HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-31.-7-7SANITARY DETAIL No S¢ole \ \ \ \ \ \ DETAIL Scole: 1"- 50' ' °~'eo' ~v \ \ \ 21 0 \ \ \ 2¸11 FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE I Survey for: Keith Koppelmon Described Property At East Marion Town of Sou[hold Suffolk County, New York Suffolk County Tox Mop 1000 s.ct 051 ~,ook 07 Lot 07 1, AREA - 280,195.57 SQ. FT. OR 6.43 ACRES 2 UPLANO AREA TO WETLANDS - 280,190.7 SQ. FT. 5. [] = MONUMENT FOUND 4, /A = STAKE FOUND 5. ~= PIPE FOUNO 6. RESIDENTIAL 40 ZONE MIN S.Y- 15' TOTAL S.Y.= 55' 7. NGVD DATUM R. ?' I= EXIS]ING SPOT ELEVATION 9. (25 0): PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS 10. PROPERTY' LOCAIED IN FLOOD ZONE X AS SHOWN ON THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP. PANEL NUMBER 177, MAP NUMBER 56103C0177G, EFFECflV~ DATE: MAY 4, 1998 TEST HOLE HEALTYH DEPARTMENT USE ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY AND/OR SEWAGE OISPOSAL SYSTEM FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGHSTUDY OF THE SOIL, SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDIDTIONS, AS PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK COUNI~' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS OF THIS DATE. ANGELO S. NICOSIA, P,E. LIC. NO. 065875 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION WE HEREBY CERTIFY TOKEI~IKOPPEI. MAN THAT THIS survEY WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE ~TH THE CODE OF PRACRCE FOR LAND SURvEYS ADOPIED BY THE NEW YORK STAI~ ASSOCIATION OF LAND SURVEYORS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, PLLC (631) 744-2055 DATE June 50, 2005 SCALE- 1"= 60' JOB NO: 2003 084 25' Private Right-Of-Way Lot 1 (1 Acre) g Lot 2 (1 Acre) Lot 3 (1 Acre) YlrELD DATA AND NOTES Zoning: Residential 40 Area = Area of wetlands = Area of private ROW= Buildable Lands= # Lots Requested= 4 Area Required for 4 lots = Lot 4 (3.43 Acre) SCALE' 1": 100' 280,198 sq. ~. -5,653 sq. ~. -21,281 sq. ~. 253,261 sq. ft. 160,000 sq. ft. F YI'ELD PLAN for Keith Koppelman Described property at East Marion Suffolk County Tax Map-J.000-31-Tr~, HaA Haven Loam RdA Riverfiead sandy loam, 0-3% slopes RdC Riverhead sandy loam, 8d 5% slopes CpE Carver/Plymouth sands, 15-35% slopes RhB IqJverheacl/Haven soils 0-8% slopes Flood Zones: Zone AE (EL 8) Zone AE (EL 9) Zone X subject to JO0-year flood subject to 100-year flood n~oderate/minimal fiazard Wetlands S~ETE DATA AND NOTES Zoning: Residential 40 Area = 280,195 scl, fL or 643 Aoes Area of wetlands: 5653 sq, ft. Area upland of wetlands - 274,542 sq. f~. Area of slopes greater d~an 15% = ] t8,416 sc]. ft. ~, Tbpography aad boundaries; based on Survey by John Schnurr dated March 2~, 2004 2. The site ts predominandy woodland, featuring mi×ed hardwood% transitionh'~g to chestnut oak/pitch pine near the prope~W. The proper~y Is pa~ of areas designated as 4, Limits of wetlands were designated and flagged by the NYSDEC on 3une 10, 2003 t~e Suffolk CoLJll~y CJerk% office as required by the NYSD~C ERSAP Existing Resources and Site Analysis Pla'a for Keith Koppelman Described property at East Marion Suffolk County -Fax Map lg00-31-7-7 Prepared by: '