HomeMy WebLinkAbout36926-ZSTRAPPING DETAILS GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. All work shall conform to the 2010 Residential Code al New York State, local Building & Zoning Codes, and the New York State Energy Conser~Bon Construcfion Code. All Codes shall supercede the drowiegs and shall be incorporated into the drawings, whether they are indicated on the pleas or not. 2. Contractor shall check and verify ell dimensions, notes and conditions at the site before any constructie~ work is started. The Controcto~ shall notify the Architect of any discrepancies or conflicts in the drawings and/or field conditions before starting the work. The disca~fy of discrsponcies after fieginning the work shall be the full responsibility of the Contractor to correct. 5. Contractor shall locate & stake out all existing underground utilities prior to any excovahon. ~he utilities shown on the pleas are an approximate location only. Contractor to be responsible for arrangmg all necessary permits and inspectiens, including Certificate Of Occupancy (C.0.). 5. Written dimensions shell have precdde~ce over scaled dimensions and larger scale details shell have precedence over smaller scale details/drawings. Drawings are not to be scaled. 6. Any deviation from the Architect's drawings must be submitted to the Architect in wHtieg for approX. 7. Contractor shall be responolbio for adequately bracing and protecting all work der ng construction against damage breakage, collapse, distortion and miselkjnment according to applicable cedes, standerdd and good practice. B All work shall be pertormed in a first class manner with all new materials. Contractor shall provide all equipment, labor and materials necessary fo~ the proper execution and timely completion of the work. Contractor shall be responsible for all materials and equipment stored at the site. 9. All contractors and their subcontractors shall carry insurance that will protect the Owner end Architect from claims from damages for persenel injuries, including death, which may erisa in connection with this project. 10. Contractor to indemnify Architect and Owner and hold harmless. 11. The Architect is not responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures or for the safety precautions and pro,rams in connection with this project. 12. All construct on w th n the 110mph and the 120mph three second wind speed regions (Nassau & Suffolk Counties) shell be in conformity with the 'American Forest & Paper Association (AR&AP) 2001 Wood Frame Construction Manual. 13. NI contractors shall be licensed and insured as required 14. Contractor to obtain Owner's or Architect's approval for all materiels. 6nishes, and equipment prior to pu, rehasieg. Alt equipment and materials are to be iesta~[ed per manufacturers written specifications. 15. Contractor shell keep site clean and free of debris. 16. These drowingn ere the property of the Architect and shall not be used without his consent. Drawings shell not be used fo~ issuing of a building permit unless signed & sealed by Michael Mocriea Architect, p.c. 17 Contractor to fellow all manufacturer's specifications, recommendations and installation details on all preducts used in this project. Notify the Architect recommendations and instollafion details prior to iestullafion of product on this project. Contractor shall be responsible for correction of any work that prevents the correct installation of a specified preduct os shown on the drawings lB. Contractor shell be respons~ole for adequately bracing and protecting all worb during construction against damage, breakage, collapse, distortion and misoliqument according to spplicable codes, standards and good practice. 19. Match ell existing conditions as they relate to finishes, lighting, coursing, dimensions, height, alignment, etc. Move and re-locate any partitions, winng, piombiog end ductwo~ that may be concealed in walls or celliogs being revised, to provide a complete job in ell respects. EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL 1. Cootrocthr shall locate & stake ~Jt all existi~9 underground utilities prior to any excavofion. The utgities shown on the plans are an approximate location only. 2. [xca~te ell areas as indicated ie the drowiegn. All exceptions shell be the minimum depths required achieving clean undisturbed virgie soil with stable moisture conthnt and non-shifting (]nd non-shrieking s(~d characteristics. The Contractor shad be responsible for notification of poo~ soil characteristics to the Architect and shag not proceed with the work until receiving instructions from the Architect. 5. The Architect has prepared the drawing and specifications with an assumed beoBn9 capacity of 2,000~ pa' sq. ft. and On assumed soil characteristic of mixed sand. with minimum traces of silt as per table R401.4.1 of the R.C.N.Y.S. 4. All exca~tions for concrete piers and footing shall be a minimum of 3 ff. below finished grade unless noted otherwise on the plans. 5 All baokfili shall be cleon granular fill 6. No Backfig shall be permitted against concrete or masonry foundation wells without floor fromieg or propel brocieg as required to pre~nt damage to walls. No Backfill shall be permitted within a minimum of twa weeks after pouring. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to concrete or masony wall. CONCRETE 1. Concrete to be plain, reinforced, minimum `3,000 p.s.i., 28 day test, predicted on the above soil assumption. If other soils are are encountered, lower bearing values are to be assumed and the foundation must be redesigned. 2. Cencrete shall be air-entroieed. Total air content (pafcent by volume of concrete) shall not be less than 5% or more than STEEL NOTES 1. All Steel shell have a minimum Fo of 24.,000 p.s.L 2 All Steel shall conform to the latest A.S.T.M. specifications for A-56 steel. Pipe columns sholi conform to A.S.[U. A-53. 5. All work shag conform to the latest Ad.S.C. specifications FRAMING 1. Minimum header size to be (2) 2x6 unless noted otherwise. 2. All structural framing lumber shall have minimum extreme fiber be~ding stress (Fo) of DB0 pounds per square inch (P.S.h). 3.All exterior lumber and/or lumber in contact with masonry/concrete shall be pressure treated unless otherwise noted. 4-.All wood subfloors shall be 5/4" T&G 'AdvonTech' Subgoor to be glued and netted tu joists. Instol~ as per Mfg. specifiacfions. 5. All wood frame o~eningn in floors, roofs, ceilings shall have a minimum double trimmer end header fromieg unless noted otherwise on plan. 6.All weed frame well openings shall have minimum double stud posts at each end. 7 All hanging wood joists and rafters shall be supported with steel joist hangers. 8.When joist hangers & fasteners ore in contact w/ a.c.o~ lumber, use stainless steel joist hangers & fasteners only. 9.All roof and wag sheathing shall be o mia, of 1/2" COX plywood unless noted otherwise on plans. 10. Ail wood Hoar joists, and fiat reef rafters spanning 10'-0- or greater shell be provided w/ 1'x5' cross bridging at mid-span or at no greater than 6'-0' inter.is. 11.Provide Oeuble all Floor Joists under Ail Parallel Walls Above. 12.Install Stee~ Stropping at All Framing Members. (see details) 1.3.All top plates in wood Wome walls shell be doubled and ova'lop with intersecting wells if possible. 14.Lomieated Veneer Lumde¢ to have o min. of 2,850 (FO) bg~ding stress and a min. of hgxl0s (E) made,us of Elasticity. 15. Lumber to be dug fir #2 or better, (min. fb=900, e = 1.5x10 Sigher stress lumber such os s.y. pine. ecl. may be substituted for doug 8r. No spf lumber may be used except for sill, plates and studs. 16.All shims under cellar girders to be steel only. FRAMING (continued} Belts in Wood firamino. 1. All bolts in wood framing shall be standard machine bolts with staederd malleable iron washers or steel plate washers. 2. Steel plate washer sizes shall be as follows: a. 1/2' and 5/8' Diam. bolts - 2-1/4' sq. x 5/16' b. 3/4" Din, bolts-2-5/8" sq. x 5/16". 3. Each bolt hale in weed shell be drilled 1/16" larger than diameter of belt. 4 For sill anchors, see typieel details on architectural drawlnBs. Lgg Bolts: 1. Shall be of structural grade steel, 2, Washers shell be placed under the head of lag bolts bearing on wood. Length of lag belts shall be minimum 2/3 depth of members being bolted together. Aiterina Structural U~nbers: 1. No structural member shall be omitted, notched, cut, blocked out or relocated without prior oppro~l by the Architect. Do not alter sizes of members noted without approwl of the Archltect. Built-un Beams: 1. Built-up beams or leeds formed by o multiple of 2 x members shell be interconnected as follows: a. Members 12' and less in depth: glue and intemoll w/2 rows 1fid nails at 12" o.c staggered. b. Members greater than 9-1/4" in depth or multiple 5x members through bolt with 1/2" diameter machine belts at 24' o.c. staggered top & bottom, 1-1/2' Worn edges. ~¢hna of Beams. Joist and Rafters: 1. Cutting of wood beams, joists and raft.s shall be limited to cuts end bored holes not deeper than 1/6 the depth of the member and shall not be located in the middle of 1/5 of the span. Notch depth of the ends at the member shall not exceed 1/4 the depth of the member. Holes bored or out into joist shall not be closer than 2 inches to the tip or bottom of the joists and the diameter of the hole shell not exceed 1/3 the depth of the joist. The tension side of beams, joists and rafters of 4 inches or greater nominal thickness shall not be notched, except at ends of members. Pipes in Stud bearina Nais ar Shear Nails. 1. Notches or bored holes to studs of bearing wells or partifions shall not be more than 1/3 1he depth of the stud. FIREBLOCKING / DRAFTSTOPPING FLASHING & CAULKING NOTES VENTILATION GLAZING ATTIC ACCESS An attic access shall be provided for any attic areas that exceed 30 sq. ft. and have a vertieel height of 30' or more The rough framed opening shall not be less than 22'x50' and shell be located in a hallway or other readily accessible location. A 30- min. obstructed headroom in the attic space shell be provided at some point DRYWALL NOTES Tic m W 'Ii s: Provide 1/2' mold & moisture resistant g~psum board by 'Natienal 0ypsum' Gold Bond Brand XP (purple b~ord) to ell wails & ceilings, ieeluding ell bathroom walls and ceilings and any wet areas. All gypsum board shell receive one coat of tape and three coats of spackle minimum using 'Pro-Form Brand )~ Re~dy Mix ,taint Compound. All walls, ceilings, and ledges to recewe tile ex stone shall be set on 1/2" cement bo~rd. COrnea Walls & Ceillnas: 2. Provide one layer of 5/8' type-x gypsum wall board to all welie and ceilings of ell garages and room enclosing heat preducing equipment. Provide one layer of 1/2" type-x gypsum wall board at all interior house walls common to cjaroqus. Provide one lair of 5/8' type-x gypsum wall board o~r all heat producing equipment in ell unflnlshed epen cellars.. DECK / PORCH RAILINGS Porches, Balconies, Ramps or Raised Floor Surfaces Located More Than SO' above the Floor or Grade Below shall have Guards not Less than 36' in Height. Open Sides of Stairs wltha Total Riise of more than 30' abo,~ the Floor or Grade belo~ shall have Guards not less than .34" in Height measu~red Vertically from the Nosing of the Treads. R312.2 Guard Ooenlna Limitations. Required Guards on open sides of stairways, raised floor areas, balconies and porches shall have intermediate rails or ornamental closures that do not allow passage of a sphere 4-" or more in diameter. Fxceotion. The triangular openings formed by the riser, tread and bottom rail of a guard at the open side of a stairway are permitted to be of such o size that a sphere 6' cannot pass through. HABITABLE SPACE All Habitable spaces shall conform to the fellowieg sections of the Residential Code for New York State: B303 (fight, venffiaDon, and heating) B304(minimum room R305 (ceiling height) RSO~ (sanitation) R$07 (rafter, bath & shower spaces) EMERGENCY ESCAPE & RESCUE OPENINGS All Emergency Escape & Rescue Openings shall conform to section R310 (emergency escape & rescue openings) of the ResidenDel COde for New York State. ENERGY NOTES 1.These plans are designed to be in accordance with the new york state energy conservation construction code for a climate zone 4. WINDOWS At[ Windows Specified as en Egress 'Window Shall Meet or Exceed the Requirements of the R.S.C.N.Y.S. fsect. RS10'~ Min. Opening Area = 5.7 sq, ff M~. Opening Height = Beolgn Pressure Ratings os sho~n om cover sheet - For All New Window Openings. Thee General Contractor Shall Provide Pl~ood Structural IPanels with a Min. Thikness of 7/16~ & Max. Span of 8ft. for Opening Protection from Wind-Borne Debris. Panels to be Pre-Cut to cover Glazed Openings with Attachernent Hardware (see Table). VaNO BORNE DEBRIS PRO~CTION FASTENING SCHEOULE FOR WOOD STRUC~JRAL PANELS FAS~NER SPACING Fastener Pond Span 4 Ft. 6 Ft. <Pond Span <:Pond Span Type <_4 Ft. <_ 6 Ft. ~8 Fl. 2 1/2" ~6 16" 12" 9' & This ToMe is Based on 110 mph W'md Speeds (130 5 sec. gust) and a 55 ff. mean roof height, b. Fast.ers shall be Installed at Opposing Ends of the ~ Structurd Poach c. Nails shall be 10d Common o~ 12d Box Noil~ d. ~rnere screws are attached to Masonry ~r Moscnry/Sthcco, ~ey shell be attached utilizing vibration-resistant Anchors having a min. ultimate withdrawal copacgy of 490 pounds. CLOTHES DRYER EXHAUST 1. To be installed as per section M1502 of the R.C.N.Y..~ Exhaust duct size The diameter of the exhaust duct shall be as required by the clothes drypf's listing and the manufacturer's installation instructions I flngth Limitation The maximum length of o Bathes dr~er exhaust duct shall not exceed 25 ff. from the dryer location to the wall or roof termination. The maximum length of the duct shall be reduced 2.5 ff. for each 45-ddgree bend and 5 ff. for cash 90~degree bead. The maximum length of the exhaust duct does not include the tronsflion duct. FACTORY-BUILT GAS & WOOD FIREPLACES Factor~built fireplaces shall be listed and labeled and shell be installed in accordance with the conditions of the listing, and shall be tested in accordance with UL 127. Hearth Extensions. Health extensiens of oppro~.-d factorT-bu~ilt fireplaces shall be installed m accordance with the listing of the flrep~lace. The hearth exth~slon shell be readily distinguishable from the surrounding floor ore~. ELECTRICAL 1. All electrical work shall confcrm to rules and regulations of the National Electric Cede, Residential Code of New York State. and Bourd Of Fee Underwriters, and its referenced stonderd, NFPA 70-2007. 2. The Electrical equipment and wiring shell be installed in accordance with chapters 55 thru 4-2 of the residential code for new ~k state. 5. Electrical work to be Etre Uederwriter's inspected oed approved. 4. All eleatricel outlets in 'wet' areas to be ground leu8 interrupter (G.F I.) type. Groun(J-[ault Circuit-Interrupter Protection. Locations. 1. All bathroom receptacles ore to hove G.F.C.I. protection. 2. All garage & accessory building recsptocles ore tu hove O. EC.L protection. $ All outdoor receptacles ore to hove O.F.C L protection. 4. All crawl space receptacles ore to have G.F.C.I. protection. 5. All unfinished basements receptueles ore to have G.F.Cl protection. 6. All kitchen receptacles that serve countertop surfaces shell hove G.F. CJ. protection. 7. All laundry, utility & bar sink receptacles that ore located within 6ft of the outside edge of the sink ore to ho~ G.F.C.h protection. 8. Electrically heated floors, hydromassoge bathtub, spa & hot tub locations are to hove G.F.C.h protection. AFB-Fault Circuit-lnterruoter Protechan. Locations. 1. All branch circuits that supply 120-~1t, single-phase. 15 & 20 amp outlets installed in famgy roams, dining rooms, living rooms, pedors. libraries, dens. bedrooms, sunrocms, recreation m~ms. closets, hellwa)~, and similar rooms or areas shall be protected by a combination type arc-faolt circuit interrupter installed to provide protection of the branch circuits. Sinole- end Multiele-Stafion Smoke Alarms. All smoke alarms shall be listed in accordance with UL 217 & installed in accordance with the provisions of the R.C.N.Y.S. & the household fire warning equipment provisions of NFPA 72. Locations. Single and multiple-station smoke alarms shall be mstulled ie the following locations: 1. In each sleeping room. 2. Outside of each ssporate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. 3. O~ each additional story of the dwelling, inc[udieg basements and cellars but not including crawl spaces and unmbubJtabie attics. In dwellings or dwelling units with split lards and without an intervening door between the adjacent levels, a smoke alarm installed on the upper level shall suffice for the adjacent lower level provided that the lower level is less than one full story below the upper level. ~en mere than one smoke alarm is required to be installed within an individual dwelling unit the alarm devices shall be interconnected in such a manner that the actuation of one alarm will acB~te all of the alarms in the individual unit. The alarm shall be clearly audible in all bedrooms o~.r background noise le~s with ~l intervening doors dosed. Power Source. The required ~noke alarms shell receive their primary power from the building wiring when such wiring is se~ed from a commercial source. and when primary power is interrupted, shall receive power from a battery Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than those required for overcurrent protection. Brooke alarms shall be permitted to be battery operated when installed in buildings without commercial power or an on-site electrical power s~stem or in or in buildinge that undergo repair, alteration, change of occupancy. addition or relocation in accordance w~th Appendix J. Cmbon Monoxide Alarms. Carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed in the following locations: 1. Carbon Uenoxide are required on each level on which sleeping spaces are located, within 15ft. of the Hasp*nB oreo. More than one carbon monoxide alarm shag be pro~ded where necessary to assure that no deopieg area on a story is more than 15fl away from o carbon monoxide alarm. 2. au any story where a furl-fired appliances and equipment, solid-fuel burelnB appliances end equipment, fireplaces or attached garages are located. Interconnectien of Carbon Monoxide Alarms & Detectors: ·nen more than one carbon menoxide alarm er detector is required to be installed within on individual dwelling unit or sleeping area. the dorm devices shell be interconnected in such a manner that the actuation of one alarm will activate all of the alarms in the individual unit. the alarm shell be cleady oudieie in ell bedrcoms o~r background noise ie~fu with ell iethfveoMg doors closed Eauioment. Carbon M~noxlde alarms shall be listed, labeled as complying with UL2034 or CeA 6.19. Carbon Monoxide detectors shall be listed & labeled as compl)ing with UL2075 and shall meet the sensitivity testing and alarm thresholds of UL2034 or CeA 6.19. Carbon Monoxide alarms, detectors and alarm control units shall be iestelied in accordance with the R.C.N.Y.S. and the manufacturers instolietlon instructions. Pgwer Source. Carbon Monoxide alarms, detectors & alarm control units to which the detectors are connected shall receive their primary power from the building wiring, and shall be equipped with a battery backup s~stem that automatically provides power from one or more batteries when primary power is interrupted. Wiring sshll be permanent and without a discannectieg switch other then those required far over current protection. RIDGE I ATTIC BLOCKING 2 BAYS-~ BACK {} 48" o.c. SECOND FLOOR BLOCKING 2 BAYS BACK ~ AB" o.c. FIRST FLOOR BLOCKING 2 BAYS End Wall Blocking Detail not to scale Notes: 1. Sheothieg As Part Of Shearwall Segment (SW.S.) Where Notes On Roar Plan. Shall Be Continuous From Sill To Top Plate Or Adequately Blocked At Joints. 8d Common Nails ~ 6'oc Edge And Field. 2. Hold Down Required At All 4 Corners Of Structure Unless Other~rise Noted. · Design Length z Design Length 8d Common Nails 6"oc Edg Solid typical unless noted otherwise 'CS20' Coil Strop aver every rafter H2.5 A M,chael Macr, na BOARD 6d Nails ROOF SIMPSON Til -- 0_~ -~ 'CS20' Coil Strop over every stud (4) Bd Nails / Rafter to Rafter Roof Rafter to Plate Connection Detail to Wall Stud Detail (4) 8d Nails Plywood Sheathing at Corner Installation Detail 6d ..i,s (,)..oils (4) 8(I Nails LE~TW  SIMPSON S~ONG-TIE (4) 8d Nails-- )n H2.5 A (4-) 8d Nails- ~ second fir. 'CS20' Coil Strap aver every jack stud SIMPSON STRONG-TIE LE~4C~TH ;~ 'CS20' Coil Strap SIMPSON STRONG-TIE ~ I 8d Nails o~r every stud over e~ry stud ~ Provid~ strap f~ 1 / each ~ck stud when multiple ~ok studs ~~ ~ are required (4) 8 8d Nails (4) 8d Nails .. SIMPSON 'CS20' Coil Strap over every stud 8d Nails S 3 Porch Roof Rafter to S 5WallWall Stud Beam to Post Detail Stud Rim Joist 8d Nails ~SIMPSON STRONG-TIE 'CS20' Coil Strap over every stud III Nai,s Wall Stud to Sill Plate Detail Wall Stud to U Rim Joist Detail Jack Stud at S7 Gable Stud Wall Header O en,n to Wall Stud Dtl. blockin sill plate SIMPSON 'CS20- Coil Strap o~r every stud H2.5 A wall 14) 8d Nails S1 Cantilevered Wall Stud to Rim to Sill Plate Detail ~ofid Corner Post STRAPPING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All Stropping To Be 1-1/4" Wide 20 Ga. Steel or 'Simpson' Equiwthnt CS20 (coiled strap) Unless Noted Otherwise. 2. Use Stainless Steel Straps & Fasteners or Hot-Dipped Galvanized When in Contact with A.C.Q. Lumber. .3. Install Strapping For All New Construction. And where noted on plans 4. Install Strapping for Each of the Following: .~ -Rafter to Rafter over Ridge ~c -Rafter to Plate to Stud ~-End Wall Studs to Wall Studs E -Header to Jack Stud (~ -Jack Stud to R~m Joist ~ -Wall Stud to Rim Joist ~ -Cantilevered Stud to wall below -Rim Joist to Sill Plate 'SIMPSON' HDU5 ~, 5/8" Threaded Rod NAILIN(~ SCHEDULE: Table 5.1 tWFCM.) I No. of Nails J Nail Spacing Joint Desc~pt~on ROOF & CEILING FRAMING WALL FRAMING FLOOR FRAMING '~mpson' HDO8 H01down . .~7/8" dia. Threeed Rod Ew7 b.;id dm;ds oln2: s~r ~° ACd~ne%ri ev [e ~Faundation Waft Note: Required at each noted otherwise building corner unless 2-16d Common nails ~ 6" o.c. for full length of stud @ second floor 'SIMPSON' HDU5 CEILING SHEATHING WALL SHEATHING FLOOR SHEATHING (Su~oor) first floor STRONG-TIE 'CS20' Coil Strop over every stud 8d Nails P.C., A.I.A. P.O. Box 475 St. James, N.Y. 11780 phone (631)686-6585 fax (631) 686-6786 email MMacrina~)opton h ne.net web MMArchitectpc.com Revisions. 1 9/2/11 Remove covered porch No. Date Description Project: Proposed Residence For Steven & Gretchen Mezyn eski H2 Holddown Connection Dtl. for first floor to second floor connection "H-1Holddown Connection Dtl. S,e Rafter to P,ote to for first floor to foundation wall connection Stud Connectio~ Detail Route 25 Orient, NY B NOTE: Town of Southold Simpsonf tStrong-Tie ~APPING TO BE 1 1/4"x20 -ABA46 ~4'x6' P°st/ GAUGE STEEL or 'SIMPSON' EQUIVALENT ,,, ' -ABA44 4"x4' Post -ABA661/6'x6" Post CS20 (COILED STRAP) (All stropping shall be installed · '.' prior to sheathing.) Post to Concrete NAILING & STRAPPING at, O / Connection Detail EXTERIOR WINDOW / DOOR HEADERS (Required for all New Construction and/or New Additions) --(3) 8d Common Nails 'B' .= (Wood Frame Construction Manual) Notation 5 B S Ge Schedule (1) , t t f neral Notes 4'-0" 4 (1) 2x42 2 2 2 g E erg,0,s Nail 8'-O" 8 (2) 2x4 or (1) 2x6 .c:;...1.1. Porch Column Detail E. Number of jack st"ds at eoch end of headers (assume double headers 10'wide x 4" dee[ x 12" tall bm. pocke{ 16'-5" Unfinished Cellar (28' tangth) x 12' tall bm pocket T6'-5" 14¸ (2)13/4"x11~"lvl flush trimmer Note: HWH Provide Fresh Atr To Mechanical. (2)13/4"x11~"lvl flush t~mmer extension W16x31 stest Iow girder (43'-4" total length) ~,,~ 20'-8' CM at 16"oc (3') (18' length) /-/ 16'-5" down 16' W16x31 steel Iow girder (43'-4" total length) flush bdt. II (6' length) Install 2"x8" treated Nailer lagged to solid Rim Joist w/ 3/8"Ox4" long at 16"oc staggered top & bottom for Deck Attachment bolts to be hot-dipbed galv. (see detail 3, same sht.) 18'-6' TYPICAL DECK PIER 6"x6" treated post on 12" Dia. x 8ft. tall P.C.(min.3,000psi) Piem on Undisturbed Soil, min. of 36" Below Grade. Top of Pier to be flush with finish grade. Install Simpson Base (see detail) into Concrete Pier for Post Attachment Flue & Thimble to be set 6" from side & rear ~ FLOOR JOISTS ~ ~ (2)2"x6' pressum Top of Beam rJ~ I i~ I treated nailing plate align with top ~/ ' ~-~ ]j [~ ' of foundation Staggered each side of Web. Secure Top of Columns w/ (2)~'dia. x 2" bolts (see plan) Pipe Column Steel Girder Detail 1-1/2" = 1'-O" NOTES: 1. Double All Floor Joists Under Parallel Walls Above Unless Noted Othe~vise, 2 Utilize Steel Shims Only Under Ail Girders. LEGEND · New Foundation Well ............... On Footing .',",l'" ' " - top of well (0'-0") ............... Lower Top of Well ............... (see plan) FootingNew Poured Concrete Detail Symbol CELLAR SLAB 4" Poured Concrete Slab over 6 mil. polythetyne vapor retarder (lap joints as required) on Undisturbed Soil or Compacted Sand to 95% Relative Density. install a 1/2" Premolded Expansion Joint at Perimeter. (see Detail) (2)2"x6" treated ~ Sill Plate ~ Coated Copper Tem~ita Shield ~ 3,000 psi min. 10' thick P.C. Foundation Wall (un.ss noted othe~wse) To Grade Provide 2"x4' t( 1/2" Premolded Filler At Pedmetar of Stab X, Cellar t (see plan) (3) ~4 Rebar Compacted Clean Fill Typical Foundation Wall 1"= 1'-O' TYPICAL FOOTING 3"0 Steel Column on 48"x48"x18"deep Poured Concrete Foot'g w/~¢4 rebam at 7"oc E.W. (6 total) ~T~PiCAL ~-\ L~J SP~CING Z TY.~C~_ I '=' CORNERS Typical Anchor Bolt Dtl. Lap Building Paper over Deck Flashing over Plyw~l Sheathing to Approx, 8'-12" above Decking S.S. Joist Hanger 318'~x4' Lag staggered top & bottom bolts to be hot-dipped galv. Detail (see plan) of Deck Ledger ~ r(3)Coctinuous fi4 Rebar ..... x, I~1 .,'' Section Thru Window Header ~) Foundation1/4..: 1'-0" Plan 4~--~--~-o sca--~Cellar Window Detail ~. anchor bolt (7" embedment) well IMich .ael Uacr, na Arch itect, P.C., A.I.A. P.O. Box 475 St. James, N,Y. 11780 phone (631) 686-6585 fax (631) 686-6786 email MMacrina@optonline.net web MMArchitectpc.com Revisions: 1 9/2/11 Remove covered porch 2 1/13/12 Removeallade&reardealand~ngs No. Date Description Project: Proposed Residence For Steven & Gretchen Mezyn eski Route 25 Orient, NY Town of Southold Foundation I Plan - Details Date: Job No.. May 3, 2011 1047 Scale: File Name: As Noted 1047-Constm B Drawing No.: A-3 Michael sS=;°be/, M a cri n a .E Arch itect, of saddle Consult General Contra~or (3)2"X10' Hdr.~~~ ,~~ __ ~----~ ~ regarding jama~ thickness " ~ unless no~ P,O. Box 475 ' ~ o~e~lse on plan St. James, N.Y. 11780 ..... ~ ~ , phone (~1) 6~-6585 ~ ~ web MMArchit~.com II ~ Kitchen ~ ~ /(2),%"x, ,A",v, ,ush bm. ~L~ (2)~%"x, ,A',v, ,ush bm. -* ~ ' of typical door ' ~ undel w¢l a~e m I o flush hea~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ L~ I g ~: (18'len~) ~ ,~ ~ 1 9/~11 Remove covered ~rch ~r mr ~ 0~n'g m~mE ~ ~ glass dr ~ __ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~-~- ~ , ~---~ m .... ~)~ ~ ~ ~ of floor framing ' ' ' m~k ' m ~ Il d~n~ --'-°i .¢ ~ ~ ! ~ , Bot. of Header/Bmo~ing Route 25 m .~ , m ~ 8'~ ~' A.S.F. q 1 d~r I q m ~ ' glass dr. ~ ~/ ~~x ~ Odent, NY ~ · ,, ~ ~ (3~x10 Hdr, (3~x10 Hdr~-- ~ ~~ - Town of Southold mul~ mull~ ~ ~ ~x~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Suffolk Co 19' ~11 transom i ~ ~ ~ Sh~m Sp~ ~ m (see plan) /  LEGEND: HOLD DO~ CONNECTION ~ Date: Job NO. STRUCTURAL POST · S~le: Fde Name (MIN. (2)2x6) As Not~ 1047-Constrn B TALLER / LO~R WALL ~ Drawing No.: First Floor Plan ~o~,~ / w,~ 0,~,.~ ~ .,o,.} % Macri P~TE (3)2"x6" Hdr. (3)2"x6' Hdr. Max. slo~ of 1 2 CLR24 CLR24 1/2" die Machine Tile Fir. / ' SubFlr. STAGGERED ~ ~ 1'_0- 1,_0- Steel to be pointed oil sides I I with a rust preventer prior 3" = I '-O' to beem assembly Detail Of typical flitch beam assembly Rigid Insulabon Pnor to Shea~~ 45'-0" Consult General Conbactor , 17'-6" , 10'-0" 17'_6" I Not to Scale ~ ~ regarding jamn~ thickness .... phone (631) ~6-65~ ~ (3)2"xl 0" Hdr, ~ ~ /~11 ~l~ng ~ (3~"xl 0" Hdr. - ~ ~ FILLER BLOCK Master__ ~-~~ 4,[ tub~ ~ [ j of typical door jamb at corner STAGGERED Light= 14.7% = ~1 ~mm;m, (12 length) 4~+ Bath ¢1 ~ ~11 ;a ,0sC rofter exterior turner post ~ ~ e~ 6' ~o ~ ~ 10set ~ Building -- ~ ,,~ ,,o s,, , ¢ ~ -~ ~ _ ~ - ..... PLAN REFERENCE NOTESI ~. II II ~11 I',', I~.' % _ _j / ~ ~ -Custom Leod Pan ~ 4-1/2' taml curb Town of Southold x. I~ I I ,_, ~] ~ ~ J i/~ ~ the shower ~lve to the shower heed - su.o, t.p. gla. temp. giass ~ Two 48' wide x 22' deep x 36' toff Vonifies Ch.k. By/ ~,_o. ~._¢ ,o,_o- ~o,_o- ~,_~. ~,_o. LEGEND: the show. ~lve to ~e shower he~d Second Floor Plan / WALL CABINET ~ ~ 36"x40' Custom Shower with: AsNo,~ l~7-ConstmB ~ to the permenent structure. /, Michael eve.bong "' Macrina ,, 1 2 2 xlO Ridge Board > ~ i '- / ; ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ [ a i ~ (2)CJ. underDo~erWalls P.O. Box475 ~ ~ ~ / I '~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~F ~J ~ ~ .. SI. James, N.Y. 11780 ~ , ~ :~/ ~ ....... / ~ =,~ ', ~ ~ 2-~,0... ~ ,, ,,, e~ ~ec[Ion ,..utypical dormer phone (~1)686-6585 ~ , , (14'length) ~-- ~ h ~ ~ J ---- ~ (~qength) ~ ~ -. , J ~ ~ ~-- ~ / email aMacrina~o~online.net ,,,, ,, ,,+ E ~ ~ a 16"oc 4' ~ [~ ~ ~ % **'~**~ ~ !at~6'oc(4') ~ ~ n Revisions: · o ~ ~ iI ~ I ~. xl 4 v R dge Bo~r~ _-- ~ ~-- u ~ .... ~ I ~ ~ 1 9/~11 Remove covered ~rch > mm x ~ * xLL~% I x ~ x m ~ * ~ m e~ r / - % 8"~keover,ang ~ 8' akeove, lang % ,, 8"mkeove~ang ~ % ~/ ~ ~~1~% ~ ~ H l] ~,'.8'R, ~,6'oc~ ~ 1~,. _~~~r.~ ~% m ~ HII For (~p atlg~do~m O.H. I ~ / / ;igi;~ ...... ~ '~ ~ ~-- ][ H~ .,....o..c-., ~ as ~r .ai,ng s~u~e Rout~ 25 . WALL - -- 3/4"'Advante¢ P~ OrieRt, NY ~ ~-~,-- ~l~n .[.ow .0. IIII ~ ~ /' IIIB ~~Subfl*r.beglued ~/4 = a -o ~1~ I Town of Southold ~ ~ INDICATES AREA OF ~S~pping Ch~k~ By: SEQUENCE OF ROOF FRAMING ~ ~ l(~pi~lall~enings) ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,, o J ~' [ ~ i &nailod to oists ,~ * . . ,, , 8ool ~lan - Dormer Plan May 3, 2011 1047 P~c ~an for dormer la out 1/4" = 1'-0" Second F~r. Ted PL _ 12 Ridge Vent ([ypicat) - Rake 11 DO~Tner Offset ,_"_ ~-- ]]- :Z-: ] ] _-- ] ]--- ] ] ] ]: ] Z:-: ]--: z ]__ __ ] Z ] ] Z:- ]]--_ _-] ]- ] ] Z-] Z ]--- ]- ]:- Z]:- ]-;-: ]]: ] ]--]: ]- ] ]- ]- ]:-- ]: ]] ] ]-] ]--- ] ;:- ]--]- - Left Elevation east 12 II Fascia O.H. Entrance Door to be selected L~ne Indicates Foundation ~_] Wall Below Grade ~'--~- .................................................................................................................... .... --~ ................................ ~ ........................................................................... ~ Line Indicates Footing Front Elevabon .o.. Below Grade 114" = 1'-0" Typical Roofing Cert,-Split Medium Handsplit 24" Red Cedar Shingles Number I Grade Blue Label with Cer~i-Last Preservative Treatment to be installed as per the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau. Sheathing 5/8" CDX plywood sheathing Exposure 5-1/2" max. exposure for 4:12 or steeper roof pitch 4-114" max. exposure for 3:12 to 4:12 roof pitch Undedayment instal[ (1) Layer of Ice & Watershleld (self-adbedng polymer modified bitumen sheet) over ail roof sheathing. Installation Install ( 1 ) Layer of 30~ fog between each course of shingle as required by the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau. Vaileys All Valleys are to be protected with copper fiashi~ over (1) layer of Ice & Watomhleld. (see detail) Ventilahon No Ventilation ~s required (hot roof design). Fasteners All Fasteners are to be 3d box 1-1/4" comosion-resistant nails with a minimum penetration of 1/2" into the sheathing. Use (2) nails only for each shingle approx~mataly 314" from edge and approxlmatoly 1-1/2" above exposure line Gutters All Gutters are to be 5" Haft Round Copper& All Leaders (downspouts) are to Round Copper. Locate all leaders into unde~grcund piping to drywells. (Refer to Elevations for Locations) Typical Siding 18' Western Red Cadar Certi-Grade perfection shingles to be Numb~er 1 Grade Slue Label and installed as per the C;~Jar Shake & Shingle Bureau. over 30~ Felt Paper over 112" CDX Plywood Sheath'g (install 1/2" pressufel treated Plywood Sheathing at Base) Exposure 6.5" Exposure TO 1Tee Weather Finish to be selected & dis(cussed with homeowner Corners Altemata Weaved Olutslde & Inside Comers AQachment for each shingle shall be held in place by two hot-dipped zitnc-coatsd, stainless steel, of aluminum nails or shaples. The Fasteners shall be long enough to pened~ate the sheathing by a min. of I/2" and shall not be overdriven. Staples shall not be less than 16 gage and shall have a c~own width ~of not less than 7116", and the crown of the staples shall be parallel with the butt of the shingle. Installation Tt~ Bottom Course shall be Doubled. Exterior Light Fixtures All Extador Wall Lights are to be installed on a 5/4"x8' wide x (2) ~shingie courses tall Red Cedar Block. Exterior Trim Boards Matedal All Extedor Tdm Boards are fo be 'Azek' or equal. Exterior Painting Color to be selected by owner. 'Azek' All Exterior Tdm Boards are to be Filled & Pa~ntsd. Utilize a minimum of two coats of a 100% latex- ac~fic semi.loss with a Light Refl6ctive Value (LRV) of 55 or higher. 'Pine' All Extenor Tdm Boards are to be Filled & Painted. Utilize a minimum of tw~ coats of a 100% ~atax- ac~lm semi-gloss over one coat of an oikbased pomer or no pomer if surface ~s already pre-palmed. Flashing For all Horizontal Wall to Roof Intersections, Install Metal Coil Flashing For ali Sloped Wall to Roof Intersections, Install Metal Step F~ashing. AIl Window Ddp Caps to be Aluminum to match tnm color. Michael Macrina Arch itect, P.O. Sox 475 St. James, N.Y. 11780 :)hone (631)686-6585 fax (631) 686-6786 emad MMacrina@optonline.net web MMArchitectpc.com Revisions: 9/2/11 Remove covered porch 2 1/13112 Removealls~e&reard~dand~ngs No. Date Description Project: Proposed Residence For Steven & Gretchen Mezynieski Route 25 Orient, NY Town of Southol~ Suffolk Couny I Sheet Title: Elevations Front - Left Date. Job NO.: May 3, 2011 1047 Scale. File Name: As Noted 1047-Constm B Drawing No.: 8# Offset - Ridge Vent (typical) I' 12 12 Second Elf. Top PI. flashing behind chimney ', Galv. Alum. Window Ar w~th 8' pea-stone floor top of floor to be a rain. of 6" below window sill Elevation west 1/4" = 1'-O'° 12 1 12 ---,~- Fla red Shingles ..... !l Rear Elevation 1/4" = 1'-O" to be painted Fin Dim. 'Timbertech' Rad~ rice Rail 2'x2" 'Timbertoc[ Balusiers to be spaced a m ix. of 5"oc 'Azek' to be painted to be fastened to Floor Structure %" Shlplap & Glue joints '~mbertech' Radi of typical railing & newel post Detail ince nad to be painted -Conc. Pod under Stoir Stringer Detail o, po.c. ~..eck steps Notch over Rim Jo~st zinc-coated Lag Bolts w/washer ([wo per post) 2x Treated Blocking behind Railing Post Joist Plan Detail of newel post attachment , of Deck Rim Joist (see plan) Michael Macrina Architect, ' P.C., A.I.A. P.O. Box 475 St. James. N Y. 11780 phone (631) 686-6585 fax (631) 686-6786 email MMacdna@optonline. net web MMArch~tectpc.com Description Project: Proposed Residence For Steven & Gretchen Route 25 Orient, NY Town Elevations Rear I. Right Date: Job No.. May 3. 2011 1047 Scale: File Name: As Noted 1047*Constrn B Drawing No.: A-8