HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-10/03/1961Southold Town Planning Board
John ~Vickham, Chairman
Henry Moisa
Alfred Grebe
Archibald Youn8
"~il lia m U n~e[b~ch
O c tob~r 3, 1961
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board was
held 7:30 P.M., TUesday, October 3, 1961 at the Town Clerk
Office, Main Road, Southold, New York.
There were present: Messrs. John Wickham, Chairman, Henry
Moisa, Alfred Grebe, Archibald Young, and WilliamUnkelbach.
Also present: Messrs. Otto-W. Van Tuyl, Consultant, Harold
Price, Superintendent of Highways and Howard Terry, Building
PUBLIC HEARING: ~On the question of approval of the follow-
ing plat: 1. PTat of property owned by~Stella M. Smith and
Henry J. Smith, entitled peconic Bay-Oaks, consisting of a parcel
9f land of approximately 16.23 acres, situ~ed at~ Peconic, in the
~own of Southold, Suffolk~County, New York, and bounded and described
'~s folloWS: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Indian
Neck Road where the same is intersected by the easterly line of
land now or formerly of:L. A. Messenger; running th~ne~ North 78
degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds-East along the southerly side of
Indian Neck Road 355.25 feet to the northwes~terly corner of land
Southold Town Planning Board -2-
October 3, 1961
now or formerly ofE~ W. Wood, thence along said Wood's land the
following seven courses and distances: (i)i South 20 degrees 10
minutes 10 seconds'East 272.89 feet; (2) South 20 degrees 29
minutes 40 seconds East 190.08 feet; (3) South 20 degrees 26
minutes 50 seconds East ll0.18feet; (4) SoUth 20 degrees 23 minutes
40 seconds East 96.87 feet; (5) South 20 degrees 05 minutes 00
seconds East-220.79 feet; (6) South 19 degrees 49 minutss 50
seconds~East 255.16 feet; (7) South 20 degrees 07 minutes 50
seconds East-414.19 feet to the mean high water~line of Little
Peconic Bay and running thence along the mean'high water line of
'Little Peconic Bay, South 44 degrees 30minutes 00 secondsiWest
200 feet; running thence North 23 degrees 50 minutes~West 300 feet;
thence North 65 degrees 46 minutes West 45.58 feet; running thence
southwesterly .along an arc Of a curve bearing to the right having
a radius of 7'75 feet~a distance along said arc of 317.66 feet; run-
ning thence South 37 degrees 50 minutes~.East ~165 feet to the mean
high water line of'Little Peconic Bay andlrunning thence along the
mean high water line oflLittle Peconic Bay the following two courses
and distances: (1) South 44 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds~West 40
feet; (2) South 36 degrees 43 minutes 40 seconds'West 169.55 feet
to land now or formerly of~Messenger and running thence alc~g land
or formerly oflMessenger the following two courses and distances:
(1) North 61 degrees 01 minutes 40 seconds West 85 feet; (2) North
12 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds West 300 feet; running thence
North 77 degrees 26 minutes 10 seconds East~148.61 feet; thence
northeasterly along an arc of a' cur ve bearing to the left having
a radius of 725 feet a distance along said arc of 274.45 feet; thence
South 77 degrees 26 minutes 10 seconds West 257.80 feet to land now
or formerly of Messenger and running 'thence along land now or form-
erly of Messenger North 12 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds West 1297.75
feet to the southerly side of Indian Neck Road at the point or
place of beginning.
The Chairman opened the hearing by reading le~alnotice of
hearing with affidavit attesti~ to its publication in the official
THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in
opposition to this proposed subdivision?
(There was no response.)
THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak
for this proposed subdivision?
Southold Town Planning Board
October 3, 1961
LEFFERTS P. EDSON, ESQ., Southold, New York: I. believe that
everything is in order for the approval or,Mr, Henry-Smith-and
Mrs. Stelta~Smith's subdivision. The final plan is in conformity
with the preliminary plan submitted previously.
THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone else present who wishes to
speak before this Board either in favor of or in opposition to
this. subdivision to be known as Peconic Bay Oaks at Peconic in
the Town of:Southold?
(There was no response.)
THE CHAIRMAN: Hearing none I will declare the hearing closed.
On motion of Mr. Grebe~ seconded by bit. Young:
WHEREAS Stella M. Smith and Henry J. Smith has petitioned the
Southold Town Planning Board for final approval of their plat known
as'Peconic Bay oaks at Indian Neck,Peconic", and
WHERF~S the Southold Town Superintendent of Highways has
inspected the Plat and found the highways inI satisfactory con-
dition for reasonable access and in compliance with the Highway
Specifications of the Town of'Southold, and his report is hereby
approved by the PtanningBoard; and
WHEREAS the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to due
notice thereof, held a public hearing on the matter of approval
of the plat at which time all interested persons were given an
opportunity to be heard, and
WHEREAS the Southold Town Planning Board waives the provision
in the'RUles and Regulations for the SubdiviSion of~Land requiring
park and playground area or cash equivalent~
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the subdivision to be known
as "Peconic Bay. O~dCs at Indian Neck, Peconic"~ consisting of 16.23
acres and owned by Stella M. Smith and Henry J. Smith, be approved
on the basis that if dedication of the highways to the Town of
Southold is not completed within 90 days fromthis date performance
bond for their completion will be required.
Southold Town Planning Board -4-
October 3, 1961
This plat is bounded~and described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the southerly sid~ of Indian Neck Road where the
same is intersected by the easterly line of land now or formerly
of L. A. Messenger; running thence North 78 degrees 44 minutes
00 seconds East along the southerly side of Indian Neck Road 355.25
feet to the northwesterly corner of land now or formerlyof E. W.
Wood, thence along said Wood's land the following seven courses
and distances: (1) South 20 degrees 10 minutes 10 Seconds East
272.89 feet; (2) South 20 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds East 190.08
feet; (3) South 20 degrees 26 minutes 50 seconds East 110.18 feet;
(4) South 20 degrees 23 minutes 40 seconds East 96.87 feet; (5)
South 20 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds East 220.79 feet; (6) South
19 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds East 255.16 feet; (7) South 20
degrees 07 minutes 5.0 seconds East 414.19 feet'to the mean high
water line of Little Peconic Bay and running thence~along the mean
high water line of'Little Peconic Bay, South 44 degzees 30 minutes
O0 seconds West 200 feet; running thence North 23 degrees 50 minutes
West 300 feet; thence North 65 degrees 46 minutes~west 45.58 feet;
running thencesouthwestezly along an arc of a cu~e bearing to the
right having a radius of 775 feet a distance along said arc of
317.66 feet; running thence SoUth 37 degrees:~0 minutes~East 165
feet to t~e'mean~high water line of Little Peconic Bay and running
thence along the mean high water line of Little Peconi~ Bay the
following two courses and distances: (1) South 44 degrees 30 minutes
00 seconds?West-40 feet; (2)~South 36 degrees 43 minutes 40 seconds
West t69.55 feet totand now or formerly of Messenger and running
West 85 feet; (2) North 12 degrees '33 minutes 50 seconds'West 300
feet; running thence North 77 degrees 26 minutes 10 senonds East
148.6~ feet; thence northeasterly'along an~arc of a cuzve bearing
to the left having ~a radius of 725 feet a diStance along said arc
of 274.45 feet; thence South 77 degrees 26~minutes 10 seconds'West
257.80 feet to land now or fOrmerly-of Messenger and running
thence along land now or formerly of Messen~ger North 12 degrees
33 minutes 50 seconds~West~ 1297.75 feet~to the southerly side of
Indian Neck Road at ~he point or place of beginning.
Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Wickham, Mr. Moisa, 'Mr.
Grebe, Mr. Young, and Mr. unkelbach.
Southold Town'Planning Board
~October 3, 1961
PUBLIC HEARING: On the question of approval of the follow-~
lng pla%: 2. Plat or-!property o~ned byWoodhollow Properties,
Inc. entitledOrient-By-The-sea,, Section Two, consisting
parcel of land of~'approximately 68.00 acres, situated at-Orient,
in the Tow. n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly line
of land of the aPPlicant ~hd the easterly line of land of Joseph
Moisa at a point-about 300!feet northerly along said tine from the
northerly line of!Main or-State Road; running thence along land of
Joseph Moisa. northerly about 1870 fe~t to land of Wather Millis; thence
along said land of'Walter Millis, three courses, as follows: (1)
northerly 75feet; thence (2) easterly 100 feet; thence (3) northerly
about 250 feet to'Long Island Sound; thence easterly along said.Long
Island SOund about 800 feet to a point about 130 feet~westeriy from
the northwesterly corner of~ Lot 1Number ~24 as shown on~ "Map of !Orient
By The Sea .Section One" filled in .Suffolk -county .C~erk3 s Office
November 21, 1957 las M~p ~NO, 2777; i~hence southerly along other
land of the applicant1-abou~t.260 feet to a point on the northerly
line of Sound View Road~about 110 feet.westerly f~om the south~
westerly cor~er~ofsaid Lot Numb~r~24; thence southeasterly on-a
diagonal line across s~id Sound ViewRoad'about 55 feet to the north-
westerly Corner of Lot Number 25 on saidmap~ thence Southerly along
f~tots nmmb~rs
25 to 33 inclusive, about 800 feet: thence~in a general southerly
direction along the westerly end of~Lots n~mbers3~ 1to 43 inc~lusive
and across two ~nnamed 50.foot strips and then along.'the westerly
line 4~a total of3about.1300 fe~t; thence~west'erly
along e of~Lot~Number 2, thenc~ across .Plum I:Sland
,Lane an ~bout 430 fee~; ~hen'ce southerly
along the~ westerly line ~Of ~said!Lot ~Number ] Park
V&ew Lane and then along otherland of ~boub 400
feet to the northeasterly.corner~of-land of King; thence
westerly along said iand of!Edwin-H.~ ~ing the
northwesterlyCorner~of'said King's/land; thence~sou,thwesterly
along other'land of the~applicant about 520 feet-; thence westerly
along other land of the applicant about 110 fee~'to the point of
The Chairman opened the hearing~by readinglegal notice of
hearing with affidavit attesting to its publication in the
official newspaper.
T~E CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone who wishes to be heard in
opposition t0 this propoSed subdivision?
Southold Town Planning Board
October 3, 1961
(There was no response. )
THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heard
in favor of this proposed subdivision?
GEORGE M~, ESQ., Greenport; New York:
plan of the PlannJ
thing is in order
some drainage pr~
FiR. Med~ANN:
XMr. Harold ~
I speak for
Section Two. · We have conformed to the preliminary
~ng Board and Town Board, and we believe that every-
for final approval.
At our last meeting we had under discussion
lems, but. I see you have catch basins noted.
There will be catch basins.
· ice,~ Superintendent of Highways, stated that he
has inspected the roads that have been instalted~up t0date and
find them satisfactory, of course the drainage has notbeen in-
stalled, but he is satisfied with the drainage plan as shown on
the map.1
(Mr2 Van Tuyl stated that there is one cloth copy of the map
missing. The normal supplier is unable to make anothermapbut
Mr. Van Tuyl has made. an effort'to secure one and wili have another
cloth print in the near future.)
THE CHAIRMAN: We will waive the second cloth copy as long
as it is forthcoming in the near future.
THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone else who wishes to be heard
either in favor of or in opposition to this subdivision known as
Orient By The~ Sea, Section Two?
(There was no response.)
THE CHAIRMAN: Hearing none I will declare the hearing closed.
On-motion of Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr.unkelbach:
WHEREAS Woodhollow Properties, Inc. has petitioned the
Southold Town Planning Board for final approval of their plat
Southold Town Planning Board -7-
October 3, 1961
known as "Orient-By-The-Sea~.Section Two," situated at-Orient
-Point, New York, and
WHERRAS theSouthold Town Superintendent of Highways has
inspected the plat and found the highways in satisfactory con-
dition for'reasonable access and in compliance with the HighWay
Specifications of the Town of-Southold, and his report is hereby
approved by the Planning Board;and
WHEREAS the Southold Town-Planning Board, pursuant to due
notice thereof, held a public hearing on the matter of approval
of the plat at which time all interested persons were given an
opportunity to be heard, and
WHEREAS the Southold Town Planning Board waives the provision
in the Rules and Regulations for the'Subdivision of Land requiring
park and playground area orcash equivalent;
NOW T~EREFORE BE tT-RESOLVR~ that the subdivision to be known
as "Orient'By-The-Sea, Section Two", consisting of 68~00 acres and
owned by Woodhollow Properties, Inc.~ be approved on the basis that
if dedication of the highways to the Town of SouthOld is not com-
pleted' within 90 days from this date performance bond for their
completion wilt be required.
This plat is bounded and described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the Westerly line of land of the.applicant and. the
easterly line of land of Joseph Moisa at a point-about 300 feet
northerly ~long~sa~id line from the northerly line ofMain o~ State
Road; runni~g~thenlce along land of Joseph ~oisa northerly about
1870 feet to iand of w~tter Millis; thence along, said la-nd ofWalter
Millis, three courses~ as follows: (~1) northerly 75 feet; thence
(21) east~lyl00 fe~t; thence (3)-northerly about'250 ifeet to Long
Islar along said.Long Island Sound abDut
800 feSt ~to a t30 feet westerly from the'northwesterly
corner of Lot shown on "Map of_Orient~By The Sea
Section.One" ~.Clerk's Office November 21, 1957
as Map No. 2777; thence southerly along other land of the applicant
about~260 feet to a pOint on the northerly line of-Sound view Road
about 110 feet westerly from the southwesterly corner of said Lot
Number 24; thence ~h easterly on a diagonal line a~ross said
Sound Vfew Road.'~bout 55 feet to the northwes~eriy Corner of. Lot
Number 25 on said map; thence southerly along the westerly line
of said Lot N~er 25, 14~.26 feet'; thence in a general easterly
Southold Town Planning Boar~
October 3; 1961
direction along the southerly end of lots numbers 25 to 33
inclusive, about 890 feet; thence in a general~Qutherly
direction alc~g the westerly end of Lots numbers.~34 to 43
inclusive and across two-unnamed 50 foot strips and then along
the westerly line of Lot Number 4, a total of about 1300 feet;
thence westerly along the northerly line of Lot Number 2, thence
across Plum Island Lane and then alongLot'number l~ about 430
feet; thence southerly along the westerly line of said Lot number
1, thence across'Park View Lane and then along other land of the
applicant, about 400 feet to the northeaaterty corner of land of
Edwin H. King; thence westerly along said land ofEdwin H. King
about 550 feet to the northwesterly~corner of'said King's land;
thence southwesterly along other land of the applicant about 520
feet; thence westerly along otherland of the applicant about 110
feet to the point of beginning.
Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Wickham, Mr. Moisa, Mr.
Grebe, Mr. ¥oung~ and Mr. Unkelbach.
The Board discussed with Superintendent of Highways Price
the matter of leaching areas. The Chairman stated: It is the
understanding of the Planning Board that there is some questiOn
about the area ofleaching areas and involving primarily the slope
or actual net drainage area and in a discussion sometime ago with
the~ Superintendent-of HighWays it was the feeling of the Chairman
that at some t~ime in the future this should be prescribed in detail
by.the number of-square feet of vertical drainage area required.
In the meantime I feel~this only fair to ~e~v~this up to the
superintendent of Highways. (Mr. Price stated he would give the
Board a letter on this. -- Mr. Van Tuyl is to prepare drawings of
catch basins for the Board.)
Irving L. Price., Jr., Esq. appeared before thePlanning~
Board to again discuss~Cteaves Point, Section Two at,East Marion.
The Planning.BQa~d stated that-they ~ave not received a reply from
Town Attorney Tasker.r.elative to the questions posed byMr. Price
at the last.~Planni~gBoard'meeting. ThePlanning Board had not
given approval te the~'~leaves-Point, Section Two map because no
access to water h~d~been provided. Mr. Price contende~ that the
roads are to be pri~a't~e 1'therefore his client should not be made to
proVide accesS tothewa~r~ The~hairman read the preamble of the
Southold Town Planning Board -9-
october-3, 1961
Rules and Rmgulations for the Subdivision of Land to M~r. Price.
Item 3 states: "To provide adequate access for fire fighting
equipment, snow removal equipment, ambulances, police cars, and
cther emergency vehicles." Item 6'states: "To provide for the
orderly developmentof waterfront property."
The Board directed that~a letter be forwarded to Town
Attorney-Taskerrequesting his immediate attention to the Planning
Board's letter of~October 4th pertaining to Cleaves Point-Section
Two. The Board also asked that Mr. Tasker be present at the next
Planning Board meeting, if possible, to discuss~Cleaves Point
with Mr. Price and the Planning Board.
~A letter was also/be forwarded to Mr.~ Price advising him that
the Planning Board has requested the Town~ Attorney to be present
at the next meeting and if this can be a~ranged he will be notified.
Mr. Van Tuyl i~quired as to the status of the proposed dedica-
tion of Gull.Pond Laneat the proposed subdivision of Fordham Acres.
As per-the motion made at the~Plan~ing Board in September, the file
was returned to the Town Board stating that thePlanning Board finds
this applicationto be a departure from Town policy in:that this
proposed road does not have the required turn-around at the water
and the Planning Board would not be willing to approve-the highway
at the present time.
The Ptanning Board received a letter from the Suffolk-County
Department~of Planning stating that~Pursuant to Section 1304 of the
Suffotk County charter, the SUffolk County-Planning commission' at
a Special Meeting held on September 20, 1961, considered~mendment
No. 46, Woodhollow Properties, Inc., Orient, New York, amendment
to the'Southold-Town Building Zone Ordinance. It was the decision
of the Commission to approve the amendment~
The~next meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board will be
held Novemberl, 1961, TownCle~k~Office,1Main~l~oad, Southold, New
York at 7:30 P~M.
On motion of Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetingof~September 13,
1961 be approved as read.
Vote of the Board: Ayes:~ Mr. Wick~am, Mr. Moisa,
Grebe, Mr. Young, and Mr. Unke~bach.
Southold Town Planning Board
-10- October 3, 1961
Mr. Unkelbach apologized for 'his absence from thc September
meeting. Due to an error in the post office he did not receive
his card until one week after the meeting had been held.
As stated in the-September minutes, the following is the
metes and bounds description in connection with the Victoria
application for a change of zone from "A" Residential and
Agricultural District to "~" Multiple ReSidence District:
Beginning at-a point on'the westerly boundary line of premises
of 3William Victoria and Regina G. Victoria which point.is located
South 25o53' West a distance of 25i0.00 feet from a concrete monument
set in the southerly line of Main Bayview Road at the northwest
corner of saidpremises or'William Victoria and Regina G~ Victoria;
running thence-South 64°07' east ~tong lands of~William Victoria
and Regina G. Victoria 'a distance of 1840.00 feet to the westerly
side of a private roadway; runningl thence South 50°15"20" west
along and across said private roadway a distance of 88.40 feet to
a concrete, monument and the meadow land now or formerly of Howard
M, Terry and athers; running thence North 83o08' west along said
last mentioned landg a distance of 75.37 feet-to a concrete monument
and the shares of a pgnd; running thence alonq the shores of said pond
as the same winds and turns the tie lines of which are South 75°21'
50" west 257.72 feet and North 0°05'10" west 72.19 feet to a concrete
monument; running thence North 65°02'10'' west a distance of~21.11
feet-to a concrete monument; running thence South 18°47'20" west a
distance of 146.11 feet to a post and the shores of~Corey.Creek; run-
ning thence $1ong the shores of Corey-Creek.as the same Winds and
turns the tie line of'which is South 77°36'20" west 639.22 feet'to
lands now or~ formerly of'the Koke Estate; running thence North 25°
53' east~through a concrete monument and along said lands now or
formerly of the Koke'Estate a distance of 748.92 feet ~o the point
or place or,beginning.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith T. Boken, Secretary
John Wickham, Chairman