HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-01/27/1958 SOUTHDLD, L.I., N.Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS do:h~ W[¢kham Chairrnar s~ Heroid R. Reeve HerJzey F. Moisa Alfred Grebe MINUTES Southold Town Planning Board J ~anga_r~ 27~ A regular meeting of the Southold Town Plar~uing Roamed was held at 7:30 P.M. on ~bnday~ January 27, 19~8, ~n the To~a~ Clerk's 0ffice~ Southold~ N. Y. There were present: Moisa and Alfred Grebe. Messrs. John.Wickham~ Chairman; Henry F. Absent: Kr. Harold R. Reeve Also present: Messrs. Herbert Rosenberg~ Member of the Board of Appeals$ Norman E. Klipp, Town S~pervisor; Robert W. Tasker~ Town Counsel~ Otto W. VanTuyl~ Lester M. Albertson~ Councilman; and Judge Perry Edwards of Fishers Island. The Chairman opened the meeting by reading letter of resignation from P~. T. Paul Montgomery, Letter was turned over to the Town Board for whatever action is deemed necessary. Chairman then read letter to the To-~r~ Board from the Dept. of Health concerning sewage system at Silvermere~ Greenport~ N. ~. i~. Van Tuyl reported that he and ~M. Reeves had met w~th Mr. Ll~Ste~ and looked over the property at Fleets Neck: Cutchogue: N. ~.~ but UP to the present time %he exact dimensions ~. Lister desired to be zoned.,,B~, Business had not been submitted and the matter will be held over mutiI a later meeting. The omission of Supervisor Klipo,s. name from the Mmnuues~' ~ of the Jmuuary 13th meeting was brought to the attention of the Clerk. On motion duly made by I~M. Grebe~ seconded by M~. Moisa mud carried~ ~nutes were approved as corrected. Tn the matter of petition of the Executors of the Estate of the late Kendrick Van Peltfor a chmage of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to '~B" Business certain property on New Suffolk Lane~ Southold Totem Planning B~ard ~NUTF~ ~ Continued Jsmuary 27, 19~8 Cutchogue~ N. ~. ~ fully described in petition and accompanying map. Request for change of zone to enable the petitioners to use the premises for a Rest Home or Home for the Aged. It was the determination of the Board~ being familiar with the premises~ to RESOL;~E~ That the Planning Board recommend to the To~m Board approval of this change of zone. The following two petitions are to be held over until the next meet- ing in order to give the Board more time to study the mat ters in detail: Petition of WilliamWells for an" Open Development Area,, under the provisions of Section 280-a of the To%~nLaw. Property: 28.6 acres in $outhold, N. Y. Description: North Bayiew Road - East Helen Cochrsm - West Mm. son-Dickerson - South Bay - Mason-Dickerson. Petition of Constance Kendrick Overton for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to ~B" Business on certain ~roperty located in Cutchogue~ N. Y. Petition ~ ~ · ~ ~ - of Perry E. ~endrlcks~n o~ ~t ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ cha~ge of zone ~as then considered. Request fo~ ~h~~ ~ ~a,,~. ~**~ ~*~ ~±c~%~a& ~o ~ Business on property described as ~ follows: Sit-~ ~ - . ~ ~.ated at North Roam oooos~te CHanel ~= ~h .......... ............. ~ ~=~,u~: ~asv oy ~ernston~ South~by North Road: Wsst by Union Chapel ~d B~gs. Request made for the p~oose of erecti~ a Motel. It ~s - RESOLVED: That the Planning Board is not willing at this time to recommend this change to the Town Board aa it appears to be an insuffi- cient area for the purpose intended. The Board reviewed the proposed amendments to the Building Zone Ordinance and the Trailer Camp 0rdinauce v~th Counsel. ~M. Tasker made several suggestions and revisions and will submit a new set of smendments at a later date for the Board's study a~ud appreval. A tentative date of February 3rd was set for the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at t2:0~ A. M. Respectfully submitted, Grace B. Meyer ~ Clerk