HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/2012 April, 2012 MONTHLY REPORT 4/1/2012 Weekend 4/2/2012 Ema Landmark (Commissioners) Landmark (Commissioners) #2 Scott IPh°ne Applicant Applicant (Call) Public: BD Landmark Intern Zoning Questions: BD Zoning Questions: BD Defendant IMeeting Jerry (ZBA): Questions Martin (TA) IR°ad Complaint Follow Up Complaint Follow Up Complaint Follow Up Complaint Follow Up IPaperW°rk Close Case File Appearance Ticket Creation IMeeting Public: Questions Mike Lori I 4/3/2012 IPaperwork Appearance Ticket Sent IHALF DAYIPhone J4/4/2012 41512012 41612012 Public Public (Call 2) Public (Call 3) Road Complaint Follow Up Complaint Follow Up Complaint Investigation Gas fill up ~one Off Lloyd (IT) Scott Russell Complanant DAMON RALLIS Nature New Application New Application Multiple Violations INature Landmark Application Landmark Application Schedule Inspection Week Planning Questions Answered Questions Answered Multiple Violations INature Open Violations Open Violations INature Open Complaint Illegal Signs Unregistered Vehicles Property Maintenance INature Unregistered Vehicles Yellow Bag Violation INature Subdivision covenents Open Violations Open Violations INature Yellow Bag Violation INature For Gary For Gary Questions about Permit Issues INature Open Complaint Abandonded House Unregistered Vehicles & Junk Town Car Nature Website Stuff Multiple Issues Multiple Issues ZONING INSPECTOR Status Updates Updates Open Complaints IStatus Updates Updates Scheduled Planning Answered Answered Open Complaints IStatus Updates Updates IStatus Still cant find house Contact owners Open Violations: Removed Open Complaint: Cant find owner IStatus Removed Open Complaint IStatus Answered Updates Updates IStatus Open Complaint IStatus Transferred Transferred Told to call tomorrow for Mike IStatus Making Progress No Change: Go Back Men Talk to Mike... n/a Status Updates Updates New Complaint Town Orient Orient Southold ITown Orient Orient n/a n/a n/a n/a Southold ITown Cutchogue Cutchogue ITown Greenport Greenport East Marion Mattituck ITown East Marion n/a ITown n/a n/a n/a ITown n/a ITown n/a n/a n/a ITown Southold Greenport Greenport n/a Town n/a n/a Southold BUILDING DEPT. Property Owner Name Mclntosh Mclntosh Cook IProperty Owner Name Mclntosh Mclntosh n/a n/a n/a n/a Cook IProperty Owner Name Vineyard 48 Vineyard 48 IProperty Owner Name Morris Multiple Gabel Pane IProperty Owner Name Gabel Go Green IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a n/a IProperty Owner Name Go Green IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a n/a IProperty Owner Name I Gross Mulvaney (forclosure) Morris n/a Property Owner Name n/a n/a ? Defendant Public: CE Complainant: Code Enforcement Public: CE Public: Applicant Contractor Public: Questions Public: Questions Jim (Landmarks) IHALF DAYIEmail Multiple Recipients Joan (highway) Jim (Landmarks) Mark (Landmark Intern) Mark (Landmark Intern) Landmark Group IMeeting I4/7/2012 Weekend 4/8/2012 Weekend 4/9/2012 Ema Complanant Jim (Landmarks) Jim Bunchuck Jim DPW Jim DPW (#2) Heather (Planning) Heather (Planning) L 1Ph°ne Complanant Sandy (Supervisors) Complanant Complanant L 1Paperw°rk Close Case File L 1R°ad Complaint Follow Up Complaint Investigation Complaint Investigation Complaint Follow Up Complaint Investigation L 1Meeting Planning, Attorney, Supervisors Court Conference L4/10/20121Meeting Mike Multiple Issues Complaints Multiple Complaints Complaints Questions: Landmark Application Ongoing Issue ATVs on Roads Permit Questions INature Unsafe Building Multiple Issues Permit Questions Time Sheets Time Sheets Questions INature Open Violations Nature Multiple Complaints Permit Questions Open Violations Unsafe Building Unsafe Building Questions Letter to Planning INature Open Complaint Complaint New Complaint Loud garbage trucks INature Debris/Open Storage INature Debris/Open Storage Sign Complaint Sign Complaint Debris/Open Storage New Complaint: Supervisors INature Open Violations Open Violations Open Court Case INature Open Violations New Complaint Schedule Meeting New Complaints Schedule Meeting Polling Board Open Complaint Forward to Police Answered IStatus Underway New Complaint Answered Done Done Polling Board IStatus Updates Status Open Violations Update Answered Updates on Violation Update Update Answered Open Court Case ~Status Schedule Meeting Unfounded Forward to Police Updates ~Status Case Closed: Cleaned Up ~Status Open Complaint: Ticketing Talked to owner will remove Talked to owner will remove Cleaned Up: Close Case Valid Complaint ~Status Updates Game Plan Adjourned ~Status Updates Southold Matt/tuck Matt/tuck Matt/tuck Orient n/a n/a Cutchogue ITown Cutchogue Southold Cutchogue n/a n/a Orient ITown n/a Town Greenport Cutchogue n/a Cutchogue Cutchogue Southold Mattituck ~Town Greenport Cucthogue Orient n/a ~Town Southold Town Southold Matt/tuck Matt/tuck Matt/tuck Matt/tuck ~Town n/a Greenport Matt/tuck ~Town n/a Altinoprak Multiple Complaints Altinoprak Mclntosh n/a n/a Grattan IProperty Owner Name Jacobs ? Grattan n/a n/a Mclntosh IProperty Owner Name n/a Property Owner Name Multiple Grattan Go Green Jacobs Jacobs Matabella Vineyards Broidy J. Property Owner Name [ Corwin Saunders n/a n/a J. Property Owner Name [ Gross J. Property Owner Name [ Bustamente La Tienda Seven Eleven Mealy Address Unkown: Checking J. Property Owner Name [ n/a Cedarfileds Broidy J. Property Owner Name [ n/a Mike/Gary Open Permit [ 1Phone INature Complainant Open Permit Defendant Multiple Violations Complainant Debris/Open Storage Complaint Follow Up Unsafe L 1Email 1Nature Lloyd (IT) Website Stuff Jim (DPW) Unsafe Building L 1Paperw°rk 1Nature Ticket created and sent Debris/Open Storage Violation Notice Created and Sent Unsafe Property/MS4 Violation Notice Created and Sent Discharge/MS4 L 1R°ad 1Nature Complaint Investigation Unsafe Property/MS4 Complaint Follow Up Property Maintenance Complaint Investigation Discharge/MS4 Meeting: Complainant Use Issues Complaint Follow Up Unsafe L4/11/20121Meeting J. Nature Defendant Unsafe Property/MS4 Defendant Unregistered Vehicles L 1PaperW°rk 1Nature Landmark Draft Minutes Landmark Agenda [ 1Phone INature Applicant Landmark Meeting Applicant Landmark Meeting L 1Email 1Nature Jim (DPW) Unsafe Building L 1R°ad 1Nature Complaint Follow Up Unsafe Property/MS4 Complaint Follow Up Trailer Complaint Investigation Use [4/12/20121Phone 1Nature Applicant Landmark Meeting Applicant Landmark Applicant/on Lori Open Violations Gary Permit Questions Jim (Landmark) Meeting Plan Gary (Landmark) Permit Questions L 1Email 1Nature Newsday Questions (prop maint law) Complanant Signs? L 1PaperW°rk 1Nature Violation created and sent Unenclosed pool Violation created and sent Multiple Violations Planting Plan: ZBA .kstatus Planting Plan: ZBA Case Closed Open Complaint Open Complaint 1Status Done Updates 1Status Open Violation Left notice - new complaint New Complaint Verified .kstatus Left notice - new complaint Open Complaint New Complaint Verified Open Complaint Open Complaint .kstatus Updated: Closed Cover: Check Will move by Next Friday .kstatus Created and Distributed Created and Distributed .kstatus Changed Appointment Application Questions .kstatus Updates .kstatus Case Closed: Remediated Case Closed: Remediated New Complaint .kstatus Changed Appointment Update Updates No Permit n/a No Permit .kstatus Forwarded to Attorneys office New Complaint .kstatus New Violation New Violation Cutchogue ~Town Cutchogue Southold Mattituck Greenport ~Town n/a Cutchogue ITown Schublean J. Property Owner Name [ Schublean Cook Mealy Mulvaney(~rclosure) J. Property Owner Name [ n/a Jacobs J. Property Owner Name [ Southold Bustamante Matt/tuck Bishop Y Southold Marinace Y ~Town Mattituck Southold Southold Southold Greenport J. Property Owner Name [ Bishop Y Mealy Marinace Y Altinoprak Mulvaney (forclosure) 1Town IPropertyOwner Name [ Matt/tuck Bishop Y Greenport Villareal ITown J. Property Owner Name [ J n/a n/a n/a n/a ITown J. Property Owner Name [ J Orient Mclntosh Matt/tuck Ash ITown J. Property Owner Name [ J Cutchogue Jacobs J.Town J. Property Owner Name [ J Mattituck Cutchogue Greenport ~Town Orient Matt/tuck n/a Orient n/a Orient ~Town n/a Greenport ITown Matt/tuck Southold Bishop Kaulani Corwin Y J. Property Owner Name [ Mclntosh Ash n/a OHS n/a OHS J. Property Owner Name [ n/a Villareal J. Property Owner Name [ Rice Magno Violation created and sent Violation created and sent Violation created and sent Close Case File Close Case File Update File IMooting Landmark Intern IMooting Mike Lori 4/1312012 IPaperw°rk photos Close Case File Violation created and sent Criminal Complaint to TA Criminal Complaint to Court Criminal Complaint to File IMooting Public: Questions IPh°n° Complanant Complanant Defendant Public IR°ad Complaint Follow Up Complaint Follow Up Complaint Investigation Complaint Investigation Complaint Investigation 4/14/2012 Weekend 4/15/2012 Weekend 4/16/2012 Paperwork Close Case File Research Complaint Created [ IMooting Complanant Mike Lori Mark L 1R°ad Complaint Follow Up Complaint Follow Up Complaint Investigation Construction without Permit Multiple Violations Multiple Violations Unsafe Property/MS4 Boat/Trailer Unregistered Vehicles INature Today's Inspections INature New Violation Laurel Open Complaints Mattituck Open Complaints Greenport Case Closed: Remediated Mattituck Case Closed: Remediated Mattituck Will move by Next Friday Greenport IStatus ITown Done n/a IStatus ITown Open Violations Updates n/a Open Violations Updates n/a INature I Status I Town Use Construction without Permit Construction without Permit Open Storage Open Storage Open Storage Open Violations Greenport WRONG PROPERTY GEORGE Laurel WRONG PROPERTY GEORGE Laurel Open Violation Southold Open Violation Southold Open Violation Southold Nature I Status I Town Accessories Answered n/a Nature I Status I Town Building Department Updates Cutchogue Manure ? Laurel Property Maintenance Updates Greenport Lightin9 Questions Answered mn/a INature I Status I Town Property Maintenance Boat Location Illegal Dumping Use Use: Tent as Dwelling Unit Nature Unsafe Property/MS4 Property Maintenance Property Maintenance INature ZBA non-compliance Open Violations Open Violations Site Plan Violation INature Fence Illegal ??? Illegal Radio Tower Open Complaint Open Complaint Unfounded: Spring Clean Up Pictures Issuing Violation Status Case Closed New Complaint New Complaint ~Status Updates Updates Updates Update ~Status Open Complaint New Complaint? New Complaint Southold Southold Southold Southold Greenport Town Laurel Greenport Greenport ~Town Cutchogue n/a n/a Mattituck ~Town Cucthogue Laurel Cutchogue Neilsen Brown Crenshaw Bishop Gallagher/Merringer Villareal Y IProperty Owner Name n/a IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a IProperty Owner Name Corwin Neilsen Mott Bustamante Bustamante Bustamante IProperty Owner Name n/a IProperty Owner Name Schublean Aldrich Lane Gates n/a IProperty Owner Name Cook Werthner Custer Altinoprak Thogersen Property Owner Name Bishop Blitz Blitz J.Property Owner Name [ Schublean n/a n/a Broidy J.Property Owner Name [ Gulmi/Braver 895 Aldrich??? Schublean Complaint Investigation Complaint Investigation L 1Ph°ne Defendant (Filed Office) Fomlosure Building Permit Applicant Eileen Wingate (Gpt Inspector) 7/20121Meetings Jamie Richter Miek Domino (Trustees) damie Richter L 1Ph°ne Stacey: TC Supervisor Russell 1Paperw°rk Landmark Meeting Prep L 1Email Landmark Agenda L 1R°ad Complaint Investigation Complaint Investigation eSick tings L 1Email Multiple Recipients Scott Russell L 1Paperw°rk Close Case File Administrative Permit L 1Ph°ne Complanant Complanant (Chris Mohr) Questions Defendant Public Questions Public Complaint Questions Complanant L4/20/2012.[Meetings TC Office L 1Paperw°rk Administrative Permit File Prep Administrative Permit Property Maintenance Illegal Wind Turbine INature Property Maintenance Questions Property Maintenance INature MS4Code MS4Code MS4Code follow up INature File Request Open Complaint INature Meeting Prep INature Agenda INature Unsafe Building Unsafe structure (mailbox road) tNature Second Complaint Open Violations Open Court Case INature Bike Tours Landmark Intern INature Multiple Violations Landmark INature ZBA non-compliance ZBA non-compliance Directional Signs Property Maintenance Permit Questions Neighbor's Fence Zoning Horse Complaint INature CC Tape for Building Dept. INature Landmark Landmark Landmark New Complaint Open Violations .kstatus New Complaint Forwarded to Pat New Complaint .kstatus Training Discussions Training .kstatus For Intern: Landmark Updates .Lstatus Done .Lstatus Done .Lstatus Unfounded Folow up tStatus Unfounded Updates Updates .kstatus n/a n/a .kstatus Remediated Completed and Distributed .kstatus Updates Updates Answered Cnacel mtg: reschedule Answered Left message Answered Unfounded .kstatus n/a .kstatus Revised per commission n/a Revised per commission Greenport islandview lane? Laurel Minnick .LTown IPropertyowner Name [ Greenport Blitz Orient Oysterponds Historical Greenport Sterling? .LTown IPropertyowner Name [ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a .LTown IPropertyowner Name [ n/a n/a Mattituck Psyllos .LTown 1Property owner Name n/a n/a 1Town IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a 1Town IProperty Owner Name Greenport Sterling/Bridge Cutchogue 1070 Depot tTown tProperty Owner Name [ Laurel Gregory n/a n/a Mattituck Broidy .LTown IPropertyowner Name [ n/a n/a n/a n/a ITown IProperty Owner Name [ Laurel Gregory Mattituck Ash ITown IProperty Owner Name [ Cutchogue Schublean Cutchogue Schublean Mattituck Old Mill Mattituck Brown Cutchogue Cutchogue Diner Mattituck Goodale Fishers ISland n/a Laurel n/a .LTown 1Property owner Name n/a n/a 1Town IProperty Owner Name Mattituck Ash Mattituck Ash Mattituck Mclntosh File Prep Landmark n/a Mattituck Mclntosh IPhone INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Complanant Junk New Complaint New Suffolk Next To Goodale Complanant Garbage New Complaint Mattituck Pane Public Questions Building Questions n/a n/a n/a Lori (TA) Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Lori (TA) Open Complaints n/a n/a n/a Complanant Garbage New Complaint Mattituck Pane Complanant Building w/o permit Gave to Connie to schedule Mattituck IDK LLC Building Questions Building Questions Open Permit Laurel Gregory I.oad INature IStatus ITownIProperty Owner Name I Complaint Investigation Complaint Investigation Trash New Complaint Mattituck Brown Unsafe structure Folow up Cutchogue Jacobs IEmail INature IStatus ITown IProperty Owner Name I Martin Bike Tours n/a n/a n/a Martin Bike Tours n/a n/a n/a Martin Bike Tours n/a n/a n/a Martin Bike Tours n/a n/a n/a 4/21/2012 Weekend 4/22/2012 Weekend 4/23/2012 Off: Sick 4/24/2012 Meetings Nature Status Town Property Owner Name Gary Construction without Permit Open Complaint Mattituck Georinger Mike Open Violations Updates n/a n/a Applicant Window Replacement New Application Cutchogue Cutchogue Diner Lori Open Violations/Court Cases Updates n/a n/a Lori Go Green Updates n/a Go Green Mike Alleged Violations ??? n/a North Fork Bike Tours 1Ph°ne Applicant Applicant Applicant Lori Defendant INature 1Status ATown IProperty Owner Name [ Landmark Permit Questions Orient Mclntosh Permit Questions Transferred to George n/a n/a Landmark Permit Questions Orient Mclntosh Open Violations/Court Cases Updates n/a n/a Open Violations Open Violations Mattituck Psyllos L 1Email Defendant Attorney Complainants Complainants L 1Paperw°rk INature 1Status ATown IProperty Owner Name [ Updates Updates Greenport Spanos Tent in front yard Unfounded Greenport n/a Tent in front yard Unfounded Greenport n/a J. Nature 1status 1Town Administrative Permit Criminal Complaint for Court Criminal Complaint for TA Criminal Complaint for file Investigation L4/25/2012J. Phone Public Questions Landmark Issued: Given to Pat for permit Mattituck Yellow Bags Done n/a Yellow Bags Done n/a Yellow Bags Done n/a Alleged Violations ??? n/a J. Nature 1status 1Town Hot Dog Trucks Answered n/a IProperty Owner Name [ Ash Go Green Go Green Go Green North Fork Bike Tours IProperty Owner Name [ n/a Public Questions Mark Terry Public Questions Public Questions Applicant Public Questions Lori IMeetings Mark Terry Lori Gary 14/20/20121Phone Public Questions Jim Grathwohl (Landmark) IPaperW°rk Filing/Updates Etc. Investigation Complaint File Created Violation Notice Created and Sent IMeetings Public Noise Issues Open Issues Lot Line Issues Survey Questions? Permit Questions CO Status check Petty's Bight Issues INature Cedarfileds Issue Open Violations/Court Cases Construction without Permit INature Zoning Questions New Violation INature Open Cases Multiple Violations Multiple Violations Multiple Violations INature Permit Questions Answered Answered Answered Answered Answered Answered Updated: UNFOUDNED IStatus Updates Updates Open Complaint IStatus Answered Updates IStatus Open Cases New Complaint New Complaint New Complaint IStatus Answered n/a n/a n/a n/a Cutchogue n/a n/a ITown n/a n/a Mattituck ITown East Marion Mattituck ITown n/a Mattituck Mattituck Mattituck ITown Southold n/a n/a n/a n/a Cutchogue Diner n/a n/a IProperty Owner Name n/a n/a Georinger IProperty Owner Name Parker IDK Mansion IProperty Owner Name n/a Drake Drake Drake IProperty Owner Name Manwaring 4/27/2012 Off: Sick 4/28/2012 Weekend 4/29/2012 Weekend 4/30/2012 Off: Bereavement