HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Policy RESOLUTION 2012-458 ADOPTED DOC ID: 7896 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2012-458 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 22, 2012: RESOLVED the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby adopts the following Energy Policy: Town of Southold Energy Policy The Annual Energy Management Plan shall be crafted by the Southold Town Department of Public Works in coordination with the Energy Committee and submitted to the Southold Town Board for review and approval. The Energy Committee shall oversee the implementation of the Annual Energy Management Plan. 1) Purpose The Town of Southold is committed to energy efficient design and operation of its facilities in accordance with recognized Federal Energy Code and industry standards and in compliance with applicable Federal, State, and Local laws and regulations. This is a specific area for which all employees have personal responsibilities relating to optimizing the use of energy while conducting their day-to-day activities. The benefit is to all Town residents as we reduce the cost of operations. All personnel and functions shall comply with this policy. 2) Goals The Town of Southold intends to achieve the following goals by enacting the policy herein: - Reduce energy consumption and costs; - Improve staff' awareness about and involvement in energy-saving; - Eliminate as much waste as is feasibly possible; - Invest in energy efficient and green energy technologies; and, - Reduce CO2 emissions. 3) Responsibilities In addition to the energy conservation requirements detailed below, The Town of Southold shall adopt annual Energy Management Plans that shall include at a minimum: - Energy curtailment objectives (i.e., % reduction) for the following fiscal year. - Analysis of energy consumption data and metrics, from year to year and month to month, to track progress to compare to baseline. - Details and budgets of specific projects to be implemented by the Town in the following fiscal year. 4) Energy Conservation Requirements for all Town of Sonthold Operations and Personnel The Town of Southold shall adopt ASHRAE healing and cooling standards available at: httP://www'ashrae'°r g/standards-research--techn°l° g¥/standards-- guidelines a) Lighting - All lights shall be turned off in unoccupied rooms at all times. Resolution 2012-458 Board Meeting of May 22, 2012 - Overhead lighting shall be reduced as much as possible without creating unsafe conditions or interfering with the performance of duties. - Security and safety lighting shall be held to the lowest acceptable levels. - When possible, energy efficient lamps, bulbs, and fixtures shall be used in all locations. - When installing new lighting, the most current energy efficient and cost effective technology shall be used. - Take advantage of natural lighting/daylight and when feasible, turn off lights located near windows or in bright areas. - When possible, install motion detectors to minimize usage of artificial lighting in Town buildings. - Incandescent light bulbs will be replaced with fluorescent or LED lights. b) Heating and cooling standards - Temperature in Town Buildings and Offices shall be set as follows: Season When Occupied When Unoccupied Summer 72 to 76 degrees Fahrenheit 80 degrees Fahrenheit maximum* Winter 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit 58 degrees Fahrenheit minimum* * at the discretion of the Facilit~ Manager of the facility. - In the winter months, close the blinds at night to reduce heat loss. - In the summer months, shade extreme sunlight when possible. - Ensure doors and windows are closed overnight and when the building is heating or cooling. (responsible entity: Town DPW) - With regard to HVAC units, annually inspect and clean coils and reduce air leaks, replace filters every six months, and regularly clean ducts (responsible entity: Town DPW) c) Technology-related energy reductions - All video monitors and personal computers shall be set for automatic power-down (sleep) mode after fifteen minutes of non-operation. - Automatic power-down or "energy saver" feature(s) shall be enabled on all copiers, printers and other electronics. - All non-essential personal computers, printers, copiers, and other electric equipment shall be turned off outside of normal business hours or when not in use. The automatic computer shut-down feature will be initiated for all non-essential equipment. - Use of copiers and printers shall be consolidated. Where possible, redundant printers and copiers shall be turned off and work shall be directed to nearby machines. - Employ GreenPrint Software to minimize waste when printing - Recycle ink/toner cartridges. Supply storage bin(s) for collection. d) Educate Town vehicle operators on the importance of energy efficient driving methods and techniques e) Equipment-related reductions - Implement a source reduction strategy including but not limited to purchasing products with less packaging; reusing materials such as pallets; and, minimize paper usage/waste when Updated: 5/22/2012 2:52 PM by Linda Cooper Page 2 Resolution 2012-458 Board Meeting of May 22, 2012 possible. Minimizing paper use includes setting printers to the "double-sided" print option, e-mailing whenever possible, locating the recyclable paper bin near the printer/copier, printing only when absolutely necessary. Work with LIPAto evaluate available energy efficiency rebates or incentives. Use rebates and incentives for the purchase and/or reimbursement of fixtures and related items in town buildings. Eliminate all non-essential small appliances (e.g., refrigerators, printers), where feasible. f) New Equipment Purchases - Purchase most economically energy efficient (i.e., Energy Star) equipment when available. - If new equipment is a component of an existing system, review, using above new equipment purchase criteria, for energy reduction and possible optimization of system resources and operation. g) Individual Efforts - Conservation of water resources and energy used to pump/heat/maintain hot and cold water systems - Report leaking faucets and running toilets to Town DPW - Introduce faucet flow restrictors and toilet water tank minimization devices - Reduce irrigation of outside areas through moisture sensors - Reduce hot water usage through review of hot water fixtures and restriction of such fixtures to appropriate and necessary uses h) Exchange Materials - Exchange or donate reusable commercial materials to reduce waste. - Participate in business Waste Exchange Programs Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman SECONDER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman AYES: Ruland, Talbot, Doherty, Krupski Jr., Evans, Russell Updated: 5/22/2012 2:52 PM by Linda Cooper Page 3