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Revised I~r TB 7/01
Tent ~i~ ~d? ~V~ [ ] ~ ~m p~n o~¢~.
om t~ ~r ~ P~ whom thb emM IS ~ ~ held
~1~, ~1~, ~itlans, and ~i~n~ of ~ ~e
li~ ~ ~ ~dl~ I~ed balm, ~ well ~ ~11 ·he__liable ~ ~1~ and m~lo~
~lnl~ ~ the ~i~ u~r thb e~nt.
1. ~/a~,~tanca of this permit, Applicant ng~as to ad~luat~ly supe~ and direct all pe~4ing tn
be on this sit~,. ~nd Applicant ~j~s to provide additional l~affic controls necessa~/for this ewnt.
2. One "on-pmmls~s" sign not lar~r than six (6) squ~m feet in size may be displayed n~t longer
than thirty (30) days bufo~ this e~nt, and ~meved immediately after the event. Directional
perking signs shall b¢ adequnt~ly display~d.
3. Applicant Indanmlfle~ and holds haemless the Town of ~cathold fearn nil claims, damages,
expenses, suits end losses including but not limited to attormey's fees arising from a~tivities under
thin per~lt. A C~tificate of Liability naming the Town of ,~nthold as on additional in~nd in the
amount of One Million ($1,000,000.00) Dollaes IS hereby filed by Applicant, and said Certificate
must remain in full forca and sffnct durl.g this entlm event,
4. Tent peafowls must mcalve I~lor welrrnn approval from the ~uthold Town Betiding Inspector
before placement on the pr~erty and must meet all fire and safety codu.
5. This permit is v~lid only for the time, date, place ~cl use specified above, and for the
designated event, g~eh additional day will r~quim a septets permit a~plicatian, fee, and mia'md
documents for ~view, ets. at least 45 days prior to this event.
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Page 2 - ~Vit~e~ :E~,~t Permit
6. Ad~ .tompor~ ~ltory f~cllltlu ~-,m be p~odded by ~pllco~t for this ewnt. cid
Applicuot ogr~.S to remove, the tompor~ry.fo~ilitles f~om thc peemises within 48 Imu~s of the day of
7. No on'site fond pecpo~rlon is I~rml~td, although fo~, moy be c~zto~d subje~ ~o ell beGIth
8. Events fe~ three hundred (300) oe more pe~le require submission ,nd opprevol of · traffic
0o~t~ol plon, ~le to th Town.
9. Violotions in conscotiai~ with this event will tonninoto fids' permit.
10. 7.s~uoflc~ of this Im~lit dm not eutho~ze in any m~nnoF oc~ulmncy of the p~i~clpal building
~xmdlng the I~gol limitations under the fl~t <~cle, off other c~)d~s which would Ix~hiblt such
inc~.o.~ed occoponcy.
11. Two fire Lxlts shell remain apenond unobstructed at oil times to building(s)on ~e property.
12, Music. when ou~cloors, is ~uieed to #~p et 10:30 p.m.
13. Ple~emant of thc q~k~r~ mu~ be ap~ by the wins~y nmnegemant.
14. Wbere pons~le, liw binds r~tm. thon disc jockeys will bu ~cou~ged.
15. When disc jockeys ore ns~d, the decibel kvels will Ix monltorecl to ensure Gcc~toble levels.
Org~nLz~re of thc event~ will be requi~d to us~ on opp~owd disc jochey reconmmndnd by thc
will~r~ oF ~ hip ~ disc Jockiy sign o contract og~clng to ~t~ ebuw. Xf tbey do net
henoF the contreot., ~ winery will hove the right to ~mow 1tw disc Joc~y f~om the
Off-rood IM~king will be provided, either ou the wln~/p~mises oF et uncther site thor I~ off
of the reed. Pe~klng ossictonts will be pl~vided by the winery foe thLs e~nt, when
18, FoF even~ over 300 gun.~s, a quollfled t~offic controller will be p~ovided,
19. Owner nssums thor oil fire, safety, building, and other lows will be complied with.