HomeMy WebLinkAbout014485/24/2885 21:56 6317659864 ZBA PAGE 03 Application WP · ~ Revised per 11 7/01 pERMZT TO HOLD AN OUTDOOR PUBLTC EVENT AT A WZNERY Nome f ~y ~t ' ~ ~ Tent bei~ ~d? ~V~ [ ~ ~ ~on plan a~ehe~. I a~ the ~r ~ P~ whe~ this e~nt is te be held ~ do ~ te ~1~, ~1~, ~itlons, and ~i~n~ of ~ ~e of the T~ ~ li~ ~ ~ ~di~ IJ~d bel~, ~ well ~ all othe~i~ble ~Jnl~ ~ the a~i~ u~e~ th~ e~nt. P~l~ ~ H~E~ ~ED, ~U~ TO THE FO~N~ 1. By oc~thnca of this permit. Applicant ~c]~u to adequately sapemase and direct ell pe~i~ to be on this site,, and Applicant agrees to pravlde additional traffic contmis necescae/for this event. 2. One "on-premises" sign not larger than six (6) square feet in size may be displayed not longer then thlety (30) days before this event, and removed Immediately after thc event. Directional pe~king signs shall I~ adequately displayed. 3. Applicant Indemnlfle~ and holds harmless the Town of Southald from ell claims, damages, expenses, suits and losses including but net limited to atl~rney's fees arising f~orn activities unde4- this permit, a Ceetiflcate of Liability naming the Tewn of Seuthold as an additional insured in the amount of One Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars is hereby filed by Applicant, and s~ld Ceetlflcato must rerr~ain in full force and effect dueJng this entire event. 4. Tent praponab must ~1~ prior weltten eppeovel fearn the ,~uthold Town Building Inspector bofe~e placement on the pe0peety end must meet ell fire and safety codes. 5. This penldt is valid only for the time, date, place and .use specified above, and for the deskjfleted event. Each additional day will require a separate permit application, fee, ~nd related documents for review, etc. at least 45 day~ prior to this event. 05/24/2005 21:56 6317659864 ZBA P~ 2 - Winery Ev~t P~rmil PAC'iE 04 6. Adequolm .to mpm~Fy snei~ry f~cllltlu murr ix provided by oppllcont for ffi event, ~ ~pplicont ngrgeS to remove.~ tentporory.~allities (~om the pe~mL~es within 48 hour~ o~ the day of 7. ldo on~silo~lCood prepm~d~on Lq permlf?ed, although food my be cGtor~d subJec~ to all I~Glth regulations. iS. Gve.~ f~ thee h.nd~d C300) 0~ m~m I~.Pl" ~l. ire suhmi~ion and q~owl of ~ plan, ~L1r~bl~ to ti~ Town. 9. Violations in connection with thb event will torminQto thi~ p~rmlt. 10. Znsuonce of this p~mit ~ not nuthoeize in rely manner ~ ~ ~ ~K~I ~ildiM ~l~ ~ I~1 Ii~Mfl~ ~der t~ fi~ ~s, or other c~fl which w~ld ~h~lt such 11. Two fi~ ~x~ shall retIKdn apen:and unobstruoteud at all tim~ to buid rig(s), on t4~ peqm~/ 12, Music, when outdCorn, is required to ~'at 10:30 p.m. 13. ~e~-~._q~n~ of tha qmaken must ix approved by the winery 14. Wheee pea,ibis, livm bomb rathm, titan dlsa jockcy~ will I~ ancourQged. 15. When disc Jockeys are used, trw dcciixl le~is will be monllomd 1o ensure accqmd~la lewis. 16. O~ganlz~rs of the events will ix requleed to use o. approved disc joeke/Hcomn~nded by the windy or have their o~m d~ Joehey sign o con~ot ag~ealng to the ~bove. If they do not honor th~ contr~,~ the winery will Imve the eight to ~move thc disc Jockey f~om the 17. Off-rcod pmddng will ix provided, sifter on 'the winery p~mbcs or at ~or si~ ~ t~ ~d. ~1~ ~i~ will ~ ~d~ by ~ wi~ ~ thb e~nt, when 18. For aven~ over BO0 guests, a quolifiod traffic controller will ix p~ovidad. 19. Owner usuru tht oil fire. scr~ty, building, (mci other Im will ~ ~l~d with.