HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-01/05/1976Southold Town Planning Board
SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971
TELEPHONE 765-1313
John Wickham, Chairman
Alfred Grebe
Henry Raynor
Frank Coyle
Frederick E. Gordon
January 5, 1976
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board was
held at the Town Clerk's Office, Main Road, Southold, New York,
on January 5, 1976 at 7:30 p.m.
Present were Henry Raynor, Frank S. Coyle, Alfred Grebe and
Frederick E. Gordon. Absent was John Wickham. Also present were
Sherley Katz representing the Long Island Traveler-Watchman,
Pete Campbell representing the Suffolk Weekly Times and Millicent
Gossner representing the League of Women Voters.
Mr. Wickham appointed Henry Raynor as Vice-Chairman subject
to the approval of the Town Board and Mr. Raynor presided at the
On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was
RESOLVED that subsequent to a meeting with the Supervisor,
Chairman of the Board of Appeals and Richard F. Lark, attorney
for the developers, the Planning Board will require certain
covenants and restrictions to be placed on property located on
County Road 27 and Queen Street, to be developed by Richard C.
Wilton, John J. Clanton and Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc.,
which requirements have been acknowledged by the attorney for the
developer. The following will be required to be met by the
Southold Town Planning Board as part of site plan approval.
1. The developers will covenant to slide back 100 foot
buffer strip if County Road 27 is widened and if dropoff lane
area is more than l0 feet wide.
2. The developers will covenant to keep the recreation area
and all land facing Queen Street north of parking area and 600
feet from County Road 27 to be used only as an open and recreational
area with no structures.
Planning Board
January 5, 1976
3. The developers will covenant that only a small identifi-
cation sign will be allowed, the size to be determined by the
Board of Appeals.
4. The developers will covenant that a six-foot chain link
fence will be erected on property line that borders property owned
by the Village of Greenport. This fence must be constructed when
there are campsites within 100 feet and in any event must be
completed within three years.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Coyle, Gordon, Grebe.
Greenbriar Acres. Richard Cron, Esq. appeared.
Notice of Hearing was read by Henry Raynor.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the
Town Law, Public Hearings will be held by the Southold Town Planning
Board at the Town Clerk's Office, Main Road, Southold, New York,
in said town on the 5th day of January, 1976, on the question of
the following:
7:30 p.m. Approval of the preliminary map of subdivision
known as "Greenbriar Acres" owned by Werner L. Adel, Jr., situated
at Mattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State
of New York, bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a monument set on the east side of Elijah's Lane,
said point of beginning being N. 25° ll' 20" W. 2310.26 feet to
lands now or formerly of Alma Suter; thence along said last mentioned
lands N. 63° 33' 00" E. 607.00 feet to lands now or formerly of
Ernest C. Tuthill; thence running along said last mentioned lands
and partly those now or formerly of Alma Surer, S. 26° 19' 20"
E. 2853.37 feet to the northerly line of Main Road (New York
State Route 25); thence along said northerly line of Main Road
(New York State Route 25) N. 85° 25' 50" W. 264.09 feet to a point;
thence along said lands now or formerly of Werner Adel, Jr., the
following four (4) courses and distances: (1) N. 4° 34' 10" W.
200.00 feet; (2) N. 85° 25' 50" W. 383.97 feet; (3) N. 25° 11' 20"
W. 33.98 feet; and (4) S. 68° 48' 40" W. 200.00 feet to the point
or place of BEGINNING. Containing 36.159 acres, more or less.
Any person desiring to be heard on the above matters should
appear at the time and place above specified.
Dated: December 29, 1975
Planning Board
January 5, 1976
Proof of publication was presented by the Suffolk Weekly
Times and proof of publication was presented by the Long Island
The following recommendations of Lawrence M. Tuthill, P. E.
were read under date of September 18, 1975.
Inspection of site on 9/15/75 by R.
Dean & L. Tuthill.
to this subdivision. Hearing none, we will ask if there
who would like to be heard in favor.
Noting that you would prefer to have the recharge basin at
lot No. 8 on Elijah's Lane opposite the proposed recharge
basin at Elijahs Lane Estates and the possible relocation of
the cul-de-sac at the 90° turn on Greenbriar Lane with a
paper road to the boundary.
If this is done Woodfield should be relocated so at not to
lose a lot and lots Nos. 25 thru 29 should be shifted with
possible exchange of the park and playground with lot 24.
Also elimination of piping along Greenbriar Drive and change
of grading with catch and leaching basins at the cul-de-sac.
Raynor: We will now hear from anyone who is in opposition
is anyone
Richard M. Cron, Esq.: Believing that this subdivision now meets
all the rules and regulations of the Town of Southold and in
light of the fact that this map has been before this board a
number of times, we would request that this map be given preliminary
Mr. Raynor: The only thing we are missing is the Superintendent of
Highways' letter.
Mr. Cron: I thought all this had been secured long before.
Unfortunately, the Superintendent of Highways never sends any
copies of letters to anyone. I thought all of this had been
Mr. Raynor (to secretary): Send a letter to Mr. Dean tomorrow
and find out what the situation is.
Mr. Raynor: Is there anyone else who would like to be heard on
this subdivision? Does any of the board have anything? If not,
we will declare the hearing closed.
Luglio. Mr. Cron appeared.
Planning Board
January 5, 1976
Mr. Raynor asked Mr. Cron if Mr. Wickham had spoken to him in
regard to this matter andMr. Cron answered in the negative.
Mr. Raynor: It appears that Mr. 0rlowski has not seen fit to go
along with the improvement suggested in putting the road out
there. He wants a lot in the subdivision itself. Is that
Mr. Cron: Yes, that is the proposal made to them. Mr. Luglio
was receptive but apparently his partners weren't receptive. I
haven't had a chance to talk with Chet. (0rlowski)
Mr. Cron was given Mr. Luglio's letter to read and told that there
were some questions in Mr. Wickham's mind as to the accuracy of
the letter.
Mr. Cron said he didn't agree with the figure regarding the cost
of improving the right-of-way. He will get back to the Board
before February.
Long Pond Estates. Richard Cron, Esq. and Ernest Wilsberg appeared.
Notice of Hearing was read by Henry Raynor.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the
Town Law, Public Hearings will be held by the Southold Town
Planning Board at the Town Clerk's Office, Main Road, Southold,
New York, in said town on the 5th day of January, 1976, on the
question of the following:
7:45 p.m. Approval of the preliminary map of subdivision
known as "Long Pond Estates" owned by Harold Wilsberg, Ernest
Wilsberg and Alvin Chumski, situated at Southold in the Town of
Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Laurel Avenue
500 feet from where it is intersected by the Northerly line of
the Long Island Railroad and from that point of beginning, running
thence along the easterly side of L~urel Avenue the following
courses and distances: N. 13° 04' 00" W. 314.85 feet; thence N.
13° 24' 50" W. 312.94 feet; thence N. 14° 51' 30" W. 611.50 feet;
thence N. 14° 19' 20" W. 780 feet to Arshamomaque Pond, running
thence along said pond the following courses and distances: N.
53° 53' 50" E. 178.09 feet; thence N. 74° 38' 30" E. 217.50 feet;
thence N. ll° 26' 30" W. 201.35 feet; thence N. 27° 16' 40" E.
108.51 feet; thence N. 77° 50' 20" E. 214.10 feet; running thence
in a southerly direction the following courses and distances:
S. 14° 21' 10" E. 256.00 feet; thence S. 5° 29' 22" W. 56.00 feet;
thence S. 12° 33' 00" E. 276.00 feet; thence S. 14° 21' 10" E.
993.80 feet; thence N. 69° 47' 00" E. 161.O0 feet; thence S. 14°
Planning Board
-5- January 5, 1976
21' 10" E. 120.00 feet; thence N. 72° 34' 00" E. 311.50 feet;
thence S. 14° 21' 10" E. 280.65 feet; thence S. 70° 42' 10" W.
561.99 feet; thence S. 13° 04' 00" E. 165.00 feet; thence S. 70°
21' 40" W. 304.22 feet; thence S. 13° 04' 00" E. 150.00 feet;
thence S. 76° 56' 00" W. 270.00 feet to the easterly side of Laurel
Avenue, the point or place of BEGINNING.
Any person desiring to be heard on the above matters should
appear at the time and place above specified.
December 29, 1975
Proofs of publication were presented from the Suffolk Weekly Times
and the Long Island Traveler-Watchman.
Mr. Raynor: In looking through this map prior to the meeting, we
notice there are no courses laid.
Mr. Cron: We realize we will have to do that.
Mr. Grebe: There are no square feet shown.
Mr. Raynor: It says no less than 40,000 square feet. One of the
distances is off and that will have to be checked with the
surveyor. Will the secretary note that before the final hearing
completed maps will be filed recording all the courses and
distances for Section 1. In the file we have a letter from our
engineer with recommendations which we went over at the December
meeting and all of which were fulfilled at the December meeting.
Water will be supplied by the district?
Mr. Coyle: Do we have a letter from the district verifying that?
Mr. Raynor: We have a letter from the Village of Greenport that
they will supply water. The letter is under date of January 17,
1975 to the Suffolk County Department of Health.
"The Village of Greenport - Water Department is willing and
able to supply public water to a subdivision called "Long Pond
Estates at Southold", submitted by Harold and Ernest Wilsberg and
Alvin Chumski.
"The standard agreement to supply public water to a subdivision
is being prepared. When the agreement has been signed by all
parties, we will notify the Southold Town Planning Board.
"If I can be of further service, please call."
/s/ James I. Monsell
Superintendent of Public Utilities
Planning Board
-6- January 5, 1976
Mr. Raynor: Did you sign the contract?
Mr. Wilsberg: No, but they agreed to supply the water.
The following letter from the Superintendent of Highways was read
which was dated March 23, 1975.
1. That recharge basins be placed at Lot Nos. 6, 56 and 1/2
of lot no. 25
2. That special care be taken during road construction for a
proper base. It appears to have a very compact subbas~ with
extremely poor drainage. It is noted one of the characteristics
of a good subbase includes materials which are porous.
1. The contours in the vicinity of lots no. 6 and 9
appear to be in error.
2. The site of the park and recreation seem inadequate.
3. That part of the park and playground area be along the
4. The block size is larger ordinance requirements between
Park Ave. and Center Ave. and east of Park Ave.
5. That water mains be included.
Mr. Raynor: Counsellor, in regard to the power lines going through
the subdivision, do you have an easement? We will want it before
the final hearing. Is there anyone here that would like to speak
in opposition to this subdivision? Hearing none, is there anyone
here that would like to speak in favor of this subdivision?
Mr. Cron: Having performed with substantial compliance at this
point, I would like to ask that the board consider granting
preliminary approval of the map.
Mr. Raynor: You will check on the easement and the courses and
distances. Is there anyone else that would like to be heard on
this subdivision? Hearing none, we will call the hearing to a
On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Grebe, it was
RESOLVED to approve the sketch map of the subdivision of
property owned by John & Linda Vardy located at Southold, New
York, said map being dated November 28, 1975, subject to covenauts
Planning Board
-7- January 5, 1976
and restrictions being filed that there will be no filling of
the bog or meadow on the property and there will be no application
to this board or any other board for further subdivision of lot
number 3.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Coyle, Grebe, Gordon.
Sound Road Estates.
On motion made by Mr. Grebe, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was
RESOLVED that approval be given the preliminary map of
property known as "Sound Road Estates" amended October 6, 1975,
subject to:
1. Receipt of affidavit of ownership.
2. Correction of measurements on the subdivision map.
3. Engineer's report to the Planning Board on the road
construction and cuts and fills being balanced in regard to the
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Raynor, Coyle, Grebe, Gordon.
Petersen Marina. John I. Johnsen, C. E. appeared.
Mr. Johnson presented a revised preliminary plan of the
marina. Some floating docks were added along the outside of the
existing pilings. This would be a ramp on a floating dock. Mr.
Petersen intends to use the upland area for parking and storage
in the winter for boats. Mr. Raynor asked how many phases there
were to this project and Mr. Johnson answered that right now there
is only one. Mr. Raynor said that the Planning Board will want to
know the overall plan because it is subject to site plan approval;
Mr. Petersen will have to consolidate his plan.
Mr. Petersen is reserving a part of the property on the
northwest corner for Northville Industries. They presently tie
up some of their vessels there and he wants them to relocate
further northwest and they agreed to this. Mr. Raynor remarked
that when someone comes in with a package, they cannot reserve
out a parcel. If Mr. Petersen wants to make an arrangement with
Northville, he can but he can't divide out. The Planning Board
has to consider the whole parcel.
Mr. Johnson said Mr. Petersen intends to use the gas barge
as a gas facility. Boats passing by could fuel up as well as
the boats tied up along the floats. The alternative to the
floating barge is buried tanks. It was noted that if the tide
comes in buried tanks can float up.
Planning Board
January 5, 1976
Mr. Joknasen showned a picture of what Mr. Petersen would
like to have pending approval of the Planning Board. Mr. Raynor
said it was a little out of the Planning Board's field. He asked
what type of safety factors would be involved with a gas barge
with fueling and refueling within the creek because there have
been spills and we don't want any more. The Planning Board will
be concerned with what type of safety features will be built in.
Mr. Raynor ~sked if they intend to fill it from the property or
from the federal channel. He also remarked that it looked like
a propelled unit. Mr. Johnsen said it was a towed unit. Mr.
Raynor said the floating docks are under the jurisdiction of the
Board of Southold Town Trustees. He asked if the property
description is inclusive or exclusive of the line drawn 81ong
the row of pilings. Mr. Johnsen said it was exclusive. The
line runs along an established tie line which is at high water.
Mr. Raynor asked if there was a permit for what exists and
Mr. Johnsen said he didn't know, he believed it was there when
Mr. Petersen purchased the property in 1972.
Mr. Raynor said access cannot be given to commercial through
residential and told Mr. Johnsen to find out if it is
commercial. I see you have the barge listed as a temporary
location, we can't give that. Mr. Johnsen said they would then
consider it a permanent location. In answer to would that be
the only barge, Mr. Johnsen said it would be the only one with several
compartments. He said the draft he didn't know, but the depth is
4-1/2 feet. Mr. Johnsen said there is quite a bit of water out
there at low tide and if the location is approved the depth would
have to be dredged for.
Mr. Raynor asked if with regard to the upland, any plans
have been submitted to the building inspector. Mr. Johnsen answered
in the negative, that he hadn't contacted anyone because he
wanted to get the opinion of the Planning Board before he went to
anyone else. If the Planning Board's opinion is favorable, he
would go ahead with the permits from the various agencies. Mr.
Gordon asked if he intended to put tanks in further and Mr.
Johnsen answered no, it would be brought from the outside. Mr.
Gordon said a flating gas barge would be a hazard in any event.
Mr. Johnsen was asked to submit an additional six copies
and told that many agencies in town would be contacted before the
Planning Board would make a commitment.
Later in the evening, this project was discussed and the
secretary was directed to send a copy of the map to the Board of
Town Trustees to find out about piling permits. Mr. Terry,
Building Inspector, was to be given a copy for his comments and
a copy was to be sent to the Army Corps of Engineers for their
Planning Board
January 5, 1976
Phyllis Hale
Barbara Hughes
Minor subdivisions - Edwards Estate
Mrs. Hale appeared.
There was a discussion about the change of the name of the
right-of-way from Hale Road to Edwards Lane. Mrs. Hale was
told it would be at her expense to take care of all the details.
She was also told to contact her surveyor to find out where
the east-west road should be if it ever goes through. The
secretary was also directed to contact Van Tuyl.
Simicich. John Simicich and Charles Cuddy, Esq. appeared.
Camp Mineola Road is a 25 foot road with many people having a
right of way over it. It goes from New Suffolk Road to Peconic
Bay. It is not in condition for emergency access. The standards
of the Building Inspector and the Board of Appeals will have to
be met to get a building permit. They want to get four lots out
of 5-1/2 acres and the Planning Board feels they should use 01e
Jule Lane as the access to the subdivision. The large parcel
will have to have restrictions on it that it can be no further
subdivided. The Planning Board may also require 12-1/2 feet of
the property along Camp Mineola Road for the future.
Mr. Coyle made a motion, seconded by Mr. Raynor and carried
to approve the minutes of the meetings of December i and December
16, 1975. Henry Raynor, Vice-Chairman, signed the minutes.
Mr. Grebe made a motion, seconded by Mr. Coyle and carried
to pay the annual dues of $55.00 for membership in the New York
Planning Federation for the year 1976.
Schriever - Oysterponds Village. Mr. William Schriever and
Charles Cuddy, Esq. appeared.
They requested that the moon-shaped piece of the turnaround by
the property adjoining Moor-Jankowski be eliminated from the
cluster because of the litigation taking place. Mr. Cuddy said
it wouldn't affect the square footage, and what is held up in
court will not affect the subdivision. The property in question
if lot F on Village Lane.
Planning Board
-10- January 5, 1976
The Town Attorney, Robert Tasker, will be contacted as to
Mr. Cuddy talking about removing parcel F and the proposed lot on
Village Lane from consideration in the cluster at this time plus
a portion of the 100 foot turnaround on the west end. It seems
to the Planning Board that we should ask for addition turnaround
property to the north on proposed lot E so that the turnaround
comes up to the 100 foot diameter found in the highway specifica-
tions. The Board also feels it needs something from the Town
Attorney about the southerly lot on Orchard Street and some type
of stipulation from the applicant that is acceptable to the Town
Attorney in regard to the needle point configuration east and
west of the Vail property being taken care of.
Amendment to the Zoning section of the Code of the Town of
Southold was discussed in regard to changing the cumulative zoning
to non-cumulative. This is intended to exclude multiple use from
Business I and 2 and Commercial 1. The secretary was directed to
write to General Code to see how this could be worked in.
The Freshwater Wetlands Act was discussed in regard to the
fact that local ordinances must be enacted before September l,
1976 or it automatically goes to the county. The Planning Board
will check for the minimum state requirements which must be met.
Lawrence M. Tuthill, Frederick Gordon and Henry Raynor
expressed an interest in attending the Suffolk County Cooperative
Extension "Natural Resource Inventory" training course. The
cost is $12 per person and the Town Board will be contacted on
this and sent the registration blank.
The next meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board will be
held January 26, 1976.
Motion was made by Mr. Grebe, seconded by Mr. Coyle and
carried that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at
lO:O0 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Muriel Brus~, Secretary
' ~~¥~ e Chairman
Henry lE. Raynor, Jr., vic -