HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/10/2007Minutes of the "Greenport West" Stakeholders Group meeting
Monday September 10, 2007
Floyd Memorial Library
5:30 p.m.
Attendee Stakeholders:
Don Leslie, Jr., Chairman
Victor Brown,
Mariel Dobler, Co-Secretary
Melanie Norden, Co-Secretary
Nelia Purnhagen
Peter Russo
Sylvia Holtzberg
Tanya Padmore
Ural Talgat
Don Leslie reported on his discussions with the Chief Engineer and others at the Department of Transportation
re the status of the light on Rt. 48 at the base of Sound Road in Greenport. DOT claimed that a roundabout
was not feasible, as too much surrounding land would be required and the process of "taking" that land too
time consuming, expensive and cumbersome. Rather it was suggested that stakeholders recommend that a 3
color traffic light be installed as an emergency measure, since the fall harvest and Christmas season will soon
be upon us. The present blinking light is inadequate a traffic calming measure and there is a safety hazard at
the intersection.
Again, as an emergency safety measure, the group then discussed the feasibility of recommending to the
County to shift the travel lanes along Rt. 48 near the Soundview Restaurant to the south of the existing
roadbed, thus allowing all cars parking at the Soundview to park only on the North side of Rt. 48. D. Leslie
agreed to contact Scott Russell regarding both matters.
Bus shelters were discussed and the new shelters in Riverhead were cited as worthy examples. Questions were
raised as to who designed those shelters and whether the same or similar ones could be designed for Southold
Town. Chairman Leslie agreed to discuss the matter of the bus shelters with the other stakeholder
Chairpersons. Perhaps a Town-wide grant for the shelters could be written and funding secured to build them.
Victor Brown discussed his phone conversation with Melissa Spiro of the Town's Land Preservation
Committee. Victor has set up an appointment with Melissa for 2:00 p.m. on Monday, September 24th to
discuss the preservation properties the Committee already has "in the hopper," anticipates preserving in the
next year, or those properties in the Hamlet that should/.could be preserved. In this context, the Island's End
Golf Course will also be discussed relative to its preservation if it is sold.
The question of a public pool was briefly discussed. One stakeholder explained that the Y.M.C.A. or a hotel
chain might theoretically agree to operate such a pool if all the funding and construction were in place, but it is
highly unlikely that such a hotel chain would undertake the construction of such a project.
Hamlet signage was discussed. Don Leslie pointed out that some of the Hamlets of the Town already have
Hamlet signage installed. Victor Brown contributed a suggestion regarding signage "wording" in
Southampton, as reported in Dan's Papers. Victor agreed to find out who installed the existing Hamlet signs
and who designed them.
The date for the Greenport Hamlet Stakeholders public meeting was discussed. Mid-October appeared to be a
workable time frame. It was suggested that David Nyce be asked to attend the meeting so that he could "hear"
and perhaps "fend" questions from Village residents. Don Leslie will discuss date and time with Phillip Beltz.
In preparation for that meeting, stakeholders once again reviewed their initial recommendations regarding the
short term and long range implementation goals they had previously prioritized.
The following Short Term Implementation Projects were identified and prioritized:
Change the Light at Rt. 48 and Sound Road to 3 Color
Secure the land swap with the County at Route 48 and Soundview Restaurant
Weekly road clean-up, including removal of Cars for Sale on Town property, garbage, debris, etc.
Accelerate the purchase or development rights on agricultural and open space lands in the Hamlet
Investigate and encourage the purchase of development rights at Island's End (if a sale is
Facilitate Affordable Housing through legal code compliant accessory apartments. Consider
Affordable Housing Amnesty program.
Bury overhead utility lines for any new development/subdivision.
The Long Term Projects will be identified at the next meeting.
Cordially submitted,
Melanie Norden