HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-83.-2-2 & 17HARVEY A. ARNOFF Attorney At Law 206 Roanoke Avenue, P.O. Box 329, Riverhead, NY 11901-2794 Harvey A. Arnoff Paul K. Siepmann NY & MI Paraleeal Colleen Grattan-Arnoff October 15, 1999 (516) 727-3904 Fax No. (516) 727-3940 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Dear Mr. Orlowski: Enclosed please find survey of Joseph A. Ingegno which we neglected to enclose with our letter to you of October 7, 1999. Thank you for your courteous attention. HAA:rd Enclosure HARVEY A. ~FeF OCT 15 1999 Town Board HARVEY A. ARNOFF Attorney At Law 206 Roanoke Avenue, P.O. Box 329, Riverhead, NY 11901-2794 Harvey A. Arnoff Paul K. Siepmann NY & MI Paraleg~l Colleen Grattan-Arnoff October 7, 1999 (516) 727-3904 F~x No. (516) 727-3940 Planning Board ' Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 0el 0 8 1999 Attention: Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Dear Mr. Orlowski: On October 6, 1999 1 met with Bob Kassner and Melissa Spiro together with Nicholas Aliano, Sr. and Nicholas Aliano, Jr. to discuss the configuration of the lot line change on Mr. AIaino's approximate six acre parcel. If you recall, at the last informal meeting the Board indicated its dissatisfaction with our proposed change creating a parcel with only 25 feet of frontage. As a result thereof, we have reconfigured the parcel in accordance with the attached survey. Both Mr. Kassner and Ms. Spiro suggested that before it is finalized between the respective parties, that we meet informally with the Board. A likely time would be at a work session scheduled for October 18, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. I would appreciate it if you were to place me on the calendar for that work session on behalf of Mr. Demetriades so that we might finalize this change. Thank you for your courteous attention. HAA:rd cc: Alexandros Demetriades Very truly yours,_ June 18, 1999 Nicholas Aliano Ashley Lane Shoreham, NY 11786 RE: Proposed Site Plan for Beachcomber Motel Duck Pond Lane, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-83-2-1, 2, &17 Dear Mr Aliano, The Planning Board has received a letter from your agent, Henry Raynor, indicating that the above property has transferred title. Your site plan is still pending before this Board. The Board would like to know the status of your application. If the new owner is not going to continue with your application the Board would appreciate a letter from you stating that the application is withdrawn. Unless we hear from you to the contrary, a resolution to withdraw your application will be on the agenda of the Boards public meeting on July 19, 1999. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact this office. Sincerely, Robert G. Kassner Site Plan Reviewer CC: Henry Raynor, Agent Harvey Arnoff, Attorney HENRY E. RA YNOR, JR. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY ff952 516.298.8420 June 14, 1999 Bennett Odowski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Beachcomber at Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Orlowski: Please be advised that the above referencsd property has transferred title. At this time I will no longer be processing the site plan before you on behalf of Nicholas Aliano. I want to express our appreciation of your time and efforts of both the Board and staff with regard to this property, I has been a long and timely process and we appreciate the courtesies extended to us. Sincerely./~ Henry' F..~ ~aY~or, Jr. HER:mi JUN 16 1999 Southold Town Planning Board HARVEY A. ARNOFF Attorney At Law 206 Roanoke Avenue, P.O. Box 329, Riverhead, NY 11901-2794 Harvey A. Arnoff Paul K. Siepmann NY & MI Paralegal Colleen Grattan-Arnoff May 18, 1999 (516) 727-3904 Fax No. (516) 727-3940 Mr. Bennett Orlowski Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Chairman. Orlowski and Members of the Board: Southold Town Planning Board This letter will confirm the fact that on May 18, 1998 1 had occasion to meet with two members of your staffto discuss a proposed lot line change with reference to certain properties contiguous to certain property. I am aware that there has been a substantial amount of work done referenced the proposed expansion of the motel by Mr. Aliano, however, I represent an individual who intends to purchase the subject property. It is my client's intention to purchase and Mr. Aliano's intention to sell to him, three separate and distinct parcels. I have designated those parcels as parcels "A", "B", and "C" on a map enclosed for your review. You will see that parcel "A" is owned by Pond Enterprises, parcel "B" is owned by Patrinia Krupski and parcel "C" is a portion ora larger piece owned by Mr. Aliano. Essentially what is happening- is that we are expanding what will be the entrance to the motel itself by the acquisition of parcel "C" and leaving access on the north for Mr. Aliano and the remainder of his original 30-acre parcel. It is my opinion that this conveyance represents a lot line change and nothing more since parcel "C" will be acquired by and become part of an expanded parcel "B". The purpose behind this letter is to inquire of the Board its opinion of this application and to solicit its comments prior to an actual submission so that this matter may be handled in as expeditious a manner as is possible2 I recognize that these conveyances will essentially undo virtually all of the work that Mr. Aliano has previously embarked upon for an expansion of the motel. This, however, should not in any way impact upon the matter before the Board now. Mr. Bennett Orlowski Page 2. I look forward for your anticipated cooperation. HAA:rd Vew truly P.S. I would welcome the opportunity of addressing the Board on this at a work session, should / you feel same appropriate. N 45'55'40' I 219.11' A£P£OXIMA TE ZONING L/NE N 29"50'50' £ AC 1000-0B~- 2 - 17 AC -- AGRICU£ TURAL CONSERVA RON RR -- RESORT / RES/DEN17AL BARRETT BONACCI HYMAN & V~WEELE 250.00' 1000-083-2-17 1000-08,~-2-2 1000--08,.?- 2-1 172 TAL 33.~ ACRES I2.3 ACRES 2.1 ACRES 4B. 2 ACRES PROPERTY_ _BO UNDARIES SCARE 1" -- 300'~ FIGURE 1-2 'PAGE 1-5 ,vw~q v~-~(.JUTflOLU PkOPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER STREET . ~/~) VILLAGE DIST SUB. LOT S W ~PE OF BUILDING LAND , IMP. TOTAL I DATE REMARKS .' ~ ~-~ ' Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER Wo~land FRONTAGE ON ROAD Meadowland DEPTH House Plot BULKH~D Total -E~VN~; , ...... ..v..,.. ",'~.'~'.=RTY RECORD CAR~ "-" /STREET VILLAGE __ , ~ D IST~.~UB. LOT AGE '¢' BUILDING CONDITION - ~EW NORMAL ~ BELOW ~ ABOVE Farm X:e ~ :~ue Per Acre ~ Value -- __ YHl~ble 2 ' ~womplend ~ 3rushlond ¢ ' o~ ~,~ r ~ - ~ ~ I ~ - -- . 3 IMP. NORMAL Acre STREET VL. T~TAL BUILDING CONDITION BELOW Value Per Acre VILLAGE DATE . REMARK. S-~'l~L RECORD DISTRICT SUB. LOT ACREAGE TYPE OF BUILDI /CB. /MISC. ABOVE Value ¢~-' Porch Attic ~ ,' R~ms 2nd Flor Breezeway ¢¢'~, ''~ ~ 1~ Potio ~ / y Driveway Garage ~ ×tens/on ;tension BOSement J Ext. Walls Fire Place Porch Potlo Driveway Bath' Floors Interior Finish ~eo~t ls~ Floor ROOms: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER STREET ~"~ ':~L-~ VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT FORMER OWNER N .... E ACR. ~ I S W TYPE OF BUILDING RES..,~/,.~" SFAS. VL. FARM ~ CB. MICS. Mk,. Value ~ND IMP. TOTAL DATE R~RKS rillab'e FRONTAGE ON WATER ~' ~ '~ ~ ~ ~land FRONTAGE ON ROAD ~_,~ ~eadowland DEPTH ~ouse Plot BULKH~D 'ora I I Iq A"RO Ps m ACREAGE ,~ TYPE OF BUILDING RES. LAND :,/~'n o SEAS. IMP. VL. TOTAL ~0oo NEW NORMAL Farm Acre Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland Brushland House Plot Total FARM ~ DATE xBUILDING CONDITIOI~, :LOW__ Value Per Acre ABOVE ~":f /??/- . ag~ Bath ~orch ~orch Floors Interior Finish Heart Attic Rooms 1st Floor Rooms 2nd Floor /,)09 ",~Z~- ~-J~j' .~.~v.~ OWNER FORMER OWNER' .. v~ r TRE N S :J~'ES. / ~.(__.) ~'~S. VL. LAND IMP. TOTAL ~A~GE 2- DATE IE~ISTRiCT SUB. LOT TYPE OF BUILDING , COMM. J IND. REMARKS Farm Tillable I ~L Ac re Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland Brushland House Plot Tota~.~ 31, d 7J B.~ ILDING CONDITIO / 0~ 7-/ Value Per Acre /7? ABOVE Value OWNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD '~T-REET ~ VILLAGE I DISTt AOR. TYPE OF BLD. PROP. CLASS SUB LOT LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD TILLABLE WOODLAND MEADOWLANC HOUSE/LOT TOTAL N .45'55'40' 219.11' N 56'15'50' 300.00' C) 1000-083-2-17 1000-083-2-2 1000-083-2-1 TO I'A£ 4'5'52'40' APPROXIWA TE -- ZONING LINE AGRICULTURAL CONSERVA DON RESORT / RES/DENNAL BARRETT B ONAC C I HYMAN & V~WEELE // N N 29'50'50' 213.08' 33. 8 ACRES 12.3 ACRES 2.1 ACRES ~.£ ACRES AC S ~J~0'20° E R/R AC 1000--0B3-2-17 75' ['. /, N 4,5'22'00" 7/ 150. O0 ' S 150.00' S 150.00' 1~99.$5' ROAD PROPERTY .U O UNDARIES SCALE 1"= 300'~ -S 48128'00' ~1 : 250.00' MAY 19 l~s Southold Town Planning Board FIGURE 1-2 'PAGE 1-3 ONE / I / / II I I I I I I I I x -- MINI-- POTENTI L tO REMAIN/ RECONS x ~ x ~ TO BE JRANT. lNG LOSS EROSION AREA. o~o DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS (BASED UPON STORAGE FOR 2" STORM) TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA 624,067 S.F. STEEP SLOPES 229,063 S.F. X 0.167 X 30~ -- 11,476 C.F. PROPOSED BUILDINGS 13,800 S.F. EXIST. CABANA 1.750 S.f. EXIST. GAZEBO 384 S.F. TOTAL BUILDINGS ~ 2,661 C.F. PAVEMENT LANDSCAPED TOTAL VOLUME REQ'D ~ I I / i I / I / I J / ~o / / / / / 11 / / II / // / // // / / / / / II I II I/ ////I/I/ III/1111 ~1~IQ/~ //1111/I IIIIII Ill I I I I I )1 III1~ /JII ir. IIIIIIIll Il/Il 0 0 570.21' \ N 40'25'00# W /'/ %%. xx 465.90' \ \ / / / / / SCDHS RESIDENTIAL DENSITY EQUIVALENT CALCULATIONS ALLOWABLE SANITARY FLOW 48.2 ACRES X .300 GPD/ACRE -- 14.460 GPD EXISTING SANITARY FLOW (ONLY COUNTING FLOWS FOR THE RESTAURANT THAT GET CREDITED AGAINST DENSITY) BAR RESTAURANT 5 UNITS X 100 GPDPU = 500 OPD 3 UNITS X 350 GPDPU = 1,050 GPD 36 UNITS X 150 GPDPU = 5,400 GPD 5 OCCUPANTS X 15 GPDPO = 75 GPD §0 SEATS X 10 GPDPS = 500 GPD TOTAL EXISTING PROPOSED SANITARY FLOW MOTEL 46 UNITS X 150 DPDPU ~ 6,900 GPD PROPOSED TOTAL SANITARY SEWAGE FLOW ~ % , % TYPICAL 12 UNIT BUILDING 12 UNITS SEP~C TANK LEACHING POOL X 150 GPDPU = 1,800 GPD 3,600 GAL. REQ'D PROVIDE 1--12'e X 6' -- 3,750 GAL. PRODDED 1,800 GAL. -- 10 GPDPSF -- 180 S.F. REQ'D PRO.DE 1--10'e X 6' -- 188.6 S.F. PROVIDED PARKING CALCULATIONS EXISTING MOTEL EXIST]NO RESTAURANT EXISTING APARTMENTS PROPOSED MOTEL UNITS EMPLOYES ACCESSORY USES TOTAL REQUIREMENTS TOTAL PROVIDED 36 UNITS X 1/UNIT 60 SEATS X 1/3 seats 3 APTS. X 1/ APT. 46 UNITS X 1/UNIT 6 EMP. X 1/EMP. NO SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 104 STD. + 4 HANDICAP 36 STALLS REQUIRED 17 STALLS REQUIRED ;5 STALLS REQUIRED 46 STALLS REQUIRED S STALLS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED 108 STALLS REQUIRED 108 STALLS PROVIDED REVISIONS ./~z/~5 ~-~z IT' CONSU.T~ ENGII~r. ER8 II BONACC I L~D S~VEY0~S II HYMAN & II V~E~ I~ ~/~-m~ ~Barre[t, Bonaeei, H~an & VanWeele, I 1~ A ~mmerce Drive, Houppouge, New York 11788 BEACHCOMBER MOTEL CUTCHO~ ~UFFOi..K COUI~FY, N~W YORK PRELIMINARY 7/29/93 1 "=50' 86--30 DEVELOPMENT SURVEY OF PROPERTY $ITUA TED A T CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-85-02-P/0 17 "40' SCALE 1 = AUGUST 10, 1999 AREA = 141.184.27 sq. ff. 5.241 oc. AQUEBOGUE ABSTRACT CORP. TITLE No. 990801770554 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALEXANDROS DEMETRIADES ATHANASIOS DEMETRIADES N.Y.S. LJc. No, 4966~ Jostleph A. Inge~o Land Surveyor P~ (516)727-20~0 Fox (516)722-5095 'd S 81'5T'25" V/ ~/o/~ lqicltOI*&$ 4:~6.42' 99-51[