HomeMy WebLinkAboutS-11/15/1971-SMINUTES November 15, 1971 A special meeting of several Southold High School students, Supervisor Martocchia, and Deputy Commissioner McGuinn of Suffolk County Parks was held at 11:15 A.M., Monday, November 15, 1971, at the Town Office, Main Street, Southold, New York. Southold High School stUdents present at this meeting: Phillip Goubeaud, Harrison Bachrach, & Scott Tideke. Their sponsoring teachers being James $cybert-Biology; and Joseph Haman-Grade Science (~eachers not present) Student Phillip Goubeaud presented Supervisor Martocchia and Deputy Commissioner McGuinn with Southold High School's anticipated plans for the preservation of the County owned "Peconic Inlet." He stated that Southold High School has just recently obtained teachers to offer cour~ses such as marine biology, oceanography, field ecology, etc. In order for the school to teach such courses there should be an area in which outdoor classes could be held, an area which would be easily accessible without too much red.tape. Southold High School feels that Peconic Inlet would be an ideal area for such "Outdoor Classroom Study" in all phases of ecology. -2- ~_~ovember 15', 1971 Student Phillip Goubeaud submitted the following two papers: Outdoor Classroom A number of Southold students have been asking about the possibilities of an outdoor classroom. Aspiring oceanographers, marine biologists, geologists--high schoolers who hope to specialize in field ecology, meterology, animal behavior, etc. --want to study afield where things happen in front of their eyes. It is hoped that Pe¢onic Inlet may be the ideal site to make this dream come true. In the Spring of 1971, there were a few teachers and pupils able to envisualize a tremendous educational value in such a sanctuary. Organizing, they contacted the Suffolk County Parks Committee, the Southold Town Supervisor, and other officials who might be helpful. The next step was to choose a location suit- able for a variety of not-too-sterotyped classrooms, reasonably close to the high school. Peconic Inlet, located on the Sound at Peconic, meets all of the requirements. Purchased by the County to be set aside for a park and recreational area, officials hope to make it "self-sustaining" by putting in an inlet marina. This is quite logical, the closest similar facility being in Mattituck. As a result of this apparent conflict, some very persuasive talking may be necessary to demonstrate the aesthetic and practical value of a study sanctuary for students. Oceanographic courses might demonstrate the effects of the jetty on the area from the standpoint of erosion; the east-west motion of the offshore lateral drift. Geology students might concentrate on the makeup of the many sand dunes at the inlet. Fie~d ecologists would enjoy unlimited opportunity in the 34 acres of woods, wetlands, and swale. Ail these areas are perfect for a marine biologist. Peconic Inlet and the lands surrounding it'have many latent possibilities, waiting to be tapped. Such a study sanctuary should be used not. only by Southold's students but by groups from throughout Suffolk County with Southold acting as the host school. by: Phillip J. Goubeaud Layout: A small natural resources management area could be set up for small demonstrations and other specific practices, such as soil and forest management, water and wildlife management. A natural area could be set aside for walks, esthetic enjoyment~ and limited scientific study. There would be no development in natural areas except for trails. -3- Nove~er 15, 1971 Somewhere on the 34 acres, we can set up an observation platform to observe the many different ecotones and systems that the area has to offer. On this platform we could build a telescgpe mount for the astronomy class to use. A preferable location for this 'lookout is one of the old foundations up on the bluff, overlooking the Sound. In order for the students to obtain a first hand experience working with ~wildflowers and trees of the immediate area, a horticulture garden and forest nursery could~be set up in a location that would be easily accessible. A United States Weather Bureau weather station could be set up in the white house on the west side of the i~let. Students would have to maintain daily observations and send in their reports. There would be at least two acres se= aside strictly for a bird sanctuary. Feeding stations would be set up in certain areas for bird study, in limited numbers, because too many feeding stations would attract too many birds and thus create an ecological imbalance in the area. We would also have some wildlife food patches and openings for ~he smaller animals.. Maintenance and Control In order to maintain and control Peconic Inlet, we feel 'that there would have to be a reasonably responsible person in charge. This person could work with the teachers of Southold High School~and with the officials from the county. There could also be a teacher in charge of student activities, while each individual teacher participates in his own class. The students themselves would do most, if not all, of the building of the study center. Everyone could get involved. Students from B.O.~.E.S. could put to practice what they have been learning in class, even the-students in the shop classes in our school could get a good practical experience in wood- working etc. Building Peconic Inlet could even become a community project. All you need is just a few interested citizens who are willing to donate their time into what ever field they are competent in. Deputy Commissioner McGuinn stated that the County does presently have any plans for a marina in this area. He stated that the County is presently making a land use study of this area~ He said that Southold High School's request would be considered upon the completion of the study and receipt of the County's findings. The Deputy Commissioner said that such a project would have to be checked out with the County-Attorneyin regard to -4- No~mber 15, 1971 insurance, etc. The Commissioner questioned where the funds would come from for the re-storing of the white house on the west side of the inlet. Phillip Goubeaud said that the Board of Education would provide most of the money and they would possibly seek a small amount of aid from the County. All of the labor would be provided by the students and other interested persons. The students would also be willing to set'up guided tours for the public. A field orientation center for the public would be set up on the first floor of the white house. A walk bridge could be put over the inlet to facilitate its' crossing by handicapped or aged people'. The Commissioner said that this might involve the Army Engineers. Phillip Goubeaud said that it would not because this was never navigable water. The Deputy Commissioner stated again that an overall land use study must be made before any decision can be made on this request. Supervisor Martocchia and Deputy Commissioner McGuinn thanked the students for their presentation. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 A.M. Respectfull~ ~ubmitted, ~. ........ Betty Neville, Secretary /" Town of Southold A~bert M. har~tocch~a, Supervisor. Town of Southold ~