HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-85.-2-17.1 & 17.2PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS
Richard G. Ward, Chairman
George Ritchie Latham, Jr.
Bennett Orlowski, Jr.
Mark S. McDonald
Kenneth L. Edwards
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P. O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-3136
Telephone (516) 765-1938
August 3, 1995
Peter Carroll
Lenz Winery
Main Rd.
Peconic, NY 11958
Re: Request for site plan waiver
Dear Mr. Carroll:
The Planning Board received your request for a waiver of site plan approval in order
to install a 30x30 foot crushing or press pad. It is our understanding that an
application for site plan approval will be made at a future date for a proposed
3,500 square foot expansion of the existing facility.
The requirement of a site plan for the 30x30 foot press pad is waived.
Richard G. Ward
cc: Building Department
Jul3' 31, 1995
Town of Southold,
Planning Boar&
Main Road,
Southol& 11971
e I,enz Winels' -- proposed press pad
To members o1' the planning board:
it is mx.' intention to submit a site plan illustrating proposed upgrades Io the wincw's premises on
Main Road (Route 25) in Pcconic. The plan will cover a 3,500 s.t: expansion to the wineD,,storage
areas, renovation and ~sulation of the main tasting room. expanded parking and the addition of an
external concrete press pad.
'Wlfile most of the work will stari in 1996 or 1997, sub. iect to appro,~l, it would enhance
productivi .ty in this year's haP'est ffI could add thc 30'x30' press pad immediately. In order not to
delay installation of the press pad, I request that the required site plan submission be waived in
consideration of this approval.
Thank you xeD, much lbr being willing to consider this application 10r :,'~proval.
Peter C an'oll.
To all Bidders:
The intent of this work is 1o provide a functioning Press Pad for the 1995 harvest.
All work to be substantially complete for the owner's use by September I, 1995. All
bids are due 8/9/95 at the close of business 4:00 PM at the Lenz Winery Main Rd.
Peconic, N.Y. 516-734-6010.
I. Drainage and Excavation:
Contractor to provide all excavation and drainage materials, labor,
equipment, tools, coordination of inspections as required in the execution
of this work. This contractor to provide all excavation and controlled
backfill as it relates to the concrete portions of the work. This contractor
to provide all subslab preparation to include gravel base material. The
concrete contractor to provide necessary layout for related excavation
The diffusion well shall be furnished and installed by this contractor, and
installed in sequence with the other portions of work being performed by
others. All subgrade piping and fittings to be P¥C SDR__3.5. This
contracto~{~ ~u~]~'~iitl'install D6/~P Su~p-~-~i~;~-
This contractor to provide final grading and cleanup of the work area.
2. _Reinforced Concrete
Contractor to provide all materials, labor, tools, equipment and field
engineering/layout as required in the execution of this work. This
contractor to provide layout for the related excavation for all cast in place
concrete work in this scope. This contractor to be responsible for grading
final 1" of subslab grade prior to pouring any concrete. Concrete to main-
tain a 4" slump for all footings and walls, and a slump for the slab pour.
Concrete slab to be poured monolithic. Slab finish to be smooth.
This contractor to furnish all deformed steel reinforcing, all rebar to be
mechanically bent, no heat tempering of bars is acceptable. Contractor to
furnish and install 6x6 10xl0 WWF as shown on the drawings.
Contractor to provide compressible filler at all horizontal to vertical
This contractor responsible for the cleanup of his related debris.
Co~tractor to provide all materials, labor, tools, equipment as required in
the execution ofthis work. Provide demolition of existing wall construct-
ion to install the new proposed doorway. Door to be similar in nature to
the existing sliding doors entering the existing summer tasting room.
Door to be weathertight and insulated for thermal protection.
This contractor to provide labor and raaterials for the attached stair at
north side of press pad. All lumber to be//2 Pressure Treated, all nails,
bolts and screws to be galvanized. Provide railings as noted.
This contractor responsible for the cleanup of his related debris.
4. Electrical
All Electrical work to be performed under the supervision ora licensed
All work by this contractor to be pertbrmed by code and meet the
satisfaction of the local Electrical Inspector having jurisdiction.
All conduits and fittings to be exterior watertight quality as acceptable
by code. as well all conduits and fittings used below grade shall comply
with required code provisions for such use. All connections above grade
to be watertight to equipment terminations.
All light fixturing to be commercial grade watertight exterior type to be
approved by owner's representative prior to installation
Provide necessary upgrade to existing exterior panel at proposed pad
Furnish and install exterior type watertight receptacles to include 2-3ph
208v receptacles an I- l ph 120v receptacle to pad location. Make up
plug-in cable connections to match existing equipment needs and pro-
posed locations, verify final location with winemaker.
Itard wire power to Refrigeration Box feeding wire below the slab in
Ti/is contractor responsible for the cleanup of his related debris.
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