HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-75.-1-20.1 ' ~ | ~ ~ AREA OF ~ ~ ~ / ~.~ ACP-~ I ./ PL,,,~ / ^-. / I/ ¢¢ (~T2~) ~ OVERALL 51~ F'LAN TOTAL. 5T~.L~, S 35'33'00' E A~C~ T PA¥1N~ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 Memorandum To: Ruth Oliva, Chairwoman, Zoning Board of Appeals From: Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairwoman Re: Petition of Koehler at Osprey Dominion Winery Date: January 21, 2005 The proposal before the Zoning Board of Appeals is to add an art gallery use in a separate structure on what presently is a separate lot of 1.3 acres adjacent to the site of the above- noted winery. The art gallery use is not a permitted principal use in the Agricultural Conservation (A-C) zoning district. Therefore the petitioner proposes to merge the subject property with the property on which the winery and vineyard are located, thereby making the proposed art gallery an accessory use to the principal use of a winery, albeit in the front yard. Accessory uses are not permitted to be located within the front yard. In the A-C zoning district, the Town of Southold permits agricultural farm operations to construct a retail sales outlet on the property. Typically these outlets are farm stands. Most are a thousand square feet or less in area. For more than a decade, the Town has allowed vineyard owners the ability to construct larger retail outlets, known as wineries, provided they were located on property of which ten or more acres (other than the land devoted to the winery building) were under active cultivation. Section 100-31 A. (4). In addition, a winery is allowed an accessory use, defined as follows: "an accessory gift shop on the premises which may sell items accessory to wine, such as corkscrews, wine glasses, decanters, items for the storage and display of wine, books on winemaking and the region and nonspecific items bearing the insignia of the winery. Wineries may not have a commercial kitchen as an accessory use but may have a noncommercial kitchen facility for private use by the employees." Section 100-31 C. (10). The petitioner is proposing an accessory use that is not permitted within the A-C zoning district. The purpose of the A-C zoning district is clearly set forth: "to reasonably control and, to the extent possible, prevent the unnecessary loss of those currently open lands with the town containing large and contiguous areas of prime agricultural soils which are the basis for a significant portion of the town's economy ..." Section 100-30. In keeping with this statement of purpose, the Town permits only four types of land uses within this district: agricultural operations, wineries, residences and governmental uses (e.g. Town, school, park and fire districts). The permitted accessory uses relate to the permitted principal uses. The petitioner desires to construct a one-story (8,000 square foot) building with a full basement, for a total of 16,000 square feet of gross floor area. Thirty-eight parking spaces are proposed to service this structure. To quote the material submitted with the petition: the concept is "To develop a unique, multi-purpose creative arts center on Osprey's Dominion as an extension of their current business (emphasis added) and as an outlet for education opportunities. The building will house interrelated creative businesses (emphasis added) as well as providing a platform for cultural events, including but not limited to, a Fine Art Gallery, high end custom picture Framing Shop, and a North Fork Arts Center which will offer art workshops, spirituality sessions, creative writing seminars, live music, plus other aesthetic attractions." The concept paper goes on to say "By locating this structure and arts center on the grounds of the Osprey vineyards, a marketing synergy will result, increasing the effectiveness of each other's promotional efforts and advertising dollars." Finally, the petitioner anticipates the leasing of part of this site to an education institution. The Planning Board notes that the proposed set of uses is permitted by right in other zoning districts within the Town. Additionally, the creation of an educational institution within the A-C district requires a Special Exception and a minimum of five acres of land. The Board also notes that nothing in this proposal is "accessory" in nature, scope or size. The existing winery operation is located on approximately 4.46 acres of land. The remaining 46.36 acres have been preserved through the sale of development rights. The entire winery operation consists of three free-standing buildings, two of them on the 4.46 acre parcel, the third located within the preserved land. The first two buildings consist of a retail sales office and conservatory (3,145 square feet) along with 41 parking spaces and a production and storage building (6,343 square feet). The third structure, on preserved land, contains 8,000 square foot of storage. Of the total existing square footage at this vineyard and winery, approximately 18% is devoted to the retail and tasting room. The proposed "accessory" structure (8,000 square feet and 38 parking spaces) is larger than the principal use, both in size (more than double, not counting the basement footage) and proposed intensity of use. Finally, the Board notes that while many wineries host live music events, art showings, and even catered events within their existing retail/tasting rooms, these activities have been tolerated as ancillary activities to facilitate the primary activity of growing grapes and processing wines. If this petitioner's request is granted, this proposal would create a precedent that would have the end result of requiring the Town to allow every single agricultural operation, not just its nearly twenty wineries, to construct equivalent structures and uses on land intended to be reserved for agricultural uses. A decision of this magnitude is properly a matter for the Town Board to consider, particularly given its stated intention of preserving agricultural land from conversion to non-agricultural uses. Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor, North Fork Ba~ 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 TOWN MEMO TO: FROM: DATE: Planning Board Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman, Zoning Board of Appeals January 5, 2005 SUBJECT: Coordination for Reply/Comments The ZBA is reviewing the following application for an advertised January 20, 2005 public hearing. Enclosed are copies of the Building Department's Notice of Disapproval and ZB application with map. The Planning Board may be involved regarding a proposed accessory building to be used as an art gallery in conjunction with the existing winery uses under the zoning regulations, and your comments are requested at this time. The file is available for review of additional documentation at your convenience. NAME TAX#/ ZBA BD NOD VARIANCE PLANS PREPARER ZO N E DATE DATE STAMPED KOEHLER, 75-1-20.1 5643 11/17/04 100-31C Survey Stanley OSPREY 20.2, 21 DOMINION --;lJ'~/oS proposed art rev. Isaksen, L.S. gallery in 11/8/01 WINERY conjunction with '~ winery uses. .x~ P.t,,-~ Your comments are appreciated by January 14, 2005. Thank you. FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL NOV o~ DATE: March 19, 2003 AMENDED & RENEWED: November 17, 2004 TO: Grammas Construction A/C Bud Realty/Koehler 374 Fulton Street Farmingdale, NY 11735-7405 Please take notice that your application dated March 18, 2003 For permit to construct an accessory "art gallery" building on an existing winery property at Location of property: 44255 Main Road, Peconic, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 7--5 Block_l Lot 20.2 & 20.1 Is retumed herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction is not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 100-31, C, "Accessory Uses." An "art gallery" is not a permitted accessory use. Furthermore, the proposed constmction is not permitted pursuant to 100-33, which states, "In the Agricultural-Conservation District and Low-Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts, accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be located in the required rear yard..." The building is noted as being in the front yard. This notice of disapproval is written based on information from the applicant, that he intends to merge the two properties together. This notice of disapproval was amended on November 17, 2004~ after the applicant decided to merge the two parcels referenced above. Damon Pet~ Rall~s, Perm~"i'F~xaminer Note to Applicant: An3' change or deviation to the above referenced application, ma3' require fnrther rdview by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL TO: Grammas Consultants A/C Bud Realty/Koehler 374 Fulton Street Farmingdale, NY 11735-7405 Please take notice that your application dated March 18, 2003 For permit for construction of an art gallery at Location o f property 44255 Main Road, Peconic County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 75 Block_l Lot 2__!.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed use is not permitted pursuant to Article llI Section 100-31. Applicant proposes to construct an art gallery for display and sales of artwork on the above referenced property, measuring 57,983 square feet in the A-C zone. An art gallery is not a permitted use in the A-C zone. DATE: March 19, 2003 ~Le ~.~,V~ . CC: file, Z.B.A. APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Office Notes: Filed By: For Office Use Only Date Assigned/Assignment No, Main Road Parcel Location: House Nod+4255 Street Hamlet Peconic 57~3 SCTM 1000 Section 75 Block 21 Lot(s) Lot Size sq, ft. Zone District A-C I (V~E) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED: 3-19-2003 Applicant/Owner(s): F.W. Koehler and S. Koehler Mailing 376 Fulton Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735-3461 Address: Telephone: 516-420-8875 Authorized Representative: J. Grammas Grammas Consultants Address: 374 Fulton Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735-3461 Telephone: 516-847-0395 Please specify who you wish correspondence tO be mailed to from the above listed names: [] Applicant/.Owner(s) [] Authorized Representative [] Other: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED ~ -{4c' 0.~, FOR: ~1 Building Permit [] Certificate of Occupancy [] Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ID Change of Use [3 Permit for As-Bnilt Construction [] Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article III Section 100- 31 Subsection Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: ~ A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ID A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ~ Interpretation of the Town Code, Article Section [] Reversal or Other A prior appeal [] has~R has not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year Page 2 of 3 - Appeal Application Part A: AREA VARIANCE REASONS (attach extra sheet as needed): (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, If granted, because: (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant fo pursue, other than an area variance, because: (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental condlflons In the neighborhood or district because: (5) Has the variance been self-created? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. If not, Is the construction exlstlng, as built? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. (6) Additional information about the surrounding topography and building areas that relate to the difficulty In meeting the code requirements: (attach extra sheet as needed) This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and protects the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the [~) C~ctYk this box and complete PART B, Questions on next page fo apply USE VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise, please proceed fo the sic/nature an, I nora area below. Sworn fo before me this day of .................... 200_. (Notary Public) Signature of Appellant or Authorized Agent (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) Page 3 of 3 - Appeal Application Part B: REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE (if requested]: For Each and Every Permitted Use under the Zoning Regulations for the Particular District Where the Project is Located (please consult your attorney before completing): 1. Applioant cannot realize a reasonable return for each and every permitted use under the zoning regulations for the particular district where the properly Js located, demonstrated by competent flnanclal evldenoe. The applicant CANNO? realize a REASONABLE RETURN because: (describe on a separate sheet). 2. The alleged hardship relating to the property Is unique because: 3. The alleged hardship does not apply to a substantial portion of the dlslricf or neighborhood because: 4, The request will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood because: 5. The alleged hardship has not been self-created because: 6. This Is the minimum relief necessary, while af the same time preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safely and welfare of the communih/. (Please explain on a separate sheet if necessary.) 7. The spirit of the ordinance will be observed, public safety and welfare will be secured, and substantial justice will be done because: (Please explain on a separate sheet il necessary.)~E 'FL--~.~- [ ) ~neck mis box and complete PART A, Questions on previous page fo apply AREA VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your offomey.) Ofhe~ise, please proceed fo the slqnafure and nofa~ area below. S~orn fo before me this - ~l~o~ary P~bllc~ Si~'naf~-re ~i~ppella~f'~r A~h°riz~d(-Agenf (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) "OSPREY'S ART DOMINION" COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER / ART GALLERY / CUSTOM FRAME SHOP CONCEPT ~ To develop a unique, multi-purpose creative arts center on Osprey's Dominion property as an extension of their curre~t&usiness and as an outlet for educational opportunities. The building will house interrelated creative businesses as well as providing a platform for cultural events, including but not limited to, a Fine Art Gallery, high end custom picture Framing Shop, and a North Fork Arts Center which will offer art workshops, spirituality sessions, creative writing seminars, live music, plus other aesthetic attractions. By locating this structure and arts center on the grounds of the Osprey vineyards, a marketing synergy~will result, increasing the effectiveness of each other's promotional efforts and advertising dollars. In addition, all facilities will reap the benefits of their close proximity in an atlractive and pastoral environment. · Cross marketing to wine and art lovers, whom have proven to overlap in many demographic instances · Bringing more traffic and buyers to the grounds of the vineyard and vice-versa · Intertwining weekend art shows, with Wine tastings and musical performances · Developing and raising and brand name recognition for all entities involved. Another important aSPect integral to the success of this project will be some type of formal affiliation with a prestigious and growing Long Island college. We are co~idering a Long Island College, currently offering a strong Music and Arts Program as a partner in this Arts Center. This affiliation will allow for student art shows & workshops, academi[ seminars, aS well aS provide a venue for indoor and outdoor musical concerts and ensembles. The exposure and ' publicity opportunities this affiliation will create for the Vineyard, the North Fork Art Center and the participating College will be advantageous to all participants. LOCATION - This creative arts center will be located on the grounds of Osprey's Dominion vineyards, approximately 100 yards from the tasting room, with road frontage on Route 25A (Main Street ) peconic, New York. ~his new facility will be connect~ to the existing tasting room by a stamped, colored concrete path and Belgium block edging. Additionally, strategic placement of outdoor sculptures by Long Island artists will provide further enhancement for the area. Axran~ements and opportunities will be made available to local North Fork landscape design firms to have these connecting grounds become a showcase for their talents and creativity. Several landscapers will be selected, each to be responsible for an outdoor section of the project, which in mm will be identified by signage for consumer selection. It should be noted that this project will be designed in all its aSpects to appeal to a cultured, discriminating, and upscale clientele. -2- FACILITIES / BUILDING - The entire facility, the existing two buildings ( Winery and Tasting Room) as well as the r~ew building, will strive to maintain the character and 'feel' of the North Fork -- agrarian and bucolic. Certainly, the charm of it being part of a working vineyard is to be exploited overall Basically, the building itself will consist of two separate levels, each with non-competing but interrelated product and/or service offerings. These are as follows: la) Main Level - 3,200 square foot Community Arts Center, for workshops, seminars, classes and music. Also, a dividable sub-section will be available for both ad hoc activities, or for long- term lease. A Long Island College has been singled out as a possible long term lessee for this airy and creative environment to be used in conjunction with its Music & Art Programs. (see page 3.) Discussions are currently underway with this prestigious College and they will be named as soon as an mutually beneficial agreement is solidified. I b) Main Level - 1200 square foot Art Gallery showing works of mostly established artists. A well known Gallery Owner/Designer, Josh Miller has agreed to develop the design and layout of the gallery, which features wood plank floors, evocative colors and the last word in gallery lighting and hanging systems. 2) Lower Level - 1,500 square foot Custom Framing Shop; located towards the lower rear of the building. In additi~m to state of the art equipment and computerized Mat cutters, it will also feature a viewing window, allowing gallery visitors on the main levbl to see the craftsmanship which goes into custom picture framing. The building can best be described as ergonomically artistic, and in addition to large expanses of glass for natural light, it should feature the following physical characteristics: · A front and side porch, with Wooden Rocking chairs · Decks on the upper level, facing both north and west · A Cimular wooden fireplace in the upper mezzanine area, as well as two wood burning stoves within the gallery · A wooden atrium, centrally located midway between the tasting room and Gallery. · Gravel Parking areas, rather than concrete or asphalt · "Picnic Zone" and Sculpture Garden between the Gallery and Tasting room It is important to point Out that for optimum roadside impact all buildings on the grounds of the facility should be recovered with the same facade and siding, preferably wooden natural cedar shakes. It is imperative that as prospective visitors/customers realize that the existing tasting room, existing winery building, and new Community ~4rts Center are one in the same - and by parking once - a full wineT artT sculpture~ music and learning experience can be realized Also, by combining these several unique and aesthetic disciplines under one roof, so to speak, each different owner/manager/participant will enjoy greater retail benefits and an enhanced consumer image than from a stand-alone effort. AFFILIATION WITH A MAJOR ARTS AND MUSIC COLLEGE As previously mentioned, it is proposed that an Arts College become a major part of this center through the leasing of a portion of the first floor area area. A lease arrangement can be worked out for this space, either for the entire year, or a scheduled arrangement negotiated for a percentage of'use, with the lease price prorated by that schedule. ' Ideally, it would be beneficial and more focused if the College decided to enter into a long term formal lease agreement basically making this building a "Satellite" annex, as part of the planned expansion to the existing campus. This satellite will be dedicated to the music and arts programs at the college, and coordinated with current or developing curriculum. The remaining time would be made available to any outside entities, for parties, gatherings, corporate outings, and private workshops. PARTICIPANTS - Bud Koehler - Owner of Osprey's Dominion Vineyards and Koehler Construction (Bud will build and own the building.) Tom Stephenson - Manager, Osprey Dominion Vineyards Dr. Maureen Carey - Artist; Spirituality Workshops; ( resume attacl)ed ) Craig Hansen -- Vice President of Omega Moulding, a wholesale picture frame moulding company with 20 years experience in the Fine'Art and Framing industry. Bryan Hansen -- Framing Shop owner/manager, 25 years framing experience Arnold Hansen - Co-owner of the Viking Gallery; freelance writer; retired Advertising Creative Director; Creative Writing Instructor Josh Miller - Fine Art Gallery Designer Additionally, there are over 25 creative and well known artists whom have expressed an interest in working with the new gallery, participating in shows, and displaying their works on a consignment basis. They include: Dr. Maureen Carey Wendy Csoka Albert Miglio Charles Wildbank Jacqueline Penney Apo Torosyan Pamela Dulong Williams Since tastes in original paintings vary widely and cyclically, these artists can be changed to conform to consumer preferences and sales patterns. However, all of the gallery offerings will feature prominently in establishing a fine reputation for this Community Arts Center. SUMMARY - At this point, without going into furth.er, detailed specifics of the project, a brief review of th~ unique Osprey's Art Dominion center would seem to be expedient. , . It all begins with a recognized, established vineyard on the beautifully pastoral North Fork of Long Island. To this existing landscape, a new two-level, aesthetically functional building will be added. It will house several interrelated retail businesses, and provide facilities for both educational and civic pursuits - all artistic and otherwise creative in nature. Both the original structures and the one to be erected will be interconnected in park like surroundings, thereby encouraging consumers to enjoy all of the Center's offerings. On the human side of things, there are many people (some are listed herein) who feel a kinship for this 9oncept. Not only can they visualize its viability, but in addition, they have the expertise to make the dream a reality. Of course, all of us know that altruism is not much of a motivating force in this day and age, and that profits rule in the consideration of any business venture. Yet upon reflection, there somehoW seems to be room for both in this artful project. TARGET DATE Grand Opening Memorial Day Weekend CC: Bud Koehler Osprey's Dominion Vineyard / Koehler Conslxuction Tom Stephenson- Osprey's Dominion Dr. Maureen Carey- Bryan Hansen Craig Hansen - Vice President Omega Moulding David Merzin - President Omega Moulding November 10th, 2004 Craig A. Hansen Cell 516-607-7339 PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please include with Z.B.A, Application) Applicant(s): ~.W. [oehler, Jr. If building is existin~ and alterations/additions/renovations are proposed.' A. Please give the dimensions and overall square footage of extensions beyond existing building: Dimensions/size: Square footage: N/A B. Please give the dimensions and square footage of new proposed foundation areas which do not .extend beyond the existing building: Dimensions/size: SqUare footage: N,/A If land is vacant: Please give dimensions and overall square footage of new construction: Dimension/size: W=100' D= 40 + 50 Height: 22ft. To Ridge HI. Purpose and use of new construction requested in this ~pplication: Additional infon'nation about the surronnding contours or nearby buildings that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): None V. Please submit seven (7) photos/sets after stak/ng comers of the proposed new construction.. 7/02 Please note. Further change,, after submittiJ~g the abo~e information, mu*t be placed in writing and may require a ne~, Notice of Disapproval to 3how change* to the initial planx ff additio~al time i* needed~ fllea;e contact otar office, or plea*e check w~th Bm'lding Department (765-1802) or Aflpeal2 Department (755-I 30¢ {f yo[~ are not ~ure. Thank you