HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-05/05/1958'~ SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. PLANNIN® BOARD MEMBERS Jo,hn Wickham Chairman ,,1=1~,~ _-- ~_ - ~ . - ~ - H~rold R. Reeve Hen~ F. ~o~ Alfred Grebe Arch~ld N~ ,MINUTES Southeld Town Plamntng Board Nay 5, 1958 A regular meeting of the Southold Town Planniug Board was held_ on Monday evening, Nay 5, 1958, at 7:30 P.M., in the Town Clerk's Office, Seutheld, New York. There were present: Messrs. John Wickham, Chairman; Harold Re Reeve, Henry F. Meisa, Alfred Grebe and Archibald N. Young. Also present: Messrs, Robert W. Tasker, Town Counsel; Otto W. Van Tuyl, Harold W. Price, Smpt. of Highways; and Howard M. Terry, Buit~ing Inspector~ ~r. & ~rs. Perry E. Be~udricksen and their attorney, Nrc R. G~ Terry, Jr. appeared before the Beard in regard to their petition for a change of zone. Discussion was held regarding the proposed use of this property and. Mr. Terry explained to the Board that the property Lu question we$1d be used as a motel site ~ud that th~ motel to be erected would be iu keeping with the neighbor- hood. Chairman suggested that if this change of zone was granted it wo~zld be to applicants advantage to look into the matter of water supply mud sewerage disposal before they started with their building plans. Chairman thanked the applicants and Nr. Terry for coming and advised that a decision would be made later in the evening on their petition. The Clerk then read the Minutes of the April 8th meeting~ On motion duly made by Nr. Reeve, seconded by ~. Grebe, and carried, minutes of that meeting were approved. Nr. Noisa, Mr. Young, Nr. Grebe and ~r. Reeve reported en their recent visits to the various sand and gravel operations in the Town of ~outhold. The Chairman complimented the members on their reports and stated that the i~ormation submitted would aid substani ~a~ y in the matter of records on such operations. Nr. Wickham then asked Mr. Tasker to look into the rules and relations of the County pertaining to s~ch operations. Discussion to be held ever until such time as t~he Board has a copy of permissive regmlations of S~ffolk County in that regard. In the matter ef petition of Perry E. Bendricksen and Beatrice~ Bendricksen for a ch~uge of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to ~M~ ~ltiple Residence District, certain real property situated on North Road, .~rshamomoque, more particu!~rly described in application amd map accompanying application. Southold Town Planning Board MINUTES, Oontiuued Nay 5, 1958 Nap of k~d of Perry Bendricksen, drawn January 13, 1958 by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Sen. It was the determination of the Board to PJ~SOLVE, That the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board approval of this application. In the matter of Amendment of the typewritten pertion of Paragraph 2 of petition of Harry Smith, Naple Land, Southold, New York, for a change &f zone from '"A" Residential and Agricultural to "N" Multiple Residence District, all that tract of land described in the petition as ~ARCEL I and PARCEL II. It was the determination of the P ~lanning Board to RESOLVE, That the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board approval cf both PJ~OEL I and_ PARCEL II, described in petition as being located on the North Road, West of the Village of Greemport, St~folk Oounty, N. Ye In the matter of application of Alexander W. Koke and Frederick C. Koke to establish and Open Development Area at Bayview~ Southold, New York. It was the determination of the Beard tel RESOLVE, that the Pls~ning Board recommend to the Town Board approval of this application ia accordance with the widening of Corey Creek Road and Koke Drive, as shown on subdivision map of the Koke Estate, Southold,New York, Nap by ~tte W. Van T~yl & Son, revised April 30, 1958, which accompanied the application. Im the matter of petition of Charles O. Ziegler of Bay Avenue, East Narion, New York, for a change of zone from "A" Residential amd Agricultural to Nultiple Residence District, certain real property on the westerly line of Bay Avenue, East ~arion, New York, and more particularly bounded and described in petition and map drawn on February 16, 1956, by Otto W. Van Tuyl & ~on, which accomps~uied petition. It was the ~nanimous decision of the Board to have the Chairman write Nr. Z~egler advising the Board's determination that the property in question is not adequate for beth a trailer camp and a duplex dwelling. The Board would be willing to consider one or the other, but not both. In the matter of application of Nalter Uhl, Vice President of Woodhollow Properties, Inc., Jericho, New York, to establish am "~en Develepmen~ Area" on property described in application as be~ located ~orth Side ~f Nain Road, Orient,Point, New York, Orient-By-the-Sea, Section 1. It was RESOLVED,, That the Planning Board recommend to the Town Beard approval of this application. Chairman advised that he had received a letter from Nr. Uhl, which he read to the Board, regarding dedication of highways to the Town ef Southcld. Chairman to reply to ~r~ Uh~'s letter advis~ that th~s matter lies wholly within the province of the Town Board and suggesting a .man~er of procedure on the part of Mr. Uhl er his attorney. ~outhold Town Planning Board A~NUT~_, Continued May 5, 1958 As the Board has not as yet received any word from N. Harry Lister regarding the exact dimensions of the area he wishes rezoned, the Board is holding this petition over to the next meetings Discussion was held regarding the parking of machinery on Love Lame and County Highway, Mattituck, N. Y, Ghairman to write Mr. Albert Cass, ~upt. of P~blic Works for the Oou~ty of ~folk advising of this public nuisance ~ asking that it be removed. Letters received from Mrs. James L. Fra~ee, Wilmington, Delaware and Mr. Gordon S. Murphy of 20 Broad Street, New York, N. Y., objecting to the operation of a gasoline service station en the property of A. Joh~ Gada, West Harbor, Fishers Island, New York, were read to the~ Board by the Chairman. Ohairman advised he womld answer these letters within the next few~ days advising that a delegation ha~ been sent to the Island to look into the matter and giving a report om their findings. Ghairmam advised the Beard that Mrs. Meyer had advised him several weeks ago that she would like to be relieved of her duties as Clerk. Mr. ~erry reported that he had been trying to get some one as replacement and stated that he hoped he would have some erie in time for the next meeting. Board agreed to held the next meeting at 7:30 P. M. on May 20, 1958, in the Town Clerk's Office. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Grac~ B. Meyer 01erk APPROVED: