HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY2007 acres 44.3 acres $ 792,1)00 $ 3~063,900 382,200 753.750 396,000 1.531.950 $ 753,750 $ 396,000 $1,531,950 RESOLUTION 2007-341 ADOPTED DOC ID: 2762 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-341 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON APRIL 10, 2007: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes submission of a 2007 proposal to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service {NRCS)~ administering on behalf of the Commodity Credit Corporation~ whereby the Town of Southold proposes a cooperative effort to acquire the development rights to agricultural properties which have been submitted by their owners to the Land Preservation Committee of the Town of Southold for sale of such rights to the Town of Southold, in accordance with the terms of the Fiscal Year 2007 Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP). Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr. TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTERS OF SUPPORT PROJECT ABSTRACT ORGANIZATION & PROGRAMS (la-le) LANDS TO BE ACQUIRED (2a-2d) DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS (2d continued - i thru xii) PFEIFLE VINEYARD MOFFAT-WOLFE FARM ROSES VINEYARD EASEMENT DEED SAMPLE (2d-xiii) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (2d-xiv- 2d-xxii) PARTNERS CONTRIBUTION (3) LETTERS OF SUPPORT 8uffoll~. C~,,-~ A~ric~~au'al and F~umhud Protection Bo~-d c/o Conril Co~x~aiiv¢ EL~-_~ion- Suflblk County 42~ (]ri2~{ AveaU~,,.Rive~head, l~ 11901 Ap-d] 20, 2007 Mr Ron Alvarado, State Conservationist ATT: Marilyn Stephens0n, FPP Program Manager USDA-NRCS Leo O'Brien Federal Building 1 Clinton Square Room 333 Albany, New York 12207 Dear Ms Stephenson: I am writing this lctter in support of the Town of Southold application for funding from the Federal Farmland Protection Program for the preservation of rain,land by purchasing the development rights. The Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board endorses the Town's application for Federal funding to preserve some of their farmland. The Town of Southold ha;~ a proven track record of preserving farmland. Development pressure is intense and prices'have risen dramatically. Ans'ching that can be done, to assist the Town's preservation efforts would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Kenneth Schmitt Chairman Suffolk County Agricultur:fl and Farmland Protection Board KENNETH P LAVALLE ]ST SENATE DISTRICT VICE CHAIRMAN MAIQRITY CONFERENC[ CHAIRMAN COMMIITEE ON HIGHER EDUCA1 ION THE SENATE STATE OF NEW YORK /\pril 10. 2007 Ron Alvarado, State Conservationist Al'T: Marilyn Stephenson. FRPP Program Manager I !SI)A-NRCS l,co O'Brien Federal Building 1 Clinton Square. Room 333 Albany. NY 12207 l)eal' Mr. Alvarado: I am ,ariting to express m3 strong support ibr the grunt application submitl, ed by the Town of Southold lbr Funding lo assist in the acquisition of dcxclopmcnt rights on fimnland localed within the community. /Ns you are no doubt ay, are. the l'oxxn o1' Soulhold is under extreme clexclopmcnt pressure, and lund prices haxc risen drumaticall.,,. Southold has a proxcn track record prolccfing farmland and has already prescrxcd appro×inmtcl> 1.872 acres. It is essential that thc Town continue its diligcm cl/brts to secure axailable parcels in order Io keep lhrmcrs productive on thch-lands xxhilc prcscrxing our agricuhural heritage and rural Irudilions tbr lhtul'c generations. Once fimnland has been dcxelopcd it is be?nd reach, und part of our historic xkax o F 1 ilL~ is lost lbrex er. I commend the Fown of Southold For ils dedication to prcserxation of lhrmland and thc prolcction of uctivc lhnning in our communib. 1 xx holdacartcdl3 supporl this application, and I hope it will receive cxcrx consideration Ibr l~tnding in 2007 through thc tLS. l)epa~¢mcnt oF Agricuhurc Farm and Ranch l,ands Protcclion Program. NiII~.;{'I'CIx, Xotlrs. Kclmcth P. {.a\:allc Ntutc ~CllHIoI' KI'I dll MARC S. ALF. S~I THE ASSEMBLY STATE OF NEW YORK ALBANY COMMr'~'EE~ Aging Energy April 18, 2007 Ron Alvarado, State Conservationist ATT: Marilyn Stephenson, FRP? Program Manager USDA-NRCS Leo O'Brien Federal Building 1 Clinton Square, Room 333 Albany, NY 12207 Dear Mr. Alvarado: I wish to express my strong support for the grant application submitted by thc Town of Southold for funding to assist in the acquisition of development fights on farmland located within the town. Southold has a proven track record of preserving farmland and has already preserved approximately 1,872 acres. Development pressure is intense and prices have risen dramatically. Without question, urban sprawl continues to threaten the nation's farmland as evidenced by the increasingly high conversion of agricultural lands to non-agricultural uses. Once developed, productive farmland with its rich topsoil is lost forever, placing this nation's food security at great risk. We must do all we can to secure the vanishing farmland without our rural communities. With this in mind, I urge you to support the application of the Town of Southold for the 2007 U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program grant cycle to assist in their farmland preservation efforts. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Marc S. Alessi MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY CC: Supervisor Scott A. Russell, Southold Town MSA:kab DISTRICT OFF CB 6 44 Roue 25A. Bud ng ,~ Su¢ 5, Wading Rl~er Ney '¢0r ~ 11~. · 68 929-5540 SUFFOLK COUNTY LEGISLATURE EDWARD P. ROMAINE LEGISLATOR 1ST DISTRICT April 6, 2007 lC, on Alwtrado, State Conservationist ATT: Marilyn Stephenson, FRPP Program Manager USDA-NRCS Leo O'Brien Federal Building 1 Clinton Square, Room 333 Albany, NY 12207 Dear Mr. Alvarado: I wish to express my strong support fbr the grant application submitted by thc Town of Southold ibr funding to assist in the acquisition of development rights on farmland located within the Town of Southold. Iht Town of Southold has a proven track record of preserving farmland and has already preserved approximately 1,872 acres. Development pressure is intcnsc and prices have risen dramatically. Without question, urban sprawl continues to threaten thc Nation's lhrmland as ex idenced by the increasingly high conversion of agricultural lands to nou-agricultural uses. Once dex eloped, productive f;arrnland with its rich topsoil is lost forever, placing this Nation's fi~ture food security at great risk. We must do all that we can to secure the vanishing thrmland within our rural communities. With this in mind, I urge you to support the application of thc ]own of Southold lbr the 2007 U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program grant cycle to assist in their fimnland preservation e t'l~'n-I s. [hank you for your consideration. I':PI~.:j hal PROJECT ABSTRACT Project Title: Project Duration: Project Director: Project Collaborators: Proposed Parcels: Project Objectives: Summary of Performance: Total Project Cost: Total Federal Share: FY2007 Federal Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program Funding Projects submitted are expected to close within grant 18-month timeframe Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Southold Town Hall - Annex 54375 Route 25 (Main Road) P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 631-765-5711 (phone) 631-765-6640 (fax) melissa.spiro~town.southold.ny.us Town of Southold to partner with NRCS 1) Pfeifle Vineyard - approximately 9.8 acres 2) Moffat-Wolfe Farm approximately 22.5 acres 3) Roses Vineyard - approximately 12.0 acres To work with NRCS to acquire development rights easements on active farmland. Purchase of development rights easements in accordance with all NRCS requirements. 1) Pfcifle Vineyard - $764,400 2) Moffat-Wolfe Farm- $1,507,500 3) Roses Vineyard - $792,000 1) Pfeifle Vineyard- $382,200 2) Moffat-Wol£e Farm - $753,750 3) Roses Vineyard - $396,000 Total Partner Contribution: not applicable no partners ORGANIZATION & PROGRAMS CRITERIA FOR PROPOSAL EVALUATION 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROGRAMS (a) Commitment to Agriculture: Since its fbunding over 35(I years ag(), thc Town of $outhold (the Town) has been a fhrming community. Throughout thc years, the Town bas seen many changcs including substantial population increase and, consequently, the encroachment of development. Of thc Town's approximately 34,000 acres, t:armland still comprises a substantial portion over 10,200 acres. According to 1997 data, the Town contaioed 22% of Suflblk County's remaining agricultural acreage. Agricultural production is of vital importance to the character of thc Town and its economy. Town residents have shown their commitment to agriculture by approving bond issuances in 1983, 1987, 1991 and 1994 for $1.75 million a piece in 1996. 1997, 1998 and 1999, fbr $2 million a piece, and again in 2003 for $4 million. In June of 1998. Ihe Pcconic Bay Region Community Preservation Act was signed into law, which created a mechanism whereby Southold Town can use a 2% real estate transfer tax to acquire properties critical to the preservation of agricultural land and open space within thc Town. The Town adopted a Commuuity Preservation Project Plan (Exhibit A) in accordance with thc legislation that lists parcels eligible Ibr consideration under thc terms of the Community Preservation Fund. In November of 2006, the 2% real estate tax was extcndcd to the year 2030. In February 2007, the Town Board approved authorization fi)r bonds to borrow 22.5 million against anticipated Community Prcscrvation Fund revenue. In 1999, thc Town commissioucd a full farmland inventory and in 2000, unanimously adopted a Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy (Exhibit B). Over the past 20 years, since the Town's first purchase of development rights, the Town has protected eighty-scvcn (87) farmland parcels, totaling 1872 acres. Through its Code, the Town also helps to protcct agriculture with a 60% cluster development provision and a "Right to Farm" clause. (b) Acquisition, Management and Enforcement: Acquisition: As discussed abovc, thc Town is very active and has been very succcssf'ul in its farmland protection efforts. To date, the Town has protected eighty-seven (87) farmland parcels, totaling 1872 acres (see list, Exhibit C). Over the last five years, thc Town, on its owe, or with partial State or Federal ffmdiug. has protected over 600 acres at a cost of over $21,000,000. Additionally, Suffolk County has helped to protect nver 1,600 acres within thc Town since its first pm'chasc in 1977 (sec list, Exhibit D). The [own of Southold's goal is to protect eighty pcrccnt (80%) of its approximatcly 6,900 uuprotccted l~armlaod acres. While this proposal rcquesls matching l'unds fbr only three (3) farms, thc Town is under scrious discussions with over f'ourtccn (14) additional landowners who own fhnnland totaling over 430 acres. In addition, outreach cfforts are uudcrway with many other i-;annland Thc Town cmploys a full-time Land Prcscrvation Coordinator, a Preservation Assistant, a part-time Stewardship Manager and has an active sevcn (7) member voluntccr Land Preservation Committee. The Town's pro-active efforts include: direct outreach to farmland owners through the Coordinator, committee members and staff members of Pcconic Land Trust via a cousulting contract, mailings and cducational litcrature (see A Property Owner's Guide to Preserving t;'armland and Open S[;acc Exhibit E). Management and Enforcement: The Town's Land Preservation Department compiles Baseline Documentation tbr cach easement with the assistance of the Town's GIS Specialist and consultants, as necessary. The Baselioe Documentation includes a survey, USGS map, aerial photograph, tax map, photographs of property and copy of deed of the development rights and enables the Town to manage and enfbrce easements. The Town has a strong support staff to manage and enIbrce easements. The Town's Land Preservation Department, through its Committee, consultants, and Buildings and Grounds Department monitors each parccl at least annually. The Town's Code Enfbrcement Official, with the assistance of the Town Attorney's Office, entbrces any easement violations. (c) Stewardship: As stated above, the Town's Land Preservation Coordinator has Baselinc Documentation fbr each easement. The Town has a dedicated Stewardship Manager in addition to the Town's Land Preservation Coordinator and Committee, consultants, and Buildings and Grounds Department. Each property is monitored at least annually. (d) A'~'ailability of Funds: The Town has fi_rods through the Community Preservation Fund and authorized bonds to match thc proposed USDA grant. As of April 1, 2007, the Town had over $5.7 million in its Community Preservation Fund. $10,000,000 available in bonds and recent authorization i:or bonds to borrow 22.5 million against anticipated Comlnunity Preservation Fund revenue. (e) Pending Offers: See attached letters with pending offers and appraisals fbllowing each project description. LANDS TO BE ACQUIRED 2. LANDS TO BE ACQUIRED (a) Map: Sec attached map showing proposed f~mnland devclopmcnt rights acquisition parcels. (b) Amount and Source of Funds: Thc Town has funds through thc Community Preservation Fund and authorized bonds to match the proposed USDA grant. As of April 1, 2007, the Town had over $5.7 million in its Community Preservation Fund, S10,000,000 available in bonds and recent authorization fbr bonds to borrow 22.5 million against anticipated Community Preservation Fund revenue. (c) Criteria Used to Set Acquisition Priorities: Tile three proposed projects meet objectives outlined in thc New York State Open Spate Conservation Management Plan (Exhibit F), thc Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan (Exhibit G), the SufTolk County Codc, Chapter 8, Agricultural Lands (Exhibit H), the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan (Exhibit A), Southold Farm and Fannland Protection Stratcgy (Exhibit B) and the Town's Code criteria, Chapter 17, Community Preservation Fund and Chapter 70, Agricultural Lands Preservation (Exhibit D fnr farmland protection. Criteria used to numerically rank the two projects in include: · Soil suitability for agricultural use and history of agricultural production; · Contiguity with other protected agricultural lands; · Development potential and threat; · Visibility/frontage on major thoroughlhres; and · Conservation commitment of landowner. (d) (i - xii) Detailed Project Descriptions: Map of Proposed Projects Individual Project Information including: · Project Outline · Aerial Map · Protected Parcels Proximity Map · Pending Olter · Appraisal FARM TAX MAP APPROX. ESTIMATED: FUNDING TOWN NAME NUMBER EASEMEN VALUEOF ~QUESTED MATCH T DEV. RIGHT FROM NRCS ACREAGE EASEMENT Pfcifie 1000-97-4-19 9.8 acrcs $ 764,400 $ 382,200 $ 382,200 Vineyard i Moffat- 1000-55-2-10.1 T22.5acrcs TS, 1,507,500 $ 753,750 $ 733,750 Woll'e Fam~ Roses 1000-96-4~--z~13- 12.0acres $ 792,000 $ 39o,066-- $ 39o,ooo- Vineyard TOTALS: 44.3 acres $ 3,063,900 $ 1,531,950 $1,531,950 (See attached information for each project) Town of $outhoid Farmland Location Map For Subject Parcels [] Subject Parcels Protected Farmland "' Unprotected Farmland ~ Protected Non-Farmland Unprotected Non-Farmland Scale: I inch equals 9000 feet Farmland Inventory Updated: 2007 [~ap Prepared by Town of Southold Geographic information System April 11, 2007 Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2007, County of SuffOlkr NY Roses Vineyard 1000-96.-4-4.3 Moffat-Wolfe Farm 1000-55.-2-10.1 Pfeifle Vineyard 1000-9%-4-19 PFEIFLE VINEYARD PFEIIFLE VINEYARD Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-97-4-19 (i) PrioriD' of Offer: 1 (ii) Name of Landowner: Richard and Carlin Plbifle (iii) Address: 825 Leslie Road, Cutchogne, New York (iv) Size of Property: Easement area is on 9.8~: acres of 11.66 acre parcel (v) Soils: Property contains 9.1 acres Prime Soils and 2.5 acres Statewide Soils (vi) Acres Cropland: Farm contains at least 9.8 acres Prime soils suitable cropland. (vii) Historical and Archaeological Significance: None known. (viii) Forested wetlands: None (ix) Non-forested wetlands: None (x) Non-wetland forest: None (xi) Other Protected Parcels: Ad. iacent to a block of 83 acres of'protected farmland. Across the street from, and within the vicinity of, approximately 151 acres of protected farmland. Across the street/'rom 83 acres pending preservation (see aItached map). (xii) Estimated Cost: $764,400 (based on pending offer of $78,000 per acre.) The Pfeifle property is currently planted in approximately 9 acres of vineyard. The property is owned and operated by the Pfeifle l'amily. Pl'eifle has owned and operated the vineyard since the late 1980's. Prior to owning the sub. iect vineyard, Pl'eifle owned and operated approximately 34 acres of vineyard in a different location. The t:arm is located within a large block ol~ preserved agricultural land. The farm is supported by' an irrigation well supplying drip irrigation to the vineyard. A (onservat~on Plan has been prepared for this property. Fhe landowner is aware of, and accepts, the 2% impervious surface requirement witb a waiver provision to allovx up to six percent impervious structures. The easement area will not be subdivided. The landow'ner is reserving from the easement sale an area of approximately 1.84 acres (80,000 sq. f~.) This area contains his existing house, barn and accessory structures. No additional residences will be allo~ed w'ithin the easement area. old Protected Parcels Proximity Map [] Subject Parcels ~_~ Protected Farmland ~ Pending Preservation [:7'~ In Discussions for Preservation [5 Unprotected Farmland ~ Protected Non-Farmland i Unprotected Non-farmland Scale: 1 inch equals 1100 feet Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS April 11, 2007 Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2007, Count~ of Suffolk, N.Y MELISSA A. SPIRO LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR melissa.spiro @ town.southold.ny.us Telephone (631 ) 765-57 ! 1 Facsimile (631) 765-6640 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (comer of Main Road & Youngs Avenue) Southold, New York MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 25, 2007 Richard P. Pfeifle Pfeifle Vineyards 825 Leslie Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: Purchase of Development Rights Easement Premises: 825 Leslie Road, Cutchogue Part of SCTM #1000-97-4-19 Dear Mr. Pfeifle: On behalf of the Land Preservation Committee, I am pleased to outline the Committee's offer for the purchase of a development rights easement on your property. The Committee thanks you for your interest and participation in the Town's preservation program. Details of the offer are as follows: · The total area of your property is approximately 11.655 acres according to an existing survey. · There will be an 1.84 acre (80,000 sq ft) reserve area that will include the existing house, barn, and shed located on the property. · The property is located in the A-C zoning district. · The Committee's offer for the _+9.815 acre development rights easement is $78,000 (seventy-eight thousand dollars) per buildable acre. This project is being submitted as part of a 2007 federal grant proposal. If the grant is awarded and your farm is eligible, federal deed language will be required as part of the easement language. · The Land Preservation Committee's offer is valid for thirty (30) days from the date of this letter and is subject to approval by the Town Board. The return of this letter, signed by all owners of the property, will allow me to work with the Committee's attorney to prepare the contract and to start the acquisition process. For this purpose, please advise as to the name, address and telephone number of the person you would like us to send the contract to. Upon receipt of the contracts signed by all landowners, I will schedule a Town Board public hearing for the purpose of electing to purchase a development rights on the subject property. All land acquisitions are subject to the approval of the Town Board by resolution adoption at which time the Supervisor will execute the contracts. For your information, a title search and environmental site assessment will be ordered and paid for by the Town of Southold. The Town will also pay for the survey costs associated with the actual acquisition area. Please feel free to calf me with any questions that you may have. Sincerely, Melissa Spiro Land Preservation Coordinator /md I (we) accept the above offer to purchase the Development Rights on my (our) property. Date: Owner(s): MELISSA A. SPIRO LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR melissa.spiro @ town.southold.ny.us Telephone (631) 765-57 ! 1 Facsimile (631 ) 765-6640 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (comer of Main Road & Youngs Avenue) Southold, New York MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I am the owner of the property described below and I would like to explore preservation of this land under the Town's Land Preservation programs. Name of Owner (please print) Names of other owners Mailing Address Phone Number Tax Map No. 1000--O°~'-- Property Location O~' -- O [al Acreage offered for preservation Briefly describe the property (e.g., open space, active farmland, wetland, etc.) and ideas you may have about preservation of your property. You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee. I understand that this application does not commit me, or the Town of Southold, to the sale/purchase of the property or a,..a:_n_y,.portion of the rights thereto. Rather, it sign f es an interest in serious dialog conc¢fning t~e mer~od of possible preservation of my land. /-' ' - '// Please return the completed forr~ to /1 Southold Town Land Preservatibn Department When you return this completed form, it would be helpful to include an existing survey/sketch and any other readily available information that describes your property. COMPLETE APPRAISAL, SELF-CONTAINED REPORT OF REAL PROPERTY OF RICHARD P. AND CARLIN A. PFEIFLE LOCATED 825LESLIE ROAD CUTCHOGUE TOWN OFSOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP # DISTRICT 1000, SECTION-97, BLOCK 4, LOT 19 PREPARED FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LAND PRESERVATION DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL ANNEX P.O. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 VALUATION DATE: MARCH 30, 2007 DATE OF REPORT: APRIL 19, 2007 FILE #2007179 _GIVEN ASSOCIATES MOFFAT-WOLFE FARM MOFFAT-WOLFE FARM _. S~ffolk.Cou___ nty_ ~ax ~.ap #1000-55-2-10.1 TktlS PROJECT WAS F K,A CARROI~ FARM NORTIt AND WAS RANKED AS PROJECT #I ON FRPP FY2004 AWARD REQUES'I 1'O INCLUDE ON FRPP FY2007 PROPOSAL (i) Priority of Offer: 2 (ii) Name of Landowner: Maureen Moffat-Wolfe and others (iii) Address: 47775 CR 48, Southold, New York (iv) Size of Property: Easement area is on 22.5~- acres of 25.5± acre parcel (v) Soils: 19.5 acres Prime Soils, 3 acres Statewide Soils (vi) Acres Cropland: Farm contains at least 22.5: acres soils suitable lbr cropland. (vii) Historical and Archaeological Significance: None known. (viii) Forested wetlands: None (ix) Non-forested wetlands: None (x) Non-wetland forest: None (xi) Other Protected Parcels: Adjacent to 19 acres of protected farmland and 7 acres of protected non- farmland. Across the street fi'om, and in the vicinity of 90 acres of protected farmland. Adjacent to, and across the street fi*om approximately 60 acres pending preservation (see attached map). (xii) Estimated Cost: $1,50T500 (based on pending o£f~r of $6T000 per acre) Moffat-Wolfe and others own the subject property and a second farm of 36± acres directly across the street. Both properties are currently on the market at an asking price of $6 million dollars. The Town is trying to facilitate preservation of the properties by purchasing the development rights on the subject property. The Town is also working with the landowner towards purchase of an easement on the second property; the second property is not included in this grant proposal. The l'amily has owned the sL~bject fhrm since the 1960~s. The farm is leased by Sep Farms. Sep Farms owns and lhrms approximately 50 acres and leases approximately 35 additional acres. The principal crop is, and has ~ sro~ cai y been, potatoes. l'he f~rm contains an irrigation ~ell. Fhe subject farm has over 350 feet of road fi'ontage on CR 48, a designated Scenic Byway. The parcel is enrolled in the ~ul~olk County A~riculmral District Program. Fhe landowner will accept the 2% impervious surface requirement w, itb a waiver provision to allow up to six percent impervious structures il' funding is ax~arded. The farm is currently listed on the real estate market with all rights intact. This contributes to the high development potential. There are no plans to subdivide the l~irmland within the easement area. The landowner is reserving from the ~asement sale an area of approximatel) 3 acres from the 25.5 acre parcel. This area will include the existing dwelling and perhaps a second dwelling. No residences will be allowed within the easement area Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS April 11,2007 Aerial Photographs Taken From Spring 2004 Flight Suffolk County Real Properb./Tax Service Agency GIS BasemaD COPYRIGHT 2007, County of Suffolk, N.Y Tow,t~l~ of Southold Protected Parcels Proximity Map m Subject Parcels ii'ii Protected Farmland ~ Pending Preservation i'iiii In Discussions for Preservation ~ Unprotected Farmland ~ Protected Non-Farmland Unprotected Non-farmland Scale: 1 inch equals 1100 feet Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS April 11, 2007 Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2007, County of Suffolk, N.Y Moffat-Wolfe Farm 1000-55.-2-10.1 MELISSA A. SPIRO LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR melissa.spiro@town.southold.ny.us Telephone (631 ) 765-5711 Facsimile (631 ) 765-6640 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (comer of Main Road & Youngs Avenue) Southotd, New York MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY l I971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 9, 2007 Liz Dewar, Real Estate Salesperson Hough & Guidice Talmage Trail Realty, Inc. 460 County Road 111, Suite 8 Manorville, NY 11949 RE: Properly of Sean Moffat and Maureen Wolfe Purchase of Development Rights Easement Premises: 47775 County Road 48, Southold, NY Part of SCTM #1000-55-2-10.1 Dear Ms. Dewar: On behalf of the Land Preservation Committee, I am pleased to confirm the verbal offer I extended on March 23, 2007, for the purchase of a development rights easement on your clients' property located on the northerly side of County Road 48 in Southold. The Committee thanks you for promoting their interest and participation in he Town s preservation program. Details of the offer are as follows: · The total area of your clients property is approximate y 25.3 acres according to the tax map. There will be an approximate three (3) acre reserve area that will include the existing house and structures. You have noted that your clients believe they have a second existing lot within this area. Additional research is needed to determine if there is a valid second lot within this area. This research will be conducted upon acceptance of the Committee's offer. · The property is located in the A-C zoning district. The C ' ' · omm~ttee s offer for the +22.3 acre development rights easement is $67,000 (sixty-seven thousand dollars) per buildable acre. This project is being submitted on a 2007 federal grant proposal. If the grant is awarded and this property is eligible, federal deed language will be required as part of the easement language. The return of this letter, signed by all owners of the property, will allow me to work with the Committee's attorney to prepare the contract and to start the acquisition process. For this purpose, please advise as to the name, address and telephone number of the person you would like us to send the contract to. Upon receipt of the contracts signed by all landowners, I will schedule a Town Board public hearing for the purpose of electing to purchase a development rights on the subject property. All land acquisitions are subject to the approval of the Town Board by resolution adoption at which time the Supervisor will execute the contracts. For your information, a title search and environmental site assessment will be ordered and paid for by the Town of Southold. The Town will also pay for the survey costs associated with the actual acquisition area. Please feel free to call me with any questions that you may have. Sincerely, Melissa Spiro Land Preservation Coordinater /md I (we) accept the above offer to purchase the Development Rights on my (our) property. Date: Owner(s): ~07 02:03 631201SS47 MELISSA A. SPIRO LA ND PRESER VA]ION COORDINATOR me]issa.$piro @town.southold. ny.us Telephone (63 I) 76.~-57 ! ] Facsimile (63 ! ) 765-6640 HOUGHGUIDTALHAGE PAGE 02/05 Oe'elCE LOCATION: Town Ha/[ Annex 54375 State Route 25 (corner of Main Road & Youngs Avenue) $outhold, New York MAILING ADDRESS: P,O. Box { 179 Southold, NY { 1971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUI'HOLD I am the owner of the property described below and I would like to explore preservation of this land under the Town's Land Preservation programs. Names of other owners ~ Llf~ ~ j ~}~ Tax Map No. 10,0.0 ~~,~S~ ~- ~c~l ~4 .~q~u~creage offered for PropedyLo~tion ~q ~ ~ P,~,, ~--I Briefly describe the prope~y (e.g., open spa~, active fa~land, wetland, etc.) and ideas you may have about presewation of your prope~y. ~EP70~ LAND You may talk with the Coo~inator at 631-765~571 pa~icipate in any of the regular meetings o~ the Land Presewation Oommiffee. I understand that this application does not commit me, or the Town of Southold, to the sale/purchase of the prope~ or any potion of the rights the~to. Rather, K signi~es an interest in serious dialog concerning the merit and method o~ possible prese~ation of my land. date P/ease return the completed form tO Southold Town Land Preservation Department When you return this completed form, it would be helpful to include an existing survey/sketch anO any other readily available information that describes your property. 0B:IBp Scan and Donna Moffat 415-868-0483 lEI OG O;~;OSF' u JAN - 2 2OO7 (6~1) 281a~00 Fax (631) 2gl-4~15 ,,., ..... ,.,- as~¢ ~[~ ~ll w~ ~t the be~ ~ the ~ of~ ~d ~o~r ~'~ ~miss~on on 8 ~ ~ ~n~m~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ Bm~r's p.1 ~"'~007 82:83 6312815547 HOUGHGUIDTALMAGE PAGE 04/05 /~608:18p Sean and Donna Moffat 415-868-0483 p.2 ?/2/1~/2M6 11:15 130z94~BO~l ~OL~E / P~E a2 Deo I0 08 O~:OSp u pUl~/ ' · ~- ~ ~~l ~n~., ~. · ~ ~d~ ~m ~,.~.~_, .... ~ls~ {~bv ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,nl~ ~. ,.. ~ ~q~ ~l ~ ~ ~ ;.~_ , ~. - -,~-~ ~.~ u,~ ~VO - ~a-u -- ' · --'~ ~ ~ Im ~ ~cs~ iff . , ~ ~ b[~ ~ · lo · ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~u b .. ~ em~ a~or ~ not~selo~ - .q ~elm . , - ~ ~ ~{d tO be iflval{~ i"- ' - ~ ~ l~., ,~-- . ~ak m un~ the ~.;~~ =~L ~ ~ HouGHGUIDTALMAGE 41 pACE p.3 1~3 this l.(~ d~y ot'Dec~id~r, 200~ By: TMof~I ~.. COMPLETE APPRAISAL - SELF CONTAINED REPORT OF REAL PROPERTY OF MOFFAT-WOLFE, ET.AL LOCATED NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF MIDDLE ROAD (CR 48) SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP # DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 55, BLOCK 2, LOT 10.1 PREPARED FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE TOWN HALL ANNEX P.O. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 VALUATION DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 2007 DATE OF REPORT: FEBRUARY 22, 2007 FILE #2007123 --- .GIVEN ASSOCIATES ROSES VINEYARD ROSES VINEYARD Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-96-4-4.3 (i) Priori~' of Offer: _3 (ii) Name of Landowner: Roses Vineyard, I,LC (Winer) name is Vineyard 48) (iii) Address: 18910 CR 48, Cutchogue, New York (iv) Size of Property': Easement area is on 12:k acres of 15~ acre parcel (v) Snils: Property contains 15 acres l~rime Soils (vi) Acres Cropland: Farm contains at least 12 acres Prime soils suitable for cropland (vii) Historical and Archaeological Significance: None known. (*iii) Forested wetlands: None (ix) Non-tbrested wetlands: None (x) Non-wetland forest: None (xi) Other Protected Parcels: Across the Rail Road tracks from 12 acres of protected non- t}lrmland and 57 acres protected farmland. Across the street fi'om, and in the vicinity of, approximately 440 acres of protected fhnnland (see attached map). (xii) Estimated Cost: $792.000 (based on pending ofl'cr of $66,000 per acre) Roses Vineyard is cm~'ently planted in 12 acres o1' vineyard. The 15 acre property includes a winery and accessory buildings known as Vineyard 48. The winery and accessory buildings are not proposed to be included within the development rights easement area. The property is owned and operated by Joseph Pipia and his lhmily. The family has owned the property since November 2006; however, they were in contract to purchase the property since April 2004~ and began operating the l:arm at that time. Joseph is a 4th generation vineyard owner. His parents~ grandparents, and grea1 grandparents owned and operated vineyards in Sicily, Italy. Roses Vineyard, [,LC owns and operates a second I8 acre vineyard about 3/I0 of a mile down the road. The two parcels total 33 acres of which 27 acres is planted in vineyard. The vineyard is an established vineyard with 25 year old vines. The parcel is in the Suf'l~lk County Agricultural District Program and is enrolled in the 8-year agricultural exemption program. A Conservatmn I lan has been prepared t'or the property. The farm has over 700 tket of road f'rontage on CR48, a designated Scenic Byway. The large amount of road fi'ontage contributes to the high development potential ol~this pm'cci. The landowner will accept the 2% impervious surface requirement with a waiver provision to allow' up to six percent impervious structures ii! ihnding is awarded. Fhe easement area ~xill not be subdivided. The landowner is reserving tkom the easement sale an area of approximately 3 acres fkom the 15 acre parcel. This area contains the existing winery, parking and accessory structures. No residences will be allowed within the easement area. Map Prepared by T°wn of SouthOld GIS Aerial Photographs Taken From Spring 2004 Flight Scale: I inch equals 850 feet Suffolk County Real Properb. v Tax Service Agency GIS Sasem;~p COPYRIGHT 2007, County of Suffolk, N,Y. Protected Parcels Proximity Map [] Subject Parcels [~!~ Protected Farmland ~ Pending Preservation I~ii'~; In Discussions for Preservation !;-'~ Unprotected Farmland ~ Protected Non-Farmland Unprotected Non-farmland '4. Roses Vineyard 1000-96.-4-4.~ Scale: 1 inch equals 1100 feet Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS April 11, 2007 Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2007, County of Suffolk, NY MELISSA A. SPIRO LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR melissa.spiro@ town.southold.ny.us Telephone (63 l) 765-5711 Facsimile (631) 765-6640 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (comer of Main Road & Youngs Avenue) Southold, New York MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 9, 2007 Rose Pipia Roses Vineyard LLC (Vineyard 48) P.O. Box 914 Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: Purchase of Development Rights Easement Premises: 18910 Route 48, Cutchogue Part of SCTM #1000-96-4-4.3 Dear Ms. Pipia: On behalf of the Land Preservation Committee, I am pleased to confirm the verbal offer extended to you in January 2007 for the purchase of a development rights easement on your property. The Committee thanks you for your interest and participation in the Town's preservation program. Details of the offer are as follows: The total area of your property is approximately 15 acres according to the tax map and you have offered a 12+ acre development rights easement to the Town. There will be a three (3) acre reserved area that will include the existing structures located on the property. The approximate location of the reserved area is the area fronting on CR48 including the entranceways and winery buildings. · The properly is located in the A-C zoning district. · The Committee's offer for the 12+ acre development rights easement is $66,000 (sixty-six thousand dollars) per buildable acre. This project is being submitted on a 2007 federal grant proposal. If the grant is awarded and your farm is eligible, federal deed language will be required as part of the easement language. The return of this letter, signed by all owners of the property, will allow me to work with the Committee's attorney to prepare the contract and to start the acquisition process. For this purpose, please advise as to the name, address and telephone number of the person you would like us to send the contract to. Upon receipt of the contracts signed by all landowners, I will schedule a Town Board public hearing for the purpose of electing to purchase a development rights on the subject properly. All land acquisitions are subject to the approval of the Town Board by resolution adoption at which time the Supervisor will execute the contracts. For your information, a title search and environmental site assessment will be ordered and paid for by the Town of Southold. The Town will also pay for the survey costs associated with the actual acquisition area. Please feel free to call me with any questions that you may have. Sincerely, Melissa Spiro Land Preservation Coordinator /md I (we) accept the above offer to purchase the Development Rights on my (our) property. Date: Owner(s): D~-3)A{~ENT OF LAND 1~ {t~3'ERVA'r{oN TO~'N OF ~oLrI~OLD I am time ovmer off{me properly de~ontx~l below 0~ I ~u~ ~ to e~m ~n ~ ~nd un~ the T~'$ ~nd P~on p~mms. ieiling~ ~0 ~X q,)~ may h~ e~ p~lon ~ ~r p~e~. ~ .... mmm m , , mmm m , mm m ~ DEPT O~ LAND You ~ h~ ~ me ~inmr ~ 631-70~711 to d~ q~~~ ..... pi~p~ in any ~ ~ ~ular ~ of ~ ~nd P~ ~m~, I understand that this application doee not oommi~ me, or the Town of 8outhold. to sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the right~ theme; rather, {t signifies an Interest in ~er{oum dialog ooncemlng the merit and meth~of possible preservmlon of my land, Please return b~e completed form ~o 8outhold Town Land Preservation Department W{'iefl yO~ ~¢urn ih{~ oompleted form, it would be helpful 1o {ndude an eo(:J~hlg ~ulveylskete, h end any ~ther readl{y ava{{ab{e {nt0rma~n eat demcrfl)ea your Ixul~erty, COMPLETE APPRAISAL, SELF-CONTAINED REPORT OF REAL PROPERTY OF ROSES VINEYARD, LLC LOCATED 18910 C.R. 48 CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP # DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 96, BLOCK 4, LOT 4.3 PREPARED FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LAND PRESERVATION DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL ANNEX P.O. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 VALUATION DATE: DECEMBER 22, 2006 DATE OF REPORT: JANUARY 5, 2007 FILE #20O7OO2 , -- .GIVEN ASSOCIATES