HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-08/19/1969-SSouthold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD. L. I., N. Y. 119'7'1 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham~ Chairman Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle MINUTES SPECIAL MEET/~G OF PLANNING August 19, 1969 A special meeting of the Sout~otd Town Planning Board was called by the 'Chairman and held at the Town-Clerk's 'office 7:30 P~M.-,. Tuesday,. 'August 'i9~ I969~ Present were~: John Wickhame. Cb.airman= Henry Raynor; Frank Coyle of t/~e Planning Board; "Supervisor I4artocchia; Howard Terry, F, Building 'Inspector. .Also present:e~ representing Levon 'Properties Corp, - Mr. ~Lawrence 'HickE,. Pres. ; Mr, Knell and Mr. Fallon~ Mr. Hicky and'his associates prelsentedthePlanning Board with a set of maps of their property which lays on bothsides of the Town line---mostly in Ri=erhead Town. .Themaps are complete in that elevations~..existing roads, etc~ are shown~ the proposed 'finished grades are ~iven and the proposed harbor,, jettys~,, etc~ are shown in Special Meeting of k~nning Board -2- August 19~ 1969 detail as well as their loading,, screening,~, and washing facilities. Their operation and progress to _am__te was explained to the Planning Bo~rdo ~nis is tobe a long term operation withthe ultimateaim to have a commercial harbor with about 14 feet depth for barge and lighter traffic~ The ,present sandand fill operation will cease when finish grade is reached and at that time it is planned 'to build ware- houses, etc~ for commercial freight handling and-transfer shippingl The atomic desalting ,plant site will be brought to grade as soon as possible as construction is planned ~n the near future, It may be enlarged over the capacityoriginally planned byadding another working unit~ The safety area will b.e maintained as originallyplanned. ~ne Planning Board discussed the complaints of ersoion ~along the sound shore in ~he north west part of S~uthold Town. It was agreed by'all parties ~hat there is a~continuouserosion along the shoreline with a west-to east drift~ ~Engineers for Levon Properties have assured 'them that the b~ach to the east of their jettys will start building up when the natural eddys get establish- ed after completion of the full length of,the stone jettys~ ~ne water'table and fresh water were thoroughly discussed as they will be affected on both~ sides of the Town line by the building and excavation of the harbor. Steel sheet piling is now being used near ~he .mouth of the harbor. This may be changed to precast concrete for the inner part of the basin, A vibratory hammer is being used, to drive the sheeting as it works faster and better than a conv~nt~ional steam or air h~umuer~ ~Sheetpiling isfrom 40 to 48 feet long and P~anned to hold for'commercial use when completed. Levon Properties~Corp, has-no plan for the use and develop-- ment of their land lnSouthold ToWn att-his time~ Thereis an easement for-the state atomic plant about 1O0 feet widS on'the easterly edge~of their property which will make, a buffer between the plant and residential develoPwment in thenorthwest 'part of the Town. The lower end ~(near'Bound Ave.) of this buffer e~sement may be shifted if~Levon PrOperties ~can purchase more road frontage on'Sound Avenue~ Special Meeting ,of ~nning Board --3-~ August 19~ 1969 'Future development-and fresh water 'use on both sides ,of the Town line were thoroughly discussed and 'the reasons for-South~id Town's objection to eliminating the '$00 fi& buffer zone were explained. Supervisor Martocchia ,commented on the newspaper reports and public reaction when 'the ~evon "Property was zoned industrial in the first instance 'and stated that'~SouthoId T~Wn would be very cautious in zone, changes in areas of this size~. Ail were invited to inspect the operation and to contact Far, Hicky if we have or hear of any'problems~ ~r comPla, ints in connection ~with ~their property~ Mr. Hicky 'and his associates were~thanke~ for attend/ng the meeting tonight and for the set Df maps which they ,left wi~h the Bo&rd,, and assured-that the Planning Board wiI1 keep in touch with'them on any fUture developments. -A letter from Mrsl Harvey 'Redden was .received and read. She states that she would be ,willing to make, ,two lots .of her property' onthe north-side of IndhLan NeckLane,~ Peconic~ ~n m~tion by Frank Coyle~ sec.onded-by Henry"Raynor ~and unanimously carried, ~the Board approvad the division of this property into two-equal lots. A letter is to be sent to FITS. Re-d~en to ~his effect~ .also a request for 'a c~py of the final map as prepared. A letter-fro~ Gary F. Olse~ Attorney with enclosed map of land of Robert Hawkins~ _E/S Westphalia Road~ Mattituck was read. The ,map showed proposed division of an ~L shaped-parcel of 39~339 sq, ft. total area. ~n motion by'Henry Raynor~. seconded 'by Frank Coyle and unanimously, ~=arried the Planning Board approves-the division of this property ~as proposed. A letter is to be written to Atto~ney. Olsen stating the Board a~roves t-he proposed ~!vision of this property. ,Arrangements for -the public meetings on the Master Plan were disC:~_~'sed,, and ~the ~material. to be,ldisplayed_ was selected, The ~Ch~irman has had notices put ~in the local papers together with press' r~tease~, et=~~ and notice given to Fishers -some notices of their meeting in pubiic plapes. Meeting adjourned i0:' 00 P~ ~~~ Howard Terry/ Acting Secretary