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Revised pea TB 7/01 pERAL.TT TO HOLD AN
Cantact Peman~anfact Tel;_.~' r -I jc
bate of Event: 7'/~,~/O ) '_ W.l~eey PaecJl 1000- \
~ ~ Tent bei~ ~d? ~V~ [ ] ~ ~fian p~n e~ched).
Z am the ~e of P~ whe~ this ewet Is to be held ~ do ~e to
~1~, ~lafi~, ~itions, and ~i~n~ of t~ ~e of the T~ of ~old,
~ li~d ~ ~ ~ndi~ li~ed balm, ~ and ~la~
~Jnl~ ~ the a~i~fi~ u~ee th~ e~nt.
well as all ~icab~age~les
1. ~y ac~eptanon of this par~it, Applicant agrees to adequately supervise and direct all parking to
be an this site, and Applicant oxj~ees to pear, de additional traffic centrals necessaey foe this event.
2. O.e "on-premises" sign no+ larger than six (6) square feet in size may be displayed net longer
then thirty (nO) days befoee this event, and remeved Immediately after the event. Directional
parking signs shall be adequately displayed.
3. Applicant Indemnifies and hol~ harmless the Town of Seuthold from all claim, damages,
expenses, suits and losses including but not limited to attorney's fees arising ~ activities under
this per~lt, a Certificate of Liability naming the Tewn of ~,outhold as an additional insured in the
amount of One Million ($1.0oO,000.00) ballaes is heeeby filed by Applicant, end said Certificate
must remain in full foeca and effect during this entire event.
4. Tent peopesals must monlve pHoe welttan eppmvel fearn the ~outhold T~,~n Building Zaspectoe
bofoee placement an the pt~ae~/and must meet all fire and safety codes.
5. This permit is wlid only foe the time, date, pl~ca and use specified obaw, and foe the
d~kJ~n~J eventt ~(~Ch additional day will r~xluire o sepaeate permit application, fee, and related
documents foe review, eta. at least 4§ day~ pHoe to this event.
21:56 6317650064
P~ge 2 - W,i~ Ev~t Permit
6. Ad~qu~re .tompo~y sQnitory fonlllti~ must I~ I~OddCd by c~pllcont fo~ this avant, and
Applicmnt o~esS to mmov~.h tompo~my.fo~ili~s f~om tim p~mises withifl 48 Imur~ of the day of
7. Ida on2sito' food prepor~Non is pe~mi'~cl, although food ly be c~tored subject to all health
8. ~ven~s fa~ flume hundred ~JO0) o~ more peapl, ~41uire submission aK opp~av~l of a t~fffc
control piano ~eptobla to the Town.
9. Violotio~ in oonfleot~e with this ewot will tonnlHto this' I~rmlt.
10. Znuonce of this permit dm nay aufheHz~e in any manner occupancy of fha p~lnCllXd building
exceeding the legal limitations u~der the fife c~c1¢, or other codes which wo~ld prehlblt such
increased occupancy.
11. Two fire ~xtts shall retain q~n and unobstructed at all times to building(s), on the Fro~H-/.
Music. wben oul~°ors, is required to Itt~ 'at 10:30 p.m.
13. Hc~nentoftheq)eakenmustbeq~eowdbythewlneWmn~emnt.
14. Where p~bb, live ~ rethm, th~m disc Jookeys will be encouraged.
15. h disc Jocklys are Id, tht dca~l levels will be mm~ltofed t~ ensure =c__"'rtobla levels.
Organlz~ of th~ e~ent~ will be ~quired to us~ on apl~oved disc ~ck~/re~mm~nded by ~hc
win~/or Imve their arm di~ 3od~y sign a coat,at ngreaisg to the above. Tf they do not
hmor th* ~,. t~ winery will Imve t~s fight to remo~ th~ disc Jockey f~om the
Off-~ood ImPing will be IX'OVided, either on the winery p~emLq~ o~ at ~o~er si~
~ th ~d. ~l~ ~m will ~ ~ded by ~ wi~ ~ thb e~nt, when
18. For even.ts over 300 ~uests, a quoliflad tfeffic conl~ollar will be provided.
19. Owmer assures Hint all fire, safety, building, ,nd othr lows will be com~llad with.