HomeMy WebLinkAboutSilvermere Road Drainage Issue James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio Jr Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631] 765~1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Supervisor Scott Russell Board of Trustees Apdl 9, 2009 Drainage at Silvermere Road Greenport In response to your memo dated March 31, 2009, the Board of,Trustees ' reviewed the proposed drainage system and the plan meets w~ our approval. At this time, however, we feel that from an environmental prosl~ective, other drainage projects within the Town have a higher priority. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance. SCOTT A. RUSSELL SUPERVISOR OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-1823 Telephone (631 ) 765-1889 MEMO APR -~~uug~'"* To: From: Date: Re: Southold Town Trustees Scott A. Russell, Southold Town Supervisor March 31, 2009 Drainage at Sflvermere Road, Greenport Attached is an ariel map showing the drainage system that has been propose for Silvermere Road in Greenportl This particular site has been subject to onsite inspections by yourselves and others over the past two years. Jamie Richter proposes this as a solution with the work to be done either in- house or bid out to a contractor. Please review this and let me know if this meets with your approval so we can get to work on securing the drainage easement from the owner. Any technical questions can be referred to Jamie. Thank you for the time and efforts you have made in helping us solve this issue. SILVERMERE ROAD, GREENPORT scale 1"= lOO' SILVERMERE ROAD, GREENPORT Scale t" = 100' SILVERMERE ROAD, GREENPORT Scale 1"= 100' 11/15/04 Field Inspect/on PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN ¥ .~OWN ATTORNEY patricia, finnegan@town.southold.ny.us KIERAN M. CORCORAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY kieran.corcoran@town.southotd.ny.us LORI HULSE MONTEFUSCO ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY lori.montefusco@town.southold.ny.us SCOTT A. RUSSELL Supervisor Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 S°uthold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1939 Facsimile (631) 765-6639 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 10, 2007 ................. VIA CERTIFIED MALL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED and FIRST CLASS MAll Mr. Arthur ClemenT 63 Woodbury Way Syosset, NY 11791 RE: Raw Sewage onto Town's Right-of-Way Premises: 345 Shore Drive, Greenport Dear Mr. Ctemenz: As you may be aware, there is a concrete culvert/drainage pipe located in the Town-owned right-of-way of Silvermere Road, Greenport. The exact location is depicted on the attached photograph. There has been material flowing out of that pipe which has been confirmed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services to be raw sewage. This raw sewage has been flowing out of the pipe directly onto the Town's right-of-way and into the adjacent wetlands. This is prohibited by the Town Code. This letter is to notify you that the pipe has been sealed with cement. Accordingly, if you have been directing sewage from your property into this pipe, there is no longer any outflow. If you need to address sewage on your property, contact the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for further direction. PAF/Ik Enclosure I _Patricia A. Finnb~n \ · Town Attorney ~ Ik._J Mr. Charles T. Hamilton, NYS DEC Mr. Walter Hilbert, SC Dept. of Health Services Hon. Scott A. Russell, Supervisor Members of the Town Board Board of Trustees~/''' James Richter, Town Engineering Inspector SILVERMERE ROAD, GREENPORT Scale 1"= ~i00' $1LVERMERE ROAD, GREENPORT Scale I" = 100' SILVE ROAD, GREENPoRT Scale 1" = 100' Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Attic Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN. TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January l2,2006 Mr. Robert Waters Suffolk County Department of Health Office of Ecology 360 Yaphank Ave., Suite 2B Yaphank, NY 11980 RE: Drainage pipe into wetland/salt marsh, Pipes Cove, Silvermere Road, Greenport Dear Mr. Waters: The Southold Board of Trustees is concerned about a pipe that is discharging into a salt marsh/meadow, on Silvermere Road in Greenport. There is a long history with this situation, with the Health Department taking samples and finding high bacterial counts, and the NYSDEC closing the whole marsh/wetland area to shell fishing. The Board is requesting that you address this problem by sampling the discharge from the pipe and determining where the problem is originating. There are several houses across the road that may be hooked into this pipe. If one or all of them are connected to the discharge pipe we are requesting that the Health Department stop the discharge into the Town's wetlands. Please contact this office if you need further information. I spoke with Chris Richards in your office today and he indicated that he would be sending someone out to do water testing and would get back to us with the results. Heather Cusack Environmental Technician Cc: Silver Sands Motel Mr. Scott Russell, Supervisor, Town of Southold Daniel Lewis, NYSDEC SCDHS, Office of Waste Water Management SILVER SANDS MOTEL December 26, 2005 DEC 29 2005 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Southold Town Board of Trustees: We are writing to request that no further action be taken by the exiting Board of Trustees, nor the new Board of Trustees, on Case Number SCTM#1000-45-6-9.4 ( in which John Costello has requested a permit to dredge the inlet and rebuild the docks belonging to the Nelson Family) until the sewage drainage problem into our adjacent meadow is cleared up. There is currently an illegal drainage pipe emptying directly into our meadow. We have attached a list of the Fecal Counts near the pipe, performed by the DEC, over a number of years. For reference, anything over 15 is considered abnormal. And the Fecal Counts were sometimes at 230,000. We have also attached maps and letters from Daniel E. Lewis of the DEC which pertain to the pipe and its location. A huge build-up of sand in the Nelson's inlet currently prevents the contamination from spreading further. But our fear is that once the adjacent inlet is dredged, the contamination will spill directly into Pipes Cove. Our meadow is currently closed by the DEC for shellfish due to the contamination, and we have a large shellfish farming operation in Pipes Cove that may be shut down if those waters are also contaminated. Even worse, the beach of the Silver Sands Motel may be closed for swimming, causing our entire business to shut down. Keep in mind that the Silver Sands will not be the only ones affected by such contamination. There are many other private residences surrounding Pipes Cove, the owners of which would be understandably outraged to find their beaches closed to swimming. We also request that a field study is done of the area at the pipe before any further action is taken on the application for Case Number SCTM#1000-45-6-9.4. If the Trustees do not do anything about the drainage pipe, we regretfully must take legal action as our next step. All that has to be done to avoid any of these needless hassles is to close what is clearly an illegal drainage pipe. In addition, we hereby request that we are informed of any meeting taking place regarding Case Number SCTM#1000-45-6-9.4. We were not officially informed that it was up for discussion at the last Board of Trustees meeting. ALSO, another contiguous property owner, Mr. Dean Yaxa, has informed us that he would like the same notification of any proceedings. If and when this project moves forward, we also request that the Board includes a "beach replenishment clause" in the permit. Over the years, surrounding beaches have lost tremendous amounts of sand and there is a great deal of sand in the inlet in question. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, The Jurzenia Family CC: Josh Horton, Supervisor, TOS Pat Finnegan, Attorney, TOS Peter Harris, Highway Superintendent, TOS Bill Spitz, NYSDEC Peter Scully, NYSDEC Martin Trent, SCDHS Daniel Morris, SCDHS Robert Gerdts, SCDHS New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources Bureau of Marine Resources - Shellfi~heriss Section 205 North Belle Mead Road, Suite 1, East SetaukeL New York 11733 Phone: (631) 444-0475 · FAX: (631) 444-0472 Website: www.~ec.state.ny.us Erin M Cro~, A=tlng Cemmt~kmer Mr. Robert Gerdts Suffolk County Department of Health Services Room S238 Cotmty Center Rivethead, New York 11901 Dea~ Mr.-C~rdts: I am writing this letter to remind you cfa public health problem that has been ongoin~ for several years in the town of Southold As you may remember, there is a pipe that intennittentl discharges water that is highly contaminated with fecal coliforms south of the railroad tracks c I .she? w.,,th, results o~ b~tenologioal examination rfiold -~- ....... ~. t ms p~pe mscnarges to sunace water and often pools dthin several feet cfa roadway. We are asking that you do all within your ability to remedy the situa on. Please let me know what I can do to help. Sincerely, cc: Ed Jerzenia, Silver Sands Motel New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources Bureau of Marine Resources - Shellfisheries Section 205 Nodh Belie Mead Road, Suite 1, East Setauket, New York 11733 Phone: (631) 444-0475 · FAX: (631) 444-0472 Website: www.dec.state.ny.us March 12, 2002 Edn M. Crotty Commissioner Mr. Robert Gerdts Suffolk County Department of Health Services · Room S238 County Center Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Gerdts: I would like to infoim you of some changes that have occurred at our problem site on Silvermere Road, west of Greenport Village. During my last visit to the site on March 6, 2002, we determined that the pipe (marked P1 on the accompanying schematic) has been filled with concrete, and did not appear to be draining significantly. However, a small puddle of black water has formed in the lawn of the house on the west side of Sitvermere Road. This house is the most likely cause of the fecal contamination that we are seeing. I probed into the puddle with a stick, and could feel what appears to be a small vertical pipe about 6 inches below the surface of the puddle. The puddle was visibly discharging to a small topographical depression to the southwest that collects surface water. Since the puddle was not decreasing in volume, I assumed that it was being constantly fed from the new pipe. The topographical depression drains into a storm water drain on the west side of Silvermere Road (marked SD on the accompanying schematic). The storm drain connects directly to a second pipe that discharges on the east side of the road (marked P2 on the accompanying schematic). Pipe P2 drains into the same discharge collection area fed originally by pipe Pl. During the visit, ouffall from pipe P2 was approximately 6 gallons per hour. Fecal coliform MPN from a sample collected within the pipe discharge collection area was = 46,000. Fecal coliform MPN from a sample collected within the puddle was _>24,000. Unfortunately, we did not extend the test on the second sample. I suspect that, due to the reaction of the sample in the laboratory, if we had ex"tended the test, the MPN would have been significantly larger. Logicr:dly, it would appear that the filling of pipe P1 caused a build up of pressure. The pressme found the next easiest exit, which formed the puddle. Now that the fecal contamination is within the la,~m of the suspected house, wouldn't the home owner have to take responsibility for the problem? I will continue to monitor the problem, and report to you any changes. Skncerelyx- Daniel E Lewis cc: Ed Jerzenia, Silver Sands Motel Silver Road Silvermere Road Suspected House Surface Water Collection Area Puddle SD P1 Pipe Discharge Cdlection Area Approximate Tidal Wetland Boundary B8/11/2017 14:52 6214440472 NYSPEC SMELLF1SHE~I£ PAGE 0~ Test results fro~ ~e pipe on ~ilvcrmcr¢ Road, Date TC lVlFN FC M]PN 06/16/99 4,600,000 75,000 03/27100 230,000 0~i/30/0! _>240,1100 24,000 1 (~/19/01 ~ 240,000 46,000 02~/06/02 ~ 240,000 46,000 10/22/02 2,.300 0'~;/08/03 46,000 0~/22/04 >1,100 0~V02/04 24,000 > or > means that the results £o~ that test cx~eeded thc limits of the test based on thc numb · of · x~'a dilutions. The value of 230,0,00 MlrN is approximately 14% of the value we us, for treated but unchlorinated sew~a, RETRIEVE BILL Page 1 of 1 ~ 17-0503. Prohibition against pollution of waters of marine district. 1. Sewage, industrial waste or other wastes, or any substance injurious to edible fish and shellfish, or the culture or propagation thereof, or which shall in any manner affect the flavor, color, odor or sanitary condition of such fish or shellfish so as to injuriously affect the sale thereof, or which shall cause any injury to the public and private shell fisheries of this state shall not be placed or allowed to run into the waters of the state in the marine district nor into any waters of Long Island, tributory to the marine district. 2. Garbage, cinders, ashes, oils, sludge or refuse of any kind shall not be thrown, dumped or permitted to run into the waters of the marine district. http://public.leginfo.state.ny.us/LAWS SEAF.cgi?QUERYTYPE=LAWS+&QUERYDA... 12/27/2005 RETRIEVE BILL Page 1 of I ~ 17-0503. Prohibition against pollution of waters of marine district. 1. Sewage, industrial waste or other wastes, or any substance injurious to edible fish and shellfish, or the culture or propagation thereof, or which shall in any manner affect the flavor, color, odor or sanitary condition of such fish or shellfish so as to injuriously affect the sale thereof, or which shall cause any injury to the public and private shell fisheries of this state shall not be placed or allowed to run into the waters of the state in the marine district nor into any waters of Long Island, tributory to the marine district. 2. Garbage, cinders, ashes, oils, sludge or refuse of any kind shall not be thrown, dumped or permitted to run into the waters of the marine district. http://public.leginfo.state.ny.us/LAWSSEAF.cgi?QUERYTYPE=LAWS+&QUERYDA... 12/27/2005 Dec. 14, 2005 Field Inspectk Dec.14, 2005 Field Dec. 14, 2005 Field tnspecti{ Dec.14, 2005 Field Ins NOTICE ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK (~) ill ~./~ '""~ SOUTHOLD J~,,,.~,~Red Properly Tox Service Agency J Y~~ ~/~r ~ SECTION NO 044.02 CD 2 ? NOTICE ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © I K ,~ ' '~' -o ~,. ~ ~~%~ ~k.~Reol Property Tox Service AgencyI Ey -, _'~ SOUTHOLD SECTION NO 045