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21:50 6317059864 ZBA PAGE
R~vicad per TB 7/01 pERMiT TO HOLD AN
~,mctPcmonan~lC~ntm~Tel ~¢ ~"~nw,-~ +>o.~:it/~r~fl~L ~,,~l 72>~/- . x
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Tent ~i~ ~d? ~?~ [ ] ~ ~fi~ p~n
am t~ ~ of P~ whe~ this e~nt is to bu held ~ do ~e to ~ w~h
~l~, ~la~, ~ltions, and ~ui~mn~ of ~ ~e of the T~ of ~old, J~l~
IJ~d ~ ~ ~di~ li~ed bel~, ~ well ~ all othe~li~ble ~ ~1~ and
P~X~ ~ H~EW ~ED, SU~ TO THE FO~NG ~Ng~:
1. By e~m?tonce of this Pamlt, Appllcent ng~ees to adequately supervise and direct all parking to
be on this site,. Grid Appllcent agrees to prodde additional l~ffic controls necessG~/foe this event.
:?. One "on-premises" sign not larger than six (6) square feet In size may be displayed not longer
than thirty (30) days before this event, and removed Immediately after thc event. Directional
p~rking signs shall be aclf41cately displayed.
3. Applicant indemnifies and holds harmless the Town of $outhold from ~11 claims, dan~ges,
expenses, suits Grid losses in=luding but not limited to al~orney's fees oeising ft~m activities under
this pers~it. A Certificate of Liability n~ming the Town of ,Southold ~s ~n additJol~al insured in the
Qmount of One Million ($1,000.000.00) Dollars is hereby filed by Applicant, end said Certificate
must remain in full foece and effect during this entire event.
4. Tent prepo~ls must receive palos wrll'ren approval from the ~outhold Town Building Znspectoe
before placement on the p~perty and must meet all fire and safety codes.
5. This permit is valid only fo~ the time, date, place and .use specified above, and for the
desigfle~d event. EGeh Qdditional d~y will require e separate permit application, fee, ~nd related
documents for review, eta. at least 45 days pHon to this event.
21:56 63176590G4
P~ 2 - W~ne~ Event P~it
6. ndmlU~m .lJml~J~ wItm-/ facllltW muff N ~Gd~
~1~ ~e~ ~ m~. ~ ~.~li~ ~m
8. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~) ~ ~m ~1~ ~i~ ~bm~io,
~1 pl~, ~1~ ~ ~ T~.
g. V~ In ~ w~ ~ls ew~ will NmlN~
10. ~ ~ ~b ~t d~ ~ ~ in ~W ~.~r ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~lldi~
~i~ ~ ~1 I~fl~ ~d~ ~ fi~ ~e, or oth~ ~ which ~ld ~bit such
i~d ~. .
Z~. Two fl~ ~ sholl ~n ~n:~ u~ ot oil
~2, ~i~, w~n ~, is ~i~ ~ ~'ot ~0:30 p.m.
23. Pl~mnt ~ the ~ ~ ~ ~ by ~ wlM~ ~mnt.
W~ ~le, liw ~ ~ ~ disc ~kc~ will ~ ~d,
W~n dbc j~ ~ ~ed, ~ dc~l lewb will k
~ ~ the ew~ ~11 k ~d ~ ~ ~
~ h ~,. ~ ~ will hw ~ ~ht ~ ~w ~ di~ J~ ~m the
rT. ~-~d ~ will k ~d, ~r ~ the ~
~ t~ ~d. ~ ~ will h ~d~ by ~ wi~ ~ thb e~nt, when
F~ ewn~ Mr 3~ ~, o ~lfled ~ic ~n~lle~ will k p~ded.
~r ~ ~t oil fi~. ~fe~, ~ildi~, o~ ~r I~ will k ~lled with.