HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-78.-6-9.2 & 9.3H'./PE ~'HOUS;E PA6E 01 Board of Tow~ lmstee~ Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 POBox 1179 Southoht, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Krups&i, August ! 8:2005 via fayc 631-765-6641 I purchaxed a fo~r room cottage with a sepa~tte p~e0e of property for my~elfan~ ray four children in October 1~94, on a prayer. Sinc~ that time my kids have split the two bedrooms. I sp~nt yem's fixing the house and working. My children have di~bilitle~ make~ life difficult. I had to le~ how to repair my house ray,If and rai~ my boys myself. Money is the biggest difficulty. I c.~lled various Southold Tom Boards mud Suffnlk County Health Dep~j~ac~ before I purebred my horn~ &nd ~xlred if there would be at~ diffimlty separating the two pro~ies tlmt ware merged by the town a, non- conformin8 lots. The County said it was already t~o tots ~nd the town, Craig Turner, said tl~t · lny clroml*tances meo! the oritcri8 to unmcrge thenl lind I should ~ppi~ to the b'dldin8 deparlmera and Zoning Board of Appeals when I had the F~om 1994 until .2000 1 replaced ltoor$, wall~ and windov~ added in,~alion, ~nstalled new hot ' water healer and many more ~ thlffi I care to menl~on, mostly by night while my kids slept ~ had to borrow money to pay ~ wh~ I eo~kln't 2001 I was finally able to refinance my house to take out equity ~o put in a kitchen, finish rel~dm ami build two bedrooms and bath ups~im I hired ~ architect, Richard Daley, mad a local builder, William Hulse. The architect never completed his plans aaiS! needed to go to small ¢l~UnS ~ourt to get my $'900.00 down l~jment bank. I w~n in Com~ and the ~u~itect filed b~uptcy. In th~ rae~ime, building mle~ ¢~ed and I had to find engineer to complete all ~w plana. It wa~ another year b~0re I finally received Building department and ZBA approvals. Atto itt 2001 I wa~ contacted by Ed Werthner's attorney, Pal Moore, about giving up my bask well (I h~d two) - *o We~Jmer could put m ~et~ic tanks on property he purchased next to mine. In good f~ith I agr~,.d to k4s only im~u'ri~g the ~ost ofhookin~ up to public water ($3400.00 for SCWA fee~ ~ ins'tailing the needed treanb mid water pipes). I did~ 't w~t it to co~t me nmn~y when my front well was ~o long~r usable and I couldn't use my rear we. Il. Mrs. Moore &-~w up a contract in lam~y 2002 for ho- to hold the $3400_00 in her e~xow account and relea.~ it to me wi'~o Werdmer dosed on this property. With thi~ they were able to get file Town Tmslens. the ZBA. building dep~rtmeat. DEC. health det~ttment ~ who,.or ol~e's approv~h were needed to build a Ftnally, in January 2003 the bu31d~r ~ my rm~ovations. He did not follow the approved plans and did not consult the engiaeer or building d~r~m~ He stm~,xl the " AUG 1 9 2905 work, was partially paid, purchased a house ia Greenport w~ the mor~- I paid him and then decided he dicln't warn to finish my job He le/~ me with an ur~uished shall ora kit,cha~ that had a 7 toot hole where one. x~ndow was supposed to be, two other windows selx~usly leaking and no lign ora second story. Ia February 2003 he nailed a piece of plywood over the hole to suppo~xlly keep the snow om and lei/, I immediately filed small claims court action for some of my money back because I waz told he was sell/rig his house and moving out o£state I won in small claims court and he moved. Thar~ I found out that most of the w~k he did needed to be redone at an expense of over Sg,000.00. I also had to hire an t~,ireer to change the pla~s to show the slructural changes that he made. I am still finding and repairing his damage. During that time I noticed that my rear prol~ty was holding ImBe amounts of wate,. 1 had olay in thc rear yard so there was always a 10 or 15 foot area that perked stowl:~ but now ;here was well over I00 foot o£ standing water that look months to drain. I called Ed Forrester. He said be thought mom rain than o~,a! was probably the problem. By 2003 neighbom wher~ ctanplaining about the mosquitoes and the water. Th, bigger complaint w~s from SaCcomano (along my southeast) who had inhered and moved into the hou~ n~x~ to me in 2002 She constantly asked when 1 would ol/minatc the water and started throve,lng chc. micals rote the water for the mosquito larvae. I had to a~k her several times to stop b~cau.~ animals liv~ there. I stopped working on the house and cail~d two local landscapers and an excavator to h~lp identify tl~ source of the water problem. All said the re-~ading of the recharge/wetland area where Wentlmer's house now sits, whiCh runs along my northwest, was the problem. The Sac, comano's property, wlamb is 300 ~ long that severely slol~s and pitches towed ~niae, is the biggest runoffcontributor~ Their runoff used to flow Inut my properly and accumulate on ti~ wetland/rec3aq~e area along the canal, with other maoffthat accumlated there from the ~rroundin8 area. Wmlmer eliminated those wetlands, re-grading it up and added retalni.,g wall~ Water can no long~ go there and now ~%qtles ia my yard Werthner's property was a wooded wetland/rscharge area that was home to turtles, red fo:c d~er and a vm-icty of birds. My yard is now a rauddy umkqable mesa. The privat~ road, wtiioh beloag~ to the Stegner'~ has r¢~ls ale,8 the e~tim length of Wectlmer's proPerty and catches some of the mnotY But Wertht~-x mov~l into his hou~ in 2003, plaood it up for ~ sad is slowly r~aoving this area by mowing down the re, eds a little m a tim~ l~aving the area smaller and smaller. I got an estimate to fix the water problem caused bytlm Wert~er's and Saccomano's propo'ties (close to $10,000.00) so I could just fixit. The landscap~ and ~xcavator ~id the veg~tataon n~:led to be r~movod {o e. Apo~e tim ground before they could start. In the Sutrat~r.rFall 2004 [ started thc week, clearizlg out the vegetatiotl, t~novilag some olay I applied for the waiver of'merger to ~ the money. We soh~luled the work to he dm~e when Il received the waiver and the Mini was olear. They would m back sad trenches and pockets. The e~ccss clay and ~il would be used to form berms arom~d m~ yard argt the trench/po~k~ areas would b~ filled with gravel and t;and. A layer of topsoil to cover the e~tire area would then reran} the property to it,'a original grade. 'l"be water woold have a place uado~'ound to go~ mitigating the problem at my own expense. In la~axary 2005 the T ' ms:ee s aoufi~d me that I l~-~d to immedi&tdy stop removi~,g vegetation from my "wctl~d/scrub-fluub area" My property was neve~ ¢otmdemd to be wetly& before and I never required Tru~ee involven~mt when I received my vaxi~ce arid building permit for my ~ldkion. This notice cxe_~ed serious problems with my request for waiver of merSa,. Stopping the work [ef~ my properb, 10okiag like a barren, ~mpl3; muddy bowl ~d that's bow it stayext. Saccom~o's d0cided they didn't want rae to u~e my rezx properW and would rather: have the water, so they convinced a neighbor, -McGinms, that ifI un-merge the p~operty my mess would go to their property. Mc-Cfnnis wrote a letter of concern to the ZBA The Sac¢omano's then ~ddr~ssecl the ZBA now describing the water thru she h~ been throwing chemi~s imo and was complainin8 about as "~n ea:vironme~tally ~sitive area" av~ said "I played in that swamp as a kid", requesting that I not be allowed to ummerge. Mr. Saccomano then told one of my kkis that he was going to sue him ifwate~ catt~ onto his l~Operty, And it's HIS rtmoff All [ aa~d was to iix this problem myself and steer very, ~-xy clear of Saccomaao and We~thner, Wer~b.a~ then wrole a letter to tl~ Zt~A requesting they de~y mc. Wh6,n [ approached Weflmer to give blm a letter asking him to address the water in my yard, he shoved me, I had to file a report with the police, The ZBA ~v~ntually denied m~ waiver As for my we], Mrs, Moore never phc, ed the limds in e~row, explained to me thai it wasn't h~r problem and [ had to hire an attormy to help m~ get the money directly from Wettlmer, receiving k 2 years after I was supposed to, in Ianomy 2004, I still do not h~ve the trench and pipes and will hzve to take him to small claims cma forths cost. Now I don't have the funds to fix the yard rayself or finish my house. I'm not even able to u~ the r~ Wo~ now ~ it is ~w a r~d~, unable, u~ m~. A~ 1 ~ve tO ~e an ~ne~, agai~ to c~e the pI~ el~ t~ s~nd ~o~ ~let~, aaying ~& four roo~. TI~ Trustees have jufi~iction over Warthner's prope..rty affeciing/effecting me as a result of his wetland approvals and can make him stop removing the roed area that is leR on the road. Please help with this. Sincerely, Donna Cook 6900 Ma~ Bayvi~ Road Soutbold, NY 11971 765-6841 (25 and 425 Private Road 12) Building Depiutment -- ~?g> August 18, 2005 Board of Town Trustees Town uf Southoid 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 via fan: 6 ]1-765-6641 Mr. Kmpski, h came to my attention today that there was a Trustee Heating regaa'ding Ed W~a~et's propertT re-grading and w~tland removal that [ wa.¢ never mad~ aware of ~ approv,~s w~re granted by you Sanuary 2002. The wink tkat wa~ done there m~ a result oftho~ approvals have resuited in serious dan~e to my piopen'y. Please tell me how to address this issue, Sine. ely, Donna Cook 765-61M1 6900 Main Bayvicw Road Sonthold, NY 11971 AUG 1 9 2OO5 Date: To: March 28, 2005 Ruth Oliva, Chair Zoning Board of Appeals From: Re: Katherine and Neil Saccamano 6990 Main Bayview Road Southold, New York 11971 Cook Property Variance/Unmerge Application 6900 Main Bayview Road Southold, New York I am writing to voice our objections to the proposed division of the Cook property. The current total area of the lot is 20,896 sq. ft. and is a grandfathered non-conforming lot size. By waiving the merger and granting a variance for the lot line changes you would now create two non-conforming lots in an already developed area. The purpose of this application of Ms. Cook I presume would be to produce a lot on which to build a home. This would entail putting in many cesspools in an already environmentally sensitive area. With the water table high in this area the impact of the new subdivided lot with a possible future home could result in our abutting property becoming flooded and or contaminated. Sincerely, Katherine Saccamano Nell Saccamano 6990 Main Bayview Road Southold, New York 11971 Phone:765-5773 Cc: Town of Southold Town Planning Board Town of Southold Board of Trustees Town of Southold Building Department PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair RICHARD CAGGIANO WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Younga Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 Date: January 20, 2005 Ruth Oliva, Chair Zoning Board of Appeals From: Jerilyn Woodhouse, Chair Planning Board Request for comments on Donna Cook Variance Application SCTM# 1000-78-6-9.2 & 9.3 Appeal # 5638 The Planning Board has reviewed the variance application for the above-referenced properties and offers the following comments and/or recommendations at this time: The subject properties were merged in accordance with the merger prevision of the Zoning Code of the Town of Southold (Section 100-25). The pri/nary objective of the merger law is to bring nonconforming lots into compliance with the bulk schedule requirements of the Zoning Code. The total area of the lot is 20,896 sq.fi., where 40,000 sq.fr, is the minimum required in the R-40 Zoning District. If the ZBA approves the waiver of merger and grants the variances for the lot line change, parcel I will be approximately 7,500 sq.fi, and parcel 2 will be approximately 13,500 sq.ft. Planning staff conducted an inspection of the property to verify the presence of wetlands on the southern lot. A copy of the aerial photograph is attached which clearly shows a wetlands pocket covering a large portion of the southern lot. Once appropriate setbacks are applied, it is clear there is little, if any, buildable area on this property. Accordingly, the Planning Board finds that even if a waiver of merger is approved by the ZBA, it may be difficult to obtain permits to develop the lot. Construction of a single-family residence may require permits and/or approvals from the Town Trustees, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. For the reasons stated above, the Planning Board recommends the ZBA coordinate review with the Town Trustees to determine whether or not they have jurisdiction over the proposed project. Cc: Heather Tetrault, Environmental Technician Office Location: Town Pmnex/First Floor, North Fork Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 TOWN MEMO TO: FROM: Planning Board s~ Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman, Zoning Board of Appeal DATE: January 5,2005 SUBJECT: Coordination for Reply/Comments Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 The ZBA is reviewing the following applicati¢-rl for an advertised January 20, 2005 public hearing. Enclosed are copies of the Building Department's Notice of Disapproval and ..... ~tic~iomwith map. The~-PlanningBoard~rray~be-:involved~ding'adoHine - ~h~F~' rb~?i~w brii:le~ ~he Zonihg 6r subdivision regbl~i66S ~ th~'Zbhih-~'rJS~,' a~n'd':y-6'ur comments are requested at this time. The file is available for review of additional documentation at your convenience. NAME TAX#/ ZBA BD NOD VARIANCE PLANS PREPARER ZONE DATE DATE STAMPED COOK, 78-6-9.2, 5638 11/10/04 Bulk Schedule, Sketch Hands on DONNA 9.3 100-244B lot plan map Surveying (formerly line change only dated (with 8 & 9) if lot waiver 100- 8/2/04 applicant's R40 Zone 26 is granted; notations) northerly 7,500 sf has existing dwelling. Your comments are appreciated by January14, 2005. ~'' '~' [~ ' ,i ~,' Thank you. FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: August 27, 2004 AMENDED: November 10, 2004 TO: Douna Cook 6900 Main Bayview Road Southold, NY 11971 Please take notice that your application dated August 23, 2004 For a permit for a waiver of merger and lot line change at Location of property 25 & 425 Private Road #12, Southold, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 7~8 Block6 Lot 9.2 & 9.3 Is returned herewitl:/and disapproved on the following grounds: The subject lot (i8-6-9.2) has merged with adiacent lot to the southwest (SCTM # 1000- 78-6-9.3) pursuant to Article II Section 100-25, which states; ~e~. A fi0nc~Fo~i}a~ l~f::s~a~i ~er~:~ith~fi: hdiad~fit confonning 0r n0n~0nfonnih~ ]i~ which bas been held in comnron ownership with the first lot at an,/time after July 1, 1983. An adiacent lot is one which abuts with the parcel for a common course of fifty (50) feet or more in distance. Nonconforming lots shall merge until the total lot size conforms to the current bulk schedule reouirements. Furthermore, the applicant proposes a lot line change, once the lots are umnerged. The proposed lot tine change is not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 100-32, which states; "No buildin~ or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the AC, R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts unless the san~e conforn~s to the requirements of the Bulk Schedule and of the Parking Schedule, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein full." The minimmn lot size required in the Residential R-40 District, according to the bulk schedule, is 40,000 square feet. Parcel 1 (78-6-9.2), cun'entl¥ measures 6,098 square feet in total size and is improved with a dwelling. Parcel 2 (78-6-9.3), currently measures 14,984 square feet in total size, and is improve.d with a frame garage. Following the proposed lot line change, Parcel 1 will measure 7,500 square feet in size and parcel 2 will measure 13~500 square feet in total size. As a result of the lot line change~ a nonconforming accessory garage will become conforming. This Notice of Disapproval was amended on November 10~ 2004, after the applicant submitted a .new proposed survey, changing the nature of the Notice of Disapproval. Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor, North Fork Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 http://southoldtown.north fork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 TOWN MEMO TO: FROM: DATE: Planning Board s~:~ Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman, Zoning Board of Appeal January 5, 2005 SUBJECT: Coordination for Reply/Comments Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 The ZBA is reviewing the following application for an advertised January 20, 2005 public hearing. Enclosed are copies of the Building Department's Notice of Disapproval and ZB application with map. The Planning Board may be involved regarding a lot line change review under the zoning or subdivision regulations of the Zoning Code, and your comments are requested at this time. The file is available for review of additional documentation at your convenience. NAME TAX#/ ZBA BD NOD VARIANCE PLANS PREPARER ZONE DATE DATE STAMPED COOK, 78-6-9.2, 5638 11/10/04 Bulk Schedule, Sketch Hands on DONNA 9.3 100-244B lot plan map Surveying (formerly line change only dated (with 8 & 9) if lot waiver 100- 8/2/04 applicant's R40 Zone 26 is granted; notations) northerly 7,500 sf has existing dwelling. Your comments are appreciated by January 14, 2005. Thank you. FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: August 27, 2004 AMENDED: November 10, 2004 TO: Drama Cook 6900 Main Bayviexv Road Southold, NY 11971 Please take notice that your application dated August 23, 2004 For a permit for a waiver of merger and lot line change at Location of property 25 & 425 Private Road #12, Southold, NY Couuty Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 7~8 Block6 Lot 9.2 & 9.3 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The subiect lot (78-6-9.2) has merged with adiacent lot to the southwest (SCTM # 1000- 78-6-9.3) pursuant to Article II Section 100-25, which states; Merger. A nonconforming lot shall merge with an adjacent conforming or nonconfon~ning lit which has been held in common ownership with the first lot at an,/time after July 1, 1983. An adjacent lot is one which abuts with the parcel for a common course of fifty (50) feet or more in distance. Nonconforming lots shall merge until the total lot size conforms to lhe current bulk schedule requirements. Furthermore, the applicant proposes a lot line change, once the lots are unmerged. The proposed lot line change is not permitted pursuant to Article III Section 100-32, which states; "No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the AC, R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts unless the same conforms to the requirements of the Bulk Schedule and of the Parking Schedule, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein full." The minilnum lot size required in the Residential R-40 District, according to the bulk schedule, is 40,000 square feet. Parcel 1 (78-6-9.2), cun'entl¥ measures 6,098 square feet in total size and is improved with a dwelling. Parcel 2 (78-6-9.3), currently measures 14,984 square feet in total size, and is improved with a frame garage. Following the proposed lot line change, Parcel 1 will measure 7,500 square feet in size and parcel 2 will measure 13,500 square feet in total size. As a result of the lot line change, a nonconforming accessory garage will become conforming. This Notice of Disapproval was amended on November 10, 2004, after the applicant submitted a new proposed survey, changing the nature of the Notice of Disapproval. Note to Applicant: Any change or deviatiou to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. APPLICATION FOR WAIVER UNDER SECTION 100-2 G This review is for lots which have separate deeds recorded prior to tg, SJ_and'u_nd, ef.sized_ A merge, r determination has been issued by ne {own uuziuing xnSpector~ (copy attached) The zoning of my parcel is presently: ~x The size requirement for this zone is: per parceiL County Tax M~p Parcel ~os: 1000 conttguou~ lots ~hown on the attached deeds, request a review determination by the Board of Appeal~ to de[ermine who[her or not the~e paree[s qualify for a "whiver" under the m~rger provisions Article II, Section 100-26 of the Southold Town Zoning Code, square feet [ hereby submit all of the following documents for reliance by the Town of Southoid in making this review determination: l. Copies of my recent tax bill for both (ail) lots. 2. Copies of deeds dated prior to June 30, 1983 for all lot 3. Copies of current deeds of the parcels under review. 4. Copy of the current County Tax Map for my neighborhood. 5. $150.00 application check which is oot refuddable if this waiver is denied. I understand that if an unfavorable waiver action is issued by the Town of $outhold, that I reserve the ~ight to file for a eubdivisio~ and, if necessary, area variances under the usual procedure. By making this application, I hold the Town of $outhold free and harmless from any and all cl.~lity resulting from the issuance of a waiver. /~f~' (A~cant and Owner) --~"~ Sworn to before me this (Applicant and Owner) NOTARY POBLJC. 8~{e of New yo~ T~nu F-xpk~ Jun, 1~.. mn ...~? A Waiver is hereby approved denied (delete appropriate action) based upon the above documentation. Issued by. R~asons for application(tO continue on next page). (PLEASE USE AOOITIONAL SHEETS ~.:f needed.) APPLICATI(~N TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOA~ OF APPEALS Fee: ~ Flied By:_ For Office Use~-nly Date Assign ed/A~s~gnmeut No. ~~ Office Not es:~__._._.~__ ~ ~ t~ SCTM 1000 Sec~on~Block~Lot(s)~Lo, ~e ' - ~ Zone District~ AppHcan~Owner(s): - ' A~tho~ed ~eP~ese~tative: Address: Please specify who you wish correspondence XAPpticant/Owner(s) tb be mailed to, from the above listed names: [3 Authorized Representative 13 Other:' FOR: U Bulidlng Permit. U Certificate of Occupancy 13 Pre-Certificate of Occupancy U Change of Use k/Pe. rmit for As-Built Construction Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by nUmbers. Do not quote the code. ~ etion 100- ~_~ Subsection Type of.~Appeal. An Appeal is made for: ..Ii,vA Varinnce to the Zoning Code or Z~nin ~ A Variance due to lack of ac ....... t.g.Map. ~=~ reqmret~ oy Hew York Town Law-Section 280-A. B/nterpratatlon of ~e Town Code, Article U Reversal or Other ~ ~ _Section ear.._.~_.~ en n~a~e wi.th respect to this property UNDER Appeal rage 2 o! 3 - Appeal App~,ccdlon Part A: AREA VARIANCE i~EASO~~ (c~ach ex~a sheet as needed): ~ unding fopography and buil fhediIcu~inm~ecoderequkemen~ ~,~..,.~,....,_ .. clinga~emlhcdrelc~elo Page 3 of $ - Appeal Application ~ B: REA$ON~ FOR USE VARIANCE llfreauezted). Each and Every Pemgtfed Use unde~ the Zoning ReguleBom tot the PcMIcular DLddct ProJecl is Located (please consult your alfomey before completing): Where t. Applicant cannot matize a reasonable relum for each and ev ermiife zoning regulaiim, for the -,,,-,-..,-- ---,-. ..... . my p d use under the · ~-,,.-,.,,,u, ~ wnee me prop is located competent financial evidence. The -,,-,--*--, ,-- ...... _eny , dernondrated by (d~se~l~,~' ,..~ ...-.-...~_ ~_ .... ,,~-.~-~,.,,.~,,,. ~..*~rereu~ realEe a REASONABLE Re-m- .~ - 2. The alleged hardshlo reJb~n~ooe~rt~ ,~ __ . j - ...... ,,,,,~,-,,y ~ ~,n~qu? oecause. 3. The alleged hordshlp does not ---,-- ,- -'"-- ~.-~.--. -. ~'.. · , .q.~y m a suosmn,a, ponlon of the clbhtcf or neighborhood 4. The request will not alter ihe essential character of the neighborhood because: 5, The alleged hardship hm not been self-created because: 6: Thb Is the minimum rebel necessary, while of the same time ,-.- character of the nela bolhm-.d .--a .._ ,. ....... ~.,,--,...,.g u.a protecting the explain on a sepmafe sheet il neceslaly.} ry nd welfare of lhe cornmunily. (Please 7. The spldt of the ordinance wig be observed, public safely and welfare will be secured, and substantial Justice will be done because: (Please explain on a separate sheet i/necesscm/.) {VAm)a,C,~h~eck, k..th,?_ .b. oz_ ,.n_d. complete PART A, Questions on prevlou, ""~"~'~ ~""u~uA~0x Il'lease ,-,~,....~ ...... ,._ page fo applv AREA ~anature and nofaw m,~ ~,-.-. ""'""' ~uu~ an~mey.) Othel~se, LOT WAIVER OUESTIONNAIRE What are the square footage and dim~n.~ions of this Iot_..(subject of building department mergerapplication):/.~_s.f. (~O ft. by~?~ +-ft. Date of first deed which created this lot: Date of current deed to present owner: Owners' names of lot at current time: Date and name of subdivision (if any): Size of remaining lot in the merger: s.f. Were there any building permits issued in the Past for this lot; Yes /~' No If yes, please provide copy of former permit and map approved. V¥ ~ere there any County Health Department approvals in the past for either lot? Yes __ No y If yes, please provide a copy. Were they any vacant land certificates of OccuPancy requested in the past? Yes No ~_~. l'f yes, please prov de a copy Were there any other Town actions (apprOvals or_ denials) in the past regarding this property (such as a pre-existing Certificate of Occupancy for.a preexisUng building, a variance, lot-line change, Tru~ees approval, or other type of applicaUon to build or use the property in any way)? Yes ~ No ' . ~ ~~'~ . If yes, p. leaseprovide copy/(ll~ available), or explain' ~ ~ ~ ~ Is there any building or structure, sucl~ as a paUo, driveway, or other, overlapping the deeded, lot line which separates the two merged lots? _ No,, ~ Yes If yes, please explain~ __ How many other vacant lots are on the same block and immediate neighborhood? Please note other approvals or other information about common ownership of these lots: I am an owner of the subject lot and the above information is provided knowledge. (Cop. les noted above are attached.) Own~ Signature ~' Z~A$/27/~9 to the best of my QUE_CTr_C~;ArRE IT.. YOUR Z.S.A. AP. LiC.~TION 5~R ~!LIUG W w o - ~ A. Please disclose the names of the owner(s) and any other Lndividuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the sttbject pro_raises a~d a description of t~heir interests: (Separate sheA_t may be attached. ) B. Is the subject pr~m!wes Lis~e~ o~ the real es~tm markeu for sal~ or being show~ to prospective b~yer~? { } Yes 3. Is ~e vropeltf b~aded between ~e we~ ~ea you con~cte~ ~e Office of ~e To~tees for E. Is ~ere a depression or slop~ elevation ~e~ ~e ar~ of proposed cc~c~cn at or below five feet ~ove me~ sea level~ ~ (If not app~c~le, state "N.A." ) F. ~e ~m ~y pa~os, con. ere b~iers, b~eads ~ S~t~q? ~ none ~xmst, please ~=at~ "nc~e.,, G. Do you have ~T cc~t~c~on taking place at this t~e c~nca~ng your pr~mises? ~ If yes, please s~mit, a cop~ or your bui!~ng pe~it' ~d~as approved by the Building Depar~ent. If none, please stat~. 5. Do you or ~y co-owner alsd own othe~ land close to ~is .... ~ if yes, please e~l%in where ar submi~ copies [- Please list gresent use ar amers~ians ccnductad a~ this kucaor~z~ ~ignacuz~ ant Dace 3/87, 135 .... JD3$TING DIVISION UNE 8EIWEEN TAX LOTS / KEY MAP SOUTHOLD KEY M~P 105 120 135 DATE:JUNE 1;' 2004 / / I , I ~., . ,.,/~ /?' / 8ETWEEN TAX LOTS i /, i · HANDS'ONSUR~IfG ,. ,' HAMPTON BA Y~ NEW YORK '. SlTE DA TA LOT A~: ~SQ. FT. ~ O.~ ACRE