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Southold, Y. 11971
October 4, 1976
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board
was held on October 4, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Clerk's
Office, Main Road, Southold, New York.
Present were:
John Wickham, Chairman
Henry Raynor, Vice-Chairman
Frank Coyle
Frederick Gordon
On motion made by Mr. Raynor, seconded by Mr. Coyle and
carried the minutes of the meeting of September 20, 1976 be
On motion made by Mr. Raynor, seconded by Mr. Gordon,
it was
RESOLVED to hold a public hearing on the map of the
minor subdivision of property of Olympia Kouros.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Raynor, Coyle, Gordon.
On motion made by Mr. Raynor, seconded by Mr. Gordon,
it was
RESOLVED to refer the subdivision of property of Edward
Booth to the Southold Town Board for their determination as to
whether it will be allowed to be developed in the cluster
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Raynor, Coyle, Gordon.
* * ..x-
Planning Board -2- October 4, 1976
Richard A. Foster minor subdivision. Mr. Foster appeared.
Mr. Raynor read the legal notice of hearing and presented proofs
of publication from the Long Island Traveler-Watchman and the
Suffolk Times.
Mr. Wickham: Does anyone wish to be heard in opposition to
this minor subdivision? Hearing none, does anyone wish to be
heard in favor of it?
Mr. Foster: I am in favor of this subdivision. I have no
intention to sell any property right away. I am looking to the
future in case there is larger zoning.
Mr. Coyle: There are no houses there?
Mr. Foster: There is an animal barn under construction right
now on lot #3.
Mr. Wickham: If there is no one else wishing to be heard, I
will declare the hearing closed snd we will probably make a
decision tonight.
Hodor. Gary Olsen, Esq. appeared.
Mr. Olsen said he didn't understand what the Planning Board
wanted on recommendation no. 2 that had been part of the
conditions for approval of this subdivision map. Mr. Wickham
wanted to know what the developer is prepared to do on the
low lots due to the fact that the town will soon be faced with
flood plain elevations. The developer will possibly be faced
with having to bring in lots of fill. The cesspools and the
house will have to be up to the flood plain level. The Army
Corps of Engineers makes their regulations stick by saying no
mortgage money from federally regulated banks. It says the
finished floor must be up to the elevation and the County says
you must grade up to it. Mr. Raynor said that fill will have
to be brought in for the roads. There was a suggestion by the
county that a buffer be created and Mr. Olsen wanted to know
where the buffer should be. He didn't think there would be any
Col. Ted Dowd. Gary Olsen, Esq. appeared.
The letter from Lawrence Tuthill of October 3rd was reviewed.
1. That the 100' turnaround be constructed at the end of the
50' foot road and be shown as such ondae drawings.
Planning Board -3- October 4, 1976
The Planning Board felt there was no reason for the turnaround
to be constructed. It should be shown on the map but not
That the 12' grassed waterway as shown on the plans be
disapproved. If this was done on both sides of the road
it would leave only a 26' paved area.
If the town would ellow it, it was suggested that it be 6' on
Dowd's property and 6' on the town property. If the Town
Highway Committee says no, it will all have to be on Dowd's
3. That the park aud playground area definitely does not
have 32,000 square feet of useable area.
It was recommended by the Planning Board to carry the park and
playground area to lot #2 for 32,000 square feet of usable
Mr. Wickham said he had reviewed the site at the
rainstorm and there was no problem with drainage.
asked for a copy of Lawrence Tuthill's letter.
last big
Mr. 01sen
Town Beach Motel - Eppilito. Gary Olsen, Esq. appeared.
This was a proposed division of property containing a house,
two-unit motel and a fourteen-unit motel. The chairman told
Mr. Olsen that the Planning Board is not allowed to approve
anything unless it meets all the requirements. This is a
matter for the Board of Appeals.
Rich Young - Horton Farm. Mr. Richard Young appeared.
Mr. Young said he had obtained a good water test. Mr. Raynor
said the roads should be constructed to the end. Unusable
space can't be used a park and playground. Mr. Young felt
where the park and playground had been placed was good
environmentally. Mr. Wickham explained about the seven-foot
contour and said it will have to be filled. He said the
chances are the developer will be forced to do it by the U.
S. Government. It will be necessary to go to the DEC and get
a permit and this is where the problem will arise. Mr. Wickham
suggested combining lot #1 and the park and playground for a
drainage area and recreation and using the drainage area shown
for a lot. This matter will be referred to the Town Engineer
and the Town Highway Superintendent for their recommendations
on drainage.
Planning Board -~- 0c'~_oer ~, 1976
C. E. Allen minor subdivison. Mr. Allen appeared.
Mr. Allen showed a proposed sketch plan of property owned by
himself and Mr. Kreh. Mr. Raynor said that Mr. Kreh had come
to see him and Mr. Raynor had told Mr. Kreh that if the
submission is made simultaneously it will have to be a major
subdivision. After the advantages were weighed against the
disadvantages, it was Mr. Raynor's understanding that the two
would be separated. Mr. Wickham explained the flood plain
elevations to Mr. Allen. There is an adjoining lot owned by
Mr. Allen and also one owned by Mr. Kreh which have been set
off and not included in the subdivision of property. Mr.
Wickham discussed covenants for no further subdivision. It
was decided that the piece held out by Mr. Allen is an old
established lot.
Paradise by the Bay. Roger Rath and George Stankevich, Esq.
Mr. Stankevich said he had come before the Planning Board to
get the bond figure to be presented by Mr. Tuthill but Mr.
Tuthill said he had not drawn up the bond estimate because
there were objections on his part. Mr. Stankevich would like
to get a bond figure to the Town Board as soon as possible.
Mr. Tuthill had presented more recommendations dated October
3rd and Mr. Stankevich asked if some member of the Board would
mark on the map exactly where they wanted the piping. This
was done.
On motion made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Coyle, it
RESOLVED that after the bond estimate to be prepared
by Lawrence M. Tuthill for "Paradise by the Bay' is submitted,
before the end of the week, that persons on the board be
authorized to inspect it and take appropriate action.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Raynor, Coyle, Gordon.
Mr. Dean was present at this time and said it was alright with
him as long as the piping was shown on the map.
On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it
RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board DENIAL
of the application of William and Barbara Schriever for a
change of zone from "B" Light Business District to "C" Light
Industrial District for property located on Tabor Road in
Orient, based on the fact that a change would not be
compatible with the Development Plan for the Town of Southold.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Raynor, Coyle, Gordon.
Planning Board -5- 0~ ~ber 4, 1976
Washburn subdivision.
Mr. Schriever had appeared at the last meeting and wanted to
make a minor subdivision containing seven lots. He had
requested clarification on what he would be able to do. The
Planning Board reviewed this matter again and felt that a
copy of the regulations be forwarded to Mr. Schriever insofar
as they pertained to minor subdivisions of property.
On motion made by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Coyle, it
RESOLVED to approve the final map of subdivision known as
"Greenbriar Acres" located at Mattituck, New York, subject to
the following:
1. Suffolk County Planning Commission recommendations.
2. Performance bond for roads and drainage being presented
to the Southold Town Board.
3. Inspection fee being presented to the Town Clerk.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Gordon, Coyle. Mr.
Raynor abstained from voting as the adjacent property is owned
by his business associate.
Luglio. Mr. Tuthill's recommendations will be forwarded to Mr.
On motion made by Mr. Raynor, seconded by Mr. Coyle, it was
RESOLVED to authorize the chairman to sign the maps of
the subdivision known as "Rod 'n' Reel Estates Co., Inc.".
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Raynor, Coyle, Gordon.
On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Raynor and
carried, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Murie-i Brus~;~ Secretary
~John Wickham, Chairman