~ans to provide additlanel traffic controls ne¢*__~_~y fro. this 2, One "on-premises" alga nat larger then slx (6) square feet In size may be displayed not longer than thlety ~0) days before this event, end remeved immediately after thc event. Directional parki~g signs shall be adequately displayed. 3. Appllonnt Indemelfle~ end hol~ harmless the Town of Southold f~om all claims, damages, expenses, suite and lasses inaludlng but net limited to at'tor~ey's fees arisimj feo~ acfivities undee thl~ peemlt. A Ceetificete of Lleblllty naming the Town of Southeld es an additional iesueed in the emeunt of One Million ($1,000,000.00) Oollees is hereby filed by ~oplicent, end s~id Ceetiflcote must remain in full furee encl effect dueimj this entire event. 4. Tent I~ must receive peloe va'ltten approval f~m the Seutkold Town Building Inspector befaee placement an the peapeMy end e~st meet ell flee and onfe~ cedes. 5. This pe~ldt is wild only fa, the time, date, place ~ .use specified above, end fop the designated event. E~eh additional day will require a separate peemit a~licetian, fee, and rele~ed documents for review, eta. et least 4G days palos to this event, Page 2 - Winery Event l%rmii P~E 04 9. V~IQ~ in ~nne~ wi~ ~is e~nt will ~i~ ~b ~lt. ~0. ~ K thb ~it d~ ~ ~ in any ~nnev ~ ~ ~ ~l~l ~ildi~ ~1~ ~ le~l li~tafl~ ~der t~ fi~ ~e, or other c~ which ~ld ~h~l? such i~d ~. 11. T~ flH ~ shall ~min ~n ~ u~ of ~11 fl~ ~ ~lldl~s). on ~ ~. 12~ ~ic. w~n ~, is ~i~ ~ s~ Qt ~0:~0 p.m. 13. ~ ~ Yhe ~ ~ ~ ~ by ~ wi~ W~ ~le, li~ ~ ~r ~ disc j~ke~ will ~ 15. W~n d~c j~ ~ ~ed, ~e decal le~ will ~ ~i~d 16. ~nl~ ~ the e~ will ~ ~i~d to ~ ~ ~d di~ ~r ~ ~, ~ ~ will ~w ~e ~ght to ~w ~ di~ J~ ~m the 17. ~-~d ~i~ will be ~d~d, ei~r ~ ~he ~ p~mi~ ~ the ~d. PQ~l~ ~i~ will ~ ~d~ by ~ wi~ ~ t~ e~nt, when 18, F~ e~n~ o~r 3~ ~, o ~lifled ~i¢ ~ller will ~ p~ded. 19. ~r ~ ~f ~11 fl~, sofe~, ~ildi~, o~ ~r I~ will ~ ~lled wifh. 05/25/2005 10:33 FA~ 5~6 742 ?209 HIP,&M COHEN ~j~ ~J(,'~ ~001 A_CORO. CERT OF LIABILI INSU ,N E ..... ~"J-~ r o~/2~/os 486 Willis Avenu~ Galluccio Esta2e Vineyard~ LLC 1269 Cutcho~ue NY 11935 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MAYFER OF INFOR/i~TION ONLY AND CONF£P-~ NO RIGHT~ UPON THE CERI1FICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, Ex'rEND OR ALT~R THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY 'II~E POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE COVERAGES INSURERA; Federal Insurance CO~lpan1~ NAIC # 20281 LTR NSR~ TYPE O1~ IrCSURANCE POIJCY NUMeER -- PG~O~ & A~ INJURY $~ 000,000-- Th~ To~ of 8ouChold is &ncluded as addt~ional insured as respects any events ~ n~ed ~nsured. CANCELLATION TOWNOF3 Tow~ of Southold 53095 l~ain ~o&d ~outhold NY 11971 ACORD 26 (200t109) '"'"J ~1 ACORO CORPORATION 198~ ~o~o Date: 07~06~05 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: 7618 Transaction(s): 1 1 Public Events Reference WP147 Subtotal $50.00 Check#: 7618 Total Paid: $50.00 Name: ClerklD: Galluccio, Estate Vineyards 24385 Main Road P O Box 1269 Cutchogue, NY 11935 BONNIED internal ID: WP147 ZBA TO TOWN CLERK CHECK TRANSMITTAL SHEET (Filing of Application and Check for Processing) DATE: 7/05/05 ZBA # NAME CHECK # AMOUNT TC DATE STAMP Anderer, Peter and 5749 Roseann (Kevin 8626 $150.00 McLaughlin) Anderer, Peter and 5750 Roseann (Kevin 8627 $150.00 McLaughlin) RECEIYED WP147 Galluccio Family Wineries 7618 $50.00 TOTAL ~.~5o,oo Thank you.