HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012RECEIVED TO: FROM: RE: DATE: 2 Southold Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Board of Assessment Review REPORT - BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW - TAX YEAR 2012-13 July 2, 2012 Attached herewith please find for public filing in your office, complete file covering the public heating(s) of the Board of Assessment Review, together with changes ordered by this Board to the assessment roll, Assessors' acknowledgement, etc. The duties of the Board of Assessment Review for the grievance period coveting the 2012/13 assessment roll are completed. Membl 1 Member Member Form BAR-4 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Town Assessor Board of Assessment Review ORDER FOR CHANGE IN TENTATIVE ASSESSMENT ROLL June 13, 2012 The Board of Assessment Review for the Town of Southold, has duly met to hear Complaints or grievances on the tentative town assessment roll for the tax year 2012/13 as prescribed by law. The Board, having duly convened, has considered each and every complaint or grievance on the assessments for the tax year indicated, as filed with this Board, as prescribed by law. A majority of the Board has determined that all the changes indicated on the attached page(s) will be made on the assessment roll by the Assessor. Total number of complaints submitted by Assessor 1678 Total number of complaints received on Grievance Day 6 Total number of signed stipulations 63 Total number of correction of errors _104 Total number of complaints reviewed by the Board 1851 Total number of reductions in assessment 31 Total number of withdrawals 0 Total number of dismissals 0 Total number of grievances without a change J 820 NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Assessment Review hereby orders the Board of Assessors to make all changes in assessments as determined by the Board of Assessment Review on the assessment roll of the Town of Southold, for the tax year 2012/13, in conformance with this order. STATE OF NEW YORK } COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } TOWN OF SOUTHOLD } The undersigned, being duly sworn do severally depose and say that deponents are members of the Board of Assessment Review; that deponents have read the foregoing and know the contents thereof; and the matters set forth are tree to the best of the deponent's knowledge. Sworn before me this ~day of J une.~2~l_0 i 7.--. Notary Public oua,.~,~n°.~ak~u-- ~" M~m'~er Member RPTSA 200 4/72 BAR-2 Page 3 of 3 Grievance Commercial 2012 Name SCTM# Code Date Result 1.407Breeze Hill Padners, LLC 74.-1-36 130W 5/15/12 Denied 1408 100 South Street, LLC 1001-4.-6-34.7 464 5/3/12 Denied 1409 101 Greenport Propedies, LLC1001-4.-9-7 454 5/4/12 Denied 3_43_0 123 Sterling, LLC 1001-3.-5-16.4 330 5/15/12 Denied 3.43.1 123 Sterling, LLC 1001-3.-5-16.5 330 5/15/12 Denied 1.43.2 13400 Main Road Corp. 1000-114.-11-9.6 484 513112 Denied 1413 1400 Young's Ave. Corp 1000-60.-2-10.4463 5/9/12 Denied 1991 Trust for I & T Safer CIO 1000-98.-5-4 311 5/4/12 Denied 141.4Phillip D. Neuer, Esq. 1991 Trust for I & T Safer CIO 1000-98.-5-3 311 5/4/12 Denied 1.43.5 Philip D. Neuer, Esq. 27A North LLC & CIO Chris Mohr 1000-96.-1-20.1449 5/3/12 Denied 1.416Land 1.417372 Jericho Corporation 1000-84.-1-26.3449 5/11/12 Denied 3.41838-44 Front Street LLC 1001-4.-10-31 454 5/4/12 Denied 1419 38-44 Front Street, LLC 1000-4.-10-31 454 5/14/12 Denied 1.42o416 Main St LLC 1001-4-7-22 481 5/3/12 Denied 1421 53795 Southold Properties LLC 1000-61.-1-16 481 5/11/12 Denied :3.422 53795 Southold Properties LLC 1000-61.-1-16 481 5/14/12 Denied 74825 Main Road LLC 1000-45.-44.3 461 5/3/12 Denied 1.423C/O B. Kehl 1.4247655 Main Road Mattituck, LLC 1000-122.-6-30.1 431 5/10/12 Denied 1425 7785 Main Rd, LLC 1000-122.-6-29.1 464 5/3/12 Denied 1426 808 Realty Corp. 1000-102.-5-26 432 5/14/12 Denied 1.427828 Front Street, LLC 1000-45.-7-2.2 465 5/14/12 Denied 1428 A & P Real Properly, LLC 1000-142.-1-26 452 5/11/12 Denied 3_429A&S Southold Oil Corp 1000-70.-7-4 486 5/8/12 Denied 3.430Aliano, Nicholas 1000-83.-1-11 591 5/14/12 Denied 3_431AMAC Inc. 1000-122.-7-1 486 518112 Denied 3.432Angelina Properties, LLC 1000-114.-12-2 484 5/11/12 Denied 1.433Angelson, Perry & Melina 1001-4.-7-20 411 5/15112 Denied 1.434I Angelson, Perry & Melina 1001-5.-4-26 481 5/15/12 Denied 3_435Anthony Pirrera 1000-55.-2-20 485 5/14/12 Denied 1436 Anthony Pirrera 1000-55.-2-21 330 5/14/12 Denied 3_437Badger Enterprises Inc., Owner 1000-121.-3-7.4120 5/14/12 Denied 3.438Bauer Farms, Inc 1000-74.-4-13 443 5/3/12 Denied 1439 Bd of Mngt. of Oyster Pt. Condos 1001-7.1-1-1 / 34 411C 5/11/12 Denied 1.440Benali, LLC 1000-59.-3-29 485 5/4/12 Denied Bissett Ilk Estate of James J. 1000-113.-7- 120 5/14/12 Denied 1443_ 19.23 Board fo Managers of the Cove at 1000-87.1-1-1 411D 5/14/12 Denied 1442 Southold thru 34 1443 Boyle,John & Mcnamee, Aideen1000-18.-2-34 130 5/9/12 Denied 1444 Boyle,John & Mcnamee, Aideen1000-18.-2-33 117 5/9/12 Denied 1445 Burt's Reliable Fuel 1001-6.-6-1 441 5/3/12 Denied 1446 Calron Buildin9 Corp. 1000-49.-1-25.5411C 5/4/12 Denied Cannizzaro, David & Miltakis, 1000-61 .-1-7.1483 5/3/12 Denied 1447 Barbara 1448 Capital One, N.A. 1000-102.-6-13.1 463 5/9/12 Denied 1449 Capital One, N.A. 1000-61.-2-12.2460 5/9/12 Denied 1450 CapitaIOne, N.A. 1001-4.-10-10.1461 5/9/12 Denied 1451 Capital One, N.A. 1000-141.-4-6.1463 5/9/12 Denied 1452 Capital One, N.A. 1000-141.-4-3 330 5/9/12 Denied ~_453Capital One, N.A. 1000-141.-4-2 311 5/9/12 Denied 1454 Capital One, N.A. 1000-141.-3-30 311 5/9/12 Denied 1455 Capital One, N.A./Cutchco Corp. 1000-122.-6-28 311 5/9/12 Denied 1456 Capital One, N.A./Cutchco Corp. 1000-122.-6-22.1 463 5/9/12 Denied 1457 Carnation Properties, Inc. 1000-109.-1-10.1 120 5/11/12 Denied 1458 Celic, RobertA. 1000-143.-3-1 485 5/14/12 Denied 1459 Cifarelli, Lisa & David 1000-109.-7-9.3449 5/3/12 Denied 1460 Cleaves Pt. LLC 1000-61.-2-1 484 5/14/12 Denied Cliffside Resod Condominium 1000-45.1-1-1/35 411C & 514112 Denied & 45.1-2-1/34 411D 1461 1462 Costas Minnie 1000-53.-1-3 415 5/3/12 Denied 1463 Cozy Corp. 79 1000-60.-2-4 483 5/4/12 Denied 1464 Cozy Corp. 79 1000-70.-2-11 485 5/4/12 Denied 1465 CSC Acquisition-NY, INC 1000-52.-5-59.5449 5/8/12 Denied 1466 Cutchco Corp. 1000-60.-2-3.1 438 5/9/12 Denied 1467 CVS Albany, LLC # 3105-01 1000-143.-2-30.2 453 5/11/12 Denied 1468 Damianos, Alexander 1000-85.-2-13.2311 5/14/12 Denied 1469 Damianos, Alexander 1000-85.-2-11.1311 5/14/12 Denied 147o Damianos, Herodotos 1000-74.-4-3.2 152 5/14/12 Denied 1471 Damianos, Herodotos 1000-74.-1-42.7120W 5/14/12 Denied 1472 Damianos, Herodotos 1000-74.-1-38 105 5/14/12 Denied 1473 Damianos, Herodotos 1000-84.-4-10.1129 5/14/12 Denied 1474 Damianos, Herodotos 1000-85.-1-10 152 5/14/12 Denied 1475 Damianos, Herodotos 1000-85.-1-9 152 5/14/12 Denied 1476 Damianos, Herodotos 1000-86.-1-15 152 5/14/12 Denied 1477 Damianos,Herodotos 1000-59.-3-28.5130 5114112 Denied 1478 Decarolis, Frances 1000-61.-4-24 464 5/8/12 Denied 1479 DiBorghese Castello, LLC 1000-101.-2-18.3 152 5/3/12 Denied 1480 DiBorghese Castello, LLC 1000-102.-1-3.4152 5/3/12 Denied 1481 DiCandia, Frank 1000-69.-4-2.2 484 5/3/12 Denied 1482 Dolomite, Vincenzo & Ileana 1001-4.-7-24 481 5/3/12 Denied 2 1483 Driftwood Cove Owners Co. Inc. 1000-46.-1-31.1411 5/14/12 Denied 1484 Drossos Alexandra/Costas, Minnie 1000-45.-1-13 557 5/3/12 Denied 1485 DVC Holding CO LLC 1000-60.-1-5 455 5/3/12 Denied 1486 E & C Properly Holding Inc. 1000-83.-2-17.3415W 5/4/12 Denied 1487 E & C Property Holding II Inc. 1000-83.-2-17.1120 5/4/12 Denied East Wind Shores Condominium1000-51.1-1-1 411D 5/15/12 Denied :3.488 Association thru 10 3.489EDCHO Corp. 1000-141.-4-9 483 5/3/12 Denied 1490 EKE Residential, LLC 1000-106.-12-3.2 311 5/14/12 Denied :].491 End of the Road, LLC 1000-122.-3-17.1 484 5/11/12 Denied 1492 Fabb, Tom 1000-99.-4-22 417W 5/15/12 Denied 1493 FHV, LLC 1000-61.-1-13.1452 5/3/12 Denied 1494 First Settlers, Ltd 1000-70.-2-3 471 5/4/12 Denied 1495 Foodbasket Propedies, Inc. 1000-61.-4-25.1454 5/4/12 Denied 1496 Foodbasket Propedies, Inc. 1000-61.-4-25.1454 5/3/12 Denied 1497 GAMAProperties-Deer, lnc. 1000-142.-1-27 450 5/14/12 Denied 1498 Gama-Dun ParkCorp. 1000-142.-1-27 450 5/14/12 Denied Genovese Drug Stores, Inc. Rite 1000-142.-1-26 452 5/14/12 Denied 1499 Aid Hdqtrs. Corp. 3.500George L. Penny, Inc 1000-53.-2-27.2444 5/4/12 Denied Z501 George L. Penny, Inc 1000-141.-3-38.1 444 5/4/12 Denied ~.5o2Georgiades, Elias 1000-31.-2-17.1417 5/3/12 Denied 1503 Giacomo Terranova 1000-121.-2-1 485 5/4/12 Denied Giannaris, John & Ors 1000-35.-2-14 421 5/3/12 Denied 1504 C/OGiann, Anna 15o5 Grattan, Joesph 1000-140.-3-30 471 5/4/12 Denied 1506 Greenport Galleria, LLC 1000-5.-4-31.1 481 5/14/12 Denied 1507 Greenport Main, LLC 1001-4.-7-12 481 5/14/12 Denied 1508 Greenport Realty Corp. 1000-35.-1-21 421 5/10/12 Denied 1509 Greenport Realty Corp. 1000-35.-1-22 418 5/10/12 Denied 1510 Greenpoder Hotel 1001-4.-8-29 312 5/11/12 Denied 1511 Greenpoder Hotel 1001-4.-8-30 415 5/11/12 Denied 1512 Greenporter Hotel 1001-4.-8-31 415 5/11/12 Denied 1513 Gremler, William & Mary Ann 1000-122.-7-6.4484 5/3/12 Denied 1514 Handy Pantry Stores, Inc. 1000-114.-12-3.1 480 5/11/12 Denied 1515 Hanff's BoatYard, LLC 1001-2.-3-13.2 570 5/3/12 Denied 3.516Hawkeye Energy Greenpod 1001-1.-1-1.1 853 5/14/12 Denied 1517 Heaney, Robert 1000-35.-2-8 421 5/3/12 Denied 1518 Hecht Howard 1000-38.1-1-15 411D 5/15/12 Denied 15Z9 Henry, Joseph R 1001-4.-6-36 483 5/3/12 Denied 1520 Imbriano, Anthony 1000-97.-5-6 120 5/11/12 Denied 1521 israel, Richard and Linda 1001-4.-9-24.3 484 5114112 Denied 1522 Jacobs, James jr, & Sharon 1000-55.-2-17 433 5/3/12 Denied 1523 Jemco Realty Associates, LLC1000-35.-1-24 152 5/14/12 Denied 3.524JP Morgan Chase 1001-4.-10-5 461 5/11/12 Denied 3 3_525JP Morgan Chase 1000-143.-3-33.4 460 5/11/12 Denied 1526 Junge, Arthur 1000-96.-1-19.1440 5/11/12 Denied 3.527King Kullen Grocery Co., Inc. 1000-97.-5-12 452 5/14/12 Denied 3.528KOS, LLC 1000-96.-1-1.4 442 5/4/12 Denied 1529 Kruk, Frank & Elizabeth 1000-89.-4-1.3 484 5/3/12 Denied 1530 Kuhlman Management Corp 1001.4.-10-29 425 5/4/12 Denied 1533_L & R Vineyards Associates 1000-101.-1-4.1120 5/11/12 Denied 3_532L & R Vineyards Associates 1000-101.-1-5.2152 5/11/12 Denied ~_533Lajibrda, LLC 1000-75.-1-14 431 5/3/12 Denied 3.534Lambrou, Fred H RVC TR 1001-4.-7-11 481 5/3/12 Denied 3.535Laoudis of Southold LLC 1000-61.-4-22 481 5/3/12 Denied 1536 Leon Petroleum, LLC 1000-115.-3-9 486 5/14/12 Denied ~.537Leon Petroleum, LLC 1000-74.-4-7.1 486 5/14/12 Denied Z538 Levin Family Limited Partnership 1000-135.-1-15.1 311 5/9/12 Denied 3.539Levin Family Limited Partnership 1000-44.-2-23 415 5/9/12 Denied 3.540Levin Family Limited Partnership 1000-44.-2-22 415 5/9/12 Denied 3.543. Levin Family Limited Partnership 1000-45.-1-4 311W 5/9/12 Denied 1542 Levin Family Limited Partnership 1000-135.-3-21 312 5/9/12 Denied 3.543Levin Family Limited Partnership 1000-135.-3-20 417 5/9/12 Denied 1544 Levin Family Limited Partnership 1000-135.-3-19 417 5/9/12 Denied Lewis Family Properties 1000-46.-2-44.3440 513112 Denied 3.545Partnership 3.546Macari Vineyards 1000-105.-1-1 120 5/14/12 Denied 3.547Macari Vineyards 1000-112.-1-16.3 120 5/14/12 Denied 3_548Macari Vineyards CIO Joseph 1000-112.-1-19 120 5/14/12 Denied Macari Vineyards CIO Joseph 1000-112.-1-20 120 5/14/12 Denied 3_549Macari Macari Vineyards CIO Joseph 1000-112.-2-1 120 5/14/12 Denied ~_550Macari Macari Vineyards CIO Joseph 1000-112.-2-2 120 5/14/12 Denied 3_553. Macari Macari Vineyards CIO Joseph 1000-120.-5-1 129 5/14/12 Denied 3_552Macari Macari Vineyards CIO Joseph 1000-121.-1-1.3152 5/14/12 Denied 3.553Macari Macari Vineyards CIO Joseph 1000-121.-1-1.6129 5/14/12 Denied 1554 Macari 3.555Malon Industries 1000-97.-5-4.5 462 5/4/12 Denied 3_556Madan Columbus Club Inc 1000-102.-2-5 534 513112 Denied 3_557Maritime Funding Group, LTD 1001-5.-3-7 449 5/14/12 Denied 3_558Markel, David 1000-59.-3-32.2484 5/10/12 Denied 3_559Marlake Islip Co., LLC 1000-84.-2-4.1 120W 5/9/12 Denied 3.560Marlake Islip Co., LLC 1000-73.-3-1.1 120W 5/9/12 Denied 1561 Marvin, Arlene 1001-5.-3-16.1 485 5/3/12 Denied 3.562Mattituck Laundry, Inc. 1000-114.-12-3.1 480 5/4/12 Denied 4 1563 Mattituck Plaza, LLC 1000-142.-1-26 452 5/9/12 Denied 1564 Mattituck Products Co., LLC 1000-122.-7-3.1426 5/7/12 Denied 1565 Mattituck Realty LLC 1000-122.-6-29.2 480 5/3/12 Denied 1566 Mattituck Realty, LLC 1000-122.-6-29.2 480 5/10/12 Denied 1567 Merlot, LLC 1000-75.-2-2.7 152 5/14/12 Denied 1568 Merlot, LLC 1000-75.-2-2.6 129 5/14/12 Denied 1.569Merlot, LLC 1000-75.-2-2.4 311 5/14/12 Denied 1570 Merlot, LLC 1000-75.-2-2.3 311 5/14/12 Denied ]_57~_ Merlot, LLC 1000-75.-2-2.2 311 5/14/12 Denied 1572 Merlot, LLC 1000-75.-2-2.1 311 5/14/12 Denied 1.573Meskouris, Chris & James 1000-106.-1-27 311 5/14/12 Denied Meskouris, James, d/bls PAD 1000-99.-1-121 31 lW 5/14/12 Denied 1574 Family, LLC 1575 Mims Holdin9, LLC 1000-t06.-6-13.4 570 5/3/12 Denied 1576 MIMS Holdin9, LLC 1000-106.-6-13.4 570W 5/11/12 Denied 1577 Montgomery, MichaeIJ.&MariaC. 1000-140.-3-31 483 5/15/12 Denied 1578 MPAC, Inc. 1001-4.-10-32 481 5/15/12 Denied 1579 Mullen Realty LP 1000-62.-3-22.5431 5/3/12 Denied 1580 Murphy, Rachel Levin 1000-44.-2-20 421 5/9/12 Denied 1581 Muzco Corp. 1001-4.-9-19 485 5/10/12 Denied 1582 N & L Properties, LP 1000-112.-1-9.1129 5/4/12 Denied 1583 N & L Properties, LP 1000-120.-2-4 311 5/4/12 Denied 1584 NAR Development Corp. 1000-70.-5-24.t455 5/10/12 Denied ~_585Neuburger, Werner 1000-44.1-1-7 411C 5/14/12 Denied North Fork Professional Realty 1000-63.-1-19 465 5/9/12 Denied ~_586Associated, LLC 1587 North Property Management, LLC 1000-59.-9-30.4484 5/10/12 Denied 1588 Notion, Angela 1000-56.-3-13.3330 5/14/12 Denied 1589 Notion, Angela 1000-56.-1-11.3311 5/14/12 Denied 1590 Notion, Angela 1000-56.-1-11.5323 5/14/12 Denied 1591 Nodon, Angela 1000-56.-1-11.10 129 5/14/12 Denied 1592 Nodon, Angela 1000-56.-1-11.11 129 5114112 Denied 1593 Norton, Angela 1000-56.-1-11.14 129W 5/14/12 Denied 1594 Norton, Angela 1000-56.-1-11.15 129 5/14/12 Denied 1595 Norton, Angela 1000-56.-1-11.16 129 5/14/12 Denied 1596 Norton, Angela 1000-52.-9-1.1 311W 5/14/12 Denied 1597 Norton, Angela 1000-52.-9-1.2 311 5/14/12 Denied 1598 Norton, Angela 1000-52.-9-1.3 311W 5/14/12 Denied 1599 Norton, Angela 1000-52.-9-1.4 311 5/14/12 Denied 16oo Norton, Angela 1000-52.-9-1.5 692 5/14/12 Denied 1601 Notaro, Antoinette, MD 1000-140.-3-34 464 5/3/12 Denied 1602 Octogon Commons, LLC 1000-140.-3-42.2 464 5/9/12 Denied 1603 OKI-DO Ltd. 1000-38.-7-7.1 449 5/11/12 Denied '~604Osprey Dominion Co 1000-75.-1-20.1152 5/3/12 Denied 1605 Ovsianik, Allen 1000-97.-2-15 432 5/15/12 Denied 5 1606 Pagano Holding Corp 1001-6.-2-21.1 481 5/3/12 Denied 1607 PBF Lot Owners Assoc. Inc. 1000-30.-2-100 546 5/10/12 Denied 1608 PBF Lot Owners Assoc. Inc. 1000-30.-2-101 311 5110112 Denied 1609 PBF Lot Owners Assoc. Inc. 1000-30.-2-130 311 5/10/12 Denied Penney Wm. DBA East End 1000-55.-5-2.2 435 5/3/12 Denied 1610 Campers Pindar Associates 1000-113.-7- 129 5/14/12 Denied 1611 19.26 Pindar Associates 1000-113.-7- 120 5/14/12 Denied 1612 19.25 Pindar Associates 1000-113.-7- 120 5/14/12 Denied ].613 19.24 1614 Pindar Associates 1000-85.-2-14 152 5/14/12 Denied 1615 Pindar Vineyards, LLC 1000-85.-2-15 120 5/14/12 Denied Pipes Cove Condominium Board1000-49.-1-25.2411C 5/14/12 Denied 1616 of Managers Pipes Cove Condominium Board1000-49.-1-25.3411C 5/14/12 Denied 1617 of Managers Pipes Cove Condominium Board1000-49.-1-25.4411C 5/14/12 Denied ].618of Managers Pipes Cove Condominium Board1000-49.-1-25,5411C 5/14/12 Deified 1619 of Managers Pipes Cove Condominium Board1000-49.-1-25.6411C 5/14/12 Denied 1620 of Managers Pipes Cove Condominium Board1001-7.-1-16.2 411C 5/14/12 Denied 1621 of Managers Pipes Cove Condominium Board1001-7.-1-16.3 411C 5/14/12 Denied 1622 of Managers Pipes Cove Condominium Board1001-7.-1-16.4 411C 5/14/12 Denied 1623 of Managers Pipes Cove Condominium Board1001-7.-1-16.5 411C 5/14/12 Denied 1624 of Managers 1625 PJH RealtyCorp 1000-13.-2-7.14120 5/9/12 Denied 1626 PJH RealtyCorp 1000-13.-2-7.13311 5/9/12 Denied 1627 PJH RealtyCorp 1000-13.-2-7.12129 5/9/12 Denied 1628 Pod Padners Inc.& Attn:Albed GO 1001-4.-10-30 481 5/3/12 Denied 1629 Premium Wine Holdings, LLC 1000-121.-6-1 152 5/3/12 Denied 1630 Quad Enterprises, LLC 1000-55.-5-17 105 5/14/12 Denied ~_631RaphaeIVineyards, lnc. 1000-85.-3-11.2129 5/14/12 Denied 1632 Raphael Vineyards, Inc. 1000-85.-3-11.5152 5/14/12 Denied 1633 RHX Corp. 1000-96.-2-7 120 5/14/12 Denied 1634 Rob Roy Realty Corp. 1000-143.-3-3 421 5/10/12 Denied 1635 Romanelli Realty 1000-60.-1-6 411 5/14/12 Denied 1636 Romanelli Realty, Inc, 1000-97.-3-3.1 449 5/14/12 Denied 1637 Romanelli, Ludivoica 1000-128.-6-9.1311 5/14/12 Denied 6 1638 Russell Weiss 1000-100-2-5.4 473 5/14/12 Denied 1639 Russell Weiss 1000-100-2-5.5 129 5/14/t2 Denied 1640 Samolewski, Robert 1000-101.-1-19.1 t20 Denied 1641 Santora, Joseph & Rizzo Joann 1000-55.-5-11 484 5/3/12 Denied 1642 Sara§as, Michael 1000-55.-2-7 130 5/3/12 Denied 1643 Schenone, William & Marie 1000-140.-3-3.1484 5/3/12 Denied 1644 Schroder, LeeC 1001-3.1-1-17 411C 5/10/12 Denied 1645 Serota Cutchogue, LLC 1000-97.-5-12 452 5/11/12 Denied 1646 Silver Sands Motel, lnc. 1000-45.-6-1 311 5/14/12 Denied 1647 Silver Sands Motel, Inc. 1000-45.-6-2 464 5/14/12 Denied 1648 Silver Sands Motel, Inc. 1000-45.-6-8 323 5/14/12 Denied 1649 Silver Sands Motel, Inc. 1000-47.-2-1 311 5/14/12 Denied 1650 Silver Sands Motel, Inc. 1000-47.-2-8 311 5/14/12 Denied 1651 Silver Sands Motel, Inc. 1000-47.-2-9 415 5/14/12 Denied 1652 Silver Sands Motel, lnc. 1000-47.-2-11 415 5/14/12 Denied 1653 Silver Sands Motel, Inc. 1000-47.-2-13 415 5/14/12 Denied 3.654Silver Sands Motel, Inc. 1000-47.-2-14 417 5/14/12 Denied 3.655Southold Prof Offices, LLC 1000-61.-2-7.3 465 5/3/12 Denied Stankevich, George C & Margaret 1000-61.-1-3.1 483 5/3/12 Denied 3.656A Sterling Commons at Greenport, 1001.-6.-2-23.5452 5/9/12 Denied 1657 LLC 3.658Stocken Development, LLC 1000-63.-3-8 482 5/11/12 Denied 3_659Strongs Marine, Inc. 1000-122.-9-6.2570 5/14/12 Denied Suffolk Bancorp, & Suffolk County 1000-97.-5-12 452 5/4/12 Denied 1660 National Bank Suffolk Bankcorp & Suffolk County 1000-143.-3-4.2462 5/4/12 Denied 1661 National Bank 1662 Sylport 47 LLC 1001-5.-4-19 484 5/3/12 Denied 1663 TheoAssociates, LLC 1001-4.-7-21 481 5/14/12 Denied 1664 Tonyes Realty Corp 1000-61.-4-23 432 5/3/12 Denied 1665 Townsend Manor Inn, Inc. 1001-2.-3-9 415 5/4/12 Denied 1666 Townsend Manorlnn, Inc. 1001-2.-3-10 414 5/4/12 Denied 3.667Turturm, Joan &Leshaw, Howard 1000-18.-6-10 418 5/3/12 Denied 3.668Tyree, Tamara J, Tyree & ORS1000-116.-1-8.1311 5/14/12 Denied 3.669U Store It, LP 1000-63.-1-10 484 5/4/12 Denied 3.670United States Postal Service1000-102.-5-2 484 5/14/12 Denied 3.673. United States Postal Service1000-140.-3-42.3 485 5/14/12 Denied 1672 United States Postal Service1000-25.-1-18 481 5/14/12 Denied 1673 Univ Specs Inc & Attn: Aldo 1001-5.-4-17 481 5/3/12 Denied 3.674VanduzerAppliance Co. Inc 1000-55.-2-24.4442 5/3/12 Denied 3.675Vitale, John 1001-5.-4-33.1 481 5/14/12 Denied 1676 W E J Associates, LTD 1000-143.-3-34.2 480 5/3/12 Denied 3.677Watson, May 1001-2:5-29 411 5/3/12 Denied 3.678Westview Holdings, LLC 1000-59.-3-32.1431 5/4/12 Denied 7 1679 Wickham J. Parker 1000-123.-1-2.2844 5/3/12 Denied 168o WMS Realty, Inc. 1000-97.-5-4.7 452 5/14/12 Denied ]_68]_ Wolff, Kathleen M. 1001-5.-4-29 481 5/10/12 Denied 1682 Woodhaven Manor Realty 1000-95.-1-7.2 120W 5/14/12 Denied 1683 Woodhaven Manor Realty 1000-95.-1-8.3 120W 5/14/12 Denied 1684 Pindar Vineyards, LLC 1000-108.-4-1.1120 5/14/12 Denied 8 NAME 1 Amper, Julie & Lee, Joseph 2 Eidler, Alan & Sharon 3 Picente, Keith & chris[in~ 4 Monaghan, Richard 5 Kayton, Frances 6 Murtaugh, Maryanne 7 Volinksi, Darryl & Christina 8 Thomas, Marta& Ruroede, Elisa 9 Samolewski, Robed & Rita 10 Samolewski, Robert 11 Clark, Daniel & Margot 12 Ireland, Randers 13 McDonald, Margaret 114 Sucich, George & Kathleen 15 Stepnoski, Lynn (Mapes)& McCOy, Jeann 16 Grossman, Bruce & Sharyn ; 17 Goebel, Steven ' 18 Feger, Robert & Taylor, Teresa 19 Johnson, Martha 20 Mysliborski, Paul & Gabby ,21 Brown, Anthony 22 Alvarez, Miguel 23 Fiedler, Mary ;24 King, Gregory 25 Kaminskey, Robed & Keri 26 Schiavoni C Asset Man9 Tr 27 Schiavoni, Carmela 28 Henze, Geraldine 29 Rosa, Jeffrey 30 Aloi, Frank 31 Tuthill, Elmer & Beatrice 32 Walton, Frances 33 Santalone, Edward 34 Solomon, Michael & Lorene 35 Alvarez, Enrique 36 Alvarez, Miguel 37 Oliver, Scott 38 Grissino, Victor 39 Quist, Gary & Elsie 40 Laub, Robert 41 Alvarez, M 42 Cavagnaro, Carole Monsell 43 Cooper, Jeanne 44 Rowsom, Peter 45 McCarthy, Laura 46 Zimardo, Alexandra & Robert 47 Hasco~, Christine !48 Weinstein, Helen & Alan :49 Strife, Peter & Annabel 50 Coleman, Suzanne 51 Scott, Martin & Mary SCTM# Code Date Submitted 1000-1~6.:4-i4 210 5/15/12 1000-106.-12-3.1 210 5/14/12 : 1000-107.-4-2.5 1000-123.-6-11.1 1000-104.-2-21 1000-54.-9-13 1001-2-1-10.3 1001-2-2-10.1 1001-2-2-35 1001-2-2-35 1001-2-2-44 1001-2-6-35 1001-2-6-50 1001-3-3-16 1001-3-3-24 i001-3-4-18.3 1001-3-4-26.3 1001-3-4-31.2 1001-3-5-1.1 210 5/15/12 210 ;4/30/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/15/12 210 !5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 260 5/3/12 260 5/3/12 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Bruce Owen, Elizabeth The Sergentakis Family Trust % John Kopack, Steven & Elsie Maciura, Stephen Jr Malloy, Christopher Robinson, Janice Cuozzo, Joseph A Aroniadis, Nick Svrcek, James Arnold, William Dulgerian, Albert & Lisa Greene, Beverley Auletta, Irene Gemmel, Charlotte & Sanders Maureen Gualtieri, Joanne Boyle, John & McNamee, Aideen Spinello, Anthony Papantonio, Edmond & Beatrice Mastrangelo, Philip & Holly Pignato, Josephine & Regina, Maria Baker, Charles & Laura Moraitis, Emanuel & Vasilia Andreou, Madeline Angelson, Perry &Melina 1000-13-1-8 210 5/3/12 1000-13-2-8.16 210 5/3/12 ~1000~i 3-2-8~24 ~'10 i~10/12 i000-13L3-5.1 210 !5/3/12 1000-13-3-5.2 210 5/3/12 1000-14-2-1.2 210 : 5/3/12 1000-14-2-3.6 1000-14-2-3.10 1000-14-2-3,11 i 000214-2L3126 1000-14-2-3.~7 1000-14-2-3.33 1000-i 5-1-24 1000-15-2-9 1000-15-2-11 1000-15-3-5 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10ii 2 210 5/3/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/3/12 1000-15-3-14 210 5/14/12 1000-15-3-22 210 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Marcella 133 Copertino, John & Inge 134 Duggan, James & Blanche 135 Voumvourakis Themistoklis & Pelagia 136 Bolletino, Anthony 137 Ioannau, Athas & Angel 138 Tenedios, Steve & Olga 139 Profeta, Janet 140 Treiber, Peter 141 Vancleef, Mina 142 Mould Jesse A Revoc Trust 143 Hughes, Eleanor K 144 Mellas, James 145 Medovoy, Naum 146 Brogan, Kevin & Patricia 147 Bischoff, Norah & Winsch, Jane 148 McCaffrey, Brian & Carol 149 Lechmanski, James & Helen 150 DiLorenzo, Dominick 151 Davis, Anne Taylor 152 Lauber, Joel 153 :Norton, Erin 154 Santora, Joseph & Joanne 155 Murtha, Richard 1000-21-1-15 1000-21-1-17 1000-21-1-18 1000-21-2-5.1 1000-21-2-11 1000-21-2-16 1000-21-3-5 1000-21-3-23 1000-21-3-28 1000-21-4-6 1000-21-5-2 1000-21-5-9 1000-21-6-3 1000-22-1-9 1000-22-2-18 1000-22-2-19 1000-22-2-24 1000-22-2-32 1000-22-2-38 1000-22-2-44 1000-22-3-1 1000-22-3-7 1000-22-3-8.2 1000-22-4-6 1000-22-4-7 1000-22-4-13 1000-22-4-19 1000-22-5-6 1000-22-5-10 1000-22-5-13 1000-22-5-14 1000-22-5-31 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Joseph & Joanne 185 Forte, Edward 8, Catherine 186 Antoniadis, Sofia & Xefos, Maria 187 Maiorana, Chris 188 Clayton, William & Barbara Anders 189 Kamrowski, Susan 190 Kamrowski, Susan 191 Lombardo, Raymond 192 Michelsen, Valerie 193 Palumbo, Frank 194 Palumbo, Frank & Louise 195 Loukatos, Vaseles & Catherine 196 Sadik, Halit Living Trust 197 Papagiannakis, Demetrios 198 Manos, Arlene 8, Peter 199 Learned, Gary & McKennell, Panielle 200 Harbich, Alfred & Lottie 201 Christofer, Nicholas & Peter 202 Wojtas, Andrew & Evertz, Gariele 203 Platis, Andrew & Kellie 204 Schoenstein, Joseph 205 Stamas, Theodore & Irene 206 Borrelli, Joseph & Frances 207 Athanasenas, Sam 1000-30-2-12 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-30-2-17 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-30-2-24 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-30-2-28 210 5/3/12 Deniea 1000-30-2-30 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-30-2-41 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-30-2-53 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-30-2-62 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-30-2-64 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-30-2-74 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-30-2-81 210 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Charles 236 Riehle, Jurgen & Perman, Margot 237 Bauer, David 238 Huggins, Gladys 239 Lanfray, Nestor & Susan 240 Turett, Wayne & Leighton, Jessica 241 Lovito, Andrew 242 Montes Deoca, Anna & Verticchio Al 243 Montes Deoca, Anna 244 Kukacka, Theresa 245 Manwaring, Wayde & Brianne 246 Verity, Eileen 247 Carlson, Lynne 248 Abadiotakis Russos 249 Fragola, Donna 250 Jones, Alexandra 251 Passudetti, Donald & Elizabeth 252 Gambino, Girolamo 253 Snyder, Charles 254 Idiart, Marcel 255 Giannaris, John &Anna 256 Ruroede, Bart & Christine 257 Santaniello, Sandra 258 Israel, Lisa 259 Ahearn, John 1000-33-3-14 1000-33-3-19.10 1000-33-3-19.14 1000-33-3-19.16 1000-33-3-27 1000-33-3-28 1000-33-3-28 1000-33-3-35 1000-33-4-5 1000-33-4-8 1000-33-4-8 1000-33-4-10 1000-33-4-12 1000-33-4-19 1000-33-4-21 1000-33-4-23 1000-33-4-27 1000-33-4-28 1000-33-4-30 1000-33-4-32 1000-33-4-53 1000-33-4-61 1000-33-4-62 1000-33-4-82 1000-33-5-6 1000-33-6-4 1000-33-6-6 1000-34-2-15 1000-34-2-20 1000-34-3-26 1000-34-3-32 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David & Mary Jane Sanacroce, Thomas & Marian Lefkowitz, Jay & Christina Grech, Thomas Jacobs, Mary Malley, John & Valerie Napolitano, Anthony & Susan Taylor, Kimberly & Donna Mysliborski, Marjorie Pafitis, Andrew & Katy Costalos, Michael Toivonen, Thomas & Mildred Sgarlato, Santa Cromack, Charles & Genevieve Pearce, Edward Mangels, Rosalie & O'Grady, Lynda Dixon, Robert Goldsmith, Richard & Judith Foley, Michael & Nancy Garcia, Josefina & Miguel Oleary, Lucy Sponza, Frank & Amie Mydon Resorts Inc & CIO Myron W Go Hanly, Patrick & Elizabeth Hatzis, Denise Schlaefer, Douglas & Maryan Mazzaferro, Nicholas 1000-35-5-14 1000-35-5-17 1000-35-5-23 1000-35-5-28 1000-35-5-33 1000-35-5-36 1000-35-5-37 1000-35-6-9 1000-35-6-10 1000-35-6-14 1000-35-6-26 1000-35-6-27 1000-35-6-29 1000-35-8-1.4 1000-35-8-2.1 1000-35-8-5.6 1000-35-8-5.7 1000-35-8-5.23 1000-35-8-5.24 1000-36-2-17 1000-36-2-21 1000-37-1-9 1000-37-3-21.1 1000-37-4-1 1000-37-5-22 1000-37-7-10.2 1000-38-1~1.2 1000-38-1-1.7 1000-38-1-16 1000-38-2-10 1000-38-2-14 1000-38-2-33 1000-38-2-35 1000-38-3-10 1000-38-3-22 1000-38-3-26 1000-38-4-18 1000-38-4-21 1000-38-5-1 1000-38-5-2 1000-38-6-1 1000-38-6-6 1000-38-7-10.3 1000-40-1-9 1000-40-2-9 1000-40-3-3.2 1000-40-3-3.4 1000-40-3-6.1 1000-40-5-1.11 1000-40-5-1.29 1000-40-5-1.34 1000-40.1-1-6 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 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Jane 340 Papadopoulos, Minas & Hrisi 341 Tsongas, Linda & Gus 342 Rigas, Angelo 343 Andrejack, Joseph & Suzanne 344 Yatrakis, George & Maria 345 Lancey, Paul & Nanette 346 Ingarra, Frank & Carmela 347 Koch, George 348 Turcic, Anton& Ann 349 Konstantaras, Konstantinos & Katy 350 Andriotis, Nick 351 Andriotis, Anna& Nick 352 Cassidy, Lorraine 353 Sawicki, Joseph & Connie 354 Toga, Linda 355 Conlan, Kevin & Daniel 356 Santis, George & Mary 357 Dursunian, Arto & Diane 358 Kligian, Ara 359 Muscheid, Jeannette 360 Corazzini, Paul III & Ruthanne 361 McEvily, Charles & Stephanie 362 Mulligan, Jean 1000-40.1-1-46 1000-40.1-1-56 1000-41-2-8 1000-42-1-26.1 1000-43-3-10 1000-43-4-3 1000-43-4-6 1000-43-4-27 1000-43-4-37 1000-43-4-44 1000-43-5-1 1000-43-5-1 1000-44-1-18 1000-44-2-8 1000-44-2-15 1000-44-2-17 1000-44-4-5.1 1000-45-2-10.5 1000-47-2-4 1000-47-2-12 1000-47-2-15 1000-48-1-22 1000-48-2-9.1 1000-48-2-17 1000-48-2-38 1000-48-3-22 1000-50-1-9 1000-50-2-12 1000-50-2-14 1000-50-3-11.1 1000-50-3-21 1000-50-4-2.4 1000-50-6-5.9 1000-51 - 1 - 14 1000-51-1-22.1 1000-51-3-2.6 1000-51-3-2.15 1000-51-3-3.3 1000-51-3-3.5 1000-51-3-14 1000-51-3-14 1000-51-6-6 1000-51-6-14.1 1000-51-6-40 1000-52-2-2 1000-52-2-38 1000-52-3-16 1000-52-3-25 1000-52-3-33 1000-52-4-1.2 1000-52-5-6 1000-52-5-15 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 ;5/3/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/14/12 220 5/4/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 260 5/3/12 240 5/9/12 280 5/11/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/14/12 230 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/15/12 210 513/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/10/12 260 5/3/12 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 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Orestes & Evelyn 392 Vazques, Donald 393 Georgiopoulos, Constantine 394 Schroeder, Diane 395 Stuckart, Paul & Kathleen 396 Garges, Patricia & Donner, Shirley 397 O'Brien, Catherine 398 Fickeissen, Albert & Marion 399 Donopria, Corinne 400 Hennessey, Walter & Fontana Marianne 401 Home, Michael 402 Hamilton, Alfred & Eleanor 403 Ritondo, Thomas & Cathy 404 Price, William Jr & Anderson, Susan 405 Day, Robert & Claire 406 Kapustka, Stephen 407 Berglund, Judith & Wszolek, Elyssa 408 Pfluger, Robert & Susan 409 Guiry, Robert & Stella 410 Drumm, Michael 411 Danzer, Meinrad & Karen 412 Dolney, Kenneth 413 Tyrer, Gordon & Diane 414 Sorensen, Mark 1000-52-5-42 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-52-7-1.1 250 5/10/12 Denied 1000-52-8-2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-52-8-4 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-53-1-2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-53-3-13.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-53-4-6 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-53-4-15 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-53-4-29 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-53-4-29 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-53-4-29 210 5/10/12 Denied 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Richter, Kenneth & Arline 443 Seifert, William & Rose 444 Palillo, Frank & Diane 445 Palillo, Diane 446 Ribaudo, Salvatore 447 Coritsidis, George 448 Ovsianik, Allen 449 Hogan, John & Patricia 450 Coscetta, Thomas & Susan 451 Brock, Margaret 452 Purich, Kay & David 453 Romanelli Realty Inc 454 Distasi, Samuel & Isabelle 455 Belich, Steven & Valerie 456 Hansen, William & Anne 457 Schelin, Roy Jr & Jeanne 458 Welz, Jane 459 Tomasic, Eugen 460 Cohen, Albert & Rita 461 Gratton, Thomas 462 Tomashevski, Henry 463 Clay, Barbara Ann 464 Terry, Elizabeth c/o Barbara 465 Radich, Joseph 466 Lingo, O D & Eleanor 1000-55-6-15.42 1000-55-6-38 1 ooo-55 7-3 i000-55-7-5 1000-56-i -2.5 1000-56-1-2.9 1000-56-1-2.17 1000-56-1-11.2 1000-56-2-3 1000-56-5-3 1000-56-5-29 1000-57-1-6 1000-57-1-20 1000-57-1-22 1000-57-2-4.1 1000-57-2-24 1000-59-2-5 i000-59-2-19 1000-59-2-24.1 i 000-59-2-25 1000-59-3-16.2 1000-59-3-16~3 1000-59-3-22.4 1000-59-3-34 1000-59-4-5.13 1000-59-4-5.13 1000-59-5-2.4 1000-59-5-19 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& Michael 495 Bennett Family Trust 496 Hull, Zina 497 Dunne, Edward & Donna 498 Boivin, Jonathan & Susan 499 Hardy, Carol 500 Schelin, Scott 501 Sepenoski, John Jr 502 Arminio. Marlo & Linda 503 Connell, Allan & Theresa 504 Rossi, Ronald 505 Zeneski, Paul & Linda 506 McDowell, Kathleen 507 McDowell, Kathleen 508 Planz, Josephine & Robert 509 Maretic, Ive& Maria 510 Rubin, Lawrence & Virginia 511 Kroepel, Robert & Dale 512 Lekich, Elsi 513 Innamorato, Michael 514 Chaudhary, Nighat 515 Koke, Michael & Jennifer 516 Horan, Mary Ann E 517 Hufe, Ellen 518 Wexler, Donna 1000-63-6-4 210 5/14/12 1000-63-7-3 210 5/15/12 1000-63-7-4 210 5/3/12 1000-63-7-14 210 5/10/12 1000-63-7-17.2 210 5/14/12 1000-64-1-26 210 5/14/12 1000-64-1-32 210 5/3/12 1000-64-2-9 210 5/14/12 1000-64-2-15 210 5/3/12 1000-64-2-23 210 5/3/12 1000-64-2-36 210 5/3/12 1000-64-2-50 210 5/14/12 1000-64-3-6 210 5/3/12 1000-64-4-11 210 5/10/12 1000-64-4-12.2 210 5/3/12 1000-64-4-14.3 210 5/14/12 1000-64-4-22 210 5/10/12 1000-64-5-8 210 5/10/12 1000-64-5-21 210 5/10/12 1000-64-5-31 210 5/3/12 1000-64-5-31 210 5/15/12 1000-65-1-11 210 5/3/12 1000-65-1-15 210 5/3/12 1000-66-2-30 210 5/14/12 1000-66-3-12 210 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Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 519 Mladen Bay 520 Dais, Katherine 521 Kramer, ,J~hn & Valerie 522 Anderson, Lois 523 Dolan, Thomas 524 Sideris, Laurence 525 Smith, Thomas & Jennifer 526 Jungblut, Jan & Charlotte 527 Bain, ,Alan & Miller, Linda 528 Hyatt, Lynn 529 McKinley, Peter & Rosemary 530 McKeon, Peter 531 Sommo, Donna & William 532 Rogers, Helen A 533 Park, William Jr & Theresa 534 ,Lonic, Ljubica & Ante 535 Stepnowski, Joseph & Barbara 536 Faro, Frederick & Mary Ann 537 Kumbatovic, Nickica & Radich, Mary 538 Gros, Alfred & Christine 539 Quist, Gary & Else 540 Sobel, Marilyn & Robed 541 Schoenbaechler, Charles & Florence 542 Radovic, Ratko & Angela 543 D & D Brody LLC 544 Flinn, Betsy 545 McMahan, Marlene 546 Ciampa, Therese 547 Malone, Jeanne 548 Gold, Jack 549 Gallagher, Kevin & Dorothy 550 Gundersen, James & Emily 551 Forquer, Rush 552 Ponzo, Robed 553 Lindemann, Bruce & Louise 554 Bohn, Robert 555 Kraebel, Richard & Janet Brock 556 Sullivan, Joseph Jr & Barbara 557 Catania, Joel & Donna 558 Foley, Michael & Rosemarie 559 Laoudis, Theodore & Angela 560 Henchy, Dennis & Ann 561 Walsh, Robert & Gale 562 Laoudis, Theodore & Angela 563 Frankola, Bruno & Nidia 564 Klein Mollo, Margaret 565 Peterson, Kenneth & Erna 566 Graham, Lesley 567 Simon, Nell & Roberta 568 Hume, Daniel 569 McLaughlin, Randi 570 Harvey, Michael & Renee 1000-70-4-30 1000-70-4-42 1000-7024-45.3 1000-70-4-45.5 1000-70-5-20 1000-70-5-38 1000-70-6-10 1000-70-6-20 1000-70-6-22 1000-70-6-38 1000-70-8-18 1000-70-8-34 1000-70-8-46 1000-70-8-52 1000-70-9-1 1000-70-9-4.1 1000-70-9-22 1000-70-9-30 1000-70-9-42 1000-70-9-48 1000-70-10-10 1000-70-10-23 1000170-10-24 1000-70-10-28.2 1000-70-10-28.3 1000-70-10-53 1000-70-10-54 1000-70-10-56 1000-70-10-57 1000-70-10-60 1000-70-10-62.1 1000-70-11-6 1000-70-11-7 1000-70-11-10 1000-70-11-11 1000-70-11-13 1000-70-11-16 1000-70-12-21 1000-70-12-26.2 1000-70-13-7 1000-70-13-20.4 1000-70-13-20.8 1000-70-13-20.20 1000-70-13-20.35 1000-71-1-19 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Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 571 Almar Enterprises 572 Damianos, Herodotos 573 Buccinna, Kevin & Beiser, Faith 574 Kanz, Isabelle & Faint, Martin 575 Marczewski, Stacey 576 Hayes, Olive Hairston 577 Kruk, Scott 578 Cavagnarol carole 579 Birkel, Raymond 580 Andrade, Jeffrey 581 Brantuk, Joseph 582 Terry, Kevin & Rachel Ann 583 Fdstachi, Joseph & Angela 584 Fristachi, Joseph 585 Cacevic, Alexander 586 Schineller, Paul 587 Schineller, Paul 588 Petrauskas, Joseph Sr & Ann 589 Begun, Marc & Donna 590 Jacobs, Judith 591 Smith, Brian & O'Brien,-Smith, Debora 592 Cowan Fielding LLC 593 Soto, Maryanne 594 Ledonne, Alexander & Pauline 595 Piti, Joseph 596 Cimino, Peter & Loretta 597 Haigh, Rosemary 598 Vlahakis, Stylianos & Maria 599 Berkhan, Catherine 600 Hart, Eugene 601 Scott, Robert & Kerry 602 Tondo, Anthony 603 Coles, Georgiana 604 Mathers, Alien 605 Dunn, Thomas 606 Klavas, Peter 607 Depinter, Rochelle 608 Perry, Richard 609 Valiotis, Evanthia 610 Brittman, Joseph & Elizabeth 611 Holobigian, Rity 612 Zupicich, Atilio & Marsha 613 Frankola, Rina 614 Swiskey, John & Cynthia 615 Mirabella, Michael & Catherine M 616 Mohr, Robert & Andrea 617 Mohr, Robert 618 Albro, William 619 Reichert, John & Frances 620 Taggart, Thomas 621 Mohr, Robert & Andrea 622 Broderick, Judy & Thomas 1000-74-1-35.55 1000-74-1-42.6 1000-74-1-44.5 1000-74-2-14.1 1000-74-2-35 1000-74-3-17 1000-75-1-1.1 1000-75-2-17.1 1000-75-4-1 1000-75-5-5 1000-75-6-7.2 1000-75-6-9.3 1000-75-6-9.5 1000-75-6-9.5 1000-75-6-10 1000-75-6-13.2 1000-75-6-13.2 1000-75-7-1.3 1000-75-7-7.1 1000-76-1-25 1000-76-2-17 1000-76-2-18 1000-76-2-21 1000-77-1-5 1000-77-1-11 1000-77-1-15 1000-77-2-19 1000-77-2-23 1000-77-2-26 1000-77-3-12.1 1000-77-3-15.1 1000-78-1-10.5 1000-78-1-10.14 1000-78-1-10.15 1000-78-1-15 1000-78-1-17 1000-78-1-19 1000-78-1-31 1000-78-2-1 1000-78-2-11.3 1000-78-2-22 1000-78-2-26 1000-78-2-36 1000-78-3-19.2 1000-78-3-30.1 1000-78-3-34.2 1000-78-3-34.2 1000-78-3-46 1000-78-3-59 1000-78-3-63 1000-78-3-64 1000-78-3-66 260 5/14/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/15/12 230 5/15/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 '5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denlea Denied Denied Denied Demed 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 D'Alessio, William & Michele Fischlein, Albert & Paula i Mascia, Matthew Morrissey, Brian & Tatum, Leslie O'Brien, Janet Kaplan, Irwin Dunn, Thomas Wester, Richard & Amy Spaeth, Peter & Cyra Leavay. Terence & Dale Whittington, Judith & Joel Lederer, Helen Loria, Philip & Heather Surozenski, Stephen M Tuohy, Sheila Potorski, Joseph Jr & Suzanne Kilcommons, Patrick & Philomena Difrancesco, Dora & Alfonso Moczulski, Andre Morris, Kathleen Hart Sabalja, Phi!!p & Lorraine Pilles, Esther Hedgecock, Thomas & Judith Guyer, Stephen 8, Lori Lappe, Steven & Christopher Synan, George Gierak, John Hughes, Brian Bicker, Judith Bicker, Judith Bicker, Judith & Alvin Wright, Joanne Devito, Robert Coulianidis, Emanuel & James Damico, John McKiernan, Timothy 8, Lori Schaubeck, Patricia & McKiernan, Sue Kapsis, Philip Esposito, Gerald & Zdzislawa Kentrotas, Steven & Calliope Kentrotas, Calliope Rumpler, John III & Sharon Solowsky, Peter Desbonnet, Eric & Kathleen Higbee, David Meeker, Peter & Alice Dibona, Christine & Saraceni, Henry Amoroso, Rebecca & Robert Day, Malcolm & Charlotte Day, Malcolm McNamara, Barbara Hasl, Ludwig & Sonya 1000-78-4-5 1000-78-4-10 1000-78-4-18.3 1000-78-4-30 1000-78-4-32.5 1000-78-7-13 1000-78-7-32.12 1000-78-7-37 1000-78-7-40 1000-78-7-45.1 1000-78-7-46 1000-78-9-5.1 1000-78-9-24 1000-78-9-43 1000-79-3-3 1000-79-3-25 1000-79-3-26 1000-79-3-29 1000-79-3-31 1000-79-3-38 1000-79-4-6.1 1000-79-4-17.5 1000-79-4-17.26 1000-79-4-31 1000-79-4-32 1000-79-4-48 1000-79-5-14.6 1000-79-5-16.7 1000-79-6-3.4 1000-79-6-3.4 1000-79-6-3.4 1000-79-6-3.7 1000-79-6-4.1 1000-79-6-36 1000-79-7-1 1000-79-7-6 1000-79-7-10 1000-79-7-12 1000-79-7-15 1000-79-7-36 1000-79-7-36 1000-79-7-40.3 1000-79-7-45 1000-79-7-66 1000-79-8-6 1000-79-8-8 1000-79-8-12.1 1000-79-8-12.4 1000-80-1-13 1000-80-1-13 1000-80-1-31 1000-80-1-32 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 5/14/12 5/3/12 5/10/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 513112 513112 5/3/12 5/14/12 5/10/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/10/12 5/10/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/14/12 513112 513112 ; 5/3/12 5/3/12 513112 5/3/12 5/10/12 5/10/12 5/10/12 5/10/12 5/10/12 5/14/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/10/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/10/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/10/12 5/10/12 5/10/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/10/12 5/10/12 5/3/12 Denied Denied Denied 6500-5100 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 675 DiSalvo, Salvatore 676 McCoppen, John & Linda 677 Leonardi, Mary 678 Williams, Helen 679 McCarthy, Thomas & Marion 680 Frohne, Fred & Joan 681 Leventhall, Donald 682 Kalas, Jerry 683 Aliano, Nicholas 684 Monogioudis, Gus & Carina 685 Pearsall, Kenneth 686 Casarona, Joseph & Marie 687 Keldany, Lucien & Marie Claude 688 Vlacich, Giuliana 689 Sojah, Martin 690 Kowalsick, James & Donna 691 Wesnofske, Cheryl 692 Damianos, Alexander 693 Fedison, William & Elaine 694 Radford, David & Maria 695 Mazzella, Stephan 696 Blattner, William & Maureen 697 Jernick, Robert & Lynn 698 Grattan, Thomas P Jr 699 Mehrman, John & Norma Jean 700 Ringold, Robert & Maureen 701 Condit, Joan 702 Gordon, William & Victoria 703 Suskevich, Lawrence 704 Kharal, Awais 705 Iglesias-Wexler, Donna Mar & Igesias 706 Wexler, Donna 707 Wesler, Donna 708 Carrus, Janet 709 Freda, Carol Ury & Ury Arthur G 710 Lentzeres, Aspasia 711 Beaney, Bruce & Barbara 712 Gordon, Mark 713 Ballenger, Marie 714 Safalow, Linda C 715 Finch, Daniel & Kathryn 716 Soury, Lonnie 717 Rios, Arthur & Catherine 718 Mathie, Joan 719 Tschiember, Emma 720 Van Meter, Robert & Kenneth 721 Prieto, Richard & Dolores 722 Nardone, Mark 723 Plata, Vito & Marilyn 724 Winkler, Curtis & Rita 725 Friedman, Michael & liana 726 Navarra, Vito & Ann 1000-80-2-1 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-80-2-9 260 5/3/12 Denied 1000Z80~2-15.1 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-80-3-10 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-80-4-17.1 210 5/3/i2 Denied 1000-81-3-4 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-81-3-27.2 210 5/15112 Denied 1000-83-1-10 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-83-1-12 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-83-1-14 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-83-1-15 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-83-1-26 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-83-1-27 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-83-2-4.2 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-83-2L10.13 210 5/4/12 Denied 1000-83-4-15 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-84-5-7.3 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-85-2-13.1 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-85-2-19 2i 0 . 5/i 5/i 2 Denied 1000-85-2-20 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-86-1-4.16 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-86-1-4.19 2i(} 5i3/12 Denied 1000-86-1-4.21 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-86-1-8 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-86-1-10.2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000~86-1-10.5 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-86-2-2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-86-2-3 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-86-4-1.8 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-86-4-6.7 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-86-5-9.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-86-5-9.1 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-86-5-9.1 210 5/11/12 Denied 1000-86-6-26.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-86-6-26.2 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-86-6-29 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-86-7-1 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-87-1-10 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-87-1-22 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-87-1-23.4 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-87-1-23.6 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-87-1-23.8 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-87-2-7 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-87-2-14 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-87-3-6 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-87-3-24 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-87-3-44.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-87-3-50 210 5/14/12 6800-5000 1000-88-1-1.3 210 5/3/12 7900-6700 1000-88-1-11.2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-88-4-9 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-88-4-17 210 5/10/12 Denied 727 Ahearn, Mary Ann 728 Tonini, Joseph & Christine 729 Simon, Arnold & Joanne 730 Krumholz, Ronald & Concetta 731 Dignan, Patrick & Patricia 732 Ruskiewicz, Carol 733 Rand, Jason 734 Jacobs, Sandra & Morton 735 Jacobs, Sandra 736 Cunningham, Frances 737 Lotito, Frances 738 Corbin, Peter & Annette 739 Crown International Trading Corp 740 McGinn, Brian 741 .Piechnik, Robert & Carol 742 Saporita, Mark & Lorrie 743 Kilf0il, Richard & Mary 744 Kilfoil, Richard 745 Bailey, Jennifer 746 Dunne, Stephen & Lochren, Sandra 747 Palmented, Joseph & Ellen 748 JSF Partnership 749 Zevits, Michael 750 Aylward, William & Nancy 751 Appel, Gerald 752 Gunn, Phyllis & Peter 753 Bauer, Jayne & Brian 754 Reardon, John & Elizabeth 755 Williams, Pamela & John 756 Soo, Peter 757 Harmon, Jeanne 758 Bleifeld, Shelby 759 Russo, Kathryn & Michael 760 Simon, Lawrence & Gloria 761 Frazzitta, Joseph & Maureen 762 Macari, Joseph T & Diane 763 Levy, Norman & Constance 764 Stritzler, Helen & Ronald as Trustee 765 Laveglia, Demetrio & Madeline 766 Burns, William Jude 767 Lademann, William 768 McDowells, George 769 Bogardus, Henry Ill & Susan 770 Koster, Mada 771 Roache, Eileen 772 Devecchis, Eleanor 773 Rolle, Mark & Kay 774 Kuhlmann, James & Christine 775 Gamberg, David & Maryellen 776 Hedler, Arthur 777 Macari, Joseph Jr & Alexandra 778 Bauer, William 1000-88-4-20 1000-88-4-25 1000-88-4-41 1000-88-4-56 i 000:§8-5-4 1000L88-5-15 1000-88-5-19 1000-88-5-29 1000-88-5-30 1000-88-5-33 1000-88-5-40 1000-88-5-53 1000-88-5-59 1000-88-5-61.1 1000-88-6-13.3 1000-88-6-13.11 1000-88-6-13.22 1000-88-6-13.22 1000-88-6-13.28 1000-88-6-13.29 210 5/3/12 210 5/7/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/14/12 210 513112 210 5/3/12 ;)10 5/3/12 ; 210 523)12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 1000-88-6-13.31 210 i5/14/12 1000-88-6-13.46 210 5/14/12 1000-88-6-18.5 210 5/3/12 1000-89-1-312 210 5/3/12 1000-89-2-7 210 :5/3/12 1000-90-1-15 210 5/3/12 1000-90-2-10 210 5/3/12 1000-90-2-19 210 5/10/12 1000-90-2-20 210 5/3/12 1000-90-3-9 210 5/3/12 1000-90-3-18.1 210 5/11/12 1000-90-4-20.6 210 5/3/12 1000-90-4-22 210 5/3/12 1000-91-1-9 210 5/3/12 1000-92-1-6 210 5/10/12 1000-93-1-2 210 5/14/12 1000-94-1-2 210 5/14/12 1000-94-1-14 210 5/3/12 1000-94-2-3 210 5/3/12 1000-95-4-18.8 210 5/15/12 1000-95-4-18.32 210 5/14/12 1000-95-4-18.33 210 5/10/12 1000-95-4-18.37 210 5/3/12 1000-95-4-18.46 210 5/3/12 1000-96-3-7.2 210 5/3/12 1000-96-5-9 210 5/3/12 1000-97-1-23.4 210 5/3/12 1000-97-1-23.6 210 5/3/12 1000-97-2-13.2 210 5/3/12 1000-97-2-17 210 5/3/12 1000-97-3-1 250 5/14/12 1000-97-3-7 210 5/3/12 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 779 Gatz, William A 780 Ioveno, Peter Sr & Yvonne 781 Smith, Thomas & Barbara Jean 782 Pester Living Trust Walter & Nancy 783 Filippetti, Ubaldo & Marguerite 784 Palianok, Siarhei & Ina 785 Glover, Leander B Jr 786 Glover, Leander Jr 787 Imbriano, Anthony 788 Cannac, Lisa & Bernard 789 Considine, David & Susan 790 Tomashevski, Henry 791 Forte, Eleanor 792 Slack, Debra 793 Cassidy, Thomas & Germaine 794 Rogers, Robert & Jacqueline 795 Occhipinti, Stephen & Klein, Anne 796 McGann, James & Barbara 797 Cerreta, Lisa Verity, George 799 Chianese, John F Arlene V 800 Dickerson, Robert 801 Yagle, Janet 802 Flaherty, Edward & Brenda 803 Wicks, Harold & Maureen 804 Terosky, Herbert & Barbara 805 Reinken Family Trust cio Richard 806 Kosmynka, Martin 807 Richard L Horton, R & WF 808 Reinertsen, John & Angela 809 Mesloh, Lillian & John 810 Abelson, Elaine 811 Angelillo, Valerie 812 Farrand, Kathryn 813 Odhner, Bryon 814 Slama, Charles 815 Knoernschild, David & Linda 816 1991 Trust for I & T Safer c/o Philip D Neuer, Esq 817 Suskevich, Walter 818 Cyprus, Chris 819 Johnnidis, Nicholas 820 Zannikos, Harriet 821 Louca, Peter & Helen 822 Nicovic, Maria 823 Chris Meskouris d/b/a PMV Family LLC 824 Fourniotis, Michael & Maria 825 Calonita, Nicholas 826 Rauseo, Ourania 827 Koukoudakis, K & Maria 828 Meyran, Virginia 829 Kolbenheyer, James & Margaret 830 Tsavaris, Susan 1000-97-3-11.8 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-97-3-18.7 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-97-3-18.8 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-9724-7.3 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-97~4-7.4 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-97-4-9 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-97-5-1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-97-5-2.2 210 . 5/3/12 Denied 1000-97-5-7 210 5/11/12 Denied 1000-97-6-6 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-97-6-9 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-97-6-10 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-97-6-12.3 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-97-6-13 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-97-7-2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-97-7-12 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-9727-22 210 i5/3/12 Denied 1000-97-7-24 210 ~i3i12 Denied 1000-97-8-1 210 i5/10/12 Denied 1000-97-8-23 210 15/3/12 Denied 1000-97-9-6 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-97-9-18 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-98-1-7.9 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-98-1-7.13 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-98-1-7.19 2i0 5/14/12 Denied 1000-98-1-10.1 210 5/3/i 2 Denied 1000-98-1-11.1 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-98-1-11.2 210 5/4/12 Denied 1000-98-1-26 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-98-2-4.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-98-2-16.2 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-98-2-24 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-98-4-5 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-98-4-20 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-98-4-24 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-98-4-29 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-98-4-39 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-98-5-2 210 5/4/12 Denied 1000-98-5-5 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-99-1-4.2 210 5/4/12 Denied 1000-99-1-9.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-99-1-22 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-99-1-32 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-99-1-35.1 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-99-1-38.2 260 5/14/12 Denied 1000-99-2-7 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-99-2-10 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-99-2-13 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-99-2-14.2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-99-3-1 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-99-3-4.7 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-99-3-4.17 210 5/10/12 Denied 831 Cutrone, Nicholas & Carolyn 832 Rubino, Adele 833 Keller, Janice 834 Rodger, Erwin & Laurie 835 Kitz, Charles 836 Geppel, Thomas Jr & Festa, Carol 837 Miller, Luck 838 Sessa, Leonard 839 Baker. Jonathan 840 Fegos, Gregory & Joana 841 Termini, Susan 842 Pylarinos, Spiro & Cynthia 843 Eilers, Randall & Margaret 844 Nisyriou, Michael 845 Brown, Liorah & Gardiner, Matthew 846 Ongania, William 847 Mason, William 848 Wills, John E 849 Freeman. Ralph & Carol 850 Leventeris, Michael & Christina 851 Leventeris, John 852 Papamichael. Fotios & Mary 853 Lafrance, Albert & Walia 854 Birmingham, Kenneth & Maryann 855 Sedlacek, Thomas & Madeleine 856 Shinn Vineyard LLC 857 Papathanasopoulos, Stavroula 858 Hagzan, Donna 859 Bozuhoski, Mark V 860 Tuthill, Hallock 861 Le Boutillier, Pamela 862 Leboutiller, Pamela 863 Forte, Edward & Susan 864 Shepherd, Susan A 865 Chrisafis, Jerry & Esther 866 Jenkins, Robed & Joan 867 Pufahl, Joseph & Sandra 868 Yusbasioglu, Ali 869 Kardaras, Nicholas & Luz 870 Simon, Lorraine & Howard 871 Stewart, Bruce & Patricia 872 Penney, Jacqueline 873 Salice, Charles & Rose 874 Rapuano, Orazio & Julia 875 Faszewski, Edward & Linda 876 Hall, Thomas 877 Egan, Shawn & Lauren 878 Brisotti, John & Maureen 879 Hubschmitt, Wade 880 Commender, Linda (Trust) 881 Anastasio, Anthony & Laura 882 Robinson, Steven 1000-99-3-7 210 5/3/12 1000-99-3-11.15 260 5/8/12 1000-99-3-15.1 210 5/15/12 1000-99-3-20 210 5/3/12 1000-99-3-21.2 210 5/15/12 1000-99-3-21.3 210 5/10/12 1000-99-4-14 210 5/14/12 1000-99-4-27.1 210 5/4/12 1000-99-5-13 210 5/3/12 1000-99-5-17 210 5/10/12 1000-99-5-21.1 210 5/10/12 1000-99-5-22 210 5/10/12 1000-100-1-9 210 5/3/12 1000-100-1-11 210 5/8/12 1000-100-1-17 210 5/3/12 1000-100-1-42 210 5/3/12 1000-100-1-44 210 57i4/12 1000-100-3-4 210 5/3/12 1000-100-3-6 210 5/3ii2 1000-i00-3-10.1 210 5/3/12 1000-100-3-10.2 2i0 5/8/12 1000-100-3-10.3 210 5/3/12 1000-100-3-10.14 210 5/3/12 1000-100-3-11.6 210 5/14/12 1000-100-3-15.11 210 5/14/12 1000-100-4-3.1 210 5/3/12 1000-101-1-16.4 210 5/3/12 1000-101-1-16.7 210 5/3/12 1000-101-2-17 210 5/3/12 1000-101-2-22.1 210 5/3/12 1000-102-1-4.6 210 5/4/12 1000-102-1-4.6 210 5/14/12 1000-102-1-4.10 210 5/10/12 1000-102-1-4.12 210 5/11/12 1000-102-1-13 230 5/3/12 1000-102-2-2.6 210 5/3/12 1000-102-2-6.3 210 5/3/12 1000-102-2-6.8 210 5/8/12 1000-102-3-7 210 5/15/12 1000-102-4-7.3 250 5/11/12 1000-102-5-14 210 5/3/12 1000-102-5-18 210 5/3/12 1000-102-7-7 210 5/3/12 1000-102-7-11 210 5/3/12 1000-102-8-2 210 5/3/12 1000-102-8-14 210 5/3/12 1000-102-8-16 210 5/14/12 1000-102-8-19 210 5/3/12 1000-102-8-26 210 5/15/12 1000-102-8-31 210 5/10/12 1000-103-1-19.9 210 5/3/12 1000-103-1-20.8 210 5/10/12 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 5200-4300 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 883 Thompson, Sally 884 Elliot, Nancy J 885 Buoneto, Mary 886 Foelsch, Joseph & Patricia 887 Slifkin, Robed 8, Margaret 888 Jones, Richard & Gazza. Darcy 889 Fitzpatrick, Mary & Michael 890 Doroski, Robed & Antoinette 891 Manaris, Gregory & Helen 892 Krupski, Cecilia 893 Atkinson, Ronald 894 Santafianos, Andreas & Fotini 895 Brashich, Neboysha & Prunella 896 Ball, Robed Jr & Karen 897 Depinto, Joseph & Mary Ellen 898 Zachariadis, Kostas 899 Bernhard, John Jr & Bernhard, Doug 900 Mcgahan, Doug 901 McGahan, Dave 902 McGahan, Dave 903 Ryan, Carolann 904 Johnston, William & Erika 905 Moeller, Linda & McMillen, David 906 Rava, Albert & Sharon 907 Mather, James & Sullivan, Eileen 908 Marlborough, Kenneth 909 Matejka, Jerry 910 Matejka, Jerry 911 Cannizzaro, David & Miltakis, Barbara 912 Beebe, Theodore O Jr 913 Lawrence, Robert 914 Beebe, Luisa 915 Walsh, David & O'Keefe, Judy 916 Todebush, Peter & Mary 917 Schoenharr, Roy & Phyllis 918 Schoenhaar, Roy 919 Shearin, Jon& Kathleen 920 Schaffer, Joseph & Mary 921 Duchi, Louis 922 Margiellos, Adamantia & Dimitrios 923 Pisarelli, William & Ann 924 Debruin, MaryAnn & William 925 Burger, Eugene C 926 De Domenico, Jeff 927 Scripps, Robed 928 Lomangino, Anthony 929 Langenfass, Richard 930 Knoud, John & Ellen 931 Ozkul, Evran 932 Adams, Maude 933 Bauer, Arthur & Lauretta 934 Lalicata, Alfred & Marie 1000-103-1-24 210 5/3/12 1000-103-1-27 210 5/7/12 1000~i03-1-30 210 5/10/12 1000-103-3-3 210 ~/i0/i2 1000-103-3-11 210 5/3/12 1000-103-3-18 210 5/3/12 1000-103-4-5 210 5/14/12 1000-103-4-7 210 5/3/12 1000~103-4-23 210 5/3/12 1000-103-4-25 210 5/3/12 1000-103-4-33 210 5/3/12 1000-103-4-37.3 210 5/3/12 1000-103-4-39 210 5/10/12 1000-103-4-42 220 5/3/12 1000-103-5-2.4 210 5/3/12 1000-103-5-2.5 210 5/3/12 1000-103-5-4 210 5/3/12 1000-103-7-11 210 5/10/12 1000-103-7-12 210 5/3/12 1000-103-7-12 210 5/10/12 1000-103-9-2 210 5/15/12 i000-103-9-7 210 5/15/12 1000-103~9-13.3 210 5/3/12 1000-103-10-4 210 5/10/12 1000-103-10-11.2 210 5/3/12 1000-103-10-15 210 5/10/12 1000-103-10-27 210 5/10/12 1000-103-10-27 210 5/15/12 1000-103-10-29.1 210 5/3/12 1000-103-12-13 210 5/15/12 1000-103-13-6 210 5/10/12 1000-103-13-13 210 5/15/12 1000-103-13-15 210 5/3/12 1000-103-13-30 210 5/14/12 1000-103-14-9 210 5/3/12 1000-103-14-9 210 5/14/12 1000-103-14-16 210 5/10/12 1000-104-1-10 210 5/3/12 1000-104-1-13 210 5/10/12 1000-104-1-25 210 5/10/12 1000-104-1-28 210 5/10/12 1000-104-2-13 210 5/3/12 1000~104-3-2 210 5/3/12 1000-104-3-5.3 210 5/10/12 1000-104-3-6 210 5/3/12 1000-104-3-16.1 210 5/15/12 1000-104-4-14 210 5/10/12 1000-104-4-26 210 5/3/12 1000-104-4-26 210 5/15/12 1000-104-4-33.1 210 5/3/12 1000-104-4-33.2 210 5/3/12 1000-104-5-8 210 5/3/12 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 8500-8200 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 5800-5400 Denied Denied 935 Blevins, Oscar & Beth 936 Ambrosio, Scott & Susan 937 Comorau, Gary 938 Quinn, Mary 939 Killip, Diana 940 Beebe, Luisa & Scofield, Teresa 941 Ringewald, Ring 942 Lehrhoff, Michael & Kathy 943 Fleming, F Xavier & Susan 944 Gallagher, Robert & Linda 945 Harris, Daniel & Maury 946 Brady Jaques, Melinda 947 Psyllos, Peter 948 Kavourias, Nick & Mary 949 Dinizio, Wayne & Sheila 950 Carlton, Joseph 951 Meskouris, Chris & James 952 Thomas, George & Irene 953 Meskouris, Chris & Maryann 954 Meskouris, Christine & James 955 Meskouris, Chris & James 956 Talas, Parle & James 957 Pericles Notias 958 Vassiliou, Andreas & Elli 959 Vlahos, Thomas & Mary 960 Cleary, John 961 Partel, Madis 962 Elisseou, Evan 963 Tsounis, Catherine & Despina 964 Gatanas, James & Anthi 965 Stamatis, Chrystalla & Nicholas, Cath 966 Kaloudis, Eleftherios & Anna 967 Baktidy, Theofani & Mary 968 Ujkic, Hana 969 Chirco, Rosemary 970 Wojtas, Jennifer 971 Stavrides, Jack & Barbara 972 Epidy, John & Koula 973 Deegan, Francis & Nancy 974 Guja, Gary & Deborah 975 Menglide, Alexandru & Mirella 976 Pertsinides, Peggy 977 Nicovic, Anthony & Dragica 978 Spantidakis, Emmanuel 979 Mouzykin, Victor & Lyudmila 980 Mouzykin, Victor 981 Savas Zinon 982 Contoveros, George & Loulou 983 Zinon, Patricia 984 Siolas, Peter 985 Roesch, Barbara 986 Tusa, Joseph & Noreen 1000-104-5-23 1000-104-7-16.1 1000-104-7-17 1000-104-9-1 1000-104-9-9 1000-104-10-3 1000-104-10-9 1000-104-11-12.1 1000-104-12-2 1000-104-12-8.2 1000-104-12-18.3 1000-105-1-5 1000-106-1-1.11 1000-106-1-11 1000-106-i -12 1000-106-1-24 1000-106-1-32.1 1000-106-1'34.1 1000-106-1-35.1 1000-106-1-36.1 1000:106-1-37.1 1000-106-i~43 1000-106-1-47 1000-106-2-1 1000-106-2-9 1000-106-2-13 1000-106-2-15 1000-106-2-33 1000-106-3-16 1000-106-3-22 1000-106-3-25 1000-106-5-1 1000-106-5-13 1000-106-5-28 1000-106-5-30 1000-106-5-31 1000-106-5-35 1000-106-5-37 1000-106-6-28.4 1000-106-6-29 1000-106-6-30 1000-106-7-1 1000-106-7-15 1000-106-7-30 1000-106-7-40 1000-106-7-40 1000-106-7-43 1000-106-8-1 1000-106-8-2 1000-106-8-50.6 1000-106-8-53.3 1000-106-8-73 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/3/12 260 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/14/12 260 5/3/12 210 5/i4)12 210 5/14/12 210 5/14/12 210 ;5/3/12 210 5/14/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/11/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/3/12 210 5/15/12 210 5/10/12 210 5/8/12 210 5/3/12 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 12200-10700 987 Scheer, Charles Jr & Marilee 988 Lewis, Hili & Mir 989 Thompson, William 990 Badenhop. Robert 991 Badenhop. Robert 992 Gutherz, Sophia 993 Sweeney, Susan Deans 994 Bedrick, Earl & Diane 995 Lisante, Rev James 996 Blasko, Nancy 997 White, Laurie 998 Doherty, Eugene 999 Ash, Jennifer & Flores, Abraham 1000 Leutwyler, Albert & Delucia, Diana 1001 Trapanotto, Gary 1002 Kelly, Christopher & Lesaya 1003 D'Alessandro, Regina & Anthony 1004 Isabella, Joseph & Barbara 1005 Gaebel, Ernest & Ann 1006 Confusione, Michael 1007 Pindar Vinyards LLC 1008 Ezzard, Robert 1009 Wright, Richard 1010 Flatley, Jane 1011 Reiter, Barbara A Fmly Trst 1012 Milne, Kathleen 1013 Safir, Howard & Carol 1014 Divello, Terri Ann & Raynor, Frank 1015 Barney, Amanda & Qrr, Matthew 1016 Waif Pit LP 1017 Palmore, Tanya 1018 Fiore, Anita 1019 Todrick, Frank & Nancy Ann 1020 Croon, June & Lepore, Chris 1021 Burns, William & Patricia 1022 Tuthill, Ralph Ill & Susan 1023 Schwarz, Robert & Patricia 1024 Williams, Dorothy 1025 Mclean, Derek 1026 Hilliard, Joan & Gonzalez, Ubaldo 1027 Smith, DianeA 1028 Beebe, Constance 1029 Dutot, Philip & Ruth 1030 Troisi, Louis & Jacqueline 1031 Hansen, Janice 1032 Surozenski, Antone & Diane 1033 Power, Rita & Pierce 1034 Gannon, Sandra 1035 Celli, Pasquale & Lorraine 1036 Boucher, Thomas & Anne 1037 Soott, Jason 1038 Filosa, Angelo & Joan 1000-106-9-4.7 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-106-10-1.2 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-106-11-23 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-106-12-2.2 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-106-12-4 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-107-2-2.6 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-2-3.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-2-3.5 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-2-3.12 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-2-13 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-107-4-2.2 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-107-4-2.7 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-4-2.9 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-4-5 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-4-8.1 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-107-4-10.3 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-5-4 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-7-6 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-7-7 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-7-9 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-7-12 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-107-7-21 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-107-8-13 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-107-8-15 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-107-8-33 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-9-4 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-9-10 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-107-9-15 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-107-9-31 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-107-10-4.1 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-107-11-2 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-107-11-3 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-108-3-5.10 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-108-3-6.2 240 5/3/12 Denied 1000-108-3-8.8 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-108-3-12.7 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-108-3-13.8 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-108-4-7.35 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-108-4-7.41 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-108-4-8 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-109-1-7.1 210 5/11/12 12500-11100 1000-109-1-20.3 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-109-2-12.2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-109-2-12.4 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-109-2-16.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-109-2-16.3 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-109-3-2.11 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-109-3-2.12 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-109-3-2.14 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-109-5-14.6 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-109-5-14.42 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-109-5-25 210 5/3/12 Denied 1039 Deluzio Sharon P RVC Trt 1040 Pollock-Deluzio, Sharon 1041 Zanoni, Richard 1042 Kluko, John 1043 Lombardi, William & Phyllis 1044 Hoffman, Marjorie 1045 Hoey, Elizabeth 1046 Flahedy, Robert 1047 Kracke, Rosemary 1048 Mogul, Chades 1049 Louttit, Robert & Bridget 1050 Fleischman, Mary Ann 1051 Garofal0, John 1052 Pearl, Martin & Leslie 1053 Grathwohl, Laura 1054 lavarone, Pat 1055 Jordan, Richard & Dorothea 1056 Kofinas, George & Maria 1057 :Scalza, Robert & Patricia 1058 Curran, Frank & Sandra 1059 Daversa, Raniero & Lidia 1060 Sukru IIgin 1061 Schleipman, Peter & Patricia 1062 ,Stauffer, Doris Weston 1063 Scanlan, John & Carol 1064 Grieve, Bryan & Patricia 1065 Schwartz, Aron & Hillary 1066 McKillop, Eileen 1067 McKillop, Eileen 1068 Truglio, Joan 1069 Chester, Robert & Wanda 1070 Martinez-Fonts, Alicia & Madruga M 1071 Sertl, William & Goss, William 1072 Miller, Harry 1073 Bryan, Harry & Reilly, Patricia 1074 Vandyne, Martin & Phyllis 1075 Cooper, Kathleen 1076 Hoffman, James Louis & Ruth 1077 Peters, Carol 1078 Flynn, John & Marilyn 1079 Plants, Duane & Linda 1080 Koch, Barbara 1081 Weiland, Jane (Gartenberg) 1082 Brantuk, Joseph G 1083 Duva, Joseph & Barbara 1084 Harrigan, Timothy & Janine 1085 Kubiak, Carol 1086 Meaney, Thomas & Geraldine 1087 Miller, Mark C & Eric & Kaplan, Elissa 1088 Miller, Mark C & Eric & Kaplan, Elissa 1089 Peix, J Douglas 1090 Racz, Michael 1000-110-1-8 1000-110-1-9 1000-110-2-13 1000-110-2-21 1000-110-3-1 1000-110-3-14 1000-110-3-23 1000-110-3-24 1000-110-3-30 1000-110-4-1 1000-110-5-21.1 1000-110-5-21.2 1000-110-5-30 1000-110-5-48.1 1000-110-6-12 1000-110-7-3 1000-110-7-14 1000-110-7-18.2 1000-111-1-6 1000-111-1-16 1000-111-3-3 1000-111-3-7 1000-111-4-8 1000-111-4-20 1000-111-4-23 1000-111-4-26.2 1000-111-4-26.3 1000-111-4-28 1000-111-4-28 1000-111-4-31 1000-111-6-8 1000-111-6-15 1000-111-6-16.1 1000-111-6-16.2 1000-111-7-4 1000-111-8-3 1000-111-10-19 1000-111-11-14 1000-111-11-28 1000-111-12-1 1000-111-12-2.2 1000-111-12-5.4 1000-111-13-11 1000-111-14-5.4 1000-111-14-7 1000-111-14-8 1000-111-14-15 1000-111-15-5.1 1000-111-15-8.1 1000-111-15-8.2 1000-112-1-3.1 1000-112-1-4.1 26O 26O 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 260 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 5/15/12 5/15/12 5/10/12 5/15/12 5/14/i2 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/15/12 5/15/12 5/10/12 5/10/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/10/12 5/10/12 5/14/12 5/10/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 ;5/8/i2 5/3/12 5/14/12 5/3/12 5/3112 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/10/12 5/15/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/15/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/14/12 5/10/12 5/14/12 5/3/12 5/15/12 5/15/12 5/14/12 5/4/12 5/4/12 5/10/12 5/15/12 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied : Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 1091 Brown, Joseph Jr 1092 Mulrain, Edward & Jane 1093 Mavrikos, Alexandros & Argyro 1094 Usinger, Richard 1095 Pappas, Emily 1096 Entenmann, Jacqueline 1097 Delafuente, Paul & Lila 1098 Briggmann, Richard & Lori 1099 Mallins, William 1100 Mallins, William 1101 Mallins, William 1102 Mallins, William A 1103 Snow, Robed & Rose 1104 Roche, Thomas 1105 Priolo, Frank 1106 Martin, Fred 1107 Ramsauer, Kenneth & Marilyn 1106 Lindsay, William Jr 1109 Lindsay, William Jr 1110 Vail, Regina & Hart, Mary Anne 1111 Hoeg, Thomas 1112 Entenmann, Jacqueline 1113 AIvarado, Jhony 1114 Tuccillo, Frank & Stavola, Joanne 1115 Roulette, Thomas & Mary 1116 Israel, Archie & Marlene 1117 Galligan, Thomas 1118 Barnett, Michael & Lynne 1119 McCaffery, Thomas & Colleen 1120 Schultheis, Ellen (Lawrence) 1121 Warner, Dennis Sr 1122 Cameron, Peter 1123 Milowski, James 1124 Jacobs, James Jr & Sharon 1125 Raacke, Robert & Barbara 1126 Schirripa Joseph & Ireland Kathleen 1127 Kopf, Jacqueline & John 1128 Wiwczar, Carol 1129 Solomon, Edward & Adrienne 1130 Erwin, Diane & c/o Decosta 1131 Oliver, John & Mary 1132 Russo, Donald 1133 Tesser, Mark & Lynn 1134 Freudenberg, Kud & Latham, Janet 1135 Munch, Isabel 1136 Schenone, Raymond 1137 Hart, Richard & Catherine 1138 Schlegel, Leonard & Donna 1139 Dipaola, Victor & Barbara 1140 Stepnoski, Bernard & Beverly 1141 Kreitsek, Dolores 1142 Krupski, Walter Jr & Robyn 1000-112-1-17 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-113-2-10 210 5/3/12 Denied .1000-113-2-11 210 5/10ii2 Denied 1000-113-2-14 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-1 i3~-6 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-113-3-7.2 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-113-3-7.3 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-113-3-7.4 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-113-4-4.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-4-4.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-4-4.1 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-113-4-4.1 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-113-4-9 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-6-10 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-6-19 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-113-6-21 210 5/11/12 Denied 1000-113-6-22 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-113-7-2.5 210 5/3/12 Denied i 000-113-7-8 210 5/3/12 Denied :1000-113-7-19.18 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-7-23 210 5/4/12 Denied 1000-113-8-1 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-113-8-12 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-113-8-13 210 5/10/12 5600-4300 1000-113-8-14.2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-9-3 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-9-7 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-9-12 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-10-1 210 5/15/12 4200-3400 1000-113-11-4.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-11-6 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-113-11-9 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-11-15 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-113-12-10.2 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-113-13-19.4 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-113-14-3 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-113-14-4 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-113-14-9 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-114-1-4 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-114-1-6 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-114-6-10 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-114-6-17 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-114-7-1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-114-7-2.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-114-7-3 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-114-7-11.4 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-114-7-12.1 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-114-7-13.2 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-114-8-6 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-114-9-8 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-114-9-14.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-114-10-6 210 5/3/12 Denied 1143 Nine, Robert & Janique 1144 Myers, William & Marie 1145 Corwin, Karen 1146 Sheehan, Michael & Mcateer, Kathleen 1147 Castoldi, Douglas Jr 1148 Ferchau, Otto 1149 Ferchau, Otto 1150 Grosberg, Israel 1151 Vergari, Julia & Joseph 1152 Zaremba, Sandra 1153 Drury, Lorraine 1154 Christy, James & Elizabeth 1155 Scheer, David & Michelle 1156 Callaghan, James & Luanne 1157 Brodis, Howard & Margaret 1158 Bryan, Erwin 1159 Sheppard, Michael 1160 Bagshaw, Harvey & Gay Lynne 1161 Wickham, Edith 1i62 H~chinson, Douglas & Marjo 1163 Hutchinson, Douglas 1164 Evans, Martin & Doreen 1165 Hanus, Edward & Ortrud 1166 Bavaro, Peter F & Annette M 1167 Flaherty, Paula 1168 Bellavia, Diane 1169 Flurry, Thomas & Joy 1170 Sabotka, John 1171 Fish, Gary & Carol 1172 Drumm, Elizabeth cio Michael 1173 Endres, Richard & Constance 1174 Czujko, Zenon 1175 Ostrowski, Stephen 1176 Sciacchitano, David 1177 Merz, Christopher & Colleen 1178 Berry, Mark 1179 Marron, Thomas & Janet 1180 Stewart, John 1181 Vlahos, Thomas & Mary 1182 Zito, Joseph 1183 Martorana, Frank 1184 Donnelly, Daniel & Catherine 1185 Hoeg, James 1186 Francica, Joseph 1187 Pohmer, Thomas & Susan 1188 Hruz, Peter 1189 Bogut, John & Frances 1190 Brush, Nancy 1191 Tyree, Barbara A 1192 Beardslee, William & Diane 1193 Deblasio-Janusz, Patricia & Roesch 1194 Sullivan, Brian & Adams, Marjorie 1000-114-11-22.3 210 5/3/12 1000-114-12-13.1 210 5/3/12 1000-115-3-11 210 5/3/12 1000-115-4-28 210 5/3/12 1000-115-4-32 210 5/3/12 1000-115-5-4 210 5/10/12 1000-115-5-4 210 5/10/12 1000-115-5-10 210 5/10/12 1000-115-5-18 210 5/10/12 1000-115-6-4 210 5/3/12 1000-115-6-23 210 5/14/12 1000-115-6-27 210 5/10/12 1000-115-6-28 210 5/3/12 1000-115-7-7 210 5/10/12 1000-115-7-9 210 5/3/12 1000-115-9-1 210 5/1/12 1000-115-9-5.1 210 5/15/12 1000-115-9-5.2 210 5/3/12 1000-115-9-6.5 210 5/15/12 1000-115-9-9 210 5/14/12 1000-115-9-9 210 5/15/12 1000-115-10-3 210 5/3/12 1000-115-11-3 210 5/3/12 1000-115-11-7 210 5/14/12 1000-115-11-12 210 5/10/12 1000-115-11-21 210 5/10/12 1000-115-13-5 210 5/3/12 1000-115-13-8 210 5/10/12 1000-115-13-9 220 5/3/12 1000-115-13-13 210 5/3/12 1000-115-14-13 210 5/3/12 1000-115-14-17 210 5/10/12 1000-115-15-9 210 5/3/12 1000-115-15-24 210 5/10/12 1000-115-16-2 210 5/14/12 1000-115-16-9 210 5/14/12 1000-115-16-14 210 5/3/12 1000-115-16-18 210 5/10/12 1000-115-16-22 210 5/10/12 1000-115-17-8 210 5/3/12 1000-115-17-10.1 260 5/3/12 1000-115-17-17.13 210 5/3/12 1000-115-17-17.10 210 5/3/12 1000-115-17-17.16 210 5/3/12 1000-115-17-17.17 210 5/14/12 1000-115-17-17.19 210 5/3/12 1000-116-1-1.1 210 5/3/12 1000-116-1-1.2 210 5/10/12 1000-116-1-8.3 210 5/14/12 1000-116-4-24 210 5/3/12 1000-116-5-6 210 5/3/12 1000-116-5-7 210 5/14/12 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 5200-4000 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 5800-4400 Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied Denied 7900-6200 1195 Minucci, Nicholas & Rachel 1196 McGowan, Jacqueline 1197 Magg, Susan 1198 Furman, Ronald 1199 Koehler Jr, Frederick W 1200 Leoni~k, Peter 8, Valerie 1201 Curran, Cathleen 1202 Cropsey, Roberta 1203 Gonzalez, Ubaldo 1204 Voskinarian, Mourad 1205 Moloughney, Judith 1206 McGowan, Janet 1207 Puric, Peter & Helen 1208 Katsoulas, Efstathios & Mary Ann 1209 Uterano, Andrew & Jacque 1210 Lyons, Elizabeth 1211 Kasschau, Eileen 1212 Miller, John & Sarah 1213 Miller, John 1214 .Sampieri, Joyce 1215 Blair, Justin 12i6 Stack, John & McCaffrey, Patricia 1217 Stack, John 1218 ,Gambardella, Michael & Linda 1219 Corcoran, David 1220 Dessimoz, Gall 1221 Raynor, William & Evelyn 1222 Mitsas, Christos 1223 McFadden, Barbara 1224 Domenici, Marie 1225 Hauck, Douglas & Burdette, Diane 1226 Racanelli, Steven & Janine 1227 McDonough, Grace 1228 Gross, Mark & Marjorie 1229 Ribeiro, John J 1230 Mercurio, Marcus 1231 Oldenburger, Irene 1232 Avella, Joseph & Jo-Ann 1233 Gonzales, Joseph 1234 Gonzales, Joseph 1235 Burden, Lorraine & Richard 1236 Lang, Gerald 1237 Beisel, Arthur & Melissa 1238 Brisotti, Glenn & Angela 1239 Byme, Michael 1240 Nettle Was 1241 Condron, Ronald & Nancy 1242 Wilsberg, William 1243 Fliss, Janice 1244 Pawlowski, Paul 1245 Doorhy, Joseph & Dada 1246 Cheshire, Denise(Whelan) 1000-116-6-16 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-116-6-19.2 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-116-7-4.1 210 5/3/i2 Denied 1000-116-7-7 210 5/11/12 16000-14700 1000-117-3-6 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-117-4-10 210 5/14/12 5500 to 5200 1000-117-4-11 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-117-5-27 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-117-5-41 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-117-6-20.2 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-117-6-26.3 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-117-7-9 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-117-7-23 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-117-7-27 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-117-8-9 220 5/3/12 Denied 1000-117-10-12.2 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-118-1-1.2 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-118-1-18.4 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000:118-1-18.4 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-118-2-12 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-118-3-1 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-118-3-4.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-118-4-6 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-118-6-7 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-119-1-17 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-120-3-6 210 5/15/12 11000-9400 1000-120-3-8.14 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-120-3-8.16 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-120-3-8.22 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-120-3-8.26 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-120-3-8.31 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-121-1-1.9 210 5/3/12 15700-13800 1000-121-1-3.3 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-121-4-12.2 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-121-7-12 210 5/1/12 Denied 1000-122-3-31 210 5/3/12 9600-8800 1000-122-4-8 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-122-4-12 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-122-4-14 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-122-4-14 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-122-4-15 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-122-4-21 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-122-4-24 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-122-4-35 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-122-4-36 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-122-5-3.2 210 5/11/12 Denied 1000-122-5-5 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-122-5-13.7 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-122-7-2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-122-9-7.20 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-122-10-2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-123-2-2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1247 Tuthill, David 1248 Dor0ski, Gene & Pamela 1249 Plastiras, Andrew & Denise 1250 Kramerl ~t~ven 1251 Mazur, John J Jr & Alice H 1252 Bozzo, Georgene & Eugene 1253 York, Joan 1254 Mazur, John J Jr & Alice H 1255 Mazur, John Jr & Alice 1256 Radigan, Raymond & Aileen 1257 Romanelli, Martin 1258 Angelaras, Michael 1259 Carey, Judy&Wenerowicz, Patricia 1260 Wickham, Cindy 1261 Ferrari, Louis & Linda 1262 Kabakov, Emilia & Ilya 1263 Locastro, Charles & Carolyn 1264 Bendowski, Joseph 1265 Bendowski, Joseph & Donna 1266 Celic Beach House LLC & c/o Robert 1267 May, Thomas & Joan 1268 Aydinian, Alice 1269 Scott°i Sally & Louis 1270 Markowski, Mitchell & Kathleen 1271 Decurtis, Peter & Jean 1272 Commander, Janis Real Est & David 1273 Travis, Richard & Althea 1274 Wilcenski, Mitchell & Theresa 1275 Picinich, Helen 1276 Karathomas, Stamatis & Christina 1277 O'Neill, Edward & Sharon 1278 Mulhall, Jeffrey 1279 Schwamborn, Deborah 1280 Sukru Ilgin 1281 Hagerman, Ellen 1282 O'Brien, John & Eileen 1283 Williamson, Kathrine 1284 Yuzbasloglu, Ali 1285 Abbott, John 1286 Parianos, Anastasios % Poubouridis 1287 Mangiamele, Barbara 1288 Burke, Thomas & Kathleen 1289 Lahana, Sophia 1290 Browne, David 1291 Finora, Joseph Jr 1292 Clarke, Dorthea 1293 Noble, Joseph & Camille 1294 Gadigian, Paul & Theresa 1295 Papa, Vincent & Maureen 1296 Roache, John Benedict III & Joan 1297 Antonucci, Salvatore 1298 Seidenberg, Deborah 1000-123.2-7.1 1000-123-2-11 1000-123-2-29 1000-123-3-4.1 1000-123-5-14 1000-123-5-27 1000-123-5-29 1000-123-5-34 1000-123-5-36.2 1000-123-6-5.7 1000-123-6-7.4 1000-123-6-8.3 1000-123-6-12.2 1000-123-7-1 1000-123-7-9.1 1000-123-8-5 1000-123-8-12 1000-123-8-19 1000-123-8-19 1000-123-8-29 1000-124-1-3.1 1000-125-1-2.12 1000-125-1-2.23 1000-125-1-2.24 1000-125-2-1.11 1000-125-2-1.25 1000-125-3-1.1 1000-125-3-7.5 1000-125-4-1 1000-125-4-16 1000-125-4-17 1000-125-4-18 1000-125-4-19 1000-125-4-24.5 1000-125-4-24.18 1000-125-4-24.19 1000-126-1-15 1000-126-2-2 1000-126-5-1 1000-126-5-13 1000-126-7-3 1000-126-7-261 1000-126-8-8 1000-126-8-17 1000-126-8-18 1000-126-8-25 1000-126-9-3 1000-126-9-16 1000-126-10-9.5 1000-126-10-10 1000-126-10-15 1000-126-10-19 210 5/10/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/11/12 Denied 210 5/15/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/10/12 Denied 210 5/15/12 Denied 210 5/15/12 Denied 210 5/10/12 Denied 210 5/14/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/15/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 280 5/10/12 Denied 280 5/10/12 :Denied 2i0 5/3i'1 ~ D~ni~d 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/10/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/10/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 6200-5300 210 5/14/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/15/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/8/12 Denied 210 5/10/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/10/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/10/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 5100-4700 260 5/14/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/10/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 210 5/3/12 Denied 1299 Cuccurullo, Betty 1300 Pisani, Edwin & Margaret 1301 Mclntyre, Janice & Edward 1302 Cioffalo, Salvatore & Camille 1303 Chew, Bryon & Lisa 1304 Prokopich, Brennan 1305 Morris, William & Jan 1306 Nardolillo, Louis 1307 Commander, David & Elizabeth 1308 Kelling, Barbara 1309 Slotkin, Jay & Davis-Slotkin, Joann 1310 Rose, John 1311 Fuchs, Roy 1312 Gueli, Charles 1313 Digesu, Anthony & Margaret 1314 Harned, Richard 1315 Trampel, William 1316 Kropp, Alan & Jane 1317 Gelman, James 1318 Fedun, Deirdre & Patrick 1319 Novak, Thomas 1320 Gatz, Thomas & Diane 1321 Valek, Sharon 1322 Gregory, Scott & Christine 1323 Diresta, Carolyn 1324 Clifton, Cheryl 1325 Hess, Barbara & Bennet 1326 Rozansky, John Jr & Timothy 1327 Patterson, Bertram 1328 Serven, Harold & Sharon 1329 Meyn, Catherine 1330 Kar, Robert 1331 Sullivan, Terrence & Sandra 1332 O'Rourke, Kevin & Kathleen 1333 Chisholm, Joseph & Joan 1334 Gorecki, Maria & Black, Michael 1335 Johnson, Robed & Magaret Feeney 1336 Romanelli, Ludivoica 1337 Ross, Alison 1338 Cifarelli, Lisa 1339 Cifarelli, David & Lisa 1340 Rose, C Christopher 1341 Cappabianca, Matthew & Eileen 1342 Levin Family Limited Partership 1343 Foley, Julia & James 1344 Goldblatt, Bruce & Deborah 1345 Magnuson, Kea 1346 Markwardt, Paul 1347 Markwardt, Paul & Joann 1348 Digregorio, Robert & Mary Kate 1349 Moore, Richard 1350 Gledich, Rita 1000-126-10-23.1 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-126-11-9.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-126-12-3 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-126-13-1 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-i26-13-2 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-127-2-8.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-127-4-1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-127-5-1 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-127-5-3 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-127-5-8 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-127-5-9 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-127-5-11 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-127-6-10 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-127-7-5 210 5/11/12 Denied 1000-127-7-6 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-127-7-9 210 5/11/12 Denied 1000-127-7-10 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-127-7-11 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-127-9-2 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-127-9-4 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-127-9-7 210 5/15/12 Denied 1000-127-9-8 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-127-9-13 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-127-9-20 210 4/27/12 Denied 1000-127-9-28 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128-1-12 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128-2-4 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128-2-8 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128-2-17 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128-3-8 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128-3-20 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128-4-8 260 5/14/12 Denied 1000-128-4-22.2 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-128-4-25 210 5/3/12 9900-7800 1000-128-4-26 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128-5-2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128-5-6 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128-6-9.2 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-128-6-12 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128-6-13.2 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-128~6-13.3 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-129-1-6 210 5/3/12 10600-8900 1000-135-2-3 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-135-2-10.1 210 5/9/12 Denied 1000-135-2-14.1 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-135-3-1 210 5/14/12 Denied 1000-135-3-40 210 5/15/12 9200-7500 1000-135-3-45 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-135-3-45 210 5/3/12 Denied 1000-136-1-36 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-136-1-38 210 5/10/12 Denied 1000-136-1-46 210 5/3/12 Denied 1351 Logrande, Michael & Lorraine 1352 Difrancesco, Barbara 1353 Shearin, Jon 1354 Reilly, Brian & Gall 1355 Annabel, Raymond & Rose 1356 Brockhoff, Kurt & McKillop, Kathleen 1357 Graf, Susan 1358 Helgans, Laurie 1359 Strauss, Arthur & Betsy Frank 1360 Fox, Thomas & Helen 1361 Defio, Valerie & Bruce 1362 Kmetz, Kenneth & Wendy 1363 Swanson, Gary & Linda 1364 Antonucci, Russell & Lauren 1365 Petrauskas, Joseph 1366 Brigham, Lauren 1367 Orlowski, Walter 1368 Hallenbeck, Geoffrey 1369 Heeg, Gia & John i370 Heeg, Gia 1371 Ruthinoski, Alice Fm!y Trt 1372 Jensen, Bradley 1373 IIlescas, Belarmino 1374 Meyran, Dana (Destefano) 1375 Petrauskas, Joseph Sr & Ann 1376 Paraskevi Kontoveros 1377 Klipp, Judith & Peter 1378 Williams, Christine P Fetten 1379 Montefusco, Willaim & Penelope 1380 Seyfried, Doreen 1381 Giardiello, Alfred 1382 Hines, James 1383 Berninger, Mary Lou 1384 Toner, John & Margaret 1385 Carolan, Anne 1386 Morris, Jeryl A 1387 Batcheller, Adam & Rosemary 1388 Toner, John & Margaret 1389 Fetzko, John P 1390 Mule, Linda 1391 Ryder, Lois 1392 Mule, Linda 1393 Paris, John & Patricia 1394 Robertson, John & Antoinette 1395 Palmiotto, Ralph 1396 Lechner, Leonard & Joann 1397 McGIone, Edward & Mary Ann 1398 Masterson, Hannah 1399 5834 Holding LLC 1400 Reynolds, Faye 1401 Geraci, Michael 1402 Zagarino, Frank 1000-136-2-4 1000-136-2-14 1000-136-2-17.1 1000-137-1-26 1000-137-2-7 1000-137-2-9 1000-137-3-8.3 1000-137~4-29.1 1000-139-1-20.1 1000-139-3-38 1000-139-3-47 1000-139-4-5 1000-140-1-9 1000-140-2-36.3 1000-140-2-37 1000-140-2-45.1 1000-140-3-12 1000-140-3-17 1000-141-1-3 1000-141-1-3 1000-141-1-14 1000-141-1-23 1000-141-1-27 1000-141-1-31 1000-141-2-12 1000-141-2-20 1000-141-3-1,1 1000-141-3-5 1000-141-4-16 1000-142-1-9 1000-142-1-14 1000-143-1-8 1000-143-1-11 1000-143-2-16 1000-143-2-18 1000-143-4-7 1000-143-4-28 1000-144-1-2 1000-144-1-3 1000-144-1-4 1000-144-1-21 1000-144-2-5 1000-144-2-30 1000-144-2-37 1000-144-2-38 1000-144-3-5 1000-144-3-7 1000-144-3-11 1000-144-4-3 1000-144-5-16 1000-144-5-17 1000-145-3-3.1 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 260 210 260 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 230 210 210 210 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/1 O/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/10/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 5/14/12 5/3/12 5/3/12 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Scott. Jn, Chairman Darline J. Duffy, Assessor Kevin W. Webster, Assessor Southold Town Hall. 53095 Route 25 RO. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Fax: (631) 765-1356 Telephone: (631) 765-1937 BOARD OF ASSESSORS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD NY 1 1971 TRANSCRIPT OF HEARINGS GRIEVANCE DAY MAY 15, 2012 Chairman Gerard Schultheis declared the meeting in session at 9:00 a.m. Present were: Board of Assessment Review: Gerard Schultheis, Chairman; Jonathan Wiggins, Member; Phyllis Atkinson, Member; Cam Wells, Member; Nicholas Planamento Member. Board of Assessors: Robert Scott, Jr, Chairman; Darline Duffy; Kevin Webster Grievance Day Tuesday May 15, 2012 Gerard Schultheis: Okay it's May 15, 2012 at 9:00am and I'd like to call to order the meeting of the Board of Assessment review for the Town of Southold. First thing we'd like to do is swear in the Assessors. Nick Planamento: Good Morning, do you solemnly swear that the information that you are about to give will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your knowledge. Robert Scott: I do Kevin Webster: I do Darlene Dully: I do Nick Planamento: Thank you Gerard Schultheis: Okay Nick Planamento: I'm sorry, state your name please. Robert Scott: Robert l Scott Jr Kevin Webster: Kevin W Webster Darlene Dully: Darlene Duffy Nick Planamento: Thank you Hearing #1 Gerard Schultheis: okay we have some folks here. Jonathan Wiggins: We have to get sworn in too don't we? Gerard Schultheis: No No. If you folks could give us your name. Jutie Amper: My name is Julie Amper Joseph Lee: Joseph Lee Jonathan Wiggins: Julie Andrews... Gerard Schultheis: Do you have the tax map number of your property? Julie Amper: 116-4-14 Gerard Schultheis: Thank you Jonathan Wiggins: Bay front home? Phyllis Atkinson: No, Meadow beach lane Mattituck Nick Planamento: Should I swear them in? Gerard Schuttheis: Yes you can do that. We need to swear you in. Nick Planamento: Good morning, I'm going to swear you in. Julie Amper: should we stand up? Nick Planamento: Yes, please. Do you solemnly swear that the information, I'm sorry please raise your right hand. Thank you. Do you solemnly swear that the information you are about to give will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability to do so? Julie Amper: yes Joseph Lee: yes Nick Planamento: And please state your name. Julie Amper: Julie Amper Joseph Lee: Joseph Lee Nick Planamento: Thank you very much. Jonathan Wiggins: Are you on Meadow Beach lane or is it a little right of way offit? Julie Amper: on a right of way off of it. Jonathan Wiggins: Okay it tapers down very small. Joseph Lee: yes Jonathan Wiggins: Yeah Is your house one of the newer construction homes? Joseph Lee: it was built in the 1900's. 2 Jonathan Wiggins: 1900 yeah there are some older ones. Joseph Lee: the carriage house was the original farm house. Jonathan Wiggins: yes Cara Wells: but you are adjacent to the association beach? Joseph Lee: Correct we're not members. We're not members of the association. But we go through that housing zone to get to our road. Our little private road. Cara Wells: Right, but your property ifI remember the neighborhood don't you come down meadow and go fight into there.., isn't this all protected beach? Joseph Lee: no you come straight down to the big farm house. The big bay front farm house. To the left is a little private driveway. And our house is the first little house. The carriage house on the on the left. And then a little further south is the Goldmans property those are the two bay front properties. Then over near Willis creek is where there is the association beach. Cara Wells: Okay alright. Okay Joseph Lee: Farm house used to belong to Carl Witchey which everybody is probably .. Julie Amper:Then it was knocked down. Jonathan Wiggins: Do you have a dock and a boat? Julie Amper: We have a dock but you can't get boats in and out of that creek, lt's um Joseph Lee: We have a little 14 foot outboard. And it's not usable at low tide. Jonathan Wiggins: right Joseph Lee: Not at low tide there is mud. Sometimes the water is 20 feet away from the dock at low tide. Lowest tide. Julie Amper: really the only practical boat is a kayak and even at Iow tide you have to portage...? Joseph Lee: not constantly Jonathan Wiggins: yeah yeah I'm aware of the area. Joseph Lee: do to some 3 .lulie Amper: lack of jetties Joseph Lee: yeah well there judgements made by ... Jonathan Wiggins: Well to protect the environment a lot these days they don't dredge like they used to Joseph Lee: Dredge deep hole creek it clogs up Jonathan Wiggins: with ever action there is a reaction Cara Wells: Kevin has something to say 1 see Kevin Webster: Could I approach with a picture? Cara Wells: Yeah Kevin Webster: I just printed up a picture of the tax map. It doesn't show much.., you see as you saying come down here the meadow beach and then you come down here and it kind of splits and (inaudible) creek goes this way and then meadow beach comes down here. And then this is their property right here. On the right and then you have two more homes. And then the bay is right there. So that is their home right there. In that circle. I can't print color but this is New Suffolk Ave and it's coming offofthere and it's right there and then you come down that circle there is where they are. And it goes right out there. And that's it on the bigger image. Gerard Schultheis: Okay... Kevin Webster: So that just gives you and idea. It's 600 feet to the bay. And they have the deeded rights to use the bay. Cara Wells: I'm trying to keep it together. Jonathan Wiggins: Okay you feel your house is worth 682500 Julie Amper: I chose that I took the balance. I took the average of the two prices, the bottom and top prices of the far market value. Jonathan Wiggins: and you're assessed as if it was worth 828829 Julie Amper: Yeah but, but we should have done this ages ago .... the assessment went up because that's when all the new final houses in Harbor Farms were being finished they were big huge homes and multi ... homes. Our house is nothing like those. Jonathan Wiggins: (inaudible) some big houses. 4 Joseph Lee: Our house is nothing like the two big bay front mansions. We're kind a this third little house in the neighborhood. Nothing to distinguish (inaubable) it was a summer cottage. Jonathan Wiggins: Right Julie Amper: And it's not really be updated much at all .... In the 80's. We're happy there but we think ... many recent sales ... some of them have bay view. Some of them have central air .... square tbotage I tried to find houses I feel if we did 2002 ... in 2003 four we were raised 34% 2 years in a row. I think we should ... I am also basing this on statements from the town of Southold itself. In their new comprehensive plan for Southold house... Says that housing values in Southold reached their zenith in 2007 and they gave a figure of 525 for a median sale price. And has declined to 440 in 2010 and doesn't alter in 2011. that represents a decrease of 16.2% That the town is saying real estate value have dropped. Now our house hasn't dropped in full value price since 2007 till now by 16.2% by any means at all. In addition the Newsday reported a 21% decline in Suflblk county when you look at these comparables on the market and ... I feel it very reasonable request. Gerard Schultheis: I didn't notice in the material you submitted an actual appraisal where you took your house and compared to three houses and made the adjustments for the square footage. Cara Wells: No no they just have listings. Julie Amper: We do have a letter from a realtor who gave us listings ... market Jonathan Wiggins: Do you have a comparative market value Gerard Schultheis: So in the material Cara Wells: No they have a letter from Tom Ulinger whose we all respect 1 believe. Julie Atnper: Of comps of three recent sales on houses and what were they different from ours. And where they were the same. And then what is currently on the market ... Jonathan Wiggins: Okay so you have three other sales. Julie Amper: And a bunch of others that are currently on the market. Jonathan Wiggins: And you have done the Julie Amper: I went around the looked at the houses Jonathan Wiggins: And that's good Joseph Lee: And there are 3 lots that are larger then ours Julie Amper: Some are larger, some are the same. Some have basements. Some have different upgrades Jonathan Wiggins: You made some adjustments on that? Cara Wells: So what do you think... Julie Amper: Like this house has this that we don't but we have this that they don't. Cara Wells: And what do you think your house is worth? Julie Amper: 6825 Gerard Schultheis: Kevin did you look at these comparables that they submitted? Kevin Webster: Not the (inaudible) right now Gerard Schultheis: Pardon me Kevin Webster: Just right now I'm looking at it for the first time. Because they are here so I have not looked at them in advance. Julie Amper: I mean tbr example there is several, there is one on Deep Hole creek for example.., you have bring a big boat in. And that is the advantage of their dock it's usable for a reasonable size boat. Ours is not. But then you know I just wanna make a point .. and that one is much more comparable. It's a shallow creek. Jonathan Wiggins: And how much did the one on deep hole sell for? Julie Amper: The one on (inaudible) do you have the recent sales Cara Wells: I think I do Julie Amper: One sold on ! think 613 1 think that is on Ole Jule lane. Cara Wells: Yes that was Ole Jule lane Julie Amper: Yes that was 613 Kevin Webster: This was the page with sales, but nothing on Deep Hole Julie Amper: Oh that's on the comparables. Yeah this is on Daves creek and that's the closest creek shallow creek that 1 could find. And the 780 is listed for 202000(?) in may 6 of this year. It has one more acre of land than we do. That's ... And newer construction and a full basement. It similar and style and size. I think our house is a little bigger but we don't have a basement. Jonathan Wiggins: You don't have a basement Julie Amper: No Cara Wells: This is actually not water front? Julie Amper: These are all creek front. Cara Wells: Yup this is not. I know this house I'm Cara Wells ! am a realtor. This the actual creek front property is owned by the neighbor. Julie Amper: Oh 1 didn't know that Cara Wells: So and I worked for Daniel Gale and it was a Daniel Gale listing. Julie Amper: Oh okay Cara Wells: So I .just want to make qualifier. Joseph Lee: We have a right of way... Jonathan Wiggins: Cara this house on Old Jule land Rizzo? Cara Wells: Yeah Jonathan Wiggins: Gotcha Cara Wells: But here are the comps. Cara Wells: And the other qualifier on Ole Jule was that it was a permanent that nothing would be built in front of this house. 1 don't think you could build anything in front of it. Julie Amper: (inaudible) Cara Wells: Right Jonathan Wiggins: The realestate broker said it's worth between 675 and 690? Julie Amper: (inaudible) Cara Wells: Mr. Webster do you have any comments? Kevin Webster: Well I'd like to do a formal appraisal on this. Gerard Schultheis: Kevin I'd like to see that appraisal and I'd like to see at least the property records cards on these 3 properties so that we're Cara Wells: The comparable recent sales and ... Kevin Webster: The property record cards of their 3 comparables Cara Wells: Yes Kevin Webster: Okay Gerard Schultheis: And actually if any of these are in your opinion comparables include them in your appraisal. Jonathan Wiggins: It's hard to get a comparable the building is 1900 without a basement. But you'll do your best I'm sure. Kevin Webster: What I ask now i'll have the office copy these 3 but I'd like to be given a little more time to do the appraisal on this and submit it to you. Gerard Schultheis: Right well we're not going to make a decision right now we'll review it in our meetings Kevin Webster: ! will get this a bring it back and ... in here. Cara Wells: No ! don't think so Kevin Webster: I'll get this and put this in and then I'll give you a workup on this. Gerard Schultheis: Is there anything else you folks would like to say? Or summarize Julie Amper: No I think seeing is believing. Anytime you want to come by and take a look. I think you'll see it's a modest house. Joseph Lee: My comment is all these two eoormous increases we just don't understand why you know I maintain the place but we didn't put any addition on it or anything to justify Gerard Schultheis: What were the increases? Julie Amper: 2003 Gerard Schultheis: In taxes or assessment 8 Julie Amper: No in assessment.., and 24% in 2004. The other years are 16, 18, 12 Phyllis Atkinson: Well I don't see that on here i don't see any change in assessment from the year 2000. Kevin Webster: IfI may explain on this Gerard Schultheis: Yes Kevin Webster: On this. Looking at the property card. There was a building permit taken out March 7th of 2000. For an alteration and fire damage repair. Joseph Lee: Yeah we had a major fire. The first year we moved in. Julie Amper: It wasn't actually major. (inaudible) Joseph Lee: We were out for a year. Major Kevin Webster: And then in March 1st of 2002 for that taxable status state the assessment was increased 1500 dollars In looking at that on the back of the card as to why the rate was adjusted because it was assessed as a one story house. And the assessment office at the time increased the rate to a $4.50 cent rate which is comparable to a 1 V2 story home. And I believe in looking at this card that it was assessed for no heat as well. So they noted down that there is heat there and that it has a half story above the 26 x 20 section and also the one story section that is 19 x 47 was also changed to a 1 story rate with a fireplace. To $3.50 a square tbot and then the 9 x 8 section which is this comer if you are looking at the card along me, was originally at a dollar which is normally a screened porch rate but that is living space. So that was changed from a dollar to 3 dollars. And that's the reason why it was increased in 2002. Our office changed that because of the building permit. They changed the rate on those to make it unifbnn to everybody else in the town. And there is the rate for the porch did not change. And the rate for the garage is still the same. But that is the reason why there was an increase from 7700 to 9200 on March 1~t of 2002 Gerard Schultheis: So in essence because of the fire there was a building permit taken out. An the assessor had the occasion to go visit the property and note what was actually existing at that point in time. Kevin Webster: Right and then the factors of the rate that was on there was for no heat and I story and that was changed to make it unifbrm at that time. Julie Amper: This house was built as a 1 '/2 story home in the 1900's. It wasn't that we added a story. We didn't add anything to the house. When we had the fire. It was always that way it was just incorrectly listed? Kevin Webster: Incorrectly rated. 9 Julie Amper: I see Kevin Webster: At a low, low figure. Julie Amper: Oh okay Kevin Webster: And then it was changed. Jonathan Wiggins: You put the new photo on top of the old so you can't tell what was there. Prior to the fire. Julie Amper: Everything we didn't change. Everything. All they did was fix the same Jonathan Wiggins: The same foot print? Julie Amper: Yeah nothing changed. They put the new sheetrock up on the burned walls and had to put floor joists in because the fire ran along the floor boards. They didn't touch the kitchen they didn't touch the bathroom. They didn't touch the upstairs bedroom. They were fabulous. They (inaudible) Joseph Lee: It happened in broad daylight. Actually the carpenter was working next door heard the alarm. The fire department got here right away or there wouldn't have been anything Ieft. Julie Amper: They saved our house. Phyllis Atkinson: So from the time you purchased the house until the time you had the fire you were assessed as if it were a one story house. Julie Amper: I guess we didn't know that. Our house has been a 2 story since the 1900's. Phyllis Atkinson: Oh okay Julie Amper: 1 have a picture from the historical society and their showing it... Kevin Webster: With no heat noted down as well. Nick Planamento: When you said it was a carriage house or barn or something originally so perhaps. Cara Wells: Jonathan you got anything else over there? Joseph Lee: Ceiling (inaudible) part of the house the bedroom there and living room is 6 toot 8 10 Julie Amper: Old fashioned Jonathan Wiggins: Okay I thank you very much. I think you presented a good case and we will review it. Cara Wells: We really appreciate citizens coming out to complain. It's a very important part of the process. Thank you Julie Amper: Thank you for serving on this board. Jonathan Wiggins: Thank you take care now. Hearing #2 Gerard Schultheis: Do you want to identify yourself your names and the property that you are representing. Alan Eidler: Absolutely Alan Eidler 1052 Canoe Path Mattituck Laureen Hams: Laureen Harris. Cronin, Cronin and Hams. This is the only residential we have Southold. Can I start? Gerard Schultheis: I'd like to swear you in first. Stand up and raise your right hand. Nick Planamento: Good Morning. Do you solemnly swear that the information you are about to give will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability to do so. Alan Eidler: Yes Laureen Hams: I do Nick Planamento: Thank you, would you state your name. I'm sorry. Again. Laureen Hams: Laureen Harris Alan Eidler: Alan Eidler Nick Planamento: Thank you. Jonathan Wiggins: Can I have the tax map number of your property please? Laureen Hams: 106-12-3.001 11 Gerard Schultheis: It appears as if we got your application here and just a copy of your property record card. Laureen Harris: Correct Gerard Schultheis: Do you have any evidence of the value Laureen Harris: I do I do. And I copies I hope there is enough for everyone. Jonathan Wiggins: ls this an open bay front house? Laureen Harris: l'm sorry? Jonathan Wiggins: Open bay front? Laureen Harris: It's bay front Jonathan Wiggins: Okay Cara Wells: No, it's not bay front no it's not. It's Mattituck inlet. Alan Eidler: It's Mattituck inlet Cara Wells: Canoe Place Jonathan Wiggins: l'm looking over here is this the inlet still'? Cara Wells: So is Canoe Path literally is it sort of is it become dead end down there? And it becomes a dirt path'? Alan Eidler: Canoe Path is a paper street'? The house isn't on the paper street, lt's a one two path. It's a dirt path. I don't know why. Phyllis Atkinson: But they show that the house is on Bell Path. Alan Eidler: That's another paper street. What happens is you, there's, Cox Neck Road, Gerard Schultheis: Right Alan Eidler: You go down Cox Neck about a mile. Okay and you make a lefl a right on Miller road. Alright. And then Miller Road sort of ends and it becomes a dirt road. And then that dirt road goes into to my house. Cara Wells: Alright 12 Nick Planamento: So are you saying you access your house from Miller? Not from South drive? Alan Eidler: From Miller. That's the only way to access it. Kevin Webster: Right, you go up and go into Jackson landing there Cara Wells: Right and cross over Kevin Webster: To Wexler Ave out to the tower. You make that right there and you go straight through like he said it's Miller Road but it's behind the Jackson Landing subdivision. Nick Planamento: Exactly Alan Eidler: You could turn up Jackson Landing and go around and then hit Miller or lot right after Jackson landing. Cara Wells: Oh okay Kevin Webster: On the way up to the Old Mill. You just make a right there. Nick Planamento: Right but then you cross over raccoon and deer Kevin Webster: Yes, you go right across there Nick Planamento: And continue Kevin Webster: You don't go in offofBayview even though it says it's Canoe Path and then it just go straight right into his driveway. You keep going and then it bears right. And then tums right. How it shows there on the map. Gerard Schultheis: I see by your application that you say your house is worth $85,135. Laurecn Hams: The supplement that I gave you. Okay. IfI could asso...its we're requesting that the property be brought down to 711000. Based on the two comparables and whenever you're ready I will explain .... Nick Planamento: That's the assessed value? Laureen Hams: Fair market value Nick Planamento: Market value? 700,000? Laureen Hams: No the current fair market value is 883177 I'm looking to bring it down to 711550 13 Nick Planamento: Okay so you think it's worth 711550 Laureen Harris: Right Jonathan Wiggins: And it's currently at Laureen Harris: 883177 Kevin Webster: We're using 1.11% they have on there form as well so our taxable value is $851000 Kevin Webster: (inaudible) latest residential assessor ratio 1.11% Phyllis Atkinson: What did you say Kevin 850? Kevin Webster: 851 Jonathan Wiggins: ls this a new house? Alan Eidler: No (inaudible) built approximately around 1975 and then I think there was an addition put on, not by me. Jonathan Wiggins: When did you buy the house? Alan Eidler: I bought the house about 6 years ago do you want the exact date? Cara Wells: It's right here. Oct 2005 Jonathan Wiggins: And what did you pay ibr the house is Oct 2005? Alan Eidler: I paid, at almost the height of the market 550,000 dollars Jonathan Wiggins: Oh okay Alan Eidler: And that's why I want to explain to you why that house is less then other houses on Mattituck inlet. There are really 2 major reasons. One is that I'm the only house on the inlet, that 1 know ot; that doesn't have a dock. Most people who buy on the inlet want a dock because they want a boat. The boat is to go to the sound. It's smaller then most of the other houses that I look at that are on the inlet. The other reason is that the house very difficult to access. Jonathan Wiggins: I can see that. Alan Eidler: You 1 can't get deliveries of furniture because the trucks have a hard time coming in and then getting out. It's very difficult to back out. Turning around I do get 14 fuel deliveries but they are telling me you have to. There are these 2 trees that are on either side, not on my property but where you come in, the tracks are just barely getting by. They like touch on the sides. I have to be careful at night when I take my SUV by. Nobody can find, you can't google earth my house. You put in 1052 Canoe Path, if try to get, if want to get a delivery ora refrigerator or something, they can't do it unless I can talk to a guy and talk him in. Which is hard to do today. It's a real problem i£I want to, if I need to get my cesspool pumped if 1... Just getting into to the house is it's a small dirt road, and again there is this one spot where it's 2 trees on either side, it's tight and then when you get into my house a car is no problem to turn around but a large track is problematic. And I think that's why the owner of the house sold it to me. Had a problem. You need the right buyer. Jonathan Wiggins: Right, right Jonathan Wiggins: You paid 550 at the height of the market so. That's an indication right there. Laureen Harris: (inaudible) the point of the property it's very very difficult that's why we decided to come out to see if we explain it to you and then .. it's such an unusual house you know I looked at it and it's very small Jonathan Wiggins: How big is small? Laureen Harris: 1830. I don't want to criticize my clients. But got the job situation also he not that type of property. So what I did, so now how do I find comparables to this to demonstrate to you fair market value. And so I looked at 2 other comparables one of Reeve Road that had pond view because again without a dock you got some water there because I wanted to find something so we used a house obviously larger the second again you have pictures of it ... pond view Phyllis Atkinson: The Reeve Avenue, the one by the church, that Reeve Avenue? Laureen Harris: Yeah Phyllis Atkinson: On Maratooka Lake'? CaraWells: No no Laureen Harris: Yeah Reeve Road Kevin Webster: Excuse me no it's on the comer of Reeve and Bailey Beach Road. Kevin Webster: It doesn't have a view of anything, if 1 could just address that Jonathan Wiggins: Comp 1 how much did that sell tbr? 15 Cara Wells: Oh okay Kevin Webster: Just north of harbor view you have those 3 or 4 lots up there with the large and he's on that inside ... Alan Eidler: My problem is that I don't think there are comps. If you take my house and you take the two houses on either side of me okay the house on one side is of me is accessed through a completely different development and a different road and he has a completely nonnal road going to his house. My neighbor on the other side of me and is part of what they call hide-away estates. For some reason 1 am part out of hide-away estates. So they don't even. When they do snow plowing in hide-away estates they don't even snow plow my access road getting in. not my driveway part, but even the road before me. But the house, that house that's in hide-away that's my neighbor on that side has 2 access roads. He can access get in like from 1 don't know if it's Racoon a regular normal road through the development or that dirt road that comes into my house instead of going straight to mine you can go right on the dirt road and he can get to his house that way. So he actually has 2 access points. But what makes the house so unique is that l don't even see any comps is in the access ability. Gerard Schultheis: If you feel there are no comps Alan Eidler: l say that from a professional stand point she's the tax lawyer. Gerard Schultheis: In that case the 2 comps that you gave here. How do you justify them? Laureen Harris: Well I looked at if you want to take a look I think you were asking that l put where the comparables are and where the subject is. Just so you had an idea. Phyllis Atkinson: There are at least 2 Reeve Roads in Mattituck that I know Laureen Harris: I saw that I wanted to clarify that. But the I probably am going to say that the comparable number 2 545 that had the pond view, in terms of fairness, it has a view but it's much larger okay then Mr. Eidlers property. And the property itself is much larger. An acre and a half. Jonathan Wiggins: Does it have a pool? Laureen Harris: No I don't think so Cara Wells: Has Mr Eidler considered a turn around driveway? Alan Eidler: 1 have. When I bought the house okay there is a the dirt road there's a space on the right park and there's a space on the left to park. What I can do it pull in and back out and get out. When you have a large track okay and 1 seen them sometimes it's taken them 45 minutes try to turn around and they hit a couple of trees in the process. What they do they like go down towards the garage then they back up into one of the spaces 16 and then they head into the other and certain trucks can do it but if it was a large like a normal delivery truck even if you try to get a delivery of furniture. They guy wound up having to back out. And that's not an easy thing to do. Backing out fairly lengthy dirt road. Cara Wells: No I can relate. I would, I would be the same thing with a family property with the same issues. But it is clear to legal width. Which is fifteen feet. Is your road even cleared at legal width? Alan Eidler: 15 feet wide Cara Wells: For Fire access. High and wide Alan Eidler: I'm sure it is. It is all done with CO's when I bought it. Everything was Cara Wells: So 15 high and 15 wide should be adequate to allow most to allow delivery trucks in. Alan Eidler: The real problem is these 2 trees. And those tree's grow ever year. Cara Wells: Cant' you cut one down? Alan Eidler: There not on my property. Cara Wells: Can't you talk to your neighbor? Alan Eidler: l'm not sure if they are the town or of they belong... When you're on Miller road okay just before you get to my dirt driveway there's a brown house on the right and the trees are like a little bit before the dirt driveway. There's one on the left and there's one on the right. The one of the left I don't know is that the ncighbors tree'? ! don't think 1 should have them cut down yet. Tree's grow slowly. But at some point in time, 5 years, 10 years. I might have to see whatever that process is. Do that. Cara Wells: Can I just ask one more question? Did you not buy this property because of the privacy it accorded? Alan Eidler: 1 know I tell in love with it. It takes a certain buyer certain houses have market ... others have a more limited market. Cara Wells: And that reduces their tax value? Alan Eidler: I think that if you don't have a dock, and if you. Yeah I think you can make a strong argument that it does. 17 Jonathan Wiggins: The house next door is on 1.2 acres. I saw the picture, the aerial picture. The smaller house. The one in hide-away estates I think. It's a small house isn't it? Alan Eidler: No, he's got a house and a like a shed. Jonathan Wiggins: It didn't look like a large house in the picture. I was wondering if you knew how much that one was assessed for? Alan Eidler: I have no idea. Laureen Harris: I can find out. Alan Eidler: I think it's bigger then mine and he has a dock. Gerard Schultheis: Have you ever applied for a dock? Alan Eidler: No Jonathan Wiggins: And the house on the other side how much is he assessed for, do you know that? Alan Eidler: 1 don't know. he's got an enormous dock Jonathan Wiggins: He's got a big dock, yeah I saw the picture of that. He's also got a larger house. Cara Wells: ls that Baden comp on the other side? Alan Eidler: (inaudible) His access is from a totally different direction. Jonathan Wiggins: Yeah I know that. Alan Eidler: He has an enormous, enormous dock. Gerard Schultheis: Kevin how would you assess a dock? Kevin Webster: Value? $200 to $400. Is the normal charge. On the assessment for a dock depending on the size. Alan Eidler: Don't you think that it ads to the value of the house? Kevin Webster: That's the assessment increase. The assessment $200 to $400 increase depending on the size. 18 Jonathan Wiggins: There are several houses along here. Another one in hide-away estates. 1.4 acres which is a lot of water fi'ontage. You don't have any information on that one? Number 106-12-28.5. Kevin Webster: You're asking me? Jonathan Wiggins: Yes, do you have any information on that one? Kevin Webster: I do not have any inlbrmation on that property with me now. Jonathan Wiggins: Okay. I'm just trying to get comparables in the same neighborhood. You know. Laureen Harris: We kept filing and not resolving this ... Jonathan Wiggins: I saw a picture of comp one and it looked like a big modem house with a swimming pool. Laureen Hams: One is two... Alan Eidler: Houses on the water .... And they all have docks. Jonathan Wiggins: Yeah they all do, not all if them are large though. Laureen Harris: Well on comparable number one you're correct it's on 2.26 acres and we're on less then an acre. Jonathan Wiggins: That was a comparable one? ls on 2.26 acres? Laureen Harris: Yes, that's what we had to do Jonathan Wiggins: And how much did that house sell fbr? Laureen Harris: 980 Jonathan Wiggins: That sold fbr 980'? Laureen Harris: Right Jonathan Wiggins: With the swimming pool on all that land and where is that in relation to the subject house? Laureen Harris: It's on the last page. 19 Kevin Webster: The demarker on the map is a bit off for comparable one. It's actually on the comer of Bailey Beach road and Reeve Road. On the southwest comer of Bailey Beach and Reeve Road. Cara Wells: Oh I know where that is. Okay Kevin Webster: If you look at the Tax Map it's 100-1-44. Jonathan Wiggins: yeah I know that. Kevin Webster: I will show you where it is, it's 100-1-44. Gerard Schultheis: you tblks feel your house has a diminished value because of the fact that it doesn't have a dock? Alan Eidler: Oh absolutely Gerard Schultheis: Okay what would you consider the value of the house if it did have a dock how much more? Alan Eidler: I think this is an intbm~al opinion, I'm not testifying an expert but I think that a dock could add $300000 to a house .... Gerard Schultheis: lfyou had a dock and it was assessed at $200 additional on your assessment that means it adds $18000 to the value of your house. Alan Eidler: But you see I completely disagree with that because if you every house that I can see has a dock. Every single house except me. So if you're looking to buy, the people that 1 know who are on the inlet are all these boats. They also have big boats. So they want to be on the inlet to have a dock and to have a boat. Gerard Schultheis: And your comps I don't have the pictures. But do any of the comps that you submitted do they have a dock? Laureen Hams: No they don't. Gerard Schultheis: They don't Laureen Harris: No I intentionally looked for properties without a dock. In order to try to establish.. Jonathan Wiggins: But those properties aren't on the inlet. Laureen Hams: One has a water view. Which 1 think it comparable. So I have one that's on the pond. That's comparable number 2. The advantage being 20 Kevin Webster: IfI may, Comp number 2 is on Maratooka Lake. Gerard Schultheis: Which is completely land locked Kevin Webster: No motorized water craft. That's number 2. Number 1 as I said is on the inside comer of Bailey Beach Road and Reeve Road. Which is land locked as well from the tax map. You can see and that does not have a view at all. Number 2 does have a view of Maratooka Lake because it's on it. it's set back I don't know if you're familiar with that home there. Alan Eidler: It would be easy ifl could find a house on the inlet that didn't have a dock. That was similar property size and square footage but they don't exist. Nick Planamento: Are you aware that your neighbor you mentioned the ... house is available for sale. Alan Eidler: it's been for sale for like since I bought my house like 7 years. He can't sell it. Nick Planamento: And there's a function maybe of price but do you know what the asking price is for the house? Alan Eidler: He's asked crazy numbers. He really does know, 1 know him very well. He will sell the house once he gets his crazy number. That's why it's still on the market. Cara Wells: Which is over 1.2 Nick Planamento: He's asking I think 1.7 and I'm not exactly thmiliar with. But even if it's an inflated value and even if you subtract what your saying is an inflated value for a dock $300000 the assessed value isn't all that tar ofl2 Alan Eidler: We looked at the numbers bigger house bigger property with a dock with a dock that you can put 6 boats. ! think the, I know very well, I really he throws crazy numbers out there because he doesn't want to sell it. He hasWt sold it in 6 years. Maybe longer, as long as I've known him. lt's been for sale. Nick Planamento: But what would you think his house is worth? 1 don't know if it's even relevant but when you look at the aerial. If you build a similar dock on your property which you would most likely be entitled to and I know this is a lot of what ifs... Alan Eidler: No, no, no, no. My understanding is that 1 would never be allowed to build anything like that today. Nick Planamento: Perhaps not a multi slip dock. But you'd still be entitled to a dock. 21 Alan Eidler: Oh I don't know that, what I've been told is first I'd have to get a hydroponic survey, you have to quality. Maybe I could get one, I have no idea. I know that even if I qualify 1 could never build what he has. They just don't allow it anymore. Jonathan Wiggins: Kevin? Sale number 2 that they're using as a comp. 114-9-9. On the pond. What is the square footage of that house? In relation to the comp. In relation to the subject? Kevin Webster: I'm not sure exactly they have down 2489. Laureen Harris: It's on the comparable KevinWebster: GLA Laureen Harris: Yeah GLA Jonathan Wiggins: Oh 24 oh I see Kevin Webster: I do not know. I don't have the card in front of me. I'm just looking at what they have down. Jonathan Wiggins: And that. I guess the price is 689 on that. Alan Eidler: The reality is you can try to attribute a value to a dock. but if there is 10 people looking for a house on the Mattituck inlet maybe 9 out of 10, 10 out of 10 are going to want a dock. Jonathan Wiggins: Some people don't want a dock Cara Wells: Some people just want sunsets. Jonathan Wiggins: Basically you've got a beautiful view. You've got a beautiful view and that's why I'm using comp 2 because he's has a beautiful view also. What you could have you don't have. So that's not an issue here. And one house is larger. 1 think you have a decent argument and ! thank you very much. Alan Eidler: Thank you Laureen Harris: Thank you Gerard Schultheis: Kevin there is a correction of errors that was done in 2010 Kevin Webster: Yes there's was a small claims settlement between the office here and our office tbr the 08/09 tax year. It was reduced from 9850 to 9450 at the time and then because it was done after the taxable status date we do a correction of error for the future year so it gets carried tbrward. That's all that is. That's just clerical. But it was reduced 22 fbr the 08/09 tax year which would be based on a july I st of 2007 valuation date. There was a settlement between this office and our office on reassessment of 9450. And then it's been carded forward for the last 4 taxable status date that 9450. Gerard Schultheis: Okay I have to ask you this. Since that happened, what changed that makes you feel that your assessment is wrong? Laureen Hams: The market... That's not the value. That's why we took the opportunity to see you people because you got to see, you really got a feel for it. Talking about it, it's hard to explain it ... This is why we took the opportunitly. Alan Eidler: What I've been saying to Lorraine is, I want to come it they must not get it. We need to talk about it. And make sure you know your judgement ... For me to feel good I need to at least come in here and explain to you, this is my house, I love my house, I'm not going to tell you that I don't, I bought it, The house works for me. But I think that most people are looking for house on the inlet, it doesn't. Gerard Schultheis: Okay Kevin, Can you do an appraisal Kevin Webster: I will. l'd like to address a few things. Can I? Gerard Schultheis: Well let me, let me... Kevin Webster: Yes, sure go ahead. Gerard Schultheis: l'd like to see the appraisal. I don't buy the pond front as being equal. And 1 don't buy it not being on the water and being comparable. ! would like to see the appraisal if possible include sales that include access to waterfront that does have the possibility tbr boating. Okay that way I think we would be looking at true comparables. Kevin Webster: Okay. Gerard Schultheis: Okay you had some other'? Kevin Webster: Yes. Can I ask who did this market analysis report? Laureen Harris: We did, my office did. Kevin Webster: Your office did. Was it done by a licensed appraiser? A licensed appraiser'? Laureen Hams: No Kevin Webster: Somebody in the office? (Laureen Hams raises hand) Okay. I'd like to address a few things here. I am a licensed appraiser for the last 15 years. The one thing I'd like to address on this workup is the lot dimensions acreage adjustment. When I see a 23 lot of appraisals is for excess land. Both these lots are non-sub dividable. Mr Eidler cannot subdivide his lot and the Reeve Road is part of the subdivision. The adjustment is at $4.60 a square foot. Adjustment. Normally, typically I see a $1 a square foot for excess land. Even a $1.50 a square foot. So there is a negative $276000 adjustment for this comparable which is not on a creek. I'm not even talking about the 175 feet of frontage that Mr. Eidler has. So to me that's about $140000 excessive on the negative side. If you put that back in to that $734000 adjustment it comes to over $860000. Because the net adjustment on this is $246000 and as a percentage goes that's over 30% on the net adjustment which is above ?: 15% is maximum... Kevin Webster: Right, right, so that is one thing I disagree with. Laureen Harris: IfI could add, is that okay? Kevin Webster: Well I'm in the middle of speaking ifl could continue. When you're talking about .88 of 2.26 acreage. You're taking off $276000. That to me is very excessive. We're also talking about a valuation date of July Ist of 2011. That we looked at when we file a ghevance right now. So the other part of it is did you look at number 2. The same thing is going to happen with 1.4 and .88. You're taking off $104000 dollars. Which is $4.60 a square foot again. That's 3 times what the norm is. For those kind of adjustments. Laureen Harris: incorporated in that language is the problem with the access. 1 understand on the ghd tbrmula okay that that might be the problem. But we definitely adjusted for the access problem that alan ... has... Gerard Schultheis: Do you have a deeded right-of-way to your house? Alan Eidler: 1 believe I do, yes. I believe I have a right-of-way through the hide-away estates. Gerard Schultheis: Okay, and do you know what the width of that right-of-way is? Laureen Harris: All I know is you know (inaudible) Cara Wells: Is there another way into the property? Alan Eidler: Oh no, no Gerard Schultheis: If you go to the fire department to get access. They want to see a 15 foot fight-of-way. Alan Eidler: Fire department trucks could get in. 24 Gerard Schultheis: Hook and Ladder compared to a trailer truck, same thing. Alan Eidler: You can get in. okay it just takes too long to mm around. Cara Wells: You know life isn't always the same. Each road is different. Can't you do a different place... Laureen Harris: It's not that ... He did buy the house. He loves the spot. He's saying, I think, that in terms of the assessment the population of people and you compare plusses and minuses. That's something that we considered a detriment. It does make it unsalable. Alan Eidler: Basically to summarize my whole argument all I'm saying is that this house is exceptionally, exceptionally unique. Okay that uniqueness to a certain individual can add value. Okay, but the reality is that it's difficult. All of the other houses on the inlet, not just because of the dock, but because of the access. I like that. That's why I bought the house. There will be other people out there like me. My argument is that they are harder to find. it's not, if you have 10 people looking most of those people would not be in the market for my ... on the inlet. That doesn't mean I would never be able to find a buyer. I'm not suggesting that. 1 wouldn't have bought the house if I didn't like it. Nick Planamento: Then I would say it's almost a non-argument. I mean it's obviously something that, you if you enjoyed the house. Other people will enjoy the house. That there's a difference between people who like vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream. Alan Eidler: No, no no but vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream is maybe 50/50. What I am suggesting whether you except it or not that this is a tough market right now if I go to sell my house to real estate broker and there are 10 people in the market for a house on the Mattituck inlet. And there are 5 houses, I am one of 5 houses on the inlet for sale. Okay I would be willing to bet those people would be more interested in the other 4, then mine. There more traditional. Okay, they have to dock they have normal access. Okay lets say we take Cara Wells: But you're putting a value on perception. Laureen Harhs: We're putting value in the market. Alan Eidler: I'm putting value on the market. Nick Planamento: But 1 would still argue that using that would add a value. Because people look tbr privacy. And knowing the location, I guess just the only other thing 1 would quickly share was re seeing the only access you have coming through miller road. I don't quite understand the right-of-way and non-right-of-way issue. But whether it's a paper road or not there's a road that cuts across Mr. Bodenhoffs property. Alan Eidler: No, no, no, no, no I have no access that way. 25 Nick Planamento: I don't understand that. I mean it's on the tax map. It shows that it would be an alternative access. Alan Eidler: There's no, it can't show on the tax map that there's a way take a car through his property to mine. It doesn't exist. There's trees and woods. And it's slopped. It's impossible, absolutely impossible. Kevin Webster: The second subject photo shows how Mr. Eidler gets to his property. As we were talking about he comes straight in and bears right. Right into his driveway .... Comes in bears right Southeast goes right in to front of house. Jonathan Wiggins: So basically what you're saying is Alan Eidler: Can I take a look at what you're looking at? Jonathan Wiggins: the tax map? Nick Planamento: do you have the tax map Kevin? It's called Belt Path. Kevin Webster: The way you go is this way. It shows Canoe Path is what this is names. So there ... cut across. Alan Eidler: Canoe Path is a paper street. I'm not on that paper street. Bob Edenhoffhas access in the different development in a different road. And between his house and my house is, are tree's. There is no paved road. It's impossible to get a car. Cara Wells: So you are, you are left as your traveling down to Badenhoft~ You go offto the left? Alan Eidler: If you're coming down Cox Neck and you make a right on Mill. Cara Wells: I'm way past there. I'm coming down Badenhoff's driveway. In turning around. Alan Eidler: The only way 1 can explain this. So you make that right on Miller. When if you go straight, down Miller it becomes a dirt road you keep going straight my house is on the right once you pulled into the driveway. But if you just kept going straight you can't go through the woods. You'd hit Badenhoffs house. Cara Wells: Okay Alan Eidler: But you can drive there you'd hit a tree, you'd hit a bunch of trees. There's no road. 26 Jonathan Wiggins: Well basically what we have here you paid 550 for a house in 2005. It's a 1800 square tbot house. And you feel it's worth 711500. You're being taxed as if it's worth about 850000. And that's what we are going review. Hearing #3: Gerard Schultheis: I need you to state your name and property number. Christine Piacente: Christine Piacente Nick Planamento: Hi Christine, Hi. Good, I see. I'm going to ask you to ... and affirmation. If you'd raise your right hand. Thank you. Do you solemnly swear that the information you're about to give will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability to do so. Christine Piacente: Yes Nick Planamento: Thank you Jonathan Wiggins: Can I have the tax map number of your property? Christine Piacente: Yes Gerard Schultheis: It's 107-4-2.5 Cara Wells: 2.5 Gerard Schultheis: I see your property is assessed at $9700. You f~el its value right now is 725000. Christine Piacente: Correct Cara Wells: I'm sorry Gerry what's the AV? Gerard Schultheis: Assessed value is 9700. And the estimate of the property value is 725000. Cara Wells: Is it Woodcliff Lane'? WoodcliffDrive Jonathan Wiggins: 4375 Mill Lane Jonathan Wiggins: Okay you have 5 acres on Mill lane. You're being taxed as if you house is worth 881 thousand 815 thousand. 27 Christine Piacente: I believe I'm being taxed a little higher then that. If I'm reading my tax bill correctly 872874 dollars. Is that correct? Kevin Webster: Yes, 873 Christine Piacente: 873 874 Kevin Webster: Right that's the current taxable value. As of July Ist Jonathan Wiggins: She feels it's worth 725000? Correct? Christine Piacente: Well I was here 1 don't know if you remember, 1 remember you, I doubt you remember me. I was here roughly 3 years ago. Cara Wells: I remember Christine Piacente: Thank you. Nothing has changed other then I have 3 appraisals. Consecutive appraisals. Jonathan Wiggins: Did you get a reduction 2 years ago? Christine Piacente: It was 3 years ago yes. I did receive a reduction. Because I had an official appraisal. I believe that's why on which I did speak to the court at that time. Or the board that I'm not trying to be unrelenting but I have called Mr. Webster many many times consecutively at least 5 years after the reduction. And I never received one. At that time I believe our taxes were over $15000 a year. And I show again on this new appraisal from July 2011 that the property has dropped again. If you look at each appraisal the property keeps dropping the value. Jonathan Wiggins: You have an appraisal froln last July? Christine Piacente: Stated July 2011. I submitted one to the board. Gerard Schultheis: And that appraisal shows that the value of the house is worth 800 thousand. Christine Piacente: Correct. As 1 stated when I was here the last time, I have the most austere home on the road. I do not have a luxury home. You can look at the photographs. We do have the barn, my husband is a mechanic. We restored the cars himself. He was not given anything. He is a hard working man. And I presently do not have a job, I haven't worked now in over a year. I believe that the properties are dropping and there's also this article that I printed from the Suflblk Times dated March 15th 2012.2011 Home sales and prices slip. In the current appraisal they site a home up the road from mine which I'm sure a lot of you know the Zuwary(sp) home. That was sold, I believe it was 2 years ago November. That was a luxury home, a beautiful home. Where one window unit cost 10 thousand dollars. And the home only sold fbr 999 thousand dollars. Where as if 28 the market had been strong that was a least a million two home. Alright. I believe that there are some serious problems and that a lot of people are being taxed too high. Oh I also have printed an article letter we wrote, my husband and I wrote, to the editor of the paper. It's indirectly stating that the Mattituck/Cutchogue School district is taxing the average home owner too high. We just mailed that in May 3rd of this year. So other then getting official appraisals and writing a letter to the paper and bringing an article from the local paper that only a few months old. I believe that the market is very weak. That we are paying too high a tax. And that if you look at my taxes I might have gotten a reduction but I'm almost back up to 12 thousand dollars again. So it's just a matter of a f~w years till we're going to be a high tax again, a much higher tax. Every year it goes up 5, 600 dollars. Gerard Schultheis: First thing, we're not concerned with what the taxes are. We're only concerned what the assessed value is. We're right now, we're dealing with the taxable status date of July 2011. That's the date they were looking at the value of the house. Christine Piacente: Alright Gerard Schultheis: Okay and I see that you have an appraisal here. Dated for July 1 st 2011. That says your house is worth 800 thousand. Christine Piacente: Correct Jonathan Wiggins: Do you disagree with the appraisal? Christine Piacente: I do now. I believe now that that house has fallen the price has fallen again. Yes, Gerard Schultheis: We're dealing with July 1~ 2011 Christine Piacente: Alright we're always a year behind. But it's almost a year now in 2 months it will be almost a year. Gerard Schultheis: Kevin have you looked at any of this? Kevin Webster: Yes, I'm looking at the appraisal now and to start off the 10 adjustments on these comparables 1, 2 and 3 are 42%, 33% and 36%. Phyllis Atkinson: 4? I don't have it in front of me. What adjustments for what? Kevin Webster: Well Phyllis Atkinson: Site? Kevin Webster: Site, but on the site adjustment this appraiser adjusted 59 cents a square foot. So you can see we've gone from 4.6 and the other one to 59 cents. So this to me is 29 way below market. The comparables they use the house on County Club drive number 7 that was basically the one that was fully renovated. I think that was owned by the Big Whistle. The guy that was the hockey referee. 7 Country Club Drive is ... 550 they did that major renovation. Cara Wells: A really major renovation. Kevin Webster: Yeah oh yeah. 640 Alois Lane is the one off Camp Mineola on the way down that sold ibr 555. Not the same as the location that the subject has. 1165 Saltaire Way is up at the top on the fight. That's a one story ranch on a half acre. That sold. Again I don't think it's the same as a 5 acre property there that sold. And the adjustments being only 59 cents a square foot. They came out to 783740 and 773 but when you take that adjustment from a 5 acre lot to a I acre lot. I think the average buyer is going to pay more then 125 thousand dollars for 4 IA acres of land out here. Christine Piacente: But the problem is that the land it restricted. Which we didn't realize what we were getting involved in at the time. So I would have sold off lets say the back lot a long time ago. But 1 can't, and I would like to say that the house that's near me that Mr. Webster sited the one story ranch. It's a beautiful luxury home. There's no comparison. Whether the lot size is small or large. The house itself is a beautiful luxury home. lt's right on the comer of Bailey Beach road. Am I correct. I believe that's one of the houses that was sited. Kevin Webster: 1165 Saltaire Christine Piacente: That's right near my home as well. Yes. Kevin Webster: Country Club drive is down obviously near North Fork Country Club. 640 Alois Lane is on the way down to Strongs Marina. And that 1165 Saltaire Way is up north. Christine Piacente: Well Grand Avenue is definitely near my home as well. I think it's a good assessment of the houses in the general area. They do site the home up the road which as I said earlier is without a doubt a house beautiful luxury home and it sold fbr 2 or 3 hundred thousand dollars less then it should have. Jonathan Wiggins: There's no doubt that prices are down. Do you have any information on houses on either side of you? Christine Piacente: No not, as well I could say to you that the house at 4505 Mill Lane which is the immediate property to the north. Has been, that would be the Italian thmily, has been on the market for roughly 5 years. And the original asking price was 1.4 million dollars. And now I believe it's 995. And at that price it's been on the market fbr over a year. And they have not even had a binder. And that is a beautiful home as well. Jonathan Wiggins: It's on the market they asking over 900 thousand ... 3O Christine Piacente: If you look at 4225 Mill Lane. That's the house immediately to the south, I believe it was 5 or 6 years ago they had an auction, no it wasn't being sold by a realtor. It was being auctioned. And at that time the highest bid if I remember correctly was 675. And that was 5 or 6 years ago. And that's immediately to the south o£me. We share the property line. Jonathan Wiggins: Did they have to accept the offer? Christine Piacente: No, no they didn't. Because they wanted 900 thousand and they didn't come close. Nick Planamento: I'm sorry Ms Piacente. Christine Piacente: It's okay Nick Planamento: Christine, could you bring me up to speed on what you said about the house that Malls(sp) was auctioning off: I understood that that property did sell. It didn't sell? Christine Piacente: No it never sold. Nick Planamento: So the same owners remain there? Christine Piacente: Yes they re... Nick Planamento: They have a little horse and the paddock. Christine Piacente: Yes they have the horse paddock and all that. Yes. Nick Planamento: I thou,ght it had sold. Christine Piacente: I'm sorry Nick Planamento: I understood it or I had thought that is sold. Christine Piacente: No, Well they, well if you really want to know what went on, they were offered a firm offer a person actually there standing on the property was roughly 675. The minimum bid they were hoping fbr was 900 thousand. Cause it was an auction. Then someone miraculously telephoned the auctioneer over the cell phone and offered something like 800 thousand. But then when it came to fruition the 800 thousand never happened. The person wasn't physically there. Because 1 hate to say this, here-say, but they were obviously hoping when this cell bid came in that it would trump up the other bid of the people standing there and it didn't happen. So the only firm offer they had where they could have sold the house that day was 675. And that was roughly 5 or 6 years ago. And the market was strong then. 3l Nick Planamento: l thought it was like maybe 3 years ago, but maybe it Christine Piacente: Maybe I'm wrong. I'd say it was at least 4 or 5. Maybe I'm wrong. Jonathan Wiggins: Kevin would you get the property data cards on those two properties 2.4 and 2.6? Kevin Webster: Yes, Jonathan Wiggins: Thank you Gerard Schultheis: The information we need to look at to make the determination. Things like listed price and asking price is not an acceptable proof. The only proof is actual sales. Something that actually went to contract and sold. Christine Piacente: No, I agree however I was asked by Mr. Wiggins to describe the properties on my road next to me. And that is why I did. And then Mr. Planamento the same question. Jonathan Wiggins: I'm just trying to get a feel fbr the properties in the neighborhood. Christine Piacente: There not honestly they're not selling well. Jonathan Wiggins: Every property is unique and you do have 5 acres. So there are just a few spots that have 5 acres, l'm familiar with Mill lane and I just want to see how the other properties are taxed around you. Gerard Schulthcis: Kevin do you have any other comments? Kevin Webster: I do, if you look at comparable number 7 on the appraisal which is the house sold on the street. House number 7 was owned and sold on the street. Back in the fall of 2010. The taxable value right now on subject property is 873 thousand dollars. And if you look at this appraisal under design appeal there's a negative 25 thousand dollars. Subjective negative adjustment fbr design and appeal. Then there's a quality of construction negative adjustment of 50 thousand dollars. And then the third there's a 150 thousand dollar condition adjustment on the negative side to reach the adjusted number of 812500 dollars. 225 thousand dollars in negative adjustments tbr totally subjective items. Design, appeal, quality of construction and condition. The homes are within 2 years of each other all built roughly around the same time. And I disagree that 225 thousand dollar adjustment needs to be taken offthat. We're talking about taxable value 873 thousand dollars. This house with those adjusts to 812 if you want to say that half of those 50% of those are warranted which I might give you, that puts that well over 925 thousand dollars and we're talking only 873 thousand. Jonathan Wiggins: Where did the 812 thousand come from. 32 Kevin Webster: That's the appraisers adjusted value based on that comparable. With that includes a 225 thousand dollar subjective adjustment for quality construction, design and appeal. And condition. Jonathan Wiggins: So you're saying you don't agree with it. Kevin Webster: I don't agree with that. But as 1 said I would maybe say half of those are okay. Even if you do that it's still puts it way above the 873 thousand dollars. That we're talking about. The forth thing is the basement space that the subject has, the subject has not 100% but it has finished basement space and my understanding ii'om the previous appraisals is that there, and the appraiser says here, there is a bathroom down there and | believe that at least 2 finished rooms down there. Christine Piacente: It's one bedroom and it's a shower stall. It's not a full bath. Kevin Webster: Okay so it has a shower stall. Right this property here has an unfinished basement and their adding only 5000 dollars for that. 1 believe that's way below market to have a finished basement space with a full bathroom. Shower stall not tub but that's the tburth thing there that I see. Main thing really are the other three. So I feel that the value is there that we have it at. This grievance board did drop this assessment 3700 dollars in June of 2010 to the present value. 1 do believe it fair where it is. Old field court number 4 again is a 1 acre parcel in Farmveiw Estates area to Wolfpit. I don't think that's comparable as well. Christine Piacente: Well at least I took the time to have the appraisal done. But 1 would like to say a few things comparing my home to the (name?) home. There's an inground pool in the back. There is an accessory garage, l believe with at least 2 garage stalls and then some attic space. Which you can not see in the photograph. Also as I said earlier at the very beginning when ! sited the property being compared to mine that one window unit are 4 windows is roughly 10 thousand dollars. And all the luxury items are there. My home doesn't have that. As ! said the last time 1 was here I had to 400 dollar magic chef stove. Not the 10 thousand dollar gourmet 8 burner stove. So we're showing that this luxury home right up the road which should have sold if the market was strong for at least 1.2 million dollars. And it is also beautifully landscaped. If you've driven by and also if you look at my home being austere t?om the outside, I'm looking at the photo now, there is no comparison. And yet the house only sold for 999. And I think that's the point of why the appraiser sited that home. Gerard Schultheis: Kevin can you do your own appraisal'.> Kevin Webster: I will Gerard Schultheis: Okay what we'll do is we'll look at all the information make a decision and notify you as to what our decision is. 33 Christine Piacente: Thank you Hearing #4 Jonathan Wiggins: Can I have your tax map number? Gerard Schultheis: 123-6-11.1 Richard Monaghan: Sure 123-6-11.6 1 think it is. 123-6-11.1 Nick Planamento: Mr. Monaghan before we get started I'm going to swear you in, if you don't mind. Cara is it okay ifI get started? Thank you. I'm going to ask you to raise your right hand. Thank you. Do you solemnly swear that the intbrmation you are about to give will be accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability to do so? Richard Monaghan: Yes Nick Planamento: And please state your name. Richard Monaghan: Richard F Monaghan Nick Planamento: Thank you Mr. Monaghan. Richard Monaghan: My wife might join us. Gerard Schultheis: Okay I have your application here. But 1 don't see any proof with it. Richard Monaghan: Well I (inaudible) fi'om Arizona, I was on my way from Arizona to here. Gerard Schultheis: Okay do you have some proof tbr your claim fbr the assessment? Richard Monaghan: I have an appraisal. Jonathan Wiggins: Is this part of the air field Richard Monaghan: It's a parcel that backs up on to the Norris property and then the Norris property is contiguous with the airport. I think 1 V2 parcels removed. But it's right at the entrance to Camp Mineola. Kevin Webster: You can see on the tax map lot 9 which is behind it is vacant. And then the Norris property is just to the east of that. Lot 9 is an 8.2 acre parcel that is vacant. And then another ... 34 Gerard Schultheis: Okay I see by your application that your estimate of the property value is 400 thousand dollars. Richard Monaghan: Well it's 400 thousand but when I wrote out the application based on some data that I had on from the internet. And then I commissioned an appraisal. Which is what you have. Gerard Schultheis: Which says it worth 459 thousand. Jonathan Wiggins: 459 appraisal. Gerard Schultheis: 459 appraisal as of May 10th of this year. Kevin Webster: The house is almost 2400 square feet that on there. Nick Planamento: It's habitable? It's lived in? Richard Monaghan: Sure I live there. I did improve it last year with a 3 season room. Last year when I was here with the board, I attempted to make a ... about the house built in the 1920's .... structure that has no insulation on the inside. It posses some problems. The foot print of the house except for what I just did on the house hadn't changed. Jonathan Wiggins: Do you have a basement in there? Richard Monaghan: When I bought the house 1994 somewhere around there The inspector came in and told me the house was pitching forward and that I would have to, that it might collapse. So I raised it. Jonathan Wiggins: What did you pay for the house in 19947 Richard Monaghan: 90 thousand Jonathan Wiggins: 90? Richard Monaghan: Last year l had difficulty with the comparables. None of the co~nparables were built in the 1920's. Some of them were on the other side of 48 .... Jonathan Wiggins: How many square feet would that be? How many square feet was the house that sold for 375? Kevin Webster: 1536 Richard Monaghan: The other house on Camp Mineola road was right next door to me which sold like January of this year. The Murphy house was on the market for several years. The house right next to me the Hummel house was the market for about a year and a half. It hadn't sold. It sold in January. It started at 500 thousand it sold tbr 449. There 35 are no comparables in Mattituck I think lbr over 500 thousand dollars. Except for one house that sold up on Park Avenue. Jonathan Wiggins: That's close to you. Richard Monaghan: Well it's close. Jonathan Wiggins: Alright so the one that sold tbr 449 do you know how many square feet that was? Kevin Webster: 1323 Gerard Schultheis: Kevin do you have anything to ask or comment on Kevin Webster: Looking at the pages in response to not being able to find comparables with similar ages. You can see that it is an issue because the first 2 comparables that the appraisal uses are 36 and 41 years old. So those are not ideal. You can see there is an issue going on. So I think the comparables that uses in that range are fine if that's all that's there. Richard Monaghan: If you recall last year the comparables used by the town were totally ... This house was built in the 20's. Gerard Schultheis: I don't see the appraisal but is there any adjustment for age on the appraisal. Kevin Webster: No there is not. And the comparable number 2 which is on Bennetts pond lane is not a comp. Cara Wells: Is not a comp. Nick Planamento: No it's not at all a comp Kevin Webster: That one has a pool as well. Jonathan Wiggins: Is there a oegative adjustment on that one? Kevin Webster: There is, there is a negative adjustment. Richard Monaghan: But 1 think the additional fact that they have to take into consideration all the houses are basically selling at discount. If you look at even today there's an article in today's newspaper. The decline of prices of houses in Nassau and Suffolk county. Month to month .... Continuam ... And I made the case last year when I did an analysis of every sale that was done in Mattituck. That the between the listed price and then the eventual sale price. Every one of the houses had sold at less then the original asking price. Any where from 35 to I to 5 percent. That trend has repeated. Prices in 36 Mattituck. It may be different because of the location for instance of Cutchogue and Nassau Point has a certain ... that warrants an increase in value. In fact I think the houses have diminishing in value, not increase .... several different sales in Mattituck where the average discount was ... Kevin Webster: I have 2 other things l'd like to point out about this appraisal. The subjects square footage is 2392 square feet. Not a large number but a good size number for a 2 story house in this area. The 1st comparable is 1069 square feet smaller. 2nd one is 726, 3rd 932 4th 1342, 5th 856 square feet smaller. There's a big disparity between the subject and those 5 comps. Gerard Schultheis: Are there adjustments made for that? Kevin Webster: There are the adjustments are made I believe at 25 dollars a square foot. And so that would be a positive adjustment. That's only 25 dollars a square feet. It's cutting it by half. The normal rate would be about 50 dollars a square foot. Richard Monaghan: The issue was I specifically put on a ... That addition that I put on. The 3 season room. Cara Wells: That should not be included in total gross living area. If it's unheated. Did you include that in the total gross living area? Kevin Webster: I'm pulling from the appraisal that the subject property, the petitioner submitted. The petitioner submitting an appraisal saying it's 2392 square feet. I'm just making differences in those square tbotages. Jonathan Wiggins: So the 2300 square feet is not all living space? Kevin Webster: The appraisal says it is. Richard Monaghan: (inaudible) Kevin Webster: lfl may on the sketch he showed 2392 square foot of living space and an additional 400 square feet of enclosed porch without heat. So it's 2392 of living additional 400 no heat. Which is the way we assessed the home. So it's the same as the appraisal. So those differences 1 quoted you are accurate as far as the living space goes. The 400 square tbot enclosed porch with no heat is not factored into the GLA of 2392. That's factored into the line of porch, patio and deck. Where there saying that has a value of 5000 dollars. I think is a bit low for 400 square feet of enclosed space. 1 know no heat but it's worth 5000. Phyllis Atkinson: How many square feet did you say the house is? Kevin Webster: 2392 of living space. 37 Cara Wells: Plus the 3 seasons room. Kevin Webster: That's 400 Jonathan Wiggins: You're attributing, you're saying the 25 dollars a square foot is not realistic? That it's 50 dollars a square foot? Kevin Webster: Yes, that's what I observe on appraisals for this type of property. 50 dollars a square foot. Phyllis Atkinson: What do you come up with for the total gross area? Kevin Webster: 2400 Phyllis Atkinson: I come up with 2240. Kevin Webster: Off the card? Well there's an additional 160 there the 8 by 20 section that's 160. There's a 1080 doubled. Plus 80, plus 160. So I come up with 2400. The appraiser says 2392. I have no argument with that. Phyllis Atkinson: Where the 1607 Kevin Webster: 1,2,3,4,5, 6th line down you'll see there ... Phyllis Atkinson: Yes, I see the 160, I'm trying to pick it up on the sketch. Where's Kevin Webster: It's the front section there. The sketch. It's g by 20. Phyllis Atkinson: did you do an appraisal? Kevin Webster: No, not yet. No I will. Richard Monaghan: You show it on the tax roll as 590 thousand dollars. The assessment was increased by 20% Phyllis Atkinson: The 8 by 20 that is 160 square feet, is that a porch'? Kevin Webster: No it's living space. Phyllis Atkinson: How come it's all blacked out here. Kevin Webster: That was done back probably in thc 60's as to the way they have that. Jonathan Wiggins: Okay you say you're taxes went up this year'? Richard Monaghan: They increased the assessment by 1200. 38 Jonathan Wiggins: Is that fbr the un-heated porch? Richard Monaghan: I don't know Kevin Webster: Main reason yes. Phyllis Atkinson: Those are like 2 dollars a square foot. Richard Monaghan: Like 20%. There was a 20% increase in assessed value. Phyllis Atkinson: When did you put in the sun room in 08? Cara Wells: Last year Richard Monaghan: The building permit went back to 2008. Which because ora lot of different things that were going on I didn't do it. I had to reapply. I got another building permit in Nov of this year. Gerard Schultheis: So your assessment went up because of what you did with the building permit. Okay Kevin Webster: Also if you look at the appraisal, the cost of construction cost approach value is ahnost a hundred thousand dollars higher the real estate market value. 544 thousand dollars. Phyllis Atkinson: That's because the prices of lumber keep going up and the cost of selling your house keeps going down. So there's were it used to be supportive, it's no longer supportive. Jonathan Wiggins: Plus it's a very old house. Gerard Schultheis: Okay anybody else have any questions. Any other comments? Richard Monaghan: I think the increase in assessment by 20% is high. When you show a market value now on the roll as 591 thousand. I think my ... support based on the appraisal of the original 400 thousand that I show here and the declining value ... Cara Wells: How tar are you from the beach? Richard Monaghan: About a 1000 feet. Cara Wells: Thank you Gerard Schultheis: Okay well thank you for coming. We appreciate the input. Well review the facts and let you know what we come up with. 39 Richard Monaghan: Okay, I don't know if Kevin planning to do an appraisal on the house, but if he is I would like a copy of it. Kevin Webster: Yes, I will get that to you. Jonathan Wiggins: Thanks again for coming today. Hearing #5 Gerard Schultheis: Okay I see by your application your assessed value is 5000 dollars. And your estimate of the property value right now 349 thousand dollars What do you have to back that claim up as evidence. Nick Planamento: 1 need to swear you in. Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the information you about to give will given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability to do so. Fran Kayton: I do Nick Planamento: Thank, please state your name. Fran Kayton: Fran Kayton 104-2-21 Nick Planamento: Kayton? Fran Kayton: K-A-Y-T-O-N Cara Wells: And where is your house in Sterling? I'm pretty familiar with the one that sold for 315. And then Fran Kayton: (inaudible) Jonathan Wiggins: How large a house is your house? Kevin Webster: 1376 square feet on the first floor only. It's a one story ranch. 294 square feet garage. And 210 feet of porch. Fran Kayton: (inaudible) Kevin Webster: You're coming down Sterling away fi.om the creek. It's on the right side. 4O Jonathan Wiggins: 100 by 150. Cara Wells: okay Gerard Schultheis: Kevin what's the gross square footage again? Kevin Webster: 1376 Cara Wells: And 290 for the garage and 210 fbr the porch. Kevin Webster: Right, full basement. No fireplace. 2 Bathrooms. Cara Wells: 3 bedroom, 2 bath did you say? Jonathan Wiggins: Okay getting to the comps the one that sold 149. Know how large that was? Gerard Schultheis: How many square feet was in it? Jonathan Wiggins: Kevin do you know? Kevin Webster: I do not Jonathan Wiggins: Do we have an appraisal on that at all. Gerard Schultheis: We don't have an appraisal. All we do is have the ads for what they sold for. Jonathan Wiggins: Okay. So then the 149 was a 3 bedroom you say? Do you know who it belonged to? Fran Kayton: Watts. Charlie Watts Jr Jonathan Wiggins: Charlie Watts Jr And that was near your house. Fran Kayton: Stones throw yes. Jonathan Wiggins: Stones throw Cara Wells: And so was Peters? Fran Kayton: Peters yes, stones throw... Cara Wells: I thought, I'm just going to say it, I thought that Peters was one of the best values in town last year. 41 Jonathan Wiggins: Peters was 280? Cara Wells: Went at 315. Jonathan Wiggins: 3157 Cara Wells: Yes, Fran Kayton: It was on the market for 2 years. Cara Wells: I don't care it was, it sold at the right price considering the updating it needed, but I thought it was one of the best buys. I am a realtor. 1 showed the property. 1 had friends who I wished has bought it. I thought it was a great price. From a very realistic seller. Jonathan Wiggins: Okay and the one tbr 280? Do you know anything about that? Fran Kayton: (inaudible) Cara Wells: And it was a cottage right. With a very large porch and 2 small bedrooms if I remember. Fran Kayton: (inaudible) Jonathan Wiggins: That's 1.3 acres? Cara Wells: Yeah this one had a large Gisondi was the name of it. It was a real old lhshion summer house. Kevin Webster: 104-2-11 the Gisondi house Cara Wells: Right we do. And maybe you could Jonathan Wiggins: And that sold tbr 280? Cara Wells: Yes. 2 bedrooms small. The biggest thing about it was the porch. The porch was really the only thing that was spacious. Jonathan Wiggins: Little piece of property too. Cara Wells: Yeah because it had a house in front of it. Fran Kayton: (inaudible) Cara Wells: Right 42 Jonathan Wiggins: The one that went for 315. Do you have the tax map for that Cara? Cara Wells: No Gerry's gonna do it. On the ... Pine. This one. That's 104-2-11 Gerard Schultheis: Kevin do you have any comments? Kevin Webster: No but I would like to get the opportunity to present something .... Gerard Schultheis: And if you could do your appraisal as to what you think it's worth. Then we can review that and make a decision. Kevin Webster: I will do that thank you. Nick Planamento: And Gerry ill could ask, what is Mrs Kayton feeling or saying her house is worth? Jonathan Wiggins: She says 349 thousand Cara Wells: It's currently assessed at what? Gerard Schultheis: 5000 Jonathan Wiggins: So you have it assessed as if it's worth 550 thousand dollars? Is that correct Kevin? Kevin Webster: No it's not correct. 450 thousand dollars. Jonathan Wiggins: 450? Okay Cara Wells: Mrs. Kayton we'd really like to thank you fbr coming in. We think the system review is really important. What's going to happen is Mr. Webster is going to go back to his office and he's going to run his version of an appraisal. And then it comes to us in committee meetings. And we will look at what you said and look at what he says and get back to you. Fran Kayton: (inaudible) Cara Wells: I don't think there are any other questions fbr you? Jonathan Wiggins: I'm just a little curious about the house from 149 you said that was close to you? Fran Kayton: yes Jonathan Wiggins: Okay and where was that in relation? 43 Fran Kayton: (inaudible) Jonathan Wiggins: Okay are you familiar with that sale Kevin? Cara Wells: No that's almost a little dirt road street. Kevin Webster: Yes, ! did see this come through. Jonathan Wiggins: Alright pull that appraisal up the property data card on that. Alright thank you. Fran Kayton: (inaudible) Gerard Schultheis: It's 1:20pm on Tuesday May 15th and I'd like to adjourn the morning session of the board of assessment review hearings. Gerard Schultheis: it's 7:00pm on May 15th and we'll open the evening session of the 2012 Board of Assessment review hearings. Hearing #6 Gerard Schultheis: Okay all set. What do we have 3 against 1 here. Nick Planamento: They're getting re-sworn in Gerard Schultheis: Could you give us your name and where you live. Mary Murtaugh: Mary Anne Murtaugh Nick Planamento: Good Evening Mary Anne. I'm going to recite our swearing in and just ask you to raise your fight hand. Do you solemnly swear that the information you are about to give will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability to do so? Mary Murtaugh: Yes, Nick Planamento: Please state your name again. Jonathan Wiggins: Speak into the microphone please. Mary Murtaugh: Mary Anne Murtaugh. 44 Gerard Schultheis: Okay I'm looking at the application you submitted. And the assessment roll is 54-9-13. Assessed value is 3800 dollars. And you say you feel your property is worth 275 thousand dollars. Mary Murtaugh: I do Gerard Schultheis: Okay. Let me just see what you submitted. Phyllis Atkinson: It's have to go on the record. I'm going to recues myself from this session. Gerard Schultheis: So you have a tax return. Robert Scott: There's a problem with the senior exemption. (inaudible) The school portion of the school taxes. The senior exemption. She was not allowed to have the same exemption as the town and the county allowed fbr medical and those type of deductions. Mary Murtaugh: That's true, but I didn't really petition fbr that. The petition I made relative to the senior exemption was that some of my deductions were not allowed. That issue I would like to talk about, but that's not really what I put in the application for. You follow me? Gerard Schultheis: So you're not appealing your exemption? Mary Murtaugh: No, I am I question the exemption, but it's the dollar amount I'm questioning not the way it was calculated tbr the school. That I didn't really question that. Jonathan Wiggins: What's thc tax map number? Mary Murtaugh: I mean, l do question it, but I didn't bring it up this time because I just thought it was too complicated at this time. But it's not an issue that I... Gerard Schultheis: Has there been an application fbr exemption filed? Kevin Webster: Yes, it's an approved exemption already for her. Gerard Schultheis: Okay Kevin Webster: And the issue, like Mary said is regarding some of the medical deductions that are taken off f¥om the town of Southold and some that aren't. And I think she can probably explain more then I could comment Mary Murtaugh: In the application 1 put a copy of the brochure from Steve regarding senior exemptions. And the state law says that all medical deductions are allowed. The town code says those deductions are allowed. But the town routinely doesn't allow fbr certain things. They don't allow fbr dental, although ! don't have any dental expenses. 45 They don't allow fbr all your medical transportation. But the state law says all medical deductions are allowed. And I tried to find if there was some opinion from counsel that you know that modified that law. I could find anything on the website of the office of real property tax law. So I don't know if Mr. Webster has an opinion of the counsel, but I don't know. Gerard Schultheis: Does the town not except certain deductions that the state defines as being acceptable? Kevin Webster: Well then, I apologize, we're not talking about the dental we're talking about the travel expenditures. And the way that the state form reads is you're allowed to subtract from their income all medical and prescription drug expenses. So the interpretation of that is co-pays, non-reimbursed medical expenses. Going to a doctor not being reimbursed. And they said co-pays, prescription costs that we deduct, but not medical transportation. It says, as she had noted here, you're allowed to subtract from your income all medical and prescription drug expenses that are not reimbursed or paid by insurance. Cara Wells: Are you allowed to deduct the cost of what you paid for insurance as well as the co-pay? Kevin Webster: Yes, yes you can deduct that and as 1 said, if you go to Dr Jones and you have to pay 20 dollars you bring those in and we deduct those oft: If you have to go down to the pharmacy and get a prescription for something and you pay 5 dollars 10 dollars, whatever that is that gets deducted, but I would say, I've been here 6 years and that's something we have taken off for but not for travel expenses. And the way that I'm quoting here fi'otn the exemption tbrm. All medical ... expenses. Gerard Schultheis: Now, you say that you've submitted some proof here that says other then that? Mary Murtaugh: Yeah, about 25% of my medical expenses are traveling to doctors. 1 have a doctor up in Boston for instance. I go to several doctors in Copiague. I go back and tbrth. And it's roughly 25% of what 1 pay out for medical is travel expenses. It's certainly deductable on your federal return. I don't know why if it says all medical expenses that it can't be also and includable item tbr state. Jonathan Wiggins: It sounds like something that is feasible. It sounds like it should be part of the law. It should be clearer. 1 know they do allow traveling expenses for doctor visits. It generally they make a deduction of that. We'll have to seek counsel on that. Robert Scott: That's ibr income tax purposes. Not for exemption purposes. Specifically deduct income purposes, you can deduct tbr exemption purposes ... Mary Murtaugh: The law says all. And the word all is inclusive of everything. That's legitimate. So it's in the interpretation here. It's not really, but... 46 Gerard Schultheis: Well it appears what we have to do is we need to talk to counsel on this. I can see what the form says and it doesn't seem to include transportation costs. That's one issue. So you've submitted what your total medical expenses are so if we resolve that with counsel. Mary Murtaugh: Yes, but transportation is only part of what was disallowed. I don't know what the other things were that were disallowed. But it was like 14 hundred some odd dollars disallowed. And I'm not sure what the other part of it was actually. Gerard Schultheis: So how much was disallowed total? Mary Murtaugh: 1494.83 was disallowed and of that 1116.20 was transportation. So there's another 378.63 I don't know what that was fbr. Gerard Schultheis: You don't know what that's for? Mary Murtaugh: No Jonathan Wiggins: Okay you're being taxed as if your property is worth 252 thousand, is that correct? Gerard Schultheis: That's a different issue Jonathan. Jonathan Wiggins: But I'm just trying to... Gerard Schultheis: Lets resolve, we've got two different issues here. So you're not familiar with the other 300 and some dollars Mary Murtaugh: No, all I know is that is was disallowed but I don't know. He allowed 3105 dollars. But I had put down 12599.82. There's a difference of this 1494. Robert Scott: (inaudible) Jonathan Wiggins: It seems unusual to have 3 assessors tbr this one case. Darlene Duff'y: (inaudible) Jonathan Wiggins: But you would normally tax this property? And Bob is here Cara Wells: Because he does the medical. Kevin Webster: Well I handle ... Gerard Schultheis: Okay I see the definition of medical expenses fbr the IRS. Did you include the definition of medical expenses fbr NY state? 47 Mary Murtaugh: I included the brochure. About senior exemptions and the medical there are a couple lines there. Kevin Webster: The 4599 that was on here. 1116 of that was medical transportation and expenses. And then there was a 50 dollar, this is hand written here from Mary, 50 dollar estimated medical use of telephone. Then there was a vaccination charge from Dr Wise for 120 dollars. Which we did not include. And then an overage medical payment. Dr Erinson 31 dollars. Mary Murtaugh: I believe that should have been 36. I have that wrong. It should be 37.60. Gerard Schultheis: The overage is, you paid the doctor more then you should have? Mary Murtaugh: Yes, 1 paid everything up front and then i usually get reimbursed from Medicare and my secondary insurance. But the small 4 or 5 dollars part of the charge that is not reimbursed because he's not a Medicare, he doesn't except Medicare directly. I don't quite know how it works. Gerard Schultheis: So he didn't refund that extra 31 dollars to you. Mary Murtaugh: No, no 1 pay that to him, because I pay the whole, when I go to him, 1 pay him 85 or whatever the amount is, and then Medicare gives me back some of that. And some of it 1 get back from my secondary. But there's about 3 or 4 dollars that's not reimbursed. So that adds up over 12 months. Jonathan Wiggins: Yes it does. Gerard Schultheis: Okay I'm reading here from the Senior citizen exemption questions and answers. Says municipalities have the option to permit applicants to subtract from their incomes all medical and prescription drug expenses. That are not reimbursed or paid by insurance. As well as veterans disability payments. It appears as if it doesn't cover the transportation. Mary Murtaugh: I don't see how those words can be interpreted that way. Jonathan Wiggins: She's saying it's a medical expense to get to the doctor. Gerard Schultheis: Okay my feeling is that we need to talk to counsel. Jonathan Wiggins: I would talk to Gary. Gerard Schultheis: Everybody in agreement on that? CaraWells: Yes. 48 Gerard Schultheis: Okay so we need to get further information on that. Mary Murtaugh: All right good. Okay. Gerard Schultheis: Okay you have some very detailed records here so at least it looks like we have all the information as tar as what your medical expenses were. Mary Murtaugh: There's one correction I put that I put in your packet that was not in the original application. And that is 1 paid out to Dr Arinson 3 months which I didn't get anything back at all from Medicare or my secondary but in April I got it all back. I think that was listed at 256 dollars and some odd cents. But I have been reimbursed fbr that but that was after I put my application in. Kevin Webster: We included that. So you're saying that 256 on here you actually were reimbursed. The entire 256. Mary Murtaugh: Yes I was. That is correct. Robert Scott: We do it as of the taxable status date. Gerard Schultheis: Okay so we need to dig into that further. And the second part is you're grieving your appraisal of your property. Mary Murtaugh: Yes. And also the rate. ! think the rate is, I objected to the rate that is going to be used. Gerard Schultheis: For taxes Mary Murtaugh: Yes Gerard Schultheis: Okay we can't do anything about your taxes. Jonathan Wiggins: We can't do anything about the rates. Mary Murtaugh: Set by the residential assessment ratio ! thought was more equitable then the ER and the uniform percentage of value. Both of which are 1.15. Where as the RAR is 1.11 I believe. Jonathan Wiggins: 3 years of 1.11 Mary Murtaugh: That's what I put you should use. I thought that was fairer because it's based on the fact that full value is closer to reality then the other rate. Jonathan Wiggins: We try to get as close as we can. 49 Gerard Schultheis: Lets go through the appraisal. Okay we have an appraisal. That says the value of the property is 282 thousand dollars. Jonathan Wiggins: You're on t.7 acres? ls that correct? Mary Murtaugh: It depends on which record you look at. 1.59 or 1.7. Jonathan Wiggins: I'm just curious did you have city water hooked up to your house? Mary Murtaugh: No 1 don't. It runs by the street but I didn't have it hooked up. I use a well. Gerard Schultheis: Darlene do you have any questions? Darlene Duffy: I only have really one or two comments, lt's about the appraisal. The appraisers states that (inaudible) other then that. 1 agree that the house is substandard condition. Cara Wells: it is a beautiful piece of property. Darlene Duffy: (inaudible) Gerard Schultheis: Are you in agreement that these are 3 legitimate comps? Okay could you do an appraisal based on them? Based on what your thoughts are that we could.. Darlene Duffy: Yeah I would add 80 thousand dollars to each of the (inaudible) even ifl exempted at a dollar. Another 53 thousand. Jonathan Wiggins: That's what you have the tax there. Darlene Duffy: (inaudible) Jonathan Wiggins: Do you have the tax at 342? Darlene Dully: 340 Jonathan Wiggins: 340 Darlene Duffy: I don't have any (inaudible) I can't devalue the property because (inaudible) I have to value the property (inaudible) Gerard Schultheis: Anybody have any other questions? Okay we'll review all this when we have our review meetings. We'll let you know, we do have to get in touch with the counsel on the issue 50 Mary Murtaugh: Can I say something? First of all I'm not petitioning for the land itself. It's the only the house that is in bad repair as Darlene said. But the overall total value of the place is extremely effected by the disrepair of the house. I'm ashamed of that, but that's the way it is right now. That appraisal takes into account that you can see visibly but there are some things that I know about that aren't even documented in the appraisal. That are serious. One being the septic system being in very bad shape. And that wasn't even mentioned in the appraisal. As far as I could tell. Cara Wells: But I think didn't Ms Duffy take that into account. She was just talking about the value of the land. And that the house is virtually not included in your assessed value. Is that correct. Darlene Duffy: Yes, but 1 was just addressing the adjustments (inaudible) so we're already adjusting a little bit Iow. (inaudible) and then on top of that the assessment (inaudible) Gerard Schultheis: Okay well thank you very much for coming. We'll look at everything and let you know what our decision is. Cara Wells: Thank you for coming. Gerard Schultheis: It's 9:00pm on Tuesday May 15th and I'd like to adjourn the evening session of the board of assessment review hearings. Thursday May 17th, 2012 Gerard Schultheis: It's 10:00am on May 17th 2012 and we'll open the special session of the 2012 Board of Assessment review hearings. Hearing # 7 Nick Planamento: I'm going to ask you to raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the information you are about to give will be given accurately and truthfully to the best of your ability to do so? William Goggins: I do Nick Planamento: Thank you. William Goggins: I'm William Goggins. I'm the attorney tbr Breeze Hill Partners LLC. The owner of a property in Peconic. Does everybody have... 51 Gerard Schultheis: Private property application tax map number. 74-1-36. The assessed value on the assessment roll is 58500 dollars. The type of property is a thrm. And the estimate of market value of the property is 4 million dollars. Do you have some additional information to determine value of property? William Goggins: The property was purchased on February 29th 2008. Seven and a half million dollars. There's a recent renovation of a farm house that went from 2712 square feet to 4140 square feet. Phyllis Atkinson: Say that again. The renovation went from what? Gerard Schultheis: 2712 square feet to 4140 square feet. The cost of the renovation is 750 thousand dollars. The property is an income producing property and it's operating at a loss right now. And do you have any information to substantiate the assessment? Of your claims fbr value? William Goggins: Yes, after reviewing the property cards and how the assessments were arrived at, it appears it was assessed as a residential structure. Which it's not. Breeze Hill Partners LLC principle, a guy name Christopher Pierce, he lives in Connecticut as shown on the application. He also has a summer house in Cutchogue. He originally purchased this place for hunting primarily and then he decided that at some point he wanted to retire. So he's been promoting this as a farm. Right now they've got an apple orchard on it. And they sell, they have a farm stand and they sell apples and apple pies. And they've got, they're permitted to bottle apple cider. They currently have a, they put an application to run apple cider out a tap. I guess you need that to do that. They also have a million bee's. They've got chickens and other types of... breeds. I've got photo's of; I'm not sure how relevant it is, Cara Wells: May I ask how long the farm stand has been operating. Wg: About 3 years. I've got tax returns with me. So they are ... at a loss. lt's about 375 thousand dollar loss. 2010, 2011 tax returns ... yet. But they planted the, I'm going to pass these pictures around, but these are... Phyllis Atkinson: Yeah, 48 the north side. They re-did the whole house with cedar roof: William Goggins: That's correct. Cara Wells: I don't think it's been operating as a farm stand. Until recently William Goggins: Well it has been. Nick Planamento: Well certainly over the last year, because I've shopped there. Very limited hours though. William Goggins: Yes, the apple orchard these are some of the new trees. There not really mature. They're not really producing that many apples. 52 Nick Planamento: 1 was just sad to see, on a personal note when they put up the deer fence, when the person had issue with it, they covered it with arborvitae to take away the view. But that's just my own opinion. William Goggins: Yeah I'm not sure why they did that. And these are pictures of the production of the bee's there. Jonathan Wiggins: What is that? William Goggins: There's a beer tender. Phyllis Atkinson: They still have the 68 acres? William Goggins: I think it's more then that. Phyllis Atkinson: It shows here 68.4 Nick Planamento: The property card had 72.3 I think. ?: So what have we got on the property card? ?: 72.3 Gerard Schultheis:And this house that's been renovated ...4140 square feet. Is that where everything is being sold from? William Goggins: No, the fhnn stand is where everything is being sold from. That building they put in a commercial kitchen. And they are going to start doing weddings there. They already have the place booked for the fbod channel, tbod show. There going to come out and do a cooking exposfi there. They are getting permits for that right now. They have a food processing permit application in to do that. They anticipate, in the future, to start producing apple wine and apple beer. So that's where the focus of this building is. I think there was a misconception or maybe it wasn't at the beginning, that these people were going to reside at this house and this was going to be a residence. You know the house is 20 feet from the highway and it's not really conducive to a residence. Gerard Schultheis: Inside the house it's primarily a commercial kitchen? William Goggins: lt's a huge commercial kitchen. The kitchen is very large and they've got commercial ovens, and commercial refrigeration. Large, very, very large food pantry. They've got 2 bathrooms downstairs. So that they're getting it ready to start running it fbr a retail, commercial type operation. Gerard Schultheis: Do we have a plan of the house? 53 Phyllis Atkinson: What's the zoning there? William Goggins: I believe it's R80. Agricultural, I'm not sure. Do you know what it is? Darlene Duffy: It's AC Phyllis Atkinson: AC is the permitted use for restaurant, catering hall? William Goggins: Well not a restaurant, but it's kind of like what the winery's have. That's the type of use. And that's kind of what we're focusing on. If it's a house the assessor assessed it at 6.50 a square foot. Where these type of winery type operations are being assessed at 2.50 a square fbot. And that's our complaint. There's still an issue at being assessed at 2.50 as opposed to 6.50. Gerard Schultheis: I'm looking at the property record card the structure has 4 bedrooms in it. William Goggins: Yes. Yes there are bedrooms upstairs, but nobody lives there. Gerard Schultheis: But there are 4 bedrooms. William Goggins: Right. I think that initially Gerard Schultheis: And 3 baths. William Goggins: Initially when they bought tbr hunting and when they started construction, they got permits and were building it, they had thoughts of making it a hunting lodge. Where there was a hunting club and it would be a place where people could come. They would rent the place out and they would go shoot pheasant, they could go after deer. Then they'd come back to the place and have dinner and stay over night. And that was the initial thought of what they were going to do. But then they thought better of it for liability purposes. So he's changed his mind to doing that and he's pursuing more of a retail commercial operation. Gerard Schultheis: l'm not familiar with any, is anybody familiar with any wineries that have bedrooms? Cara Wells: Bedell has bedrooms in a house on their property. Jonathan Wiggins: Could it be a bed and breakfast? Well you main complaint is that the house is being over assessed ii'om 4 dollars a square to 2.50 a square foot is that correct. William Goggins: No it's 6.50 to 2.50. It's being assessed as a private residence. I saw your application that you feel the property is worth 4 million now. Because the different assessment in the house? 54 William Goggins: No Market forces. Jonathan Wiggins: Well what would the house be if it was 2.50 a square foot. William Goggins: It would come down to, on my calculations the assessment would be 460480. Would be assessed value as apposed to 544 Jonathan Wiggins: Somebody said 585 Phyllis Atkinson: Yeah that's what I have 585. Oh it's a correction of errors. Cara Wells: They took it to what? Phyllis Atkinson: 544 Nick Planamento: 544 Darlene Duffy: 554 is the corrected assessment. I corrected it to 554. William Goggins: So to answer your question Mr. Wiggins is that the there's 1430 square feet that is being assessed at 6.50 We're asserting that is should be taxed at 2.50. And then there's an extension of 1280 square feet being assessed at 5 dollars a square foot. We think it should be 2.50 a square foot. I probably should have done calculations so you could each have copies. Jonathan Wiggins: Okay but overall the assessment you come out with is how much? William Goggins: 460480. It's just a change of this one structure. The land is consistent with all the other, the assessor did a great job with that. I mean that's very consistent with all the other farmland. That's similarly situated. All the other improvements on the property have all, the assessor was very accurate with all that. lt's just this one building. Which should be changed. Cara Wells: Could we see the Bedell farm? Kevin Webster: This is the upstairs. It hasI,2,3,4 bedrooms upstairs. And then the print out is there fbr the first floor too. You were asking Gerry thc layout. Gerard Schultheis: Now have they received the necessary permits tbr this? William Goggins: No, right now they're in application process. I mean they're hoping to get at least the food preparation a license. They've got that thing ready to go as of, I think, June 15th. They said about a month and they expect to get the food preparation license by then. Gerard Schultheis: What's the back up plan if they don't? 55 William Goggins: Then they can't proceed with that part of the operation till they get it. They same thing that you get at any other place. Whether it's one event or whether it's a yearly renewable permit, l'm not handling that permit so I don't have actual knowledge of when it was filed or how long the process is. Gerard Schultheis: I'm looking at the plan here and on the first floor is a kitchen, a dining room, a library, a fbyer and a great room. William Goggins: That big room, if you look at that great room, it's huge. The dining room is very large. Like I said, it was all geared toward originally toward this hunting camp. Where they were going to do this hunting business. Where they would bring in people, pay X amount of dollars do a hunting weekend. Which they do out in Montana, Canada a lot of places that do those kind a shoots. But again they changed their idea about that for liability purposes. Kevin Webster: And Gerry on the upstairs there are 4 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms. Gerard Schultheis: I saw that on the property record card. Phyllis Atkinson: And a laundry room. Cara Wells: Well you get dirty hunting. Darlene Duffy: It's a spectacular building. I haven't been through the whole thing. I haven't seen the upstairs. I've just saw the down stairs. It's spectacular. Eugene Burger built it. Phyl}is Atkinson: I was going to ask is there radiant heat in the floor? William Goggins: I don't know. Darlene Duffy: I don't know either. William Goggins: But maybe so are a lot of winery buildings. Raphael. Darlene Dully: But they can't be used as houses. See Raphael is no where near like a house. It is a catering hall. But if you're not doing catering Cara Wells: Can We see Bedel's card. They have a house and they have the winery? Darlene Dully: Sure. Could you get Bedel's card? Kevin Webster: Yes. William Goggins: I've got the card for Macari if anyone wants to see that. 56 Darlene Duffy: Bedel has a very old house. What this house was to begin with. Gerard Schultheis: I tell you my first impression looking at this plan, the old adage is, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck. This sure looks like a house. William Goggins: Like I said originally that was the intent. Gerard Schultheis: If I took the total square fbotage of this house, if I took out the kitchen which is fbr commercial purposes. It's definitely a minority square footage of what the rest of the house is. William Goggins: Well really if you compare the downstairs to the upstairs. I think that's what the comparison would be. They'd be using the downstairs, not the upstairs. Gerard Schultheis: Well you indicated they intended to have a commercial kitchen. William Goggins: It's already there. Gerard Schultheis: Well I'm looking at the kitchen square footage that's deemed a commercial kitchen. The square fbotage of the kitchen vs the square footage of the entire house. It's not a majority of it. William Goggins: Right Darlene Duffy: On the plans the architect drew up the square footage, shame on me, he says the square fbotage is 4724. I have 4140. Phyllis Atkinson: 41407 lt's 4724'? Darlene Duff'y: That's excluding the screen porch. Phyllis Atkinson: The entry is on the side, is that correct? It's on the east side? William Goggins: It's on the west side. Phyllis Atkinson: It looked like there was a door facing the vineyards. It might have been the servants quarters. William Goggins: No 1 think that's offthe kitchen. Which would open up to where they would put up a tent. That's how they would cater. So all the prep work would be in the kitchen or the dining room, in that area. And then they would open up the doors. Jonathan Wiggins: So you have it assessed as if it was worth 5 million dollars? 57 Darlene Duffy: Correct. Could I have my property record cards? They bought it fbr 7.5 in 08. Jonathan Wiggins: And this is sound front property. Darlene Duffy: Correct. There is 700 feet on Long island Sound. This parcel has slit zoning. The parcel that's up on the sound, there's a, I don't know how many acres they broke out from that. There's a piece across the top, that's on the sound, that's zoned R80 I believe. Which is 2 acre zoning. So they can split that up. The rest of it Jonathan Wiggins: It's inclusive of that property? Darlene Duffy: Yes, includes the whole thing. And it's all one parcel. But up on the sound there is ... for residential houses. So I think there is a lot of value. Nick Planamento: And they also didn't sell the development rights. Correct? Darlene Duffy: They have not Phyllis Atkinson: That ads a significant amount of value. William Goggins: But the land part of it is valued just as, tbr example Wickhams property in Cutchogue, I have their assessment cards, and the land value is consistent with that. He's got property that goes down to the bay. It's not the land value that's out of whack. Darlene Duffy: Do he's equally under assessed. He sold building rights to a lot of that land. Williain Goggins: He did a lot of crazy things .... It's confusing. Cara Wells: That's intentional. William Goggins: Yeah I know that. It's very confusing .... He just didn't reside them and do new roofs .... to last. Gerard Schultheis: Darlene do you have a survey that shows all the buildings on the lot? Darlene Duffy: Well I do not. Gerard Schultheis: There's more than just the house Darlene Duffy: Oh there's a lot of things. Kevin Webster: Yes, this is all from the CO. The print-outs. There is a layout, I will be right back. Guess I will get my workout this morning. This is good. 58 Gerard Schultheis: I looked up the total square fbotage of the house. The kitchen represents 12% of the total area of the house. Nick Planamento: That sounds like a normal kitchen. Jonathan Wiggins: When he first came in he said that it was all kitchen downstairs, so I was thinking. 560 square f~et. That's a good size. Darlene Duffy: And I have to tell you I didn't do this assessment. Kevin did it. This is Bedel. This is the house on the farm. This is the house on Bedel winery. It's an old farmhouse that they redid. It's at 5 dollars a square foot. I believe it's used as a house. Nick Planamento: Are his workers there? Cara Wells: It's my understanding that it's used for important visitors. Darlene Duff'y: Yeah his daughters stay there, if I'm not mistaken. Jonathan Wiggins: It's a house. Darlene Duffy: It's a house. Jonathan Wiggins: I mean nobody is stopping people from using the upstairs bedrooms and the bathrooms and everything else, using this as a house. Cara Wells: And they don't have any of their other permits in place yet. So I think it's a house. Gerard Schultheis: Do you have access to the permit application? William Goggins: I guess I could get it over at the building department Gerard Schultheis: The permit that's for use of the commercial kitchen. William Goggins: Yeah, 1 could get that. Gerard Schultheis: Okay I'd be interested to see if as it's your applying fbr a permit as a commercial kitchen. Whether part of that permit submission includes the fhct that, it'll not be used fbr, there will be nobody living in that structure at all at any point in time. William Goggins: Yeah, 1'11 find out. It's a permit application fbr food preparation. License. Nick Planamento: Is this with the Ag Markets division? 59 William Goggins: That would be. Nick Planamento: My understanding of those sort of permits are home based applications. William Goggins: Yeah, yeah I don't know I didn't do the application. So 1 can't give you the information. Nick Planamento: That would be interesting to see. William Goggins: Yeah, I could so that. Darlene Duffy: So, of course, my point is, looking at the overall value Cara Wells: A duck, is a duck, is a duck, is a duck Darlene Duffy: My whole point is, 7 lA million. Plus probably a million dollars, in at least, renovations. I don't have access to what it really cost. Phyllis Atkinson: Where did you get the 750 cost for renovations? Gerard Schultheis: That was in the application. Phyllis Atkinson: Oh that was in the application. Cam Wells: Which I am honestly skeptical. Darlene Duffy: Me too. Every nice house is 200 dollars a square foot now and this house is pretty great. So I think the value is there. Nick Planamento: That's a site plan? Kevin Webster: It's the CO. it's from the laser system. Darlene Duffy: They also put up the ~hrm stand. They also renovated a barn and put living space over it. 1 don't know if it's living space or office space. This barn was a flat roof barn. Now it's got this cute little thing on the top. Phyllis Atkinson: How about that little red house? They painted it white. Wg: That's an office. Darlene Duff'y: I lA story building is being charged 3 dollars a square foot. And that house hasn't been renovated so I don't touch it. Phyllis Atkinson: Is that this? 60 Nick Planamento: Existing 1 story frame house. Phyllis Atkinson: 1 and 2 story frame house. Darlene Duffy: Yeah part of it is 2 story. Nick Planamento: I mean there must be some residential on it. With a home of that size. I can't imagine the value. Darlene Duffy: It's a pretty spectacular place I gotta tell you. It's pretty great. It's going to be great for all of us. Jonathan Wiggins: The greatest part is it has all that sound front. Darlene Duffy: Well he's a smart man. He doesn't invest in junk. Gerard Schultheis: Anybody else have any questions? William Goggins: Thank you very much, thank you. Gerard Schultheis: And you're going to get a copy of that application. William Goggins: I will get that for you as soon as I can and give it to Darlene. Gerard Schultheis: You can give it to the Assessors office. Cara Wells: Other then that it's a house. William Goggins: Got it, got it. 1 will have to get your more documentation to convince you otherwise. Gerard Schultheis: Okay thank you. It's 11:20am on May 17 2012. This special session of the Board of Assessment review meeting is adjourned. Submitted by: Catherine A Kreshon 6/13/2012 61