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Southold Town Plannin Board -=;OUTHrlLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING ~BOARD MEMBER,S John [Wi~okhlam,, ICha,ir,man Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Willia~m Unkelbach Frank ,Coyle MIt~UTES SOL, HOLD T~..t~ PhA~EFiNG BOA/~D April 14, 1969 regular meeting of the Southold Tov~a Pla~ing Board was held at 7:30 April 14 ~ 1969: at the To~a Office, Main Road ~ Southold ~ New York. There were present: .~essrs: John WicPdu~, Chairman; Henry ~4oisa~ Vice Chairman; Alfred Grebe, Frank Coyle, present at 8:15 p.m. Also present': Ho~ard Terry, Bu~_~n9 Inspector; Rod Van Tuyl~ Consultant. i~HE C~w_~IP3&~N: I will call the meeting to order and read the legal notice of hearing. ~OTICE IS ~P~BY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Tc~%u/ Law~ Public hearings will be held by the Southold To~,m Plem_ning Board at the Town Office, ~,~in Road, Southold~ New York, in said Tova~ on the 14th day of April~ 1969, at ?:~0 o~clock in the evenin9 of said day~ on the question of approval of the fol!~ing plat: Plat of p~operty ovmed by Robert R. Schroeder and others, entitled Soundcrest Woods~ Section I~ consisting of a parcel of lando~ 10.177 acres, situated in East i,~rion~ in theTov~n of Southold~ Suffolk County~ ~ew York~ and bounded ~ described as follows: BEGI~{I~G at a point on the easterly line of Stars Road, 553.03 feet northerly ~nd then westerly and then again northerly along said St~rs Road from the Main Road~ from said point of beginning running alon~ said easterly line of Stars Road, ~. I0~ !7' 20" W.- 2280.04 feet; thence along !sm~ of Schroeder~ N. 79° 42' 40"~E.- 184.04 feet~ thence along l~d ~8~ 30~' B.- 1245.93 fee~; thence along l~ud of ~hool District 49~ 30, E~- 10~.20 feet~ thence along l~d 205.0 feet to lhe point of begging. ContainS9 ~ area of 10.177 acres/ Southold ~ ' zo~%m Planning Bo~ April 14~ 1969 Page -2- The Chairman read the affidavits of publication from the Long Traveler-~;~ttituck WatcD~nan, and the Suffolk Weekly Times~ The Chairm~n also re~d a letter of intent from the developers of Soun~crest Woods~ reg~ding their intent to provide for park and playground area in a ~$~e section of Souncrest Woods. Said letter is on file in the Office of the P!ar~ing Board. TP~~ CP~%I~%~%~i There is a~ existing highway so ~ do not need a letter of approval from the Superintendent of Highways. ~verything else seems to be in order. At ~s t~e I will ask to hear from anyone who wishes to speak in opposition ~o ~is subdivision, MR. PRELLWiTZ: I ~here for curosity~ it see~ to me that they co~rpiy with ~!1 the requirements, but do they fit in with ~ny future development in this area. A sm~.l! development like this immediately m~kes problems for future development unless they provide for future development. T~ C~3~I~N: There are no other developments in this area~ and Stars development on this side pretty well rules it out~ I~R. PREL~¢IT~: All of these seem to be minimum size lots. That is the tendency, As long as it is allowed, that is alright. ~4y reason for being here is just to find out how you work. T~ C~!P~2~: The Pla~ning Board would like to have larger size lots. The Town Board is quite responsive to public opinion. We would take it kindly if people would spes~k out to the Tov~ Board for larger lots. (There was a general discussion on the size of building lots in the To%%~ of Southold. ) THE CH~!R~2~i: I will now open this hearing for anyone who wishes to speak in favor of this subdivision. ~L~DELYN BAi~R~ (representing ~ Bdson's Office): I am here for the subd ivi sion. TM~ C~AI~Ld/M: Is there anyone else present vL~o wishes to speak? (There was no response,) T~ C~L~U~N: ~ there a~e no other comments on this subdivision~ I will declare the hearing closed at this time ~ and decision will be made on this later this evenin9, Southold Town Planning April !4, 1969 Page -~- - FgBLIC~ARiNG: Upon the question of approval of the following p!at: Plat of property owned by South Parish Realty Comp~uy~ Lefferts P. Edson, Partner~ entitled Highwo0d~ consisting of a parcel of land of 5.978 acres, situated in Southold~ in the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York~ and bounded ~nd described as follows: BEGI~!NG at a point on the southerly line of North Bayview Road, 426.20 feet easte~y along said s~therly line from Sunh~er Lane~ from said point of beginning-running alnng said southeri~ line of North Bayview Road, two courses: (!) S. 74~ 54' 30" E.-1~$.90 feet; thence (2) S. ?~ 15~ 40~ Bo- 169.77 feet; ~hence along the several lands of Gritz~ Schumann, Nenning~ D~ht and Thoral~en, S. 25 1 5 ,~. 90~.OB feet; thence along land of Hunter~ N. 82~ 19' 10" W.-~268.71 feet; thence along land ~ iserman~ N. 22 06' 00" E.- 9B0.28 feet to the point of beginning. Containing ~u area of 5.978 acres, }~. ~4oisa, Vice-Chairman opened the hearing by reading the legal notice of hearing: and the ~ffidavits of publication from the Long Island Traveler- ~/~ttituck Watchman, and the Suffolk Weekly Times. Also read was the letter of approval on the roads from the Superintendent of P~igh~ays. H~\TARD TERRY: ~rry Tuthill called s~d said that the estin~te for the bond is $!B,000.O0 and he his bringing a letter in later tonight. MR. MOISA: I v~ll open the hearing at this time to anyone who wishes to speak against~this application. just have the s~me thoughts I had on the other one. (Again~ a general discussion was held on the size of lots in this subdivision and in the ~Q. MOISA: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this subdivision? ~)BLYN F~KE~R :I wish to speak in favor of it. ~. MOISA: I~tthere are no other comments~ I will declare the hearing closed at this timesmd we will m~ke a decision on this later this evening. Walter [~p~ Esq. appeared before the Planning Board in regard to Harvest Homes. M~. Kapian presented a contract fro~ the Village of C~rsenport for public water in this subdivision. The contract was not signed by ~. BLmp~n did not anticipaee any problems in getting it signed. A question was raised asto whether or not curbing would be required throughout the entire subdivision. The Chairman advised ~,~. Kap~..n this matter would have robe taken up with the Superintendent of Highways. Southold Town Planning Bo~d April 1~_: 1969 Hc~rd Te~ry reported that Larry Tuthili had an esitmate for the bond for ~rvest Hom~s at $41~0OO.00, however this wa~ done from the New Highways Specifications. This bond estimate also includes putting in water mains. A discussion ,Nas held on the grade of the !and, leaching basins, a~ curbing. ~r, Kap~,~ was advised that the ps~k~and playground requirement must also be met. This may be done by the subdividers presenting to the Bos. rd a letter of intent stating that in Section ii of ~rvest Homes provisions will be m~de for park and playground ~rea to meet the Rules and Regulations of the Plarn0~ing Bos~r d. motion by M~r. Grebe, seconded by 5-~. bloisa , it was ~E~'SOL%~D tha~the Southoid Town Planning Board set 7:30 P.~., ~{onday: ~tay 12~ 1959: at the Town Qffice: ~-,~in_ Road, Southold, New York, as the time and place of hearingupon the question of ~Dproval of the following plat: Plat of property ~ned by ~ry Grigonis, entitled P~rvest Homes Estates: Section I: consisting of a parcel of land of 17,07i acres, situated in Southold~ in the Tov~n of Southold~ Suffolk County: New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEG/NN~NG at a monument on the easterly line of OaP~a~m Avenue, 767.05 feet northerly along said easterly line from Wells Ave,: from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of O~k!av~n Avenue, N, 2~~ 23' 50" W.- 175,0 feet; thence the following 9 courses: (1) ~, 66° 36' i0'~ E.- 298,0 feet; thence (2) N. 23~ 23' 50'? W.- 526,39 feet; thence (3) S. 7B~' 06' W,- 1.$~ feet; thence (~) N. 23° 23' 50" W.- 99.98 feet;.thence (5) S. 73° 06' 50~' W,- 8~ feet; thence (7)~N. 7B° 06' ~0~' E,- B80~9S feet; thence (8) N. 15"~5' !0~' W.- 117,79 feet; thence (9) N. 69~ 0~' O0~' E,- 200.82 feet to said Wells Ave; thence along said Wells Avenue the following five courses: (!) ~. 70~ 22' 20~' E.- 76.30 feet; thence (2) southeasterly on a curve to the right~h~vin~ a radius of 80,0 feet. a distance of t23.8~ feet; thence (S) S. 20° 56' 00" E,- 650.2~ feet; thence (~) S. 19~ Og' 10" E~.- 169.20 feet; thence (5) southerly on a curve to the righthaving a radius of 199.50 feet a distance of 10~80 feet; thence the following three courses: (1) 69e 0~' 00?' W.- 2~4.10 feet; thence (2) S. 20° 56' 00" E,- i00.0 feet; thence ($) N. 8&° 27' B0~' ~.- 170.95 feet to said Wells Avenue; thence along said ~ells Avenue, two courses: (1) S. 2~° 30' 50" Wo- 55.B8 feet; thence (2) southwesterly on a c~rve to the left~ having ~ radius of 189~38 feet~a distance of ~&,62 feet; thence the foll~i~g four courses: (1) S, 87° 00" W.- 129.31 feet~ thence (2) S, 66° B~' 10~' W.-29B.O feet;~thence~(B) M.~B" 23' ~0w W.- ~i.0B feets thence~(~} S. 66° B6' 10~ W.- ~B~.28 feet to the point Of beginning. This hearing will be held subject to the developer presenting to the Pl~ing Board a letter of intent for Park and Playgrou~d are~ a letter from the Superintendent of Highways approving the l~yout of the r~d~ and a signed agreement with the Village of Greenport for water mains. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- 2~k. Wic~hs~: ~ro ~4oisa, ~!r. Grebe. Southold Tc~g;n Planning Board .~priT 14, 1969 Page -5- ~. Robert Douglas appeared before the Planning Board in regard to Willow Terrace, Section I. This subdivision has me~ all the requirements of ~he Pls/~ning Board. 5~. Rod Van Tuyl presented the final maps of the subdivision, however they have not yet been signed by the County Board of Health. This will be done in a few days. On motion by ~. Coyle, seconded ~y B~. Grebe, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Towm Planning Board set 7:30 P.M.: Monday, ~May 12, 1969~ at the To~ Office, ~in Road: Southold, New York, as the time and place of hearing upon the question of approval of the following plat: Plat of property o~ned by Robert J. Douglas, entitled Willow Terrace~ Section I, consistingof a parcel of land 11.87 acres, situated at Orient: in the Tov~ of Southold,Suffolk County, ~ew York, and bounded ~nd described as follows: BEGInniNG at a monument on the southerly line of Bilng Street, said point of beginning being the following three courses along the southerly and westerly line of said }~ng Street f~om a monument at the southerly terminus of the westerly line of Bay Avenue: (1) N. 85~ 29' i0~' feet; thence (2) N. 8~~ 33t 3B" E,- 120.85 feet; thence.(~) S. 8° 3B' O0~' E.- ~.73 feet to the point of beginning; from said point of begining running the follov~ng 20 courses: (!) S. 8© B3' O0~ E.- 185.28 feet; thence (2) N. 80~ 08' 00" E.- 80.71 feet; thence (3) M. 80§e 08~ 00~' E.- 80.71 feet; thence (S) S. 14° &8~ 30" E.- 189,29 feet; thence (6) S. 6~° 26' 30" E.- 97.~2 feet; thence (7) S. i~ 38' i0t' W.- 150.0 feet; thence (8) S. 88° 21' 50~' feet; thence (~) S. i0°~i9' 00" E.- 190.95 feet;thence (10) S. 7~ 05' I0 B.- 13A.61 feet] thence (I!) S. 13e 30' O0~' E.- It~o0 feet; thence (12) S. 23° 30w 80't E.- 150.0 feet; thence (13) S. 88' 2I' 50~' E.- !16~50 feet; th~ce (l~) S. 1° 38' I0~' W.- 9~3.53 feet;thence~(15) S..A6~ 30~ 00" E.- 67.1~ feet~ thence (16) S. 1~ Bd' 10" W.- 10.~1 feet; thence (17) S. 75~ ~0' 20~ E.- 132.71 feet; thence (18) southeasterly on ~ irregul~ curve, 100 feet, more or less: as meas~ed by a tie-line, S. 24° 2S' SO~' E.- 96.25 feet; thence (19) 17' BO~' W.- 155.91 feet~ thence (2~) S. 75* ~2' 20~' W.- g0.O feet3to the ordin~y high water mark of Orient Harbor;~thence a!on9 s~d high wa~ez the fotlowin9 eight courses: (I) M. 57~ 29' 30~' W.- 171.86 feet; th~e (2) N. 51" 00' W;- 150.0 feet; thence (B) N. ~8~ 30~ 00" W.- ~05.0 feets thence (~) N~ ~5° 00' W.- 1BO.0 feet; thence (5) N~ ~2~ 00, W.1B0.0'feet; ~h~nce {6) N, ~0~ 00' w.- 125.0 feet; thence the foii~in9 eight c~uzses: (1) 08' 50" E.- 258.~0 feet; thence (2) N. 22° 30' O0'~ W.- i~S~O feets thence (3) S. 7I~ 36' 20~"W.- 146.66 feels thence (~) N. 22° 30' O0~' W.- 296.23 feet; thence N..i6" 22' t0~' W.- 201;22 feets thence (6) N..79~ 52' O0'~ E.- feet; thence~(7) N. 79~ 2~' 00" E.- 67.72 feet; thence {8) N. 87 B3' 186.89 feet to the point of begi~9. Containing i!.87 acres. - This hearing will be held subject ~o the signature of the County Board of_ Health on the final ~n%ap. Vote of_ t~e Board: Ayes:- ~. WicP~w~ ?;~. ~oisa, Mr. Grebe, l~. Coyle Southold Tov~ Pl~uning April iA: 1969 Page -6- On motion by ~r. Grebe: seconded by ~. Moisa: it was R P~SC~VED that a letter be written to ~-~. George Ah!ers in regard to his application to s~Ddivide~ build road~ and do some dredging work which has been pending for some time at the h~d of a branch of_ Jockey Creek. Me should be advised that the Planning Board has received a letter from the Soil Conservation Service outling proposals for protecting the fresh water resource in this area. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- ~.~ Wickh~m, I~r. ~oisa, ~ Grebe: ~,fr. Coyie. On motion by ~.~. Moisa, seconded by 5~. Grebe, it was PJ~SOLVED that the subdivision ~vned by Robert R. Schroeder and others, entitled Soundcrest Woods, Section I, consisting of a parcel of land of 10.i77 a~es situated in Bast Marion in the To%%~ of Southo!d, Suffolk County, New ~ork~ be granted final approval. The Chairman signed the final maps on the subdivision. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- ~.%$ic~ham, ~. ~4oisa, I~;~. Grebe, I~. Coy!e. On motion by ~/~. Moisa: seconded by I~. Grebe, it was P~SOLVED that the subdivision ~edbySouth Parish Realty Company: entitled High~ood: consisting of a parcel of land of 5.978 acres~ situated in Southold~ in the Tov~ of Southold, S'~folk County, New York~ be 9ranted final approval. Vote of the Board: Ayes:-~. Wickh~ Mr. ~isa~ ~. Grebe, ~. Coyle. On motion by ~. Grebe:seconded by ~;~. Coyle~ it was RBSOL~D that the Southold To%~ Pi~ning Board reco~end to the Southo!d Tov~ Board and estimated performance bond of $1B,000.O0 for the completion of the roads and other work in the subdivision P~ as ~ighwoo~'~ o~edbySouth Perish Realty Company. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- ~. Wickham: ~. ~4oisa: ~. Grebe: I~. Coyle. On motion by ~-~. Wickh~m~ seconded by ~. Grebe: it was ~ESOL~D that the Vice~Chairman~ Henry ~ioisa, be authorized to sign the final map on Highwood after the bond has been posted and accepted by the Southold Town Board: Vote of the Board: Ayes:-I~. ~ickham~ I~. bloisa: ~, Grebe, I~. Coyie. Southold Tov~ Planning Board April I~_, 1969 Pag~e -?- It was reported that a letter was receive~ro~ the Ne,~3 York State ~epartment of Transportation in regard to the Long Island Expres~vay. Said letter was read and placed in the files of the.Southold T~%~ Planning Board. A letter was written to ~ Jo_hn W. Lee~ advising him said letter was received ~nd there is the intention of puttinD a serv~e road in the southerly p~t of the e~ressway right of w~y which will give a perm~anent means of ingress ~nd egress to the residents on the northerly m~d easterly side of the Laurel Lake. He was advised tha% he should mga~ sub~t his ~l~ms for a subdivision, since the Pinning ~ard was now in a better position to consider the plans. f~ motion by ~tr. ~ioisa~ seconded by ~{r. Grebe~ it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the SouthoId Tov~ Planning Board ~ated ~arch i0~ 1969~ be mpproved as submitted. Vote of the Board: Ayes :- DJ~L A discussion was held on Corey Creek ~states and certain dredging that has been done there. ~. Fr~nk Co}~le reported on his visit there. Dredging has been done in the area to should be set aside for park ~ud playground and the i00 foot turn-around. The fo!lc%-ing letter was written. South Fork Development Corp~ Carter Avenue~ Hampton Bays~ A%w York: Attn: I~rt }~%mbach~ Vice Pres. Dear Sir: It has been brought to the attention of the P~±~nning Board ~nd the Highway Dept, Superintendent that the southerly ~nd of Corey Creek Lane has been dredged out and that it does not now meet the !or lines and road lines as shown on the ~' ~ zln~l map. This being a recorded map~ any changes or deviations in any part of the mmp~ lots~ or roads~ should be subject to ~endments of the m~p approved by the Planning Board ~nd refi!ing with the County Clerk. We bring this to your attention as any chszeges in the end of this road (Corey Creek La.ne} which would ta/<e part of the Dark and playground area as a turn around for the end of the highway would most likely be disapproved by the P!~unin9 Bo~rd.. as the park and playground area is of mini~,~u~m size in the first ins~_nce. We would expect that yourwouid refile the ~nd of the road-way and make it comply with the map as filed. Any boat basin or boat moorings ~u the ~' Residential-Agricultural District are subject ~o a special exception.from the Board of Appeals. cc; Board of Appeals. $outhold To%vn Planning Board ~'J April 14~ 1969 Page -8- The folio~ing letter was sent to ~he Southold To~ Board: G~tiemen: This is to advise you that at the Pl~in~ Bo~d meeting on April 1~ 1969~ Larry Tuthi!l, our engineer~ submitted ~ report ~ the condition of the roads at ~'Deep ~oie Creek Estg~:, ~ttltuck~ which we have been e~ectin9 for some t~e. This report is unfavorable to a reduction of the bond and therefore the Planning Board resends it action and letter of March 10th ~nd disapproves the reduction of bond at this time. The Pl_~ning Board will advise you further in this matter as progress reports are received from our engineer. R~ S OLUT I 0~[ ~'~=~RBAS, D~mighty God in his infinite wisdom and mercy~ has called from our midst to his eternal reward our co-worker: friend and brother~ William Ur~ke!bach~ who served well s~d faitkfully his role as a member of the Southold To~ Pi~nning Board~ and ~YHEREAS~ by his passing the family has lost a !ovLng companion, the P!~nning Board~ a loyal ~nd valued member who devoted his time ~nd -talents to the ideals in which he beiieved~ Therefore be it~ RESOL¥~D That: we the members of the Southold Town Pis~ning Board~ shs~re the.. sorrow in this loss and express our deepest sy~oathy ~o the ~ '~- it bereaved _~Z~y ~ ~nd be fnz~her~ P~SOLV~D~ That a copy be sent to the f~ily of our respected brother, and a copy be made a permanent record in the minutes of the Piann~ng Board records~ and we share a momemt of reverent silence a~d this meeting be closed in his memory, D~jourrmmmt \ WIC~qAI~i ~ CHAIR~D~N Respectfully submitted, F~rbara C. Ditt~r~_ ~ Secretary Southold Tov~ Planning Board