HomeMy WebLinkAbout013921~56 6317659064 ZBA PAGE 03 Revised per 'lB 7/01 pEP. MZ'T TO HOLD AN OUTDO0~ PUBL/¢ EVENT AT A WINERY · - , ' ~ rI~s . ~ of ~nt' ~fl-I~0~ Wi~ Panel 1~- ~ a Tent bei~ ~d7 ~V~.. [ '1 ~ ~ p~n e~ehe~. I a~ t~ ~p ~ P~ whe~ this e~nt Is to bu held ~1~. ~la~. ~ltious. and ~i~n~ of ~ ~e of the T~ of ~old. i~l~ but ~ li~d ~ ~ ~di~ Ii,ag bel~. ~ well ~ all other ~li~ble ~en~ ~1~ and ~lati~ ~lnl~ ~ the a~i~= u~er th~ e~nt. ~ P~Z~ ~ g E , SU~ TO THE FO~N~ 1. By ae~ptonon of this pe~mlt, Applicant egress to adequately supers~e and direct all parking be on thi~ site, and Applicant ng~ees to provide additional It~ffic con,mis nacasso~y fo~ this event. 2, One "on-pmmis~s" sign not larger than six (6) square feet in size may be displayed not longer than thirty (30) dws before this event, and removed immediately after the event. Directional parking signs shall be adeq~tely dL,~laysd. 3. Applicant Indemnifies and holds harmless the Town of Southold f~om all claims, damages, ~, suits and losses including but not limited to attorney's fees arising f~om m:tivitios under this per. it. A Certificate of Uabillty naming the Town of 5ootheld os an additional insured in the amount of One Million ($1,000.000.00) Dollars is hereby filed by Applicant, and said Certificate mu~ ~emnie in full fo~ca -,nd effect during this enti~e event. 4. Tent peopusals must r~calve paler, wHOse opp~vel f~om the Seuthold Town Building Iuspecto~ before placement on the pr~pe~y and must m~ot all fl~e and safety 5. This permit is wild only fo~ the time, date, plo~.e end use specified obov~, and far' the deskjnated event. Each ~ddition~l day will require a separate ps,nit application, fee, end related documents for review, eta. at least 4§ days prise to this event. 85/24/2885 21:56 5317659864 ZBA ~ ~ - Winery Event P~mit PAGE 64 6. Adequ~m .temp~'m~ ~mltatq/ f~cllltl~ nm~l' ~1~ ~ ~ m~.~ ~,~1~ ~m ~e ~m~ wi~in ~ ~m~ ~e d~y of ~. V~I~ In ~an~ wi~ ~ ~ will ~i~ ~1~ h I~ li~fl~ ~dee ~ fi~ ~e, i~md ~. ~. Two flH ~ shell ~min ~;~ u~ at ~11 ~ ~ ~ldl~s). on ~ ~. ~2. ~ic. w~ ~, b ~ ~ s~'ot ~0:30 p.m. ~3. Pl~m~ ~ the ~ ~ ~ ~ by ~ wi~ m~mnt. ~4. Whe~ ~&~, li~ ~ ~ ~ disc j~ will ~ ended. ~5. W~n dbc j~ ~ reed, ~ deci~l le~b will ~ ~l~ ~ e~ ~c~t~le leah. ~6. ~ ~ the e~ will ~ ~l~d ~ ~ h ~,. h ~ will h~ ~7. ~-~d ~ will h ~ded, ~ ~ the ~ th ~d. ~ m~m will h ~d~ ~ h wi~ ~ ~b e~t, when ~ia~.' S8. P~ ewn~ Mr ~ ~, a ~llfled ~ffi¢ ~ller will ~ p~ded. Zg. ~r ~,~ ~t ell fi~. ~, ~ild/~. a~ ~r I~ will be ~lled w/fh. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ~ Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman ~ Gerard e. Goehringer Vincent Orlando James Dinizio, Jr. Michael A. Simon http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 · Fax (631) 765-9064 June 7,2005 Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road · P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor, North Fork Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 Galluccio Family Wineries Attn: Nancy Pasquarella 24385 Main Road P.O. Box 1269 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Daily Event Permits #139 thru 145 Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed Conditional Permits for the Winery's Special Events to be held as requested during 2005. A duplicate of this signed permit must be conspicuously posted during the event. Please note there are several conditions written into the permit. The State Fire Code limits the occupancy for each the winery building and the tent, once erected, and the tent must be inspected by the Town's Building Department before its use. With respect to placement of a tent or canopy, at least a week before the event, please contact the Building Department at 765-1802 regarding its schedule for inspection. With respect to parking and traffic controls, these responsibilities must be controlled by the winery owner for the event. Please note that parking of cars along the roadways is not authorized by the Town for any winery functions. Please feel free to call if you have questions regarding the conditional permit. Thank you. Very truly yours, Enclosures Copies of Event Permits to: Town Building Department Town Police Department Ruth D. Oliva, ZBA Chairwoman By Linda Kowalski I/ ZBA TO TOWN CLERK CHECK TRANSMITTAL SHEET (Check for Processing) DATE: 5/25/05 ZBA # NAME CHECK # AMOUNT TC DATE STAMP WP 139 GalluccioFamily Wineries 7569 $350 thru 145 TOTAL $350 Y Thank you. O0'OG~: ~,!u~Jed lue^e (606) ~]:IN" qse~) 00'0~;£ 69§Z 1!~Jed lUeAe see:l ,~ sl!uued. ~99 0'10Hl1~05:10 NMO.L TOWN OF $OUTHOLD 565. Permits & Fees event permit 7569 5~25~2005 350.00 OtAI31/~ Cash - NFB (909) event permit 350.00 ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILIT~ INSURANCE pROOUCIR K:[ram Cohort & $0~ 486 W~llif A~o Willis~on P~k ~ 11~96-1782 ·hone z ~16-742-7180 rax~ 516-742-7209 ~ IJ~ G~lluccio Es~a~e V~na~arde ~0. Box 1269 ~c~e ~ 11935 ~]001 ~u-~ r o5/25/os "THIS CERTIFICAT£ ~S mSU~O ~ A ~, O~ IN~O~TIO, O~LY AND GON~E~ NO ~I~H~ UPON THH OES~FIGATE HOL~. TH~ O~?I~IOAT~ DOES NOT ~HNO. ~ND O~ ~R THE COVE~GE ~PORDED BY ~E POLICIES BELOW. N6URERB AFFORDING COVERAGE Co~an~_~ NArC ~ INSURER A; Federal Instance 20281 iNSURER COVERAGES CER~FICATEHOLDER C, AI~. CEI.LATION TOwUO£ Sou~hold 5309S ~:l.a. ~a4 Sout~hold NY 1L971 ACOR~ 25 (2oo~m~ i, ZBA TO TOWN CLERK CHECK TRANSMITTAL SHEET (Check for Processing) DATE: 5/25/05 ZBA # NAME CHECK # AMOUNT TC DA'r.-c-gTM WP 139 GalluccioFamily Wineries 7569 $350 M,~¥ 2 6 2005 thru 145 ,~outnola TOWn Clcri TOTAL $350 By LK Thank you. Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Date: 05/26/05 * * * RECEIPT * * * ReceiptS: 7569 Transaction(s): 7 7 Public Events Reference Subtotal WP139- $350.00 Check#: 7569 Total Paid: $350.00 Name: Gallucio, Family Wineries Vineyard 24385 Route 25 P O Box 1269 Cutchogue, NY 11935 B©NNIED Clerk ID: Internal ID: WP139-145