HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-01/13/1969Southold Town Planning Board -c;OUTHOLD. L. I., Ni Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbach Frank Coyle MINUTES SOUTMOLD TC~JN PL~N~IING BOARD J~nuary 13, 1969 A regular meeting of the Southold Town Plann~g Board was held at 8:30 P.M,, Monday~ January 13~ 1969: at the Town Office, ~in Road, Southold, New York, There were present: 5~ssrs: Henr~ M~isa, Acting Chairman; Willie~ %hu~_lbach, Frank Coyle, Alfred Grebe, John Wickham, Chairman, (late)~ Also present: Howard Terry~ Building Inspector, Otto W. Van Tuyl, Consultant ~ Lawr~ce ~athill, Construction. E~eer. PUBLIC ~AP. ING: Upon the question of approval of the following plat: P~at of property owaed by Jackson's Landing, Inc.~ Johu B. Hurley~ Secretary-Treasurer, entitled Jackson~ s Landing~ a parcel of land of 16.43 acres~ situated at Mattituck, in the Town Suffolk County~ New York, and bounded and descr-ibed as PARCEL I - Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Mill Road where it is intersected by the southerly 'l~-ne of land now or formerly of S. Stevens; running thence along said land now or formerly of S~ Stevens, South SS" 26~ 00' East B79~84 feet to land now or formerly of Wick; thence along land now or formerly of Wick and lands now cz formerly of We99elund, South 1° 25' 20" E. 109~ feet to the highwater mark the foll~in9 lines: (1) No~th 8~° B6' 50" Southold Town Planning Board -2- January lB, 1969 West 4S0,56 feet; e.nd (2) North 61° 2S' 00" West 585,4S feet; thence North Se 12: SO" East at~ug land now or formerly ~ Versat Hotd~9 Cozp, ~ 190 feet to the southeasterly side of ~i1 Road; thence the southeasterly ~d easterly side ~ ~11 Road the followin9 courses ~d dist~ces: (1) North 69~ 04~ 40~' East 2BE, B7 f~; (2) North 58" ~7~ ~" East 71,26 feet; (3) North 49° S6~ ~0" East 123.22 feet~ (4) North 27" 32' 10" East 109,78 feet; (5) Nozth~21* 15' 00" East 277,B2 feet; ~d (6) North 20e 31' ~" East 9,61 feet~to the point or place ~ begi~9, PARCEL II - All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying, ~d being at ~%ttituck, Town of SOuthold, County of Suffolk and State of New York~ bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwesterly side of Mill Road where the same is intersected by the easterly line of land now or formerly of Fred J. Kistler, running thence along said land the following two courses and distances: (1) North 8~ 05' 40" [.~es~ 190,32 feet; and (2) North 2° 11~ 10" West 255 feet; thence south 67~ 54' 10" East 29~o86 feet ~to the westerly side of Mill Road; thence along the westerly and northerly side of Mill Road~ the following four courses and di~-tances: (1) South 21" 15' 00" West 1S2.74 feet; (2) South 27" 32' 10~' West 97,26 feet; (3) South ~9* 56' 40" West 109,58 feet and (4) South 58' 47' 40" West 62,98 feet .to the point or place of beginning, The Chairman stated there were affidavits of publication in the file from the Long Island Traveler-~4attituckWatchman, and the Suffolk Weekly Times, i~HECHAI~X~N: We have a letter from Ray Dean~ Superintendent of Highways~.approving the layout of the roads. Everything is taken care of as far as the Board of Health is concerned, Are you Gentlemen aware of the fact that_ you must comply with ~he new highway specifications of T_he To-~n of Southold, HURLEY: Yes, we know that. ~ CHAIP~I~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak 'opposition to this subdivision? (There was no responses) ~CHAI~4AN: Is th~ e anyone present who wishes robe heard in favor of this subdivision to be known as Jackson's Landing? HURLEY: We are in favor and move this be granted, Southold Togn~ Planning Board -3- January 15~ 1969 THE. C_MAIR~?~N: We don't have the est/mate for the performance bond. Is there anything else you wish to add? ~. HL~LEY: We o~ application fee here, but that is tied up in-the ~o~t of the perforF~ce bond for the roads. We have ~de applioation for the ~nd, but that is tied up in the ~mo~t ~so. T~ C~IR~: ~ eng~eez reco~ends the ~ount of the bond to us~ ~d we ~ turn reoo~end ~o the Tov~ ~d, ~d they have ~. ~Y: Does the T~ Board ~e ~y exceptions on the Cowry Sewerage requirements? T~ CI{~: ~is would come ~der the Health B~R. HURLEY: Is there any~ing further the Board would like from us at this time? THE CPL~I~%L4~N: The thin9 we have to wait for no~ is the bond estimate, We will have to recess the hearin9 until all the loose ends on this matter are tied up, We will probably have a dec&sion on this later this evenin9, The hearing was recessed, .Mm. Leroy J. Cooper appeared before the Planning Board ~th a map of property .of Leroy J, and Joeelyn C. Cooper~ property located on a private right of way off Y~ng Street~ 0rient~ New York~ map dated December 18~1968, Mr. Cooper requested permission to rearrange property lines on this property, There are existing buildings on the property. One lot will have an area Gf 12,700 square feet, the other lot will have an area of 13~900 square feet. On motion by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was ~RESOLVED Leroy J. and Joce!yn C. Cooper be granted permission to rearzange property .line on property located private right of way, off Kin9 Street, 0rient~ Ne%~ York~ as shov~ on the map by Otto W. Van Tuyl and Son~ map dated December 18~ 1968, Vote of the Board: Ayes:- M~. Moisa~ ~v~r. Uruketbach, ~r. Grebe, Coyle. Southold Town Plann/~n~ Board -4- Janueocy 13, 1969 ~lro Robert Douglas appeared before the Plarkuing Board with the revised map of the subdivision to be known as Willow Terrace. Said subdivision has35 lots, ~nda total area of 25.2 acres, ~. Douglas plans to file the proposed subdivision in different sections, The Superintendent of Highways has given approval of the highway layout. On motion by I'~. Coyte, seconded by Mr, Grebe, it was RESOLVED that tentative approval be given to the entire layout of the subdivision to be known as Willow Terrace~ Orient, New York~ ~ned by Robert Douglas, map by Otto W. Vsn Tuyl & Son, map dated January 7, Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Moisa, ~r. Unkelbach, ~. Grebe, Coyle. William Clark, Bsq., appeared before the PlanningBoard with a map of property located on Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York, for a proposed subdivision. Said property is Owned by Northville Const. Luc. The Board and ~r. Clark briefly discussed the layout. There are 10lots ~u the proposed subdivision. On motion by ~ir. Unkelbach, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was RESOLVED that tentative approval be given to the proposed subdivision of land located on C ox L~ne~ Cutchogue, New York, owned by Northville Const,, Lnc,, map by Alden Young, map ~a~ed December 4, 1968, Vote of She Board: Ayes:- Mr~ Moisa,' Mr, Unkelbach, Mr, Grebe~ Coyle. William Clark~ Esq., ~opeared before the Planning Board in regard to subdividing property of Martin Wegllcki~ Peconic Bay Blvd.~ Mattituok, New York, The layout of the property showed a total of 49 lots. A lenghty discussion was held as to whether or not one section of this land could be filed as a m/nor subdivision. It was agreed the property should be filed in sections as a major subdivision. There is area included for a park end playground. On motion by D~. Grebe, seconded by M~o Coyle, it was RESOLVED that tentative approval be given to the entire layout of the property of Martin Weglicki# Peconic Bay Blvd.~ ~4attituck, as shown on the map by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son~ Map dated February 20, 1967. Vote of the Board: Ayes- I~r. Moisa, Mr, Unkelbach, Mr, Grebe, Coyleo Southold Tca~m Plmnning Board -5- January 13, 1969 The Minor Subdivision ~p of ~y Zeneski's was given final approval and signed by the Planning Board. On motion by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Unkelbach, it was R~SOLV~D that the Southold Town Planning Board set ?:30 P,M., Tuesday, Febm~ary 4~ 1969~ at the Town Office, ~in Road: Southold, New York, as~he time and place of hearing upon the question of approval of the following plat: Plat of property ~ned by James Dean, entitled Downsview, consisting of a parcel of land of 7.529 acres, situated in Cutchogue, in the To~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded smd described as follows: BEGINniNG at a monument on the southerly lime of New SuffOlk Avenue, 2294.29 feet along said southerly ]~-ue from Deep Hole Drive; fromosaid point of beg~l~n!ng r.unnin9 along said southerly., ii~e ~ew uffotk Avenue, S~ 66* 12~ 40~? E.- B50,74 feet; thence~!.eng landSof James Dean, two courses: (!) S. 1° 04' 10'? E,-253.1S feet; thence (2) S. lB~ 24~ BO" E,- 7B4.64 feet.to ordim~ry high water mark of Great Peconic Bay; thence westerly along said high water m~k as measured by the followdn9 tie lines: (1) S. 8t" 2~_~ TS.i! feet; thence (2) $, 69* lS' W,- 89/08 feet to la~d of ~Caliion; thence along said land of 5IcCallion: t~ courses: (1) ~, 13 10~' W.- 154,85 feet; thence (2) N. 2~ SO' 00" W~- 105.O fee~; thence along said land of McCallion.~nd long land of ~ears: S. 79" W.- 100/0 feet; thence a!on9 land of Tayior~ S. 7~~ 42~! OO~ feet; thence along land of F~rr: N. 1© 08~ 00" W.-~25.0 feet; thence along other land of J~mes Dean: No 2S? 25' OOV Wo- 86.B6 feet; thence along land of Schelker~ N. 217 21' 00'3 W.- 119.75 feet; thence along land of Palmer and other land.of James De,u: N, 26~ 00' W.- 296,80 feet; thence along said other land of James Desn, two courses: (1) N~ ~° 29' 00~ W,- 189,70 feet; thence (2) N. t4~ O0' E,- 261,76 feet to the~ point of beginning, Vote of ~he Board: Ayes:- M~. ~4oisa, [~. Uo/celba~h: Mro Grebe: Coyle, The new Suffolk County Rules and Regulations concerning the hearings and approval of varianees~ subdivisions: and zone chan~es were read and discussed by the Board. -6- January 13~ 1969 Southold T~vn Planning Board ~. L~wrence Tuthil! discussed the catch basins for Jactcson's Landing with the P!~G Board. ~4r. Tuthill felt ther~ishouid be some changes in the dra/na~e. This ~i1 be discussed with 5~ Dean also, ~. ~hill stated he would have the estinu%te for the performance bond for this subdivision by the heart meetinG. On motion by~r. Coyle, seconded by I'4r. Grebe, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Southo!dTown Plannin9 Board dated Decemb~ 9~ 1968, be approved as submitted. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- ~. Moisa, ,~tr, Unke!bach~ ~;m, Grebe~ Coyie, The next, reGular meeting of the Southold To~ Planning will be held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday~ February 4, 1969~ at the To~ Office~ ~;~in Roa~'~outhotd, New York. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 Respectfully submitted: Barbara C, Ditt~nn~ Secretary Southol~ To~a FlaPPinG Board HENRY ~40ISA~ ACTING CPLa. IR~L~3~