HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-95.-3-8.1LAND MARKS DATE: TO: CC: FROM: RE: ATTACHED, 1~io. RANDALL PARSONS, AICP & ASSOCIATES Land Planning and Conservation LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL August 12, 2002 Mark Terry Southold Planning Department 2002 $outhold Town Syma Gerard, Louisa Hargrave, Tanima Adhya (SCDHS), Dave Brooks Randy Parsons Oregon Road, L.L.C. (Schmitt Farm) Conservation Subdivision; SCTM 1000~95-3-8.1 PLEASE FIND THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS: Description Dated 2 Concept Ten Plan 8/8/02 2 Concept Eleven Plan 8/8/02 Comments: Dear Mark: Enclosed please find two prints of the Concept Ten and Concept Eleven Sketch Plans for the Schmitt Farm Conservation Subdivision. We have attempted to design the subdivision to balance all of the competing interests involved and also to qualify for an exemption from the existing moratorium: 1) both concepts propose to protect 80% of the site's farmland by selling development rights to the Town; 2) both concepts reduce existing potential density under zoning by at least 75% (from a potential of 25 lots to 6). As you will see, the protected farmland is proposed to be divided into two parcels, each of which would have an area where agricultural and/or residential development could occur. This reflects our discussions with potential agricultural users, i.e. that there is a demand for farms of approximately 20+ acres that could be acquired for a lower initial investment. Of course, one user could also acquire both farm parcels and have a 40+ acre farm. I look forward to having the opportunity to discuss these plans with you at the Planning Board work session. IfI can provide you with any additional information, please let me know. 11 MUCItMORE LANE* P.O. BOX 5076 * EAST HAMPTON, NEW YORK 11937 TEL (516) 324-8716 * FAX (516) 329-7462 LAND MARKS RANDALL PARSONS, AICP & ASSOCIATES Land Planning and Conservation LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: TO: April 30, 2002 Mark Terry Southold Planning Department tAY 0 2 2 02 C C: Dave Brooks FROM: Randy Parsons Southold Town Planning Board Oregon Road, L.L.C. (Schmitt Farm) Conservation Subdivision; SCTM 1000-95-3-8.1 ATTACHED, PLEASE FIND THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS: No. Description Dated Copies of Concept Two Plan (30" x 40" sheets) 4/23/02 Copies of Concept Three Plan (11" x 17") 4/30/02 Comments: Dear Mark: Enclosed please find five prims of the Concept Two Conservation Subdivision Plan for the SchmitI parcel, and 5 copies of the Concept Three Plan. We prefer the Concept Three Plan at this point since it moves the proposed residential uses farther from the overhead LIPA transmission lines and the commercial greenhouse operations south of the subject property. I look forward to meeting with you and the Planning Board on May 6 at 4:30 p.m. 11 MUCHMORE LANE* P.O. BOX 5076 * EAST HAMPTON, NEW YORK 11937 TEL (516) 324-8716 * FAX (516) 329-7462 ~ol ploqmo~ 'X Van Tuyl + Son,. Surveyor, SuFfolk County Tax H~p~ 6/7/O1 LOT G - Agricult:ura[ I~eserve Area !.qq2.275 57 45.75G Acra~ Preliminary Subdivision Plan Conservation Plan - Concept Three Prepared For Oregon Road, L.L.C. Cutchogue, New York ZONE, AC-Agricul:ural/Gon,ervation FEHA Flood Zone, X Area of Preserved Farmland~ 45.73G Acre~ or ~5.72Z of Lot Area ./ From Port,on of Lot 5: ToC~l Are~: 1.11G.55q or 25.G35 Acres \ ~' Development I~lghts Sold × $ From Portion of Lot 5: gA$[D ON ~U~V[Y DATA F~OM: Van Tuyl + ~oms. $urveyors OeoMaps International$prlng lqqq ~uffolk Goun%y Tax Naps ~/~/0~ Schmitt Farm Conservation Subd~vm~on Plan 80Z Farmland Preservation - Concept 11 Oregon Road ~0 100 200 h A~EA: 54.G51 Acres ZONE: AO-Agncultural/Oonservat~on o s~, ~ . ~ Are~ of Preserved Farmland: .~.,~,,~,~ ~ ~v,smo~-o~-o 10.q23 Acres or lq.qqZ of Lot Area x, 4b~ \ . 'x LOT G 1,q70.520 ~F \ BASE? ON SUIE:VEY DATA FIE:ON: Van Tuyl Sons. Surveyors GeolVjaps international ~pr~ng 5ur'folk Oounty T~x ~ps lqqq 8/7/01 Prepared For SoutholdTown Planning Board Oregon Road, L.L.C Cutchogue, Nex~ Yo]'k 50 100 200 LAND~J MARKS OF ~ITE DATA: At~EA: ZONE: Area AG-Agrlcultural/Oonserva%lon Flood Zone: X (Outside 5OO-Yr ) of Preserved F~rmland: 45.2.87 Acres \