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FORCHELLI, CuRTO, SCHWARTZ, MINEO, CARLh'qO & COHN, LLP COUNSELORS AT LAW 330 OLD COUNTRY ROAD P.O. BOX 31 TELEPHONE: ($16) ~-17~ BEOAD ~OLLOW ~, 5~ PLEASE REPOHD TO; MINtlOLA~ MI1LVI1,LE o July 16, 2003 VIA FACSIMILE Bruno Semon, Senior Site Plan Reviewer Soul.hold Planning Board Southold Iowa Hall P.O. Box 1179 Sou~hold, New York 1197 i -0959 Re: District 1000, Section 80. Block 3. Lot 15 Dear Bruno: DRF/ka As of now our lot line request is on hold. I will keep you updated. DIANA R. FANTTAN0 JUL I 6 ?OOS Southold Town NED 14:~0 FtX $10~4517~ FC$~CC ~001 FORCHELLI, CURT0, SCHWARTZ, MINEO, CARLINO & COHN, LLP ?0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: FAX COVER SHEETw Bruno Uemon, Sr. Site Plan Reviewer FAX NO: 631-765-3136 Diana R. Fa~isano, Ese. FILE NAME: Forchelli July 16. 20C3 FILE NO.: 17199 NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING THiS FAX CDVER SHEET): 2 IF YOU 2qAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS REGARDING THIS TKANSMITTAL, CONTACT KAREN ADLER (~X~. 20~}. PLEASE COMMENTS: See annexed lettor. CONFID~NTIALI T/ NOTICE Reydon Shores Southold NY 80-03-15 42 LAKE NOTICE SECTION NO 080 .L__.PROP[RTY MAP 06;~7/0~ FRI10.1t' ' FAI $152451729 ~ 001 FORCHELLI, CURTO, SCHWARTZ, ]VIINEO, CARL1NO & COHN, LLP FAX COVER SHEET TO: BluBo Semc~ FROM: Jeffrey D. DATE: June 2~, 2003 ~ FAX NO: 631-765-3136 ES~)FILE NAME: Forchelli FILE NO.: 17199 SUBJECT: NUMBER OF PAGES (~NCLUDiNG THIS FAX COVER SHEET~: IF YOU HAVE ANY QUEoTION~ OR PROBLEMS REGARDING THiS TRA~SMITTAL, CONTACT KAtlENADLER (EXT. 203). PLEASE COMMENTS: See annex~ lester with enclosure. Southold Town CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE 08,'g7,'03 FR! 10:15 FAX 3162 172~ FCS~CC ~002 FORCHELLL CURTO, SCHWARTZ, MLNEO, CARLINO & COHN, LLP COUNS~LOR~ AT LAW OLD COUNTRY ROAD P.O. l~OX 31 IVI~EOLA, NEW YORK ll~0l TELEPHON~: (31~) 24~1700 June 27 2003 VIA FACSIMILE Town ofSouthold To<a Hall P.O, Box 1179 Southold~NYl1971 AR: Bnmo Semon Re: District 1000. Section 80. Block 3. Lot 15 Dear Bruno: As per our conversation this morning, I enclose herewith a cop). of thc proposed Dcciaralion of Restrictive Covenants which would affect the property. Please note that this can be changed if we do a 15 'foot row r~or Mucllcr. If you have any questions regaxdillg ii, plcesc give me a call. This Wql also COnfirm that either I or one of my partners v~-ill be al the work session o££he Planning Bom'd on Monday, Jtme 30, 2003 at 4:30 p.m. Thanks for all )'our help, DRAFT DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS This Declaration made this day of July, 2003, by ROSARIA FORCH'ELLL, having an address at 5 Danton Lane South, Laztingtown, New York 11560: ~ hav~g art address at and __, having an address et __ hereinafter collectively referred to as fl~e "Declarants". WITNESSETH: WI4_~REAS, the Declarants are the fee ewners ofp~emises !oeated at Lake D~ve, Reydon Shores, Southold, New York and de$igna*~ed on tb.e SuffoLk Coumy Land and Tax Map as Dis~¢t i000, Section 80, Block 3, Lot 15, and more farther described by metes and bounds on Schedule "A' attac~d hereto ("Premises"); and WHEREAS, si multaneously here'eh, th, Declwants aequ.ired title to the Premiseg; s.nd WHEREAS, Declarants want to restrict the use of the Premises. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarants do hereby impose lhe following covenants and restrictions upon thc Premises: 1. That the t~se of the Premises shall be restricted as follows: The middle fifteen (15) feet of the Premises, described by metes and bounds on Schedule "B" attached hereto and owned or to be owned by _ , shall be used as an accessory pmee~ to premises known as Dis~et 1000, Section 80, Block a: Lot 4 (the "Mueller Parcel") and shall be limited to providing access to 00,'~7/0g FRI 10:19 FAX $1g~ ,t72~ F¢$MCC ~004 (b) DRAFT av.d from thc basin and for the installation ora dock for one (1) boat, said access and dock shall be for thc use of thc owner or occupant of thc Mueller Parcel. Notwithstaudingthe aforesaid, if the owner of the Mu~ller Parcel mad the om~er et'the Pinkham Parcel elect to replace thc existing dock on the Pinkham Parcel with a new dock to be shared by the Pinkham Parcel ~,~d the Mueller Parcel, then said dock may provide space for t~o (2) boats, one for the use of the occupant of the P~nkham Pm'eel and one for the usc of the occupant of the Mueller ?arcel. The western portion of the Premises, described by m,res and bounds on Schedule "C" attached hereto and owned or to be owned by __ . shall be used in conjunction Mth the premises known as District 1000, Section 80, Block 3, Lot 1-~ (the ~'Piakb~m Parcel"). The eastern portion og the Premises, described by metes and bounds on Schedule "D" anached hereto mad owned or to be owned by . shai1 be used in conjunction with the premises known a~ District 1000, Section 80, Block 3, Lot 16 (the "Forchelli Parcel'') and shall remain unimproved except for (a) normal landscaping, ~nd (b) the easterly five (5) feet which can be built upon ir~ conjunction with the One-family residence on the Fmchelli Parcel. 2 06,'~7/03 FRi 10:19 FA1 S16~1729 FCSMCC DRAFT 2. This Dec;aration may be engorc~ by an action at law or in equity. 3. The Declarants, their h~rs, succ~ ~d ~s~s ~ee ~ oxecute ~3, ~er doc~eats or ~s~ces necess~' m efl~c~e the rights and obligations ~di~ted herein. 4. The ~ore~d terns sh~l be deemed ~ven~ts, shall ~ wi~ ~e 1~ ~d shall be binding Presses. ~ ~T~SS WHE~OF, ~esc prc~nrs have ~en duly executed the day mad y~ first above ~00S DRAFT ~ 000 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFF©LK On the day of J&y, in the year 2003 before mc, thc mldersigned, personally appeased know~ ~o me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose name(s) i~/~re subscdbedto the w-ithin instrument mad aekn0wledged to me that he/she/they executed fl~e same in his/her/thek capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatme(s) on the inslrumcnt, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public 4 lc'RI 10;~6 F.~32 51~17."9 D AFT OO7 SCHEDULE A PROPER~ DESCR~TION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of ]and, s:mate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and sbovm on Map of Re-Subdivision of Block "F" of Map of "Rcydnn Shores" at Ba~/iew, L.I., N.Y., SeI~lember 2nd~ 1936 and whi~'h ,a/~ map was &fly filed in thc offioe of the Clerk of the County af Suftblk at Riverhcad. New York, on ibc 7th day of October, 1936. as Map No. 1215, and which said lot is mare particularly desig~aated as arid by the lot numb:r six (6) on said Re- S~i~division M. ap. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE Date: Name: Telephone: ,~'~ ~- - ~ ~7 g ~- Mailing Address: i 5--~- SCTM# of site you are inqulnng anou~. Query: (Please be specific about the information you need. Provide supporting documentation - surveys, maps, sketches - where possible.) JUN 1 6 2003 Southold Town Planning Board For Office Use Only: Routed to: --~O" - REQUEST FOR INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE Name: Telephone: Mailing Address: SCTM# of site you are inquiring about: ~ ~ - ._~_j ~_~ Query: (Please be specific about the information you need. Provide supporting documentation - surveys, maps, sketches - where possible.) For Office Use Only: -SUk~DIV/.HOAI BLOCK "P'" o,~ MAP 0£ "p. £ YO OIv $H0££$" BRYVI£W, ~.L,N.Y. IM Io c~wse .... ~ end or from data obtained from others. ! em f~ ~ l~e STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL AND CON$Ii~ OF' SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPO.~4~:.~f~TE'..MS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES el~d w~l ',~r~ ~ cenEtllons sef forll~ fherel~ and on fha petrol! fo NO LOT ~RS A~ REF~NCED TO ' ~P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~F~K C~TY CLERK ~ OCT. 7~ KEY MAP ~r~. ~ ~ .. , SURVEY FOR ~5~ T: FRED RAPP ':~ A T SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY , N Y. 1000 - 80 - 03- 15 SCAI.~ Y' ; ~0' MA Y 12, 19~ r conlou lines ~ JUL Y 6, 1998 '( ret wall defined ) M,4 Y 12, 1999 ( addiltons ) JUNE ~, 1999 ( rapp septic specs. JUN~ ~8~ dO00 f ~ ~op. sepl~ SEPT. /3~ ~ ( ~ mef~ ) SZ~T. ~, ~o r ~,~ ~ PECONIC S, AREA = 11,349 sq ft. P. O. BOX · 1250 TRA VE tO ti~ ~ $OUTNOLO, .q 7 - I. qR 49618 1797 ~OWN OF SOUTHOLD OWNER FORMER OWNER RES. I SEAS. LAND IMP. AGE NEW Farm Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland Br~shland House Plot Total VL..r// TOTAL NORMAL Acre PROPERTY RECORD CARD VILLAGE W FARM COMM. DATE BUILDING CONDITION BELOW Value Per Acre DISTRICT SUB. ACREAGE TYPE OF BUILDING LOT r iND. I CB. MISC. REMARKS ABOVE FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD .,/br' Value .~ ~ 4~z ~4 ,, ~ ,¢,: Z ~o BULKHEAD DOCK Est, Mkt. Value OWNER LAND TOTAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD --~::~:_ - ..... 1--~,~ ---~ - -TO,~--- AGR. REMARKS ,se7 TYPE~ OF BLD. PROP. CLASS DATE FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD TILLABLE WOODLAND MEADOWLAN HOUSE/LOT TOTAL M. Bldg. ' /~'C~_ Extension ~0, . ~ Extension Extension Breezeway O.B. Foundahon : ~ Bath Basement '.' ,'-~ I F!oors ~xt. Wal,s nterior Finish Fire Place / Heat ~ I / Porch Roof Type Porch~ '... Rooms 1st Floor Patio ~/z~ ~ /~ Rooms2ndFIoor TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PKOPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER ..~ g,P,,M E R OWNEP~ STREET -- S VI LLAGE DISTRICT SUB. TYPE OF BUILDING I M P. TOTAL DATE LAND ABOVE FRONTAGE ON WATER Value __ FRONTAGE ON ROAD BULKHEAD DOCK AGE ~ ~oo L~ 5Soo BUILDING CONDITION NEW NOP~MAL BELOW Farm Acre Value Per Acre Tillable 1 Tillable 2' Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland Brushland House Plot Total M. Bldg. n"~0 I--~_ ~-~ 0~:2 ~ z/,~"~,,h Foundation ' C O, ~ Bath Extension C. ~/~ ; ~ ~ ', ' Basement y~ Floors ~ ........ ~ ...... j_ _ ~/-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ [xt ~a s . ,~ [nterior Fin'sh ~ /~ ~'/z = /zo ~ ~,~ f~ ~orch ~oom~ ~s~ ~oo~ '-' ~- - .... T '- - ~ Breezeway Patio , Rooms 2nd Floor Garage . ~¢_. -- ~ ~ , . , +