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SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. ~LANNING BOARD MEMBERS John 'Wickham Chairman Harold R. Reeve Charles Van Duzer Hez~lr Mois~ ~[~e& G~e~e Se~Beld Tew~ September Tew~ Clerk's Office, Seathe!~., N. T., e= ~i~y,.Septem~er 6, 1957 ·Bere were prese=~: ~essrs. ~ickham, Reeve, Vam~Azer an~ Eeis~ Absent: Mr. Gre~ ._ ' ~es ~f~ ~e'sep~er-3~]me~ ~e~e~ ~ ~he Ole~k.~ ~ ~ me~i~ of %he. ~ t0 rec~n~ to. the SOU$~!~. ~ ~o~ ~reve~. of the fello~t ~4iner's '~'Es~ates - ~visien ef ~p of Sectio~ 2. ~p ~ ~. V~!, J~y 21, 19~. BeiXe~on Estates - ~p.o£ Mr. Vam?~yl, Ma~h 5, 19~6. File,No. ~!~72. ~eum[ers Estates - S~-~ivisiem m~p ~ Mr. Vau~l, March 18, Eezm. ewo_od.. - ~ ~y Mr. V _amTu~l, Januar~ 9, 1954. File ~o.. 218~. So'~]:~ooS. - M~p - ~ile No.~ 2151. G_ eerge U ells - ~ of George Uells, Southol~, N. Y. ~vSi~eTe~race ..~v~iew..File Except ~lock 1. Creek. Deve!eTmemt - ~ el. April 20, !~37, File Ne. 1236. . Cedar ~each Pe~rk- ~vview. F. ap_l~y. Mr. Va~!, SepSem~er 26, 1926. ~ile ~0. Peconic Shores - I~p b7 Jesse ~fells, ~ate~ ~)ecember 27, 1922, 'I~o. 1 and 1~o. 2. Se~t~old Towa Plammi~g September 6. 1~5~ Continued l~ile..Ne. 763~ Nassau P~int- Club Pre~erties ~',SeO~iem D, m~p by Mr. VanTuyl. Ma~¢h 24. C~-~ ~.~states ~ ~ ~.~.' V~!, ~_ 31, 19~7~. No. 1672, N~t$it~ck Eeights - Ame~e~ ~p~ 0£ ~ttt~uck Heights. Poi~ Pleasant - Lake Village.- _. _I/~ lO ~yMr. VanTayl, ~uly 10, 1939. Shore Acres - I/al), Fil.e Ng-. ~!, .............. It was the further deregulation of the Plying Beard that t~heywoul& ~t ~eco~n~ at t~s t~e ~r~of_~he fO~O~: ._ G ree~POr~ Hemes - Sreen~or~, N. Y. ~il~. NO. 2014. T ewm01erk~s Office im Southol~, N. Y., en~me~s~vevemimg, 0cte~er 1, 1957. at ? P.M. Meeting a~lJouraed at 9 P. M. Respectfully s~mitte~. O~B. Meyer Clerk