HomeMy WebLinkAbout0141Revisad Pe~ TB 7/01 pERM~ TO HOLD AN OUTDOOR PUBL.T¢ EVENT XT A ~N~Y Tent bei~ ~d? ~Y~ [ ] ~ ~ p~n am t~ ~ of P~ whe~ this e~nt is ~ ~ held ~ do ~ te ~ with ~1~. ~le~, ~itions, and ~i~mn~ of ~ ~e ~he T~ of ~old, i~l~ li~ted ~ ~ ~di~ IJ~ed ~el~, ~ well ~ all oth~li~ble ~ ~t~ end P~Z~ ~ H~E~ ~ED, 5U~ TO THE FO~NG 1. By ac~,ptance of this permit. Applicant agrees to adequately supemdse and direat all perking to be on this site, and Applicant egress to I~ovide additional t~offic centrals necessary fop this event. 2, One "on-premises" sign not larger than six (6) square feet in size may be displayed not longer than thirty C30) days before this event, and renmved Immediately after thc event. Directional perking signs slmll be adequately displayed. 3. Appllnard' indemnifies and holds harmless the Town of Southold f~om all claims, damages, expenses, suits ~nd Iossez including but Imf limited to attorney's fe~s arising ~ activities unde~- thLs permit. A C~etificate of Uability n~miag the Teem of Seuthold es an additional insured in the ameunt of One Milli~ ($1,0OO,000.00) IDollm-s is hereby filed by Applicant, and said Cer-tlfl¢ote must remain in full fofca and effeat during this enti~e event. 4. Tent peopesals must receive I~lOr wH'rtsn appreval f~om the Seuthold Town Building Znspector before placement o~ the p~pem~/Qnd must meet all fin, and safety codes. 5. This Penldt is wlid o, ly for the time, date, place and use specified above, and far the designated event. E~ch additional day will require a sepa~te permit application, fee, and ~eloted documents for r~view, eta. at least 45 days pries to this event. 85/24/2885 21:5B B31785SOB4 ZBA PAGE 84 6. Adequ~e .twmpm~r~ SOnl1~ry facilities must ~ ~ded ~lGfl~. 8. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~) ~ ~m ~le ~ ~bm~ ~1 pl~, ~le ~ ~ T~. 9. V~ in Wb w~ ~ls eK will WiH~ ~ ~t. 10. ~ ~ ~ ~t dm ~ ~ h a~ ~nner ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~(Idi~ ~i~ ~ I~ I~fl~ ~d~ ~ fl~ ~e, op ~her ~ which ~ld ~h~lt such i~d ~. 11. Two fl~ ~ shQll ~min ~n;~ u~ Gt GII ~ ~ ~lldl~s). on ~e ~. 12. ~ic, w~n ~, is ~l~ ~ s~ot 10:30 p.m. 13. Pl~mnt ~ the ~e~ ~ ~ ~ by ~ wl~ 14. Wh~ ~1~, li~ ~ ~r ~ dls~ ~e~ will h W~ dbc ~ ~ ~d, ~ d~l I~b will ~ ~i~ 16. ~ ~ ~he e~ ~11 ~ ~d ~ ~ M ~d di~ ~r h ~,. ~ ~ will h~ ~ HghY ~ ~ ~ dl~ ~ ~m the 17. ~-~d ~ will ~ ~d4d, ei~ ~ the ~ p~mis~ ~ ~t ~er si~ ~t b o~ ~ t~ ~d. ~ ~i~ will ~ ~d~ by ~ wi~ ~ t~b e~nt, when ~ia~.* F~ e~n~ o~r 3~ ~, a ~llfled ~ic ~n~ller will ~ p~ded. ~r ~ ~t all f~, ~, ~ildi~, ~ ~r I~ will ~ ~lied wi~h. 18, 19. bt,