HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-99.-4-4REQUEST FOR INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE Telephone: Mailing Address: SCTM# of site you are inquiring about: (Please be specific about the information you need. Provide supporting documentation - surveys, maps, sketches - where possible.) For Office Use Only: )MEY, LATItAM, SHEA, [~ELLEY, DUBIN, REALE & QUARTARARO, ~, Post Office Box 9398 Riverhead New York 11901 9398 33West Second Street Riverhead New York 11901-9398 Telephone 631 727 2180 Facsimile 631.727.1767 · . w'4/w.suffol aw. Email: 3 d · g~acom~ audio 1 k 1 aw. c om Ext. 269 Direct Fax: 651-727-2385 August Bruno Seman Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 12, 2005 Re: Site Plan for Nauqles Drive Property Dear Bruno: In accordance with our conversation of last week, I enclose herewith a copy of the site plan prepared by Carriage Hill Associates for the Naugles Drive property. As I mentioned to you in our conversation, we will be appearing before a work session with the Trustees on August 17th at 2:00 p.m. to receive any comments they may have on the site plan. We would appreciate it if you could also review the site plan and either provide your comments to me by phone or in writing or attend that work session and provide them there. We would like to receive as many comments as we can from the involved agencies prior to submitting any applications to the Building Department. Of course, if you have any questions regarding the site plan, please don't hesitate to contact me. I look forward to speaking to you about this application in the near future. Very truly yours, ~DiGiacomo EncU~o~ure ' :'~3b *TLSK:LAS|I Clients:Paradise Point Oyster Farms:Semon ]tr O ldoc 20 MAIN STREET 51 HILL STREET 105 MAIN STREET EAST HAMPTON, NY 11937 SOUTHAMPTON, NY 11968 PORT JEFFERSON STA., NY 11776 631.324 1200 631.287.0090 631.928.4400 400 TOWNLINE ROAD HAUPPAUGE, NY 11768 631.265 1414 56340 MAIN ROAD, R O BOX 325 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 631.765.9300 :4) ./ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Red Property Tox Service A o,, me, ~ SOUTHOLD ~ aST~ 1000 SECTION NO t.,~, : Carrla~je Idyll Assocla~e5 ,' ~ 1%,SCT# 1000-9~-4-4 Plan Prepared for: 5fl;ual;ed: Mat;bt;uck Town: 5oChold Suffolk Count;y, NY Scale- I"= 30'-0" /=ebruary 22, 2005 Rev. March 2, 2005 5 ee Seae e,c Naugles Drive Area 75,590 sf ~ roposed Bulldlnej - 2,100 sf 4,200 sf Tot;al arklng Required - 4,200/200 arklng Required: 21 arhng Provided = 22 Car ~11 A s~'"~cl a ~e 5 BUILDER / DEVELOPER 299 Dui{-/Avenue Hickswll¢ New York I 180 I PHONE (5 I G) 935-41 I I · FAX. (5 I G) 935-4150